Five Nights at Freddy's 3 - TV Tropes
- ️Sun Jul 16 2017
This page contains unmarked spoilers for Five Nights at Freddy's and Five Nights at Freddy's 2. You Have Been Warned!
He will come back. He always does. And you... will never be ready.
"As always, remember to smile; you are the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."
Congratulations! Welcome to your new job as the security guard of "Fazbear's Fright", the newest and spookiest horror attraction in town! This haunted restaurant is based on the tales of that infamous "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza" place from nearly thirty years ago; it even features real artifacts recovered from the various pizzerias, which will help make this place a frightfully good time for the whole family.
The attraction opens in a week, so your job is to give things a test-run and make sure all that ancient wiring doesn't cause the building to burn down or something. Electricity concerns are so thirty years ago, and your handy-dandy terminal can reboot any system that happens to malfunction. You might want to make sure the ventilation system keeps chugging, since people have been known to hallucinate some crazy things when deprived of fresh air. We've also given you control of the audio system so you can create extra ambiance. Oh, and you can't spell "security guard" without "security", so you can seal off the vents to prevent any Air Vent Escapes.
One more thing: keep this close to your chest, but we might actually be able to get one of the original animatronics and have it installed before the place opens. How cool would that be?
Five Nights at Freddy's 3, a horror-themed strategy game, is the third entry in the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise and a direct sequel to Five Nights at Freddy's 2; it was released by creator Scott Cawthon on the 2nd of March 2015. You can currently buy the game from Steam and the App Store
, with a version of the game on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One also being available as of November 2019.
Much like the second game, teaser images for FNAF 3 began showing up on creator Scott Cawthon's website in the weeks before its reveal; these were followed by a trailer. The day after the game's release, Scott put up an image of Freddy Fazbear's hat sitting alone in a spotlight, which implied FNAF 3 was the Grand Finale of the series...
...until April 22nd, when the hat disappeared from the image. Five days later (of course), Scott officially announced the next installment in the series, Five Nights at Freddy's 4 (then reported to be the last game in the series, until it wasn't).
Five Nights at Freddy's 3 provides examples of:
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- 100% Completion: Playing the game's five nights normally will actually get you the "bad" ending. You have to replay the game and complete everything within the secret hidden minigames to get the "good" ending.
- Air-Vent Passageway: Is used by Springtrap as another way to get around the building rather than walking between the rooms, though you can seal them to thwart this (but only one vent can be sealed at a time). They're actually justified and justifies the hallucination: they're so wide (and have cameras in them) because Fazbear Fright wanted to replicate the old places, i.e. the pizzeria in 2. And judging by the absence of fans or a way to get outside air in, they're terribly inept.
- Alone with the Psycho: This time around, it's you and a literal Killer Rabbit. Par for the course, really, but at least now the animatronic is almost alone, too. It's also played much more literally this time around, as instead of a bunch of vengeful children's souls, the spirit possessing Springtrap is an actual Serial Killer.
- And I Must Scream:
- This minigame
suggests that this is the fate of Shadow Bonnie, as the minigame is triggered by clicking on a darkened Toy Bonnie figure in the Office.
- As we learn later, the Murderer is now in Springtrap and has spent the last few decades locked in a room in an abandoned Pizzeria, which more than qualifies for this trope.
- Let's not forget the dead children, whose souls have been trapped in some grim purgatory depicted in the hidden minigames for who knows how long.
- This minigame
- And Now for Someone Completely Different:
- Ironically, a game in a series titled Five Nights at Freddy's doesn't actually star Freddy; rather, it stars a not very new animatronic called Springtrap.
- For the first two nights, there's a "Phone Dude" that talks to you in the voicemails. He's much more laid-back than Phone Guy, even though he ends up passing the mic to give you some pre-recorded voicemails from the original Phone Guy.
- For some of the hidden minigames, you get to play as some of the older animatronics such as BB, Mangle, Toy Chica, and even the Puppet.
- Animated Armor: Springtrap is more of an animatronic suit than a suit of armor, but it is possessed by the Purple Guy and even has his rotting corpse in it.
- Arc Words: "As always, remember to smile. You are the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."
- Artifact Title: Aside from the name of the place, a suit hanging outside your door, and a random encounter with him, Freddy Fazbear himself doesn't actually show up. That doesn't stop his Phantom from jumping you anyway, along with the other Phantoms.
- Artificial Stupidity: It looked like we were gonna have another go at this trope at first, since the first look at the map only showed what amounted to a linear hallway with only one avenue of attack. Then the brightened map came out and we saw the hidden vent leading to the office, showing that Springtrap can attack both from the door and the vent. And, considering his inhabitant, it's no surprise that this guy's a bit brighter.
- Artificial Zombie: Springtrap is literally the reanimated corpse of the Murderer, likely both possessed and driven by the suit's parts connected to his nervous system. This is a major contrast to the other animatronics, which, despite the hints that they're stuffed with corpses, have their usual endoskeletons with no hint of human material inside.
- Ascended to a Higher Plane of Existence: The Happiest Day minigame shows the Missing Children celebrating a party while wearing the masks of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Golden Freddy, and the Puppet. Afterward, they disappear, leaving the masks behind, while balloons—symbolizing their souls—fly away.
- Asshole Victim: The Purple Man, whose death is not only contributed to by the ghosts of the children that he murdered, but also directly caused by the springlock suit that was instrumental in his murders malfunctioning and killing him iron maiden-style.
- Big Bad: Springtrap, the Fazbear brand's last surviving animatronic, and by far the most dangerous. Bonus points for the fact that the Purple Man — body and soul — is inside that suit, thus making him the Big Bad of the whole franchise.
- Bittersweet Ending:
- The Good Ending shows that the spirits of the children who were murdered in the Freddy Fazbear businesses have finally moved on to the afterlife, having gotten revenge on the man who took their lives away. Initial reaction is "yay!", right? You might need to think about it; this crusade has caused nothing but misery for so, so long. The animatronics that used to entertain and make children happy — even these children, themselves, once upon a time — are now feared and possibly even loathed. One person is even known to have had his frontal lobe torn off of his brain and at least one Night Guard is dead. Sure, they have been able to come to terms with what happened to them, and move on, but at what cost?
- Also, brightening the last newspaper implies that Springtrap is still around. Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location retroactively adds to the bitterness by revealing that he is most definitely still alive. (But not for much longer. Or so we thought...)
- Bloodier and Gorier: The first two games were mostly devoid of explicit violence, but not only are there organs visible inside Springtrap, and blood directly shown in the endings, but three hidden images let you see just exactly what's inside Springtrap...
- Bloodless Carnage: Averted with the Purple Man's fate. Despite it being depicted in the Atari-style retraux cutscenes, when he meets his fate inside the Spring Bonnie suit, we explicitly see blood spurt from the animatronic.
- Body Horror: Springtrap has the eviscerated and crushed body of the Purple Man inside it, and there are rare select pictures that sometimes appear on startup as well as a secret in-game screen that show you glimpses of the Purple Man's body inside the animatronic.
- Breather Episode: Night 1 is pretty much the calm before the storm. None of your systems will go out, nothing in the attraction can kill you (they don't have an actual animatronic), and most of the night is taken up by a call from the Phone Dude explaining your job and the basic game mechanics — checking the cameras, playing audio, shutting off vents, and rebooting systems when they fail. Then on Night 2, the electronics get worse and start shutting off occasionally, and Phone Dude excitedly calls you to tell you that they've found one, a real one, but it doesn't seem to be where he left it...
- Brick Joke: During the first night's phone call, Phone Dude says they'll have the protagonist wear "a furry suit" and scare people if they don't find anything impressive before the attraction opens. In the fourth night's call, Phone Guy mentions that the quickly-procured temporary replacements for the springlock suits might not be entirely appropriate or relevant, suggesting that the only costumes the management could find on short notice were fursuits.
- Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu: The Purple Guy managed to destroy the animatronics... but that only set the spirits possessing them free and allowed them to finally take their revenge on him.
- The Bus Came Back: As mentioned above, the new owners salvaged what was left of the toy animatronics from 2, leaving the possibility that they will return very real. It turns out that some of them do appear: the Puppet as a hallucination, Toy Chica in a minigame, and Balloon Boy and Mangle as/in both.
- Call-Back:
- Once again, a decayed rabbit-like animatronic is slumped against the wall in the trailer.
- When you trigger the Puppet hallucination, it just stares at you... just like it did to Freddy.
- Chekhov's Gun: 395248. It appears during Chica's mini-game sequence, and using it on the wall panels in the office (between the box and the desk, it's ordered like a phone) will take you to the Golden Freddy minigame. If you notice, looking at the numbers in a telephone keypad makes out a left arrow. In other words, backwards. The minigame presumably takes place in Fredbear's Family Diner, the first restaurant joint of Freddy Fazbear's and the place where Fredbear (not yet Golden Freddy) and Spring Bonnie (not yet Springtrap) headlined before everything went to hell.note
- Colour-Coded for Your Convenience: The first game had dark, grey and blue colors associated with it. Meanwhile, the second used plenty of red tones in its imagery. This game's color? Yellow and green.
- Continuity Nod:
- A box lies in the corner of the new office; it's filled with the toy animatronics' heads, Mangle's hand, Foxy's hook, Toy Bonnie's guitar, and a paper plate doll. It's mostly unimportant, though that doll moves.
- Not only the toy animatronics. There are bits and pieces of the others placed all over the attraction, including Classic Freddy's earless suit in the office, Classic Bonnie's suit in CAM 02, Classic Foxy's head in CAM 04, and Classic Chica's head and the Puppet's mask in CAM 08. Of course, this is a horror attraction based on Freddy's.
- A secret screen shows Springtrap pulling his head off, in a similar fashion to the secret poster showing Freddy pulling his head off in the first game. Unlike Freddy, however, you can see exactly what's inside Springtrap's head. It isn't pretty.
- Similar to the first game's poster that spawns Golden Freddy, posters of Freddy can be seen to change into posters of Springtrap.
- Creepy Changing Painting: Posters of Freddy can rarely change into posters of Springtrap, in the same art style.
- Darker and Edgier: Oh, hell yes. Not only does Springtrap look far worse than any of the previous animatronics (that's not even getting into the fact that Springtrap has a rotting human corpse inside the suit), but Fazbear's Fright in general appears abandoned and bleak. Justified — somewhat — in the sense that the new owners of the place are turning it into a horror attraction.
- Death Glare: The trailer has Springtrap doing an extremely unnerving one to the viewer while twitching violently and slumped against a wall.
- Demoted to Extra: The old cast have become props for the horror attraction. Even, it seems, Freddy and the Puppet. Not that they're, ah, gone or anything. Phantom versions of them can show up at any given moment and jump you at will. And even then, they're directly responsible for the game's events, as they took their revenge on the Murderer and left him trapped as Springtrap.
- Died on Their Birthday: It's Implied that the child whose soul was taken and would become Golden Freddy was killed on their birthday by William Afton.
- Drone of Dread: The low whining noise
that plays when one of the animatronics are inside or near your office. Unlike the previous game, though, it gets louder depending on how close the animatronics are, and you might not catch on to the fact that it's a sound cue to their presence because it doesn't really stick out from the rest of the sounds in the game.
- Earn Your Happy Ending:
- For the children, at least. After decades of suffering, the spirits of the dead children are finally put at rest. The Murderer is slain in a most brutal fashion (and his reanimated corpse is seemingly set on fire and burnt to ashes), the guard of the third game survives all six nights, and the ghosts of the children are finally set free, symbolized by the bright eyes of the animatronics finally dimming.
- Played literally straight, too. The game makes you work for the Good Ending by finding the minigames, finding all the missing children within them, getting the last minigame and serving a cake to the last child
, and then beating the game.
- Easter Egg:
- The hidden minigames that must be completed to get the Good Ending.
- You can still honk Freddy's nose on the drawing in the office.
- Someone pointed out that if you take the map screen and turn it upside down, it resembles Scott Cawthon's avatar from his game There Is No Pause Button!. Check it.
- If you read the blurred out text surrounding the newspaper in the neutral ending after beating Nightmare mode; it's trivia about the making of the first game.
- There are some cupcake Easter Eggs. First, Classic Cupcake can rarely appear on the desk. Secondly, on CAM 04, the drawing of Toy Bonnie can change to a pink or yellow cupcake, implying that there was a Golden Cupcake sometime in FNaF's timeline.
- Failure Is the Only Option: The interactive cutscenes after each night, which are all the same but with a differing animatronic. You must follow Shadow Freddy throughout the rooms, and eventually you'll try to exit a room upwards only for "ERROR" or "ERR" to appear. The Purple Man will then come and destroy the animatronic. Sometimes, you won't even be at that point, but the Purple Man will still jump you.
- Fission Mailed: Normally in Five Nights at Freddy's, a Jump Scare signals a Game Over. Phantom jumpscares are an exception — they'll freak you out and crash your systems, but nothing more. Your first phantom scare (usually Phantom Balloon Boy) might leave you somewhat surprised to not be dead yet.
- Fooled by the Sound: To fool Springtrap into moving somewhere else, you have to play a soundbite of Balloon Boy's laugh via the audio devices. Considering the type of person who's inside the suit, it makes perfect sense why he'd go after it, thinking it's children he could target.
- Franchise Three-Invention: The game takes 30 years after the first game in a horror attraction based off Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria and pits you against Springtrap, with Freddy being one of several hallucinations you can encounter. Compared to the previous game where you had to juggle your attention between the animatronics and keeping The Puppet at bay; your main threat is Springtrap who is actually William Afton merged with the Spring Bonnie suit that killed him due to the spring locks malfunctioning.
- Gameplay and Story Integration: It's impossible encounter Springtrap on Night 1 no matter what you do. That's because he hasn't been discovered and brought to the place you're working at yet, meaning there's literally nothing in Fazbear's Frights that can hurt you.
- Golden Ending: The Good Ending, which takes quite some work to achieve. You have to uncover various Easter eggs to access hidden minigames that you must complete by occasionally breaking the game's rules and leaving its boundaries.
- Grand Finale: Once upon a time, the game was thought of to be the last in a trilogy. The lore has been mostly resolved: we're told what happened to the murderer. He's Springtrap, the final animatronic. He is (hopefully) destroyed in a fire that burns down Fazbear Fright which, aside from a few things that will be sold at a public auction, took down most of the pizzeria's history with it. The children's ghosts are also finally at peace, and are able to move on to the afterlife. All in all, it seems that Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria has been permanently put down. Needless, to say, it is far from the end, both numerically and chronologically.
- Guide Dang It!:
- You can avoid almost every single jumpscare from the Phantoms if you know what triggers them and what you can do to counteract it. Phantom BB, for example, always pre-empts his jumpscares by changing the image on your camera to a close-up of himself. If you switch to a different camera feed before lowering the camera screen, you'll avoid him from jumpscaring you.
- The game gives you clues on how to access the hidden minigames, but the actual steps involve playing with the environment in ways you should not be able to. And on top of that, each minigame has a hidden "win" condition that is required for the Golden Ending.
- Hallucinations: There are two types in the game.
- The first is the Phantoms, who are the old animatronic hallucinations. They appear because of a specific trigger, like seeing them in a camera feed and not changing it to another before putting it down. Most of them will disable your ventilation if they attack you, with the exception of Mangle, who will disable your audio device.
- The second is the Springtrap hallucinations. When the ventilation is down, you will start seeing multiple Springtraps in the camera feeds, making it harder to predict his current location. These are the "crazy stuff" mentioned by Phone Dude in his first phone call.
- Harder Than Hard:
- Nightmare Mode, which is this game's version of Night 6. Completing it unlocks you the extras, which includes the animatronics' Jump Scare animations and a cheat code menu, among other elements.
- One of those cheats is "aggressive", which, combined with Nightmare Mode, makes a challenge equivalent to the 4/20 and 10/20 modes of the preceding games.
- The Good Ending is much harder to get than the Bad Ending, which you get merely by playing the game's nights normally. To get the Good Ending, you have to find hidden Easter eggs by essentially breaking and bending the game's laws. It's nigh impossible to do without a walkthrough to guide you.
- Heel–Face Turn: The spirits of the dead children had been controlling the animatronics in previous installments, and it was entirely clear that they were malevolent forces. Tragic Monsters, yes, but still the villains of every piece before. This time, Springtrap is being controlled by their murderer, a sidequest involves freeing their souls, and the only way the old animatronics antagonize you at all is in the form of Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane hallucinations.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: By destroying the animatronics, the Purple Man frees the children's spirits, leading to his own death in the same fashion as his own victims.
- Instant-Win Condition: It doesn't matter if Springtrap's in your office and lumbering toward you — you make it to 6 AM and you've won the night.
- Interface Screw:
- The Phantom Puppet's jumpscare features it directly in front of you, staring at you for several seconds, much like one of the after-level cutscenes in Five Nights at Freddy's 2. While it's doing this, you cannot bring up the cameras or the systems reboot panel.
- Getting jumped by most of the Phantoms will bring down your ventilation (regardless of whether or not it was fine before the scare). Mangle leaves the ventilation alone, and instead plays loud, garbled radio static (preventing you from hearing Springtrap if he climbs into the vents) while causing an audio system error. The Puppet will cause a ventilation error, in addition to blocking access to the monitors.
- When the ventilation systems are out, you will occasionally black out for a few moments at a time. These blackouts can be used by Springtrap to get closer or strike if he's around the office.
- Jump Scare:
- Even more than in the previous games. The Player Character can experience hallucinations of the now-retired animatronics randomly jumping at him. It's mostly harmless. Mostly.
- The first game's jumpscare noise was derived from a woman's scream (SCREEEEE-). The second game had the animatronics emit a mechanical roar instead (REEEAAAAH-). This game? A zombie-like screech
that sounds nothing like what a robot should sound like (RHUIIIIAAAAH-). This turns out to be appropriate, as the Murderer's corpse is inside Springtrap.
- After completing Nightmare Mode, you unlock the extras, where you get to see each animatronic's jumpscare animation (among other things).
- Just Ignore It: The last thing you want to do when you see Phantom Freddy outside your window is stop whatever it is you were doing and stare at him. This is also how you deal with the rest of the Phantom animatronics through the cameras, although you have to be more proactive in avoiding them.
- Killed Off for Real:
- Some fans believed the announcement of a third game meant Fazbear Entertainment had survived its closure following the first game. This game clarifies that it did, in fact, go completely out of business.
- All of the animatronics from the previous games are now simply props for Fazbear's Fright. The original four animatronics from 1 are now light props and the like, while the remains of the Toy animatronics are just bits and pieces in a box in your office. It's revealed this is because the Murderer managed to destroy them... only to then be killed himself by their vengeful spirits, allowing them to finally rest in peace.
- The reveal at the ending of the game, which shows that the Purple Man has been Dead All Along and haunting Springtrap.
- A happier version of this occurs if you rescue all of the children in the minigames, then go to the "Happiest Day" minigame. You get to see all of the dead children with their animatronic masks on, then the children disappear, leaving only the masks, and the balloons above them float upwards and off the screen, implying that the spirits of the murdered children have finally gotten to pass on. You can watch it here
- Let the Past Burn: At the end of the game, the whole horror attraction goes up in flames, burning down the building and most of the objects in it, hopefully ending the Fazbear curse once and for all.
- Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane:
- The hallucinations of the older animatronics. Are they due to the spirits within them, extensions of the killer's ghost trying to hinder you, or just due to a mixture of fear and a lack of oxygen in the night guard's office? Most of them could be attributed to the air, since the ventilation will always be down after a jumpscare. Mangle, however, crashes your audio without touching the ventilation systems. And as for the Puppet, if you look closely at the trigger image on Cam 08, you can see that it has a reflection. It's not until Pizzeria Simulator that we learn that the Puppet survived, meaning that they could have been really there at Fazbear's Fright.
- This game in general, though, leans much closer to magic than the other two games when it confirms that Purple Guy's victims did indeed turn into ghosts, and the legacy of Freddy Fazbear is most certainly haunted.
- Mind Screw: The Shadow Bonnie minigame. Put it simply, it is certifiably an LSD trip. The fact that nothing could explain him and his purpose even after completing all games in the series does not help matters.
- Multiple Endings: Unlike the last two games, there are multiple endings here.
- Beating the game normally reveals the fate of the Purple Man, who is lured into a hybrid suit and crushed to death by the faulty mechanics. However, this gets you the Bad Ending, where you're given a shot of the animatronic heads with the lights still glowing in their eyes, because, even though they've gotten their revenge, the spirits of the children are still haunting the robots.
- If you find and complete all of the hidden minigames and then beat the game, then the ghosts of the dead children are finally able to move on, as symbolized by the heads no longer having the lights on.
- Likewise, beating Nightmare Mode (aka Night 6) has you find out that Fazbear's Fright burned down and what little was salvaged will be sold at a public auction. Unfortunately, that includes Springtrap as well.
- Mythology Gag: Not exactly a gag to this game's mythology, but to another of Scott's works. It's been 30 years since Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria closed down, which is the same length of time of Earth's last transmission to Lun Infinus.
- Neglected Sidequest Consequence: If every side minigame is not completed, you will get the Bad Ending, which means the souls of the murdered children will not be put to rest.
- Next Sunday A.D.: This game's events take place in at least 2017 or maybe even farther than that. The first game's pizzeria stayed open until some time after Mike Schmidt was hired. As for the year, it's been guessed that FNAF1 takes place in the 1990s, judging from the amount of money you earn. So 3 possibly takes place at the farthest in the 2020s!
- Nightmare Fetishist:
- The very fact that Freddy Fazbear's has been remade into a horror attraction suggests that there are enough people in-universe who would pay for it.note
- No Name Given: Neither the Murderer (yet), Phone Guy, Phone Dude, or even the protagonist (unless you believe he's actually Michael Afton) have names.
- No OSHA Compliance: Well, besides the killer animatronic. Barely functional equipment? Check. Ventilation shafts that go offline and cause hallucinations due to lack of oxygen (or worse)? Check. Purposefully old wiring that's stated to be likely to cause fires? And actually does in the Night 6 ending? Check, check, and check.
- Officially Shortened Title: The title screen lists the title as FNAF 3.
- Off-the-Shelf FX: A rather unique version: the entirety of Fazbear's Frights is salvaged stuff from the old Fazbear Pizzeria from the first game. From the layout, to the props, to Springtrap itself. Unfortunately, it ended up too off-the-shelf, what with the faulty security and ventilation systems and the absurd wiring problems.
- Ominous Music Box Tune: The minigames each have a different one. The one used in the "Happiest Day" minigame is also used in the Bad Ending.
- Ominous Visual Glitch:
- In one of the hidden minigames, you control Shadow Bonnie. Whenever you go to move, it does so, but its body glitches terribly in the process. Shadow Bonnie actually glitches so badly that it goes into previous minigames as well as a void realm of purple.
- At the end of each hidden minigame, once you complete it, the screen will glitch up and freeze for a good five or so seconds before it transitions back to the night you were on.
- Platform Game: The hidden minigames are designed as simplistic Atari-esque platformers.
- The Reveal:
- The Golden Freddy minigame reveals that he and Spring Bonnie (the bunny suit that would later become Springtrap) used to be the main mascots of a certain Freddy's establishment. This establishment is heavily implied to be Fredbear's Family Diner, which was namedropped by Phone Guy in 2.
- The "minigame" after Night 5 reveals that the Purple Man accidentally killed himself inside Springtrap in an effort to escape the five children's ghosts. Oh, and he's in control of it.
- After completing all the minigames, the game reveals that, possibly with the assistance of the Puppet, the victims of the Purple Man finally found peace.
- Running Gag: The "honk Freddy's nose" gag returns, this time activated by the Freddy cartoon poster.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Springtrap was left trapped in a sealed room at the Pizzeria from the first game, after being the instrument of the Purple Man's demise and having his soul trapped in it, until the Frazbear's Fright crew found him and brought him to their attraction, unknowingly setting him free.
- Secret Room: The room Springtrap was found in was a boarded-up part of Freddy's. Phone Guy's tapes detail that this was a "safe room" that was not only hidden from customers, but from the cameras and animatronics as well. Though used as a storeroom, it's strongly implied that it was used by the Purple Guy to commit his murders unseen. Eventually, these rooms were all sealed and never spoken of again, and it's implied to be a way of covering up the lethal springlock suits from the authorities.
- Security Blindspot: Springtrap is intelligent enough to know what the field of vision on Fazbear's Fright's cameras are. Whenever possible, he'll try to conceal as much of his body off-camera as possible; combined with the cameras' poor quality and how dim the place is at night, he easily blends into the scenery, making figuring out where he is that much harder.
- Sensory Abuse:
- Phantom Mangle's static that it jump scares you with.
- Phantom Puppet produces a grating buzz during its hallucination.
- There's also the awful dial up-esque droning sound that plays when the Purple Man destroys an animatronic in the minigames.
- Sequel Hook: The Night 6 ending says that everything salvaged from Fazbear's Fright after the fire will be sold at a local auction... Furthermore, it is implied that there was another branch of Freddy's out there while Fazbear Entertainment was still in business. The latter was likely a hint to Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location, while the former was likely setting up Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator.
- Series Fauxnale: The story wraps up what happened to the original animatronics after the events of the first game, along with the fate of the murderer, and it seems like that is where the story ends for this series... But then Five Nights at Freddy's 4 and Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location come around, showing that the series isn't quite over, though this is still chronologically the last game. And then Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator came out and served as the actual finale, chronologically and (probably) numerically. But then Five Nights At Freddys VR Help Wanted, Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery, and Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach came out...
- Signing-Off Catchphrase: All the recordings you get from Phone Guy end with "And as always, remember to smile: you are the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."
- Staring Down Cthulhu: Springtrap, as is Five Nights At Freddy's tradition, won't move unless you're not looking at him. Usually, this doesn't help much, given how your camera views go to complete static if you look at them for too long (allowing him to move around), but when he's peeking through your door and window, you can stare him down until 6 AM or until the ventilation goes offline, you black out, and he kills you.
- The Stinger:
- For the Bad Ending, the image of the four main animatronics' empty heads (Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy, along with potentially Golden Freddy in the back) on a floor with their left eyes glowing bright (besides Golden Freddy, whose glowing left eye is bright enough to shine through both eye holes of the mask).
- The Good Ending, meanwhile, has the exact same image, but the Golden Freddy head is gone and all of the other heads lack the glowing lights, leaving them as empty husks.
- Strange Secret Entrance: To the animatronics, the safe room at Freddy's is this; it isn't programmed into their digital map layouts, so as far as they know, there isn't a door there at all. In the end-of-night minigames, trying to enter this room results in "ERR" appearing in the bottom left, followed by the Purple Guy rushing out to dismantle the animatronic. By the end of Night 5, the childrens' spirits, unhindered by the animatronics' systems, are freely able to enter the room.
- Surfer Dude: The new Phone Guy, judging by his tone, frequent tendencies to crack jokes, and overall enthusiasm.
- Surprisingly Realistic Outcome:
- All the horrors perpetrated at the Fazbear Pizzeria led to the company going under, the animatronics being scrapped, and everything associated with them becoming a source of public fear and urban legend.
- The first Phone Dude that calls you tells you to watch out, since there's a probable chance that things could catch on fire. No talk is made of actually fixing these faulty wires. Guess what happens to the building in the Night 6 ending?
- Take That!: Maybe a small one (hopefully just a ribbing) at the fans who make cosplays of the animatronics, usually Foxy, pops up in the first night's phone call in which Phone Dude says that they've found a Foxy head "Which we think to be authentic... then again it might just be another crappy cosplay."
- Tempting Fate: In the Night 1 phone call, Phone Dude mentions that they had to make sure that everything works and nothing catches on fire. Sure enough, this is exactly what happens at the end of the game.
- The Theme Park Version: The new "Freddy's" is now a horror attraction.
- There Is Another: The phone calls reveal that Fazbear Entertainment had more than one restaurant running simultaneously while it was still in business.
- Time Skip: The game takes place thirty years after the first game (and the final closure of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza).
- Totally Radical: The new Phone Guy from the first two nights speaks like a Surfer Dude. He then gives the floor over to pre-recorded audio cassettes of the original Phone Guy talking about how to wear and work the animatronic suits. However, as they're both voiced by the same person, it might have been done just to differentiate the two characters.
- Trailers Always Spoil: Apart from the preview of Springtrap's jumpscare, the trailer has absolutely nothing to do with the game itself. It's referring to events that happen before the game that are only given context in the ending.
- Tutorial Level: The first night. Unlike the last two games, nothing's out to get you. It's just the new Phone Guy going over exposition and how things work, allowing you to get used to new game mechanics. Justified as on Night 2, he vaguely reveals that the company found an animatronic before he runs off. Probably unaware that the thing can move.
- Undercrank: The trailer's first look at the new animatronic shows it twitching against a wall. Similarly, its head twitches a lot on the menu.
- Unperson: Spring Bonnie, who would go on to become Springtrap. After the first spring-lock fatality, Fazbear Entertainment dumped it in a safe room and tried to forget it ever existed (though we know from FNaF 2 that a certain someone remembered it was still back there). The company tried to do the same with Golden Freddy, but the murdered children made that a futile gesture.
- Unwitting Instigator of Doom: An unnamed building designer for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza told Fazbear's Fright about the boarded-up safe room, according to Phone Dude. Had he kept quiet, Springtrap would likely have never have been found and released.
- Visual Pun: The box full of parts of the Toy animatronics from the second game? It's a toy box, of the Fazbear variety.
- What Happened to the Mouse?:
- The new Phone Dude appears for the first two nights to talk about the lore going on in the present. Then, he sends you tapes of the old Phone Guy, and never picks up the phone himself for the rest of the game.
- We actually don't get any confirmation on what happens to Springtrap after the 6th night — if he burned down with the building when it caught fire or was sold off at an auction. The only clue is seeing an image of him in the newspaper once you've brightened it. Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location reveals he did indeed survive, setting up the player facing off with him again in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator.
- Whoosh in Front of the Camera: If you look at the cameras too long, Springtrap will do this, afterwards closing the monitor results in death.
- Who's Laughing Now?: Once the Purple Guy destroys the animatronics, the children's ghosts are freed and gang up on the murderer, leading to him going into and being crushed inside the Spring Bonnie suit.
- Wins by Doing Absolutely Nothing: You can’t lose Night 1 because by that point the management hasn’t brought Springtrap into the attraction yet. You’re meant to use the night to get used to the controls and systems you’ll be dealing with. It’s only when Night 2 starts that Springtrap is introduced and the game really begins.
- You Are Already Dead: On later nights, if Springtrap enters certain vents that lead directly to your office, your death is guranteed if that vent is not sealed because it will not be able to seal fast enough to prevent him from killing you.