Fox n Forests - TV Tropes

  • ️Wed Jun 23 2021

Fox n Forests (Video Game)

Fox n Forests is a Platform Game by Bonus Level Entertainment and Level Arts.

Rick is an anthropomorphic fox looking to make a meal out of a partridge named Patty. Patty tries to get out of it by saying she tastes bad, but then decides to bring him to the Season Tree, saying there'll be a reward in it for him if he agrees. The Season Tree informs Rick that some mysterious dark force is siphoning his power away from him, and he needs to restore it.

Rick agrees... once he sees the magic crossbow he'll be wielding on his quest. With Rick armed, and granted with the power to change the seasons at will, his adventure to save the forest begins.

The game was funded on Kickstarter on August 13th, 2016. It was ultimately released on May 17th, 2018.

Fox n Forests contains examples of:

  • Added Alliterative Appeal: The levels of the game have names like these, such as Revolving River and Gorgous Gorge.
  • Amphibian at Large: The first boss of the game is the Furious Frog, which is a massive purple frog that attacks with its tongue, and by launching yellow globs at Rick in the second half of the fight.
  • Automatic Crossbow: Rick can fire crossbow bolts one after the other in quick precision.
  • Battle Boomerang: The blue arrows gotten from the Giant Spider boss travel in an arc when fired, and then return to Rick.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: Enemies in the game include insects about as big as Rick's head. Also giant ants and the gigantic wasp queen.
  • Checkpoint: Retro the badger fills this role in the game. Give him a set amount of coins, and he will activate the checkpoint.
  • Creepy Cemetery: Foggy Fable is set in a desolate cemetery full of hostile ghosts and plant monsters, with a fog hanging over it that can only be dispelled when Rick switches to winter.
  • Defeat Equals Explosion: Enemies tend to explode when defeated, and plenty of enemy types have their own unique animations for it.
  • Double Jump: Rick can do this.
  • Floating Platforms: Can be summoned by shooting coloured arrows at similarly-coloured bullseyes.
  • Four-Seasons Level: This game might was well be "This Trope: The Game". One prominent gameplay mechanic involves switching between seasons at will (provided you've enough magic to hold that season in place).
  • Fox Folk: Rick is an anthropomorphic fox.
  • Giant Spider: The boss of the autumn levels is a giant spider with buzzsaw blades on its pincers.
  • Inexplicable Treasure Chest: Purple and yellow ones.
  • Level Goal: Patty sits on a see-saw at the end of each level, singing a song that replaces the level music when Rick's close. You have to launch her to complete the level.
  • Plant Mooks: Some enemies in the game look like monsters made out of vines.
  • Psycho Electric Eel: One of the Mook types in the game. They leap out of water and emit electricity for a few seconds before diving back in. They can be defeated by being made to drop onto frozen water.
  • Side View: The way the game is viewed.
  • Spread Shot: The green arrows are fired three at a time in a spreading shot.
  • The Trees Have Faces: The Season Tree has a mustachioed face on it.
  • Unexpected Shmup Level: The second level of the Summer Season, Tricky Treetops, changes the game from a Platform Game to a sideways-scrolling shooter level.