EarthBound (1994) - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Jan 01 2022
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"Listen Ness. I'm going to tell you something very important. You may want to take notes. Ready? ......You're the chosen one."
— Talking Rock
EarthBound, originally released in Japan in 1994, is a twist on the standard RPG setting for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System that follows the story of Ness, a seemingly normal boy who lives in Eagleland. Late one night, a meteorite landing outside town awakens Ness. The meteorite brings with it a bee (or not) from the future, who tells Ness of its devastation at the hands of an indestructible being called Giygas— a being Ness is destined to defeat. Ness's journey to stop Giygas will take him through time and space to meet the remainder of the Chosen Four (Paula, Jeff, and Poo) and collect the Eight Melodies for his Sound Stone to unite the power of Earth as his own.
EarthBound is the second of a trilogy of Japanese role playing games known as Mother, an experiment in storytelling in a different medium by Japanese celebrity essayist and copywriter Shigesato Itoi. Mother 2: Gyiyg no Gyakushū (translated: Mother 2: Gyiyg Strikes Back) serves as a loose sequel to Mother, since the two games share the same essential setting (an affectionate homage to idealized America), as well as the same base mechanics.
Gameplay has changed somewhat from the first game. For starters, party count has been upped from three to four characters, and the ability to pick and choose who joins you has been cut, with each party member joining in a linear order. That being said, all four characters have their own strengths and weaknesses: Ness is a tank that uses support spells to help his friends, Paula is a devastating Black Mage and Glass Cannon, Jeff is a Mechanically Unusual Fighter who lacks PSI but can help out by making extremely strong mechanical inventions using Joke Items, and Poo is a well-rounded Magic Knight with a varied, but largely redundant, array of PSI moves and a couple other tricks up his sleeve, too. This game also introduces the "rolling counter" system for battles, wherein using a PSI move or being hit causes your PP and HP meters respectively to begin rolling down rather than dropping immediately. This allows characters to survive fatal hits if they can be healed or if the battle ends before hitting zero, turning the game into a pseudo-real-time RPG.
Of the three games in the Mother series, only EarthBound ever received a physical release in North America, coming out in 1995. It was a critical and commercial disaster in America thanks to a poor (and for whatever reason, gross-out focused) marketing campaign, but in the years since it's become very much Vindicated by History and is now considered one of the greatest games ever made. Nintendo eventually digitally released the unproduced localization of the first game, Mother for the Virtual Console, under the title EarthBound Beginnings. To date, Mother 3, originally released in Japan for the Game Boy Advance (after a planned N64 release was scrapped due to requiring a N64 add-on drive that too was never released), is not currently planned for an official North American localization, although in certain places on the Internet you can find a fan-translated version.
After nearly 20 years of unavailability outside secondhand markets, on July 19, 2013, Nintendo finally re-released the game via the Wii U Virtual Console, initially relegated only to Japan but later released overseas due to high fan demand (and at the far-lower-than-eBay-auctions price point of $9.99); the game's international Virtual Console release not only covered North America, but also Europe, marking the first time the latter region officially got their hands on EarthBound. To round out the package, it also digitized the original Player's Guide that it bundled with the SNES release and offered it up for free (so that players could read the guide in a browser, including using the Wii U's browser on the GamePad). Nintendo also re-released the game on the New Nintendo 3DS and the New Nintendo 3DS XL handheld systems as a part of their Super Nintendo Virtual Console in early March 2016 note . It was also included on the Super NES Classic Edition in 2017 and in Nintendo Switch Online in February 9, 2022.
Not to be confused with the 1983 adventure game Earthbound.
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- Aborted Declaration of Love: It's strongly hinted that Paula tries to confess her feelings for Ness at the end of the game, but "forgets".
- Absurdly High Level Cap: The maximum level is 99, but reaching it is mainly only helpful for increasing your party's durability for taking on the final area. At the end of the game, Ness will probably be Level 80 and the rest of the party will probably be Level 65-70.
- Absurdly Spacious Sewer: Not only the Fourside sewer is one of these, but it avoids the "not walking through sewage" thing because there are ladders going right down into the muck.
- Abuse Discretion Shot: At the beginning of the game after returning to Pokey's house after seeing the meteor, Pokey's dad decides to discipline him and Picky for sneaking out at night. He takes them upstairs and off-screen, and a smacking sound is heard. If you talk to Pokey before leaving the house, he'll say his butt really hurts. This is only in the original Japanese version, and is bowdlerized in the North American release; Pokey is simply said to have been grounded instead, and the slap is replaced with a different noise - one you'll hear later in combat associated with "talking attacks," such as someone grumbling under their breath, causing a PC's Guts to go down.
- Abusive Parents:
- In the Japanese version, Porky and his brother are beaten off camera by their father after you bring them back home at the start of the game. In the English version, the sound effect was changed to the one later used when enemies use "verbal attacks" (which has its own implications relating to emotional abuse), though Porky still ends up being banned from dessert for the rest of the decade (of course, since the game takes place in 199X, it's unclear exactly how harsh this punishment is). Their mother is also strongly implied to be abusive, as she says that her husband is "too soft" on them. At best, she's terribly neglectful, as she clearly doesn't care a bit when the abuse is happening right in front of her, or even when Porky disappears off the face of the earth.
- Also, when you talk to Porky after that off-camera incident, he'll say, "My butt hurts!" in the original version, while in the English version, he says, "My dad really got after me. He said I get no dessert for the rest of the decade..."
- Abusive Precursors: The series doesn't reveal much about Giygas's species, but what we do get implies that they're no better than he is. The hieroglyphs of Scaraba, which Ness and company see in a Summers museum, mentions that "the invaders" have constantly struck at Earth for centuries from their "evil stronghold".
- Acceptable Breaks from Reality: Yes, this is Earthbound, a game about an alien invasion, psychic powers and walking, exploding trees, so disbelief CAN be suspended, but the real puzzler in a real life situation is that hotels in Eagleland allow children to rent rooms without an accompanying adult, much less how a realtor can legally sell a house to minors...
- The Ace: Ness. Pretty much everyone he knows tell him what a brave, outgoing, smart, adorable, and all-around excellent person he is. His neighbor and "friend" Porky, on the other hand...
- Action Girl: Paula, with both her Frying Pan of Doom and Psychic Powers.
- Action Pet: Ness' dog King at the beginning of the game...and then his Lovable Coward side kicks in.
- Addressing the Player: Used in one of the most emotional boss battle endings ever.
- Adults Are Useless: You have to stop a gang in your hometown because the cops and mayor cannot figure it out, you have to fight the local police force because they're jealous of you for stopping said gang, you have to save Paula because her dad is too scared and worried to do it alone, you have to get the zombies out of Threed because no one there knows what to do, you have to get the Runaway Five out of crippling debt twice... That said, this is also Inverted on many occasions like with both of Ness’ parents, Frankie, Everdred, and Poo’s master. Plus some of the aforementioned useless adults end up becoming incredibly helpful after you help them or in the case of the police after you beat them.
- Adventure Towns: One city is filled with delinquent children, another has a cultist group just around the corner, another is in the middle of a Zombie Apocalypse...
- Aerith and Bob:
- Ness, Jeff, Paula and... Poo? Heck, even Ness may qualify.
- Talk to the Sanchez brothers in the desert between Threed and Fourside. In order, their names are Pancho, Pincho, and Tomas Jefferson.
- An Aesop: "Don't judge a book by its cover. Rather, it's the content that matters most.": Although Orange Kid is a model citizen who is popular, industrious, and sociable, his narcissism makes him a smooth-talking snake oil salesman who, in exchange for $200, shoves a useless item onto Ness that does nothing but satisfy his sense of self-importance. On the other hand, Apple Kid becomes a crucial contributor to Ness's battle to save the Earth despite being a slob who is shunned by the Twoson community.
- A.I. Roulette: More striking because there are multiple AI moves that do nothing, and still more that inflict bad status effects on the enemy that uses them. Much of this, though, serves to enhance the game's odd world and contribute to the Rule of Funny.
- Alas, Poor Villain: If the world of Magicant in this game is a reflection of Ness's own internal strengths, memories, and feelings, then Pokey's presence would imply that despite all the crap his neighbor puts him through, Ness does still yearn to be friends with Pokey in some measure, a particularly poignant example since nobody else really seems to bat an eye at him disappearing from Onett and as Mother 3 shows, he never truly returns and isolates himself from everyone and everything for eternity. As a result, him having a place in Ness's mind and spirit is kinda sad since it means at least one person DID care even though he became the Big Bad/The Dragon of the games.
- Aliens Speaking English: Giygas apparently does...kind of. Considering his backstory, it makes sense. Another theory is both the protagonist and antagonist have psychic powers, so they would be able to communicate with each other that way.
- The All-American Boy: Ness, of course.
- All Cavemen Were Neanderthals: One of the enemies hanging out around Stonehenge is the stereotypical neanderthal, complete with fur tunic and club.
- All in a Row: How the party always travels on the Overworld.
- All Your Base Are Belong to Us: Giygas' agents invade Onett in the game's final act.
- Almost Dead Guy: Buzz Buzz gives you a truly amazing speech before knocking off, one that you can have him repeat over and over.
- Always Night: Threed, at least until the zombie infestation is cleared up. As is Moonside until you realize it's a neon-hell-colored hallucination.
- Amazing Technicolor Battlefield: In every battle. Psychedelic animated colorscapes are in the background of most.
- Ambidextrous Sprite:
- The Runaway Five's bus instead says YAWAИUЯ when facing left. Naturally, due to this trope, the Cyrillic letters are 100% unintentional.
- The same goes for Porky's heli.
- Ambiguous Gender: Giygas is almost always referred to as male, but one NPC questions whether or not this is correct, presumably since it's never easy to pin down gender when dealing with aliens.
- Ambiguous Situation: During the final battle, is Porky or Giygas in charge? The game leaves it up to the player to decide.
- An Ice Person: The PK Freeze series, learned by Paula and Poo. There's a chance to solidify the target with it as well.
- Animate Inanimate Object: So many enemies. This is a game where stop signs, possessed garbage cans, and anthropomorphic molecules are likely to try and kill you.
- Anti Poop-Socking: If you run a very long session of playtime in the game, your dad will call you to suggest taking a break. Oddly enough, he can still call you about this before you get the Receiver Phone in Twoson. This can even happen while playing as Jeff during his introductory side-quest in Winters; if this happens, Ness' father belatedly realizes he's called the wrong number.
- Another Dimension: Both Moonside and Magicant are sort of Another Dimension-Phantom Zone hybrids.
- Anthropomorphic Food: You get attacked by coffee cups at one point.
- Arc Villain: Prominent in the first half of the game, with Frank in Onett, Mr. Carpainter in Twoson and Happy Happy Village, Master Belch in Threed, and Monotoli in Fourside, three of which interestingly enough perform a Heel–Face Turn. Though the real Arc Villain of the first half of the game is the Mani Mani Statue, a corrupting illusion device that Giygas uses to get people to do his bidding.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: A cop at the beginning is annoyed because: "a meteorite crashed, the Sharks are running wild in town, you kids are wandering around," and he's hungry. At least he has his priorities straight.
- Mayor Pirkle also gets in on it after you beat Frank. He uses metaphors that amount to basically 'you kicked their asses' and ends it all with "...And you made them wet their pants."
- Artifact Mook:
- Coil Snakes. They are the weakest enemy in the game, being first found in the starting area near Ness's house. Yet, for whatever reason, the snakes can spawn in many locations further in the game, such as the cave between Twoson and Happy Happy Village or Threed's suburbs, where, stat-wise at least, they are extremely out-of-place.
- At least one Spiteful Crow is part of the Happy Happy Cult, sicced on you by Porky. Again, this is a very weak enemy by that point.
- The Mole Playing Rough. They first appear in the Lilliput Steps, an underground cave, where they're a decent foe (oh, and the boss there is a giant mole, so there's a mole theme in that cave). However, for some reason, the designers put some specific points (to be exact, in the Dusty Dunes Desert, Summers's beach, and the Deep Darkness) around the game where one of them always spawns if you walk around there. Not only they're incredibly weak by that point, but they're places where you wouldn't even expect to find a mole. It has been suggested
that these three enemies were intentionally put there by the developers so that status ailments work properly on the overworld, as the three locations happen to be the only ones where the player comes out of a scene with overworld status effects disabled.Explanation
- Another famous example is the Mad Ducks (an enemy encountered back in Winters) behind the store in Saturn Valley. Even stranger is the fact that they are in an area that you can't reach unless you exploit a glitch.
- Mad Ducks also appear in the underground tunnels in Dusty Dunes Desert. They're incredibly weak enemies at that point (to the point that, to be able to provide a bit of challenge, they spawn there in absurdly high numbers), and it also makes one wonder what a duck is doing in a desert cave.
- Talah Rama's cave in Dusty Dunes Desert is for some reason populated by enemies by found back in the Milky Well cave. Not only are they weak at that point, they'll also run away from you if you've already defeated Trillionage Sprout (which most likely you'll have done by that point).
- The area between Threed and Dusty Dunes Desert will sometimes have New Age Retro Hippies, enemies encountered back in Twoson. They're also on a high ledge, which your party cannot reach. note
- The Dungeon Man is full of these. His first floor contains enemies that were in the Fourside Department Store. The dead ends on his second floor contains enemies from Moonside, an area you can only enter once. His third floor contains a "monster zoo," which invokes this trope.
- Artifact of Doom: The Mani Mani Statue gives off greedy thoughts to any nearby individual who comes across it.
- Artistic License – Space: The meteor at the start of the game leaves an extremely small impact crater, just big enough to contain itself, with a few smaller craters here and there from debris. An actual meteor strike would result in a much larger crater several times wider than the rock itself, thanks to it being more akin to a large explosion caused by striking the ground. Since the in-game meteorite is around the size of a police car, its impact would've destroyed the hill it landed on and caused additional damage to the surrounding area (including Ness and Pokey's houses) in real life.
- Artwork and Game Graphics Segregation:
- When Nintendo of America was localizing Mother 2 into EarthBound, they made their own versions of Ness and Paula's clay model art. While the original artwork is faithful to their in-game appearances, the US artwork for the two differ in several ways: for one thing, they were both made taller than Jeff and Poo (possibly due to them both being aged-up to 13 as they were both in the 11-12 range in the Japanese version). Paula lost her bow, possibly in an attempt to make her look less feminine, Ness's hat is flipped the other way, the tuft of hair sticking out of his hat is now pointing left and made spikier (it was pointed downward and more rounded in the Japanese version), and he wears a slightly more serious expression on his face. Nintendo did not change their sprites in the game proper to match the new artwork.
- Paula is depicted with a hand-bag in all of her artwork that is never seen in-game.
- Pokey Minch's official artwork, based on his appearance at the start of the game, features him wearing baggy blue shorts held up by a single suspender. His appropriate in-game sprite, however, depicts him wearing overalls with both suspenders up. This would go on to influence his design in Mother 3, which features him wearing overalls like his sprite in EarthBound.
- Picky Minch's clay model depicts him with a large "P" on his shirt. His in-game sprite, however, features an "M" to better fit within the constraints of the game's downward walking animation, which takes the forward-facing sprite and horizontally flips it back and forth. Meanwhile, his hand-drawn artwork features a completely different outfit, depicting him in black pants, a blank black shirt, pink shoes, and a pink bib (his clay model and sprite, for comparison, show him wearing a black tee shirt, blue shorts, and blue shoes).
- Frankie Fly's clay model and in-game sprite are mirrored versions of one another, which affects the positioning of his knives and the buttons on his suit jacket. In addition, his clay model wears a solid red suit compared to his sprite's pinstripe suit and his sprite lacks the knife-shaped pendant that his clay model wears.
- Mr. Carpainter's sprite is a mirrored version of his clay model. Consequently, while his clay model depicts him holding his paintbrush in his right hand and pointing to it with his left, his sprite holds his paintbrush in his left and points to it with his right. Additionally, his clay model wears a black tie that blends in with his shirt, while his sprite wears a yellow tie.
- Master Belch's clay model is blue with a dark green coat of slime on the back of his head. His in-game sprites, meanwhile, depict him as a solid teal-green.
- The Mani Mani Statue's clay model depicts it with a metallic gold surface, which is accurately conveyed on its overworld sprites. However, its battle sprite depicts it with a neon pink and purple sheen; its proper gold coloration is instead possessed by Ness' Nightmare, which takes the Mani Mani Statue's form.
- The Pogo Punk's pogo stick is depicted as a large blade in his clay model, while his sprite depicts it as a large spike.
- The Worthless Protoplasm is depicted as grayish-pink in its official artwork, but its in-game sprite is bluish-purple.
- The Ghost of Starman's in-game sprite depicts it with a pink aura, a glowing pink visor, and a pink emblem on its chest. Its clay model, meanwhile, lacks the glow and features a black visor and a red emblem.
- The Teddy Bear is depicted with orange fur and a white muzzle in its official artwork, while its in-game sprite sports burgundy fur and a dark pink muzzle.
- Ash Face: Colliding with a person or obstacle when attempting to teleport causes the user to turn black with soot and a smile.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: When you get to the Lost Underworld, your size shrinks thanks to how huge everything (including the enemies) are compared to your normal size.
- Attack Reflector: Two levels of the Shield PSI (β and Ω), which reflects damage back to the enemy. The Diamond Dog has one active at the start of the battle with it, leading to...potentially disastrous results should a powerful attack be used against it.
- The Franklin Badge reflects certain One-Hit Kill moves back at the user.
- Autobots, Rock Out!: Porky's battle music starts out 8-bit and simple, reminiscent of Dragon Quest, the series which inspired this one. A minute in, the instrumentals revert to heavy metal.
- Award-Bait Song: "Smiles and Tears". It had official lyrics in the Japanese instruction booklet, but it didn't have official vocals until 2010. A remix of it eventually made its way into the Super Smash Bros. series.
- Awesome, but Impractical:
- The Casey Bat. Extremely high attack power, incredibly bad accuracy that'll have you missing more than hitting things. However, since the game only checks for Ness's attack power to determine whether or not you instantly win a battle if you sneak up on enemies from behind, it's a good way to avoid some fights. (What this item is a reference to.
- The higher levels of PSI Rockin can feel like this because it requires significantly more PP than any other PSI move in the game. And unlike Paula and Poo, Ness doesn't have access to PSI Magnet to replenish PP. It does have its uses, like when you REALLY need to kill something fast, or when all the enemies are on separate "rows", making it impossible to hit everything with PK Fire.
- Condiments, outside of one exception. The idea is having it in your inventory increases the effects of healing items if it's a good combo, and decreases their effect if it's a bad one, but thanks to the limited inventory you have in the game, said space it takes up could be better used for another healing item, in addition to the fact that they activate any time you use a food item, regardless of whether it's a good combo or not. Most players usually dump them the second they get one in their inventory instead of risking forgetting about it and wasting one of their healing items. Note
- Starstorm Ω is extremely powerful and hits all enemies, but it's also very expensive to cast and Poo's PP is pretty poor compared to Ness's huge PP pool. By the time you learn the ability, you're at the end of the game with only a few random mooks to use it on and the Final Battle mostly consisting of one target.
- The Casey Bat. Extremely high attack power, incredibly bad accuracy that'll have you missing more than hitting things. However, since the game only checks for Ness's attack power to determine whether or not you instantly win a battle if you sneak up on enemies from behind, it's a good way to avoid some fights. (What this item is a reference to.
- Badass Adorable: All four of the main cast. Special mention goes to Paula, a blonde-haired, hair-bow wearing little girl in a pink dress who is capable of setting you on fire with her mind, and Jeff, a cute little dweeb whose weapons of choice include lasers, bazookas, life-sucking machines, and rocket launchers.
- Badass Normal: Jeff doesn't have any PSI. He doesn't need it.
- Bad Future: According to Buzz Buzz, this was the state of the future under Giygas's control. It was presumably averted with Giygas's defeat.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: While Ness is naked in Magicant in the Japanese version, he's wearing pajamas in the English version.
- Bare-Fisted Monk: How Poo attacks physically; unlike the other characters, equipping him with weapons actually lowers his attack power. The only exception is the Sword of Kings.
- Barely Changed Dub Name:
- Porky was changed to Pokey. Super Smash Bros. Brawl reversed it.
- Threek to Threed
- Scarabi to Scaraba
- Sky Walker to Sky Runner.
- Battle in the Center of the Mind: Ness's Nightmare, an Evil Mani-Mani lookalike in the deep recesses of Ness's mind.
- Because Destiny Says So: Ness only sets out in the first place because Buzz Buzz came from the future saying that he had to.
- "Begone" Bribe: Repeatedly talking to a certain NPC in the hotel in Summers will result in several short, unique responses before he eventually gives the player $50, implicitly to get them to stop bugging him.
"Here, get yourself a juice or something..."
- Better than a Bare Bulb: Brick Road's dungeon has tons of signs that lampshade many dungeon clichés. So does Dungeon Man, his second dungeon.
- Big Bad Duumvirate: Giygas and Porky Minch, or so it seems; no one can be completely sure if they're equals, or if one is pulling the strings of the other. It seems to be implied that at the start Giygas was influencing Porky's dark side and Porky was a simple mook, then later on The Dragon, but near the end of the game when Giygas is so batshit insane to the point where he barely comprehends what's happening around him, Porky takes advantage of that and becomes The Starscream.
- Big Boo's Haunt: Threed when Ness and Paula first arrive is crawling with ghosts and zombies. Even after the problem is taken care of, the town's colors are muted and it has a cemetery which make it a Halloweentown.
- Big Creepy-Crawlies: The first "Your Sanctuary" boss is the Titanic Ant.
- Big Damn Heroes:
- "All of a sudden, some guys rushed into the room! It was the Runaway Five!"
- Poo shows up to blast Master Barf with the Starstorm attack he left you in order to learn.
- Jeff is this to Ness and Paula, although not the player; you actually have to go save Ness and Paula while playing as Jeff.
- And the player.
- Bigger on the Inside: All of the houses and buildings in the game use this concept.
- Bizarrchitecture: By default, entering a home places the door on the right side of the screen even though you entered from the front of the building outside. This wouldn't be much of a problem, until you realize that the large hole in the house you can buy should be plainly visible from the outside. (And even that would create problems, as it's supposed to face the ocean, which would demand the door be on the left.
- Bizarro Universe: Moonside.
- Black Comedy: As seen on a sign at the Onett hospital.
("Tombstone Blow-out Sale" - We have a special discount for those who have passed on in this hospital. What would you like written on your tombstone? - Onett Hospital Surgery Team)
- Blah, Blah, Blah: If you talk to the officer next to Chief Strong who had scolded you for entering Giant Step, he'll say the following dialogue:
Police Officer: So here you are. You're the little delinquent that came back from Giant Step! Now you listen here... "Don't Enter" means just that— DO NOT ENTER! You got that? And furthermore... Blah blah Blah blah It's usually those tax evaders who... Blah blah Blah blah We don't enjoy blocking off the roads, you know... Blah blah Blah blah It's usually the local whiners that make a big deal about emergencies and meteorites! Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah
- Bland-Name Product: The Bus that serves route between Twoson, Threed, and Fourside is a "Gray Hand Bus" (Greyhound Lines in real life).
- Blatant Lies:
- The fruit stand in Happy Happy Village claims to work on the honor system because "we trust you". The owner is not-so-discreetly standing 15 feet away and monitors the stand to make sure everyone pays.
- The bellhop who visits you after you stay the night at Fourside's hotel says that reading you the headline of the morning paper is a service only his hotel offers. Every other hotel in the game does the same thing.
- Bleak Level: The final area of the game, the Cave of the Past, is a stark departure from the rest of the game. Whereas other areas were quirky and colorful with an eclectic variety of sights and sounds, the Cave of the Past is a stark gray series of cliffs in a sea of equally gray fog at the center of the Earth. The level is punctuated only by eerie silver orbs, a sole, tentacle-like spire, and the vaguely Freudian entrance to the dark, pulsating lair where Giygas resides. Likewise, the background music consists solely of the Lyrical Cold Open to "Deirdre" by The Beach Boys, slowed down to resemble an elegiac wail of wind.
- Bones Do Not Belong There: The desert areas feature skeletal scorpion enemies called Skelpions. In real life, scorpions don't have endoskeletons.
- Book Ends:
- That red static on the title screen sure looks like the unstable Giygas being fizzled out of existence at the game's end.
- The first area you explore along with the last area you explore in the present is the hill where you discovered the meteor.
- The second scene of the game and The Stinger open with one of the Minch brothers pounding on your door in the middle of the night.
- Books That Bite: See Everything Trying to Kill You.
- Boss in Mook Clothing: Final Starman.
- Boring, but Practical:
- Avoiding enemies. Enemies are visible as sprites outside of combat, giving the player a chance to engage or avoid battle - and they de/respawn when you walk a few steps past the edge of the screen, so walking away then returning will let you spawn easier enemies - or no enemies. Enemy pathing is also quite bad, so it's easy to get enemies stuck behind trees or around corners to evade them. While you gain no EXP from avoiding enemies, EXP isn't that necessary in this game because of the overall ease in leveling up. Exploding trees, PSI Magnet, nasty status effects, all completely irrelevant if you simply choose not to fight the enemies that use them in the first place.
- Jeff's Slime Generator has the effect of choosing a random enemy for a chance at "solidifying" them, causing them to miss a turn. Virtually every enemy in the game is vulnerable to it, including bosses, allowing Jeff to effectively stunlock many otherwise tough enemies. Combined with Paula and Poo's PSI Freeze randomly solidifying as well, many bosses may never get a turn.
- Jeff's Neutralizer "removes the effects of PSI" from everyone, friend and foe. Most notable among its effects, it removes all shields, and unlike the Shield Killer item, it never fails, making it very useful against bosses who start the battle with a shield, especially if it's a reflective shield.
- Boring Return Journey: Subverted. It's entirely possible to have one after defeating Giygas, but since you can teleport by that point, there's really no reason to. Though by that point almost every NPC will have new dialogue about how awesome you are that you saved the world.
- Bottomless Bladder: There are washrooms, but they're always occupied.
- Bowdlerization: As one would expect from a game localized in the nineties, there are quite a few of these; EarthBound Central compares and profiles them here
- Brainwashed and Crazy: The humanoid enemies and some of the animal enemies are suffering this as a result of Giygas' influence, leading them to attack the party. Once they're smacked around enough they snap out of it.
- Brats with Slingshots: Several slingshots are available as alternate weapons, in keeping with the theme of children using improvised weapons. They offer high attack power, but only a 75% accuracy rate.
- Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs: When Ness takes Paula back to her house and talks to her mother, she says that she has made "a hand-made band-aid. Oooh! That rhymes! I'll call it a Hand-Aid!" This was actually added to the English translation, as the Japanese version did not give a reason for the Hand-Aid's name.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: The fourth wall is a bit soft in this game.
- In the beginning of the game, if you have your bat without having it equipped and talk to Porky before leaving your house, he'll specifically tell you to equip it. If you respond no to his question of if you know what equip means, he'll say "'Equip' is used a lot in games like this, but you already knew that..."
- In the First Town, a dog tells Ness that he's been possessed by the spirit of the game designer to explain something.
- Those good moles who give you game advice. "Oh, I mean in front of you!!"
- You, the player, enter your name multiple times throughout the game, under the guise of Jeff's friend Tony contacting you via phone.
- Finally, the player helps to destroy Giygas, and is thanked by name, as per above.
- Breather Episode:
- Twice during your adventure, the coffee and tea breaks. Relaxing music plays as a recap of your adventure scrolls by and Ness enjoys a little break. Interestingly, the Japanese text for these scenes has kanji in the text, despite the rest of the game being solely in kana.
- Summers has very few enemy encounters, and is sandwiched between the fifth "Your Sanctuary" location and the significantly more dangerous Scaraba.
- After finishing the pyramid, you go through Dungeon Man, which has relatively weak enemies for most of the dungeon and plenty of amusing signs written by Brickroad. Immediately afterward, there's Deep Darkness, which has strong enemies and swamps that drain your health.
- Broken Bridge:
- Lampshaded — the Onett police department is famous for closing roads, and are reportedly going for the world record of most roads closed because of emergency.
- Also played straight, in that there is also a literal broken bridge in Peaceful Rest Valley. When you first enter the dungeon, you must take the long way around the bridge, but after you defeat Mr. Carpainter, one of the former cultists comes to his senses and repairs the bridge to let you take a shortcut back..
I wonder who made the bridge impassable? Why would someone do this? Crud...
- Bubblegloop Swamp: The Deep Darkness is a swamp the characters must move across to access Tenda Village. Some parts of the swamp have very deep muck which causes loss of HP.
- Build Like an Egyptian: The whole town of Scaraba has an Egyptian feel. One of the main dungeons in the game is the Pyramid located right in the center of the region, which is also a Temple of Doom.
- Burger Fool: Generic NPCs throughout the game, and Frank Fly gets a job doing this in the ending.
- But Thou Must!: When Porky wakes Ness up in the middle of the night, he asks him to help find his younger brother, Picky. If you refuse to help him, Porky says he will "say something that will cut you like a knife", and then bring up the Yes/No choice again. If you refuse again, he will say that he was just kidding, and won't actually say anything like that, and then asks you again, keeping you in a looped conversation until you say Yes.
- This can happen again near the end, when Dr. Andonuts prompts Ness to push the button in the Phase Distorter to send the party to the past. If you (as Ness) say No, then Andonuts will tell Jeff to do it. If you have Jeff say No, the doctor will comment on how Jeff lost his nerve before going back to Ness, and so on until one of them says Yes.
- After defeating Giygas, Paula will ask you (as Ness) to take her back home. No matter how you answer, either "yes" or "no", she'll tag along with you anyway, following you everywhere you go until you bring her home.
- Buy or Get Lost: Many of the shopkeepers will call the player out if they don't buy anything. For example, drugstore employees proclaim that the player has hurt their feelings by not purchasing any items. The shop music is even titled "Buy Somethin' Will Ya!"
- Call a Hit Point a "Smeerp": Psychic Points, or PP, take the place of standard MP to match with PSI being the series' equivalent of standard RPG magic. Also, critical hits are called "SMAAAASH!!" hits instead.
- CamelCase: EarthBound.
- Carnivore Confusion: One of the healing items in the game is hamburgers. Later on, you have a conversation with a cow.
- Car Fu: The primary attack for Mad Taxis is them accelerating up to speed in an attempt to run you down.
- Cast of Snowflakes: There's a few clones here and there, but the NPC sprite variety in this game is very impressive, especially compared to other RPGs at the time.
- Celebrity Endorsement:
- In Japan, EarthBound was heavily promoted by
Takuya Kimura (who is still the ideal man of most Japanese women today) of the boy band SMAP. He was on the advertisements and commercials — granted that the game was also advertised towards young women, there's a likely chance that many women started playing the game because of him. Not only that, but all the nameable characters could be named after the members of SMAP using the "Don't Care" option!
- Similarly, one of the biggest selling points for the series as a whole in Japan was that Itoi is a popular celebrity and the games were something he made, to the point where tagging his name onto the ads was a big part of the campaign.
- In Japan, EarthBound was heavily promoted by
- Cerebus Syndrome: The game for a majority focuses on giving the player specific emotions, Happiness, Sadness and Humour … when you reach the Cave Of The Past the game only tries to make you feel one specific emotion throughout the entire dungeon: Fear.
- Chekhov's Time Travel: The Meteor that starts off the adventure by bringing Buzz Buzz to Onett is used much, much later to gain the material used to go back in time to defeat Giygas.
- The Chosen One: Or rather, the Chosen Four. They're the only ones that can stop Giygas and prevent a Bad Future.
- Chromatic Arrangement: The flashing lights of the various PSI Rockin attacks are red, blue and yellow.
- Climax Boss: The Mani Mani Statue is built up as a major force in the plot from the beginning of the game, and is responsible for corrupting Carpainter and Monotoli. It's fought in Moonside, which is an alternative dimension accessed from the last Eagleland city Ness visits, and leads into the second act, where Ness and his friends go abroad.
- The Colored Cross: They removed all the red cross logos that were on hospital buildings in the original Japanese version.
- Cool Sword: The Sword of Kings, the only weapon Poo can equip that doesn't lower his attack power.
- Coming of Age Story: A subtle example. This game is a Coming of Age Story in the guise of an offbeat JRPG adventure.
- Company Cameo: A billboard in Threed has an ad for HAL Laboratory, and a building in Fourside is booked for a meeting about the creation of EarthBound 2. Only APE Software Development
team members are allowed inside, though.
- The Computer Is a Lying Bastard: The Clumsy Robot allegedly has a move which has it eat a bologna sandwich and recover all its HP. In fact, it doesn't do a goddamned thing — the "HP are maxed out" text and healing noise are both faked by putting them in the Flavor Text. This trick makes the Runaway Five's Big Damn Heroes moment feel all the more like they're pulling your ass out of the fire.
- Continuity Nod:
- Several music cues are taken from the previous game. For example, Ness's eight "Your Sanctuaries" (places where he finds the Eight Melodies) use for background music a remix of Queen Mary's lullaby, aka the original Eight Melodies. Also, the first time you leave your house during the day, "Pollyanna" (the outdoor theme from EarthBound Beginnings for when Ninten travels alone) plays for a few bars before seguing into the Onett theme; the full song is used for Ness's house from this point until the endgame.
- Among these, certain other recurring elements and lines of dialog were Lost in Translation. One instance is the Strawberry Tofu, which was localized as Trout Yogurt. Another is that the first boss of the game (translated as Starman Junior both here and the original game's English prototype) is implied to be the same character, since only one ever shows up, it retreats in EarthBound Beginnings, uses a similar "insect" insult as Giygas in the past title, and there is an
unused sprite of its capsule device.
- Much like the first game, the second and third party members start at level one, while the fourth joins at level 18.
- Contractual Boss Immunity: Averted. Most bosses in the game can in fact be targeted with instant death attacks. Not only that, but because the hypnosis and brainshock status effect vulnerability are inversely based on the same value, it's impossible to be immune to both, so every boss (including the final boss) will have a minimum 50% vulnerability to one or the other.
- Cool People Rebel Against Authority: Most notably, Ness gets in a fight with a bunch of cops to get on with his mission. To be fair, they were corrupt and under the influence of an Artifact of Doom, but still.
- Copy Protection: Legendary for its unusually fiendish brutality. If you ran the game from a copied cartridge or cartridge-copying device, bad things would happen. Should you get past the abnormally high amount of enemies it adds, the game suddenly crashes and all your saves are deleted during the final boss fight.
- Corrupt Politician:
- B.H. Pirkle, Mayor of Onett. He lets the police set up road blocks for no reason, and he bribes a teen to take care of his gang problem for him. After Ness deals with it, the mayor gives him the key to a broken shack outside of town, but keeps it a secret so he cannot be held responsible for anything bad that might happen. This leads Ness, a young boy, to get in trouble with the police, who for some reason opt to solve the dispute by having 5 of their guys fight him one-on-one.
- Gelegarde Monotoli of Fourside, under the influence of the Mani Mani Statue, kidnaps Paula. He gets better.
- Cosmic Horror Story: After the Genre Shift from comedy, occurring roughly around the Stonehenge base assault.
- Cosmic Horror Reveal: By the time you meet Giygas. The game tells you vaguely about Giygas throughout, but it takes almost the entire game to find out he's an Eldritch Abomination.
- Covers Always Lie: On the cover, Ness is reflected in the Final Starman's visor. By the time you do encounter the Final Starman, you'll be in The Very Definitely Final Dungeon. The offense? You're in robotic bodies at that point, so Ness's face is not visible.
- Crapola Tech: You can donate money to the Orange Kid in Twoson, who claims that he will use it for research. Eventually, he gives the player the Suporma ("Super Orange Machine"), which plays a song that is not heard, called "Ode to Orange Kid," and then breaks.
- Crapsack World: Corruption and incompetence is everywhere, but these traits are frequently seen in authority figures such as politicians and cops. The townsfolk don't fare much better, as most of them are either socially inept, jerkasses, or just too plain lazy to give a hoot of what's going on. Ness and his friends really have their work cut out for them.
- Crapsaccharine World: However, everything is still so bright, colorful and lighthearted that you have to pay very close attention to notice or, even then, take it very seriously. That is, until Giygas shows up and blows the saccharine disguise to atoms.
- Special mention goes to Fourside, which is obviously based on major big cities and as such has skyscrapers, a massive department store, several restaurants, a museum, and a theater. Everything seems fine except one person controls everything including the police, the manager of the theater scams the Runaway Five and tricks them into crippling debt, the department store loses power and suddenly becomes infested with monsters while Paula gets kidnapped at the same time and finally, the Mani Mani statue is located in the storage area of a random Cafe. All that on top of the fact that taxis, roadway signs, and even random people will suddenly come out of nowhere to fight you.
- Creative Closing Credits: The background of the credits feature all of the photos taken by the flying photographer (the one that says, "Say, 'Fuzzy Pickles'!") The more photos you collect, the more complete the slide show is.
- Creepy Cemetery: Threed has one the first time you enter there. Come on, were you NOT expecting enemies? Thankfully it becomes much more cheerful after defeating Master Belch.
- Creepy Child: Porky Minch. He's just your standard insufferable brat at first, but he gradually gets so much worse.
- Critical Hit: SMAAAASH attacks can be made, both by your party and the enemies. The chance to make a critical hit is usually quite low, but melee weapons such as bats have a greater chance to do this. Critical hits will ignore all Defense stats, and since your party is generally well armored, enemies that SMAAAASH you can easily deal a One-Hit Kill to weak party members such as Paula. This is especially prevalent with mice; mouse-type enemies have massive Guts stats which allow them to deal critical hits much more often than any other type of enemy (on the flipside, their standard attacks deal pathetically low damage).
- Critical Hit Class: Mice and rat enemies have a high chance to deal critical hits.
- Crutch Character:
- The Teddy Bear is a variation on this, since as long as you have it in your inventory, enemies have a chance to attack it instead of a party member until it takes too much damage and is destroyed; helpfully, this also applies to status-inducing moves, which are just plain wasted on the bears with no drawback to the player. Early on in the game, it's exceptionally useful for protecting yourself, and the one Paula comes with can help protect her long enough for her to start catching up to Ness. Later on, however, as your party grows, the enemy has more of a chance of hitting your party members (especially with multi-target PSI spells) and the Teddy Bear is no longer durable enough to withstand those attacks.
- Ness's dog (default name King) is a more standard example. He's completely optional to recruit (he's only available when Ness and Pokey go to look for Picky), enemies can't target him, and he randomly acts in battle to help take down the various dogs, crows and snakes that show up on the way to the meteor. Once you reach the meteor, he books it and never rejoins.
- Cult: The Happy Happists. They all dress the same and live in an isolated community in the middle of nowhere, and kidnap little girls. Blue, blue...
- Curtain Call: The cast roll at the very end of the game.
- Cut the Juice: When Ness and Jeff inflict enough damage on the Clumsy Robot, the Runaway Five burst in, and turn it off by flipping a switch on its back. If you inflict enough damage by its own attack, the Runaway Five turn the robot off a second time because of a glitch.
- Daddy's Girl: Paula appears to be very close to her father, who loves her to pieces in return.
- Damage Over Time: Whenever a character receives damage or healing, their Life Meter rolls down or up to the new value over time (rather than instantly), the speed of which is governed by the character's individual "Guts" stat. Side effects like Critical Existence Failure do not trigger based on the raw damage a character has received, but the value that's currently shown on their meter instead. When a fight ends, the rolling stops, regardless of what value it was progressive toward.
- More traditional examples persist as well, with status ailments like poison or disease, which simply deal steady HP damage each turn (or while walking around the overworld).
- Damage-Sponge Boss: The Clumsy Robot — your party is incomplete for this fight, and the Robot can take a lot of punishment. Worse, at any time, it can "eat a bologna sandwich" and fully restore its HP... Or appear to, anyway. The sandwich actually does absolutely nothing, and the battle dialog actually lies to your face about it.
- Darkest Africa: Much as Dalaam is an amalgamation of Asian Small Reference Pools and Scaraba one of the Middle East, Deep Darkness is a pretty clear reference to Heart of Darkness.
- Dark World: Moonside, though it's a hallucination caused by the Mani Mani Statue.
- Death Is a Slap on the Wrist: While you lose half your money when your party is defeated, the ability to keep your money in an ATM (plus the fact that money usually is added to your ATM account rather than given directly to you) basically means that you never need to lose ANY amount of money. A game over is more or less an inconvenience, rather than any sort of peril to avoid.
- It's worth it to note that dying and continuing leads to only your front character being alive (and with no PP). In certain areas, this leads to some difficult situations.
- Debug Room:
- Fairly elaborate, accessible only with these Game Genie codes: 6B88-54D4, 3188-5404, 3E88-5464. This menu contains, among other things, a Kirby sprite as the menu cursor — an artifact left by a HAL Laboratory programmer, perhaps.
- Although, another more well-known debug menu exists as well — one intended to be used during the game, similar to Super Mario RPG. This menu is also reachable via one of the options from the former... and is significantly trickier to figure out, since it remains untranslated from Japanese despite the lack of a Japanese font. Only a few words are recognisable as compressed garbled Engrish — "SUND" for Sound, "TRP-T" for Teleport, and "GtZStTI" for Goods Edit, for example.
- Deconstruction: Of the "young kids saving the world" plot. While innocent undertones are included, it factors in several characters emotions and thoughts and brings light to several disturbing tones in stories of the sort, such as Ness's homesickness.
- Deep South: Twoson can be depicted as this, which is not without reason (it's named after and is pronounced the same as Tuscon, Arizona). It can also be depicted as a Sweet Home Alabama.
- Defeat Means Friendship: Frank Fly, Everdred, and a few other supporting characters.
- Degraded Boss: The Kraken. When you first fight him he is a major boss who capsized your boat. The upgraded versions of him you fight later appear as regular enemies and can be taken out by Ness alone without much trouble.
- Desert Skull: You can actually have a conversation with a cattle skeleton in the Dusty Dunes Desert.
- Determinator:
- Any character, if their Guts stat is sufficiently high, will hang in there through repeated mortal blows for a very long times - enough, usually, to heal them completely.
- The Hit Points in this game rolls down, much like a odometer in your car. When a character takes enough damage to be knocked out, it will say "X has taken Y points of mortal damage!" but they won't actually die until the meter rolls down to zero. This will lead to you rushing to heal the party member or end the battle before their HP counter rolls down to zero and they die. There's a chance that the game will omit the "mortal" part in the message and the meter will stop at one instead of zero, the chances of this happening depends on the character's Guts stat.
- There's also an item called the "Sudden Guts Pill" that, when used in battle, will temporarily double the character's Guts stat for the duration. However, it's incredibly rare, and the one shop that has it sells it at a ridiculous price.
- Developer's Foresight:
- In the monkey caves at Dusty Dunes Desert, you need to give the monkeys a certain item so they'll let you pass. Depending on the items that you have, this may or may not turn into a Chain of Deals-type quest. There are two monkeys that ask for Hamburgers... however, Double Hamburgers also fit the requirement.
- Several key items are sent to Escargo Express to avoid Unintentionally Unwinnable situations:
- Buzz Buzz will give the Sound Stone to Escargo Express if your bag is full. This actually proves to be beneficial in the long run, as it's a Clingy Macguffin that takes up a single inventory slot alongside the ATM card if gained normally, but even in storage, it still works alongside the plot.
- If Paula has the Pencil Eraser when she gets kidnapped by the Dept. Store Spook, you'll get a call from Escargo Express saying that she gave it to them. This is because you need the Pencil Eraser for the monkey caves in Dusty Dunes Desert, which you must complete before you can rescue Paula.
- When you reach the end of the Scaraba pyramid, Poo will leave your party which will turn the game into an unwinnable situation if you put the Hawk Eye in his inventory, right? Instead, you'll get a call from Escargo Express saying that Poo gave the Hawk Eye to them for safekeeping and that you can have the item delivered to you for free.
- If the Clumsy Robot is fought before doing any of the required events (which can only be done with cheats), it will pour smoke from out its body that will cause Ness and the party to be teleported outside the building.
- If you've been playing for too long, Ness's dad will call you and tell you to go to bed. Where this trope comes into play is if this happens while you're in control of another character, Ness's dad will wonder why he's calling you instead.
- Several times, there are instances where if a specific character is unconscious, cutscenes will play out differently. For example, when you return Paula to her dad near the start of the game, and she is unconscious, her dad will fail to notice her and mention something like having a dream that she would be here. Or later in the game, when Jeff's friend Tony calls you, if Jeff is unconscious, Tony will wonder where Jeff is, and request you hold the phone to Jeff's ear so he can hear Tony. Calling Dad, Mom, or Escargo Express will result in different dialogue if Ness is unconscious (Dad wonders why Ness is speaking in a different voice, Mom recognizes the caller as one of Ness's friends, and Tracy acts formal and professional).note
- In Scaraba, Ness doesn't get sunstroke as often as the other characters because he wears a hat.
- The Playable Epilogue has several unique features for players who go out of their way to seek them out:
- All phone calls result in unique conversations since the player no longer needs their services: Dad starts to tell you about the experience needed for the next level, only to laugh and say you don't need to hear that or save your game; Mom looks forward to you coming home soon; Escargo Express informs you that Tracy no longer works there and they are currently unable to make any deliveries or pickups; Mach Pizza's only deliveryman quit, so they're closed; and Stoic Club is shut down and replaced with the Lazy Cowpoke Stop 'n Go truck stop.
- Ness can finally return Overcoming Shyness to the Onett library and the bike to the Twoson bicycle shop. How considerate!
- If you take said bike into the Deep Darkness and ride it through the swamp, it gets its own unique sound effect that never plays at any other point in the game.
- During the end credits, the photographs accurately reflect your party at the time the photo was taken. This includes teddy bears, unconscious party members, temporary party members, etc.
- If you return to Deep Darkness after defeating Giygas, the water is no longer poisonous, removing the one conceivable way you could die in the endgame.
- After a few sequences in which control is taken away from the player, a flag is set where overworld effects no longer occur, and, were the player to die through a scripted encounter while this flag is active, the game suffers a myriad of strange glitches. Random encounters, however, be they won instantly or fought normally, set the flag to off properly, and so the developers put in places for a Mole Playin' Rough, a weak enemy the player is sure to kill instantly, to spawn where the flag is set and does not otherwise turn off properly, to ensure it switches off safely. It's still possible to circumvent their intentions if you go out of your way to in the post game, however.
- The Fire Spring is intended to be the final Sanctuary location, however because half of the Sanctuaries aren't necessary to advance the plotnote , you can do any of the four last and the cutscene will play at the last Sanctuary you cleared.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Ness didn't, Paula didn't, Jeff didn't, Poo didn't, but you, the player, sure as hell did!
- Dirty Coward: One man in the circus tent in Threed abandoned his wife and children to flee from the zombies, and doesn't care what happens to anyone else. He has no idea why his family refuses to speak to him in the ending.
- Disc-One Nuke: When guiding Jeff out of Winters to join Ness's party, you'll notice that the store outside of the Snow Wood Boarding School sells the T-Rex's Bat, Non-Stick Frying Pan, and Coin of Silence at insanely high prices, yet you don't have access to the ATM (since Jeff doesn't own an ATM card). Meanwhile, the various enemies appearing throughout Winters during this portion sometimes drop food items that can be sold at varying low prices. If you have enough patience, you can earn and sell enough items to raise enough money to obtain any of these items, so that when Jeff actually JOINS the main party, he can equip these items to Ness and/or Paula to make them insanely overpowered for this early in the game. Most people go for just the T-Rex's Bat, since at $698, it's the cheapest of these overpowered items. However, some people are patient enough to raise an additional $1490 for the Non-Stick Frying Pan and $2500 for the Coin of Silence. Regardless, if you're up to the challenge, you can potentially overpower at one or more party members,
- Dismantled MacGuffin: In musical form: the Eight Melodies, scattered across the Your Sanctuary locations, combine to form the Sound Stone's song.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Porky's motivation for the remainder of the game.
- Ness is taken to the Onett police station and is forced to fight against five police officers (actually four, as the last one flees after Ness takes out his colleagues) and their boss just for trespassing.
- Don't Explain the Joke: In the Japanese version, the welcome sign for Twoson tells you that it is the second town and asks, "Did you notice?" The English version handles this by saying, "We got this name because we weren't first."
- Doomy Dooms of Doom: The Plague Rat OF DOOM.
- Dramatic TV Shut-Off: The final battle against Giygas uses this trope as a form of Painting the Medium. Once he is defeated via the player themself praying for the Chosen Four's safety, Giygas devolves into red TV static (the same kind seen when booting up the game) as he slowly disintegrates. The sequence ends with several seconds of static, at which point the game appears to shut itself off, indicating his demise.
- Drone of Dread: The music to Cave of the Past, the final area of the game.
- Drunk on Milk: Jackie's Cafe in Fourside was actually originally called "Borges's Bar" (a nod to Jorge Luis Borges) in the Japanese version but was changed due to Nintendo's censoring guidelines. Of course, this means that the guy who is slightly pink and keeps drinking his "coffee" is...
- Dub Induced Plothole:
- In addition to replacing the phrase "Gyiyg Strikes Back" with "the war against Giygas", the revelation that Giygas is attacking from the past near the very end of the game was changed to the more explicit Giygas attacking from the DISTANT past - the implication being that the events of EarthBound Beginnings are overwritten.
- A minor instance- renaming the "Tonzura Brothers" to "Runaway Five" causes a problem as there are clearly six members on stage during the concerts. Curiously enough, though, while the keyboardist is seen performing on stage, he is never seen with the group in any of their other scenes, so he may not be considered an official part of the band.
- Dub Name Change:
- Too many to list,
but worthy of note is that the trope-naming New Age Retro Hippie was more simply known as a "carefree guy" in the Japanese version, with the English translation giving the trope name.
- Threek was changed to Threed — although it was most likely intended to sound like a combination of "three" and "eek!" due to the zombies, Nintendo of America didn't want people misreading it as "Three K," in other words, "KKK."
- Offensive spells had their prefixes changed from PK (psychokinetic) to simply PSI in the translation, possibly for consistency with defensive moves like the shields.
- Too many to list,
- Duel Boss: Ness's Nightmare. Also, the bosses encountered before rescuing Paula - Frank, Frankystein Mark II, Titanic Ant, and Mr. Carpainter. (If you gave Ness a different name, then Ness's Nightmare will be renamed accordingly as well!)
- Dungeon Town: Given that the game explicitly warns you that Giygas is influencing evil around the world, almost no town is completely safe from enemy encounters, although they're uncommon. That said, there are some towns that play the trope completely straight:
- Happy Happy Village, upon first arriving, is fully under the thrall of Giygas through the Mani Mani Statue, with almost everyone acting hostile to Ness and enemy encounters occurring throughout town. Once he deals with the situation there, the town and its people return to normal.
- Threed, initially, is also under siege by the zombies led by Master Belch. Monsters regularly patrol the main streets, and will attack Ness and Paula (and later, Jeff) if they detect the two. Again, defeating the root of the problem restores the town to peace.
- Zig-zagged in the penultimate dungeon of the game, which is Onett under assault from Giygas, who's begun the invasion. While the core downtown area is safe but deserted, everything surrounding it is infested with monsters.
- Dynamic Akimbo: The normal pose of the Starman enemies.
- Dysfunctional Family: With the exception of Picky, you can count on the Minch family to be just plain evil.
- Eagle Land: The Trope Namer.
- Early Game Hell: While the game is overall easy, the beginning up to the point when Paula joins Ness is by far harder than the rest. The problems are:
- Each party member gets their own inventory space, but this means that it's very small when you only have Ness. Even worse, you are required to have some of his already limited space occupied by several important key items. Those being the ATM Card, Sound Stone, Receiver Phone, and Pencil Eraser. On top of that, the equipped weapon and armors take up to an additional FOUR slots total. This means out of Ness's already limited 14 slots, you only have 6 open slots for items.
- PP recovery items can't be purchased until much later, and finding them is incredibly rare, which makes it difficult to save PP and requires lucky encounters with Magic Butterflies to replenish it. But even if you had access to PP recovery items, Ness probably wouldn't have the inventory space to keep them. This creates a feedback loop of sorts; PP restoration is limited, so the player wants to keep healing items in Ness's inventory, but space is limited, so the player would rather heal HP with PSI, but PP restoration is limited...
- While Ness hits hard and has high HP, he's very slow, so enemies usually get to go first. This means that every battle, even if Ness is capable of one shotting the enemy, he's still likely to take damage before he can do so and get whittled down. This is especially bad when facing multiple enemies at once, where Ness will be battered several times before even getting a chance to act. The rolling HP mechanic helps, but at this early point, not only does Ness not have enough HP to take full advantage of it yet, but most of the enemies aren't dealing enough damage in one hit for the HP to roll down for much longer than a couple seconds at most. The player can easily be left in a Healing Loop. Combining this issue with the PP recovery issue, PSI Rockin, Ness's only option for multi-target attacking's expensive PP cost (10 for α, 14 for β) has limited usage. And by using Rockin, you're consuming PP that could be used on healing, potentially preventing you from having enough health to make it through the rest of Peaceful Rest Valley.
- Easily Thwarted Alien Invasion: Ness and company manage to defeat Giygas before he truly begins attacking Earth in force.
- Easter Egg:
- Early in the game, the police chief will explain that " like you should be at home playing Nintendo games in a time like this!"
- Then again, if you go back to Onett later on, you'll find the police chief talking about how he's having a hard time playing this game called EarthBound.
- If you visit a certain area in Onett after defeating Giygas, you can read a newspaper that has a story about Onett's police chief completing EarthBound (1994), and asks, "Where is the sequel?".
- There's also a planning
meeting for EarthBound 2 in Fourside. Which only twists the knife internationally.
- One of the Sharks, a local gang Ness fights early in the game, asks if you'd like to join. The correct response in order to continue the plot is "no". Answering "yes" will prompt the gang member to tell you to come back after completing EarthBound.
- One girl NPC asks "Has EarthBound been released yet?"
- There's a Mr. Saturn living in Happy Happy Village. If you knock on the door, it'll be unsure if it's okay to let you in, but come back after having visited Saturn Valley and it'll invite you inside.
- Easy EXP: The caterpillar-type baddies you find in the deserts are rare, but experience points pinatas.
- Eccentric Townsfolk: Hippies, angry ladies, drunks...
- Edible Theme Naming: Apple Kid and Orange Kid.
- Elaborate Underground Base: Giygas's army has one at Stonehenge.
- Eldritch Abomination: Giygas is a famous example, at least within the video game community. By the time you get to him he is basically a formless blob of hate.
- Eldritch Location: Moonside. Also, it's entirely possible that Giygas is sufficiently large and amorphous that once he's released from the Devil's Machine, he is one of these of his own accord instead of being just an Eldritch Abomination.
- Elemental Tiers: Elemental attacks have different areas of effect. Freeze is a single-target, Fire hits a whole row but does less damage, and Thunder targets a random enemy and is prone to missing frequently unless there are many enemies. So even if you're facing a lightning-vulnerable boss you probably want to use ice, and same goes for if the fire-weak enemies are on multiple rows.
- Emergency Transformation: Dr. Andonuts transplants the heroes' souls into robot bodies. Without them, you can't stop Giygas in the past.
- Empty Levels: Characters only tend to get really powerful stat increases when they reach a level that's a multiple of four. Otherwise, level-up stat boosts might be as little as a single extra hit point.
- Encounter Repellant: If you're powerful enough or have defeated an area's boss, enemies will run away from you. Also, if you engage an enemy that you would clearly curb-stomp in battle, the game skips the fight and just awards you an instant victory.
- Enemy Summoner: Too many to list, but special mention goes to the Loaded Dice, whose only ability is to summon other enemies.
- Energy Weapon: They're a favorite weapon of the alien machine enemies, as well as the Starmen. Jeff gets in on this with some of his weapons, including his Ray Guns.
- Enfant Terrible: Porky takes this trope to a whole new and scarier level.
- Enlightenment Superpowers: This is how Prince Poo gets two critical level ups. Coupled with a Journey to the Center of the Mind, it's also how Ness gets his biggest level up of the game going into the Grand Finale.
- Escape Rope: The Exit Mice. They can even be found in long dungeons!
- Epileptic Flashing Lights: The game will be one of the many that Nintendo has edited to take these out in its Virtual Console release. Mainly, some of the stronger PSI attacks put out one hell of a seizure-inducing light show.
- Every Japanese Sword is a Katana: The EarthBound Player's Guide in North America depicts Poo's Sword of Kings as a katana, even though its Japanese name is "Ouja no Tsurugi" and its depiction in the Japanese manual shows it as a tsurugi.
- Everything's Deader with Zombies: Why else is Threed in the game?
- Everytown, America: Onett is the quintessential '50s Amer- er, Eaglandian town, replete with school, burger joint, arcade, City Hall and gang of street toughs. And a meteor, but we don't talk about the meteor. Twoson and Threed may also count, but Onett is the more obvious one.
- Everything Trying to Kill You: Animals, stop signs, hippies, exploding trees, robots, animate cups of coffee, and a hundred other weird monsters.
- Evil Tower of Ominousness: The Monotoli Building. It is so large you can barely see the top. Luckily once you're inside you can skip most of the floors on the elevator.
- Exploiting the Fourth Wall: Ness and his friends defeat Giygas by getting the entire world to unite in a prayer for his defeat. Then Paula asks you, the player, to join in. Effectively, you defeat Giygas just by wanting him dead badly enough.
- Expy:
- Ness, Paula and Jeff are near-identical to their original EarthBound Beginnings counterparts Ninten, Ana, and Lloyd, and even hold many of the same abilities. Frank Fly appears to be an expy of Teddy, but he's not playable.
- The main two of the Runaway Five (Lucky and Gorgeous) bare a striking resemblance to The Blues Brothers crossed with Mario and Luigi.
- The Starmen feature an uncanny resemblance to the...figure in the infamous 'Solway Firth' photograph. Note the white suit/skin, the dark visor where the eyes should be, and the Starman's trademark Superman pose.
- Expy Coexistence: The creature Tessie who lives in Lake Tess in Winters is a Stock Ness Monster. A newspaper headline mentions Tessie is the cousin of Nessie.
- Fan Sequel: Cognitive Dissonance. — or Fan Prequel, rather.
- Not to mention it heavily inspired Homestuck; the name of which is intended as a Shout-Out to this game.
- The Halloween Hack is a seemingly humorous sequel that takes place a few months after the end of the game. "Seemingly" humorous, because it gets Darker and Edgier very fast.
- Fantastic Fruits and Vegetables: The Apple of Enlightenment prophesied that the boy named Ness would defeat Giygas. You really only hear about the Apple of Enlightenment very late in the game, but it still isn't important to your goal anyway.
- Fantastic Underworld: Lost Underworld is a massive cavern that is home to a tribe of Tendas and Living Dinosaurs. It's also the site of both the final Your Sanctuary location, Fire Spring, and the final area of the game, the Cave of the Past.
- Fantasy Counterpart Culture:
- Eagleland is the Trope Namer for Eagleland and obviously represents the United States. Fourside in particular is clearly meant to evoke New York City.
- Winters is clearly Great Britain, with references to the Loch Ness Monster, Stonehenge, and the British boarding school system.
- Summers is the French Riviera, possibly Monaco (it is a long, narrow city-state with references to a "King Summers" in the background fluff).
- Dalaam is various flavours of East Asian culture, but the asceticism (the emphasis on Mu or emptiness is blatantly Buddhist) and the extremely high elevation both evoke Tibet specifically.
- Scaraba is obviously meant to represent Egypt, with the pyramids, Sphinx, and hieroglyphs.
- The Deep Darkness represents Darkest Africa, the dense jungle and abundance of water suggesting the Congo in particular.
- Fantasy Counterpart Map: Official artwork of a world map shows that Eagleland represents The Americas, Foggyland represents Europe and Chommo represents eastern Asia.
- Fantasy Kitchen Sink: Zombies, ghosts, dragons, telekinetic powers, aliens, talking animals, a loch Ness monster clone, time travel, robots... really, it gets to the point where it's quite possibly satire.
- Father Neptune: The captain outside the boat you're supposed to get on when going to Scaraba.
- Fight Woosh: There are four different kinds. The gray woosh means that the battle will go on as normal. Sneak up behind an enemy to get a green woosh and a surprise attack. Don't let the enemy sneak up behind you or you'll get a red woosh and they'll get a surprise attack on you! The fourth kind is the spiky one used for bosses.
- Final Dungeon Preview: There's a cave in the Lost Underworld that takes you to a small area in a void of black, with grassy jagged pathways out of reach and a reverberating brassy sound (in reality, it's the first few notes of the French National Anthem).note This is actually the present-day version of The Cave of the Past, a barren area full of enemy robots but completely devoid of organic life aside from the final boss that you face at the end of the game.
- Fire, Ice, Lightning: The three types of offensive PSI Paula can learn: PK Fire, PK Freeze and PK Thunder.
- First Town: Onett being the town Ness lives in. Once again like the previous game, Ness lives just on the outskirts of downtown, as well as the Minches.
- Fission Mailed: Defeating Giygas leads to a cutscene in which the game erupts into static and then appears to turn off the television it's being played on, much in the same way a CRT TV turns off. The screen stays black for a full 13 seconds before the game continues.
- Fluffy Cloud Heaven: The Pink Cloud is, true to its name, a pink cloud. It is also located in Dalaam which is a kingdom in the sky.
- Flunky Boss: Both Titanic Ant and Trillionage Sprout start with a couple of minor enemies in tow (Black Antoids and Tough Mobile Sprouts, respectively)
- Food as Bribe:
- How you befriend the Apple Kid in Twoson (in addition to paying to fund his research) and Gerardo Montague in Dusty Dunes Desert.
- You also need to give a scruffy guy in Fourside a food item in order to talk to a wounded Everdred.
- The Tenda in the Lost Underworld open their village gates for you when they find out you have Tendakraut.
- Forced Level-Grinding: A little, mostly just to get Ness and Paula's levels up early in game.
- Foreshadowing: The hint about the sequel can be found in the final moments of final battle.
Porky: "Ness! Now, I... well... It's going to seem like I'm running away. But perhaps I'll just sneak away to another era to think about my next plan."
- Another very subtle example, the Mani Mani Statue is gold, but purple in battle. The very last boss fight in the game is against Ness' Nightmare, the evilness in Ness' mind... It looks almost identical to the Mani Mani, except... purple in the the over world, golden in battle.
- The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: Inverted; the fourth wall doesn't protect Giygas from you.
- Free-Handed Performer: The Runaway Five: despite bearing that name, the lineup consists of four instrumentalists and two frontmen who only sing and dance à la Blues Brothers.
- Free-Range Children: The Chosen Four themselves, as well as some of their friends from around the world. Deconstructed, as Ness has to deal with crippling homesickness the entire way, and the world isn't exactly kind to them.
- From Beyond the Fourth Wall: You kill Giygas. You, personally, called by your name when everything else has failed.
- Frying Pan of Doom: Paula's strongest weapons.
- Funny Photo Phrase: The Photo Man asks members of the Chosen Four to say, "Fuzzy pickles!" whenever he takes a photo of them. In the Japanese version, he instead instructs them to say, "Cheese sandwich!"
- Fun with Palindromes: Giygas' Japanese name, Gyiyg.
- Futureshadowing: "The War Against Giygas!" can be this.
- Gadgeteer Genius: Jeff, in spades. He can repair and use broken items the party finds, building machines that block enemy PSI, prevents an enemy from moving, raise the party's defense for several turns, steal an enemy's HP, nullify an enemy's shield, and just plain shoot lasers at things.
- Game-Breaking Bug: One that would be very hard to come by, but still present nonetheless. In the ending sequence after defeating Giygas where you can roam around freely with no enemies there is one place where enemies can still appear. If you didn't defeat the enemies on the upper floor of the museum in Summers, they're still there and can still be fought, but if you manage to lose this fight, the game doesn't know how to handle it, and the Game Over screen simply repeats endlessly.
- Gameplay and Story Integration:
- One notable piece is the fact that each party member has one thing that sets them apart in their attacks: Ness focuses on protecting others because he's the leader, Paula is the PSI powerhouse and resident medic because she wants to get stronger and become independent, Jeff builds things in the night because of his inferiority complex, and Poo is the debuffer because of his disarming nature.
- Possibly the best example is Ness homesickness status effect. It happens when Ness is between levels 16note and 75note , and corresponds to Ness being strong enough to be away from home, but still weak enough to be distressed about it.
- Gameplay and Story Segregation: If you play for more than two hours in a single sitting, including if you restore a game state (e.g. if you save your state after an hour and a half of gameplay, Ness's father will call him about half an hour later), Ness's father will call him and suggest that he take a break. This can happen before Ness gets the Receiver Phone from Apple Kid a few hours into the game, meaning that Ness somehow takes the call without a phone.
- Genius Loci: Dungeon Man. It even goes far enough to say that he's a walking, talking dungeon made from the dungeon builder Dungeon Man, AKA Brick Road.
- Giant Footprint Reveal: The first Sanctuary location is Giant Step, so named for the single enormous humanoid footprint left in the top of the mountain. The art style of the game makes it a little uncertain how big the footprint actually is, and it's the only one of its kind. Its presence is never explained, simply left as a Riddle for the Ages.
- Girl of My Dreams: Can happen with Ness — if he sleeps in inns before he battles the Happy Happyists, he will receive psychic pleas from the imprisoned Paula. And it also happens with Jeff, who receives similar psychic pleas from Paula when she and Ness are trapped in Threed.
- Give Me Your Inventory Item: Happens three(ish) times, none of them avoidable:
- Apple Kid requests some food before taking your cash investment in his inventions. He lives in town so skinflint players can easily bring or go obtain a $2 salt or ketchup packet to feed to him rather than surrender a more valuable hamburger.
- Gerardo Montague, the desert miner, likewise requests food. He lives at the far end of the desert so unless you knew to bring something cheap to give him, he'll probably take a food item you thought highly enough of to keep in your limited inventory - or force you to go find/buy one if you have nothing.
- A scuzzy looking guy in Fourside won't let you have his spot to rubberneck at a person passed out in an alley unless you give him something. Unlike the others, he will accept anything, not just food, but since he's also in town and much more obnoxious than the other two, you may still feel the urge to run to the Dept Store to buy him a salt packet just out of spite.
- The desert monkey cave is essentially a fetch quest puzzle where you must bring requested items to specific monkeys, so inevitably uses this to a certain extent. However it's ultimately averted, because although most of the items are mundane consumables you could buy in a store, the cave itself gives you all but the first two items you need through chests, and refunds even those initial items at the end.
- Global Currency: Slightly more acceptable here. Sure, the world only uses one currency, but it's dollars. And stuff in other countries is more expensive, but this may be because of the Sorting Algorithm of Weapon Effectiveness, and one of the last towns is a tourist resort where everything sells for double what it does anywhere else. The signs for stores in other countries also make a point of stating that they do indeed accept Eagleland currency, something real foreign stores would do to promote tourist spending.
- Go Back to the Source: Ness and the others must fight Giygas at a point in time when he was much weaker.
- Gondor Calls for Aid: While fighting the Big Bad, the only way to beat him is to use the up until then useless skill "Pray," which causes all the NPCs in the world, plus the player, to pray together, which destroys him.
- Good Hurts Evil: How Giygas meets his end.
- Good Morning, Crono: Justified by the fact that the game begins in the middle of the night. The main character is wide awake by the time the sun rises.
- Gosh Darn It to Heck!: In accordance with the game's childlike tone, a number of characters go out of their way to not swear. One of the funnier examples being an enemy battle cry being, "Don't go to Heaven!"note
- Gotta Catch Them All: The eight melodies for the Sound Stone, which are plot crucial. There's also the optional photo spots with the flying photographer, which are later added to the Creative Closing Credits. These photo spots are hidden, but the maps are designed in such a way that you'll probably stumble over these Easter Eggs anyway.
- Gratuitous Laboratory Flasks: Dr. Andonuts has several beakers and flasks on both of the desks in his lab, despite only being shown working with machines.
- Greater-Scope Villain: The hieroglyphs at the museum in Summers imply that Giygas's race has invaded Earth at least once before.
- Green Hill Zone: The town of Onett has very green grass and, being Ness's hometown, it is where the very first leg of the journey takes place.
- Guest-Star Party Member:
- Quite a few, ranging from Porky, his brother Picky, Ness's dog King, an alien insect from the future, Jeff's friend Tony, to an invisible man with a unibrow and a gold tooth, a giant animated tower, to inanimate teddy bears, demonic ghosts that can possess you, and manifestations of Ness's subconscious. Some of them are more useful than others.
- In the last moments of the final battle with Giygas, the player — as in, the one holding the controller — as in, YOU join the party. And it is awesome.
- Guide Dang It!: EarthBound came with a free Player's Guide so that first-time players could figure out what they're supposed to do if they got stuck. Either that or pay the Hint guy to get a clue on the next place to go or the next thing to do.
- Figuring out that you're supposed to have Paula pray repeatedly in the final battle can be tough without checking a guide, as the game only drops a few subtle hints.
Porky: Do you want to scream for help here in the dark?! ... I know you have telepathy, or something, so just try and call for help...
- Possibly making it even tougher is when, when you pray for the eighth time, you get a message saying "Paula's prayer was absorbed by the darkness." This can make players think that it will no longer be effective and you're supposed to return to simply beating Giygas up again. Actually, you're supposed to pray AGAIN, one last time, to finish the battle.
- Buzz Buzz does somewhat tell you even from the start. His final words are of you having to "unite with the Earth's (power)". This can be seen as both having to find all Eight Melodies, and as uniting all as one in prayer.
- Original copies of the game were bundled with the complete strategy guide at no extra charge (and the Virtual Console release was accompanied by Nintendo releasing said guide as a free download on their website). So if you must shout "guide dang it!" you need not shout too loudly.
- Halloweentown: Threed. Ghosts, zombies, dim light, spooky puppets... Even after you take care of those problems the color scheme is still muted and there is still a huge graveyard.
- Haute Cuisine Is Weird: Trout yogurt is popular among the wealthy residents of Fourside.
- Healing Boss:
- Various bosses are able to use Lifeup in order to heal themselves. Specifically, Mondo Mole, Shrooom!, and the Department Store Spook know Lifeup α, while Ness's Nightmare knows Lifeup β.
- Master Belch will automatically recover large swaths of his HP, more than the amount of damage a typical player can inflict at this point, when attacked. However, if the player uses the Jar of Fly Honey on him, he'll be so distracted that he becomes a Zero-Effort Boss, among other things losing his healing ability.
- Played with in the case of the Clumsy Robot. One of its actions during battle is to supposedly heal itself with a Bologna Sandwich, but in actuality, it does nothing.
- Electro Specter possesses a Hungry HP Sucker, which saps HP from the party in order to heal itself.
- Healing Loop: In the Clumsy Robot boss fight, it will occasionally eat a bologna sandwich, healing itself to full. It's a lie. Despite what the text says, its HP don't recover, and the scene where the Runaway Five save you is triggered by the boss's HP falling to zero.
- The Heartless: Many of the enemies in the game are influenced to fight Ness through Giygas's control over their inherent evil. Right before Ness gets charged with a great deal of power, he has to fight Giygas's influence over the evil in his mind via a boss battle.
- Heel–Face Revolving Door: Porky seems to like trying to pretend he's ready to repent of his misdeeds for just long enough to make a getaway. And boy, does he ever run fast for a little fat kid.
- Hell Hotel: The hotel in Threed will briefly become this as soon as you get there.
- Hello, [Insert Name Here]: In addition to naming all four playable characters at the beginning of the game, a player also names the main character's dog, favorite food, and "favorite thing," which is used as the name of the main character's signature spell. About halfway through the game, the player is also asked to input their own name, which comes up when the player prays for the characters' safety when fighting the final boss.
- Heroic Mime: Whoever the player is controlling at the time. As soon as they meet up with the main group, they start talking and introduce themselves. The only exception is at two points in the game, where a special wall displays Ness's thoughts, and where Ness talks to himself telling him where he needs to go next near the end of the game.
- Hitodama Light: The Zombie Possessor inflicts hitodama as a status ailment.
- A Homeowner Is You: You can buy a "house" (or rather, a hovel) in Onett for $7,500. It contains a photographer location, so you'll need it for 100% Completion. But more importantly, there's the hilarious magazine excerpt...
- Hope Spot: During Ness's time in Magicant, Porky is seemingly determined to make peace with him despite enough tension between them throughout half the adventure. Then the endgame comes and everything is suddenly ruined.
- Iconic Item: Ness' red baseball cap. In-game it's his first head equip, and it shows up again in Magicant near the end of the game. Its stats are long since obsoleted, but not its sentimental value...
- I Know Kung-Faux: Onett police force Capt. Strong uses Super Ultra Mambo-Tango-Foxtrot Martial Arts.
- Improbable Weapon User: From yo-yos to frying pans.
- Impossibly Delicious Food: Delisauce is an impossibly delicious condiment, which goes with all foods and maxes out their recovery potential.
- Incompatible Orientation: This seems to be the case with Tony toward Jeff.
Unless Jeff himself is gay or bi, which there is absolutely no evidence for or against.
- Indecisive Parody: The game constantly rocks back and forth between a humorous romp and a serious drama. Unlike most examples, it works.
- Indescribable Object: The "Insignificant Item" Joke Item has no in-game art, a description that just acknowledges its existence, and the strategy guide just has it as a wrapped rectangular prism of a bundle, giving almost no information about it:
Insignificant Item: It doesn't look like it would do much of anything, but...
- Infinity -1 Sword:
- The Legendary Bat for Ness.
- A gadget for Jeff is the Heavy Bazooka, which is like a reusable Bomb that can deal up to 400 damage to the target.
- Infinity +1 Sword: The Gutsy Bat for Ness.
- Infinity +1 Element: PSI Rockin, or whatever you named your favorite thing. Non-elemental and targets all, so it'll hit the entire enemy formation like a truck. Balanced only by its comparatively exorbitant PP cost, and belonging to Ness (who doesn't have the best PP pool to begin with).
- In-Game Banking Services: ATMs let you store your money in a bank account, where it is safe in the case of a game over. Half your pocket money is lost at a game over. It's also how the game plays with the use of Money Spiders: when defeating enemies, instead of cash immediately going to your party's inventory, Ness's dad deposits money to your account.
- Inner Child: You can find and talk to a representation of Ness' younger self. He's disappointed to find that he's now too busy to play.
- Insurmountable Waist-Height Fence:
- Parodied - at one point your path is blocked by a statue of a pencil. In the original Japanese, it was of an octopus.
- Later on, is another parody, where the blockade is an eraser statue. Originally, it was a statue of a type of doll (the item to remove it forms a play on words in Japanese). The English version retains that sort of pun—the pencil statues are removed using a Pencil Eraser. No prizes for guessing what removes the eraser statue.
- Instakill Mook: A few enemies can cast Diamondization, which acts identically to Petrification from EarthBound Beginnings. That is, they're an instant-KO that can only be healed with PSI Healing γ or Ω, or via blue-haired healers; as a reminder, a Diamondized party member will drag behind their teammates on the overworld as a static, anthropomorphic gemstone. Unlike Beginnings, however, Diamondization can be inflicted on enemies as well as party members, either by confusing an enemy capable of casting Diamondization or by using Poo's Mirror ability. A confused enemy capable of Diamondization can end up casting the effect on a cohort or even themselves, and since the spell is basically an insta-kill, it's possible to win a battle by reducing a fight down to the Diamondizing enemy and forcing them to Diamondize themselves. Since a Diamondized enemy stays on the battlefield despite being considered dead, this can lead to amusing sights such as this
, in which the game displays the standard victory text while still leaving the enemy on-screen.
- Instrumental Theme Tune: A pretty epic one.
- Interface Screw:
- In Moonside, yes means no, and no means yes.
- Also, if any player character gets mushroomized, the game's interpretation of D-pad inputs will rotate 90 degrees clockwise every thirty seconds. This can only be cured by the healer in the hospital, and you will have a hard time getting there.
- Item Amplifier: Using the right condiment with the appropriate food increases the healing power of the latter.
- It's Going Down: The Sky Runner on more than one occasion.
- Jerkass: Porky and his father.
- Some of the townspeople as well.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Everdred, boss of Burglin Park. Apparently he is some sort of criminal, and he does briefly fight you, but after that he is nothing but helpful. And he really wanted Paula to be rescued.
- Joke Character: The Worthless Protoplasm, Fobbies, and Foppies are joke enemies, and Porky amounts to a joke ally for the short time he travels with you.
- Joke Item:
- The Insignificant Item, among others.
- Ruler: "It can be used in battle! Can be used many times." Ditto the Protracter.
- The Super Orange Machine, or Suporma for short. It plays an "Ode to Orange Kid" and immediately breaks down after that.
- Journey to the Center of the Mind: After collecting all of the 8 Melodies, you will be transported to Magicant, the realm of Ness's mind.
- Jump Scare: Several, but two in particular that might frighten first-time players (both of which feature the Scare Chord "Whoops!"
) are the zombie attack in the Threed Hotel and the Magic Cake scene.
- Karma Houdini: Porky. Naturally, he returns as the Big Bad in Mother 3.
- Kick the Dog: When Porky's mom kills Buzz Buzz.
- Kid Hero: All the main cast. And in Ness's case he randomly suffers homesickness as a status effect. This is cured by calling or visiting his mom.
- Kids Are Cruel: Porky is a rotten kid who antagonizes you through the game, eventually allying himself with Giygas.
- The Klan: The Happy Happyists, who wear robes and pointy hats not unlike the Real Life Klan, except they're blue instead of white. The English localization softened this by putting a puffball on the end of their hoods and removing the letters "HH" from their foreheadsnote .
- Kleptomaniac Hero:
- Parodied, when the protagonist Ness can get items from trash cans. And this includes food items, which he can then eat with absolutely no consequences. He also gets the chance to properly steal food items, but will be attacked for it.
- There is also an NPC (in Summers, if memory serves) that lampshades the use of this trope in "other" games.
- In a case of Video Game Cruelty Potential, Jeff can steal the cookies that were intended for Tony's birthday coming up the next day, and the person who made them even says he made them all himself and frosted them with extra care. Though talk to him after you steal them, he gives a What the Hell, Hero?
- Kraken and Leviathan: The Kraken, found in the way from Summers to Scaraba, which is fought as a boss battle, and looks like a sea serpent rather than a squid; Later you find it again as a regular enemy in Magicant. It has a more powerful variant in the form of the Bionic Kraken, found in the final area of the game.
- Lampshade Hanging: Everywhere.
- Last Chance Hit Point: Done in two ways:
- If you take "mortal damage", you don't die right away. Your health ticks down at a steady rate (just under 20 per second or so) and you don't actually die until it reaches zero.
- Every time you take damage that's greater than your remaining health, the game runs a random check. At random, that damage will change from "attack dealt mortal damage" to "attack dealt (current HP - 1) damage". The higher your Guts stat, the more often this will happen.
- The Law of Conservation of Detail: Violating it is one of the most basic ways this game plays with the player's expectations.
- Items such as the Protractor and Ruler have literally no purpose (other than vendor trash), but not only will Jeff start with them in his inventory, the New-Age Retro Hippie will try to use one in battle! The Suporma, a rarely seen item given to you if you choose to invest money in Orange Kid's inventions then return later, not only does nothing, it breaks after a single use.
- Speaking of which, enemies frequently do things to waste turns. A significant fraction of the game's battle scripts are actions such as "knitting one's brow" that essentially cause the enemy to skip a turn, and maybe make the player laugh.
- Entire areas of the world map hold nothing of real interest or value, other than to create atmosphere and make the world feel expansive.
- Many, maybe most, NPCs have nothing useful to say, though most of them make up for this with amusing dialogue instead.
- The famous coffee breaks likewise do nothing to advance the game, but force the player to relax and reflect on the game so far.
- The entire food system. There are dozens of food items and a handful of condiments that can be combined with them, but most of them have limited practical use. The impressive variety of dining options evidently exists largely for flavor.
- Lawyer-Friendly Cameo: In the American version, Lucky and Gorgeous were changed from their Blues Brothers outfits to somewhat resemble Mario and Luigi (though The Runaway Five being a Blues Brothers parody is still made very clear).
- Leitmotif:
- The Runaway Five, Porky, and Paula all have theme music - the latter's doesn't play all that often, though.
- Paula's theme is actually a Shout-Out of the theme of Youngtown, a place where only children live because all of the parents were abducted by Giygas. So it's saying that she's tied down to a place with no adults to guide her and she's scared, helpless. It's heard in Paula's cell, Polestar Preschool while she's missing, and when found in Fourside. Get why now?
- There's a highly prominent one that's hard to miss, but it's very odd as it's entirely made of dramatic portamentos (pitch-bent notes), and is sometimes described as "UFO sounds", but it's actually a distinct, recurring melody. It has no clearly specific association, but tends to appear in eerie and unsettling tracks, and may be thought of as the theme of Giygas's influence. It notably appears in "Onett Night" 1 and 2, the beginning of "Otherworldly Foe", "Battle Against a Weak Opponent", and "Dangerous Caves".
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: During the brief period where the player directly controls Jeff, he saves his game by calling Maxwell. Maxwell notes that he'll make a record of Jeff's progress, and notes it's like saving in a video game.
- Lethal Joke Character:
- You wouldn't think that the mystical record or that animate cup of coffee wouldn't be that deadly, would you?
- The Smilin' Sphere!!
- Yeah, they're all over the place. Floating lips, electric guitars, phonograph records, angry ladies, hippies, surfer dudes...
- Territorial Oaks...
- Porky is a useless party member and runs away every other time you meet him until the end of the game when he's in an alien mech and fights alongside Giygas.
- Lethal Lava Land: The last Your Sanctuary is Fire Spring, an active volcano. The boss is a firey dog named Carbon Dog who eventually hardens into Diamond Dog.
- Let's Play:
- Travis343 did one narrated from Ness's point of view.
- Here's another Let's Play that's fully voice acted. "Voice acted by over 40+ LPers, fan dubbers, and rising voice actors!"
- EarthBound is where one of YouTube's most popular Let's Players, Chuggaaconroy, got his start.
- Travis343 did one narrated from Ness's point of view.
- Life Drain: Jeff's HP-sucker and Hungry HP-sucker machines do this to enemies, though both have a chance of failure each time they're used.
- Lighter and Softer: The story is taken with less seriousness than in EarthBound Beginnings, and it often becomes simply for humor's sake... until the end, when it's just horrifying.
- Live Item: If you hold on to an egg, it will eventually hatch into a chick. A little later it will grow into a chicken, which can then be sold.
- Living Drawing: In the Pyramid, some of the enemies encountered include Lethal Asp Hieroglyphs and Guardian Hieroglyphs, which are sentient drawings in the shape of snakes and anthropomorphic canines resembling the god Anubis, respectively.
- Living Emotional Crutch: Ness was likely this to Porky. See the third entry in Lost in Translation below.
- Long-Lasting Last Words: Buzz Buzz gives a decent speech about what you should do next as he is dying. And he offers to repeat it.
- Look What I Can Do Now!: Poo returns from training to demonstrate his new power on a boss, obliterating it with PK Starstorm.
- Loss of Identity: Poo's Mu Training involves his ancestor, in a ritual non-corporeal sense, taking bits of his body until there's nothing left but his mind, which he also plans to take.
- Lost in Translation: Several puns make more sense in Japanese.
- As is commonly known by now, thanks to the Mother 3 fan translation and Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Porky Minch's name was erroneously translated as Pokey Minch. Some fans have reached the compromise solution (as seen here
, on Mother 3 fan translator Clyde "Tomato" Mandelinnote 's EarthBound website) to call him "Pokey" when referring to EarthBound, and "Porky" when referring to anything else.
- The Apple of Enlightenment, mentioned several times throughout the game, is revealed towards the end to be a future-telling machine used by the evil forces. In the English translation, this line was removed for some reason, and as a result fans speculated for years about what the Apple was meant to be.
- Strawberry Tofu, a recurring healing item that appeared both in the previous game and the next one that could be bought on Summers was replaced in the Cultural Translation by Trout Yogurt.
- Also, Porky's motive. After rescuing Paula the first time in the English Version, Porky says "Let's be friends again. Just kidding!" and is pretty much the bad guy for the rest of the game and the next game. In the original Japanese version, it wasn't because Porky was a jerk, but because Ness was. Porky asked Ness if they could be friends again, but Ness refused to answer, causing Porky to storm off angrily. So canonically, Ness indirectly helped to cause the entirety of the events of Mother 3, including the deaths of Hinawa and Claus. Good job Ness.
- As is commonly known by now, thanks to the Mother 3 fan translation and Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Porky Minch's name was erroneously translated as Pokey Minch. Some fans have reached the compromise solution (as seen here
- Lost World: Aptly named the Lost Underworld, an enormous underground cave filled to the brim with bloodthirsty dinosaurs. Not to mention that your party's sprites minimized just to compare the sizes of your enemies.
- MacGuffin Location: "Your Sanctuary" Locations. You have to find them all!
- Made of Explodium: Several enemies explode when you defeat them causing massive damage:
- Trees!
- The Smilin' Sphere!!
- Nuclear Reactor Robots too.
- Madness Mantra: Giygas has a veritable library of these, all of which he uses prior to launching an attack.
Giygas: “Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness... I feel g...o...o...d...”
Giygas: "It's not right... not... right..."
Giygas: "It hurts, Ness..."
- Magic by Any Other Name: PSI, just like its predecessor and its successor.
- Magic Meteor: The meteor that starts Ness's adventure. Not only was the time traveler Buzz Buzz riding in it, but the meteor contains a material needed for time travel.
- Magic Is Rare, Health Is Cheap: PP-restoring items are hard to come by, especially in the early game. If you want the best of them, the Magic Truffle, be prepared to root through the Deep Darkness with the Piggy Nose for a long time (and there are only so many). Late game, however, you can buy the (mediocre) Magic Tart and the (better, especially for Poo) Brain Food Lunch.
- Malt Shop: The burger stops you see throughout your adventure have this kind of style implemented.
- Mana Drain: PSI Magnet steals PP from enemies to add to the user's reserves.
- Mascot Mook: The iconic Starmen, with a Final Starman being featured in the North-american boxart.
- Mayor Pain:
- Mr. Monotoli. Or so it seems at first.
- As well as B.H. Pirkle.
- The Maze: By far the largest maze in the game is the one inside of Dungeon Man, but that's not to say that Moonside is not a maze in itself.
- Mechanistic Alien Culture: The Starmen. They're visibly metallic and they have Robo Speak, but they're able to cast spells, and apparently come back as ghosts, something one would not expect from robots. Their Japanese names also suggest a biological relation with the models.
- Meaningful Appearance: Porky and Picky have long bangs that obscure their eyes although they seem to see just fine. They make Porky look like more of a slob and tie Picky to Porky visually, so that was probably the reason behind the design decision.
- Mental World: Magicant is a representation of Ness' mind after collecting all of the plot coupons.
- Mercy Kill: Killing Giygas feels like this, given he has become a formless, insane blob of hate and insanity by his psychic powers backfiring on him. There is no sense of triumph after defeating him in the end.
- Metal Slime: Criminal Caterpillars and Master Criminal Worms are extremely rare enemies with a very low spawn rate. They're fast, they have a high dodge rate, and they spam PSI Fire α (and β in the Master Criminal Worm's case) to obliterate the party quickly. On the flipside, their HP is abysmal to the point where getting a Back Attack will defeat them instantly, and they give massive amounts of EXP.
- Meteor-Summoning Attack: PK Starstorm is the magical variant, summoning magic-based meteors on enemies.
- Mini-Dungeon: The Brick Road dungeon is placed just before the cave leading to Rainy Circle, which contains one of the Eight Melodies.
- Minimalistic Cover Art: The Japanese boxart, which is just the MOTHER 2 logo on top of a plain red background. Averted with the English EarthBound boxart, which depicts a Final Starman towering menacingly over a psychedelic background similar to the game's in-battle backgrounds, with Ness reflected in its visor.
- Mirror Boss: Ness's Nightmare, which has access to Lifeup, PSI Rockin, and PSI Flash, just like Ness.
- Mirror World: Moonside is one to Fourside.
- Money Spider: Averted. As with the previous game, money is not dropped by monsters, but is instead received through transactions with your father. However, enemies will still drop... odd items at times. This is only true in a story capacity, though. Defeating enemies still causes money to appear in your account. It's simply explained by way of your father.
- Mood Whiplash: One of the most memorable examples in gaming. It's nowhere near as sudden as many assume and there's a good deal of buildup to it, but it's there.
- Mooks: Giygas's henchmen, which include Starmen, Octobots, unidentified flying objects, and aliens that are literally called "Mooks".
- Mouth of Sauron: The Mani Mani Statue and Porky, alternatively.
- Muck Monster: Master Belch, Master Barf, and the Big Pile of Puke. There's also the Slimy and Even Slimier Little Piles!
- Multinational Team: Four kids from three continents.
- Muscle Beach Bum: The Tough Guy, randomly encountered on Summers beach.
- Mushroom Samba: Poked fun at, but canonically averted. The player gets to Moonside by "talking" to a wall full of alcoho- sorry, "coffee".
- Musical Pastiche and Sampling: It's used so frequently that the resulting legal muck was the most common theory behind why this game would not see an international release - that said, since it did eventually happen with no changes needed, it seems to be false. This video
shows the nearly insane amount of sampling that's gone into the soundtrack. Most notably:
- My Future Self and Me: A younger Ness appears in Magicant, and asks his older self if he's still interested in comics and games when spoken to.
- Nerd Glasses: On Jeff the Gadgeteer Genius: the classic thick square frames, no less.
- Nerf Arm: Several of the earlier weapons are based on not-at-all dangerous toys. Examples include the tee-ball bat (which are typically made of thin plastic and hollow) and the yo-yo.
- Never Say "Die":
- No enemies in Earthbound 'die.' See Non-Lethal K.O. below.
- The Dept. Store Spook in Fourside goes out of his way to avoid pronouncing "hell":
You will be gone, and you'll be burning in... Well, you'll go to heaven!
- Similar to the previous example, An Insane Cultist finds a kid friendly way to tell Ness to "go to Hell"note :
You strange unmasked fellow. Don't go to Heaven!
- The English localization did this, as per Nintendo's then-standards. They missed a part in the ending where one of Poo's fangirls wakes up from "a dream in which Prince Poo died", in those exact words.
- Never Trust a Trailer: Probably one of the most egregious cases; the ads tried to make it look like a Grossout Game from beginning to end....note There's maybe two parts of the game with any kind of Toilet Humor, and even then it's never too over-the-top.
- New-Age Retro Hippie: Earthbound is the Trope Namer, after one of the enemies with the same name.
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain!: Giygas's forces abduct Dr. Andonuts, Apple Kid and one of the Mr. Saturns, and lock them up in Stonehenge. This allows the three of them to meet and develop the Phase Distorter, the device that sends the party back in time to defeat Giygas.
- Noble Shoplifter: In Happy Happy Village, there's a food stand with a sign saying they trust you to take what you need, as long as you leave the money. However, in this case, the player does have the option to leave without paying, so this trope depends on the player.
- No Communities Were Harmed: Fourside is very clearly designed after Las Vegas, Nevada, with it being an enormous, bustling city with heavy emphasis on tourism just on the outskirts of a desert, being Dusty Dunes Desert.
- Non-Indicative Name: There's actually six members of The Runaway Five. Handwaved, as it's implied that the keyboardist was just hired by the house to play backup, and isn't an actual member.
- "No" Means "Yes": In Moonside, switching yes and no - one of the ways to make the area harder and to emphasize its weirdness.
- Non-Human Sidekick: Bubble Monkey to Jeff for a time in Winters, taking part in any battles Jeff fights during that time.
- Non-Lethal K.O.: No one "dies" in Earthbound. Instead, they:
- "get hurt and collapse" (player characters)
- "become tame" (animals, Sharks, Evil Eyes)
- "stop moving" or "are broken into pieces" (Animate Inanimate Object)
- "are totally scrapped" or "are destroyed" (war machines)
- "go back to normal" or "regain their senses" (angry/brainwashed people)
- "return to the dust of the earth" (zombies, mummies, etc)
- "melt into thin air" or "disappear" (gases/ghosts)
- "are defeated" (everything else)
- Non-Linear Sequel: Despite the first Mother game ending on a painful To Be Continued (less painful if the player played the
unreleased English prototype and the much-later Mother 1+2, the only direct connection with prequel is Giygas. This game takes place in the vague year 199X rather than the specific one of 1988, but unless America exists separately on the other side of the globe in this version of Earth, there is no sign of the original setting (although it's generally assumed it's the same world since Giygas "strikes back"). Ness is sort of Ninten's Legacy Character, but beyond that only the general themes really remain.
- Non-Standard Skill Learning: Spells are acquired by leveling up, except for the two tiers of Teleport for Ness. The first Teleport must be learned from a talking monkey, and the second one is automatically acquired after completing the Magicant level.
- Poo only learns PSI Starstorm after temporarily leaving the party to train with the Star Master.
- No Sense of Personal Space: Porky (target: Ness).
- Nostalgic Musicbox: The final rendition of the Eight Melodies, just before entering Magicant. You get all sorts of adorable clips of Ness's childhood.
- Not Completely Useless: Poo's Mirror ability is usually ignored by many players, as most monsters are rather weak, and few monsters have anything that you'd want. There is, however, at least one exception. The Atomic Power Robots in the underground base can be mirrored, and somehow Poo can heal your party members without PP cost by refuelling them as if they were robots.
- Not the Intended Use: The Teleport spell naturally will teleport you... However using Teleport Alpha in the Deep Darkness bypasses the swamp areas and thus you won't lose HP. So long as you collide with an object before you finish warping, you can trivialize what is normally a very annoying area.
- Nothing Is Scarier: The Cliff that Time Forgot or Cave of the Present is an empty floating island-like place with no sign of life around.
- Overlapping with You Cannot Grasp the True Form, anytime Giygas attacks, the game doesn't bother to go in details about what the attack looks like.
- Now, Where Was I Going Again?: Averted with the use of the Hint stalls. For a small fee, the man behind the Hint Stall will nudge you in the right direction about where you need to go.
- NPC Roadblock: The Happy Happyists' hideout contains a maze made of cultists; you have to talk to them or battle them to get them to move.
- The Numbered Things: The Eight Melodies (not the same as the ones in the first game).
- Old Area, New Enemies: Onett becomes a mostly peaceful town early in the game, but late in the game, when Ness needs to retrieve the Zexonyte from the meteor strike that crashed in the early game, the town gets invaded. People lock themselves in their houses, and much tougher enemies are present.
- Older Than They Look: Most of the cast thanks to the graphics style, as the adults tend to blend in even in a crowd of children.
- Ominous Message from the Future: The events of the game are set in motion when Buzz Buzz comes from the future to warn Ness that Giygas has destroyed the world in the future and that a boy named Ness would defeat him.
- One-Hit Kill: A rare effect of higher levels of PK/PSI Flash, and "glorious light" equivalent attacks from the enemy. Notably, if they succeed in effecting a one-hit KO against one of your party, it bypasses the scrolling health counter and instantly sets the victim's HP to zero, leaving no chance of healing it off as opposed to a mortal damaging but otherwise ordinary attack.
- Only the Author Can Save Them Now: Deliberately pulled off in an extremely rare example that actually works, since it's cleverly subverted into only The Player Can Save Them Now. And not in the way you're thinking either.
- Only Idiots May Pass: Plenty of Event Flags enforce this.
- Threed is home of the game's Zombie Apocalypse. Exploring the town, you may find that zombies are guarding part of the cemetery after fighting your way through it. You have to find them, and allow them to notice your presence, in order to advance the plot.
- After successfully completing a sidequest involving the Runaway Five, you are informed that a department store has opened in Fourside. To advance the plot, you must enter and leave the establishment, at which point your female party member is kidnapped. To get the plot to advance any further from there, you have to kill the monster responsible, even though he does not have her anymore and there is no reward for defeating him. At that point, you will be able to visit a café that you may have visited earlier. But now, talking to people inside triggers a sequence where a friend of yours winds up half-dead in a nearby alley. Then, you can go back inside and look at a seemingly blank wall you couldn't reach before.
- Opaque Nerd Glasses: Jeff, on both his clay model and in-game sprite.
- Out-of-Clothes Experience: Ness is naked in Magicantnote . This was changed in Earthbound so that Ness is in his PJs instead.
- Outside-the-Box Tactic: Continuing the series-wide trend, the Final Boss, Giygas cannot be defeated via normal tactics. You must use Paula's Pray command ten times before you, the player, defeat him.
- The Overworld: Notably for a 90s RPG, averted entirely. The player view outside of combat is always the same, and much of the world is directly linked by roads, like the real world. This contributes to the world feeling larger than in many genre contemporaries, which almost always used an overworld map to travel between towns and dungeons.
- Palette Swap: Several enemies are like this, including a stronger version of the Territorial Oak, Foppies and Fobbies, and the Evil Mani-Mani/Ness's Nightmare.
- Palmtree Panic: The town of Summers is a beach side resort town. Being a popular tourist spot it contains a museum and restaurant.
- Parental Abandonment: Ness's Dad communicates over the phone often enough, but is never home. Jeff's father hasn't seen him in ten years despite living fairly near his boarding school (and this is an eleven to fifteen year old boy) and seems to think nothing of it; his mother is never mentioned. Poo's parents are nowhere in sight—affairs of state, perhaps? Paula is the only one of the four protagonists to have parents that are both alive and present.
- Parental Bonus: Oh God. Too many to list. A yellow submarine, the Runaway Five, the New Age Retro Hippie's battle music...
- The Password Is Always "Swordfish":
- The one password was not of the "easily guessed" type, but was ridiculous nonetheless: It consisted of waiting three minutes. Who would guess that?
- This is later subverted by another character asking for the password. As the Player Character does not answer, he (or it) attacks ("someone so quiet is either extremely shy, or extremely dangerous").
- Patience Plot: You have to wait 3 minutes at the waterfall in Grapefruit Falls before you can enter Master Belch's factory.
- Photo Montage: The ending credits show off all the photos the photographer takes of you at points in the game.
- Place of Power: "Your Sanctuary" locations. Each restores your life to full, and getting them all give Ness a huge power boost.
- Place Worse Than Death: Apparently, if you remain in Moonside for too long, you'll "end up frying your brain."
"Yes, you will. No, you will... not. Yes no, you will won't."
- Playable Epilogue: After the final battle, you are free to roam the entire world as you please, with no enemies in your way, until you decide to visit Ness's Mom. (Actually, if you ignore the Shattered Men in the Summers museum, they'll still be fightable in the epilogue, which if you purposely die crashes the game. And may trigger other glitches.)
- The Player Is the Most Important Resource: In the final battle, your faith in the characters is what defeats Giygas.
- Playing with Fire: The PK Fire series.
- Point of No Return: A polite example is given near the end of the game. Upon finishing the Phase Distorter II, Dr. Andonuts tells Ness and his friends that they may not have a chance to return once they attempt to teleport to Giygas' suspected location, and stresses that you should make sure you have everything prepared and you have any and all items you may need. Once you use the Phase Distorter II, you can't go back and get anything you may have missed, so be sure you don't go without making sure you are, in Dr. Andonuts' words, "optimally outfitted". If you don't take this warning and don't prepare properly for The Very Definitely Final Dungeon, you'll put yourself in a really bad position.
- Funny enough, using the Phase Distorter III is a more hyped Point of No Return, given how Ness, Paula, Jeff and Poo must transfer their conscience into robot bodies to survive their travel back in time. There's even a save point accessible after you cross this point, and it is probably best used if you are sure that you have everything you need to brave the Cave of the Past.
- Police Are Useless: Not only do the police not seem to be able to handle things like kidnappings and teenage gangs, they actively get in your way by setting up pointless roadblocks.
- Police Brutality: When Onett's police force is asked by an adolescent/teenage boy to remove a roadblock and help him get to the next town, they decide it'd be fun to take him to the back room of the station and beat him up. They quickly learn challenging Ness to a fight is a bad idea if you don't want your butt kicked.
- Port Town: The Town of Toto located right east of Summers is a port town. The player has to visit the town to board a boat to Scaraba.
- Powerful, but Inaccurate: The Casey Bat has the maximum possible attack power, but also the lowest hit rate, actually giving it lower average damage than other bats available at the same stage of the game.
- Power Nullifier: Jeff's Counter PSI unit, which when used leaves an enemy unable to use PSI for the rest of the battle. His Neutralizer nullifies all status buffs and shields (for both ally and enemy), while his Shield Killer nullifies an enemy's shield.
- The Power of Friendship: How Giygas is defeated. In some way or another, isn't this trope the lesson learned in every Mother game?
- The Power of Hate: Porky during the final battle.
Porky: "In this bizarre dimension, you four are the only force fighting for justice... And here you stand, waiting to be burned up with all the rest of the garbage of this universe... Haaaaah! That's so sad. I can't help but shed a tear."
- Power-Up Food: Ramen noodles bring back the dead.
- Prehistoria: The Lost Underworld is an area barely touched by time. It is full of dinosaur species and also the Tenda.
- Premiseville: Onett, Twoson, Threed, and Fourside.
- Pronoun Trouble: Due to certain lines of battle text being used by more than one enemy, we sometimes get lines like this
. Similarly, having Paula use the Ruler or Protractor will cause the game to refer to her as "he".
- Psychic Powers: Used throughout the game, both as a replacement for traditional RPG magic and as a plot point. The menu includes:
- Telepathy: Paula is particularly adept at it, calling out to Ness and later Jeff. Poo uses it as well.
- Clairvoyance: Occasionally invoked, again most often by Paula, to justify knowing what to do next.
- Psychokinesis: Several subtypes show up in combat, including pyrokinesis (PSI Fire), cryokinesis (PSI Freeze), astrakinesis (PSI Thunder), and psychic healing, as well as less easily defined attacks such as Ness's signature attack or PSI Starstorm.
- Psychic Barriers: Can be used to deflect or even reflect both physical and psychic attacks.
- Psychic Teleportation: Used by both Ness and Poo to travel the world without a plane ticket.
- Psi Blast: There are multiple psychic attacks to use, most of them are element based. However some of the more powerful attacks manifest as a colossal explosion of energy.
- Pumpkin Person: The Trick or Trick Kid
, an humanoid enemy wearing a pumpkin who appears in Threed during the Zombie Apocalypse.
- Punny Name: By the bushel.
- The first four towns are called Onett, Twoson, Threed, and Fourside.
- And what are those numbers added up? NinTendo! Although that might not have been intentional.
- And then there's Summers and Tenda (possibly also a pun on "tender"). Think about that for a while.
- The main character, named after the NES. Alternately, the main character's name is an anagram of the system he first appeared on (SNES).
- The bicycle shop in Twoson is called "Punk-Sure".
- One removed from the American version: the third town was originally named Threek, combining both the numerical theme along with a scream of surprise and alarm. Perfect for a haunted town. Nintendo had it changed to "Threed" out of fears that it could be read as a reference to the KKK.
- Quirky Town: Let's see here... how about all of them?
- Random Drop: The infamous 1/128 items are this. The list of enemies that dropped items at a 1/128 rate in this game is huge, and most of those enemies dropped arguably worthless items. Some enemies that dropped valuable equipment at this rate had methods of expending your time...
- Random Effect Spell: Pray, on the occasions when it's used outside of the final battle. Mostly it either does nothing or heals everyone a little bit, but it can also cause status effects on your part, revive everyone (including enemies), recover all HP and PP to someone, and other things.
- PK Flash, when it hits, may inflict crying (blindness), numbness (paralysis), feeling strange (confusion), or unconsciousness.
- Ray Gun: Some of the weapons Jeff can repair and use are these.
- Raygun Gothic: The style of the Starman and the robots seems to be based around this.
- Recurring Traveler: the photographer who descends from the sky in certain places.
"Say 'Fuzzy Pickles'!"
- Recursive Canon:
- One NPC wonders if the new video game EarthBound has been released yet.
- In addition, the newspaper headline in Onett after beating the Final Boss is "Chief Strong finishes Earthbound, asks "'Where is the sequel?'"
- Red and Black and Evil All Over: The bizarre void known as Giygas. The Ghost of Starman and Porky's business attire also suit this trope.
- Retraux: Giygas and Heavily Armed Porky's battle theme starts out with some NES chiptune-sounding music (ironically, nothing from EarthBound Beginnings, though, where Giygas actually just had an incessant screech as his "battle theme") before spontaneously jumping into
a progressive metal version of the same tune.
- Revenge of the Sequel: The subtitle of this game in Japanese is Gyiyg Strikes Back!, though since the first game in the trilogy wasn't brought over at first, it was changed to The War Against Giygas! in English.
- Road Block: The game uses road blocks in the prologue to keep Ness from going downtown, and later from going into Twoson, under pretense that the police are going for the world record for how many roads they can close at once.
- Rodents of Unusual Size: The Plague Rat of Doom is a boss enemy who is also a huge rat, but the normal mouse enemies look larger than normal as well.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Poo is the crown prince of Dalaam, and one of the Chosen Four who saves the world from a Bad Future.
- Rule of Three: Inside the mines, you'll fight the third-strongest mole, followed by the third-strongest mole, and then the third-strongest mole, and then...
- Sampling: The soundtrack for Earthbound features a large variety of sampling throughout its soundtrack, with many clever and creative uses:
- "Your Name, Please," the character naming screen, includes a distorted sample of the theme song to Monty Python's Flying Circus (which itself is John Philip Sousa's "The Liberty Bell.")
- The aforementioned track also samples Vince Edwards as Ben Casey saying "infinity", sampled from the opening of
the eponymous TV series.
- The backing track of the Sound Stone music is John Lennon's "Give Peace a Chance", pitched down to a mud-like consistency.
- The bar (or café) in Fourside samples the theme song to Our Gang (which in turn is Leroy Shield's "Good Old Days"), and also contains a MIDI patch playing a portion of "The Star-Spangled Banner", the national anthem of the United States.
- "Moonside Swing" is made entirely from the intro to The Cars frontman Ric Ocasek's solo song "Keep On Laughin'", layered on top of itself in a form of proto-Vaporwave.
- Dungeon Man's "Megaton Walk" samples the opening drums from The Beatles' "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise)."
- The Cave of the Past's present-day music consists of a sample of the trumpet intro to The Beatles' "All You Need Is Love"; once the party travels to the distant past, the music is made out of a sample of "Deirdre" by The Beach Boys (specifically the Lyrical Cold Open).
- Their are other distinct samples, such as a riot on the title screen, and sounds heard in the final battle, that have not yet been identified. Several of these samples were tailor-made by the game's composers, Keiichi Suzuki, Hirokazu Tanaka, Hiroshi Kanazu and Toshiyuki Ueno, out of their own (heavily processed) voices or instruments. The famous "I miss you" during the game credits' final moments is Suzuki's own voice.
- The limitations of the SNES sound processing architecture and of the music tracker software used in video games at this time meant that the composers had to get very creative to actually fit all of these samples into the game's score, let alone getting the more than 100 pieces into the limited memory of the cartridge itself. Any effects, like a note bending its pitch, vibratonote or any oscillations like the dubstep-like low-pass filtering of the Kraken and robot fights, had to be planned out mathematically: each split-second of the note had to be pitched and sampled individually and then painstakingly entered into the tracker as text, line by line, to create the effect of one note changing. If it sounds pretty complex, The Nerdwriter made a short video
explaining how David Wise's most famous songs for the Donkey Kong Country series were made in this exact same way.
- Say My Name: One of Giygas's attacks has him saying the hero's name over and over. Which can lead to a hilarious or disturbing results if one abused the Hello, [Insert Name Here] feature.
- Schmuck Bait: The Mysterious Woman in Threed.
- Scolded for Not Buying: A few of the shopkeepers are like this:
Twoson department store tool shop: Are you here just to say hi? What a loser!
Summers shop: This place isn't for looky loos. If you're not buying, get out!
Scaraba shop: Why don't you buy something? I've got a family to feed! - School Setting Simulation: The game has Snow Wood Boarding House, where Jeff resides. You have to go around the school and collect items from the rooms.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: When Ness has to fight five police officers before he can get past a blockade, the fifth decides to flee after the fourth is beaten.
- See You in Hell: Amusingly subverted where a villain starts to say this trope, then admits that the heroes will probably go to Heaven after he kills them:
Dept. Store Spook: "This department store is gonna be your grave! Gwaaagh. You will be gone, and you'll be burning in... Well, you'll go to heaven!"
- One Happy Happy cultist specifically tells you not to go to Heaven. According to Clyde Mandelin
the line was identical in the Japanese script.
- One Happy Happy cultist specifically tells you not to go to Heaven. According to Clyde Mandelin
- Shall I Repeat That?: Brutally parodied with Buzz Buzz, who does this with his last words, and will not die until you tell him to.
- The Shangri-La: Dalaam, a far-eastern country located at the top of a high mountain (or floating continent).
- Shave and a Haircut:
- When banging incessantly on Ness's door doesn't work, Porky tries this, although it is mixed with various other random knocks. Your dog remarks on how annoying it is.
- Picky also does this in the Playable Epilogue after the end credits.
- Shifting Sand Land: The Dusty Dunes Desert located between Threed and Fourside midway through the game and is by far the biggest area seen yet. Later on the group visits Scaraba, an arid desert town with an Egyptian feel.
- Ship Tease: * Numerous NPCs as well as arguably the game itself ship Ness and Paula. Also, what was Paula going to say to Ness that she "forgot"?
- Shock and Awe: The PK Thunder series.
- Shoplift and Die: In Happy Happy Village you can choose to pay whatever you want, if you pick $0 a nearby man will attack you. Though you can attack the storekeeper as a Ballistic Discount.
- Shouldn't We Be in School Right Now?:
- Defied when Ness's sister Tracy says that she got his homework covered. Also one conversation with Ness's Mom on the phone she says "Your teacher came by looking for you, I covered for you."
- A girl in Fourside's Department Store asks if Ness is skipping school too.
- Shout-Out:
- Many, a good majority of them to The Beatles.
- The Hint booth looks unmistakably similar to Lucy's psychiatry booth.
- The game guide packaged with the English language release of the game adds in a few that aren't in the game itself, such as saying the Onett arcade has Killer Instinct.
- A potentially subtle one to Terminator that some might miss - the Phase Distorter 3 can only send back inorganic objects to the past, a reversal of Terminator's time travel only being able to send back organic life.
- The two lead members of the Runaway Five are basically Jake & Elwood Blues - they actually wear black suits in Japanese, it's suspected the colored suits in the English version were to make them different enough to avoid legal hassles.
- The eighth Your Sanctuary boss' second form, Diamond Dog, is likely a reference to the David Bowie album Diamond Dogs.
- The Lost Underworld level features a massive underground cavern full of dinosaurs, no doubt a reference to Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth.
- If you listen closely to the ambience in the Onett arcade, you can hear musical themes from Nintendo's Sheriff and Namco's Xevious.
- The name of the item "Monkey's Love" is a reference to Gwaelin's Love, an item in Dragon Quest.
- In the Japanese version, Jackie's Cafe is called Borges's Bar, after Argentine author Jorge Luis Borges.
- When bosses use a thunder spell, it says they use a "crash boom bang attack", which seems to be a reference to the lyrics of "Rocking in the USA".
- There's arguably a subtle indirect one in that you take a boat from the port town of Toto to reach the equivalent of (Darkest) Africa by way of Scaraba.
- Single-Palette Town: The Happy Happy Village, everything is blue, blue...
- Sinister Geometry:
- Giygas's robots appear in the overworld as blue octahedrons (presumably they're inside; there's an unused capsule sprite that might have been originally used, same as the Starman capsules from EarthBound Beginnings).
- Giygas's stronghold, the Cave of the Past, is a chrome wasteland of of geometric cliffs.
- Skippable Boss:
- Many players don't even realize they can just not fight Everdred.
- With some chicanery, even Starman Jr can be avoided (lure an enemy into view before visiting the meteor, then fight it and die intentionally to spawn back at home and bypass him).
- Downplayed with four of the Sanctuary Guardians: Mondo Mole, Trillionage Sprout, Plauge Rat of Doom, and Thunder and Storm. They and their dungeons are balanced for when you can first fight them, but can be ignored for most of the game. Once the Tenda overcome their shyness, you'll gain access to the seventh Sanctuary and the area containing the last one, and the plot will come to a halt as you're expected to gather all of the melodies. If you've skipped any of these four, you'll have to go back and take care of it, but you'll probably be very overleveled and take them down quickly.
- Skeleton Key: The "Bad Key Machine" allows Jeff to open all of the lockers at his boarding school for some helpful items. This also proves useful later on when he crashes into Ness' and Paula's cell, where it turns out the "Bad Key Machine" works on their cell door too.
- Skewed Priorities: The miners in the desert go mining for gold. They instead find an incredibly-valuable diamond, ...which they instead give to you as thanks and because it wasn't gold, which they resume their search for.
- Skyscraper City: Fourside. You have to find your way to the top of the biggest one in the city too.
- Slippy-Slidey Ice World: The town of Winters which is Jeff's hometown is stuck in a perpetual winter since it is located far to the north.
- The Smurfette Principle: Paula is the only female character of the main party.
- Snowy Screen of Death: Right when you start up the game, a bloody red static screen is shown, displaying "The War Against Giygas!" As soon as you defeat Giygas, the same effect is displayed, ending the battle.
- Snowy Sleigh Bells: Jingle bells ring through the theme music for Winters
, where Jeff and his father reside.
- Soft Reboot: While ostensibly a sequel to EarthBound Beginnings, this game feels more like a re-imagining of that game, as three of the four party members and much of the game's overworld resemble that of Beginnings, but direct references to the plot of Beginnings are next-to-nonexistent, and even Giygas, the single returning character from Beginnings, might as well be a completely different character and even gets no reference to his backstory.
- Song Style Shift: The first form of the final battle's theme between Giygas and Porky
starts out as an 8 bit tune and then shifts into prog-death metal after around a minute.
- Sorting Algorithm of Evil: Mostly played straight, but for a moment at the beginning when Giygas, in a moment of being pretty clever, decides to just kill the last hope by sending Starman Junior at the start of the game. Thankfully, Buzz Buzz was able to defeat his attempted assassin and live long enough to pass along his message and the Sound Stone.
- Soundtrack Dissonance: Some of the (great) music in this game is so out there, it is hard to tell what kind of mood the composer is trying to evoke.
- Spell Levels: The tiers for PSI powers are given by the Greek letters alpha, beta, gamma, and omega (with sigma used for a few targets-all spells).
- Spiders Are Scary: Lampshaded. The Arachnid! and Arachnid!!! are two of the only enemies to have exclamation marks in their names.
- Spikes of Villainy: The Starman Deluxe and the Final Starman are respectively stronger versions of the Starman and the Starman Super WITH SPIKES!
- Spinning Out of Here: Like in EarthBound Beginnings, teleporting requires rapid, uninterrupted acceleration before zooming off to the destination, so areas with limited space to build speed require moving in circles to avoid crashing. One teleport ability requires the player to turn manually, the other one automatically makes the party move in a tight spiral.
- Squishy Wizard: Again, Paula. Her PK Freeze spells rip enemies into shreds, but her HP is so low that even two hits of PK Thunder obliterate her. Hell, often her HP during the endgame can be maxed out by Lifeup β. Though, you can actually get Paula to gain Normal Levels of HP to make up for her weakness,
through the use of the Rock Candy Glitch.
- Status Effects: As well as many non-standard ones. Characters can be affected by sickness, heat stroke, ghostly possession, homesickness (in Ness's case — this happens at random, and it's cured by calling Mom), mushroom growth, the common cold, uncontrollable crying...
- Start of Darkness: Giygas isn't the only one with an origin story.
- Stats-Tradeoff Equipment: Ness' officially strongest weapon is the Casey Bat, which boosts his attack by 125 points but also only hits 25% of the time, the lowest hit rate in the game, and therefore a reduction from anything that can be called the "base" hit rate, along with being a Cursed Item because it's less likely to hit than it is to not hit, so trying to attack with it is betting against the odds.
- Status Buff: The Offense Up and Defense Up PSI, which temporarily raise the party's physical attack and defense, respectively. Jeff's Defense Spray temporarily raises defense for one party member, while his Defense Shower raises defense for the entire party.
- Status-Buff Dispel: Jeff's Neutralizer targets all buffs active in battle, both ally and enemy.
- Stereotypical Nerd: Jeff, with his suit and bowtie, his glasses, and penchant for making advanced gadgetry.
- Stock Ness Monster: Tessie, a friendly monster who resides within Lake Tess in Winters.
- Stylistic Suck: The music that plays while exploring Dungeon Man is a mess of high-pitched violin screeches and a man trying to sing along. Dungeon Man claims to have written it himself.
- Surprisingly Creepy Moment: Most of the game is a gloriously strange and funny romp through childhood, and then you enter Giygas's lair.
- Tactical Suicide Boss: Mr. Carpainter will continue to shoot lighting at you even after the Franklin badge deflects it back at him for massive damage.
- Taking You with Me: One of the most potential headaches you'll encounter throughout the game are enemies that try to destroy your party with an unavoidable, last ditch suicide explosion.
- The Territorial Oak is a nuisance to first-time players for being the first enemy in the game you encounter that always self-destructs upon death which will always leave you worse off after the battle or even give you an early game over. Their relatives (Hostile Elder Oaks) will make your venture through the Deep Darkness swamp even more unpleasant.
- As if sunstroke and getting lost weren't bad enough, Smilin' Spheres in Dusty Dunes Desert will try to burn and kamikaze your whole party. Watch out for their relatives (Uncontrollable Spheres) in Lumine Hole and Magicant.
- Atomic Power Robots (the Stonehenge base) and Nuclear Reactor Robots (Cave of the Past) can cause you a lot of grief in terms of recovery items and PP wasted on post-battle healing.
- Tag Line: The Japanese tagline stated this was a game that adults, children, and "your sister" could enjoy. The American ads instead warned that the game stinks.
- Teleportation with Drawbacks:
- Played straight with Teleport α, which requires an unobstructed running start in order to use.
- Teleport β subverts this, as the user only has to run in a circle which makes it far easier to use.
- Averted with the Starmen, who can teleport without moving, and Poo shows an implied variant called PSI Farewell at the end of the game that only requires him to spin in place, eliminating the weakness altogether.
- Tearful Smile: The famous credits theme, "Smiles and Tears", seeks to induce this on the player.
- Telepathy: Paula uses this to contact Ness when she's being held prisoner by the Happy-Happy Cultists, and again to contact Jeff when she and Ness are trapped underneath Threed. Broadly, this is likely how Ness can "speak" to and understand animals.
- Teleporter's Visualization Clause: Zig-Zagged. Normally PSI Teleport only takes a person to someplace they've visited first, but Poo uses PSI Teleport Beta immediately after learning it in order to reach Summers from Dalaam and meet with Ness, Paula, and Jeff for the first time.
- Temple of Doom: The Pyramid in Scaraba is full of hieroglyphs and mummies who, of course, are out for attack.
- Temporary Party Member to Villain: Pokey joins the party as a rather ineffective team member during the opening act. He joins up with several villains over the game, culminating in participating in the final boss battle.
- Terminator Twosome: Giygas apparently destroys the universe, forcing Buzz Buzz to go back in time to find someone who can stop him, and Starman Junior goes back in time to stop Buzz Buzz. Starman Junior fails although Buzz Buzz ends up dying anyway.
- Test of Pain: In order to complete his Mu training, Poo undergoes a test where an illusionary being asks Poo to take portions of his body, starting with his limbs, to his ears, to his eyes, and finally his very mind. Each loss comes with a corresponding loss of HP, and for the loss of Poo's ears and eyes, the battle music turns off and the battle screen is replaced by darkness, respectively.
- The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: Inverted at the game's climax. By praying for the four's success, you help them defeat Giygas alongside everybody they met on their journey.
- Theme Naming:
- The towns are named by numbers (the main towns in Eagleland), for their climate (the main towns in Foggyland), or for musical references.
- Also, in the Japanese version, the "Don't Care" preset names for the main characters were grouped by the following themes: The Beatles, Super Mario Bros., primates, the Japanese band SMAP, the character's signature head ornament, and dog commands, in addition the starting "Ness, Paula, Jeff, etc." Of course, those sets, like some other things, got Lost in Translation.
- Parodied with Sanchez Brothers and their friend — Pincho, Pancho, and Tomás Jefferson.
- Some fans have noticed the following in the town names: Onett + Twoson + Threed + Fourside Summers = Tenda Village. It probably wasn't intentional given that the Tenda were originally called "Gumi" in Japanese.
- This Loser Is You: Porky and, to a lesser extent, Orange Kid.
- Timed Mission: One of the last parts of a Chain of Deals in the underground Monkey Cave is a monkey requesting a Fresh Egg. If you don't have one, another monkey from earlier in the cave will give you endless ones for free. However, if you don't get back to the requester monkey in time, the Fresh Egg will hatch into a Chick and you'll have to start over.
- Time Is Dangerous:
- The Phase Distorter 3 destroys living things when it travels, requiring the party to have their minds uploaded into robotic bodies before they can use it.
- It also turns out that the original Phase Distorter prototype wasn't exactly safe, either, as Mother 3 shows that Porky Minch was eventually given Age Without Youth from abusing it.
- Time to Unlock More True Potential:
- The massive powerup Ness gets at the end of Magicant.
- Or the one Poo gets in the form of a 'Message that has stat gains written on it.'
- Title Drop:
"The war against Giygas is over."
- Toilet Humor: While there's a bit in the game itself, with its talking piles of vomit and the ability to root through trash cans, the game's infamous American ad campaign made it seem like this was all there was to the game.
- Token Good Teammate: Picky is the only member of the Minch family who isn't a self-important Jerkass.
- Too Awesome to Use:
- The Hand-Aid that you get from Paula's mother from the near start of the game. It is a single-use item that provides full status recovery; in an ironic twist, there are easily purchased items which have the exact same effect midway through the game, and superior items not long after that. However, the Hand-Aid is technically irreplaceable.
- Bags of Dragonite cause the user to cast very powerful single-use attack, and unlike bottle rockets, anyone can use it. A total of six of them can be found, but many players may never use a single one.
- Magic Truffles are the best PP recovery item in the game, and there are only six of them in the game. Five are found by hunting around Deep Darkness with a Piggy Nose - an annoying proposition given that standing in the water hurts you and slows you down, and very difficult to find them all without using a guide - and the sixth is gained through what may be the most obscure sidequest in the game, the Insignificant Item. They tend to get saved for the very final dungeon, if they get used at all.
- Sometimes skipping the awesome part, a few items like the Pair of Dirty Socks or Monkey's Love, which have effects that are easily reproduced through other means, end up unused but kept even in a game with limited inventory, simply because they are unique. It doesn't hurt that you actually have to go through amusing dialogue or even hunt down an item to obtain them.
- Finally, PSI Caramel and Cup of Lifenoodles have identical effects to Magic Tart and Horn of Life respectively, but neither can be purchased while the alternatives can. PSI Caramel can be rarely dropped from some enemies, but only ten Cups of Lifenoodles can be found in a playthrough. Particularly obsessive players may prefer to use the easily obtained items, but it's fairly unlikely that you'll even need that many field revives in a whole playthrough.
- Too Dumb to Live: Exactly why does Buzz Buzz hover over to Lardna after Porky and Picky are sent to their room?
- Total Party Kill: High-level PK Flash spells as well as "glorious light" enemy attacks have a chance of inflicting instant death upon anyone who is hit. Both of these attacks hit the entire opposing party, and they have a fixed percentage chance of an instant kill regardless of the levels or stats of the entities involved. Your entire party can be wiped out instantly if your luck is bad enough when fighting enemies that can use these attacks.
- Tortured Monster: Giygas. "It hurts, Ness... ...I'm h...a...p...p...y... ...friends... ...It hurts, ...ithurts... Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness,Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness..... ...go... b... a... c...k... ...Ness... I feel... g... o... o... d... ...I'm so sad... .....Ness Ness! Ah, Grrr, Ohhh... Argh... Yaaagh!... It's not right... not right... not right..." It's even worse if you've played the game before this, because you'll understand why.
- Transformation Potion: Bags of dragonite can be used to temporarily transform the target into a dragon, allowing them to breathe fire and deal heavy damage to an enemy.
- Transformation Trinket: The bag of dragonite, which turns the player into a dragon temporarily, has no explanation where it comes from or how it is made. Although a monkey wonders, "is it really made by dragons?"
- Trauma Inn: Averted; hotels restore HP and MP, but don't heal status effects — you have to go to a hospital for that.
- Underground Monkey: Many later enemies are palette swaps of earlier ones, like the Manly Fish and the Manly Fish's Brother. Most notable with the Starmen.
- Undisclosed Funds: Played straight in Mother 2, but not in EarthBound. During localization, for some reason, a couple of vague references meaning roughly "a bajillion dollars" were changed to real numbers (Ness' family's debt to the Minch family is "a hundred thousand dollars or more" and the Diamond "could pay off a million dollar debt easily").
- Unending End Card: Given how this game tells you to shut down the game console when you choose to save and quit rather than return to the title screen like most other games with that option, that makes it an indicator that this trope will come into play for when you reach the end. It does so on a black screen with "THE END...?"
- Unobtanium: The Phase Converter runs on this — it's called Zexonyte and you get it backtracking to the meteorite.
- Unwitting Instigator of Doom: It's really not too much of a stretch that Aloysius and Lardna Minch's treatment of their children is undoubtedly what set Pokey on his villainous path. While Giygas is indeed a threat either way, Pokey's actions nearly causes the destruction of the world given he aids and ultimately releases Giygas in an attempt to kill Ness and co. There are very, VERY subtle hints (or perhaps wishful thinking on Ness's part) that Pokey simply wanted someone to care and is lashing out in anger for being treated horribly all his life by his parents.
- Updated Re-release: This game and its predecessor have been compiled into a single cartridge and rereleased for the Game Boy Advance under the title Mother 1+2 (
only released in Japan, of course).
- Useless Item: The Suporma is a parody of the concept, and the Bicycle is a more standard version, given that Ness has be unaccompanied in order to ride it (even having a Teddy Bear makes him incapable of riding).
- Useless Useful Spell:
- Subverted with Pray, which is pretty much pointless to have, since its effects are typically random and is more likely to put a dangerous ailment on the party rather than do anything to contribute to the fight. Then you get to the end...
- Averted with the status effect inducing PSI. Most bosses in the game will be weak against at least one status effect that has at least a fifty percent chance of working on them, while also having a few that have a ten percent chance of working on them. The real problem is trying to figuring out which bosses are weak to what.
- PK Thunder is the cheapest of the the three elemental spells, dealing just a bit less damage than PK Freeze for a bit less PP and being able to instantly remove an enemy's shield. Unfortunately it targets a random enemy, with it's accuracy dropping the fewer enemies there are. By the time it hits you could either have used one of Jeff's devices that removes shields, used lower powered PK Freeze/Fire to whittle the shield down, or just beaten the enemy to death. Against enemies that don't use shields it's completely worthless because PK Freeze is superior for single target damage against anything that isn't resistant and PK Fire does comparable damage to a group of enemies, both of which work 100% of the time.
- Verbal Tic: The Mr. Saturns, aside from having their own unique font (reportedly based on a developer's child's handwriting), drop "Boing" and "Zoom" into their sentences.
- Video Game Caring Potential: Take care of those Flying Men. You really don't want to use them all up.
- Video Game Stealing: Jeff's Spy move reveals whether an enemy is carrying an item to drop. If it is, he'll simply cut to the chase and take it automatically.
- Villain Opening Scene: "The War Against Giygas!"
- Villainy-Free Villain: The eight guardians aren't exactly villainous; they're mostly just challenges for Ness & co. to overcome.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Ness and Porky, it seems. Until the latter heads down the road to villainy.
- Warrior Prince: Poo, the crown prince of Dalaam.
- Wake-Up Call Boss:
- Frank Fly and his robot, Frankystein Mark II are the first real boss battle you have. They are not particularly difficult, but you do need to know what you are doing by that point.
- If Frank didn't wake you up, Titanic Ant won't let the job go unfinished. Uses brutal physical attacks, drains your PP, and has flunkies to use Lifeup on him, in addition to having much more HP than anything you've fought until now. Defeating him virtually requires PSI Rockin, which in turn will probably require Ness to level up a bit. Unlike Frank, he's at the end of a somewhat dangerous dungeon, rather than having a save point close by. He also uses a pretty effective battle script; whereas most mooks up to this point have wasted a lot of turns, and Frankystein Mark II spent literally half its turns generating steam, Titanic Ant really doesn't play around.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Buzz Buzz is a competent PSI user, and he can shield everyone in the party completely during the first boss. However, physically being not a bee, he dies when he gets swatted by Porky's mother, Lardna Minch.
- Webcomic of the Game: The Chosen Four.
- Wham Shot: When you are about to engage Giygas to save the universe, you are interrupted by Porky, who had been missing after the events at Fourside. And then you realize he's been upgraded from being an annoying Non-Action Guy at most, to being the Heavily Armed Dragon of Giygas (if not outright being the Big Bad).
- What the Hell, Hero?:
- When you first take control of Jeff at the boarding school, opening all the presents a fellow student has recently wrapped will elicit a similar response.
- If three Flying Men are killed in Magicant, the fourth one asks you not to treat them like trash before joining you. If you get the fourth one killed, the fifth Flying Man snaps at you and says "This isn't courage, it's desperation" before naming himself the last Flying Man and joining you. The tombstones also have more and more lazy descriptions on them, with the last one simply reading 'Tombstone'.
"Here he rests. I didn't have time to have his name chiseled into the tombstone."
- When All Else Fails, Go Right: A sign in the Dungeon Man points this trope out. In this case, there's an inn to the left just out of sight.
- When Trees Attack: Exploding trees, as a matter of fact... They are one of the most difficult enemies to deal with in the game.
- Where It All Began: In order to enter the Very Definitely Final Dungeon, you need to get a piece of the meteorite that started everything in Onett. Of course, it has been taken over by aliens at that point.
- Winged Soul Flies Off at Death: Dead party members follow you around translucent, legless and with a halo above their head.
- Womb Level: The final dungeon of Giygas is like this.
As some people actually like to think, it ''is'' inside a womb.
- The Wonderland: Magicant is this.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: If you've played the first game, Giygas's lines come off very differently. This doesn't make him any less terrifying.
- World of Chaos: Moonside and Magicant. Especially Moonside.
- World of Weirdness: Where to begin?
- Year X: The game takes place in 199X.
- You ALL Look Familiar: A few NPC sprites, including one some gamers call "Mr. T". But overall, for a SNES game, is done uniquely and has a variety of different NPCs.
- You Are Already Dead: Due to the scrolling health meter, it is possible to take lethal damage but still stay alive until the health meter has finished scrolling to zero. Therefore, it is possible to survive if you get off a heal or finish the battle quickly enough.
- You Bastard!:
- Mocked with the food stand in Happy Happy Village. 'Forget' to pay, and the salesman will hover over you and claim that you'll never know righteousness again.
- The sign asking people not to trample the flowers — that can only be read when Ness is standing right in the flowerbed.
- You Cannot Grasp the True Form: Trope Namer is Giygas's attacks, and Giygas itself probably qualifies as well. Mr. Saturn's speech is implied to be this, by virtue of the extremely weird font in which it's written.
- Younger Than They Look: Frank Fly is said to be about 20 years old in some of the literature based off the games. (Frank pegs himself as being younger than the legal drinking age if you talk to him during the endgame.) Another example of the Mother art style muddying the age detail.
- You Wake Up in a Room: After following a suspicious looking woman further into the hotel in Threed, your party gets knocked unconscious and is trapped in a tomb deep underground. The only possible way to get out is to telepathically call out to your next party member, Jeff, for him to help you out.
- Zero-Effort Boss: The Starman Jr. uses nothing but PSI attacks, which don't work because you're partnered with Buzz Buzz and he keeps a PSI Shield up at all times. You actually can lose here, but it takes a lot of effort
- Master Belch, as well, becomes a joke of a boss if you open the jar of Fly Honey that the game strongly hints you should. He spends the rest of the battle feasting as Ness, Paula, and Jeff are free to unleash on him. If you opt to fight him normally, though... good luck.
- Zillion-Dollar Bill: You are at one point given ten thousand dollars in cash and later an extremely valuable diamond, both of which you must use shortly afterwards to get the Runaway Five out of a bum contract. You'd think they'd have learned their lesson the first time.
- Zombie Apocalypse: Happens in the town of Threed. Sort of.