Castlevania: Curse of Darkness - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Nov 17 2011
"So be it. I must descend into darkness and reclaim that accursed power once more... Heed my words. I will hunt you down like the beast you are. I will have my revenge!"
— Hector
The second Castlevania game for the PlayStation 2 following Castlevania: Lament of Innocence, released in 2005. It was also released for the Xbox.
This installment takes place three years after Dracula's defeat at the hand of Trevor and his comrades. In Dracula's final breath, he cast a curse that ravaged the European countryside, spreading disease, mob violence, and heresy in its wake. During this time, Hector, a former henchman of Dracula's, seeks revenge against his former compatriot Isaac for the death of his fiancée Rosaly.
Gameplay-wise, it retains a similar design aesthetic to its immediate predecessor, with two important wrinkles: there's a lot of Item Crafting, and you can also forge your own Mons to follow you around and fight enemies. These "Innocent Devils" will evolve into new forms depending on what types of weapons you use, so there's a lot of different things to try.
Released shortly after Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, the game would be followed up by Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin.
A comic titled Prelude to Revenge was released as a pre-order bonus for the Japanese version of the game, a prequel story which was authored and illustrated by fan-favorite artist Ayami Kojima. A manga authored by Kou Sasakura was released in 2005 and 2006 that also serves as a prequel story, which Kojima considers an extension of Prelude and therefore canon, which was also supervised by IGA. Two volumes were released with more that were planned, but the series was cancelled, and the two existing volumes were adapted into English by Tokyopop. The game also serves as one of the inspiratios for the Netflix Castlevania animated series.
Curse of Darkness provides examples of:
- Ability Required to Proceed:
- Five out of the six Innocent Devil types are plot-mandatory and each of them starts with a base ability that Hector needs to solve environmental puzzles or traverse previously-unreachable areas. Specifically, the Fairy-type is needed to open a Chest containing a key item, the Battle-type is needed to lift large metal doors, the Bird-type for crossing gaps, the Mage-type for solving puzzles where its Time Stop ability is required, and the Devil-type allows Hector to seep through cracks beneath some walls.
- Some secret areas can only be accessed by having the correct evolution and ability of an Innocent Devil, such as the Long Glide for crossing the second optional tower, and Brute Force Lv. 2 for opening the large metal door at the Infinite Corridor.
- After Boss Recovery: A field of light appears after each boss battle to completely heal Hector and the Innocent Devils with him.
- A.I. Breaker: Dracula's first form can be caught in an infinite combo through use of the weapon Hien. By repeating the weapon's first attack over and over, you can end the battle before he does anything.
- All Your Powers Combined: In a somewhat mundane twist on this trope, you create the Laser Sword that Isaac wields in the final battle with him for yourself by combining every single one-handed sword with the Purple Glitter stolen from a boss.
- Amazing Technicolor Battlefield: The battle against Dracula's second form takes place in a dimension that resembles a swirling vortex of colors.
- Anachronism Stew:
- Items like Japanese weapons, sweatshirts, bombs, ramen noodles, pizza, miniguns, and a Laser Blade in the 15th-century Wallachia? These have the loose justification of being created by somebody with explicitly magical powers who's (for the stranger things) using obscure materials like an Immortal Fragment stolen from a time traveler, aluminum which is supposed to be nonexistent until its invention in 1800, and a weapon made with material lifted from a Minotaur (the Gatling Gun and Hien) or Glow Dust taken from a Dullahan in what seems to be an alternate dimension (Laser Blade). As for the reason the bosses have strange things like Shortcake, Cheese, Ramen, and Tomato Juice, there is no reason given. note
- Not to mention the many chairs you can sit in, from a leather chair with an office desk, a toilet that flushes, an electric chair, a sofa, and one even has a Whoopee Cushion.
- Arm Cannon: The Ironside Innocent Devil has a machine gun built into its arm.
- Arrange Mode: You can enter in "Trevor" as your filename to play as Trevor Belmont once you've beaten the game. He doesn't gain levels like Hector, but can still acquire new elemental whips and the Health / Attack Up items to compensate.
- Attack! Attack! Attack!: The Corpsey's main form of offense, contrasting the Rasetsu, who's more careful but equally powerful on offense.
- Automatic Crossbows: The Orc monsters are armed with rapid-firing crossbows.
- Awesome, but Impractical: The Seven-branched Sword and Death's scythe are among the most powerful weapons in game, but are also infused with the dark element, which means that a good portion of the monsters you'll come across will only receive half the damage.
- Backtracking: Averted with Hector, as you will be transported to the Abandoned Castle's 4th floor after a cutscene in the Aiolos Ruins. But this is played straight in Trevor's mode, because there are no cutscenes nor scripts that allow him to quickly go back to the said castle, and there are no warp points to ease the trouble. Fortunately, there is a secret wall that leads from the ruins to the castle, but as Trevor, you'll have to walk from the entrance to the Boss Room.
- Bag of Spilling: Justified. Hector abandoned all of his powers and equipment to live a normal life, but when Isaac ruined it, he came after him for revenge with the only weapon he had on hand — a Short Sword. Isaac taunts him for trying to do it With This Herring, and then sets up means for Hector to regain his powers so it'll be worth it when they fight.
- Batman Gambit: Isaac pulls this on both Hector and Trevor. He lures Hector (to whom he serves as a Worthy Opponent) along with the promise of eventually facing him in battle, and at the same time draws Trevor's attention. When he slips into the Infinite Corridor, Trevor is forced to let Hector into it... which leads to Hector accidentally breaking the seal on Dracula's Castle, Isaac's goal the entire time.
- At the end of the game, you learn that Zead was pulling one as well, as his true identity is Death. He had been manipulating Hector into chasing after Isaac by continually guiding him along his path and lying to him that Isaac is the cause of the curse. He also attacks St. Germain and demands he not interfere, which he does by insisting Hector avoid Isaac. It's only at the end of the game that it makes sense, as Zead/Death reveals he had been luring Hector towards Isaac, intending on him to give in to his hatred and desire for vengeance by killing Isaac and becoming a new vessel for Dracula. It fails, but he simply uses Isaac instead.
- Batter Up!: A baseball bat with nails put through it is one of the Special Type weapons.
- Because You Were Nice to Me: The reason why Hector fell for Rosaly, according to Prelude to Revenge. Until she came along, no one in his life ever treated him with kindness. Once he realizes this, he's driven to tears.
- Beethoven Was an Alien Spy: Saint Germain is based on The Count of St. Germain, who was heavy on self-mythologizing himself, including claiming to be centuries old.
- BFS: The Dragonslayer sword takes the cake. Not only is it really long, but it's even broader than Hector himself!
- Big Bad Friend: Isaac used to be Hector's pal. Then there's Zead, who's actually Death in disguise.
- The Blacksmith: Hector and Isaac are Devil Forgemasters, and can create both minions and weapons. Veers into Ultimate Blacksmith as well, since Hector can produce all kinds of powerful gear (even stuff that doesn't exist yet) all by his lonesome. He doesn't even need a forge and smelter, just the raw materials will do.
- Blade Below the Shoulder:
- Zead has a hidden blade in the sleeves of his robe, which he uses to cut up dimensional shortcuts into thin air.
- The Speed Mail I. D., the first evolution in the Glass Cannon side of the battle-type tree, has a blade built into its right arm.
- Blow You Away: Using the above-mentioned spear class weapons, you can create a small tornado, which causes multiple hits of Wind damage. Really useful against the Minotaur Boss.
- Body Horror: All Innocent Devils except the Pumpkin-types have a pink crystal protruding from a part of their body.
- Bonus Dungeon: The Tower of Eternity is an optional endurance level which has Hector climbing to the top of the tower, with 50 floors filled with enemies. Once inside, there are no save points and no way to leave unless you use a Magical or Memorial Ticket. A separate tower, the Tower of Evermore, can be reached only from the very top of the first tower. See Brutal Bonus Level below.
- Bonus Feature Failure: Unlike in all other games, where you at least have the option of using bonus characters and items in a new game, here the item you get from beating the stupidly difficult and tedious Crazy mode isn't even useable in any other difficulty level, even though it does the exact same thing the one in Lament of Innocence does.
- Boring, but Practical: Trevor's Blade Serpent Sub-weapon. For 10 Hearts, you can summon a snake-like torrent of blades which has offensive and defensive abilities. It automatically targets the nearest enemy, allowing you to focus on other enemies of your choice. Or if you are being surrounded by multiple enemies like the Flea Men, you can just use this ability and watch as they get reduced to blood stains. It staggers smaller enemies or humanoid bosses like Isaac and Saint Germain, cancelling their moves. Lastly, this is beneficial in the elevator rooms of the Eneomaos Machine Tower, as they can automatically target the pillars that lift the platform, letting you focus on the enemies.
- Boss Room: Like in Lament of Innocence, they can be identified by being being circular rooms in you map that are behind doors that are emblazoned with skull and crossbones.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Saint Germain addresses the audience in the ending cutscene.
- Brutal Bonus Level: The Tower of Evermore, which can only be accessed from the top of the Tower of Eternity with a Bird-type I.D. with a Long Glide ability. Hector has to make his way from the 50th floor of the tower to ground level, but this time every floor has very high level enemies, up to Level 75 in the regular difficulty and Level 95 in Crazy Mode. As with the previous tower, there are no save points or a way to leave unless you use a Magical or Memorial Ticket to forfeit the challenge.
- Burn the Witch!: According to the instruction manual, Rosaly was burned at the stake after she was falsely accused of witchcraft, courtesy of Isaac's manipulations. Subverted in Prelude to Revenge, where she is publicly executed by hanging instead, right in front of Hector.
- Call-Back:
- At the beginning in the Abandoned Castle, you receive a Dragon Crest which is needed to advance through. You also climb a peculiar set of stairs. Both reference Walter's Castle from Castlevania: Lament of Innocence. (The only difference is the location where the crest is used.)
- Inside the Cave of Jigramunt is a statue of Dracula's second form from Dracula's Curse.
- Cartoon Bomb: The Skull Bomb. If you have the Proboscis Fairy press a switch in a certain room in the Aiolon Ruins, one will drop into the room and blow up. The explosion turns Hector completely black, destroys the nearby walls, and knocks the fairy out. The Proboscis Fairy can also use a Skull Bomb as an attack, which can actually damage Hector if he's too close to the blast and doesn't block, but does minimal damage to enemies. It turns out to be a Lethal Joke Item, as using it against Death will take out 25% of his life bar.
- Cast from Hit Points: Your Innocent Devils essentially do this, as their health meter consists of Hearts instead of having Hearts and health in separate meters like most Castlevania games, and both casting and getting hit by an enemy will deplete their Hearts.
- Catch Phrase: All Pumpkin-Types introduce themselves in their descriptions, starting with "It's me, Pumpkin!"
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: The colors of the weapon types in the game's interfaces match that of the Evo Crystals' when defeating enemies:
- Swords create Red Evo Crystals
- Axes create Blue Evo Crystals
- Spears create Green Evo Crystals
- Knuckles create Yellow Evo Crystals
- Special Weapons create White Evo Crystals
- The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: Isaac uses the same moveset as Hector, except that while the latter has to build up each special attack with a series of blows, Isaac can instantly use all the special attacks that would normally require a combo string at will.
- Contractual Boss Immunity: All bosses are invulnerable to the "time-stopping" mechanic from Hector's Mage-Type Innocent Devils and Trevor's Stop Watch sub-weapon.
- Cool Chair: All of the chairs you can collect.
- Cool Sword: Many, including Royal Rapier, Katanas Are Just Better, BFS, and even a Laser Blade!
- Copy-and-Paste Environments: Not quite as bad as Castlevania: Lament of Innocence, but still noticeable. Until you get into Dracula's Castle, anyway, where it blows Lament out of the water.
- Creepy Cathedral: The Garibaldi Temple, which has the Super Boss Legion hiding within it.
- Damn You, Muscle Memory!: The actions in Curse of Darkness are similar to Lament of Innocence (the previous Castlevania for the PS2), but the controls were moved to different buttons. Block went from R2 to R1, hard attack went from triangle to circle (and vice versa), and open door went from square to circle.
- The Dandy: St. Germain. The interesting part is that he's not the kind of dandy that would be prevalent in the game's time period (the 1400s), as he wears a top hat and carries a saber and a dueling pistol.
- Defector from Decadence: Hector left Dracula's side and renounced his powers. This is the main reason for Isaac's hate for him.
- Dem Bones: Skeletons with swords are an early enemy that can be smashed to pieces with a single hit. The game is also a rare example where they actually wear clothes other than armor.
- Demon Sorcerer: Hector and his nemesis Isaac are Devil Forgemasters, sorcerers who specialize in creating and controlling demons called "Innocent Devils".
- Depraved Homosexual: Isaac via subtext. His behavior towards Hector seems more like a jilted lover than a betrayed comrade, and his confrontation with Trevor has some very rape-like undertones with all the physical touching.
- Dinosaurs Are Dragons: The "Dragons" rode by the Skeleton Knights/Troopers are basically small, Fire-Breathing T-Rexes.
- Disappears into Light: Enemies weak to Light have a higher chance of instantly dying and vanishing into a white silhouette.
- Dishing Out Dirt: Like the spear example, you can unleash earth-based attacks with the two-handed Axe Type weapons.
- Drop the Washtub: Sitting in one of the chairs causes one to fall on Hector, complete with canned laughter.
- Dual Boss: Technically (though only one healthbar is used), the Skeleton Diver (a spearman skeleton riding a huge undead fish) and Isaac fighting alongside his Innocent Devil Abel.
- Dub Induced Plothole: An Averted Inversion: Usually, the presence of the Japanese dub would mean that players in the west who heard it would be puzzled at Trevor being called Ralph, even though he was still being called Trevor in the subtitles. Konami solved this problem by simply recording the Japanese voice-overs where the name in question is mentioned twice, one time with "Trevor" being said (the version which made it onto the game sold in the US), and one time with "Ralph" (for the version which was sold in Japan).
- Dungeon Bypass: Playing as Trevor allows you to skip certain areas entirely and move with much more freedom, as you don't have the Innocent Devils and thus don't really need them to surpass certain obstacles, and most hidden areas are already uncovered for you. For example, you can get to Aiolon Ruins from Cordova without facing Isaac or even visiting the Clock Tower.
- Elemental Powers: In this game, there are Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth, Light, and Darkness. Some weapons and ID can use these powers, while nearly all the enemies have elemental attacks and elemental resistances/weaknesses.
- Elemental Rock–Paper–Scissors: Attacking a certain enemy with an element he's weak against will deal double damage to him, while hitting him with an element he's resistant against will half the damage. Said elemental damage can be inflicted thanks to certain weapons or an Innocent Devil's attacks.
- Elite Mook: Any of the Level 75 enemies. These guys have the same basic attack patterns as their lower-level brethren, but they can knock out a significant portion of your life if they hit you.
- Energy Weapon:
- Cyclops enemies can shoot a laser beam out of their eyes, which makes the ground on front of them explode.
- The Nautilus Rod I. D. has the "Satellite B" ability that surrounds Hector with three small laser guns that will repeatedly zap nearby enemies.
- Evil Knockoff: During his second boss battle, Isaac will summon black-colored versions of the Innocent Devils you can find. Namely, a Iyeti, a Rasetsu, and a Crinsom. If you play the game as Trevor, you'll have to fight his doppelganger instead.
- Evil Laugh: Isaac has a crazy laugh in both the Japanese and English voice tracks. Hearing it in a battle is bad sign, since he's about to kablam you across the arena with a certain attack.
- Evil Plan: Dracula via Isaac runs one through the game.
- Expy:
- Hector is similar in appearance, weapon skills, and his usage of familiars to Alucard.
- Hector in many ways also resembles a good/heroic Dracula/Mathias, up to having a similar motivation (wife burned as witch), and the same voice actor as Mathias in the English version. As result of this though, along with his white hair, this also makes him quite similar to Soma, with who he also shares weapon skills, and his usage of familiars.
- Fairy Sexy: Fairy-type Innocent Devils, most of which still retain fanservice designs.
- Fantasy Kitchen Sink: While the entire series has a whole load of demonic forces from all possible mythology and folklore, it is implied in Curse Of Darkness that Devil Forgemasters are responsible for designing the monsters, which they base on folklore and legends they heard. Thus why Dracula has such a varied menagerie.
- Fighting Your Friend:
- Hector fights his fellow Devil Forgemaster Isaac throughout the game.
- The second boss battle against Trevor has him testing that Hector is strong enough to enter the Infinite Corridor.
- Fixed Damage Attack: Trevor's Blade Serpent deals 10 damage on mooks and 1 damage on bosses per blade.
- Flaming Sword: Actually a Flaming Spear, the Utility Spear. For some reason, it bursts into flame when using finishing moves.
- Flechette Storm:
- The Skullwing and the Corpsey can shoot a gatling gun-like flow of sharp bone-bullets out of their bodies at the enemies, dealing damage as the enemy is showered with them.
- Also, Trevor's special knife attack.
- Frying Pan of Doom: One of the joke weapons for Axe Types is a frying pan.
- Gambit Roulette: The plan to get Hector to resurrect Dracula hinges on him getting powerful enough to perform the needed tasks, and not dying or getting sidetracked.
- Gatling Good: The minigun is one of the Special Type weapons, which comes with infinite ammo.
- Glacier Waif: Equip a two-handed axe or sword and your attack speed will drop considerably. Spears have a milder case of this.
- Glass Cannon: The Rasetsu and Corpsey aren't really resilient against damage, but they can rip your enemy a new one with their swords and vicious attacks.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Trevor has Good Scars, with a classic case of "scar over his eye" to show that he is a badass.
- Gorgeous Period Dress: Saint Germain has an outfit that's used specifically to make him seem even more bizarre and out-of-place. Not only is it an anachronistic example of it — being of an 1800s gentleman style in a game set in the late 1400s — but no-one else in the game uses it fully. Only one other character has an even borderline case, and Julia's dress is far more muted and "realistic". Other characters tend towards relatively mundane attire or Impossibly Cool Clothes.
- Goroawase Number:
- The Old Save Bonus moai item heals 573 health if used, and can also be sold for 5730 gold.
- The Lucky Slot can heal 573 health if you roll 3 bats.
- Proboscis Fairy's "Just A Little" healing skill has a 1/10th chance to heal 573 HP.
- Grand Theft Me: How Dracula got revived. Specifically, one can summarize it as Devil Forgemaster Bodyjacking. Initially, Hector was the target, but when he resisted the curse, Isaac's body was used as the vessel.
- Guide Dang It!:
- Weapon forging, innocent devil raising, drops (which you need for the forging), and steals... there's a lot of stuff that you'll be looking up if you want 100%.
- Some of the steals require maneuvering the enemy into a specific position or waiting for a specific attack, which isn't usually obvious.
- Harder Than Hard: The Crazy mode, available after beating the game once, where all the enemies are twenty levels stronger, which means that they take absurd amounts of abuse to kill and who kill you in one or two hits, while still dropping the same amount of experience as their low-level counterparts in the Normal mode.
- Have a Nice Death: Certain bosses have special quotes on the Game Over screen:
- Trevor: "Your evil power can't beat me!"
- The second battle against Trevor: "So, this is the best the Devil Forgemaster can do?"
- Isaac, second battle: "Atone in death, you damned traitor!"
- St. Germain: "Is this destiny as well?"
- Dracula himself, of course: "You die at my hands. You should be honored." Followed by classic evil laughter.
- Dracula's final form gives you nothing but an Evil Laugh.
- Headless Horseman: The Dullahan, minus Horse. But that dosn't make him any less dangerous.
- Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: The first fight with Trevor Belmont is like this. It's a little less irritating than usual examples, since you don't actually have to beat Trevor to get the "you still lose" cutscene, just whittle away a small fraction of his health bar.
- Healer Signs On Early: The very first Innocent Devil that Hector receives is a Fairy, which starts out with a healing power.
- Hijacked by Ganon: Dracula steals the show yet again by the end of the game.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Refusing to kill Hector until he regained his full powers, which already surpassed yours, might not have been the best idea to exact your revenge, Isaac. Sure Death, you needed him to do so in order to resurrect the castle and the count, but that same power was also enough for Hector to slay you both.
- Holy Hand Grenade: One of the Mage type spells can instantly kill a single undead enemy (even the normally invincible Red Skeletons).
- Human Architecture Horror: The chamber beneath Garibaldi Temple in which Legion is fought is wallpapered with a flesh-y texture, and the floor is made up of piles and piles of corpses. The graphics make it hard to tell, but it would appear that the bodies that make up the floor have been immured into the ground to produce a flat, walkable surface.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Hector. In addition to objecting to Dracula's war on humanity, the other reason Hector leaves is to try and lead a normal life.
- An Ice Person: The Indigo Innocent Devil can spit icicles and freeze foes with his Breath Weapon. Also, some Mage-Type Innocent Devils can do Ice-based spells.
- Immune to Flinching:
- Whenever you are fighting Trevor or his Doppelganger, he may cast a spell in which he covers himself on a protective white aura, being able to resist knockback from your attacks and preventing you from interrupting his combos. But this aura is only temporary, and multiple hits are required to dispel it.
- Ghouls don't even flinch.
- Inescapable Ambush: Half of the rooms in the dungeons lock up after you enter them, and all enemies must be defeated to be able to proceed. You can tell when this is about to happen because the music switches to the song "Followers of Darkness - The First".
- Infinity +1 Sword: Each weapon type has a different one;
- Swords have the Laser Blade, which has incredible range and, funny enough, takes one of every other one-handed sword (excluding fencing swords) to make on top of the purple glitter off of Dullahan.
- Spears have the Chauve-Souris, Isaac's weapon which has an additional combo finisher, and is also required to wield to get the final evolution of the devil-type Innocent Devil; The End (which Isaac's familiar Abel is one of).
- Axes have Death's Scythe, which is easily the hardest weapon to make, as it requires not only a steal from his namesake (that you need to breed a specific fairy-type innocent devil for and is only stealable for half a second during his deadliest attack), but also requires the above-mentioned Chauve-Souris, meaning you'll need to make a second copy of an already hard-to-come-by weapon if you want to have a spare of the spear. As a payoff, the Scythe is easily the strongest weapon in the game, and has a unique finisher that summons a flurry of Death's iconic sickles.
- Fists have the Force Glove, which is basically a Lawyer-Friendly Cameo of the NES Power Glove for no reason, and powers up the normal finishing attack in the fist's complete combo chain.
- Special weapons, while not having one in the strictest definition, have Hien as their strongest member, dealing Holy damage and hitting like a truck, as well as dumping the trend of being awkward to use for a simple, straight, and to-the-point jab chain which is more effective if you pause to repeat the first one instead of doing all three. While it is also used as a component for the Gatling Gun, that is a fairly terrible weapon due to grounding you in place and having no ATK of its own, so its damage is awful.
- The Square Tip whip for Trevor provides the highest raw attack stat. But it is found in the Basement of Dracula's Castle, a secret area from the last dungeon of the game.
- An Interior Designer Is You: You can find chairs and sit in them, copies of which somehow end up in a specific room once you do so.
- Intimate Marks: Isaac has a complex series of tattoos that disappear into very low-cutting pants.
- In the comic booklet that comes with a promo CD upon pre-ordering the game, Isaac is shown fully unclothed, and his tattoos go all the way down to his ankles.
- Invincible Minor Minion:
- In addition to the traditional Red Skeletons, there's one that works for the player: the Fairy type of Innocent Devil. They can't be hit by enemies, but they can't attack enemies themselves; they're meant for healing Hector and opening certain locked chests.
- Even the Red Skeletons, however, can be killed for good if you use the right Mage-type Innocent Devil, whose spell can randomly one-shot undead enemies, including Red Skeletons.
- Item Crafting: Hector can create weapons and Innocent Devils from the materials found throughout the game.
- It's All Upstairs From Here: The two towers, the Tower of Eternity and the Tower of Evermore. Both are optional bonus areas, the latter accessible only through the former (and a properly upgraded pet) and starts from the top, but contain uber-XP enemies with extremely rare crafting components.
- Joke Weapon: Every weapon type has a silly example with low damage output.
- This includes a deck brush, classed as a pole weapon, whose final charge attack is instead of a flashy attack or quick stabbing motion, involves Hector dash-sweeping in front of him for as long as you mash the triangle button.
- Using the Bat causes Hector to adopt a baseball hitter's pose and then swing, and any hit that connects produces a cartoonish clang.
- While YMMV, many of these, if used properly, can become Lethal Joke Weapons on their own. The Electric Guitar, for example, is capable of stunning enemies. One particularly good spot to grind for White Crystals and even just levels is outside the save room in the Infinite Corridor where Blaze Phantoms spawn. As they tend to teleport around you, you can easily get a bunch around you as you jam out, stun them, and basically kill them with your music.
- Justified Save Point: It is another Cool Chair to have Hector sit on.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Subverted: there's a shinai, a nodachi, and Muramasa: the first two aren't extremely powerful, while the latter, depite being very strong and cool (whenever you swing it, kanji made of blood appears in the air) is still bested by the Feather Sword, the ultimate two-handed sword.
- Kill Enemies to Open: A few doors will only open once you've defeated all enemies in the room. Unfortunately, one of these is in a room where the only enemies are Blood Skeletons which resurrect a few seconds after being defeated. How do you defeat them? Bring one of your Innocent Devils who has the ability to permanently kill Blood Skeletons. For your trouble, you get an item that increases your Max HP.
- Lethal Joke Character: Pumpkin from Lament of Innocence appears again, this time as a secret Innocent Devil who is almost useless in combat (and very easy to kill by monsters), but provides huge stat bonuses for the player as long as it is alive.
- Let's You and Him Fight: Happens when Trevor Belmont mistakes Hector for Isaac
- Light Is Not Good: Legion's second form, the game's Super Boss, is one of the few monsters in the game that's light elemental.
- Lightning Bruiser:
Corpsey, Rasetz, Indigo, and Crimson are fast, durable, and strong.
- Hector can have this fighting style if equipped with rapiers and/or knuckles type weapons, which are weaker than usual but can strike several times in a row and have good combos.
- When playing as Trevor, he is just plain mean. The fact that he can't heal as easily as Hector does little to negate how easy it is for him to shred... well, pretty much anything. He eats boss health bars like candy.
- Louis Cypher: Zead, who occasionally advises Hector, turns out in the end to be Death. He uses the Sdrawkcab Name approach, but to add a twist, he reverses the Japanese pronunciation of his English name (in Japanese, the "th" is pronounced as "S" or "Z").
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Julia turns out to be Isaac's sister.
- Magic Knight: The two Devil Forgemasters, Hector and Isaac. Not only can they wield weapons to fight, they also specialize in Summon Magic.
- Maker of Monsters: The Devil Forgemasters Hector and Isaac were once part of Dracula's army, using their talents to create monsters. In fact, it's hinted throughout the lore that Hector and Isaac (along with any heretofore unseen Forgemasters) were responsible for the entirety of the enemies that the player faces throughout the Castlevania series, save for unique ones like bosses. Their method for doing so here is described as creating creatures out of "pure darkness", with the creatures forged being completely loyal to the Forgemaster.
- Meaningful Name:
- "Hector" has both Greek and Spanish origins, but its Spanish origin means "tenacious", which refers to "holding fast to something". This describes Hector fully as he pursues Isaac with single-minded determination to exact revenge on him for the death of Rosaly, until the very end, at least.
- "Isaac" is a biblical name and actually means "he will laugh". Guess what Isaac's doing maniacally in both his boss battles...
- Metal Slime: Golden Bones. Immensely rare, can take a real pounding before dying, and they drop the Miracle Egg, which is required to craft certain weapons.
- Mighty Glacier: One half of the Battle-type I. D. tree is like this, made of relatively hard-hitting but slow I. D.s that can take a lot of damage.
- Mirror Match: When playing as him, you'll fight Trevor's Doppelganger in the boss rooms where he used to appear in Hector's mode.
- Monster Arena: The game features two of these, Tower of Eternity and Tower of Evermore, with the second one being accessible by getting to the top of the first one and gliding across to the other in the distance.
- Mons: The Innocent Devils are a cross between this, Summon Magic, Familiar, and Attack Animal. Hector "forges" them to fight alongside him in combat (and presumably did the same for Dracula when he worked for the Count). You can have one out at a time and they will evolve into different forms depending on what weapons you are using.
- Mood Whiplash: All over the place. You can be trapped in a room filled with powerful undead enemies and pull out weapons like a piko piko hammer or an electric guitar, or sit in a chair after a battle just to have a metal pan fall on your head. But one of the more notable examples is the chair room. As your collection grows, it can be rather amusing, weird, and absolutely hilarious. But once you sit in the park swing, the sky turns to an apocalyptic orange, the music becomes muted and replaced by the sound of wind and crows, and the description is that of a lonely child waiting for his mother to return.
- Mook Maker: The Necromancers can summon Skeletons to fight for them in combat.
- Multi-Melee Master: Hector can instantly use without restraint or flaws several kinds of weapons, ranging from swords to rapiers to huge axes to polearms to Wolverine Claws to bizarre weapons without problem.
- Multi-Mook Melee: The final room in Aiolos Ruins (wherein, if you're playing as Hector, he gets teleported to the Abandoned Castle after a cutscene). Getting to the center of this room causes several waves of numerous enemies to spawn, and the only way to open the door is to kill all of the enemies.
- Musical Assassin: One of the Special Type weapons is an electric guitar, in the 15th century. Are you ready to destroy the living dead through rock 'n' roll?
- Mythology Gag:
- Hector's pose when sitting in a save point chair is more or less identical to the way Dracula sits in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
- The Alucart Mail returns from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, with its description even pointing out that one letter makes it different from the real deal.
- The design for the Special Ops armor resembles the coat of Soma Cruz from the Chronicles of Sorrow.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: Hector's defeat of Dullahan turns out to be a vital step in Isaac's plan to resurrect Dracula a century early. Lampshaded:
Isaac: You've resurrected the castle! *slow clap* Hector, bravo!
- No Challenge Equals No Satisfaction: Isaac puts Hector through everything in the game so he can regain his full powers, and only wants to fight and kill him when he's at the peak of his strength. Yeah, that goes about as well as you'd expect, and then some.
- No Cutscene Inventory Inertia: Hector's currently equipped weapon obviously isn't going to be rendered in the game's pre-rendered cutscenes. This makes him fight bare-handed in such cutscenes instead.
- Nothing Is Scarier: The chair room. It serves for nothing, other than just, well, sitting in everything you see while Creepy Circus Music plays in the background. From a rocking chair, to the electric chair (that does nothing), and even the cannon, all settled in a simple and placid background of a sunny meadow. It becomes interesting at first, then later rather boring... but stay just a few minutes more, and you'll start thinking what the hell is that room doing there, what purpose does it have, and why anything is happening there.
- Notice This: Many secret areas are blocked by breakable walls. While these walls are hard to spot at first glance, they have visible cracks up close and will almost always be surrounded by two candle lights. Chances are, if there are two gaps between two conspicuous candle lights on a wall, that one may be broken down.
- Old Save Bonus: If you have a save file from Lament of Innocence present on your memory card, a Moai Head spawns near where you start the game: it can either heal you for 573 HP or be sold for ten times as much gold.
- Orichalcum: Available by Video Game Stealing as an ore used to forge powerful items.
- Our Fairies Are Different: Fairy-type Innocent Devils can evolve into a variety of forms... including one that's named "Proboscis Fairy".
- Our Gargoyles Rock: One of the final evolutions of the Bird-Type Innocent Devils.
- Our Minotaurs Are Different: One of the level bosses is a giant undead minotaur which tries to crush Hector with columns adorning its arena.
- Our Wyverns Are Different: Despite the Gothic Horror-like settings, there's a huge Wyvern residing on the top of Bahljet Mountains (which is actually the second appearance of such a monster in the series, the first being in Castlevania: Rondo of Blood). Also one of the possible final evolution of the Bird Type I.D., specifically the Carmesi and Indigo.
- Overdrawn at the Blood Bank: The Flea Men are very small creatures, yet will spray blood across the room when they die. Also, they don't have a dying animation unlike most enemies, just turning into a large pool of blood.
- Permanently Missable Content: In Trevor Mode, defeating bosses spawns Crests in the stage that increase all of your parameters. However, if you fail to pick them up before exiting the stage, they will be gone for good and will no longer respawn even if you re-enter that stage.
- Personal Space Invader:
- Ghouls look identical to common Zombies, except that they don't feel pain (hence you can't stop their attacks) and can grab Hector and chew him up, dealing moderate damage. This becomes deadly with their level 75 counterparts.
- Spirits and Evil Cores have similar attacks in which they stick on Hector and damage him.
- Possession Equals Mastery: As soon as Hector creates a weapon from scratch, he can use it at its top. Justified, since this is likely the power of Devil Forgemastery.
- Power Crystal: Every Innocent Devil has a purple glowing crystal embedded on them.
- Public Domain Artifact: The ancient Japanese ceremonial Seven-Branched Sword can be crafted through the combination of seven separate and distinct swords. It appears as a slightly purple-hued blade with three pronged blades on either side of the main one, and is one of the few weapons that deals dark damage.
- Pumpkin Person: Pumpkin carries over as one of the Innocent Devils. He's the hardest one to craft due to requiring a special weapon to do so.
- Random Drop: The game has any number of items that only very rarely drop from enemies. This is the only way to acquire many of the materials needed to make weapons and armor. However, most of the materials can be stolen from other enemies, so it's not quite so bad.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Isaac and Hector again. Isaac, the red-haired villain, is shown to be crazed and passionate, whereas Hector is more calm, logical, and collected.
- Remember the New Guy?: Despite their apparent importance to Dracula's army, the concept of Devil Forgemasters was never mentioned in any prior game, nor does it come up in any later game.
- Replacement Goldfish: Julia, a witch who is set to stop Isaac and conveniently looks like Hector's late wife.
- Resurrective Immortality: Much like previous Castlevania titles, the Red Skeletons will only re-assemble themselves back to life no matter how many times you try to "kill" them. Fortunately, they are not considered as mandatory targets should the room lock you out and require to you defeat enemies before proceeding. Only weapons and abilities that are of the Holy element can instantly kill them.
- Royal Rapier: Rapiers are a class of sword that Hector can use, and naturally he whips out the Implausible Fencing Powers to do such things as create gusts of wind as he thrusts.
- Rule of Funny: Perhaps the only logical explanation behind the many chairs in the game and their functions.
- Scenery Censor: If Hector sits on the toilet, the camera will move so that the broken piece of wall is covering up what is supposed to be happening. Of course, all Hector does is sit on it and nothing else.
- Secret Character: Trevor Belmont is playable after beating the game.
- Sequence Breaking: Since Warp Points allow Trevor to instantly access out-of-reach areas or those that require specific Innocent Devil abilities, the player can sidetrack a lot easier with him than Hector. He can even enter late-game locations like Aiolon Ruins earlier than intended.
- Sequential Boss: Death again. This time he's on both ends of the sticks, as the game segues straight to him in normal gameplay (though Trevor gets healed for no reason after the fight right before Death) and in Boss Rush Mode you get a chance to recover before Death, but you also get shipped straight to Legion after knocking him out.
- Shield Bash: A spiked shield is one of the Special Type weapons.
- Sissy Villain: Isaac, until you fight him.
- Slouch of Villainy: Hector has horrible posture, as befitting a former Dracula underling, that he has not thought to fix after his Heel–Face Turn; appropriately, all of the save points in this game are elaborate thrones and Hector reclines in them to record his progress.
- Smart Bomb: While fighting mooks, there's a small chance that one of them will randomly drop a Rosary, which will eliminate every enemy onscreen in a flash of light.
- Spell My Name with a "The": The final Demon-type I. D., "The End".
- Spinning Clock Hands: During the boss fight against him, Saint Germain is able to speed up time, though only for the purposes of status effects. When he does this, a silhouette of spinning clock hands appears. He generally only does this after poisoning Hector, who normally takes poison damage every few seconds. The spinning clock hands will cause him to take poison damage twice a second, rendering him stunlocked until the poison wears off or he uses an antidote.
- Summon Magic: The Devil Forgemasters' forte, being able to materialize Devils to fight for them.
- Super Boss: Legion and Nuculais are optional and are found after a passage with high-level monsters.
- Sword and Gun: St. Germain fights with a saber, and after taking some damage, he will stand at a distance and take potshots at you with a pistol.
- Taking You with Me:
- The Phoenix special attack "Big Bang" will destroy or at least severely damage the enemies caught by it at the cost of the Phoenix's own life. Interestingly enough, this is the only technique which can be used to take down Isaac's Innocent Devil Abel for good.
- On the villainous side, the Ifrit enemies, if damaged enough, will try to grab Hector and explode. If you manage to free yourself in time, you can steal from them before the explosion.
- Technicolor Toxin: When poisoned, Hector will turn green and emit green bubbles. However, at least one poisonous attack is a purple liquid spit.
- Telescoping Staff: You can build the Nyoi-Bo staff using Orichalcum, five bamboo spears and five bamboo swords. It's quite weak, but has the greatest reach and is perfect against multiple, weak opponents.
- Time Master:
- The mysterious St. Germain, who gives vague advice to Hector and throws insults at Zead, and claims to be fixing disruptions in time. Some of his ability is showcased during his boss fight, but it's stated that he is not permitted to use his full potential in most instances.
- This is also one of the primary features of the Mage-type Innocent Devils, who can stop time briefly. It can be used against St. Germain when he does his own Time Stop ability, cancelling it out and allowing you to move. This is the only point in the battle at which you can steal the Immortal Fragment from him.
- Trevor's Stop Watch can stop time for a limited duration.
- Time Stands Still: Saint-Germain did it first among the bosses in Curse of Darkness. Your Mage-type Innocent Devils can also stop time, so does Trevor's Stop Watch.
- Treacherous Advisor: Zead introduces himself as a monk who is out to remove the curse residing in Vallachia, and helps Hector to follow Isaac's trail. He is actually Death, who is manipulating him in a plan to resurrect Dracula.
- Underwater Boss Battle: Against the Skeleton Diver. It's also a Dual Boss.
- Unholy Nuke: One type of Mage Innocent Devil can cast a super-powerful dark spell dubbed Demonic Disaster.
- Unwitting Pawn: Hector for most of the game. Also, Trevor since shedding his blood is essential in part of the plot to resurrect Dracula. And then there's Isaac who is also a pawn in Dracula's resurrection.
- Video Game Stealing: The only way to obtain some of the crafting items. Some enemies have money or utility items like Magical Tickets. Additionally, most enemies can only be stolen from when they are doing certain attacks.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Isaac wears no shirt, only some odd bits of armor, tattoos, and absurdly tight pants.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Enemies with specific elemental weaknesses can be brought down quickly by taking advantage of said weaknessess.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: When Isaac attacks and nearly kills a weakened Trevor, Julia mentions she found him and patched him up, but after that, he disappears for the entire rest of the game, even the ending.
- Womb Level: The extra bosses are within the Cathedral, are the most evil beings in the game (even more than Dracula, bringing forth the question of why evil is in the CHURCH), and most of the lower levels leading to its lair seem to be made of flesh.
- The Worf Effect: Sort of: Isaac's Innocent Devil, Abel, is supposed to be one of the strongest Innocent Devils. Yet, in one cutscene, Hector sends him flying with a single punch, and later Trevor Belmont got rid of him with a well-aimed dagger. May also be Cutscene Incompetence on Abel's part.
- Worm Sign: There's a class of undead that burrow in this manner before leaping out of the ground to strike at you.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Death's victory quote and general attitude.