Lunarosse - TV Tropes

  • ️Sun Sep 27 2015

Lunarosse (Video Game)

"We've come all this way to see the end of this story and that's what we're going to do."

Lunarosse is an RPG made by Geminidrake with RPG Maker.

Lunarosse (pronounced loo-nuh-rohs) is a realm of fantasy. Anything that is possible is: magic, fairies, monsters, dragons, werewolves, merpeople, elves, etc. Under the banner of this great realm is the kind and benevolent ruler, Empress Corlia del Lunarosse. Those who follow her order are rewarded with anything they desire: wealth, a family, a promising career, anything if the people earn it. However, there are those who see the empress' ways as nothing more but oppression, the demon tribe of Yliandra (pronounced yeel-lee-ahn-dra). Led by their shamaness of the same name, for years they battled against the armies of Lunarosse to try to bring "truth" to the eyes of its residence. It didn't matter how many fell, for those who believed in the empress' kindness are restored to life as though never killed at all. It has been ten years since the struggle began, and the war still rages on.

One day, the ranger guild of Bahrmuel is given a special mission from the empress herself. They are to escort an ambassador assigned to journey into Yliandra's whereabouts to discuss peace after all these years. It's this particular mission that will decide the fate of the empress' blessed empire and the people who feel oppressed.

The main characters are:

  • Channing Farrow, an ordinary guy who just wants to get his job done and doesn’t care for much else.
  • Noel Warhol, Channing’s best friend who often finds himself exasperated with his mindless partying and laziness.
  • Gloria Harper, Channing’s arranged fiancé, who harbors a mutual dislike for him and the marriage.
  • Garrett Davis, the prince of Lunarosse and brother of Corlia, who mysteriously vanished.

It’s up to them to save Lunarosse from the increasingly insane Corlia and Yliandra, as well as an unknown entity that is plunging Lunarosse into chaos...

More can be found, including a download link here. You can also view a playthrough of the game here.

Tropes that comprise this work are...

  • Achievement System: You can earn various achievements through the game. Earning certain ones will grants new moves and items and you need at least five to gain a new party member for the base.
  • Affectionate Parody: The Tierkreis, a light-hearted take on sentai superheroes, complete with In the Name of the Moon speeches and Calling Your Attacks.
  • All There in the Manual: There's a whole lot of backstory on the party if you check the in-game biography and library.
  • And Now for Someone Completely Different: You start the game as a spy named Tuntema sneaking into Lunarosse Castle before switching over to Channing. She does return later, as Gloria.
  • Anti-Escapism Aesop: Downplayed, but still present. When Lunarosse is revealed to be a Constructed World by Corlia, and that she intends to keep everyone trapped because they were her friends in the real world and she didn’t want them to leave, her detractors (including the heroes) call her a spoiled child who doesn’t want to grow up, and the goal of the game is to get back to reality. However, Yliandra’s plan to destroy Lunarosse is also seen as bad, since Corlia’s story is her way of coping, and she needs it to an extent. Meanwhile Naamari/Dario Naumov’s tampering with/attempted destruction of the story is seen as petty.
  • Anti-Mutiny: The generals eventually turn on Corlia when they realize their role as story characters and decide it's time to end.
  • Apathetic Citizens: The citizens of Lunarosse don't bother changing their lines of dialogue, even when their region is under attack or has been conquered by the Faction. May have an answer in Fridge Brilliance, as they have been modelled by Corlia according to the script of her old game, which was supposed to end with the Peace Treaty. Since the outcome is different than in the plot she imagined, the NPCs don't have lines that reflect this change.
  • Arbitrary Headcount Limit: Notable in that the limit is five instead of the usual three or four.
  • Arranged Marriage: Channing and Gloria are in one. They don't like it.
  • Back from the Dead: Noel can be revived on the path to the best ending.
  • Bad Boss: Bahrmuel. He's prone to yelling and throwing things.
  • Beneath Suspicion: Would you have suspected Naamari, the guy who got killed, to be the mastermind?
  • Big Bad/Big Bad Ensemble: Empress Corlia del Lunarosse, ruler of The Empire of Lunarosse, and Yliandra, shamaness of the demi-human Yliandra Faction, are the antagonists. At first, they seem rather reasonable and do not antagonize the party, but once the war is reignited, they descend into violence and tyranny. However, it is hinted early on that a third party, the “illusion master”, is sparking the war and Playing Both Sides for their own purposes, though it’s not clear who it is. It’s revealed in the True End Path to be Dr. Dario Naumov, Corlia’s therapist in the real world who inserted himself into the story as Naamari, the ambassador who’s “death” restarted the war, as well as Zevahn, Corlia’s advisor, and Bellahan, a servant of Yliandra. He did this as revenge for Corlia giving him a role he hated, writing a story he hated, and not returning his love.
  • Bonus Dungeon: The Road to the Abyss-King and the Golden Temple.
  • At one point, Zevhan ambushes the party during an infiltration mission and pits them against every Cardian boss they fought, ending with a new one that's an amalgamation of all of them.
  • The Road to the Abyss-King pits you against all five rare encounter bosses, ending with the Abyss King itself.
  • There's a final one against all boss enemies and a final extra boss, but you'll need to get all three endings to play it.
  • Bury Your Gays: This happens to Noel no matter what, but you can subvert it if you're on the path to the True Ending.
  • But Thou Must!: You can say "no" all day long, but Marina won't let you report your first quest yourself, so you have to let her and end up having her steal your glory.
  • Calling the Old Man Out:
    • Channing takes the time to chide his father's infidelity even when the guy has been captured by a monster that was using it against him.
    • Abel and his dad have it out when you complete his sidequest.
  • Can't Drop the Hero: Channing. He even lampshades it near the end.
  • Cat Girl: A race of cat people called Cheshires live in the mountains.
  • Character Development: Quite a bit. Channing grows from irresponsible layabout into The Hero, Gloria learns to let go of her jealously and Noel learns how to move on from tragedy.
  • Character Portrait: If someone has one, they're either a recruitable party member or otherwise an important NPC.
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • A running gag is asking Archivist characters if they can pull the dragons out of the books. They can, but it's not easy.
    • Noel's locket containing the ignition key to the Dreadnought.
  • Climax Boss:
    • The first boss fight against Abel comes right after a big Wham Episode, the failure of the peace treaty with Yliandra. The guy will probably be the first real challenge for the player and, let's be honest, being able to punch the face of this little prick, who's been nothing but a pain in the ass until now, is really cathartic.
    • The Dual Boss battle against Abel and Marina in Sherwood Village. Again, this fight happens at a key moment (right before the heroes flee the Lunarosse Empire) in front of a burning building. You're fighting two characters that have been nothing but trouble to you since the beginning of the game. And Abel and Marina aren't opponents to scoff at, since Abel loves to reduce you defense and put you to sleep while Marina has strong physical attacks and knows a move that can hit all your characters at once. And may the Empress have mercy of you if they both decide to use during the same turn their attacks that hit all your team at once. Luckily, they forgot to level-grind and have the same health and attacks than during your previous fights against them. Then, when they're beaten, they summon two monsters with far more health than any other enemy met this far. Luckily, the two summons don't use attacks that target all the team at once, so they are manageable.
    • The battles against one of Corlia's "Grimoires" (Xanatos, Vaarn and Noita), each being a multi-stage boss against a major antagonist with a One-Winged Angel form and having a heavy impact on the plot.
  • Clipped-Wing Angel: The Amalgamation, a boss made of all of Zevhan's summons. Looks freaky, but it's weak to almost every element and can be poisoned.
  • Constructed World: Lunarosse is. Literally. Corlia made it herself.
  • Convection, Schmonvection: Mt. Aso is an active volcano ready to erupt, yet nobody comments on the heat. If anything, their only concern is choking to death on all the sulfur in the air.
  • "Could Have Avoided This!" Plot: The whole incident with the Cheshires in the beginning of the game could have been avoided if the heroes just sat down and asked themselves: "Why would a thief sign up his own misdeed?" or, alternatively, if they had been less antagonistic towards the Cheshires and showed them the so-called letter they wrote to gloat about their thievery. A textbook example of Poor Communication Kills. It's even lampshaded by Milo and Elijah.
  • Cutscene Power to the Max: The Ponardek. Every fight against it is winnable, but the game plays out like your party struggles to even scratch it in the cutscenes after.
  • Does Not Like Magic: Bahrmuel. He think it's for wimps.
  • The Dog Was the Mastermind: Naamari, the Sacrificial Lamb that supposedely died at the end of the first act, is the true Big Bad of the game, as revealed in the True End Path.
  • Doomed Hometown: Subverted. At first it looks like this is the case with Sherwood Village, but it turns out to be fine when you return.
  • Downer Ending: One ending has Channing go crazy and locked in an asylum, with the implication that he killed everyone.
  • Dream Within a Dream: Technically, every dream is this, since the world is Corlia's dream. This is even the name of one of the endings.
  • Elemental Absorption: Later in the game, many foes are capable of this. Darkness is a common one.
  • The Empire: Subverted with the empire of Lunarosse, as while they are one of the antagonistic factions, and three of their leaders are evil/insane, it’s made clear that they as a whole are not evil.
  • Equipment Upgrade: Armor is purchased and replaced as per usual, but weapons are upgraded progressively. Eventually, you'll hit a limit and have to acquire some unobtainium to boost them further.
  • Evil Counterpart: Each of Corlia's four generals is a dark representation of the main characters as she remembered their characters from the real world. However, with the exception of Gerard, none of them are really evil.
  • Evil Laugh: Zevhan. As if you needed more hints he was evil.
  • Evil Redhead: Zevhan.
  • Expy: Isabelle and her multiple personalities were based off of Izzy from Total Drama.
  • Fantastic Racism:
    • Abel is biased against anyone non-human, though he does warm up to them later if he joins the party.
    • The humans in general, although it's played with a lot. Some regions are very open-minded and demi-humans are well integrated. Others are highly prejudiced against non-humans (especially the Churchill region).
    • As a consequence, some non-humans show racism towards humans. This is especially the case among Yliandra's faction. According to Yliandra herself, the civilians of her town would lynch the humans sent to negociate the peace treaty if they roam alone in the streets.
  • Floating Continent: Corlia creates one near the end of the game in her attempt to finish off Yliandra. Given where the sprite for it came from, you'd be forgiven for thinking a Master Emerald was the reason it was flying.
  • Florence Nightingale Effect/Love Makes You Evil: Corlia's therapist at the mental hospital is implied to have had this happen to him. It doesn't really help matters.
  • Giant Space Flea from Nowhere: Generally avoided, as most of the bosses makes sense with their given points in the plot. It does get lampshaded during a fetch quest where Channing and Apollo wait for a boss to show up just before snagging the mushroom they were sent after, except there wasn't one that time.
  • Graphics-Induced Super-Deformed: By the nature of RPG Maker VX's standard sprites.
  • Grey-and-Gray Morality: Neither The Empire nor The Faction are truly evil, though they’re not exactly good either. They are fighting over the right to leave or remain in the Constructed World, and Corlia wants everyone to remain for their own good, and because she can make them all happy, but is trapping them in a false world, while Yliandra wants to return everyone to reality, but wants to destroy the false world to do so no matter the consequences. The soldiers are just doing their jobs while fighting for what they believe in, while the high-ranking leaders/generals are mostly Hero Antagonists. Corlia and Yliandra both slowly go insane, however, Gerard is an Ax-Crazy Blood Knight, and Naamari/Zehvan/Bellahan/Dario Naumov is Playing Both Sides. The heroes, meanwhile, try to stay as neutral as possible; who they ultimately side with is determined by the ending.
  • God Was My Co-Pilot: Eris, the Goddess of Discord, aids the party late in the game due to the unusual nature of Lunarosse's existence.
  • Golden Ending: To get it, recruit all possible party members (except the one from the Golden Temple and the western optional continent, which are optional) and choose to reject both sides when you decide who to partner up with. What happens then is the heroes will manage to get Corlia and Yliandra to stop the war and make up with each other, and defeat the true Big Bad, then go home safely.
  • Good Morning, Crono: When you finally get to Channing, he's snoozing in late on his first day of work.
  • Hate Sink:
    • Abel Donovan pre-Character Development due to his Heel–Face Turn. He's a racist rude overbearing Jerkass that makes Bahrmuel or Marina look good in comparison. The main villains take some time to get the spotlight so, in the meantime, he antagonizes the party. He would have gladly left Channing, Noel, Carmen and Esau behind after the failed peace conference with Yliandra, tried to kill them in order to cover this, and then he prevented them to explain themselves to the Empress by turning her against them, which results in the heroes being accused of the fiasco of the peace treaty. In true Hate Sink fashion, he's not even a main antagonist.
    • The Illusion Master, really Dr. Dario Naumov, is the one who tricked the Anti Villains Corlia and Yliandra into waging war on each other. He is the psychologist of the real life Corlia/Yliandra who grew to hate her because she didn't reciprocate his feelings towards her and because he hated the small role she gave him in her story. This causes him to start wreaking havoc on the titular world of Lunarosse, the dream world Corlia made, in a spiteful attempt to hurt Corlia and Yliandra. He creates three avatars- Zevahn, Bellehan, and Naamari- to manipulate both sides of the war. He uses Noel's unrequited love for Channing to create the evil Gerard, and then uses him to fake Naamari's death to reignite war, then has him pin the murder on and repeatedly attack his friends, and at one point psychologically tortures the heroes with images of their friends insulting them, including insulting Noel for being gay, before forcing the heroes to kill Noel near the end. He also demonstrates his pettiness by blasting a soldier just for making a stupid comment and having billionaire Escobar killed when he wanted to end their partnership. When his plans are revealed, he decides to destroy the whole world and rebuild it the way he wants it to be. A petty manipulator who wants to destroy Lunarosse out of pure selfishness, Dario Naumov contrasts Corlia and Yliandra with his lack of sympathetic qualities.
  • Heal It with Water: Water-type Glyphs focus primarily on healing and buffing.
  • Healer Signs On Early: While the Glyph system means there's no one designated healer, Noel's first Glyph is Water magic, which grants healing magic.
  • Healing Spring: There's one in Mt. Loptr. A bit of early game generosity, given the enemies during both your plot-required trips there are a step up from the previous foes.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: While most of the party does use blades, main character Channing uses claws. This was because the game's creator felt he was more of a face-punch guy than a blade wielder.
  • Hidden Villain: The illusion master who is corrupting the world of Lunarosse and masterminding the war between The Empire and The Faction. It’s Naamari/Zehvan/Bellahan/Dario Naumov.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: You can tell you're in one if their HP is 999,999.
  • Hot Springs Episode: It's even possible to open up one of these at your base and get a variety of cutscenes depending on your party composition.
  • Humongous Mecha: The Dreadnought, Yliandra's secret weapon.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: Justified with the Archivist characters, who have the power to materialize their weapons from writing.
  • "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: The Gerard battle in the Dreadnought Tower, wherein Channing tries to get Noel to snap out of it. It ends with Noel killing himself to stop Gerard.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Nerida. She fights with a harp.
  • Incompatible Orientation: Noel loves Channing, but Channing is straight.
  • Inexplicable Treasure Chests: Played pretty straight. No one comments on it. Since the world is made off of Corlia's roleplaying adventures, it can handwaved that she would naturally throw those in.
  • It's Always Spring: Averted for one event for a winter party, but then it goes right back to the usual weather in time for the plot, implying winter lasted less than a month. Of course, reworking the entire world map to stay winter probably would have been asking a bit much.
  • Joined Your Party: For both members who help at the base and those who will fight in combat.
  • Journey to the Center of the Mind: Isabella's second sidequest.
  • Killer Rabbit: It's the first boss, even!
  • Klingon Promotion: The law of the Cheshire clan. Sonia, after losing the Boss Battle against her, expects Channing to kill her, and is surprised when she doesn’t.
  • La Résistance: The Yliandra Faction to The Empire of Lunarosse, though neither are really evil. The party also forms their own, Mnemosyne Company, after deciding to avoid siding with either of them.
  • Last-Second Ending Choice: After the desert region, you have to make your pick of which side of the war you want to side with, which determines the final dungeon and boss. Justified as while as your party has been trying to be neutral as much as possible before then, things escalated to the point where taking a stand and ending things is the only viable option.
  • Leaked Experience: About 75% or so.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: The conversation before the final bonus boss is basically discussing that a whole new continent was added for the purpose of cleaning up the last few dangling plot threads from previous versions.
  • Level-Up Fill-Up: Very handy for MP refills and it cures status effects too.
  • Literal Split Personality:
  • Lotus-Eater Machine:
    • During an attempted raid of Corlia's base, Channing suddenly finds himself reliving the day he joined the guild and decides to back out under the belief that it will prevent any of the bad things in the game so far from happening. Apparently, the hastily-made nature of the illusion means it's also a "Groundhog Day" Loop, so he keeps reliving it each time he goes to bed. It's only with a little outside help that Channing realizes he must deliberately set the events in motion again to break free.
    • However, if you end the game deciding it's best to have Corlia rule Lunarosse after all, all the party members and likely the entire world end up stuck in one, with Channing under the belief that it's better this way.
  • Magic Is Rare, Health Is Cheap: Due to Regenerating Mana, MP-restoring items are much rarer, but restore a greater amount.
  • Mauve Shirt: Rain and Rani, the two assassins that accompany you during the Prologue. Their names are only revealed after they're dead.
  • Money Spider: Also played straight and could be handwaved for the same reason as the Inexplicable Treasure Chests.
  • Monster Clown: Zevahn. He has the appropriate outfit and he's even called a clown several times, although he's for the most part more composed than the classic examples of Monster Clowns.
  • Motive Decay: Both of the villains, Corlia and Yliandra have pretty simple motives that they keep up through the whole game, which amount to "Keep my land safe and blow up the other group". And Naamari has his goal of "Manipulate everyone and blow it all up". However, the Mnemosyne Company - who are the good guys - lose track of their original goal, which is to get out the dream world they're all stuck in and go home, and keep getting embroiled in the conflict between the empires. Initially, it's just to manage things to keep them from destroying everything until they figured out their own goal, but this just results in further escalation until both empires are whipping out their equivalents of tactical nukes on each other. This results in you picking one side or another, but if you decide to Take a Third Option, Channing will call them all out on how far they've deviated from their goals and they'll go back to that.
  • Multiple Endings: Three, depending on who you Side with in the last quest.
  • Mushroom Samba: Isabella's sidequest. It gets weird.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • Zelda's inclusion is because she's the Zelda from Geminidrake's first RPG Maker game, YouTube Poop: The Quest for YouTube. So yes, this is the CD-i games Zelda. Thanks goodness it's her as the Only Sane Man.
    • During the Winter Festival Event, Rinnosuke references the events of Perfect Cherry Blossom.
  • No Hero Discount: It makes sense later in the game, since nobody knows you're trying to save the day while the two ruling powers duck it out, but the fact that your own base has to keep charging you the same rates for gear is a little more inexplicable.
  • Non-Standard Game Over:
    • Trying to cross the desert without adequate protection - magic water in this case - results in getting heat stroke and dying.
    • On the route to the good ending, Channing must choose which of two golden apples will restore Noel's memories or which will wipe them. If he chooses the wrong one, Channing's mind will be wiped from testing it, causing a Game Over.
  • Nonstandard Skill Learning: The four main party members can learn new moves either from story events or from a relationship boost.
  • Novelization: One in progress.
  • Obviously Evil: Zevhan. It shouldn't take very long to figure out he's no good for anyone. Even Corlia’s other subjects don’t trust him.
  • Only a Flesh Wound: Near the end of the Mt. Aso quest, Channing is clearly shot on some unspecified bodypart and Himiko is grazed by a bullet, yet they both seem to function pretty well after that.
  • Open-Ended Boss Battle: The first two fights against the Ponardek don't matter, but winning gets you EXP at least.
  • Optional Party Member: Several. But you need them all for the best ending. Two of them worth noting are:
  • Orichalcum: You gotta snag this stuff to get the final weapon upgrades.
  • Otaku: Carmen, complete with Gratuitous Japanese.
  • Our Mermaids Are Different: They turn into humans if out of the water for too long. And if they fall in love with one, the heartbreak causes them to dissolve into sea foam.
  • Parental Neglect: Corlia wasn't visited by her folks after she was committed. Turns out burning down a summer camp makes you The Unfavorite. Go figure.
  • Party in My Pocket: Of the "party members all appear and disappear into the main character" variety.
  • The Password Is Always "Swordfish": The secret code to the resistance's fortress? "Open, door". It's slightly more justified in that the base is invisible and unopenable without the special member badge, but the weakness of the password is lampshaded several times. It eventually gets changed to a much stronger one after it gets invaded when Corlia's army discovers it by accident.
  • Peninsula of Power Leveling: Xanatos' fortress gives lots of EXP and cash with relatively easy foes.
  • Permanently Missable Content: It's possible to miss an inconsequential item or two, but nothing which is required for the best ending. Earlier versions did make it possible to lose one party member, but a later sidequest addition made it possible to regain her.
  • The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: Despite working at a cafe, Gloria is never actually seen on the job. Of course, being part of La Résistance means the job is just a cover story.
  • Point of No Return: Once you decide to align in the final fight with either Colia or Yliandra, you're whisked off to the final stage. If you choose neither, you have a little more time to explore.
  • Post-Final Boss/Clipped-Wing Angel: In the True End Path, the final phase against Naamari is impossible to lose, as he can’t hurt you and the fight automatically ends after the characters strike him down (which they will do automatically).
  • Powers as Programs: The Glyph system allows you to equip your characters with a certain type of magic at will.
  • Rage Against the Author: In-universe example. Naamari's reason for waking Corlia in his own way was partially due to outrage as to how his character was portrayed in her story.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Lampshaded very soon by Channing. And it was back when he had only three permanent teammates...
  • Rat Stomp: During the jail break sequence, you fight superpowered ones created by Zevhan. And the boss is a whole swarm of them.
  • Reality Warper: Corlia. She created Lunarosse and dragged everyone into it.
  • Real Life Writes the Plot: In-Universe. The characters and plot of Corlia's story are heavily influenced by how she remembers her friends and the real world. For instance, Nerida and Ouri are merpeople because in their real life, they are interested by Marine Biology. Abel does have a bad relationship with his father, but it's because the latter divorced with his wife (rather than because he killed her in self-defense like in the game). Marina and Abel did have their awful personalities, but only when they were kids and they thankfully grew out of it. Finally, all the couples in the game are also couples in real life.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Two before the final boss. Naamari basically snaps at Corlia about how lame her first attempt at writing was and how she's forced everyone into it unintentionally, while Channing snaps back that Naamari is acting like an unsatisfied fan who's unreasonably upset about his role.
  • Redemption Demotion: Inverted with Milo and Elijah, who join the party stronger than when you fought them, but played straight with the following party members. The opposite - a party member turning stronger after they leave - is justified by it being Noel, who's being controlled by his Superpowered Evil Side that naturally wouldn't hold back.
  • The Reveal: Several. The big ones are...
    • Lunarosse isn't a real world, but one created by Corlia based off her fantasy setting. When she created it, she dragged all of her friends who played it with her inside.
    • The entity Gerard is a Split Personality of Noel, who is Corlia's fourth general.
    • Corlia was left abandoned in a therapy hospital for years, causing her personality problems and desire to create Lunarosse for real. And there's another entity lurking about...
    • Corlia and Yliandra are split personalities of the same girl.
    • In the True End Path, the mysterious entity manipulating everything is revealed to be Dr. Dario Naumov, Corlia’s psychologist who inserted himself into the story as Zevahn, Bellahan, and Naamari, who’s “death”, which sparked the whole conflict, was faked. The entity’s motives are also revealed: he hated Corlia’s story and the role in the story that Corlia gave him, and was upset that she didn’t return his love.
  • Regenerating Mana: MP recovers by a set percentage every few turns. As a result, this makes MP-restoring items rarer and more expensive.
  • Required Party Member: Several times. At one point, the entire party is picked for you.
  • Romance Sidequest: You've got two to pick from, though one is more fostering a friendship than a romance. Maxing out a relationship will grant that party member a new buff move.
  • Rookie Red Ranger: Channing is thrown into this position of the expedition party after he's conscripted into La Résistance, due to his having the most experience thus far. He's not crazy about it, but it helps his growth into The Hero as he becomes capable of making the hard decisions needed.
  • Save Point: They're glowing blue orbs, called Journeyman’s Crystals. The one in Channing's room lets him gauge his Relationship Values.
  • Self-Deprecation: Zelda describes her world as one that would "be the equivalent of a terrible fanfiction, or a horrible video game made by people with no talent." Keep in mind this Zelda is from one of Geminidrake's first games.
  • Sequel Hook: Beat the game 100% and you'll get one after the True Ending.
  • Shout-Out: During the first quest, Carmen references Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Sailor Moon. In hindsight, this is actually foreshadowing as to where the cast is really from, since these things shouldn't exist in Lunarosse.
  • Soft Water: After being freed from Corlia's imprisonment dream, Channing escapes Lubadus by being pushed into the ocean below. Which is probably a fall of a few hundred feet at least. Yet he still manages to swim back to base.
  • Sound Test: Nerida unlocks this option.
  • Straight Gay: Noel.
  • Strategy Guide: One is included written by the game's creator. It doesn't cover everything, though.
  • Summon Magic:
    • The Pale Gate Glyph.
    • Zevhan and his Cardian monsters.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: Gerard for Noel.
  • Take a Third Option: The only way to get the True Ending is to avoid siding with Corlia or Yliandra.
  • Take That!: There's a jab at Twilight at the tail end of the game, wherein Naumov, as Zehvan, insults Corlia’s story by comparing it to Twilight. It almost makes sense within the context of the scene.
  • Take Your Time: Lampshaded by Noel, who acknowledges that they should be getting ready for the final boss, but wants to finish up a sidequest first. You can also do the Slave Trade Sidequest after Yliandra activated the Dreadnought, literally while Yliandra and Corlia are at each other throats and are about to throw their magical nukes at each other.
  • Talking Is a Free Action: A minor example. There are some mid-battle conversations, but nothing that would be too hard to believe.
  • Time Skip: One month passes between the base being invaded and the party resuming duty due to needing to lay low for a while.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: Everyone, as one of the big reveal of the game is that Lunarosse isn't a real world, but a Constructed World created by Corlia based off her fantasy setting and where she dragged all her friends who used to play it with her. In reality, most of the main characters come from "our world", but they have lost all their memories of their real life and can't get them back unless they touch Corlia's Journal.
  • Trauma Inn: Stay at the one in the base a certain number of times for an Achievement.
  • Two Aliases, One Character: No less than three examples.
  • Warp Whistle: Party member Sophia grants you this ability.
  • Winged Humanoid: Nalhir, one of the party members.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Corlia. All she wanted was to have her friends and write stories. The forcible separation from those caused her to snap and left her in an asylum for ten years with only her bro for company.
  • Villainesses Want Heroes: Or rather, Villains Want Heroes. Gerard was the first to fall for Channing and tried to subconsciously manipulate Noel into the same to act out his feelings.
  • Zip Mode: You can hold Shift to zoom around towns, dungeons and using the Warp Whistle mode. Doesn't work on the overworld map, though.