Lorwolf - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Dec 19 2022
Lorwolf is a web-based Virtual Pet and Breeding Sim game which opened for beta and early access in 2022 after running a Kickstarter campaign starting in 2020. It launched on May 6, 2023. The game has mechanics similar to other pet sites. Players can collect, breed, and customize wolves of a variety of breeds and align themselves with four different packs, each with a different color motif and theme. The game also contains some limited RPG mechanics, including PvP and PvE battles with your wolves, a campaign storyline, and multiple professions that can be leveled up and used to gain XP and items.
Compare Flight Rising, a similar site but with dragons and Wolvden, a slightly older game with the same premise but much more punishing gameplay.
- 20 Bear Asses: The first quest in the campaign to join the Murkwood pack requires you to collect 5 golden apples dropped from Rodills, weak rat-like enemies.
- Absurdly Low Level Cap: During Early Access, wolf and companion levels were capped at 10. Enemies encountered on campaigns during Early Access could go up to Level 14 for bosses and it can be easily reached before finishing the campaigns.
- Alpha and Beta Wolves: The wolf that appears as your profile picture was described as your "alpha wolf" in your den until it was changed to "leader" in a January 2023 early access update.
- Amazing Technicolor Wildlife: The game has a wide color wheel for all wolves, including those obtained via breeding, wild encounters, and your 2 custom starters, including a variety of bright shades that wolves can't be in real life. Averted with the non-player characters, who all have realistic colors for their species.
- Bears Are Bad News: Moorbears serve as the mini-boss enemies of all of the packs' early campaign areas.
- Civilized Animal: All of the characters are animals and they still engage in animalistic behavior such as hunting for food and your wolves rolling in smelly things they encounter on campaign, but they also wear clothes, talk, and have societies and professions.
- Clever Crows: The Dustraven companions are described as sly smugglers of rare goods.
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Each of the packs has a specific color associated with them which appears on banners and other things associated with them. Murkwood is red, Icerun is blue, Goldsea is gold, and Darkspine is purple.
- Cooking Mechanics: One of the professions lets you cook foods you find while adventuring, hunting, or fishing to get better food items that restore more stamina to your wolves and profession XP, which allows unlocking more recipes and lowers the chance of burning the food.
- Dark Is Evil: In the nightmare you/your wolves have at the beginning of the campaign quest to join a given pack, you are surrounded and attacked by dark tendrils until a light in the color of your chosen pack appears.
- Fishing Minigame: One of the professions. The minigame itself drops fish items that can be eaten or cooked and is played by clicking on ripples in the water when they appear.
- Flavor Text: All items have a description containing some sort of clever blurb that can be viewed when they're moused over.
- Game Hunting Mechanic: You can send your wolves hunting as one of the profession minigames. It uses stamina, occupies them for a given amount of time, and after that time, they'll either succeed or fail based on their level and the odds of the mission. If they succeed, they get XP and you get items.
- Gold and White Are Divine: The Goldsea pack has gold and white as their colors. Their lore uses heavy angel symbolism and their focus is on maintaining order against an undescribed force of chaos.
- Harmless Freezing: Ice-associated enemies encountered in campaign can freeze your wolves. This prevents them from attacking for a short period of time.
- Hollywood Darkness: The Darkspine campaign areas are described as being completely covered in shadow, but the graphics are perfectly well-lit save a slight purple filter.
- Hot Wings: The Ignatius companion is a phoenix-like bird with bright orange feathers that appear to have embers coming off them. Its plumes are described in its Flavor Text as looking like solar flares.
- Item Crafting: One of the professions available. You get recipes from the in-game shop and supplies from various sources, including exploring, hunting, fishing, and interacting with companions.
- Mix-and-Match Critters:
- The premium currency Volmyr breed is a fusion of a wolf and a bat, interpreted as a wolf with bat-like wings attached to its arms.
- Many campaign enemies and companions also have this design, such as Vulpecitas combining foxes and butterflies and Canictonis combining swans with scorpions.
- Our Hydras Are Different: Two different color morphs appear as companions, namely the Coral Hydra and Whirlpool Hydra. They're drawn as viper-like snakes with 3 heads and live in shallow water.
- Planimal: The Basidio and Colpach companions have this design. Basidios are toads with poisonous fungi on their backs and Colpach are felines with branches growing out of their heads and backs.
- Play Every Day: There are daily tasks that reset at rollover which drop currency, including shards that can be crafted into Moonstones, the game's premium currency, and tickets for the weekly events.
- Purple Is the New Black: The darkness and shadows-associated Darkspine pack has purple as their main color.
- Red Is Violent: Murkwood's pack color is red and their focus is ferocity.
- Reward for Removal: Releasing wolves removes them from your den and rewards currency, including tickets for the weekly festivals.
- Universal Poison: Some enemies that are encountered on campaigns can poison your wolves. The effect deals damage over time and can stack. The more counts of poison your wolf has, the more damage they take per turn.