Doom II - TV Tropes
- ️Wed Dec 24 2014
PROTIP: To defeat the Cyberdemon, shoot at it until it dies.note
"Something hisses with rage from the steel tunnels ahead. They know you're here. They have no pity, no mercy, take no quarter, and crave none. They're the perfect enemy, in a way. No one's left but you. You... and Them."
— The game's manual
Doom II: Hell on Earth is the 1994 sequel to id Software's hit First-Person Shooter, Doom.
Following the events of the first game, the Doom Marine returns from Hell after killing the Spider Mastermind. When he arrives on Earth however, he finds that the demonic hordes have launched a full-scale invasion and are currently in the process of slaughtering the remnants of humanity. The only hope for civilization is to escape the Earth in a fleet of spaceships, but a force-field set up by the demons is preventing them from leaving the planet. It's up to the Doom Marine to tear through the demonic forces, deactivate the force-field, and journey back into Hell to stop the apocalyptic invasion permanently.
Relying on the same game engine as its predecessor - to the point that the first Doom received some of the second's under-the-hood changes a month prior to its full release with v1.666 - Doom II doesn't stray far from the original's gameplay. It was released at retail from the get-go and has levels which are played in sequence from beginning to end, unlike the shareware release of the first game and its distinct episodes. A host of new enemies were added to the existing roster increase the difficulty and force the player to come up with new strategies while traversing the game's levels. The game also features the addition of the Super Shotgun and the Megasphere, giving the player new ways to kill demons to their heart's content while keeping themselves in top form. In 2010, the game was ported to the Xbox 360 through Xbox LIVE Arcade while featuring a brand new expansion pack called No Rest for the Living, which has been subsequently re-released for PlayStation 3 through the Doom: Classic Complete compilation, as part of Doom 3: BFG Edition, as one of the curated add-ons for the 2019 Enhanced re-releases of the first two classic Doom games, and as part of the DOOM + DOOM II Kex Engine release by Nightdive Studios.
This game was succeeded by Final Doom, consisting of mission packs made within the Doom II engine and Master Levels for Doom II, an expansion pack containing individual levels made by skilled mappers. See also Doom 64 (which is set after Doom II's events) and Legacy of Rust (an official expansion built upon Doom II that adds new enemies and weapons).
This video game provides examples of:
- Abandoned Mine: "The Abandoned Mines". Granted, it doesn't look much like actual mines (then again, none of the levels in the classic Doom games look like the locations they're supposed to be) and it's supposed to be located in Hell, but it does have areas that look like giant underground excavated caverns which probably inspired the level design of Doom³. As you may have guessed, the abandoned mines, aren't.
- Actionized Sequel: Doom was hardly a slow burn, but its levels tended to have just as much of a focus on exploration as they did on demon-battling, and even had some understated horror sequences and spooky music tracks
. Doom II levels focus far more heavily on combat, with enemy counts that routinely number in the hundreds, designs that are frequently centered around wide-open areas that allow plenty of space for monster hordes, and a selection of music much more heavily skewed towards the MIDI format's equivalent to metal.
- A.I. Breaker: One technical concession of the GBA port is how it sacrifices enemies' tendency to aggressively pursue the player far from their spawn points. This is a weakness you can leverage on harder difficulties to retreat to safer areas to find items.
- Airborne Mook: In addition to bringing back Cacodemons and Lost Souls (which have since gone on to have a perfect attendance record in the Doom franchise), the game also introduces the Pain Elementals; they are brown-colored floating demons that spawn Lost Souls. When defeated, they split into more Lost Souls.
- Alien Sky: One sky, namely Hell's sky, is made out of screaming, grimacing faces.
- Always Accurate Attack: The arch-vile's attack will always hit the target unless it leaves the archvile's line of sight before it finishes. Partial invisibility won't cause it to miss, but does affect the knockback direction.
- And Your Reward Is Clothes: The Xbox Live Arcade port offers two Avatar Awards. You'll get a Doom t-shirt for finishing the regular game, while completing the XBLA exclusive episode "No Rest For the Living" will net you a full Marine costume.
- Anti-Frustration Features:
- The Archviles can't resurrect certain enemies: most importantly, they can't resurrect other Archviles, for obvious reasons, but Spiderdemons and Cyberdemons are also unable to be revived, since that would be just plain unfair given the amount of punishment they need to put down the first time. They also can't resurrect anything that doesn't leave behind a corpse, so no resurrecting a Lost Soul or Pain Elemental, though this is due to game limitations as much as it is a deliberate design choice.note
- Lost Souls do not count towards your kill percentage score at the end of a map, due to them being infinitely spawnable by Pain Elementals. So besides saving a player the hassle of having to hunt down every Lost Soul spat out by a Pain Elemental, it also safeguards against 100% kills becoming unachievable in instances where a common glitch occurs that leaves Lost Souls permanently stuck in walls after being expelled from a slain Pain Elemental. This behavior was also backported to the original game with v1.666, which was released near-concurrently with the launch of Doom II. Console ports of the day are exempt from this, however, since they're built off of code compiled from v1.2 for the Atari Jaguar port; Doom II ports simply added what new assets and maps their consoles could fit over the existing code rather than recompiling v1.666.
- Also, in the original version of Doom II, Pain Elementals cannot spawn more Lost Souls if there are too many Lost Souls already existing in the level, to help reduce how hard of an FPS drop the game might have if Pain Elementals weren't capped. A symptom of this change is that if there are too many Lost Souls placed in the level already, the Pain Elemental can't attack, such as with one that can be found early into Map 09 on Ultra-Violence.
- Artificial Stupidity: There are some levels where, at least on high difficulties, the only way for the player to survive is to trigger in-fighting to either reduce enemy numbers or get other monsters to take out or weaken one of the big bads like the Cyberdemon; one level, "Gotcha!", is even titled such because its main set-piece is an arena with both a Cyberdemon and a Spider Mastermind in it, wherein it is incredibly easy to set them to fight each other.
- Ascended Glitch: A quirk of the first two Doom games' engine is that a rocket's splash damage isn't a sphere as might be expected; it's a cube (or square prism) of infinite height. This questionable behavior is what allows you to damage Doom II's final boss.
- Asset Actor: The two secret levels are recreations of, respectively, Floors 1 and 9 from the first episode of Wolfenstein 3-D. While the SS guardians make an appearance as mooks, the dogs are replaced by pink demons. Also, the original boss of that Episode (Hans Grosse), who should appear in the second secret level (based on Floor 9), is absent, but a Cyberdemon appears in his place to roleplay as him.
- Asteroids Monster: The Pain Elemental will spawn up to three Lost Souls in a triangular formation when it's destroyed. However, if you let it live, it'll continually spawn them. Get a Pain Elemental into a fight with another monster, and it'll spit the things like missiles. The manual referenced this, saying that "killing him is almost as bad as letting him live".
- Attack Its Weak Point: The Final Boss of the game, the Icon of Sin, has you firing rockets into the brain of the Icon. When using the idclip cheat, however, you can go into the brain and see... John Romero's severed head impaled on a stick. Also, if you reverse what the demon chants at the start of the battle, you'll hear the message "To win the game you must kill me, John Romero!"
- Attract Mode: Just like the original, the game will play a demo if left on the title screen for a second or two.
- Back from the Brink: The backstory has the combined forces of humanity making one last counter-offensive to retake the Starport and evacuate Earth. Every last one of them is annihilated besides the protagonist, who must then retake the Starport himself and save the day.
- Background Boss: Rather than being a sprite like other monsters in the game, the final boss makes up one of the walls of the last chamber. Its attack method is to fire cubes at pre-determined locations, spawning monsters (which can telefrag you if you're not paying attention). The only way to win is to fire rockets through the small opening in his forehead.
- Badass Normal: Once again, the Doom Marine. He's so badass that he actually destroys Hell.
- Bag of Spilling: The game's complementary expansion, released as the Master Levels for Doom II, has each level be played with full independence from the others; so even after you've amassed a large arsenal after completing a level, you'll begin the next with just a pistol and your fists. This is because each of these levels was developed by a different person under contract. The only exception is the secret level accessed from the standard final level, which retains the arsenal amassed in the latter.
- Baphomet: The Icon of Sin, the final boss, has the appearance of this biblical entity, Its name is confirmed to be Baphomet in Final Doom.
- Battle Theme Music: The game plays the eerie "Opening to Hell" in the final level, where the Marine meets the Icon of Sin. The secret level Grosse plays "Ultimate Challenge" (of Wolfenstein 3-D fame), as it's a remake of the Boss-Only Level where BJ Blazkowicz originally fought against Hans Grosse in his game's first episode (though here the boss fought instead is a Cyberdemon). To a lesser extent, there's also "Shawn's Got the Shotgun", played in the seventh map which consists of a Wolfpack Boss battle against a team of Mancubi and Arachnotrons.
- Black Blood: As with the Game Boy Advance port of the first game, all blood in the GBA port of Doom II is changed to green.
- Blackout Basement: Maps 05, 10 and 25, which are respectively "The Waste Tunnels", "Refueling Base" and "Bloodfalls". Once again, there's a Light Amplification Visor power up that gives you perfect fullbright vision for a limited time, but it's rarely put in the levels; with the limited engine, varying light levels and effects are crucial to level atmosphere. The invulnerability powerup also effectively makes everything perfectly lit as part of its inverted B&W vision effect, but being what it is, it's even rarer than the LAV.
- Bloodier and Gorier: Even by playing just the censored T-rated green-blooded GBA version of the sequel, you can tell that the sequel is a tad gorier than the first game, as some of the new enemies, such as the chaingunner/heavy weapons dude and the mancubus, softly break apart with blood oozing out once you vanquish them.
- Bookcase Passage: The game introduces a bookcase texture for walls, which leads to many, many, many exact examples of this trope in maps featuring library-like areas.
- Boring, but Practical: This trend is averted with the Super Shotgun. The single-barrel shotgun remains for dealing with medium to long-range monsters, while the double-barrel shotgun fills the role of short-range-stopping-power awesomely. Ammo remains available enough for the weapon, and for a lot of cases, it can be used as the standard gun. A very handy feature of this weapon is that few monsters can withstand all of the buckshot from the weapon without being stunned in pain.
- Boring Return Journey: The end has your character taking the long trek back home after practically destroying Hell.
- Boss-Arena Idiocy: The final boss is a giant invulnerable face in the wall of an arena which spawns endless monsters from the hole in its forehead, its only weak spot. You can shoot rockets into the hole to kill it, but such a task would be impossible if not for the arena providing a convenient elevator that reaches right about the height of the brain hole.
- Boss in Mook Clothing: Doom II adds Archviles, which can attack you no matter the distance and will always hit as long as it has a clear line of sight, is almost Immune to Flinching, and has the ability to resurrect many varieties of other monsters at full health to add on to the pain.
- Boss-Only Level:
- Icon of Sin (the final level) is technically this, though the eponymous Icon is also a Mook Maker and will fill the level with enemies once you start the fight.
- The second secret level, being a Call-Back to Wolfenstein 3-D, has this trait on lower difficulties (Hurt Me Plenty and above add SS Nazis to the level; there's also the four hanging Commander Keens you have to kill to exit the level, but they're totally harmless).
- The secret level accessible from the Express Elevator to Hell in the Master Levels consists of a very wide room with at least 20 Cyberdemons (up to 34 in the highest difficulty setting) and a Spider Mastermind. The trick is to crush them with the ceiling while using an Invincibility Power-Up. On the way to the exit, there are a few regular enemies, but they're easy to deal with.
- Boss Room: MAP20: Gotcha!, with an extremely large room with two pillars in the center. Upon entering the room, the pillars lower to reveal both a Cyberdemon and a Spider Mastermind. Played with in that it's actually set up for you to deliberately invoke a battle between the two, after which you can kill the weakened victor.
- Bowdlerise:
- All blood effects in the GBA port were re-colored green, and almost all gore effects were excised. One notable exception is the chaingunner softly splitting in half upon death.
- German releases do not contain the Wolfenstein 3-D-inspired levels 31 or 32.
- The BFG Edition and XBLA versions completely purged
the secret Wolfenstein 3D levels of every Wolfenstein element: No Swastikas nor Hitler portraits, the SS guards are replaced by zombiemen squads, the unique map music themes have been replaced by the theme of MAP05 for both maps and the levels have been renamed ("Wolfenstein" to "IDKFA" and "Grosse" to "Keen") The red crosses on health packs were also removed, replaced with little red-and-white pills because of complaints by the International Red Cross about use of their symbol. The two levels were eventually mostly restored in the Unity ports as of the January 2020 patch; the SS troopers were brought back to their original spots, but are called the "Schutzkämpfer" instead. The crosses, portraits, music, and names are also restored, but with the swastikas bearing the triangle emblem of Germany's version of Wolfenstein: The New Order, and Hitler's portrait being mustacheless to more resemble the "Staatmeister" from the SNES port of Wolf3D. The pills that formerly took the place of the red crosses have been replaced as well, now as a green cross.
- Brain Monster:
- Alongside the returning Spider Mastermind are her children the Arachnotrons, which are basically smaller versions with plasma guns.
- The final boss is the Icon of Sin, a giant skeletal goat face with an exposed brain as a weak point. It is only vulnerable to rockets, however.
- Brutal Bonus Level: The Master Levels expansion has MAP32: Bad Dream
, the secret level in the file TEETH.WAD. While the solution to this level is actually quite simple, being confronted with dozens of Cyberdemons at once allows the level to live up to its name.
- Ceiling Corpse: The second secret level ends with four Keen corpses hanging from the ceiling.
- Crapsack World: Per the game's narration: "Now you are the only Human left on the face of the planet. Cannibal mutations, carnivorous aliens, and evil spirits are your only neighbors..."
- Creator Cameo: To win Doom II, you must defeat the Icon of Sin, whose inner core takes the form of oremoR nhoJ.
- Curtain Call: The game's ending features a version of this after the final text sequence when you defeat the Final Boss, individually displaying and naming each enemy in the game. They normally show off their walking animation in this sequence, occasionally firing in the direction of the camera as well, until you press a button, at which point that enemy dies and the sequence moves on to the next enemy. It also includes the player character himself in this sequence, after which it goes back to the starting Zombieman and continues looping like this until you quit the game or start over.
- Dancing Mook Credits: The ending lets you watch the moving, action, and death sequences of all the enemies (and yourself!) in a never-ending (looping) parade of slaughter and screams, which are killed and advanced to the next enemy with a key-press.
- Darker and Edgier: Doom II ups the stakes from the first game, where the demonic invasion was at least limited to a couple remote UAC bases on Phobos and Deimos. By the second game, the demons have finally invaded Earth itself. The PlayStation and Saturn ports (which actually consist of selected levels from the first and second games with a few new levels thrown in) go even further, using haunting dark ambient soundtracks, colorized sectors to give the levels a gloomy feel, and more intimidating sound effects for the monsters.
- Dead-End Room: Done deliberately in MAP12, "The Factory"; the door to the exit room is a yellow-key door outside and a red-key door inside, but there is no red key in the level, so unless one is playing in deathmatch mode or cheating, once inside the only way out is through the exit.
- Death by Cameo: John Romero's head is the Big Bad (more accurately, the Big Bad's hit-box, and it can only be found using the "idclip" cheat and walking into the boss' brain).
- Degraded Boss:
- The Cyberdemon and Spider Mastermind return as strong enemies, retaining their strength and HP but no longer being bosses. And in some cases, the current level may play in your favor to defeat either or both more easily. The Barons of Hell also return, but they had already been degraded after the first game's first episode (the game even adds the Hell Knights, which are weaker variants).
- After serving as the Final Boss of the base game, the Icon of Sin reappears at the end of Map 15 in Master Levels (titled Mephisto's Maosoleum); however, it's smaller due to the wall's size and much easier (as you're now positioned from a more convenient spot to hit its weak point directly). Also, it's no longer the Final Boss, as that level isn't the last in the collection.
- Dem Bones; In addition to bringing back Lost Souls, the game adds the Revenants, which are giant skeletons wearing metal chest armor and shoulder-mounted missile launchers.
- Descending Ceiling: In MAP06: "The Crusher", the titular crusher houses either Hell Knights or (on Ultra-Violence and Nightmare) the Spider Mastermind, who guards a Plasma Rifle. You can hit a switch causing the ceiling to fall and squish them to death. The Spider Mastermind is especially notable since at this point in the game you are likely otherwise ill-equipped to take her in a straight fight, but the crusher combined with the other enemies she will invariably infight with ensures a fast and simple defeat.
- Disc-One Nuke: The Super Shotgun. You get this weapon in the second level in the game and will make the regular shotgun mostly redundant. This weapon does about as much damage as the Rocket Launcher at close range. While the Rocket Launcher is better used at farther distances and its faster rate of fire gives it considerably better DPS, the Super Shotgun is a lot more safe (buckshot obviously doesn't have splash damage) and there are plenty of shotgun shells in the game.
- Doomed Hometown: Doomguy is told in an intermission screen that "the alien base is in the heart of your own home city, not far from the starport."
- Down the Drain: MAP02, "Underhalls", is probably the first such case in a first-person shooter, even codifying the idea of a sewer level being one of the earliest ones. It's not too noticeable for several reasons, chief among them the fact that the levels of classic Doom, this one included, are abstract and difficult to discern as real-world locations even before Hellish influence starts obviously taking hold, as well as the fact that it's not a particularly annoying level compared to any others.
- Drought Level of Doom: Level 9, "The Pit", is famous for not having quite enough ammo to destroy all the monsters, even on a full playthrough. Those wanting 100% completion usually have to resort to using the fists or chainsaw for good chunks of the level.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: Doomguy not only stops the demonic invasion, but he basically destroys Hell in the process. While millions are dead from the demonic invasion, at least the survivors have a future.
- Easter Egg: A well-hidden one within the Final Boss. You're forced to shoot rockets into the exposed brain of a demon's head which takes up most of the wall. If you cheat through, you can see that the demon's brain is designer John Romero's head on a pike. And the demonic-sounding sound file at the beginning is just the phrase "To win the game, you must kill me, John Romero" played backwards.
- Elevator Action Sequence: In the final map of the Master Levels expansion, the aptly-named Express Elevator to Hell, Doomguy starts in a large octagonal elevator from which he can access to eight different paths (each one identified with a floor number). Problem is, several enemies will be in the paths' entrances ready to gun him down, so the character has to deal with them as the elevator goes up and down before going through the paths proper (starting with Floor 1). As the level progresses, some of the enemies from the then-opened higher paths will make their way to the elevator, thus prolonging the shootout sequence.
- Elite Mooks: A good number of them are introduced in this game:
- The Revenants are not much resistant compared to the other examples, but their homing head missiles and their impressive mobility make them dangerous enemies.
- The Mancubi are extremely slow, but are almost as resistant as a Baron of Hell, and their Arm Cannons shoot powerful missiles they don't throw directly at you, but by following a subtle pattern to make sure you will take them.
- The Arachnotrons are degraded versions of the Spider Mastermind from the first game, except they use rapid-firing Plasma Cannons: they are less resistant than the Mancubi, but more mobile (when they're not firing) and as destructive as them.
- The Arch-Viles are not only extremely mobile and resistant, but they only need to see you to hurt you with their flames, and their ability to summon or resurrect lesser mooks makes them primary targets, forcing you to expose yourself to their flames.
- Enemy Roll Call: Hell on Earth shows each enemy along with the name in the ending, but some of the names differ from those in the manual.
- Enemy Summoner: Pain Elementals, which only summon Lost Souls, and the Icon of Sin, which summons almost every kind of enemy in the game.
- Eternal Engine: The maps explored during the halfway point of the game take attempt to present an industrial setting mixed with Metropolis Level (as the game takes place on Earth), and the 12th map is even called The Factory. However, the maps could not be large enough to fully implement the intended ideas due to hardware limitations. Fortunately, many fan-made maps rectified this. Several maps of Sunder and Tetanus, such as The Zealous Machine
, are good examples.
- Excuse Plot: The whole plot is "You return to Earth, only to find that the situation is even worse than it was on Mars." Never mind that the game reuses the exact same textures/graphics from the original and that absolutely nothing about it looks like "Earth."
- Expansion Pack: Master Levels for Doom II, a collection of standalone levels produced by some popular members of the WAD community of the time (the titular "Masters"). There was also Final Doom, a pair of 32-level campaigns that was promoted as another expansion, but unlike Master Levels, actually didn't require a copy of Doom II to work. Lastly, No Rest For The Living was released as an add-on by Nerve Software for the Xbox Live Arcade release of Doom II as well as its inclusion within the BFG Edition of Doom 3; it has only eight levels (plus a secret one), but they're considerably longer and more challenging than those of the vanilla game. All these expansions have since been available (alongside other fan-made mods) as free DLC add-ons for the Unity ports of Doom and Doom II for Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC.
- Exploding Barrels: There's a level full of them — Barrels O' Fun — a classic example.
- Fireballs: Mancubi and Revenants shoot fireballs at you that act a lot like rockets — and the Revenant's have the ability to home in on you like a heatseeker.
- Fat Bastard: The Mancubi from are ludicrously fat (or at least big-boned), and their idiosyncratic projectile patterns are sure to make more than a few new players find them to be quite the bastards.
- Fission Mailed: Near the end of the Final Boss battle, if Doomguy gets killed right after launching a rocket and this projectile successfully lands onto the weak point of the Icon of Sin, the boss will die and the game will register this as a victory
- Flunky Boss: There's a Spider Mastermind (though at this point it's a Degraded Boss) surrounded by several Arachnotrons, and in a later level two Spider Masterminds with a swarm of Arachnotrons in sight. Since it's Doom, you can get the two monster types to kill each other. Additionally, the Icon of Sin summons demons as its only defense.
- Franchise Codifier: While the original Doom has thrilling battles against hordes of demons, its levels also have a fair amount of exploration as in addition to some horror-inspired sequences and soundtracks. The sequel features levels that focus more heavily on combat and fast movement, which became the series' trademarks.
- Game Mod: Even more popular for Doom II than for the original, since it runs on the same game engine as Doom but contains new content such as the Super Shotgun, several new enemies, and a couple other features; due to all the new content, and accounting for that there was only a year between the release of the two games, the vast majority of Doom WADs use Doom II, with probably over 95% of WADs and mods being for Doom II rather than Ultimate Doom.
- Ghost City: By the end of the first third of the game, this applies to the entire planet, with every surviving human except for the Doomguy escaping Hell on Earth once he's able to clear a way out. The second third of the game focuses on the Doomguy exploring his now-deserted home city searching for the demons' entry point, his only encounters with other humans being ones that have been turned into zombies (save for the secret levels, which let him square up against Nazis).
- Gimmick Level: The game features the level Barrels o' Fun. As the name suggests, the level is stuffed with large amounts of barrels, and the first two areas feature you running through rows of barrels to safety as a monster emerges behind you, attacks and inadvertently sets off a chain reaction of exploding barrels.
- Glass Cannon: The Chaingunners and Revenants are this; the former only having marginally more health than other former humans, but able to really put the hurt on you and even other monsters with a rapid hitscan attack that can't be reliably dodged except by putting a solid object between you and them, while Revenants have relatively low health for a higher tier demon (they have 300 HP, while everything else above a Pinky has at least 400), but are one of the fastest monsters in the game and shoot homing rockets at you that deal up to 80 damage, and pummel you quickly to pulp up close.
- Guide Dang It!:
- Finding the first secret level exit in "Level 15: Industrial Zone" can be counter-intuitive. You need to unlock a secret area inside the lavapit at the top region of the city, and enter this secret, then backtrack to an earlier area and find that a secret room has opened in a Non Sequitur manner. Additionally, due to how one secret sector is positioned, it is also normally impossible to trigger it for the purpose of 100% Completion due to a teleporter line toggling before you can touch the secret sector, unless you use an obscure bug where a Pain Elemental spawns a lost soul that pushes you onto the sector.
- "Level 19: The Citadel" may be confusing to navigate as many of the paths are accessed by secret passages, including the way to the three keys for the exit (fortunately, you only need two out of the three keys, red and either one of the other two, to open up the exit). note
- Hard-Mode Mooks: Just like in the first game, monsters are flagged with which difficulties they can appear on, which is used to increase the concentration of monsters, feature stronger ones earlier, and/or even replace lower-tier ones with stronger ones as you increase the difficulty. MAP01: Entryway has only nine monsters on ITYTD and HNTR and triples those numbers on UV and NM; the Hell Knight first appears on MAP05: The Waste Tunnels on UV above and is otherwise held back until MAP06: The Crusher; and on UV and NM, three of said Hell Knights in MAP06 are replaced with the first appearance of the Spider Mastermind, which otherwise doesn't appear until two-thirds of the way through the game in MAP20.
- Heart Container: On top of all the health and armor power-ups from the first game, Doom II features the introduction of the Megaspheres, which instantly fill you to 200 health and megaarmor.
- Hell on Earth: True to the game's subtitle, the story involves you dealing with the demonic invasion that was revealed to begin at the end of the first game, and you handle it the only way you know.
- Hero-Tracking Failure: The game added a bevy of new demons with scattered/homing/instant-hit attacks, all intended to defeat simple circle-strafing tactics that were prevalent in the first game and bring keyboard-and-mouse players back in line with those who only used one or the other.
- Heroic Mime: The Doom Marine once again. He does however talk to several people through comlinks, albeit offscreen.
- Homage: There are two secret levels lifted almost directly from Wolfenstein 3-D, the second of which ended with an appearance by a quartet of (soon-to-be) dead Commander Keens.
- Hitbox Dissonance:
- Revenants have a very tall sprite, with them appearing even taller than Barons. However the height of their hurtbox and collision box is 56 units, the same as all the other smaller enemies. As a result, you won't be able to shoot a Revenents from an upper platform when only the top of its body is visible, and a Revenant can walk into places too short for its sprite, resulting in it clipping through the ceiling.
- Mancubi's fireballs have sprites that are much larger than the fireballs of Imps, Cacodemons, and the Hell Nobles, however their hitbox is the same size as them, so the edges of their fireballs will not register as hitting anything. Conversely, the plasma bolts of Arachnotrons have sprites the size of around those smaller fireballs, yet their hitbox is over twice as wide.
- Homing Projectile: The Revenants launch missiles that the player has to get real creative to avoid.
- Hybrid Monster:
- Mancubi are demons with guns for hands.
- Arachnotrons are giant brains with robotic spider bodies.
- Cyberdemons (also present in the original game) have a rocket launcher for an arm, one robotic leg each, and wires for a midriff. Those aren't really hybrids, they're more like a demonic Hollywood Cyborg.
- Iconic Sequel Character: The skeletal rocket-launching Revenants make their debut here, and would go on to become one of the most famous enemies in the series, especially featuring heavily in the marketing for Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal.
- Increasingly Lethal Enemy: The Pain Elementals are Mook Makers which spit out endless amounts of Lost Souls, potentially creating a swarm of them if left unchecked.
- Instakill Mook: If the Icon of Sin spawns an enemy on top of the player, it will instantly kill them via Tele-Frag, even if God Mode is enabled.
- Insurmountable Waist-Height Fence: A couple examples brought about by the original game's inability to jump, which means they can be beaten in a handful of seconds if you play on a source port that allows jumping.
- Level 3, "The Gantlet", has the final area separated from one of the first rooms by a wall at about shoulder height, which if the player could jump would allow them to immediately get over it, but since they can't requires them to explore a second part killing enemies and making their way to a teleport to get over that wall. Playing on a source port that allows jumping means you can complete the level in about ten to fifteen seconds.
- Level 7, "Dead Simple", has the exit switch on a waist-high platform that the player normally cannot jump over. What unlocks the exit in regular gameplay is a set of stair steps that rise from the ground once all enemies are killed. With a source port, the level can be finished in three seconds.
- Interface Screw: If flames start rising up your screen, hide right now, because an Arch-vile is about to explode you!
- Joke Character: The Spider Mastermind was considered to be a terrible final boss in the original game due to being a step down in every way from the Cyberdemon that capped off the second episode, and is in general considered to be a poorly-designed enemy that's very difficult to use effectively in a serious and fair manner, so the creators didn't hold back in using her in Doom II in ways that seem intended to make fun of her. Her first appearance on Ultra-Violence and Nightmare difficulty is as the punchline to MAP06: The Crusher, where you flip a switch and the eponymous crusher slowly but effortlessly kills her for you. After then sitting out over half the game, MAP20: Gotcha!'s major setpiece is a duel between a Spider Mastermind and a Cyberdemon, setting them at a distance where the Cyberdemon wins almost every time (even if the Mastermind wins without interference, she'll be so near-death she's not a threat anymore). MAP23: Barrels o' Fun has one in a monster closet, who is flanked by several Arachnotrons that she can easily be set to infight with, and which she can even die to given their higher numbers. Finally, MAP28: The Spirit World has two in one area, where they can be rigged to fight another crowd of Arachnotrons, rigged to fight each other, or dealt with easily using the BFG, energy ammo, and invulnerability powerups placed near them.
- Kaizo Trap:
- There's a nasty section in the aptly named 'Tricks and Traps' map - the final corridor to the exit lowers into an inescapable lava pool unless you know to run full pelt along it. The first time you play it, expect to reload.
- "The Chasm" teleports the player to within eyesight of the exit portal... on a series of narrow beams suspended over inescapable toxic waste. And the player will be bombarded by flying Lost Souls, likely knocking them off for a slow death.
- Kill Enemies to Open:
- "Dead Simple" (MAP07) starts the player inside a cloister with several mancubi. Once all the mancubi fall, the outer walls lower to reveal a fleet of arachnotrons in the outer perimeter. Killing them raises the central platform so that you can exit.
- The 15th stage of the Master Levels requires defeating groups of enemies to activate contraptions that allow the player to progress, such as the Revenants outside the building to access a teleporter, Arachnotrons to open the inner corners of the buildings, and the last wave of Hell Knights to lower the column holding the blue key.
- King Mook: Inverted with Arachnotrons, which are the minion version of the Spider Mastermind who first appeared in Doom. Also inverted with Hell Knights, which are weaker versions of Barons of Hell.
- Last Ditch Move: The Pain Elementals release a handful of Lost Souls when they die.
- Last Lousy Point: "Industrial Zone" has a secret teleporter that is in itself not too hard to find - though the problem arises from that it's both a teleport pad and a secret-flagged zone. To register finding the secret, you have to touch the floor of the teleport pad; trying to do so will teleport you away right before you touch the floor. It took until 2018 before somebody managed to officially "find" it (by getting a Pain Elemental to spawn a Lost Soul directly on the marine's head at the right instant, shoving him into the pad's floor before the teleport took effect). John Romero seemingly confirmed on Twitter
that this obscure method which appears to be a bug was in fact the intended solution, though this was probably a joke, as he then backtracked when asked again
, saying that the secret being unobtainable normally was a mistake they didn't catch because id had no QA team at the time. The GBA port from a decade later fixes the secret, but breaks the teleporter - an acceptable loss, considering it's just another shortcut back to the other side of the lava-river.
- Level 1 Music Represents: "Running from Evil
", the theme for Maps 1 and 15, is probably the most iconic of the Doom II soundtrack. The first Wolfenstein 3D-based secret level averts this, however, using "Evil Incarnate
", the theme of the Final Boss level from its expansion Spear of Destiny, rather than its original track
- Lightning Bruiser: Archviles are the fastest moving enemies in the game outside a charging Lost Soul and Demons/Spectres on nightmare difficulty, while having the fourth highest HP in the game with 700 alongside the lowest pain chance of any monster, and an attack that will always do a very high 80 damage.
- Living Structure Monster: The Icon of Sin, a wall with a picture of a demon on it and the Final Boss, attacks you by summoning his various demonic flunkies to fight you. Its weak-point is a point on his "head" which lets you pump rockets directly into its brain.
- Long Song, Short Scene: The intermission screen song
, which plays once you finish a level. It's nearly 3 minutes long, but since there's no reason to linger at the intermission screen, most players will just hear the first few seconds.
- Luck-Based Mission: The final boss can summon any demon that isn't a Cyberdemon or Spiderdemon. God help you if it summons a Pain Elemental, or worse, an Arch-Vile.
- Marathon Level: Going by the "par time" at the end of the levels, Maps 17, "Tenements", and 28, "The Spirit World", are over seven minutes in a game where the par rarely goes over three.
- Meaningful Name: For the initial release of the game, its engine was at version 1.666.
- Metropolis Level: True to the game's subtitle ("Hell on Earth"), some of the levels played halfway through the game's campaign take place in cities ravaged by the demons, even showing an urban metropolitan landscape in their backgrounds. Examples include The Factory (12), Downtown (13) and Industrial Zone (15). These maps have a more open-ended design than the UAC and Hell levels.
- Mission-Pack Sequel: Aside from a handful of new enemy types and one new weapon (the Super Shotgun, which is just an upgraded version of the existing shotgun), Doom II is graphically and mechanically identical to its predecessor. Many console ports, most distinctly the PlayStation version, actually combine levels from both Doom and Doom II into one massive 50+-level game, even placing some of the new II elements into levels from the original (e.g. adding in the Super Shotgun and replacing some enemies with Hell Knights and Mancubi on higher difficulties), essentially treating the second game as a literal mission pack. The two games are so similar, and so immediately distinct from all future games in the series, that many fans often lump them together, referring to them (along with Master Levels for Doom II, Final Doom, and more rarely Doom 64 and No Rest for the Living) as simply "Classic Doom".
- Mook Maker:
- The Pain Elementals, flying Cacodemon-like gasbag monsters that spit out flying skulls called Lost Souls, and could do so forever until you killed them, at which point they released three more Lost Souls upon death just to spite you. They have a deliberate limitation implemented to stop them from flooding the map with Lost Souls and slowing everything down to a crawl (we are talking about a game from 1994 being played on even older machines, after all). The universal map limit is 21 Lost Souls, a number which is achievable on any stock map that includes Pain Elementals. Some PWADs actually go so far as to take advantage of this feature, booby-trapping special items with crushers that kill out-of-area Lost Souls, allowing the present Pain Elementals to start ruining your day.
- A second example is the Final Boss, (The Icon of Sin) which spits out cubes that turn into demons upon landing (and can kill you even in god mode if you happen to be where a cube landed). To defeat it, you launch rockets into its exposed brain and hit the head of John Romero behind it with Splash Damage.
- Moral Myopia: The Arch-Vile is Hell's healer. It screams "why?" as it dies, because it has no idea why you wanted to kill it. After all, it surely can't be those deadly fire spells it was attacking you with. The creature is also puzzled as to why you don't want it to revive the fallen demons, ignoring that said demons have tried to kill you.
- Non-Indicative Name: The first level set in Hell is called "Nirvana", even though Nirvana is basically the Buddhist Heaven, making it a rather odd choice of name.
- Noob Bridge: Once you reach "Dead Simple" and "Tricks and Traps", you're not going to progress much further if you don't know how to switch weapons or invoke monster in-fighting (especially if you're fresh from Wolfenstein 3-D, where switching weapons was almost never necessary and explicit monster in-fighting didn't exist).
- No OSHA Compliance: Rivers of toxic ooze run though the middle of a high-tech military base, for no particular reason. The strategy guide practically calls this trope out by name, in its description for the Radiation Suit: "OSHA may not like it, but to get the job done, you're going to have to handle some toxic waste every now and then."
- Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond: The Wolfenstein SS are this. They were fearsome in Wolfenstein 3D, where you had just bullets, but when you get shotgun shells and rocket launchers they become pushovers.
- Nostalgia Level: The game's two secret levels are set in Castle Wolfenstein. The first one is E1M1, complete with the same secret exit as in that game, which here takes you to E1M9, the Boss Level - with a Cyberdemon replacing Hans Grosse. That level auto-ended when you ran across a certain spot in the last room in the original; that room is now where you must kill four Commander Keens to finish the game.
- No Swastikas:
- The two secret levels are absent in the German version, as they are literally updated ports of two Wolfenstein 3-D levels, swastika-banners and all. Doom Classic Complete (as can be downloaded on the PS3) and the BFG Edition (available multiplatform) include the two secret levels, but with some major changes: Everything reminiscent of Wolfenstein 3D has been completely purged
, all enemies have been replaced with standard Doom II opponents, and the levels themselves have been renamed ("Wolfenstein" to "IDKFA" and "Grosse" to "Keen"). The only thing that remains is the layout of both levels. No Swastikas nor Hitler portraits, the SS guards are replaced by zombiemen squads, and the unique map music themes have been replaced by the theme of MAP05 for both maps.
- The GBA version censors the two secret levels but in a much tamer way, replacing Swastikas and images of Hitler with imagery from Return to Castle Wolfenstein (such as the Hitler portrait now being series Big Bad Deathshead). The SS Guards were untouched, German dialogue and all.
- The Unity engine port restores the original textures and level names, but replaces swastikas with the alternate triangular-shaped symbol seen in the newer Wolfenstein games, changes Hitler's face to not have a moustache (essentially turning him into the Staatmeister from the SNES Wolfenstein) and redubs the SS enemies to say "Schutzkämpfer!" instead of "Schutzstaffel!".
- The two secret levels are absent in the German version, as they are literally updated ports of two Wolfenstein 3-D levels, swastika-banners and all. Doom Classic Complete (as can be downloaded on the PS3) and the BFG Edition (available multiplatform) include the two secret levels, but with some major changes: Everything reminiscent of Wolfenstein 3D has been completely purged
- No Sympathy Between Mooks: A notable subversion occurs with the Arch-Vile enemy whose main task is to resurrect fallen comrades. Although he can attack the player with a fairly devastating psychic explosion attack, he will normally spend most of his time searching for corpses to bring back to life. Though Arch-Viles will never revive slain Arch-Viles, Cyberdemons or Spider Masterminds.
- One-Hit Kill: During the Final Boss fight, the Icon of Sin will send diabolical cubes that summon enemies upon landing on the floor. If you're positioned right where a cube lands, the summoned enemy will Tele-Frag you, killing you instantly.
- One-Man Army: The game takes this further than the first game already did, with the Doomguy out-and-out destroying Hell on his second rampage (Granted, via the death throes of the Final Boss).
- Outrun the Fireball: Level 23, "Barrels O' Fun", has this with groups of exploding barrels and enemies that can set them off.
- Over 100% Completion: The Final Boss, the Icon of Sin, will continuously spawn in hordes of enemies, meaning the player will likely have a kill percentage in the thousands. This also happens when that boss is fought again in one of the Master Levels as well as Game Mods featuring the Icon of Sin (including the commercially-released ones for Final Doom).
- Palette Swap: A palette swap was used to create the Hell Knight from the Baron of Hell; however, both sets of sprites are present in the game's data and the two are treated by the game as totally separate enemy types, other than being hard-coded against the usual rules for taking and responding to friendly fire.
- Permanently Missable Content: Just like in the first Doom, some maps have areas and secrets that can only be accessed once, and should you fail to get into those areas before access to them is closed off or once you leave them, you'll be unable to access them again without restarting the entire level. The most infamous of these is a secret in the 27th map, "Monster Condo", where there's a secret area that's opened for 30 seconds upon starting the level, and should you fail to get into the area within the first 30 seconds, walls will come down and close it off permanently, with no way to open them back up from the outside, requiring you to restart the map if you want to tag all the secrets.
- Planet Heck: Doomguy pays Hell another visit in this game, except this time he fights them on Earth before going to Hell, and this time he actually destroys Hell, and afterwards idly wonders where bad folks will go when they die.
- Playing with Fire: The Arch-vile is a powerful demon shaped like a humanoid being wearing a flaming robe. It can not only revive enemies, but also induce a corporeal ignition into the Marine's body, resulting in a severe loss of health after a few seconds unless the Marine escapes the enemy's line of sight.
- Post-Defeat Explosion Chain: The Final Boss on level 30 is the Icon of Sin, a huge portrait of Baphomet that's a Mook Maker, spawning random monsters from an aperture in its forehead. When defeated by launching rockets into that aperture, the Doom engine generates a series of rocket explosions all over the face of Baphomet before segueing to a text screen declaring the player victorious.
- "Psycho" Strings: The title screen's music, contrasting the upbeat rock music heard in the first game's title screen.
- Punny Name: The song "Bye Bye American Pie" was both a play on the song name "American Pie" and one of the level designers, American McGee.
- Rank Inflation: The end-of-level screen gives out three percentages: percent of secrets found, percent of items collected, and percent of enemies killed. However, the final level features a boss that continually spawns more enemies while you try to kill it with rockets. Once you beat the level, the enemies killed number just keeps going up, reaching well into the thousands.
- Real Is Brown: One of the earliest codifiers of this trope, where while the original Doom had a bit of variety in its environments' coloring, Doom II is fairly infamous for most of its textures being some shade of brown and other dull colors, making the maps appear quite drab in comparison. Even in this game's hell levels, where you would have more leeway to get creative with the environment, the maps are still predominantly brown.
- Real-Place Background: "Suburbs" is based on two real houses, one owned by Sandy Peterson and the other by his father, although due to the limitations of the engine he could only recreate the first floor of his own house. He gives a tour of his house and compares it to the video game interpretation on his Youtube channel
- Recycled Soundtrack: The secret maps reuse music from Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear of Destiny.
- Red Shirt: Just like in the original, the backstory detailed in the instruction manual describes Doomguy entering the base with a team of soldiers, but all of them die before the game begins.
- Red Sky, Take Warning: The game goes further than its predecessor, displaying nightmarish mirages of bones and skulls fused together in the sky.
- Resurrection Sickness: When revived by an Arch-Vile or by respawning monsters, enemies' reaction time is set to 16 tics even on Nightmare Difficulty, which makes them considerably more sluggish than monsters on their first "life".
- Retraux: Maps 31 and 32 are a callback to Wolfenstein 3-D. They keep the same fixed height and 90° wall structure as the original maps, with the only real differences being that floors and ceilings have textures now and everything is far larger in scale. They even included the old blue-clad SS enemies, who still cry out "Mein Leben!" when killed.
- Revenant Zombie: The game introduces Revenants that the manual states are demons rebuilt and rearmed with a homing missile launcher (the appearance and pain sounds imply that Revenants are specifically derived from dead Imps), and while they may not have the best AI they certainly retain their original "single burning purpose": kill that pesky Space Marine! The Former Humans themselves also fit this trope more than the typical zombie, being reanimated by demonic possession (and smart enough to use their former weapons).
- Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale: The demons apparently hold the population of Earth hostage, but Doomguy is able to save them and evacuate the entire planet just by liberating one spaceport in some unspecified location. Even if the population of Earth was slimmed down considerably by the demonic invasion, Doomguy would still have to search the entire planet for survivors, since it is doubtful that the demons would bring them all to one spot, and there are countless places where they could be holed up.
- Sdrawkcab Speech: The Final Boss of Level 30, the Icon of Sin, recites the phrase "To win the game, you must kill me, John Romero", reversed and distorted to sound like a demonic chant.
- Secret Level:
- The game contains two secret levels with maps more or less directly ported from Wolfenstein 3-D. The second secret level was only accessible from within the first, using the same exit from the Wolf3D version of the level that lead to that game's first secret level.
- The expansion Master Levels features a secret map accessible from "Express Elevator to Hell" (uniquely requiring a strong Knockback from an Arch-vile plus all three colored keys to reach it), called "Bad Dream". It's a wide-open battlefield with one Spider Mastermind and 21 Cyberdemons; it's actually easy to figure out how to complete it, but it does cause a nasty first impression on new players.
- The secret map of No Rest for the Living can be accessed from the fourth standard map, Hell Mountain. It is called "March of the Demons", and it's designed to make it so each area is unveiled by pressing switches (and therefore unlocking individual waves of enemies in the process).
- Series Continuity Error: The instruction manual's backstory refers to the protagonist as having stopped the invasion on "Mars base" and having had time to retire from the military and arrive home on Earth in a drop pod before realizing anything is up, even though the first Doom was set on the two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, not the red planet itself, and the game concluded with Doomguy returning to earth from Hell via a portal to immediately discover the demons are already there. Some players have tried to resolve this error by suggesting that the player character of Doom II is actually a completely different person, who defeated the demons on Mars while Doomguy was battling them on the moons, and who also just happens to look exactly like him somehow.
- Set a Mook to Kill a Mook:
- Map 8 has a room with a Cyberdemon looking at you, and several Barons of Hell looking at the Cyberdemon. The trick? Don't fire a shot - the Cyberdemon will shoot at the Barons trying to get to you, and they'll retaliate. Wait until one group disposes of the other, then take down what's left. No wonder it's called Tricks And Traps.
- Map 20 contains a large antechamber with a Cyberdemon and a Spider Mastermind on two opposite platforms. No prizes for guessing the easiest way to waste them both. The level is appropriately named 'Gotcha!' This sequence exists mostly to try and answer the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny-style question of who would win. It's usually the Cyberdemon, but the Spider Mastermind's odds improve in inverse proportion to the distance between them. Gotcha! is just on the Cyberdemon's side, although Spidey does sometimes win if you can get him to start firing from the side of his platform closest to the Cyberdemon. In some rare cases, they can end up killing each other.
- Several demons have different infighting rules regarding them:
- While the game treats Barons of Hell and Hell Knights as different enemies, they have a hard-coded immunity to each others' projectiles, meaning they cannot infight without the aid of a barrel. This exception was removed in Doom 64, where they'll infight as normal.
- Pain Elementals can target other monsters upon being damaged, but since their "projectiles" are the Lost Souls they summon, monsters will retaliate against the Lost Souls they spawn rather than the Pain Elemental itself, meaning a monster will never engage a Pain Elemental. This was sorta-fixed in Doom 64; while monsters will still retaliate against the Lost Souls, they can now retaliate against a Pain Elemental if the Pain Elemental hits them with their new melee attack.
- Archviles can engage other monsters as normal, but monsters are coded to never retaliate back against Archviles. Archviles additionally do not have a targeting threshold, meaning they will always instantly switch targets upon being damaged, even in the middle of their attack.
- Shareware: Subverted. Unlike the original, Doom II did not receive a shareware release. This was because, according to John Carmack, many people who downloaded the shareware episode of Doom and beat it mistakenly considered themselves to have "beaten Doom" when they beat the demo. Also because shareware was essentially a distribution method: download the (longer than average) demo, and if you like it, mail order the full version. Doom II was conceived as a retail product from the start, so all of that was unnecessary. And then id decided to rerelease Doom at retail, as well, with the addition of a new episode.
- Shoot the Medic First: The Archvile can revive fallen foes, so killing this guy first is essential. However, he can also deal out a ton of damage with his line-of-sight attack.
- Short-Range Shotgun: The double-barreled shotgun was probably the Trope Maker; it shoots 20 pellets for a combined damage equivalent to a direct hit from a rocket, but its spread is so huge, including vertical spread the basic shotgun doesn't have, that you need to be close enough to hug the demon first for all the pellets to connect. The sheer power and great ammo efficiency of it, combined with the player's agility that allows them to safely weave in for close-ranged shots, makes the Super Shotgun extremely useful to the point that it's generally the default weapon to use among higher-level players.
- Shout-Out:
- The Wolfenstein 3-D levels. One of them even has several Commander Keens hanging from the ceiling that you have to kill to open the exit.
- One of the messages that can show up when the player attempts to quit:
- The finale says "You wonder where bad folks will go when they die, now."
- Spider Tank: The Arachnotrons are demonic spiders with mechanical lower halves with four legs and either a plasmagun (for the Arachnotrons). Though they are actually giant brains (with faces) atop mechanical spider-legged platforms.
- Stationary Boss: The final boss of the game, and by extension, most monster spawner based final bosses from the third-party map packs never move. Though it's kinda hard for them to move around when they're literally just a wall texture.
- Stationary Enemy:
- On occasion, the game will enclose a mook in a confined space, always overlooking a critical area of the playfield. The Downtown area has 16 imps embedded in the exterior walls of various buildings, sniping the player through their windows. The Tenements has a revenant in a tiny cage that overlooks a narrow walkway; it also has an archvile in a booth-like compartment watching over the approach to a critical switch.
- A rare unintentional example in Map 02: Underhalls. As a side effect of a map update, a shotgunner's spawn point collided with a wall, making him unable to move. They can still be killed without issue, however.
- Subliminal Seduction: Play the demonic gurgles made by the Final Boss backwards and you'll hear "To win the game, you must kill me, John Romero." The part of the boss that must be hit to kill it is John's head on a stake as can be seen with the no clipping cheat.
- Suspicious Videogame Generosity: The final level starts in a small room with a Mega Sphere, a backpack, several ammo pickups, and every single weapon available in the game.
- Tagline: "Let the obession begin. Again."
- Take That!: In "Grosse", four copies of the titular hero of Commander Keen are hung by a noose, with the player required to shoot them to get to the end of the level. John Romero stated that Adrian Carmack, who had worked on Commander Keen, hated the games and the character, and this was his way of getting even.
- Taking You with Me: A guide book for the game noted that a rocket launcher should only be used in close quarters if it is "your last great act of defiance."
- Tech-Demo Game: Although it obviously wasn't the first game to use the Doom engine, its first Wolfenstein 3D level makes a point of showing off all the sorts of things it can do that Wolf3D couldn't - in the middle of a very faithful recreation of Wolfenstein's E1M1, 90-degree surfaces and unchanging floor heights and all, there's a new secret which includes walls at every angle imaginable, floors and ceilings of varying heights to make a staircase, and animated textures.
- Tele-Frag: The final boss shoots cubes that cause monsters to teleport in when they hit the ground. If you are standing at one of the spots where a cube hits, you will die instantly even if you have God Mode on (this is because God Mode only protects against attacks that do less than 1,000 damage, and telefragging does 10,000). Interestingly, monsters aren't allowed to telefrag
outside of the final level. This can clearly be seen on many maps, where a huge horde of monsters teleports in — one monster at a time, shortly after the previous one is killed.
- Teleporting Keycard Squad: MAP16: Suburbs has the biggest squad in either game - grabbing the first key brings in a stream of imps and pinky demons, spawning once every second or two, for nearly a full minute.
- To Hell and Back: The Marine ends up intentionally storming Hell in order to halt the demonic invasion of Earth, and manages to escape back to Earth after killing the Icon of Sin.
- Underground Level: While several levels from the final third of the campaign are already placed underground (due to their placement in Hell), the most explicit portrayal of this setting is Map 29, The Living End. It's a wide, dark hollow that serves as the last bastion of the demonic forces, having many powerful monsters (including a Cyberdemon that is located near the exit). Completing this level leads to the last one, where the Icon of Sin awaits.
- Underground Monkey: The game introduces the Hell Knights, weaker variants of the Barons of Hell that have paler skin.
- Unintentionally Unwinnable: In "Dead Simple", the central staircase raises once you kill all Arachnotrons to allow you to leave the map. If played on Nightmare, Arachnotrons can respawn and be killed off again, allowing you to raise the central stairs out of reach.
- Unique Enemy: The secret levels based on Wolf3D have that game's blue-clad SS enemies to populate them. They're a lot less dangerous here than in their home game, in part because of your arsenal and your armor, so the developers throw more of them at you to help make up for your superior firepower.
- Version-Exclusive Final Boss: In the original PC version as well as that of the Game Boy Advance, the Final Boss is the Icon of Sin. In the PlayStation and Sega Saturn versions (where the game is embedded as the second Story Arc of the product, following up the the first game's four episodes), the final boss is the Spider Mastermind (the Icon of Sin is absent altogether).
- The Very Definitely Final Dungeon:
- Icon of Sin, named after the Final Boss. A giant lake of blood, a demon hundreds of feet tall, and a reverse shooting gallery with rows of monsters blasting away at you.
- In the Master Levels, the level codenamed Teeth.wad ("The Express Elevator of Hell") serves this purpose (and it's also listed last in the map list in the expansion as included within the Unity ports of Doom II). The level is a complex, challenging facility with an elevator that branches into eight paths (one per floor) which are also identified by number; it is filled with powerful enemies, and requires cleverness for a successful navigation due to parts in some paths that can only open from others; it also features a secret exit leading to a Brutal Bonus Level. Its music is "Evil Incarnate", which was originally the theme for the final level of Spear of Destiny.
- Violation of Common Sense: You'd have to be crazy in order to take on and kill a Cyberdemon with nothing but your fists. Yet that's exactly what you have to do to get the "You Have Huge Guts" achievement in the XBLA release and the "Knuckle Sammich" achievement in the PS3 collection. At the very least, you can soften him up with guns first.
- Wake-Up Call Boss: The seventh level, "Dead Simple" is a Wolfpack Boss consisting of groups of two of the game's new high-level monsters, Mancubi and Arachnotrons. Mancubi fire in a difficult-to-evade spread pattern, while Arachnotrons pelt the player with plasma balls continuously. Both are deadly. Unlike the original Doom enemies, merely strafing around each fireball as it comes near isn't enough – you had to pay attention to your surroundings and to the enemies' attack patterns and move smartly if you want to survive. The appearance of Chaingunners and Revenants in previous levels hint that the simplistic shoot-and-strafe combat tactics that could get you through the first game won't work anymore, but "Dead Simple" hammers the point home.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: The Archvile is an evil healer. His death sound is a girl saying "why?" (much distorted); he wonders why on earth anyone would want to kill him, since from his point of view he's only doing good (by resurrecting dead monsters). He's also trying to burn you to death in the meantime, which he apparently can't imagine you'd be upset about.
- Where the Hell Is Springfield?: Doom takes place on Mars' moons. Simple to understand. Doom II takes place on Earth, but it is never specified what part of Earth the game is set in, nor are there any major locations given (other than a spaceport and Doomguy's hometown) to indicate that Doomguy is anywhere other than some random UAC base.
- Wolfpack Boss: MAP07 "Dead Simple" involves facing off against a wave of Mancubi followed by a wave of Arachnotrons in order to beat the level. Both are mid-tier enemies with moderate health and firepower which are also introduced in this level, becoming regular enemies immediately afterward.
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