Deadhunt - TV Tropes

  • ️Thu Jul 27 2023

Deadhunt (Video Game)

This is literally how 65% of the game's enemies looks like.

Deadhunt is a 2005 arcade-style First-Person Shooter developed by Russia's REL Games, an Indie team consisting of 6 developers led by Vadim Mikov.

It also literally doesn't have any plot, whatsoever.

Right off the bat, you're thrown into an arena resembling medieval times, while loaded with all sorts of firearms. And there are hordes of enemies surrounding you, ranging from zombies to skeletons to armored knights to spiders and all that. Of course, you need to kill everything the level throws at you to move to another stage, all the way until the last level when the game runs out of stuff for you to shoot at.

Three different gameplay modes are available:

  • Campaign (progress through a number of stages, each throwing a different enemy type with increasing difficulty at you)
  • Survival (set entirely in a single arena which has everything, all at once)
  • Greed (there's a single enemy that gives out an exorbitant amount of points, track that down before you're mauled by other enemy types)

Kill to survive:

  • Action Bomb: The smaller, red spiders can explode themselves to damage you. They also blow up by default the moment you shoot at them.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Zombies will lose a limb if shot in the shoulder, but it doesn't stop them from resuming their attacks. Shooting both arms off will put it down, though.
  • Beating A Dead Player: When you get killed, the enemies will still attack you for good measure. Especially nasty if the enemies are spiders and they come to feast on you.
  • Bullet Time: When you pick up a "Slowed Down" bonus. Onscreen enemies moves in slow-motion for several seconds as the screen is layered by a red filter, allowing you to pick them off while the power-up is still in effect.
  • Circle of Standing Stones: The first level, and at least a few others, is set in near what appears to be Stonehenge, where you take cover behind tall stone structures while shooting away at surrounding enemies.
  • Dem Bones: After killing enough zombies, you'll start killing skeletons instead.
  • Dual Wield: Enemies in later levels will hack you up with two weapons simultaneously, either dual swords, scythes, picks or maces. These enemy types are among the fastest when attacking.
  • Endless Game: "Survival" mode. Kill everything until you're killed.
  • Enemy-Detecting Radar: There's a circular one on the bottom-left that indicates how many enemies are left in the level, which somes in handy since you'll need to kill everything to progress.
  • Everything Trying to Kill You: Since the game doesn't have a plot, the whole thing is basically "you kill everything that moves, and vice versa".
  • Featureless Protagonist: Your face isn't shown at any point of the game, and it can only be assumed that you're character's a white male.
  • Flash of Pain: The screen momentarily blinks red whenever you suffer a hit.
  • Gangsta Style: You hold your Uzi this way, despite using your pistol the normal method.
  • Giant Spider: An enemy introduced more than halfway into the game, and one of the hardest owing to their size and that they can spit venom from a distance.
  • Heavily Armored Mook: There are armored zombies, starting from undead who wears helmets to full-body platemail, and medieval knights who expectedly takes a lot more effort to kill compared to common mooks. You'll need concentrated fire from automatic weapons to take them down, or try aiming for any unarmored spot.
  • Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels: Four of them:
    • Tourist
    • Recruit
    • Marine
    • Hero
  • Kill Enemies to Open: The stages doesn't have any exits, you just kill everything that moves until there's nothing left, at which point the game teleports you to the following stage.
  • Laser Sight: The Steyr IWS 2000 Sniper Rifle has one built on it's front for aiming at enemies. Oddly enough it doesn't have a scope unlike most FPS snipers.
  • Ludicrous Gibs: Try dropping a grenade into a group of mindless zombies, and watch the gibs fly. They even leave behind ribcages and chunks of flesh where they're blown up.
  • Mooks, but No Bosses: The amount of common enemies you slaughter is insane, but there's nary a boss battle in sight. You just kill everything that moves and automatically move on to the next level.
  • More Dakka: Getting overwhelmed by enemies? The M60 General Purpose Machine Gun is your saviour.
  • Never Bring a Knife to a Gun Fight: All your weapons are firearms (or at the least, ranged, with the grenades) and most enemies (barring some zombies and skeletons who throws blades and acid-spitting giant spiders) only have close-range attacks. You do the math.
  • No Plot? No Problem!: You're in an arena containing a ton of enemies, and you survive by killing everything or get yourself killed. No reason to what led to your predicament and none are needed.
  • Primitive Clubs: The first enemy type the game throws at you are zombies looking like barbarians and neantherthals, all whom are pretty mindless and carries clubs as their default weapon.
  • Race Against Time: "Last Nightmare", the finale of the Campaign, has you deal with enemies while affected by some curse. After you collect three artifacts, you will start losing health unless you kill every single enemy around you. With them respawning constantly unless certain conditions are met, it's far from easy.
  • Sinister Scythe: There's a zombie type who carries a scythe as tall as it is. And it will try roughing you up, dealing even greater damage than swords or axes.
  • Spikes of Villainy: The higher-level knight enemies have spikes adorning their armor, and are among the toughest mooks you'll face.
  • A Winner Is You: On Campaign mode, the final (of at least 40+) stage, "Last Nightmare" concludes with the game throwing a "Congratulations" at you before sending you back to the starting screen.
  • Zerg Rush: As the level progresses and the enemy density gets really extreme, mooks will repeatedly flank you from the sides and attempt overwhelming you by numbers.