Lt. Typhon - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Mar 28 2020
Lt. Typhon is a Game Mod for Doom by Skelegant. This mod replaces Doomguy with the titular character, Lt. Typhon. She is a battlescarred badass who can use lots of huge guns and hard-hitting melee attacks.
The latest version of the mod can be downloaded here.
This mod contains examples of:
- Abnormal Ammo: The Demonic Shotgun fires a pile of bloody flesh instead of bullets. It still consumes shotgun shells as its ammunition, though.
- All There in the Manual: There is lots of lore about Lt. Typhon, her weapons, and various powerup items, but the game won't show them much. You can read them at the thread in ZDoom forum and LOREDUMP file inside the mod file.
- Badass Adorable: If you find Gondolas
, you can give them a helmet and gun by interacting. They will become an adorable soldier with decent firepower, and kill demons alongside you.
- Munchy is a baby cacodemon that can be sicced on enemies.
- Badass Boast: Typhon often says phrases like "You can't hide from me!"
- BFG: It's a Doom mod, so you can expect to see multiple huge and destructive guns.
- The FuckOff Gun 25000 is this mod's BFG. It works like the original BFG, but its altfire shoots a bigger and deadlier plasma ball and kills everything nearby.
- The Old BFG9000 is a BFG9000 covered with rust. It rapidly shoots deadly plasma projectiles, and its altfire fires plasma projectiles like a shotgun.
- Brawn Hilda: Rare protagonist example. Lt. Typhon is an extremely ripped and manly woman who kicks ass with her huge guns and Super-Strength.
- Catch and Return: Typhon can catch rockets from Revenants and Cybedermon by punching them. After that, she can throw the rockets back!
- Evil Doppelgänger: The enemy called "Typhon?" rarely appears from the spawn points of various powerups. She is quite tough but if you manage to kill her, she will drop a powerful weapon.
- Gatling Good: One of the two slot 4 weapons is a gatling gun with a lightning-fast rate of fire. Typhon even can use two of them at once.
- Gold-Colored Superiority: Unlike standard Green Armor or Blue Armor, the Gold Armor completely protects Typhon from damage. This means she won't take any damage to her health until the armor breaks.
- Handicapped Badass: Typhon appears to be missing her left eye, but it doesn't stop her from being a badass soldier.
- Hyperactive Metabolism: Typhon can eat MREs to restore her health.
- Improbable Weapon User: Typhon can heave heavy dumbbells at nearby enemies. It's strong enough to gib common enemies in Doom. She can throw even harder and further by charging for awhile.
- Kill It with Fire: The alt-fire for the sawnoff fires Dragon's Breath shells.
- Kill Sat: Sirius is Typhon's personal orbital laser cannon. It will vaporize any enemy that it targets.
- Mana Meter: Bio Energy is needed for using various superpowered melee attacks and some unusual weapons, or throwing dumbbells. It can be refilled by doing things like smoking cigars or picking up Bio Powerups,
- Mini-Mecha: The Plutonium Handler is basically the Powerloader from Aliens. Its arms hit enemies really hard, it provides protection from damaging floors, and Typhon can use it to pick up toxic barrels and throw it.
- Pistol-Whipping: Tapping the alt-fire button with the shotgun will cause Typhon to strike enemies with the butt of the gun.
- Practical Taunt: Typhon can taunt an enemy to dent their ego, which stuns them for a moment.
- Punched Across the Room: Charged melee attacks that Typhon uses often knock enemies away.
- Quick Melee: Typhon can kick enemies with Zoom key. She can use both legs to kick when she is in the air.
- Short-Range Shotgun: The standard shotgun downplays this: the primary fire has roughly the same range as the vanilla game's shotgun, while the alt-fire is a slug with even greater range. The sawnoff plays it straight.
- Shout-Out:
- One of the Bio Powerups allows Typhon to give the Touch of Death to enemies. When you pick up this powerup, it screams "You ha Shock".
- The old BFG9000's primary fire works like BFG9000 in the alpha version of original Doom. "Old", indeed.
- The sprite for the shotgun is a slightly altered version of the shotgun from Doom 64.
- Smoking Is Cool: The cigar item allows Typhon to gain Armor and Bio Energy. It costs some of her health, though.
- Super-Strength: Typhon's strength is clearly superhuman. Even without powerup items, she punches even harder than Doomguy with a berserk pack. She can also rip out objects like pillars or stalagmites from the ground, and throw them at enemies.
- Vengeful Ghost: When Typhon is killed, her vengeful soul will rise from her body and beat up her killers.
- Video Game Caring Potential: Like Brutal Doom, you can rescue captured marines and have them fight alongside you.