Dragon Quest of the Stars - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Mar 05 2020
Dragon Quest of the Stars is a freemium mobile game of the 'gacha' variety. It is based on the Dragon Quest series, using various jobs (here called vocations) and equipment from the series, and fighting various enemies in the series.
It was released in October 2015 in Japan. A short-lasting global server ran from February 2020 to July 2021.
The combat is mostly turn based. There are rounds, and each character can attack normally once per round, the same goes for enemies; though later bosses can be exceptions who attack two or even three times per round, typical for a Dragon Quest game. In addition to the normal attacks the players character's can charge up various skills and use them at any time, bypassing the normal turn order; as well these do not consume the character's normal attack. Each player has three characters, with a fourth slot that can be filled by a helper.
After the first island the characters gain access to a number of vocations, and after reaching level 50 in two of these they can attain an even stronger vocation. For example a Martial Artist and a Priest become a Paladin, and a Ranger combines with a Dancer to become a Superstar.
Tropes associated with this game are:
- After-Combat Recovery: Your party automatically heals after the completion of each level, though a single level can contain multiple fights.
- Black Mage: The aptly titled Mage class.
- Bribing Your Way to Victory: You purchase items with gems, gems can be found in-game through log-in bonuses or treasure map rewards, or you can simply purchase them with real world money.
- Combat Medic: The Ranger and Superstar are both more physical fighters than the Priest or Sage, but can still heal fairly well.
- Glass Cannon: The Battlemaster has the highest attack power of any class, but middling defense; he can also allow himself to take even more damage in order to dish out extra.
- Herd-Hitting Attack: The Whip and Boomerang do this by default, as well many spells and some attack skills can do this.
- Instant Gravestone: Every time a party member is offed, their body is replaced with a coffin.
- Kid Hero: Your characters are the grandchildren of the Questocrat.
- Level Cap: Every item has a cap, though they can be increased by fusing two of the same together. The max level cap for an item is 50. Characters have a max level of 99, however they can revocate, setting their level back down to 1 for bonus stats.
- Luck-Based Mission: Getting a specific item you want from the gacha is this.
- Magic Knight: The Armamentalist, who can follow-up spells with a powerful attack.
- Magic Music: The Superstar can buff their allies with dancing and music.
- Metal Slime: Of course, this is a Dragon Quest title. Also includes the Liquid Metal and Metal King Slime.
- Microtransactions: The player can buy gems, primarily to use on the gacha but also to increase inventory space or refill stamina.
- Money Spider: The Gold Golems, Gem Slimes, and Gold Slimes.
- Multi-Melee Master: Any class can equip any weapon, though Battlemasters have the highest number of preferred weapons that are meant for melee combat.
- One-Hit Kill: The Whack spell line reappears here again, which acts the same as it usually does.
- The Paladin: The... Paladin.
- Peninsula of Power Leveling: The Metal Slime doors, and Liquid Metal doors.
- Power at a Price: The Battlemaster's Anger skill increases both damage done and taken.
- Spell Levels: Typically an element has three different levels (eg. Sizz, Sizzle, Kasizz).
- Status Effects: The usual effects, curse, make their rounds here.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Actually serves a mechanical benefit, as overkilling an enemy allows your skills to rapidly recharge.
- Time-Limit Boss: Many bosses have a turn limit enforced in order to receive some bonus reward.
- Wake-Up Call Boss:
- Marquis De Leon, the boss of Act 7, is the first serious threat, with a party-wide paralysis and powerful attacks.
- Leonidas can serve as this as well, given that you gain access to him very early. On top of that he is also more difficult than other encounters of his level, especially given that there are no battles prior to charge up your skills.