Legend of Kay - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Jun 23 2014
Legend of Kay is a 2005 meow-tastic platforming/fighting game released exclusively for the PS2. It follows Kay, a cat who knows Kung Fu. After the occupying force of gorillas and rats close down the fighting school he attends, Kay goes on a quest to rid his home country of them and their collaborators. Gameplay is fairly simple, morals extremely so, and it is marketed as a children's game.
Now with an Anniversary Edition for Wii U, PS4, Steam and Nintendo Switch.
- All Animals Are Dogs: A rare anthro case in the Paladin Dragon. Some of his idle animations if he's not talking during a scene are similar to a dog scratching itself.
- Arc Words: Tomorrow, the sun will rise on a warrior!
- Today, the sun rises...
- Armor Is Useless: While Kay can get the Jade Armor to increase his life points by 5, most strong enough attacks can go through the armor, and Kay can increase his own life through Life Containers whereas the Jade Armor is a steady 5 point increase. On Nightmare mode, the Jade Armor is near worthless. Which means Kay's traditional outfit that most of the cat village wears is eventually more effective than any armor.
- Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Kay may be a Jerkass, but he has skills.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: One of the bosses is a giant, non-anthropomorphic turtle.
- Barefoot Cartoon Animal: Kay is barefoot at all times, because he practices kung-fu.
- Bears Are Bad News: Some of the enemies include bears. The Pandas avert this, being a main faction of the resistance against Tak and Shun.
- Bee-Bee Gun: Kay can buy bottles of hornets that will assist him in battle for 20 seconds. They're not super powerful compared to Kay's moveset, but they can be used to eliminate weaker enemies and break almost any guard.
- Body Armor as Hit Points: Kay can find then later purchase Jade Armor sets to boost his life meter by 5 points. Then they break and you must buy another, and they are very expensive.
- Body Horror: The final boss, a transformed merger of Minister Shun and one of his guards. He has four arms, all of which are insanely muscly while one is scrawny and malformed. He also has a second head sticking out of his first head, with the second head's face stretching onto the first head. Why yes, this is a kid's game.
- Bubblegloop Swamp: Where the frogs live. Kay will be spending quite a bit of time here.
- Cats Are Mean: Averted with Kay and the other cats.
- Convection, Schmonvection: There are areas in the game that are so hot that an on-screen timer shows up on screen. If Kay is in these areas too long, he'll be shown suffocating to death. The final level plays this straight though.
- Death By Genre Savvy: When Tak's immortality machine malfunctions, he goes to fight Kay himself while his minions try to fix the machine, so that he wouldn't be interrupted by Kay while trying to fix it himself. Kay defeats him.
- Doomed Hometown: A downplayed variant: the cat village has been okay up to the start of the game but the mayor quickly sells them out to the invading gorillas and rats in the first chapter (of 21). It's not destroyed, but Kay has had it with the occupation, and sets out on the recommendation of his family and the Master to find the resistance factions that may do something against them.
- Drunken Master: The Master at Kay's dojo plays with the usual type. He's definitely drinking and sometimes uses it as an excuse to stop training, or even to continue by having Kay retrieve his drink, and the rest of the village thinks he's a kook who believes in a long-outdated way of thinking. However, he does teach everything Kay needs for his adventure, and displays some mystic knowledge. The "playing with" part is that drinking does not help him, he just is frequently drunk.
- Evil Genius: Tak the Rat Alchemist, who is working to gain immortality for himself and Shun.
- Forced Tutorial: At least you get a reward for each time you finish them.
- Frothy Mugs of Water: Averted, the Master of the dojo is clearly drinking. His preferred drink of choice is "nettlemead"; mead is made like beer but from plants other than hops.
- Fusion Dance: Shun's bodyguard rushes in to protect him after Shun's One-Winged Angel form is defeated. This is the result.
- Harder Than Hard: The difficulty levels when starting are Easy, Normal, Hard, and Nightmare.
- Hint System: Two.
- General: the shopkeeper sells a few "Tip of the Day" items per chapter. They're mostly gameplay related, but often prescient and related to what you might see in the level.
- Level-specific: a question mark icon on the map indicates someone Kay can go to for tips on how to find specific hidden items, most notably Cat Statues and the treasures they lead to.
- Idle Animation: Aw, look how cute Kay is, the way he curls up and sleeps when he's not moving!
- Killer Gorilla: Minister Shun and the Gorilla Army
- La Résistance: A panda group led by Kay's friend and Love Interest, Su Ling.
- Lethal Lava Land: The final level is set inside the volcano Waa-Lo.
- Load-Bearing Boss: Shun's lair deep inside the volcano Waa-Lo is destroyed when the volcano erupts after he is defeated.
- Maniac Monkeys: Gorillas are one of the two main enemy forces.
- Motion Comic: Plot cutscenes are the secondary version, with stylized artwork.
- Never Smile at a Crocodile: Some of the enemies include crocodiles/alligators.
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain!: Kay was able to win because Shun and Tak tried second-guessing each other and ended up screwing each other out of immortality.
- One-Winged Angel: Minister Shun hulks out when you fight him for the second time.
- Racing Minigame: The boar/wolf racing mini levels. And one dragon level Due to weird obstacle collision physics and timed races, can be extremely frustrating
- Rewarding Vandalism: Throughout the game, there are a good number of breakable jars that will usually have coins in them.
- Shout-Out:
- The turtle enemies fight with sais. Sound familiar? Well it should.
- Get your stinkin' paws off me, you damn dirty ape!
- The resistance movement is called Avalanche.
- A poster in the panda resistance hideout looks very similar to the propaganda posters of Che Guevara.
- The four animal nations lived in harmony. Then everything changed when the gorilla nation attacked.
- There Are No Coincidences: The gorillas take all weapons from the cat village except for the Cat Champion sword. Kay steals it when the mayor says the dojo is about to be taken down due to suspicion of insurrection, and it becomes his main weapon. Guess who the next Cat Champion of prophecy is? (You get three guesses and the first two don't count.)
- The Starscream: Tak plans to betray Shun and give himself immortality before Shun gets it. Shun anticipated this and sabotaged the immortality machine so that it wouldn't work when Tak used it. Tak anticipated that and sabotaged the machine again so that when Shun used it, he would hulk out instead of gaining immortality.
- With This Herring: The wooden sword. Kay complains about it as he doesn't get his hands on his master's sacred sword as his first weapon.
- Wuxia: It has medieval Chinese settings and characters.