Fraxy - TV Tropes
- ️Sun Oct 21 2012
Fraxy is a Freeware arena Shoot 'Em Up that was released in 2006 for Windows PCs, and which centers around user-made content. The game comes with an editor that lets you make your own enemies, then lets you blow them to bits.
It comprises of two modes: Free Play, which pits you against one or more of the available enemies and TRY, which gives the player different scenarios. The latter is not as popular, due to the fact that it's harder to make scenarios than enemies. An add-on that replaces sprites with custom ones exists, meaning you could make effectively anything.
Fraxy used to have several active wiki pages and communities; it no longer does, with many being abandoned or shut down. The original creator, Mon, has not updated his site since 2015. Fraxy used to have a section on the ROM hacking forum board2; though the forum itself appears to have been shut down. Fraxy HQ
is currently the most reliable site for the game, containing working download links for the game
and many bosses
(Most player-made bosses referenced on this page are creations of FHQ members). Most activity on FHQ happens behind the scenes in chatrooms, making the community appear more dead than it is.
This game features:
- April Fools' Day: Gave us the T-401 Vic Viper as a playable ship.
- Attack Its Weak Point - All the enemies are built around a single core. Guess what will destroy the whole boss if you blow it up?
- This is, however, easily preventable. Transferring or ignoring damage is an important feature, and many bosses don't have any destroyable parts, simply opting for shared HP for the whole thing.
- Beam Spam
- Boss Game
- Stages can be made using TRY, but it is tedious work.
- Boss Rush - Free Play mode in a nutshell.
- Boss Subtitles: "Incoming [boss name] rank 100!"
- Bullet Hell: There is a play mode called "danmaku", which reduces your hitbox to one pixel. And a ship type that's called, yes, Bullet Hell: very little health, pretty fast, and requires special energy to fire Blaster weapons.
- Bullfight Boss: The Mini Core part's default AI turns towards the player, charges them, and repeats.
- The Big Core and Fighter Core parts share this pattern, though with varying speeds.
- Cast from Hit Points: Your life points double as energy for your weapons.
- Chasing Your Tail: The Head Core part's default AI.
- Cores-and-Turrets Boss: The most basic kind of boss there is.
- Crosshair Aware: The Remote Blast part; it also comes with speed customization, one of which places it on the player instantly.
- Deadly Walls: Energy walls. Any part can serve as a physical blockade.
- Death Is a Slap on the Wrist: You have infinite lives. Your mission is to whack the boss down as quickly as possible.
- In TRY mode you cannot save replays if you continue after dying, but you can still beat the TRY.
- Dual Boss: The Deploy Core part and its default AI are built for this purpose. Paste several drones onto it and the core will launch them all as soon as the fight begins.
- Energy Ball: Power Ball and Ion Ring parts (with Fill option enabled)
- Energy Weapon: The player also has lasers now.
- Fake Difficulty: The use of the Screen (blur) effector just to confuse the player is one example.
- Glass Cannon: The Quicker ship type. Its attack is insane, its initial boost is insane, its regeneration is just as insane, but it dies to almost anything in one hit.
- Heroic RRoD: Over Soll Mode.
- Macross Missile Massacre: Missile part. LOOPED!
- Missiles can be set to release projectiles upon explosion (via extra parameters, as always). What if the projectiles are set to be MORE MISSILES?
- More Dakka: Any weapon can be made into this. The Needle Gun has a default action that does it.
- Reflecting Laser: Reflect Ray will reflect off lasers, barriers, energy walls and even blades!
- The Ion Ring can also do this, despite not being a laser.
- Sailor Earth: Some of the default bosses are Big Core-styled, to speak not of player-made creations.
- Sequential Boss: A given. Most complex bosses use phases that trigger once life is lowered enough.
- Shout-Out: Essentially, the rule is that "If it appears in a shmup, we can remake it."
- The Plasma Ring part came from Touhou Project and the 3-armed powerup came from Cho Ren Sha 68K.
- The default boss "Viper" looks like the Vic Viper, complete with options floating around it.
- Spread Shot: All 3 flavours!
- Initial Burst: Practically every bullet-type weapon can be this.
- Spray Burst: The hardest to make of the three, but sometimes present.
- Exploding Shot: Energy Egg/Missile parts.
- Trick Boss: The Clock Trap is one of the default bosses. It starts out as a harmless, unprotected core until you find out that it was a holding mechanism for a robotic laser blender that you'd be crazy to take on. Luckily, it's also defeated by managing to escape its gravitational pull and the surrounding laser emitters, on top of being dedicated enough to destroy its core.
- Wave-Motion Gun: The Laser part. Bonus points for being available in three different sizes.
- The Power Laser also qualifies as this.
- The player's charge weapons qualify as this, especially the power-type, which even has a hidden charge level.
Tropes Relating to Player-Made Content:
- Body Horror: A70M1C's ][nfected start out normal, then turn into a freaking horror shortly after taking enough damage.
- Doppelgänger Attack: Eboshidori's Phantom 30K, among others.
- Eye Beams: Zapan D.
Follow the Leader: Eboshidori pretty much singlehandedly invented the "What If...?" scenarios, the Search-Light wings, custom player weapons and the very, very often used "Globe of light spewing bullets" type of boss. And many, many creations with borrowed ideas followed. Eboshidori is to Fraxy, is what Simpsons are to animated sitcoms.
- Light Is Not Good: Sakra-Devanam and A70M1C'S Reactor 00.
Self-Imposed Challenge: Many community-made bosses are made to be fought with only the bullet weapon. Custom player weapons often make up for it.
- Serial Escalation: Eboshidori created a boss called Matrix Hibachi, which was pretty hard. Shortly after, he gave us the "Death Label" version, which had bullet patterns similar to the original, only harder. To clarify, the original was already Bullet Hell.
- Sinister Geometry: Oomagatuhi's DANMAKU-DAMASII, as well as Eboshidori's True Acala and the second form of Broken Dream.
- Soundtrack Dissonance: Broken Dream's final form.