Chest - TV Tropes
- ️Sun Jun 25 2023
Chest is a 2023 RPG Maker MZ game developed by 12atan and published by RMAsia.
Duke Capulet transformed himself into a treasure chest in order to hide from assassins during a war, but he forgot how to change himself back. Fortunately, the adventurer Tole finds him and takes him to Zong, who undoes the transformation. Capulet teams up with Tole and Zong to look for the other transformed chests and turn them back into humans, while making sure to rest at every campsite along the way.
Has a Steam page.
This work contains examples of:
- Action Dad:
- Tole's father, Yager, is capable of beating up debt collectors while being outnumbered.
- Zong states that his father, the Lord of the Nether, is even stronger than he is, which is saying a lot considering Zong has all his stats maxed except for luck.
- Almighty Janitor:
- Downplayed with Zong. While he's the prince of the Nether, in the earthly realm, he currently works as a handyman taking on various small jobs, all while having maxed stats in everything except luck.
- The mayor of the Snow Village and the barkeeper Silin are known as the Aluxes brothers. Due to being descendants of a great hero, they're both among the strongest warriors in the earthly realm.
- An Offer You Can't Refuse: Zong didn't want to fight the Demon Lord, but he had no choice because Prime Minister Andre threatened to ban toilets if he refused.
- Bragging Rights Reward: If the player chooses to rob Hyroin II's grave and wins the superboss fight, they'll get the Stainless Razor sword, which is stronger than the Mythril Sword. However, the two story bosses in the game, the werewolf and the purple mimic, both pale in comparison to Hyroin II.
- Combatant Cooldown System: The game uses an ATB system that is always semi-wait, which means time passes in the outermost menu, but not in skill and item submenus.
- Combat Medic: Anzi uses only healing skills, but she has the second highest stat spread in the party.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Zong has Nether-based skills that use Dark-elemental attack animations, but he's a benevolent hero doing various odd jobs. His Nether-based skills are due to him being the prince of the Nether. However, Nether is considered a distinct type of magic from Dark.
- Developer's Foresight: If the party doesn't have enough money to stay at the Snow Village Inn as part of the story, Capulet will use his Star Coin, which is the setting's equivalent of a credit card.
- Does Not Know His Own Strength: As the Hero, Zong is incredibly strong, but can't control that strength easily. When taking on a lumberjack job, he accidentally felled the whole forest with one swing. He also accidentally turned Mount Aluxes into a valley while training with a sword. However, this mostly seems to be a thing of the past, since in the present, he non-lethally punches a Jerkass aristocrat.
- Final Boss: The purple mimic, actually Anzi, is the last mandatory fight in the game. She can take more than a few hits from Zong, though not as much as Hyroin II.
- The Fool: Tole's job class is the Fool, and he's a whimsical adventurer with a maxed out luck stat. This results in him doing some amazing things by accident, like instantly mastering the teleport skill and climbing a treacherous waterfall to find Capulet in his treasure chest form. His luck can also be unpredictable in how it hurts or benefits him, since he got separated from his parents when he was young, which led to him mastering the teleport spell and eventually making some unique friends with his kind and caring personality.
- Foreshadowing: When the party saves a white-haired girl from a werewolf, Tole gives her a riceball. She states that she wishes she had a big brother like him. In the ending, it turns out she's his biological sister, who his parents had sometime after he got separated from them.
- Heroic Lineage: The mayor of the Snow Village and the barkeeper Silin are descended from Aluxes, a legendary hero who defeated the demon army in the past.
- Hopeless Boss Fight: If Zong chooses to defy Prime Minister Andre in the flashback, the prime minister will use paralysis powder on Zong and beat him up in a scripted fight.
- Inexplicable Treasure Chests: If a dungeon has chests, all of them will be the same color, which can make it difficult to distinguish between real treasure chests and people who transformed into chests.
- Master of None: Capulet starts at a fairly high level, but his stat growth is mediocre compared to the rest of the party and he doesn't excel at any combat role.
- Misplaced Retribution: Prime Minister Andre threatens to ban all toilets in the kingdom if Zong doesn't defeat the Demon Lord, which would seriously inconvenience everyone and not just the hero.
- Mundane Utility: Tole is the greatest user of the Teleport skill, and he mainly uses it to quickly fetch ingredients from his and Zong's house so that he can cook elaborate meals anywhere.
- My Greatest Failure:
- Raks, aka Rain Green, is haunted by one of his machines accidentally killing his brother, Right. Ever since then, thinking about this trauma causes him to fall asleep as part of his mental defense mechanism. He decides to become a royal scientist again when Anzi, a goddess, tells him that his brother in Heaven doesn't blame him.
- Rosy was unable to protect her brother from bullies, which is why she currently wants to become the strongest warrior in the world so she can protect everyone she loves.
- No Antagonist: The war with the demons already ended when Zong imprisoned Demon Lord Rora in the Nether, and the rest of the game is just an easy-going journey to look for the people who transformed into treasure chests.
- Non-Idle Rich: Duke Sweet Capulet starts as a downplayed Idle Rich, but grows into this trope. He does his bare minimum duties as a noble overlooking his territory, but he doesn't get involved in political power struggles like other nobles. However, when Zong turns him back into a human, Capulet decides to go on a journey to find the three other people who transformed into chests. He also uses his government connections to look for Tole's parents and reunite the family. By the end of the game, his citizens state that he's a lot more active in interacting with them and managing the smaller details of Othello Town.
- Our Liches Are Different: Hyroin II is a skeletal sorcerer who attacks the party for disturbing his grave.
- Parental Abandonment: Tole was thrown off a cliff by his parents, and he's been looking for them ever since, but is afraid of what to say to them because he fears they no longer want him. In the ending, it's revealed that his parents actually threw him down a small ledge that they knew he would survive so they could temporarily hide him from the debt collectors, but he instinctively teleported away from them and got separated.
- Physical Goddess: Anzi is a goddess who was exiled to the earthly realm for healing the demon scientist Lolo.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Rosy is the shortest party member at 140 cm, but she has excellent stat growth and is the third strongest member of the party.
- Practical Taunt: At the start of the Hyroin II fight, Capulet has the choice of taunting the boss. Doing so causes the boss to get a 200% attack boost while reducing his accuracy to 5%.
- Purposely Overpowered:
- Zong is The Hero chosen to defeat the Demon Lord, and his stats are all at 999 except for luck. This is implied to be due to him being the son of the Lord of the Nether.
- Anzi has the ultimate healing skill, Saving Grace, which fully heals all party members, revives them if necessary, and removes all negative effects, all on top of her having the second best stats in the party. However, she doesn't really get a chance to use her power, since she joins when the player is locked into the ending with no more significant battles.
- Really 700 Years Old: Zong's age in the dev room is listed as 999, due to him being the prince of the Nether.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: Capulet turned himself into a chest to lie low and avoid assassins until the war with the demons died down. Unfortunately, he forgot how to dispel the transformation.
- Sequel Hook: In the dev room, Atan states that he may consider making more content for the setting. There's also the fact that the party only got to visit a small portion of the world map, despite the many named locations.
- Squishy Wizard:
- Raks is a level 70 mage who starts with over 800 Magic Attack, but his HP is only in the 2000s.
- Downplayed with Hyroin II. While he's more durable than every enemy in the game and has many deadly spells, he'll likely fall after a fully charged Determined Blow or My Turn, making him a Rush Boss.
- Superboss: Hyroin II is the only enemy in the game that can seriously challenge the party, since he can fight an extended battle with Zong of all people and can cast many powerful spells and ailments. However, he's entirely optional and can be skipped as long as the party avoids his grave.
- Support Party Member: Tole has no offensive skills other than Lunch Box, a skill that can bribe the enemy into leaving the battle, and a Teleport skill that can take the party out of a dungeon or out of battle. His skills are focused on healing his allies and increasing their DP.
- Supreme Chef: Tole is a skilled chef who can tell what dish a person wants just by observing them. He states that he acquired this skill by working at various establishments.
- Teleportation: Tole is able to instantly teleport for no cost, as long as he's teleporting to a location he's been to before. Most other Teleport users have to take a while to cast the spell.
- Tiny Tyrannical Girl: Rosy wants to defeat Zong to prove her strength, so she constantly hounds him with pranks. She's also the shortest party member at 140 cm, to the point where the status screen shows only her head, unlike the other party members.
- Unluckily Lucky: Tole has poor control of his magic, causing him to break a nobleman's belongings and putting his family into debt. When his family threw him off a cliff to hide him from debt collectors, he instantly mastered the teleport spell to a degree far beyond the world's best mages. He starts the game looking for treasure at the top of a dangerous waterfall, only to find an empty chest. However, said chest turns out to be Duke Capulet, who helps him reunite with his parents in the ending. In terms of gameplay, his luck stat is maxed out at 999.
- Warrior Prince: Zong is the Prince of the Nether, wields a sword, has Nether magic, and is the strongest party member by far.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Anzi calls out the party for undoing her treasure chest transformation without her permission, since this means the other gods will be able to find and harass her.
- Your Soul Is Mine!: Zong can send someone's soul to the Nether, where they will be held until his father deems them ready to leave.