Elemental Master - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue Sep 06 2022

Elemental Master (Video Game)

Laden and Neena versus King Gyra

Ikari Warriors with magic.

Elemental Master is a Run-and-Gun (top-down) action game with a High Fantasy setting made by Technosoft for the Sega Genesis.

In the fantasy kingdom of Lorelei, a sorcerer named Aryaag have awakened an ancient evil, Gyra, imprisoned beneath the kingdom's castle centuries ago. A heroic wizard named Laden, who has control over the elements (why, who do you think the title's referring to?) seeks to put an end to the threat, but hesitates when Aryaag is revealed to be Laden's brother, Roki, resulting in Laden's defeat and exile.

Swearing vengeance, Laden embarks on a lengthy quest to stop Gyra and his minions, across multiple levels of gameplay through various fantasy lands.

Much like Ikari, as you're in control of a human instead of a spaceship, you're fighting enemies on foot and can fire projectiles (with magic instead of firearms) forward, backwards, and sideways against the forces of evil. But you're vulnerable to pitfalls and lava pools, so watch your step!

See also Sylphia, another fantasy game with a similar premise and gameplay, though that one is closer to a vertical-scrolling shooter since your character has the ability of flight.

May the Power of the Elements save Lorelei...

  • Alas, Poor Villain: In the final cutscene, interestingly enough, this is how the death of Roki, the traitorous brother of Laden, is depicted.

    Laden: What has happened to you, brother?
    Roki: I have made many mistakes. I thought the power of Darkness would make me invincible. When I heard this power was locked away under the city, I went in search of it... I found the dark power, but when I unleashed it's forces, I was overcome by the spirit of King Gyra... I see now that King Gyra was a reflection of the evil in my own heart. I created the monster that was King Gyra.

    Laden: That's not true. In your heart, you are good!
    Roki: Laden... my eyes are growing dim. It's time for me to depart this world. Good bye, my brother.

  • Boss Rush: Outside King Gyra's quarters, Laden must re-fight all past bosses - the Flame Demon, Thunder Dragon, Earth Porcupine, Water Serpent, Clauss and Salome - in separate areas. Though they're considerably easier the second round because of Laden's power-upgrade thanks to wearing Neena around his finger.
  • Cain and Abel: Laden the hero and his villainous brother, Roki - now renamed as Aryaag. Subverted when he's revealed to be possessed by King Gyra.
  • Charged Attack: All of Laden's elemental attacks can be charged up for an ultimate attack by holding down the fire button, though the basic light weapon only gains this as an 11th-Hour Superpower.
  • Dem Bones: Gyra's forces have walking, sentient skeletons in their ranks, who can shoot their bones at Laden via the ribcage.
  • Doppelgänger Attack: Collecting a Mirror power-up allows Laden to split himself into two copies, his double actually capable of attacking in tandem.
  • Fairy Companion: Laden managed to rescue a fairy in green named Neena shortly into the game, who backs him up as an Assist Character later.
  • Giant Crab: Expect to see giant crab enemies (who breathes bubbles harmful to the touch) to appear near coastlines in levels containing water.
  • Golem: Mud golems wielding swords appears as enemies in the courtyard stage.
  • Inexplicable Treasure Chests: Laden obtains Power-Up items by opening treasure chests. The manual calls them "magic boxes," so perhaps A Wizard Did It.
  • Lethal Lava Land: Right in the first stage, and not only does Laden lose a life if he steps into the lava, but there's also cracks in the ground spewing fire that he needs to sprint across to avoid getting damaged. The first boss is in fact a flame demon half-submerged in a lava pool.
  • Living Gasbag: Spore-like floating enemies will sometimes appear to attack Laden.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Laden, I am your brother Roki.
  • Mid-Season Upgrade: Laden gets a massive power-boost halfway into the game, allowing him to cast stronger, deadlier spells, courtesy of Neena revealing herself to be a reincarnation of the Legendary Ring and turning back into a piece of jewelry for Laden to wear and amplify his magic.
  • One-Winged Angel: Both of King Gyra's Co-Dragons, Clauss and Salome, have this ability:
    • Clauss, one of the two lead enforcers of King Gyra, will turn into a gigantic, draconic monster when confronted as a boss.
    • Salome, who is fought later, turns herself into a Giant Spider-esque monster with her tiny human head on it.
    • King Gyra, the Final Boss, is a Sequential Boss who starts off with a humanoid body, only to shed his disguise and reveal himself as a gigantic horned demon. Who must be fought twice!
  • Orbiting Particle Shield: Befitting his title as an Elemental Master, Laden can summon one of these made from orbs of fire as a backup.
  • Our Centaurs Are Different: Centaurs are recurring enemies in the game, where they stay a distance and fire arrows at Laden.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: The game's second boss, the Thunder Dragon, is a two-headed draconic monster with yellow scales. Who breathes electricity instead of fire, using both mouths.
  • Power Floats:
    • The Evil Wizard enemies in dark cloaks can float all over the place while casting attacking spells.
    • King Gyra, the Final Boss, fights Laden while floating above ground in his first form.
  • Religious and Mythological Theme Naming:
    • Laden's villainous brother, Roki, is just one letter away from Loki, the Norse God of Mischief. Though he had since changed his name to Aryaag before the story even begins.
    • Meanwhile, Aryaag's second-in-command henchwoman, the Dark Action Girl Salome, is named after King Herod's daughter from the Bible.
    • Laden himself may reference Raiden, as in the Raijin, the Japanese god of thunder.
  • Ring of Power: Halfway into the game, Neena, the fairy companion of Laden, reveals herself to be the reincarnation of the legendary ring of power, necessary for Laden to face King Gyra. At which point she reverts herself to her default ring form, for Laden to wear for a mid-game power upgrade.
  • Sdrawkcab Name: A case of Lost in Translation. The demon king's name is spelled as Gaira in the original, meaning Roki's decoy name is properly Ariag.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: King Gyra himself, the evil demon who reigned Lorelei before he was sealed under the castle centuries ago. And then released by Roki who turns out to be an Unwitting Pawn.
  • Segmented Serpent: The long, horned serpentine enemies that sometimes tries to coil around Laden is depicted as circular segments.
  • Spread Shot: A power-up Laden can collect, which allows him to fire three shots at once.
  • Swamps Are Evil: The fourth stage is set in a monster-infested swamp, with pools of water spawning hostile Fish People mooks attacking every intruder in sight. There's also a water serpent serving as its boss.
  • We Can Rule Together: In the game's opening cinematics, Gyra (using Roki as a shell) makes this offer to the hero, Laden, only to be turned down.

    Gyra: Join me. Let's work together and we can conquer the world.
    Laden: You are a fool.
    Gyra: The only fools are those who try to stop me now...

  • Walking the Earth: In the aftermath of the game, Laden continues his travels across the land, with his fairy sidekick Neena in tow.