Kaiserredux - TV Tropes

  • ️Fri Jul 10 2020

Kaiserredux (Video Game)

Kaiserredux: A Kaiserreich Expansion (KX) is a content expansion and former sub-modification for Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg, a Game Mod of Hearts of Iron IV. It began development in late-2019 as a unification of several submods into a single package, before becoming a standalone fork of the mod.

Since then, the primary focus of Kaiserredux is to introduce captivating and intriguing scenarios, sometimes at the expense of strict realism, while building upon the foundation established by the original Kaiserreich. This also includes the restoration of paths present in earlier versions of Kaiserreich that were removed.

Reworked content 

  • Afghanistan (The Fourth Anglo-Afghan War, Mughal Restoration, Paths for British Puppet and Independent Kingdom/Republic)
  • Alaska (Barons, Democracy, Canadian Puppet, Japanese Puppet, Syndicalist and Bolshevik Exiles, Native American Natpops and Tots)
  • American Union State (Holy Kingdom [under Carroll and his sucessors or Stuarts], Pelley Rework, NPP, Huey Long Expansion, Long successors)
  • Arizona (Anglo Rebellion and Socialist Paths)
  • AOG (Folkenhausen and Board of Directors, Deutsch-China)
  • Austria (Fatherland Front)
  • Banat (Roth, Exiled Monarchy, Syndicalists, Hungarian Communists, Military Regime and Iron Guard)
  • Belarus (Politics Overhaul)
  • Black Belt Republic (ABB, Jacobins, NCL, Socialist Party, New Republicans, UNIA, Young, NOI, Peace Party, Black Jewish Movement, Sun-Ra)
  • Bohemia (Total Overhaul, Hussites, Monarchy, Vjalka)
  • Bulgaria (Bulgarists, Zveno)
  • Burma Rework
  • Canada Rework(Fleshing out of democratic and authoritarian paths, adds a natpop path as well)
  • Central Asian States (Bukhara, Kokand, Khiva, and Alash Orda)
  • Commune of France (Sorelian, Jacobin, Black Guard and Popular Front)
  • Combined Syndicates of America (CSA) Paths (Al Capone, Technocracy, Social Patriots, Totalists, Syndies, Lovestone coup, Butler coup)
  • China (Undead Chaing Kai-Shek, Dai Li Expansion)
  • Constitutional American Republic (COR) Paths (ODP, Fordist, Young/Old Klan, Christian Identity, Russel, Patton)
  • Don Kuban States (Don, Kuban, Mountain Republic, Kalmyks, Ataman’s Ride Integration)
  • Fiume (Admiral Horthy and Pirates)
  • Fengtian (Dynastic paths)
  • Georgia (Jugashvili and Transcaucasia)
  • Germany (Pataut Schleicher, Natpop Goering, Roter Morgen, Democratic Rework)
  • Greece (Byzantium Restoration)
  • Guatemala (Ubico)
  • Hungary (Austrian loyalty, Independent Democracy, National Socialists, Vanguardists)
  • Illyria (Austrian Loyalty, Independent Democracy, Tito and Pavelic)
  • Italy (Popes, Republic, Austrian lapdog)
  • Korea (Japanese Loyalty, Joseon Monarchy, Military Regime, Democracy, Syndicalist, Anarchist and Juche)
  • Liberia (Firestone Corporatocracy, Hoover In-Exile)
  • Luxembourg (Socialist Europe, Holy Roman Empire Restoration)
  • Malta (Intro Tree)
  • Mexico (Complete Rework, Mexican Empire, Estado Maximo, Goldshirts)
  • Mittelafrika (Complete rework; content for Westafrika, Mittelafrika and its collapse, the Congo and its civil war tags, Rhodesia, Nordrhodesien, Madagascar, Nigeria, Kenya-Uganda, Mau-Mau)
  • National France (Napoleonic Empire Restoration)
  • Native American Paths (Haudenosaunee and Wabanaki, and White Reservations formed after Towner Alaska conquers Canada)
  • New England (Lovecraft, Monarchy, Prohibitionist, An Cap, Federalist, Quaker, and Eugenicists)
  • New York City (La Guardia, Mob, Socialists, Political Machine)
  • Nicaragua (Updated American Mandate)
  • Ottoman Empire (German Expedition)
  • Pacific States of America (Norton II, Walt Disney, Howard Hughes, Aiso, Hearst, Commonwealth, Spiritualists Pro-Japan regime, Japanese takeover)
  • Panama (Foreign Occupation, Black Site)
  • Paraguay (Exiled Huey Long)
  • Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Josef Beck)
  • Russia (Expanded politics, Socialist Rework, Democratic Overhaul, Eurasians)
  • Scotland (Scottish Kingdom, German Kingdom, Homeland Watch, Democracy, Syndicalist and Clerical Nationalist)
  • Serbia (Black Hand)
  • Shandong (Dogmeat Dynasty, Tian)
  • Sikkim (Tashi Kingdom, Kazi landlord dictatorship, Kazi democracy, Jerman Lepcha Socialism with later elections for Jermanists, Syndicalist Exiles from Indian INC, and Roerichist Buddhist Socialism)
  • Texas (Democracy, Garner/Texas First Party, Military Junta, Socialists and Texaco)
  • Socialist Republic of Italy (Evola, Mafia, Fasci, Neosanfedisti and Pio's Papacy)
  • Spain (Political Expansion, Carlist Empire, Mediterranean Block)
  • Transamur (Mladorossi Tsardom, Expanded Politics, Native Breakoff States)
  • Union of Britain (Lawrence of Brittania, Expanded Mosley, Counter-Revolution)
  • Ukraine (Crimean Expansion, Khrushchev)
  • USA Expansion (Norris, Landon, Curtis, Garner, MacArthur, Balkanizable America)
  • Wales (Welsh Kingdom, German Kingdom, Democracy, Socialists and Home Rule Army)
  • Western Command Center (American Pompey, MacArthur Exile)
  • Yucatan (Neo-Mayan Empire)
  • Yunnan (Tang Dynasty)

On top of all the rich, expanded content, a large variety of meticulously designed assets are present, such as alternative country flags, ideology symbols, and leader portraits.

Original sub modifications 

  • Ride the Tiger
  • American Totalists
  • Bones of the Double Eagle
  • Triumph of Totalism
  • Alaskan Expansion
  • Disunited Kingdom
  • Rose of Texas
  • Rise of Korea
  • Russian Rework
  • Home of the Brave
  • The World Set Free
  • Disunited States
  • Roter Morgennote 

The latest version of the mod can be downloaded here. The mod's community can be found on Reddit and on Discord.

Stands to reason that this page will only cover tropes present in Kaiserredux. For tropes present in the original Kaiserreich (and its many versions), see its page. Compare with Führerreich: Legacy of the Great War and Red Flood, two other Hearts of Iron IV Game Mods based on Double-Blind What-Ifs in Kaiserreich, as well as Kalterkrieg: Shadow of the Weltkrieg, based in a Space Cold War between the Entente and Reichspakt.

Kaiserredux provides examples of: