Conker's Bad Fur Day - TV Tropes
- ️Wed Feb 08 2012
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"It all started... yesterday. What a day that was! It's what I call... a bad fur day."
— Conker, opening cutscene
Conker's Bad Fur Day is one of ten Nintendo 64 games released in March 2001. A sequel to the little-known Conker's Pocket Tales, a kid-friendly Game Boy platformer, this game was likewise intended to be a children's game, first under the name Conker's Quest, and later Twelve Tales: Conker 64. However, after too many comments about them making yet another cutesy platformer, Rare had enough, and they decided to change course. Going in the opposite direction, instead of yet another colorful all-ages romp in the vein of their other N64 titles, they were going to make a "controversial" game aimed at adults and older teens.
The story begins with Conker the Squirrel, king of all the land, who tells his tale of how one Bad Fur Day led to him sitting on the throne. After a night at the local tavern bidding luck to his buddies heading off to an upcoming war, Conker makes a wrong turn heading home while under a bad hangover. Conker soon wakes up in a faraway area, setting off on a not-so-easy way back home, while also attempting to find as much money as possible, and hopefully, to win the heart of his girlfriend Berri the Chipmunk in the process.
Meanwhile, an Evil Fabled Panther King has ordered his soldiers to scour the land for a squirrel... just to use it as a replacement leg for his broken table so he doesn't have to spill his milk. However, his servant Herr Doktor, Professor Von Kriplespac, has other plans for both Conker and the King...
Inspired by South Park, the game was rechristened Conker's Bad Fur Day and promised to be filled to the brim with scatological humour, sexual innuendo (some more subtle than others), cartoon violence, and swearing. Originally thought to be an April Fool's joke, the announcement turned out to be completely true.
The game itself is a rather strange one in terms of structure. While still sharing some of the Collect-a-Thon Platformer elements present in its contemporaries, Conker is a rather linear experience. The game is more so broken up into a "chapter" structure rather than a traditional level structure, with the player being shunted into scripted sequences that often radically change the flow of gameplay at a rather brisk pace. Also unique is the game's extreme use of the Context-Sensitive Button: pressing the B button while standing in certain spots will have Conker pull out a random object that will aid his current situation — the very first one, for example, has Conker pull out some Alka Seltzer to help with his crushing hangover.
A few years later, after Rare was bought out by Microsoft, a remake of the game, Conker: Live & Reloaded, came out for the Xbox. Tropes exclusive to that version go there.
A playthrough of the game with commentary from some of the developers can be viewed on YouTube.
At E3 2014, Conker made a surprise appearance to promote Project Spark. On March 19, 2015, a teaser trailer was released, confirming an episodic sequel campaign for Project Spark. Called Conker's Big Reunion, it takes place 10 years after Conker's Bad Fur Day and concerns Conker trying to get himself together to attend a reunion with his friends at the Cock and Plucker while the Tediz try to stop him. The first episode has been released on April 23, 2015. In addition, assets are included in Project Spark to make your own Conker game via the Conker Mega Pack. Unfortunately, in late 2015, all future DLC content for Project Spark was abruptly cancelled, including any future episodes for Conker's Big Reunion, (with the game being shut down and taken offline early in 2016) leaving the squirrel's future uncertain yet again. At the very least, a more kid-friendly AR spinoff titled Young Conker released in 2016, developed by Asobo Studio for the Microsoft HoloLens.
In 2015, the original Nintendo 64 version was re-released in the Rare Replay compilation for the Xbox One.note In 2018, Live & Reloaded was added to the Xbox One's backwards compatibility, making both incarnations of the game available on the same platform for the first time.
Conker's Bad Fur Day contains examples of:
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Tropes A to H
- Absurdly Spacious Sewer: The Poo Cabin is located close to a scatological part of the Windy chapter. Inside, Conker has to scale a large cyllindrical facility where excrement is being processed. After defeating Bugger Lugs (a bull) and forcing some cows to defecate inside the facility, it will be flooded with their fecal debris, thus combining this setting with Down the Drain.
- Added Alliterative Appeal: One of the bosses is described by Conker as "a bourgeois, big-bollocked boiler".
- Alcohol Hic: When Conker tries to jump while he's drunk or hungover.
- The Alcoholic: Conker likes his booze. In two sections, there is even a powerup where he gets drunk and is able to pee on his enemies.
- All Animals Are Dogs: The dinosaur Conker uses to defeat Buga the Knut, which Conker gets rid of by tricking it into playing fetch with a bone.
Conker: Ah. Good. Psychology, always works with these animals.
- All Men Are Perverts: Conker himself. Even though he has a girlfriend, he can't stop himself from the instinctive Male Gaze whenever a hot lady is mentioned/seen. And one of his Idle Animations is reading a porn magazine.
Conker: (listening to Bee King complaining about his life) Well, yeh, anyway, I gotta go now.
Bee King: You're like the rest of them. I ain't gonna tell you about the big-breasted babe.
Conker: The big...what?
Bee King: Ah, I thought that might have got your attention. - All-Natural Fire Extinguisher: Before defeating the furnace boss (aka, The Big Guy), Conker can beat the fire imps by peeing on them. They break out the Big Guy as revenge for him doing so.
- All of the Other Reindeer: Poor Conker doesn't get much respect from anyone.
- All There in the Manual: In the N64 version, the only reference to Kriplespac's past as the Weasel King was in the Panther King's profile in the booklet, where it mentioned the Panther King chopped off his legs.
- Almighty Idiot: The Panther King. His entire scheme hinges on the fact that he and his minions are so stupid, that they don't even know how to fix a broken table leg.
- Alpha Bitch: Berri. Although despite her roller-coaster relationship with Conker, she does love him deep down.
- Always Night: The last three chapters: Spooky, It's War and Heist. They're set in nighttime due to Conker having fallen unconscious at the (true) end of the Windy chapter (which, like the other early chapters, takes place during day).
- And There Was Much Rejoicing: Everyone celebrates after the Panther King is killed. Except for Conker, of course.
- Animate Inanimate Object: They're everywhere, from Franky the Pitchfork to the Cogs to the money Conker collects. In fact, despite being a 3D platformer in the style of Banjo-Kazooie, the game deconstructs the trope due to its adult-oriented themes, showing what life for a living, googly-eyed piece of cheese (which screams in terror while Conker takes it to a hungry rat) or sweetcorn (which is bound to be eaten by a living monster made of excrement) must be like.
- Anti-Frustration Features: The way that the game handles saving and extra lives is incredibly generous. The game autosaves whenever a new area has been entered, a puzzle has been solved, money has been picked up, or a boss has been defeated, which, given the game's linear sense of progression, happens very often. Extra lives also spawn into an area once entered, and even when they've been collected, they respawn if the area is left and come back to, meaning that it's easy to stockpile extra lives.
- Anti-Hero: Conker. Despite his appearance as a cute cartoon squirrel, Conker is really cold-blooded. He always works for material gain, he never bats an eyelid when he has to kill to get what he wants, and he's always willing to use people to get what he wants. Despite this, he does have a conscience, and he certainly loves Berri.
- Armchair Military: Referenced during the conclusion of the "It's War" level, when Conker manages to flee from the exploding Tediz island:
Sergeant: You’re right there. All these fine young men... sent off to do the dying. While those bigwigs... those pen pushers... those guys who never ever... see a single bullet whizz past their heads... we wanna get them down here. Those so-called generals... in their big fancy houses... twenty miles behind enemy lines. Who are they to tell us? Who are they indeed? Look at that! What a sight.
- Artificial Stupidity: The game has adjustable AI for its multiplayer modes, but the Raptor game has some hiccups, no matter what setting its on. For some reason, the Raptor is averse to jumping from high ledges if your caveman jumps off in time, tricking it into walking all the way back around instead of leaping after you, which lets your caveman buy time to carry an egg to his giant frying pan. It's also possible to get the raptor locked in a loop of constantly walking up and falling off of a nearby ledge if you stand in a certain spot near the frying pan's handle. The AI for your bot squadmates is clearly bugged too, and it frequently gets stuck in a certain corner of the level (which can unwittingly get the Raptor stuck in a loop as well).
- Art-Style Dissonance: The game superficially looks like a colorful, kid-friendly cartoon romp akin to Rare's other series like Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64. The content, on the other hand, is as far from kid-friendly as you can get.
- Ass Shove:
- When the Fire Imps prepare to fight Conker, one asks what he's supposed to do with the joint he's smoking at the moment. The other tells him to just shove it up his ass, and the first Imp does just that.
- The Great Mighty Poo threatens to do this to Conker, despite not having a visible butt.
Poo: ♪Now I'm really getting rather mad, you're like a niggly tiggly shitty little tagnut! When I knock you out with all my bab, I'm going to take your head and ram it up my butt!♪
Conker: Your butt?
Poo: ♪My butt!♪
Conker: Your butt?!
Poo: ♪That's right, my butt!♪
Conker: (shudders)
Poo: ♪My butt!♪
Conker: (yelps in horror)
- Astral Finale: The final battle turns out to take place on a spaceship which Kriplespac promptly launches into orbit soon after the true final boss is revealed. It comes back to bite him when Conker opens the airlock, ejecting everyone and everything that isn't nailed down into the cold vacuum of space.
- Attack of the Monster Appendage: The Great Mighty Poo is first seen as a huge arm made of crap rising from a cesspit to grab a kernel of corn, with the rest of him following soon after.
- Awful Truth: The game begins with the given impression that it's a ridiculous tale of how Conker became king and met a bunch of strange people. Which is true, but at the end of the story, it's revealed that the tale is just one big sob story of how Conker was used by a bunch of rude, obnoxious jerks, got involved in wars and heists, risked his life on multiple occasions, and witnessed his girlfriend get killed right before his eyes when up to that point, no one took Conker and Berri as being a serious couple with a solid and sound relationship. The worst part of all was that he had a chance to save her shortly thereafter, but botched it. All he wanted to do is go home after a bad hangover and forget it had ever happened, but in the end his life was ruined, and there was nothing he could do to get out of it. And to top it all off, if he hadn't gotten the habit of getting wasted damn near every night, none of this would've happened.
- Badass Adorable: Conker is a cute-looking squirrel and yet he manages to take out a lot of enemies and survive very dangerous situations.
- Badass Bookworm: Professor Von Kriplespac, who turns out to actually be the main villain.
- Bait-and-Switch Boss: You don't even fight the Big Bad at the end, but rather an alien that hatched from his stomach.
- Battle Theme Music: Three bosses (the Wanka swarm, Haybot and Big Boiler a.k.a. The Big Big Guy) share a mainstream boss theme, and there is a rural-styled remix of it for the one fought in the ranch (Haybot), plus a military remix heard when Conker is fleeing from the Tediz island after defeating a boss. The rest, however, have their own themes, except for The Final Boss who averts the trope. When you fight him, all you hear is the wind being blown away towards the empty outer space.
- Bears Are Bad News: The Tediz are essentially Nazi teddy bears.
- Beat Still, My Heart: If you fall from a high enough distance...! (Ugh)
- Berserk Button: Never mock Batula's ancestors or their sharp teeth.
- Bicolor Cows, Solid Color Bulls: Subverted. While Bugger Luggs the Bull is black, the cows who appear during his boss fight are tan.
- Big Bad: The Panther King... well, supposedly. He actually seems rather nonthreatening despite his intimidating way of speaking. Professor Von Kriplespac, the resident Starscream seems more fitting of the Big Bad role.
- Big Boo's Haunt: The Spooky chapter. There's a large mansion where Count Batula, an ancestor of Conker, has lived for centuries. It's frequently invaded by villagers who want to kill Batula, as well as bats and zombies.
- Big Creepy-Crawlies: Large, red-colored dung beetles inhabit the excremental mountain that is located in the east side of the Windy area, including the Poo Cabin and the inner mountain that makes up for the Sloprano area. Some of them are jerks (the first four have to be killed because they won't let Conker move onto the mountain or even the alternate path that leads to the Barn Boys area), but most are actually friendly; one of them asks you to defeat the Great Mighty Poo, who's been eating them one by one and terrorizing the survivors.
- Big "NO!": The Great Mighty Poo gives several of these when being flushed.
- Big Red Button: The weak point of the Haybot boss is a Big Red Button on his back that says "DO NOT PUSH". The Experiment also has one.
- Binomium ridiculus: Professor von Kriplespac describes Conker's species as Furrius squidgetterius.note
- Biting-the-Hand Humor: The original Nintendo 64 version has Conker cut the N64 logo in half with a chainsaw and remarking "That's better" before he pulls out the Rare logo.
- Black-and-Gray Morality: Most of the people Conker encounters may be obnoxious jerks and genuine villains at worst, and he may be more tactful and level headed in contrast to them and have something resembling a conscience, but Conker himself is by no means a good person, with his goals and acts being entirely self serving, and he isn't above taking lives to accomplish his goals.
- Black Comedy: There are a lot of dark jokes in this game. As per the trope's former name of Dead Baby Comedy, there is even a puzzle where you have to kill a baby dinosaur in order to progress.
- Blatant Lies: To enter the Uga Buga chapter, Conker has to get past guards who were assigned to look for a squirrel. Conker tells the one active guard that he is an elephant, switching the descriptions of what a squirrel and an elephant look like. This works, but only because the other guard was in the middle of relieving himself behind a rock at the time.
- Bloody Hilarious: The game contains a lot of gory humor.
- Bond One-Liner: After Conker flushes the Great Mighty Poo
Conker: Now that's what I call a bowel movement!
- Boob-Based Gag: Conker actually uses the large breasts of a sunflower as a springboard.
- Book Ends: The game begins and ends with an inebriated Conker stumbling out of a bar. It also begins and ends with Conker sitting on his throne.
- Boom, Headshot!:
- During the main adventure, you can only kill zombies by shooting them in the head with the shotgun.
- The multiplayer arenas (at least the N64 version) track these. Especially fun when the headshot is from crossbow or knife; the bolt or knife will be stuck in the head as they spin dazed. As an added bonus, in the War multiplayer especially, the player character will often yell dialogue for certain kills, and headshots come with a raft of them, such as "Oooh, nasty!" and "Oho, headshot!"
- Boom in the Hand: One objective that you are given in the chapter of Uga Buga is to take a bomb and throw it into a volcano as it is ticking down. Failure to get to the inside of the volcano in time will result in the bomb exploding in Conker's hands.
- Border Patrol: Trying to get inside the Wasps' hive before the Wasps steal the beehive for the second time (which happens after completing the "Ooga Booga" chapter) will cause a massive worm to attack Conker.
- Boss-Arena Idiocy:
- The Great Mighty Poo has a switch inside of his lair that flushes him down a drain if its pulled. To his credit, its covered by a sheet of glass, but why would he even put the switch there in the first place?
- The Panther King's throne room in the Feral Reserve Bank (which doubles as a spaceship) has a giant lever under it that opens a nearby airlock.
- Bottomless Magazines: Many of the weapons in this game never have to be reloaded, and the ones that do have infinite ammo.
- Bouncer: The guard who protects the entrance to the "Rock Solid" dance club, where everyone in it (including the bouncer himself) is a rock monster. You can't get in without the password, but Conker befriends some cavemen who know it.
- Bowdlerise: Inverted. The game was originally supposed to be for kids and have an innocent nature. Come the insults that Rare was going to make another "kiddie" game like they always do from the media and fans, however, they decided to have a mature approach of the game instead and crank up the swearing, blood, subtext, and sexual innuendos a whole lot. Played straight in the remake, which censors more swearing.
- Brass Balls: The boiler boss has a pair of literal brass balls. Polished to the N'th degree.
- Brats with Slingshots: The game requires the use of a slingshot at key points. Bizarrely, in the War chapter the titular characters gets to use one to shoot flaming pellets.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall:
- All the time, but one line is really blatant. When you are trying to get into the Rock Solid Nighclub, you have to tell the the password, which is Fedelio. The guard asks how you know that, and Conker responds with: "Well, I know everything, I'm the king! Well, I will be. Didn't you see the prologue?"
- Live and Reloaded has an even more blatant example in the Hungover chapter. You hit the Gargoyle with the Frying Pan of Doom, and...
Gargoyle: A frying pan. You stupid little twat!
Conker: (thinking to himself) Hmm... wasn't he meant to fall off here? (out loud) Hey, weren't you meant to fall off here?
Gargoyle: Yes. But the designer thought it wise to change the training level a bit. To fool the audience into thinking the rest of the game would also be different. I'm afraid you'll have to try something else.
- Brutish Bulls: The game features Bugger Lugs the Bull as the Mini-Boss of the Windy chapter. He bears more than a passing resemblance to Toro the Bull. True to what the blurb stated, he decided to attack Conker simply because he's a red squirrel and Bugger Lugs hates the colour red. Really hates the colour red.
- Bullet Time: During the Matrix level and when you enter a code to get Matrix-like 360's in multi-player, when you kill someone with a katana or a chainsaw.
- Bullfight Boss: There's a Mini-Boss fight with a bull early on (Bugger Lugs), complete with stereotypical Spanish music and inexplicable crowd cheers. You have to lead him into ramming targets, one of which he gets stuck on so you can hop on and ride him by the horns.
- Butt Biter: Conker mounts a Raptor and uses it to actually bite chunks out of Buga the Knut's butt.
- Camera Abuse
- During the cutscene after the cavemen infantry perform a battle dance, they charge into the camera, resulting in one of them knocking it over, titlting the view to the side.
- In an It's War mission where you have to escort Rodent, the screen starts getting shot.
- One of Conker's Idle animations is of him drinking a soda can; sometimes when Conker kicks the soda can to get rid of it after he's finished, it will hit the screen and make the camera shake slightly off screen while making the sound of the impact.
- Live and Reloaded added the effects of water, blood, and poo staining the screen during certain chapters.
- Camp Gay: You encounter a cog named Carl in one level who is very angry and demanding. Turn him upside down, however, and he becomes Quentin. Quentin is incredibly pretentious and unbelievably gay.
- Cash Gate: Some characters ask Conker for a certain amount of money at key points of the game (namely $10 by Birdy, $1000 by two servants of the Panther King, and $2110 by a mysterious character hidden in a barrel). But whenever Conker gives away the money, some seconds later the money literally returns to him, so he ultimately manages to pass through the Cash Gates for free.
- Cats Have Nine Lives: Which is why Gregg hates them so much.
"I don't bloody believe it! They've got fish versions of the little bastards now!"
- Cave Behind the Falls: With money in it too, but you can't go there until after Spooky.
- Cerebus Syndrome: The second half of the game is much more serious in tone from the Spooky chapter on.
- Chainsaw Good:
- One of the weapons in multiplayer mode is a chainsaw, which lets you cut other players in half.
- Conker is also seen using a chainsaw to cut a panicking N64 logo in the opening as the Logo Joke in the original N64 version of the game.
- Cement Shoes: If you lose in the Heist multiplayer mode, you're treated to Don Weaso 'speculating' on what happened to his men.
Don Weaso: You know, some people have been asking me 'Where's Frankie? Where's Chicho? Where's Ali? Where's Paulie?' I can say, I think they've gone for a swim. (Camera cuts to Mr. Red / Paulie struggling while sinking into black water.) Well, if you're waiting for 'em, I wouldn't hold your breath. Which is ironic, because I expect that's what they're doing right now. (Camera cuts to Paulie clutching his neck and finally drowning to death while Don Weaso chuckles.) Right, where's the next job..."
- Chasing Your Tail: The final boss, in a parody of Super Mario 64.
- Chest Burster: The Panther King falls victim to a blatant rip-off of Alien.
- Closed Circle: During the Spooky chapter, Conker enters Count Batula's mansion and, after a seemingly cordial reception from his vampiric ancestor, he's forcefully transformed by him into a bat, and has to bring the incoming villagers (who plan to kill Batula) into a meat grinder to offer their blood as food. Conker wouldn't want to fly away from the mansion or its outer garden as a bat, but the trope truly kicks in when Batula himself suffers a Karmic Death and the bat transformation is reversed. Conker notices that the mansion's entrance door was sealed shut beforehand by Batula, and has to explore the place extensively to find the three keys that open the door. The chapter only ends when Conker not only exits the mansion, but also the whole preceding area to return to the Hungover area.
- Cluster F-Bomb:
- (Though "fuck" is always censored). Carl deserves special mention.
Carl: (sees Conker) F**k off!
Conker: Why is everyone so offensive around here?
Carl: Either bring me my missing cogs, or f**k off!
Conker: You don't have to shout.
Carl: I'm deaf! Speak up or f**k off! - He won't even stop cussing at you after you helped him. Instead you get a, "Thanks f**khead. Now go on, f**k off wi' ya." If you keep standing in front of him and jump to his height, he will continuously yell "F**k off!"
- (Though "fuck" is always censored). Carl deserves special mention.
- Collapsing Lair: At the end of the "It's War" chapter, Conker has to make it out of the Tediz base before it self destructs.
- Color-Coded Multiplayer: The Weasels in Heist. Their codenames are related to color just like Reservoir Dogs.
- Color-Coded Speech: While almost every character has black subtitles with white speech bubbles, Gregg the Grim Reaper has the opposite. The lyrics for Sloprano are also in white subtitles.
- Comedic Work, Serious Scene: The game is loaded with sexual humor and swearing, but at the end, Don Weaso shoots Berri to death, and Conker forgets to bring her back to life when the programmer suddenly causes time to stand still. Conker is crowned king, but he's still miserable without Berri, the one he truly loved. He notes that, sometimes, you might take what you have for granted until it's gone as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.
- Console Cameo: One of Conker's idle animations has him playing Killer Instinct on the Game Boy Color, with an 8-bit rendition of Jago's theme from Killer Instinct II.
- Content Warnings: There's a content warning on the game's box, on the Instruction Booklet, at the start of the game, and when launching the game in the Compilation Re-release Rare Replay.note But it's all justified because of the strong language, sexual references, gory violence, use of alcohol and tobacco, Toilet Humor, and the in-game elements of war, survival horror, and bank theft — all in a kid-friendly art style.
- Context-Sensitive Button: The Trope Namer. Many parts in the game have pads in the ground marked with letter B, indicating that an action can be performed right there by pressing the B Button. This makes gameplay much simpler and player-friendly than that of the other 3D platformers made by Rare during the N64 era (whose playable characters have a copious amount of moves and abilities, each requiring a specific combo of buttons from the controller to be executed).
- Continuous Decompression: The Final Boss fight features Conker in a life-or-death battle with a xenomorph-like alien on a spaceship (long story). Near the start of the fight, Conker has to blow the airlock, producing a constant state of decompression as air keeps rushing out. This decompression lasts the entire battle, no matter how long it takes (and even if you pull it off quickly, it's still more than a bit absurd), and has to use said decompression to throw the alien out. The ship's onboard computer helpfully reminds him of this fact.
Computer: Warning! Warning! Airlock open! Throw the alien out, and shut the bloody door!
- Copy-and-Paste Environments:
- The texture in the slime tunnel is the same one as inside the Great Mighty Poo's lair.
- Besides a few exceptions, swimming in poo and swimming in water is only different in what color the remaining fluid dripping from Conker's body are when he gets out and the color of the splashes he makes jumping in.
- Crapsaccharine World: The world looks like a colorful, kid-friendly storybook type world at a glance, but there's a swarm of evil wasps flying around, a weasel mafia running wild, a corrupt king with untrained guards and an evil scientist, a completely unguarded Feral Reserve Bank (well, except for the literal Broken Bridge making it nigh impossible to actually get there), a fairly dysfunctional military willing to kidnap civilians for new recruits, a war with Nazi teddy bears, and the list continues.
- Crosshair Aware: The Great Mighty Poo in the Sloprano chapter throws balls of... well, guess. These show shadows on the ground where they will land to allow you to avoid them, since there's no way to see them off the top of the screen.
- Cruelty Is the Only Option: Almost every chapter in the game except Hungover and Heist has Conker boxed into at least one situation like these, not that he's conflicted about doing them anyway:
- In "Windy", you have to kill the cows with the bull in order to make progress, and also feed a bomb to a giant dung beetle to kill it and move on.
- In "Barn Boys", you have to kill Marvin the Mouse by feeding him cheese until he blows up. Mavin may be gluttonous and repulsive, but he's not evil at all. And to say nothing of the innocent chunks of cheese that are crying out in terror as Conker feeds them to Marvin. Also, the game is rigged so that the switch to the barn door on the roof won't work if you try to Sequence Break up to it, meaning you absolutely have to kill Marvin. And after that, you have to trick Franky into killing the harmless, benign bouncing bales of hay inside the barn.
- In "Sloprano", you have to feed innocent Sweet Corn to The Great Mighty Poo to trigger his boss fight.
- In "Bats Tower", its made clear that the female cogs being attached near Carl/Quentin the cog is akin to being raped, but Conker has to do it as part of opening the catfish's vault.
- In "Uga Buga", you have to sacrifice a newborn dinosaur by crushing it to death under a stone press.
- In "Spooky", you have to kill many innocent villagers in order to defeat Count Batula.
- In "Its War", there's no way to avoid electrocuting the squirrel soldier—either lever pulled will kill him.
- The Cutie: Rodent may be one of the, if not the, only character who isn't remotely malicious or selfish in any way.
- Cutscene: Cutscenes can't be skipped the first time you see them. The earliest ones are tutorials on how to use basic items.
- Damn You, Muscle Memory!: The shooter portion of the Xbox One emulator has this effect. In porting the controls over, the C buttons become the right control stick, and the N64 control stick translates to the Xbox's left stick. The result of this is, while aiming in shooter mode, the right stick controls movement and the left stick controls aiming, which is the exact opposite from virtually every shooter that utilizes the dual-stick control method. Get used to turning sideways while trying to strafe.
- Darker and Edgier: Compared both to Pocket Tales, the original Twelve Tales beta, and to Rare's other games before this was made. In contrast to Rare's more idealistic heroes and friendly characters, there are very few truly sympathetic characters in this game — everyone is either a nasty, manipulative jerk, cynical, stupid or crazy (and the one character who is truly sympathetic, Rodent, is treated like an idiot). Conker himself is an Anti-Hero at best, who's only out for himself. There is heavy swearing throughout the game, abundant toilet humor (you fight a boss who is a giant mountain of singing poop), blood and gore, downright nightmarish content (one level has you feeding helpless villagers to a vampire, by dropping them into a grinder, the war sequences featuring gruesome character deaths), and Black Comedy that would make South Park proud.
- Dark Reprise: The game opens with the proud and brooding intro of the The Funeral Of Queen Mary. After the game is completed, and in light of the tragic outcome regarding one of the supporting characters, the final cutscene opens with a solemn and genuinely depressing reprise.
- Dead Character Walking: If using an infinite health cheat code in multiplayer, the character will remain alive no matter how many hits they take. If, however, they take a hit that should kill them, but thanks to the cheat code, doesn't, which includes many a one-hit kill strike like a run-in with a chainsaw or a headshot by either a knife or a gun, the character will still go through their death animation as well as lose the weapon they had, but they'll be brought back to life, albeit missing bits and pieces of their body depending on how severe an attack it was. They will also still be able to take even more damage and similar normally-one-hit-kills unfazed even after missing most of their body parts. The only thing that can kill a character even with the code on is when they are hit by something that'll make them explode, including a strike from a grenade launcher, a bomb, or falling an incredibly high height (also, if you cheat further, a few characters can't be killed even with this, or maimed otherwise for that matter).
- Deadly Dodging: In "Barn Boys", Conker exploits this tactic to trick Franky the Pitchfork into killing all the bails of hay bouncing inside the barn.
- Deadly Gas: The chemical weapons in Multiplayer.
- Deadly Rotary Fan: The underwater rotating fans encountered during the U-Bend Blues segment.
- Deader than Dead:
- Berri, to a somewhat ludicrous level. She gets mowed down for 20 seconds by Weaso with a tommy gun, then sucked out into deep space. The Panther King also counts for this, first getting killed by Heinrich bursting out of his chest, then getting sucked out as well.
- The zombies after you shoot them in the head.
- Death by Gluttony: How both Marvin the mouse and Count Batula die; Conker feeds Marvin so much cheese that he swells up and explodes, and Count Batula drinks so much of the villagers' blood that the rope he was hanging from snaps under his weight, causing him to fall into and get pulped by his own grinder.
- Death Is Not Permanent: Upon dying for the first time, Conker meets Gregg, the Grim Reaper. Gregg explains that squirrels get "as many lives as they think they can get away with". After stopping Conker when he immediately turns to leave, Gregg then offers to give Conker another chance for each squirrel tail he obtains.
- Debug Room: You can access the game's debug menu by putting in the cheat code XFYHIJERPWAL IELWZS, but it requires cartridge tilting on the original hardware to actually access it.
- Deceptive Disciple: Professor Von Kriplespac when he betrays the Panther King by hatching an alien in his stomach to defeat Conker.
- Deconstructive Parody: The entire game is a big send-up of video game cliches and typical 3D platformers as well as the trend of cutesy kid friendly games coming out at the time, including ones Rare made themselves.
- Decoy Damsel: The Little Girl from the "It's War!" chapter turns out to be an Enfant Terrible who's attached to the level boss, the Experiment.
- Defeat by Modesty: Buga the Knut, though it's more Defeat By Shame. Conker has Fangy bite off enough chunks of Buga's ass that his loincloth doesn't fit anymore, exposing to everyone his small penis. He runs away after everyone laughs at him.
- Defeat Means Friendship: After Conker humiliates Franky, the pitchfork tries to hang himself, but fails since he doesn't have a neck or esophagus. Conker makes his way up to the barn rafters and uses throwing knives to free him. Frank immediately befriends Conker out of gratitude and helps him fight the Haybot wandering inside the barn.
- Deliberately Cute Child: There is a little girl trapped in the war laboratory, but she just uses that to lure the invading rodent special-ops teams into deadly ambushes. Said little girl is actually grafted to a twenty-foot hulking monstrosity with multiple doomsday weapons equipped. You kill them both.
- Department of Redundancy Department: The Army Captain pulls one when you first meet him:
The Army Captain: Daaang, boy! We sure is lucky bastards to survive that atrocious atrocity!
- Description Porn: The boss in the 'It's War' level, 'The Experiment', does this every time Conker attacks its back:
The Experiment: Now then, lesson 1: Ballistics. This is my mini-gun. It fires 8000 rounds per second, brass cased 8MM with tungsten alloy heads, and high explosive charge. Very, very messy.
- Developer's Foresight:
- The Pause Screen will always count the correct amount of money Conker has in his person at the exact moment of the pausing, even in cutscenes where he temporarily loses some only to get it back shortly after. For example, when Conker pays $10 for Birdie's manual, the money count will decrease from $100 to $90, going back to the original number once Conker makes contact with the money stack again.
- In the original version, Gregg would recognize Conker in Spooky even if he managed to avoid dying by that point. In Live and Reloaded, if Conker hasn't already met Gregg he will die after crashing the barrel instead of passing out.
- In the Raptor multiplayer in the original game, its possible to trick the raptors into walking into the caveman's giant frying pan, which will kill it in seconds, but it won't count towards your score.
- The Game Over sequence that plays whenever Conker dies with no squirrel tails left has several variations depending where he is in the story: for most of the game, dying will result in Conker being used as the Panther King's table leg, but dying before that point will result in a different cutscene with Conker's face being shown on a milk carton, as it wouldn't make sense with the usual sequence. Similarly, if Conker dies during the Final Boss, the death screen will merely say "game over" on a black screen, as the Panther King is dead by that point.
- Didn't Need Those Anyway!: During battle, Haybot loses parts of its body as Conker and Franky continue pressing the red button behind its body. When Haybot is complete, it attacks by squashing the characters with both hands. When one of those hands is gone, it attacks by seizing them and then throwing them away. With both hands gone, it squashed again the characters, but with its own metallic base. With the rest of the body gone, the boss is simply defeated.
- Diegetic Soundtrack Usage: Conker is apt to whistling the theme to Windy & Co. when left idle in the main area of the game. He also whistles his theme tune during the "It's War" chapter to pass the time after waiting for an electric chair to finish frying its patron, as seen at 6:47 in this clip
- Disney Death: Rodent in the It's War chapter.
- Disney Villain Death: Kriplespac and the Panther King both get sucked out into space, but not before the latter has Heinrich burst out of his chest. Heinrich gets the pleasure of having his head slashed off by Conker.
- Deus ex Machina: When Heinrich is about to kill Conker. Suddenly, the game "freezes", Conker breaks the fourth wall and speaks with the game programmers, then they give him a weapon to kill the alien.
- The Don: Don Weaso is a mafia don who controls a criminal organization run by weasels.
- Don't Fear the Reaper: Gregg the Grim Reaper, who is of course hard to take seriously because he's short and speaks in a high-pitched voice.
- Down the Drain:
- The chapter Bats' Tower doesn't start like this (the first sections you explore are a river and a tall tower), but once Conker enters the catfish ladies' safe, he has to venture through a dark underwater pipe network. It's easy to get lost, and keeping an eye for the Oxygen Meter is a priority, but the paths are coded by luminiscent signals that tell how close Conker is to the goal: Blue for the first path, green for the second, and yellow for the third.
- A very difficult section in the aftermath of the Sloprano chapter, "U-Bend Blues", has you swimming through a long pipe filled with spinning fans that can instantly kill you with a single hit. And you have a dwindling Oxygen Meter. And once you get out of the water there are platforms with lethal blades revolving on them. And getting killed at any point in the process sends you back to the beginning. And you must have collected enough money (namely $1000) in the previous levels to proceed, or else turn back.
- Driven to Suicide: Franky the Pitchfork, who is encouraged to kill himself by the paint pot. He fails because he doesn't have a neck of any description.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: The Queen Bee dies offscreen when a piece of the then-exploding windmill falls onto her.
- Drowning My Sorrows: Conker ends up back at the bar where his adventure began to drown out the pain of his girlfriend Berri's death which was exacerbated by being forced to take the Panther King's throne. On a more humorous note, the Grim Reaper can also be seen getting smashed after he has spent the game dealing with Conker and his extra lives.
- Duct Tape for Everything: The Panther King apparently duct taped the Professor to his table as a substitute for the missing leg at some point. When the Professor goes to work on fixing the table, the King says, "I wouldn't want to have to get the duct tape out again."
- Dumb Blonde: Berri the Chipmunk is a stereotype of this trope. She can't recognize Conker when all he's wearing is a caveman's hat.
- Dung Fu: During battle, the Great Mighty Poo lobs the stuff he's made of at Conker, who returns fire with toilet paper.
- Early-Bird Cameo:
- Before you even meet him in-game, you can see Birdy leaned against the door of the Cock & Plucker while Conker staggers in, before you can pick a slot to start playing.
- You can also see Gregg and some squirrel soldiers.
- There's a fire imp near the fire place, whom you can speak to and use cheat codes with. Or cuss at him, your choice.
- The hands of the Great Mighty Poo can be seen before you actually fight him.
- Easier Than Easy: There are two cheat codes to make the game easier; one is simply EASY, and the other one is VERYEASY.
- Easy Level Trick: The final segment of It's War can be beaten by gliding over or crawling under the fence.
- Eek, a Mouse!!: During the Barn Boys chapter, Jack the metal box is crushed by another, much larger female metal box, who has jumped on top of him to get away from Marvin the mouse. Conker has to help him out by feeding cheese to Marvin, causing him to swell up and explode.
- Electric Torture: Conker finds a squirrel strapped to an electric chair when he invades the Tediz base. He tries to free him by pulling a switch, but inevitably, that only turns the chair on, zapping the squirrel nearly to death. Though terribly charred, he's "not quite dead." Also, there's two switches...but they both electrocute the squirrel. Anyway, after one of them is used, the other will open the door to leave the area, no matter which you picked.
- Embarrassing Slide: A photo that's presumably of a prostitute ended up in Don Weaso's bomb plan slides. Subverted in that he doesn't draw attention to it and quickly proceeds.
- Empty Room Psych: The windmill on top of the tall hill in the center of the overworld. It visibly has paths on higher levels, but gets fragged after the war level. Conker was sure it was going to be the last level.
- Enfant Terrible: A scared little girl is in need of Conker's help during the War chapter. Too bad she's an evil psychopathic demon who controls a giant, cybernetic, destructive Tediz experiment. The weird thing is that she looks like a hand puppet when sitting on the Experiment's hand. No kidding.
- Entertainment Above Their Age: Zigzagged in Conker's case; while promotional materials say that Conker is twenty-one years old, Chris Seavor (the creator) has said he sees him more as a very perverted child. Nonetheless, Conker reads inappropriate magazines and plays Killer Instinct when he's idling.
- Everything's Deader with Zombies: Spooky has nothing but undead enemies, including the dreaded worms from Windy.
- Evil Sounds Deep: The Panther King, the Great Mighty Poo, and Don Weaso are all villainous and have deep voices.
- Exact Words: One of the achievements in the Rare Replay re-release is titled " 'Easy' Does it" and is unlocked through entering a cheat. Indeed "Easy" really does do it as it is a valid cheat.
- Excuse Plot: Conker wants to get home and the Panther King wants a table leg so he can drink his milk.
- Expressive Health Bar: Not the standard Life Meter (the chocolate bar), but the Oxygen Meter. It consists of a stream of bubbles coming out of Conker’s mouth. As the stream of bubbles gets shorter, his expression gets more desperate and his face starts turning blue, ultimately drooping if you keep him under water for too long.
- Extremely Short Timespan: The entire game takes place over the course of one day, and the transition between day and night is when Conker gets knocked out.
- Face on a Milk Carton: Will appear in the game over sequence if you die before the Panther King demands a squirrel to fix his table.
- Faint in Shock: Of the overjoyed variety. When Conker sees how huge Jugga's breasts are, he passes out.
Conker: [gasps] Paradise...
- Fake Difficulty: A lot of the game's challenge comes from either cheap difficulty tricks (like the camera being locked at the most inconvenient times and the fact that Conker will take damage from falling anywhere remotely high) or Trial-and-Error Gameplay and bits where the game gives no indication how to solve a certain situation (the Barn Boys chapter is egregious in this regard). Selecting a chapter individually instead of playing a save file adds another nasty bit of this—you only get three lives, and all other squirrel tails are gone.
- Falling Damage: Though this was already quite prevalent in previous N64 platformers, Conker seems especially sensitive to this. He can't fall very far at all without losing a piece of chocolate, and falling from especially high up will result in a Ludicrous Gibs death.
- Final Dungeon Preview: Conker can visit the Feral Reserve Bank as early as getting the slingshot. Problem is, the bridge going there is unstable and will break if Conker attempts to cross it, leaving him no choice but to turn back.
- Five-Second Foreshadowing: Right after defeating Big Boiler and exiting the foundry room in the Bats' Tower chapter, Conker finally finds the money he was requested to retrieve by the Catfish ladies, under the promise that it was a fortune and he would receive 10% of it as a reward. However, if the player pauses the game before exiting the vault and meeting the money's owners, the game will indicate that only 10$ were gotten. This appears to be a bug or mistake, but it's not: The game is warning the player in advance that Conker has been subjected to a fraud, which is confirmed when the character exits the vault and talks to the Catfish.
- Flunky Boss:
- Inverted with Big Boiler (a.k.a. the Big Big Guy), as he's operated and commanded by the fiery imps and not the other way around.
- Buga the Knut orders his Uga Buga minions to kill you; when you get rid of all of them, then Buga himself will challenge you for the definitive fight.
- Downplayed with Count Batula, as the minions (squirrel villagers) who roam the mansion want to kill both you and him, so what you do is to sacrifice the mooks to kill Batula indirectly.
- Follow the Bouncing Ball: The Great Mighty Poo's aria. Better yet, the ball is made of poo.
- Forced Transformation: Batula transforms Conker into a bat and demands he fetch villagers as victims. The transformation wears off after the Count's death.
- Forced Tutorial: At the start, there's a Context Sensitive button on the ground with the letter B, but Conker is unable to use them until instructed to by Birdy. There's also the cutscene giving instructions on how to jump. The Pan-Handling tutorial also shows up to give instructions, which then enables Conker to use the frying pan.
- Foreshadowing:
- While the music that plays in the introduction has been associated with A Clockwork Orange, it was originally written for a funeral procession for Britain's Queen Mary II. Considering that Berri would have likely been Conker's queen at the end had she lived, the context in which the music was used suddenly takes on an appropriately grim tone for players familiar with the piece's origin.
- While the opening of the game clearly states "starring CONKER and BERRI", the latter is nowhere to be seen in the throne room. Given that the game is a How We Got Here story, it's a massive hint to the fact that she ultimately does not stay with Conker at the end.
- Berri's character description in the manual talks about how she and Conker were an unlikely couple and everyone agreed "It will end in tears." Sure enough, Berri is killed by Don Weaso in the end.
- Conker's adventure starts after he spent an evening carousing with a couple friends at the pub, since they're heading off "tomorrow to fight in some war, somewhere". Much later on in the game, Conker gets forcibly enlisted in the War chapter. The intro sequence also shows the Bee's hive being stolen by the Wasps.
- For the Evulz:
- The only reason the Panther King has Berri killed is for the sake of it.
- The Great Mighty Poo does not have a reason as to why he attacks Conker and the Dung beetles. He just does.
- Frying Pan of Doom: Conker's standard weapon for most of the game, as well as Big Reunion. Subverted in Live & Reloaded, where you use the frying pan only in the tutorial level, but Conker switches it immediately after the encounter with the Gargoyle for a baseball bat.
- Full-Frontal Assault: Played for laughs when you beat Buga.
- Gainax Ending: The final chapter turns much of the story on its head.
- Gameplay Roulette: The game starts off as a regular platformer, but as you progress you'll be racing across lava, flying around picking up villagers for a Dracula pastiche, third-person shooting at Teddy-like Nazis, and tearing cavemen apart while riding on a dinosaur. The final boss pits you in a robot suit fighting a Xenomorph. The player almost needs to learn a new control scheme for every level (fortunately, the instruction manual does offer a list of control settings for each situation).
- Gasshole: Marvin the Mouse, who you encounter at the barn. His breath and farts are presented as thick, green clouds, and smell so foul, that Conker will vomit if he's unfortunate enough to be in their vicinity.
- Genius Cripple: The Professor has no legs.
- Giant Mook: Three bosses are larger versions of regular enemies: Haybot to the living haystacks, Buga the Knut to the cavemen, and the Experiment to the Tediz.
- Giant Space Flea from Nowhere: The final boss is not the Fairy Panther King, but a giant Xenomorph named Heinrich.
- Giftedly Bad: This hilariously dumb line of dialogue from the paint pot in the Barn.
Paint Pot: I've seen some kicking ass in my time, but that is the shittest, crappest, crappiest, shittiest, kick ass I've ever seen.
- Gimmick Level: There are several parts with their own unique gameplay, including riding a pitchfork, driving a hoverbike in a race, riding a dinosaur in a boss battle, fighting a Dracula-inspired boss while turned into a bat, etc.
- Glass-Shattering Sound: Near the end of the Great Mighty Poo fight, he hits a note so high that it shatters a piece of glass thats blocking you from pullling the switch that defeats him.
- Good Guns, Bad Guns: Inverted in the War and Heist chapters. Conker dual-wields Skorpions with Berry also using one in the latter, while the enemy Tediz and security guards are armed with M16s.
- Good-Guy Bar: The menu for the original game has Conker enter a bar full of Squirrel soldiers (and Gregg). Averted to a degree in Live & Reloaded when Tediz soldiers join in to go drinking with their enemies, the Squirrels.
- Gorn: The Spooky chapter has a lot of explicit violence. To a lesser extent, the war chapter too.
- Gosh Dang It to Heck!: The game apparently wasn't allowed to use the F-word, despite the game being rated M, and tries to work around it by having a sign reading "FECK OFF CROWS" and a Terminator-like killer robot choosing to say "buff you, asshole" over "f*** you, scum" (asterisks sic).
- Grass Is Greener: Conker realizes only after becoming rich and powerful like he always wanted to be, that he had everything he wanted all along. Only by then, it was already gone.
Conker: It's true what they say, the grass is always greener. And you don't really know what it is you have, until it's gone, gone, gone...
- Green Hill Zone:
- The respective areas of the Hungover and Windy chapters. Since the latter serves as the game's Hub Level, it overlaps with other settings, such as Under the Sea, Absurdly Spacious Sewer, a scatological Death Mountain and Hornet Hole.
- The area that encompasses the Barn Boys chapter is a rural variant of the setting. It's a large field that features a stable inhabited by living haystacks (including a King Mook version which serves as the chapter's boss), a corral that houses several living pieces of cheese (to be given to a stinky rat called Marvin), and a busty sunflower.
- The Grim Reaper:
Gregg... the Grim Reaper: "And don't laugh!!"
- Groin Attack:
- The boss fight against the boiler requires you to hit a pair of brass balls with a cinder block when he's stunned.
- In order for Buga the Knut to be open to attack, Conker must have Fangy punt him in the groin.
- Ground Pound: In some designated cases, Conker can do this when B is pressed while in mid-air, briefly turning into an anvil in the process. Two of the bosses (Haybot and Uga Buga) have this attack as well.
- Guide Dang It!: It's sometimes unclear as to what you should do or where you should go next, causing many players to do tasks in a weird order then be confused when they consult a walkthrough.
- Gun Fu: The game has a chapter that's a parody of The Matrix, allowing Conker to do some awesome mid-air flips and somersaults while gunning down enemies in slow-motion.
- Gun Porn: The game parodies the Matrix this way, when Conker blackmails the programmer to help him in killing Heinrich. A large row of weapons comes at him so he can choose what weapon to kill his enemy with.
- Guns Akimbo: A shortage of this in the remake makes a couple of parodies awkward. In the original, the entire "It's War" chapter (along with the Matrix level) frequently allowed you to dual-wield SMGs. Which is simply badass to the core.
- Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal: Conker himself, who doesn't wear pants. This is made very weird in the mission where he must piss on fiery demons, as we hear a zipping sound, but he has no pants of which to unzip. The pantsless issue is averted in the Xbox remake, in which he actually does wear pants.
- Halloweentown: The aptly-titled Spooky level, which seems to be a mishmash of this in design and more worryingly Überwald (there actually are flesh-eating zombies and vampires that you have to kill).
- Hand Cannon: Not only is it as big as your arm and one shot kill anywhere, it also has a zooming scope and laser sight. Perfect for
Scrubs of all ages! If you see that laser sight, you have one second before your head disappears.
- Hanging Around: After his botched attempt to kick Conker's ass, Franky the Pitchfork hangs himself out of shame. But since he doesn't have "a neck of any description" he's just left hanging from the rafters of the barn until Conker cuts him down later on.
- Hangover Sensitivity: Conker has some equilibrium, energy, and sound sensitivity issues when hung over.
- Happiness Realized Too Late: While Conker's main goal is to get home, he also becomes obsessed with collecting as much money as he can on his travels. At the end of the game, he successfully collects one million dollars. Just as he begins to celebrate, the Panther King has Berri gunned down. Following the death of the Panther King, everybody decides to make Conker the new King with all the money in the world. However, Conker realizes he doesn't want any of it and wishes he could just be home with Berri, still saddened over losing her.
- Have a Nice Death: There are a few different Game Over sequences depending how Conker died on his last life. From being captured, gagged, and used as a replacement table leg as intended, to being listed as missing on a milk carton, to being delivered to the Panther King as a bag full of splattered squirrel bits...
- The Heavy: Subverted with the Panther King. He doesn't have any direct role in Conker's adventure until he corners him near the end of the Heist chapter. Even the Tediz and the Experiment don't really count as an extension of his will, since they were built by Professor and were meant to be used against the king by him, and Don Weaso is just a hired gun whos interested in money and nothing more. Conker isnt even aware he exists or what his plan is until meeting him in Heist. Conker does encounter two of his weasel guards before entering Uga Buga, but they're so stupid that he easily slips by them after giving them a hefty bribe.
- Head-Tiltingly Kinky: Mr. King Bee "pollinating" the big breasted sunflower. The look on Conker's face says it all.
- Hedge Maze: The backyard of Count Batula's mansion has a hedge maze, though its paths are wide enough for Conker to know where he is. The real danger is the zombies who overrun it, as they do through the whole place. Conker needs to go through this part to find one of the three keys (specifically the second) necessary to open the door to the exit.
- Heist Episode: The final chapter in the game, aptly named Heist, begins when Conker and Berri are tasked to perform a robbery within the Feral Reserve Bank, which is located inside the castle of the Panther King (the game's Big Bad). The first half of the chapter has the characters kill the guards in what amounts to an elaborate The Matrix parody (Bullet Time is even put into use). In the second half, they enter the vault and manage to seize all the money... but then the Panther King appears in front of them, and things get much worse from that point.
- He Knows About Timed Hits: The game begins with an in-character tutorial/explanation involving both the player squirrel and other NPCs talking to each other and to the player. Many of the characters, including Conker himself, are drunk and rambling. There is also the implementation of large 'B' buttons in the game world where the user is prompted to 'Press B' for context sensitive actions. The NPC who explains this mechanic flounders humorously ("It's sensitive... to context"). Later on the player will have to buy a manual to explain some of the more complex moves to both himself and the player ("Ten dollars. Long time. You'll love manual... long time"). This even occurs when fighting the final boss, if you listen to the ship's AI.
Ship AI: "Did you know you can block? Hold down the Z-trigger. Idiot."
- Heli-Critter: Conker himself, when he flies by using his tail as a propeller. He calls it the "helicoptery tail thing".
- Helium Speech: If you use the B-Pad in front of Birdy again after he teaches you about it, Conker will whip out a helium canister instead of a beer bottle. Birdy will take it and huff it anyway.
"Reeeeally nice helium, hehehe!"
- Here We Go Again!: Conker gets wasted at the bar once again at the end of the game and then wobbles off into the night again (in the opposite direction this time), likely getting involved in another bunch of strangeness.
- Herr Doktor: Professor Von Kriplespac has a German accent.
- Hillbilly Incest: Upon meeting the dimwitted Franky the Pitchfork and hearing him try to issue threats in his heavy Southern US accent, Conker asks him if his parents were related before they were married.
- Hold Your Hippogriffs: Applies to the title itself. The normal expression is "bad hair day", but squirrels don't have hair, they have fur.
- How We Got Here: ...showing how Conker came to become the new king of this bizarre world.
- Hub Level: Windy Level. It has the least enemies, and acts as a gateway to all the other areas (with the exception of Uga Buga, which has to be accessed via the Sloprano level).
- Humanoid Female Animal: Berri is supposedly Conker's species, but she looks more like a human woman with an animal face.
- Hypno Pendulum: At one point, Conker tames a dinosaur by hypnotizing it with a swinging pocket watch.
Tropes I to Q
- "I Am" Song: The Great Mighty Poo's song.
- Idea Bulb: Light bulbs pop up in sections where you have to press B.
- Idle Animation: Too many to count. Some even only happen if you're in a specific area, such as the dancing one in Rock Solid.
- I'm Melting!: A variant occurs in Sloprano, when Conker defeats the Great Mighty Poo via flushing him down the toilet. Also doubles as a nice Shout-Out to the Wizard of Oz example.
Great Mighty Poo: Arrgh, you cursed squirrel! Look what you have done! I'm flushing, I'm flushing! Oh what a world, what a world. Who would've thought a good little squirrel like you could destroy my beautiful clagginess?
- Improbable Weapon User: Conker manages to turn even his own urine into a force to be reckoned with.
- Indy Escape: Unlike most examples on this trope, the two cavemen-like Uga Bugas fail to outrun the boulder pushed down by Conker. The first one is squished flat by the rock, the second one gets tossed right into a pool of lava.
- Inexplicably Tailless: Conker loses his tail during the Heist chapter, preventing him from using his hover move. Probably because it would be too dificult to make him wear a Badass Longcoat for the Matrix parody otherwise. If you walk away from the bank, Conker will take off the trenchcoat and regain his tail between scene transitions.
- Insect Queen: There's both a Queen Bee and a King Bee, but as of the game's events they split up due to marital differences; the Queen cries in despair when her honeycomb is stolen by the wasps in the Windy chapter, while the King spends all the time lusting for a busty sunflower in the Barn Boys chapter. Conker helps the Queen retrieve the honeycomb twice (in both cases, only because of the money he'll receive as reward) and also helps the King hook up with the sunflower; but the two regal characters never reconcile, and the Queen dies when the windmill explodes accidentally due to Rodent's impact and the resulting debris smashes her and the honeycomb.
- Intoxication Mechanic: In certain sequences, Conker has to drink from barrels of booze which grant him the ability to pee on things. During these moments his walking controls are harder to manage, and after some time passes, he develops a hangover and has to walk to a specific zone to take medicine, vomiting at random intervals until then and leaving himself vulnerable to attack.
- It's a Long Story: Said word-for-word by Conker himself. The whole game is him telling the story of his Bad Fur Day, both the day he became a king and the worst day of his entire life.
- Jerkass: Most of the people Conker meets are, to put it mildly, not very nice, most notably Carl, an unsociable, foul-tempered, foul-mouthed cog with a sour attitude.
Carl: Either bring me back me missin' cogs, or F*** OFF!
Conker: (annoyed) You don't have to shout.
Carl: I'm deaf! Speak up or f*** off! - Jerkass Has a Point: Although Conker came off as a bit greedy, he was completely justified in chewing out the Catfish for their blatant attempt to take advantage of him.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Conker himself. He's a rude drunkard who kills and horribly injures a lot of people on his journey, but he does have a few redeeming moments, such as shutting up the Paintbrush and Paint Pot laughing at him and Franky the Pitchfork, as well as fixing Franky up after he gets broken in two and having that be one of the (very) few good deeds Conker does without asking for the person he's helping (in this case Franky) for anything in return for helping them, and possibly the part where he rescues Rodent from a group of Tediz a little ways into the War chapter that were going to kill him.
- Jiggle Physics: The sunflower's and Jugga's jiggling breasts.
- Jump Physics: Conker has a rather average jump, but he has a bit of mid air control over it. His helicopter tail helps overcome this, but it only lets him hover a couple seconds and won't grant him extra height. Oh, and Conker falls like a rock after he jumps, especially if its high up.
- Justified Extra Lives: Conker has as many lives as he has tails. The Grim Reaper of his world, a tiny foul-mouthed skeleton named Gregg, explains the deal to you the first time you die.
- Karma Houdini: Don Weaso manages to escape with his cash after killing Berri.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Conker selects the katana from a wall of weapons to kill Heinrich the alien at the end of the game. In actual gameplay, they are capable of one-hit kills as long as the user gets close enough and keeps the user from showing up on the enemy's radar.
- Killed Off for Real: Everyone who died (not counting Conker's deaths/game overs in the gameplay) with the sole exception of Marvin the mouse, including the Big Bad himself stay dead.
- Kill Enemies to Open:
- The game has three straight examples: A wooden door in the Windy area that opens when the eponymous character kills the big beetles guarding the access to the Poo area (though the door leads to the Barn Boys chapter instead, the Poo zone is open otherwise); a door that leads to the whereabouts of Count Batula's mansion, and opens when enough zombies in the graveyard are killed (the respawn indefinitely, so Conker has to proceed forward when the path is unlocked); the last is a door in the War chapter that opens when a large group of Tediz is dispatched with a gun turret.
- There's a play with the trope in the last chapter: As Conker and Berri storm the Panther King's castle through the bank, there are security lasers that are dispatched every time a wave of guards is killed, but it's either because Berri manages to disable a particular laser barrier during the spare time between an enemy wave's termination and the arrival of the next, or because Berri kicks a guard towards a laser barrier during a cutscene (in this game, security lasers explode upon contact, as seen previously in the War chapter). After four full barriers are disabled, Conker and Berri reach the elevator and move on to the final part of the game.
- Killer Teddy Bear: A whole army of them in fact, called Tediz.
- Kubrick Stare: Conker imitates an actual Kubrick Stare at the beginning. He does it again during the ending.
- Lampshade Hanging: Tons of it - mostly concerning gameplay mechanics such as extra lives and context-sensitive buttons.
- Large Ham: The Great Mighty Poo, in all his opera-singing goodness.
- Laser Sight: The sniper rifle, the hand cannon, and the crossbow.
- Lava Surfing: During the Ugga stage, Conker is knocked out and mugged by a group of cavemen thugs. When he wakes up, he has to chase them through a prehistoric world by surfing over lava on a hoverboard, and then knock them all into the lava with his frying pan to get his money back.
- Lethal Lava Land: Most of the Uga Buga chapter is set over huge pools of lava. Conker later rides through a course full of it on a hover board while trying to get his money back from some thugs.
- Life Meter: A chocolate bar divided into six pieces. As such, it's refilled by consuming hovering chocolate pieces.
- Literal Ass-Kicking: Actually literal ass biting. The Uga Buga boss fight requires you to use a dinosaur to bite chunks of flesh out of his buttocks until he can no longer hold up his loincloth.
- Literally Shattered Lives: The fate of most of the male golems at the Rock Solid dance club are to be broken.
- Live Item: There are wads of anthropomorphic money that usually yell at you to collect them to make them easier to detect, insult you when you finally find them, and at one point, hop out of the pocket of their new owner and return to Conker when he whistled for them. Almost everything else the player can pick up and carry around is alive, for the sake of Black Comedy.
- Living Currency: Bank notes in this game are sentient. And foul-mouthed, too. At least they willingly let Conker grab them.
- Logo Joke: Conker cuts the N64 logo in half with a chainsaw, and replaces it with the shiny Rare logo which he seems to prefer.
- Lonely at the Top: Conker becomes a king with all of the riches he could ever want and subjects who adore him… who he all hates and the one person he truly cared about is dead and he squandered his one chance to save her. In the end he is far more miserable than he was at the start.
- Lone Wolf Boss: The only boss in the game that is related in some way to the Panther King is the Experiment, found and fought in the "Its War" chapter; and even then, its not attacking Conker for the King, is because it and the Tediz were created by Ze Professor so they could defeat the Panther King (Conker still has to defeat them because they are threatening the otherwise peaceful kingdom).
- Lost Food Grievance: The game's story begins when the Panther King pulls his glass of milk in a table with a damaged leg. The table tilts and the glass falls down, spilling the milk in the floor and causing the ire of the evil monarch. After Ze Professor determines that the only way to keep the table stable is by replacing the bad leg with a tied red squirrel, the Panther King demands his servants to look for one. Conker, being a red squirrel himself, is the unfortunate target.
- Ludicrous Gibs: Most of the gun sequences and multiplayer modes deaths are gib-tastic.
- Man of a Thousand Voices: Chris Seavor voiced every male character except the Great Mighty Poo, and even a few of the female ones. Louise Ridgeway (later surnamed O'Connor) voiced the rest of the female cast.
- The Man They Couldn't Hang: Franky the Pitchfork is Driven to Suicide by his heckling companions, the paint pot and the paint brush, after failing to kick Conker's ass. When he decides to hang himself, he fails because he "does not appear to have a neck of any description", and remains stuck hanging from the barnyard ceiling until Conker cuts him down.
- The Many Deaths of You: Subverted. There are many ways you can die that may not mean much (besides different animations Conker has), but depending on how you die on your last life, you'll trigger different cutscenes as far as what happens between the guard weasels delivering Conker and the Panther King, including Conker being missing and advertised on a milk carton (prior to the Panther King knowing about the replacement table leg), being tied up (alive) as a replacement table leg (if Conker runs out of lives normally), being delivered in pieces in a sack (if Conker was chopped, exploded or otherwise in pieces), delivered in a smoking sack (if burned to death), or being delivered in a wet sack (if he died on the surface of the water or in it, regardless of how he died.)
- Man Behind the Man: It really seems to be Kriplespac rather than the Panther King that calls the shots for the Panther Kingdom.
- Mature Animal Story: While the game is a comedy with talking animals, none of it is meant to be kid-friendly.
- Maximum Fun Chamber: The Panther King mentions that he "Doesn't want to have to get the duct tape out again.", and his Mad Scientist flunkie visibly pales and becomes much more subservient. Once he's alone, the mad scientist rambles angrily to himself about how he'll give his boss the duct tape once his plans come to fruition.
- Meaningful Name:
- Conker (a homophone of Conquer) T. Squirrel ends up the King of the land, in a sense conquering it.
- The name of the talking dollar bills you find is Fajo the Money. "Fajo" is Spanish for "Wad". Fajo is a wad of money—you do the math.
- The big-breasted cave woman is called Jugga.
- Professor Von Kriplespac. In the commentary, the developers really pat themselves on the back for coming up with that one.
- Mechanical Monster:
- Haybot serves as the first major boss in the game (the wasp army from the Windy chapter is the first overall, but they aren't challenged in a proper battle until much later in the game). Initially disguised as a large sentient pile of haystack, the boss's true form is exposed during the second phase of the fight, deep within the basement of the stable. In this form, it is capable of shooting missiles, squashing opponents with its hands, and crushing them. Its weakness is a self-destruct button located in its back, but it has to be pressed three times so the monster is defeated.
- The Big Big Guy is a living orange boiler piloted by a duo of fire imps, and is the second major boss in the game. It can charge at Conker to cause him damage, as well as exhale fire as a flamethrower. Bathing it with fecal debris will stun it, which gives Conker the chance to crush its (literal) Brass Balls with a pair of red bricks. Conker has to do this a total of four times to disable the machine for good and claim victory.
- The Experiment from the It's War chapter. A massive, part-Tedi, part-mechanical abomination, controlled by a demonic little girl puppet. He is armed with ballistic missiles, laser cannons, miniguns, and a buzzsaw. Stay in the tank or you'll be shredded in seconds. Shooting off the puppet distracts him long enough for Conker to shoot the Big Red Button on his back.
- Medium Awareness:
- An example coming from the Xbox remake is when Conker notices the first subtle differences from the N64 version and remarks that he thought the programmer told him it was going to be a straight port.
- Another example from the Xbox remake has Conker attack the bridge gargoyle with his trademark frying pan, only to find it has no effect. The gargoyle observes it was a change made to fool the players into believing the rest of the game would receive likewise alterations.
- Also present in the N64 version during the "Haybot" chapter. Before the boss fight, Conker says, "I don't like the sound of that music" and Franky agrees.
- Similarly, at the beginning of the Uga Buga chapter, the music is briefly a grand dramatic piece with horns and a One-Woman Wail, before Conker complains to the Maestro ("Isn't that a bit too dramatic?") and it changes to something with more of a beat (namely a prehistoric-flavored variant of the main overworld theme heard in the Windy area).
- Mercy Invincibility: More noticeable in a part of It's War where you have to blow up submarines that are constantly firing homing missiles at you. Sometimes, there are two subs at a time, and they fire one immediately after the other in a way that, even if the first missile chips off your chocolate health while you're taking aim, the second one will do you nothing assuming that you are still in your recovery time, even though it'll come dead-on down on you.
- Metal Detector Checkpoint: The final chapter features a parody of The Matrix where Conker and Berri enter the Feral Reserve Banknote and pass through a metal detector in the bank's entrance. Once the guard asks Conker to place all metallic objects in the tray, the squirrel begins shooting all guards, and Berri follows suit.
- Mickey Mousing: The entire fight with The Great Mighty Poo is scripted to coincide with his absurd opera song. You defeat him by throwing stuff in his exposed mouth when he opens it to sing harmony with the BGM. A common Player Tic is to wait until just the right moment in the BGM to throw the toilet paper into his mouth.
- Mini-Boss: Played with. The first two mini-bosses (a pitchfork and a wild bull) are traditionally found at a mid point of their residing levels, but the rest (such as groups of fiery imps or cavemen, for example) are fought right before the actual bosses.
- Missing Secret: The game has three of them:
- A gated cave near the entrance to the Uga Buga chapter, where you pay the toll, that looks like it can be entered but never opens.
- The top of the windmill looks like it has a path to a pressure switch on top of it. Too bad it gets destroyed before you reach it. Lampshaded by Conker saying "The windmill's been destroyed! I thought for sure that was the final level!" In the unofficial developer's commentary on YouTube, Chris Seavor confirmed it was always intended to be a Red Herring in Bad Fur Day's development (though Twelve Tales footage shows Conker going inside it), hence Conker's comment.
- Inside the Poo Cabin there appears to be a rather large grate with a piece of chocolate just beyond reach through the bars. It looks as though the tunnel continues off to the left as well, leading players to scour the level to find some way to open the grate and gain access to the tunnel beyond. The grate even managed to appear in the remake, Conker: Live & Reloaded, and once again could not be unlocked to gain access to the chocolate and whatever wild secrets might have been waiting just beyond the corner. The YouTube developer's commentary confirmed that, like with the windmill, it was intended as a red herring meant to mess with the players.
- Mix-and-Match Critters: The "catfish" (half-cat and half-fish) and the "bullshark" (half-bulldog and half-shark).
- Money for Nothing: All the piles of cash you collect in game can't actually be spent on anything (whenever you make an investment, money literally returns to you), and it's never explained why you're getting them other than "money is good". It does serve a purpose to allow progress through the game, but the actual points this happens are quite rare compared to the usual game that has a similar "object collecting" formula.
- Mood Whiplash: After a relatively lighthearted - if incredibly raunchy - first half, the final leg of the game becomes increasingly depressing, finally culminating in a Downer Ending - which still worked quite well, but was decidedly jarring. The ending's made all the worse when you consider this is a game inspired by South Park.
- Mooning: Conker gets mooned by cavemen twice: first by the muggers on the hoverboards, and then by the soldiers in the arena (though only in the N64 version).
- Multiplayer-Only Item: Several weapons and items are exclusive to the Multiplayer mode, and those that appear in the story mode may only be used at specific points rather than full time. Examples include the katana, the silver magnum and the bat.
- Musical Spoiler: Lampshaded during the boss battle of the Barn Boys chapter, as the Haybot rises from the flames:
Conker: I don't think I like the sound of that music!
Frankie: I don't think I like the sound of that music either! - My God, What Have I Done?: You can clearly tell Conker is feeling this after Berri dies and he fails to bring her back.
- Named After the Injury: Ze Professor's last name is revealed to be Von Kriplespac in Live and Reloaded, and his arm, legs, and eye are cybernetic. The multiplayer reveals that his legs were blown off by a bazooka, while the N64 manual claims that the Panther King cut them off.
- The Napoleon: Gregg is very short for a Grim Reaper.
- Nerd Glasses: Rodent wears glasses.
- Night of the Living Mooks: During the first part of the Spooky chapter, Conker reaches a graveyard where zombies unearth themselves from the underground to attack him. Fortunately, a supporting character (Gregg) gives him a shotgun so he can shoot at their heads to defeat them.
- Nitro Express: During the Uga Buga chapter, Conker is caught freeing her girlfriend Berri and trying to leave the Rock Solid nightclub with the money she gathered while strip-teasing. The mafia leader Don Weaso decides to spare him in exchange for a favor: To carry a Cartoon Bomb and drop it onto a volcano's core to make the lava's level rise and eradicate the surrounding Uga Bugas (Weaso holds beliefs based on Fantastic Racism against them), and Conker has to hurry because the fuse is already lit. The squirrel has to go through a small passageway, a prolonged descending slope, the mucous interior of a dinosaur with moving uvulas, and finally the corridor leading to the destination. All while also dodging the club swings from wandering Uga Bugas. Being hit by any attack or hazard, or taking too long, will lead to the bomb exploding, killing Conker in the process.
- No Accounting for Taste: Conker and Berri, but they really love each other.
- No Fourth Wall: The game delves into a long and hilarious romp that reminds you the fourth wall barely exists. Conker regularly comments on the stranger mechanics and events (even asking the developers to spare him from any more surprises). Conker also ultimately wins in the end because the game freezes as the Xenomorph lunges ("The game's locked up!"), giving him an opportunity to bargain with the developers for a chance to kill the alien in exchange for keeping that last-minute error a secret.
Conker: I know everything, I'm the king! Well, I will be, didn't you see the prologue?
Bouncer: What?
Conker: Eh, nothing. Can we come in? - No Name Given: Von Kriplespac was only known as "Ze Professor" in the original game.
- Non-Mammal Mammaries: On the sunflower. They're so large that they would be stretching the boundaries of anatomical feasibility, even if they were attached to a human.
- Non-Standard Game Over: The game involves a fabled Panther King seeking a red squirrel with which to replace his broken table leg, so as to prevent him from spilling his milk on said table. The standard game over has Conker, the protagonist, tied and gagged to the table leg. Depending on the circumstances of the player's death, the game's nonstandard endings include the Panther King's minions turning Conker in as either a bag of soggy squirrel (drowning or otherwise dying underwater), bloodied chunks (gibbed), or black char (burned or electrocuted), or just a shot of Conker's Face on a Milk Carton (falling down a bottomless pit or dying before Kriplespac can show the King the solution to the broken table). In the final battle with Heinrich, they do away with the cutscene entirely, only showing you "GAME OVER" on a black screen.
- Noob Bridge: In the room with the rock monsters' dance club, it is clear that Conker must get drunk and urinate onto the rock monsters to move them into designated holes. This mechanic was taught in a previous Antepiece level. However, in the dance club level, the nearest rock monsters are too far away from their holes, and Conker cannot urinate far enough to push them in: repeated attempts result only in the rock monster getting justifiably mad and wracking Conker. What's NOT explained anywhere, ever, is that holding the Z-button lengthens Conker's stream, which is the only way to beat the level and continue the game.
- Noodle Incident: Don't make the Panther King get out the duct tape again.
Even the devs don't know what he does with the duct tape.
- Not Quite Dead: Said word for word by a squirrel that survives you accidentally electrocuting him.
- Oh, Crap!: Take a shot for every time Conker realizes he's screwed. And that's counting only him.
- One Crazy Night: The plot happens over the course of a single day, and is appropriately crazy.
- One-Hit Kill:
- There are many means for someone to instantly die in the multiplayer modes:
- A headshot from any weapon capable of scoring one.
- Being hit by the Hand Cannon.
- Being hit by the Chainsaw.
- Being hit by the decapitation strike from the Sword.
- Being hit directly by a Bazooka's rocket.
- Being hit by the Shotgun at close range.
- Being too close to an exploding bomb.
- Falling from too high a height (unless you're a Tediz, in which case you'll only take 1 point of damage).
- Being hit by the Fire and Electric traps in the Bunker level of Deathmatch mode.
- In Total War mode, not wearing a gas mask while outside the gas chamber when the gas is released.
- A non-Raptor character being bitten by a Raptor in the Raptor and Deathmatch modes.
- Before you get into the mech suit, one hit from Heinrich will kill Conker instantly.
- There are many means for someone to instantly die in the multiplayer modes:
- One-Time Dungeon: All areas that pertain to the War Arc (Chapter 7) close off after Conker completes the chapter and returns to the Windy area. Though it's justified due to the scale-wide explosion of the Tediz island, it turns out you can't return to the starter area where you had to remove the remnants of a downed airship either (despite it being part of the Panther King's now-safe land), as the metallic door that takes you there never opens again. Unlike in all other chapters, there's no money Conker can gather here, so there's nothing missable.
- Only in It for the Money: Conker, so very much. When the people who ask him for help don't promise him money, he'll either ignore them or hope that he'll somehow get paid for his services anyway.
- Only the Leads Get a Downer Ending: At the very end, Conker becomes king against his will, and he's deeply depressed because his girlfriend Berri was killed in front of him and wasted the only chance he got at resurrecting her. Everyone else, however, can live in peace now that the original ruler, the evil Panther King, is dead.
- Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping:
- Conker just can't decide if he's American or British. Neither can anyone else, as British Chris Seavor - in addition to writing and directing - also voices nearly every character in the game.
- Berri also sounds slightly British at a few points, a result of one actress, animator Louise Ridgeway, doing all the female voices.
- Only Sane Man: Conker himself is perfectly sane and rational compared to everyone else in the game.
- Our Vampires Are Different: Count Batula, who not only has the power to turn into a bat, but turns Conker into one as well. And instead of being killed by a stake or sunlight, he's killed by drinking too much blood, growing fat, and falling into his own grinder.
- Our Zombies Are Different: Zombies are encountered in the Spooky level.
- Overly Long Gag: The electric chair scene was turned into this in Live & Reloaded, as is Berri being shot.
- Oxygen Meter: Takes the form of Conker's face (with a stream of bubbles coming out) once you can swim underwater. When the stream of bubbles gets short and his face starts turning blue, you'd better get to the surface right now. Once his head droops, you go from full health to dead in about five seconds. Here's a video of the oxygen meter in action on Youtube.
- The Parody: Much of the latter half of the game is based off of this.
- Parrot Expo-WHAT?:
King Bee: I didn't even get to tell you about the big-breasted babe...
Conker: The— the big what? - Pass Through the Rings: Conker has to lure an eel into three rings of circuitry so it can empower a generator and use a Context-Sensitive Button panel.
- Pickup Hierarchy:
- Primary: Money.
- Secondary: Squirrel Tails (also technically extra, assuming you somehow never die)
- Tertiary: Chocolate Bars.
- Pinball Protagonist: Conker is not a hero, just a pragmatic protagonist who gets caught up in a bunch of random escapades that are often out of his control. He doesn't even have a clue that the Panther King wants him as a table leg until the very end.
- Pixellation: Used on Buga the Knut's genitalia at the end of the Uga Buga chapter, just after defeating him.
- Platform-Activated Ability: This is famously how the game displays the trope-naming Context-Sensitive Button. As Conker makes his way back home, he'll find round marks in the floor (often colored gray) with letter B written in the center. If Conker stands onto such a mark and the player presses B, then he can make use of an object that is called for use, ranging from a slingshot to kill some beetles to a bazooka to obliterate a killer Tediz; in other cases, Conker does something without using anything at hand. It's important to note that some marks won't do anything at first even if B is pressed, as a different action or Event Flag has to be performed beforehand for it to work.
- Plot Coupon: Wads of cash are this game's equivalent to Jiggies or Golden Bananas. In each area, there are multiple setpieces, and completing them will either award you with or open up the way to some cash. You use it to pay some characters so they can let you progress, but the money then jumps out of their pockets and walks back to Conker.
- Point of No Return: At the start of Heist, all of the areas except for Barn Boys and Bats Tower are sealed off, railroading the player into going up to the remains of the windmill and thus leading to the Feral Reserve Bank. In turn, entering the Bank's elevator to reach the vault in the upper floor kickstarts the endgame, making it impossible to go back to the overworld at all.
- Poke the Poodle: The Panther King's evil plan amounts to kidnapping a squirrel so he can use him to fix his table.
- "Pop!" Goes the Human: One quest has Conker getting rid of Marvin the Mouse by feeding him cheese three times. After the third time, the Marvin becomes so gassy he inflates and explodes.
- Porn Stash: One of Conker's Idle Animations is reading a porn magazine, and suggestively commenting on it.
- Postmodernism: The game revels in self-awareness. Conker knows the player and developers exists and interacts with them. Among other things, he references his future being crowned king from the opening cutscene and regularly lampshades the odder aspects of the game's structure (such as the handy Context Sensitive Buttons). The Xbox remake Live and Reloaded even acknowledges a change to Conker's confrontation with the bridge gargoyle, designed to fool the players into believing the rest of the game has likewise been altered. Sadly, the trope is also played for tragedy at the game's conclusion. A lockup saves Conker from becoming alien chow, and he bargains with the developers for a katana to slay the creature in exchange for keeping quiet about the Game-Breaking Bug. Unfortunately, he only realizes too late that he lost his chance to resurrect his murdered girlfriend.
- Prehistoria: The Uga Buga chapter takes Conker to a Lethal Lava Land cavern inhabited by the Uga Bugas (not to be confused with the Unga Bungas from Banjo-Tooie, though both games were developed by Rare, so they're likely related), as well as sentient boulders that hang around the Rock Solid nightclub. There is also a T. rex marching down a walkway suspended over lava, eating cavemen as it goes. The game lampshades this trope by having Conker complain about how he can't even visit a "dinosaur-themed world" without being mugged by a bunch of cavemen.
- Pre-Mortem One-Liner: "Eat lead, mother buzzer!"
- Proactive Boss: When Conker goes inside the fecal mountain during the Sloprano chapter, he's warned by a fellow about the Great Mighty Poo, who has devoured many victims before. Prior to the boss fight, Conker tries to attract the monster by throwing (sentient) chunks of corn at his pool, but the monster will use his hand to try to attack him when he approaches one of the adjacent holes. Conker has to dodge these attacks while throwing the corn until the monster finally appears into scene to begin the fight proper.
- Product Delivery Ordeal: One of the multiplayer modes features the story of a group of hungry Uga Bugas who are looking for food. They get the idea of seizing dinosaur eggs from the mother raptor's nest (located in the extreme of a location) and transporting it to their large frying pan to cook it (located in the other extreme). Whoever reaches the nest and grabs an egg will have his hands full, exposing him to the risk of being attacked by the mother raptor, so the other Uga Bugas have to provide a distraction while the carrier reaches the other far side with the egg. Interestingly, the mother raptor is also undertaking this trope, because her newborn baby is hungry and has to carry an Uga Buga with her mouth to the baby and feed it with the victim, all while dodging the attacks of the unlucky caveman's comrades who try to save him.
- Profane Last Words: Count Batula lets out a "Shit" while falling in his own meat grinder.
- Progressive Instrumentation:
- The Bomb Run music, heard while Conker is taking a large Cartoon Bomb from the Rock Solid clubhouse to the heart of the Uga Buga volcano, gradually adds notes from different instruments as the character approaches the required destination (bagpipes at first, piano, drums). It culminates with the addition of a tense, fast-paced African Chant.
- After Conker defeats the Experiment (and the Little Girl controlling him), he has to escape from the Tediz island before it explodes. The Countdown music will start playing and, the closer Conker gets to the coast, the more intense it gets and more instruments are added (marching drums at first, cymbals, synthetized trumpet sounds). Once Conker reaches the coast, it's replaced altogether by military reprise of the game's standard boss music.
- Punctuated Pounding: When the baseball bat is used as a weapon in multiplayer. Also, when Don Weaso kills Paulie with a bat.
- Punny Name: The prehistoric, big-breasted woman in the Uga Buga chapter is called Jugga.
- Quicksand Sucks: The game doesn't have this in the traditional sense (not only because it has no desert levels, but also because sand as a whole is very rarely present in the game), but the creek of poo in the Great Mighty Poo's lair has more or less the same effect: if Conker falls in, he sinks and drowns.
Tropes R to Z
- Racing Minigame: There's one in the Uga Buga chapter, where Conker has to pursue three cavemen and kill them to retrieve his stolen money. This part is also available as a more traditional racing game in multiplayer.
- Railroading: The game is carefully designed to make sure that you complete things in linear story order and ruin any attempts at Sequence Breaking. For example;
- The Bank is cut off thanks to a literal Broken Bridge. Even if you cheat to bypass it, the cutscenes and final level won't play.
- You cannot access the Bats Tower until you solve the Switch puzzle. The Clang Goblings will always move fast enough to keep you from swimming to its entrance in time, knocking you far away from it or killing you. Even if you manage to bypass the guard protecting the switch that kills the other Goblings without dropping a dung ball on him, the Context Sensitive action won't work.
- If you use a cheat device to levitate over the current and try to exit Spooky into Hungover too soon, you'll find that the exit isn't even active.
- Any money that you can levitate to and access prematurely is useless; the cutscene where you actually collect it won't play.
- Even if you cheat and get on top of the barn before you kill Marvin the Mouse, you can't activate the switch to open the Barn door until you go back and kill him.
- Rainbow Speak: While almost every character has black subtitles with white speech bubbles, Gregg the Grim Reaper has the opposite. Also, the lyrics for Sloprano are (fittingly enough) in brown subtitles.
- Random Events Plot: The entire game is very episodic in structure, with the only overarching theme being the threat of the Panther King (who Conker isn't even aware of until the very end) and Conker's goal to simply get home. This was probably done to give more leeway for the game's parodic nature.
- Raptor Attack: Fangy is supposed to be a raptor, but he looks more like a generic tyrannosaurid in that he has 2-fingered hands and no killing claws on his feet. He was, however, given the footclaws in Live and Reloaded.
- Readings Are Off the Scale: The polish level of the Boiler's balls is clearly over 9,000.
Boiler: (with a ludicrously hammy English accent) BALLS OF BRASS, SIRE! POLISHED TO THE N'TH DEGREEEE."
- Recurring Boss: The swarm of Wankas (wasps) that persistently steal the Queen Bee's hive are fought twice during the game. It's only necessary to escape from them with the hive in the first case, while dodging the stings from the angry trio that leads the colony. The second time, however, Conker has to exterminate almost all of them before even trying to take the hive back to the Queen Bee (which in turn requires dodging the three leaders' attacks during the escape phase).
- Red Herring:
- The Windmill. It visibly has paths on higher levels of it that are just out of jumping reach and appears to have a Context-Sensitive Button on top of it. It gets blown up after the War chapter. Conker was sure it was going to be the final level.
- The Panther King's castle. It's a huge structure visible from several parts of the game, the area leading up to it is a broken bridge with several signs to keep anyone out, yet the final area only takes place in a bank that is a small part of it. Conker never enters the castle itself in actual gameplay.
- Redshirt Army: With the exception of the Corporal and Rodent, the entire Squirrel High Command ends up dying at the hand of the Tediz.
- Refuge in Audacity: For crying out loud, one of the bosses is a giant singing pile of feces and there is a section where you get drunk in order to extinguish fire imps by pissing on them!
- Remilitarized Zone: The It's War chapter. Conker is forcefully recruited to fight the Tediz along with other squirrels in the former's military island. A good portion of the chapter sees Conker Dual Wielding guns and switching to first-person shooter mechanics.
- Removing the Head or Destroying the Brain: In the beginning of Spooky, Gregg specifically states that the only way to kill the zombies is a shot through the head.
- Replay Mode: The entirety of the main campaign is replayable via the Chapters menu. Bosses, cutscenes and ending are all included. There are also secret cheats that allow the player to take a look at, and play, a point of the game that is ahead of the current progression in any save file, though for obvious reasons it's not possible to save your progress in that case (and the player has only two lives, since the spots having the usual 1-Up tails are empty in this mode).
- Riddle for the Ages:
- How Kriplespac lost his legs. Live & Reloaded says they were blown off by the S.H.C., while the original game's manual says the Panther King chopped them off himself.
- How Heinrich got into the Panther King's body in the first place. Or rather, how Kriplespac got his egg and implemented it into the King's body.
- Rope Bridge: Early in the game, Conker reaches the area holding the entrance to the Panther King's castle. There's a muddy pitch between him and the entrance, and the only way to cross it is a rope bridge that is already in a state of disrepair. Conker leaps between the remaining planks to reach the other end, but upon reaching the midpoint the plank located there breaks, resulting in the squirrel falling into the ditch. Conker laments the fall and concludes that it's too soon to get into the castle anyway. He eventually gets to the other side by taking an alternate route.
- R-Rated Opening: The very first thing that happens upon booting up the game is a red text that reads that this is for adults only, followed by Conker killing the N64 logo (which the latter was removed on the Xbox versions of the game).
- Ruder and Cruder: Conker started out as a family-friendly franchise. Conker first appeared as a racer in Diddy Kong Racing and had a Game Boy Color game called Conker's Pocket Tales, both of these games being E-rated. Conker was also planned to have his own Nintendo 64 game, Twelve Tales: Conker 64. However, when critics were accusing Rareware of making games for little children, Rareware scrapped the game and retooled it into Bad Fur Day, which was aimed at mature audiences. It uses tons of profanity to distance itself from Banjo-Kazooie. Its remake, Conker: Live & Reloaded used even more profanity for the multiplayer maps, although it's censored until the player completes the campaign mode.
- Rule of Funny: Many absurd events and situations in the game are done for comedic effect.
- Rule of Three: Most bosses are defeated after hitting their weak points three times. So Conker is understandably shocked when the Final Boss comes back after the third hit.
- Screams Like a Little Girl: The Boiler, understandably, after Conker smashes his giant shiny brass testicles with a pair of giant cinder bricks. "MY BAWLS! MYY BAWWWWWLLLLLLLLLS!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- Self-Deprecation: In the Bats chapter, two of the flammable enemies will jump into The Boiler so they can defeat you with it. When they boot him up, he will begin speaking as a living person. The enemies begin arguing about controlling the The Boiler, and he calms them with "Gentlemen, do calm down!" One of the enemies' response is: "He sounds kind of pouncey. Like some English person." Keep in mind that Rare is a British gaming company.
- Sequential Boss:
- Haybot is fought in two phases: When he's covered in a pile of haystack, and when his robotic body is exposed.
- In the rematch against the wasp army, Conker has to shoot the incoming wasps during the first phase, and then escape with the stolen beehive while dodging the last three wasps' stings in the second.
- The Experiment is fought in three phases: He and the Little Girl shoot a downpour of bullets in the first, fire a continuous energy laser in the second, and shoot missiles in the third.
- Sexy Discretion Shot: When the King Bee "pollinates" the flower, we only see Conker's reaction.
- Shades of Suffocation: When Conker dives underwater, he gets an Expressive Health Bar showing his face, which turns bluer the lower he is on oxygen.
- "Shaggy Dog" Story: If you die by fire, the weasels will deliver your ashy remains to the Panther King who casually decides to forget about the whole thing.
- Shall I Repeat That?: The initial jumping tutorial and the pan handling tutorial ask the player if they want to repeat the text.
- Shockwave Stomp: The boss Buga the Knut has this ability (coming along with the unique effect of spreading a wave that bypasses the hard texture of the floor without actually breaking it), and performs it when Conker and the dinosaur he rides are far from him (when they're close, he'll try to attack them with the large bone in his hand instead).
- Short-Range Shotgun: In the multiplayer modes, the Shotgun will One-Hit Kill anyone hit by it at very close ranges, at moderately-close ranges it'll deal 3 points of damage (half of someone's full lifebar) while sending them flying, and at any ranges farther than that it will deal only a single point of damage and merely flinch them, while being incapable of getting headshots.
- Shoot the Shaggy Dog: Finally, Conker manages to rescue Berri, only to see her gunned down before his very eyes.
- Shout-Out: Has its own page.
- A Simple Plan: The whole plot is how Conker's plan of simply going home after a night of drinking doesn't work at all. By the end of it all you get the impression he wished he'd stayed in for the night.
- Singing Voice Dissonance: The Great Mighty Poo's speaking voice and singing voice sound completely different. This was averted in the Xbox remake.
- Single Malt Vision: When Conker first wakes up and is hungover.
- Sir Swears-a-Lot: A good majority of the cast, but Carl (the ruder of the two cogs) takes the cake. Lampshaded by Conker.
Conker: Why is everybody around here so offensive?
- Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: The game is on the cynical end of it.
- Sliding Scale Of Linearity Versus Openness: Unlike most Rare platform games, Conker follows a mostly linear design and storyline, with very few collectibles (namely money and items that are specific to the chapters' objectives). However, during the first half of the game, it's still possible to leave a chapter's area and start another (indeed, Windy, Barn Boys, Bats Tower and Sloprano can be played this way, the only condition is that all of them have to be eventually completed). During the second half, which is set in nightime, the linearity dominates the progression completely, and the last three chapters (Spooky, It's War and Heist) have to be played in that order to finish the game (and once the very last one starts, it won't be possible to turn back).
- Slow "NO!": Private Rodent shouts this in slow motion, just when Conker is about to save the little girl only to be revealed as a boss.
Private Rodent: Connnkkkerrr, nooooooooo!
- So Near, Yet So Far: It is possible to head to the entrance to the final area as early as beating the tutorial, but the bridge leading to it breaks. Conker spends most of the game roaming around the world until an unrelated series of events opens up an alternate passage that leads there.
- Species Surname: Conker signs his name 'Conker T. Squirrel'. The T stands for The.
- Speech Bubble: Comic book speech balloons accompany the game's dialogue.
- Spiritual Antithesis: The game was deliberately designed to be the polar opposite of Super Mario 64 and its imitators, not just in tone but in gameplay. Wheras Mario 64 was a fluid collect-a-thon designed entirely around Mario's moveset and to be as open as possible (with the story being a complete afterthought), Conker is a very linear platformer (to the point where its designed to be impossible to perform any Sequence Breaking to get through the game) that builds its gameplay entirely around its story, hence the context sensitive buttons and variety of gameplay styles supplanting Conker's very limited default moveset.
- Split Personality: The two-faced gear Carl and Quentin. Carl is a foul-mouthed and perverted grouch, while Quentin is effeminate, more polite, and hinted to be gay.
- Squashed Flat: This game puts a bloody twist on this trope. When Conker gets flattened, he bleeds in addition to being flattened in cartoon fashion.
- The Starscream: Ze Professor. He hates working under the Panther King and even implants a Xenomorph egg inside of the king to kill him.
- Stealth Pun:
- After defeating the Great Mighty Poo, Conker quips, "now that's what I call a bowel movement!" "Bowel movement" is, of course, another word for feces, but "movement" is also a musical term for a self-contained part of a composition, most commonly used in chamber music, the kind of music that the Great Mighty Poo sings (which itself is a pun on "chamber pots").
- The beetles have scouse accents - like The Beatles.
- The Stinger: We have the newly crowned King Conker stumble out of the bar just like in the beginning, but going in the other direction this time ...which is both a Here We Go Again! moment and seemingly a Sequel Hook.
- Stop Copying Me: Shortly before the battle against Haybot, the paint bucket tells the paintbrush to stop copying whatever he says. Repeated at the end, but the paintbrush says he's really copying someone else.
- Storming the Beaches: Conker joins up with the Squirrel High Command in its war against the Tediz. He joins a force of Squirrel troops who must capture an enemy beach and attack a large stronghold. They even wear American World War II uniforms. The scene where Conker stands on the beach watching in absolute horror as his fellow squirrels are cut down all around him is one of the very few serious moments in what is otherwise a hilarious comedic game. The player (as Conker) must then charge up the beach while ducking behind cover to avoid machine gun fire.
- Strapped to a Bomb: During the start of the It's War chapter, Conker has to guide characters who have bombs strapped in their backs. He has to take one into the left side of a spot (whose path is filled with moving boxes) and another into the right side (whose path is filled with hidden explosive mines). Conker has to shoot at them so their bombs explode and the remnants of a crash-landed plane are removed.
- Subverted Kids' Show: Once again, this is not a game for children despite its colorful, cartoony art style.
- Sudden Downer Ending: Due to the game being mostly comedic prior to the ending. Conker kills the Xenomorph ripoff and becomes the king and has all the riches he could ever want, but he realizes that this isn't what he wanted; he wanted to go home with Berri (who was killed off by Don Weaso), and now feels remorse that he didn't save her when he could have during the time freeze, and thus she remains dead. Aside from this, Conker achieving a royal status ends up being All for Nothing, as he's surrounded by people he despises and his kingdom is full of morons. He ends the game with the legendary quote: "You don't know what you have until it's gone." Then he repeats "Gone" repeatedly during the credits as tragic music plays in the background. After the credits, Conker turns to liquor to help but it fails entirely, cementing that Conker literally now has nothing- no love, no future and nothing to dull the pain. Falling into another drunken bender, Conker wanders off from the Cock and Plucker, this time in the opposite direction.
- Sunglasses at Night: Conker wears them in the Heist chapter. (And they look pretty freakin' awesome!)
- Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: In War Multiplayer, killing too many of your allies turns them against you as you have basically committed an act of betrayal. The enemies on the other hand don't attack you as well.
- Surrounded by Idiots: Conker after becoming king, and throughout the entire game.
- Symbol Swearing: The game uses comic-style speech balloons instead of subtitles, so fittingly they use these to represent the bleeped obscenities. Legend has it that they were color-coded as to the exact word being replaced, as well.
- Talking Poo: The Great Mighty Poo is a huge and sentient pile of feces. He's also an opera singer.
- Tank Goodness: By the final boss during the War Arc, you're given a tank to defeat them with. If you don't use it, you'll most certainly die instantly outside of it, given the boss' extreme firepower.
- Teeny Weenie: Buga the Knut's less than impressive tackle, despite his boisterous claims of having the biggest bone. But he probably meant this literally, considering his weapon is a literal bone.
- Theme-and-Variations Soundtrack: The game remixes the Windy area theme to make the Barn Boys, Bats' Tower and Uga Buga themes. It also does the same, though to a lesser extent, with the standard boss theme (which is played for Big Boiler and the Wankas), which is remixed into a rural version for the first phase of the battle against Haybot, and later modified more heavily into a military version played when Conker is eaching the coast of the Tediz island while escaping from it.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Don Weaso shoots Berri to death with a tommy gun for a few seconds. Her body is then pushed out the airlock into space by Heinrich.
- Thrown Out The Air Lock: How Conker fights the final boss, in the style of Super Mario 64. Too bad it doesn't kill him, but fortunately, the game locks up just before Conker dies in futility.
- Thong of Shielding: Jugga wears a loincloth made into a thong.
- Those Wacky Nazis: This is most likely the first time that Nazis are portrayed as teddy bears.
- Threatening Shark: Combined with an Angry Guard Dog!
- Tightrope Walking: The eponymous character has to walk onto tightropes in two early chapters. He has to use a flamethrower to drive away the bats that attempt to knock him down.
- Timed Mission: The escape from the Tediz island. Once the little girl activates the Self Destruct sequence, you have 4 minutes and 30 seconds to escape. Luckily, if you die before getting outside (and still have lives in hand), the clock resets to full time. Once you're outside, if you die, you respawn at the entrance to the compound, but you only get 2 minutes. Timing out means instant death as the island blows up.
- Tiny Flyer, Huge Cargo: When turned into a bat, Conker is capable of seizing adult squirrels (whose size is comparable to his own in his usual squirrel form) and flying to the meat grinder to drop them there.
- Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: Conker seems to have a thing for taller women, given that he stands maybe up to his girlfriend Berri's kneecaps. But it truly becomes Huge Girl Tiny Guy when he meets Jugga, a literally gigantic cavewoman. However, it doesn't work out between them.
- Title Drop: Right in the intro when Conker starts to explain how he became King Of All The Land, he says
"It all started yesterday. And what a day that was. It's what I call a Bad Fur Day."
- Toggling Setpiece Puzzle: During the Uga Buga chapter, Conker eventually gains access to the Rock Solid nightclub, and notices that Berri is trapped in a stone jail, being forced to dance for the present public. Beneath the jail are three doors, of which the second is open and the other two are closed. The open door leads to a path above the jail that has some dancing strippers and leads to a switch that opens the closed doors while closing the open one; and the closed doors lead to the ceiling right above the jail. The problem? The switch is a Pressure Plate, so the doors will only alternate their states as long as the switch is kept pressed. Conker has to get drunk and urinate onto a male Rockman to push it like a boulder to the open central door, and then push it normally across the upper path to the switch (while avoiding the moving strippers) so it's kept pressed. Then, with the closed doors now open (and the central one closed), Conker has to urinate onto two more Rockmen to push them respectively into the doors and make them fall onto Berri's jail, breaking it to free her.
- Toilet Humor: LOTS of it. An entire level dedicated to rolling balls of dung, with the linked boss being a huge singing mound of poo.
- Transformation Discretion Shot: Count Batula turns himself and Conker into a bat when he drinks his blood. However, it cuts to the villagers bursting through the door.
- Treacherous Quest Giver: The Bats' Tower chapter begins as a group of catfish ladies ask Conker to retrieve a money that is guarded in a safe, but unapproachable due to an angry bulldog-like fish; the reward, they say, is 10% of their fortune for him. After several hardships (including defeating a boss), Conker succeeds and retrieves the money... which consists of $10, meaning that he'll only gain one dollar for having risked his life scaling a tower full of vengeful bats, dealing with a pervert cog who was sexually abusing other cogs, traversing a dangerous underwater maze, and fighting a living boiler piloted by fire imps who wanted to bully him. And then the bulldog fish breaks free and proceeds to eat the catfish ladies, aiming at Conker next. Only after barely escaping the hungry monster, does Conker receive a real reward ($300).
- Trrrilling Rrrs: How the Great Mighty Poo's song starts: "IIII am the grrreat mighty poo!"
- Tyrannicide: After taking down the Panther King, Conker is made the new King and everyone seems happy now that they're free, everyone except Conker himself, who doesn't really want to be king, mainly because he's depressed over his girlfriend being killed.
- Unexpected Gameplay Change:
- Quite a few times, the first example being the lava boarding level. The War levels kinda came out of nowhere as well, turning the game into a shooter.
- If the Context Sensitive Button appears, be prepared for gameplay changes. What it changes into, that's another story.
- Unexplained Recovery: Marvin the mouse, who explodes from eating too much cheese early on in the game. He somehow returns fully healed, though badly scarred and stitched together.
- The Unfought: The Panther King, Don Weaso, and the Professor are antagonists, but they're never faced as bosses.
- Unusual Euphemism: The sunflower's breasts are referred to as "stamens". Which makes sense, considering she's a sunflower, but on the other hand she's an anthropomorphic sunflower, with very definitely humanoid breasts. Similar, whatever the bee is doing to her is described as "pollenating".
- Urine Trouble: Conker's main weapon when he's drunk is, you guessed it, his own urine.
- Vampire Episode: The Spooky Chapter involves Conker making his way to a castle where he meets his Great x4 Grandfather who happens to be a vampire (in a parody of the 1992 Dracula). Conker himself ends up getting turned into a vampire bat and has to feed his great grandfather the villagers that invade the castle.
- Vampire Vords: Count Batula's speech patterns are sprinkled with this.
- Valley Girl: Berri has the speech patterns of a valley girl.
- Variable Mix: Used throughout, but a notable instance is the sequence involving cutting down stray power lines while the water level below you rises - as the water meets the power lines, the music adds a set of "Psycho" Strings to an otherwise simplistic rhythm until you cut all of the current set of power lines. If you fail to cut the lines before it rises high enough for you to be electrocuted, the strings intensify as you flounder about helplessly.
- The Very Definitely Final Dungeon: Subverted with the windmill. It's visible right in the middle of Windy for the entire game, but teasingly, there's no way inside. Then, after the War chapter, it gets destroyed by accident when Rodent is bounced away from the then-exploding Tediz island (he survives thanks to his armor). Conker says: "Oh no! Where did the windmill go? I was sure that was the final level!" Instead, the actual final level is the Feral Reserve Bank [sic] (which is part of the Panther King's castle), which has been just out of reach for the entire game until the very end, similarly teasing the player.
- Villain Song: The Great Mighty Poo sings during his boss fight.
Great Mighty Poo: ♪I am the Great Mighty Poo! I'm going to throw my shit at you! A huge supply of tish comes from my chocolate starfish. How about some scat, you little twat?♪
- Visual Pun: Seavor reveals in the developers' commentary that he gave the dung beetles Liverpudlian accents because they're beetles.
- Vulgar Humor: Among other things, there's swearing, Toilet Humor, and a mountain made from poo with the boss being a living pile of poo that sings opera.
- Waist-Deep Ocean: The Great Mighty Poo is an operatic poop-monster that lives in a giant feces-encrusted toilet and is shown rising up out of the center of it — which is revealed to be a deep pit once he's flushed away. His Villain Song makes several allusions to him having an ass, implying that he has an unseen lower body and isn't just a Blob Monster.
- Wall of Weapons: The game's ending parodies the white room's weapon mall scene from Matrix when Conker is taken by the game's developers to the debug room. A mobile wall of weapons arrives to his location and he chooses a katana to decapitate the Final Boss with.
- War Arc: And one that serves as what is probably the game's longest chapter.
- War Is Hell: What Conker realizes at the end of the It's War chapter, considering all the squirrel soldiers who end up dying horribly.
- Weirdness Magnet: Conker. He doesn't go looking for any of the insanity the plot thrusts upon him, he just wants to get home.
- Wham Episode: More like a wham chapter combined with
Player Punch which is actually on the final chapter. It starts out like a typical level based spoof. But after grabbing the money, it's revealed that the entire bank robbing was a setup, though not much of a whammer up until Don Weaso kills Berri with Conker finding out too late. And if that weren't enough, after a lengthy cutscene and boss battle, after the game freezes and Conker manipulates it enough to finally defeat the boss for good (via cutscene), Conker finally realizes he forgot to bring back Berri. And the kicker? He had a chance to save her during the game freeze, but didn't. And now he's turned out to be king of all the land, but as they say, "The Grass is Always Greener". How's that for a wham chapter?
- What Did I Do Last Night?: Conker somehow wanders from the bar to the place where he meets Birdy the Scarecrow after a night of heavy binge drinking, and spends the rest of the game trying to get home.
- What the Hell, Player?: Killing more than five allied NPCs in multiplayer war will cause them to turn on you and start attacking while yelling out insults. The opposing team will no longer attack you. Note that they will revert back to normal if you grab the flag. However, in an Arena mission this can mean that you get to take free potshots at the enemy without getting return fire.
- White Gloves: Conker wears them in the N64 version. Averted in the Live & Reloaded remake, where his hands are uncovered.
- Wicked Wasps: The Queen Bee is terrorized by a group of evil wasps who steal her hive away. The wasp army serves collectively as the boss of the Windy chapter.
- Wicked Weasel: Professor Von Kriplespac, Don Weaso, and the Panther King's two minions. All the other weasel characters in the game are either members of Weaso's mob or bank security guards. All of them have connections to the Panther King, who rules over the weasels after he overthrew their old monarch.
- Windmill Scenery: The Windy area features a tall windmill at the top of the spiral mountain at the center, but by the time Conker tries to explore it Rodent accidentally destroys it when he's blown away from the exploding Tediz island. According to Conker himself, it was meant to be the last level in the game (and because of its destruction, the actual level that serves as the last is the Panther King's castle).
- Wingding Eyes: Conker's dollar sign eyes whenever he sees money.
- Wolfpack Boss: The Wankas are a group of wasps who constantly steal the Bee Queen's hive. While Conker only has to flee from the leading trio in the first battle at the start of the game, much later he has to storm their hive and kill the whole colony (by using the Queen's weaponized hive, no less) and then take it back while dodging the stings of the trio for one last time.
- Womb Level: At one point you have to go through a living dinosaur statue idol... thing, with a large amount of green slime and multiple uvulas swinging back and forth. Although the only organic part is the slime; everything else is stone.
- Workout Fanservice: Berri's introductory scene has her doing aerobics in her house, which involves lots of stretches and bending over.
- World Gone Mad: The game takes place in a storybook-esque world where the laws of reality have gone out the window. The Panther King is an idiot who needs a red squirrel to act as a leg for his table, inanimate objects like cogs, cheese, money, and farm tools are alive and sentient, floating chocolate can be found every which way, a giant Talking Poo sings opera and threatens to ram trespassers up his butt, and giant wasps, Nazi teddy bears, and zombie squirrels all appear as enemies. Conker is the only halfway normal person in the world, and even he's a drunken asshole who has no qualms about harming or even killing those in his way.
- World of Ham: Subtlety in a game with a mountain of operatic poop? As if! Almost every character who isn't Conker and Berri are cartoonishly dramatic and extroverted in personality.
- World of Jerkass: It would be far easier to list the characters in this game who are not selfish jerks towards Conker and each other, and Conker himself is no saint either.
- You Bastard!: The game stars an Anti-Hero squirrel, the point of whose whole quest is an attempt to collect money. (Actually, the original cause was he took a wrong-turn walking home, but it quickly turned into the money thing.) Though he occasionally acts heroic, he also kills whoever happens to get in his way, advertently or inadvertently, and much of the game is set in a comical world with bright visuals and happy jazz music that seem straight out of an old Mickey Mouse cartoon. Then at the end, Conker becomes rich by robbing a bank and is crowned king, but his girlfriend dies in the process, and he laments how greedy and foolish he was.
- You Can't Go Home Again: The plot in a nutshell is that Conker has lost his way home. The ending further cements this trope since Berri is dead and Conker becomes king.
- You Have Failed Me: Weaso won't hesitate to throw his soldiers into a river tied to a rock if they fail to rob the Feral Reserve Bank. Weaso is also first seen beating one of his own men to death with a baseball bat in a parody of The Untouchables.
- You Have Researched Breathing: Conker needs the help of Context Sensitive spots to learn or perform basic things like swinging a frying pan or swimming underwater.
Gargoyle's Death
In the original game, the Gargoyle falls off the bridge upon being hit with the frying pan. In Live & Reloaded, he is unaffected, prompting Conker to hit him with a baseball bat and make him flip over, causing a boulder to crush him. The two acknowledge this change.
Example of:
Dies Differently in Adaptation