Mega Man Zero - TV Tropes

  • ️Mon Dec 12 2011

Due to the Zero games being a Distant Sequel to the Mega Man X series, all spoilers pertaining to that series are unmarked. You Have Been Warned!

Mega Man Zero (Video Game)

"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero... I have always only fought for the people I believe in."note 

"Every generation has its legend. However, a lost legend should remain lost…"

Another entry into Capcom's popular flagship Mega Man series, a Darker and Edgier direct Sequel Series to Mega Man X for the Game Boy Advance that continues the story of Zero, X's partner and best friend.

A century after the Elf Wars, themselves an unknown number of years after the X series, innocent Reploids are now being hunted by Neo Arcadia, the last bastion of civilization and a utopia for humans and Reploids Gone Horribly Wrong. Ciel, a human scientist who leads the Reploid La Résistance, revives Zero (who has lost nearly all of his memories after centuries in stasis) and asks for his help in protecting the Reploids from Neo Arcadia and to bring true peace between humans and Reploids.

The series lasted for four games, the first in the franchise to be given proper closure. It would spawn a sequel series, Mega Man ZX, which currently stands at two installments. A Compilation Re-release of the entire saga has also been released for the Nintendo DS. Inti Creates later went on to develop Azure Striker Gunvolt, a spiritual successor to the Mega Man Zero series, and as their first independent video game series. Another compilation re-release, aptly named Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection, was released in February 25, 2020 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC through Steam, bringing the entire Zero and ZX series into one package along with new beginner-friendly features in the form of a Casual Scenario mode and a Save-Assist ability, optional CRT and smoothing filters, the Japan-only e-Reader Mod Cards for Mega Man Zero 3 and Dual-Slot feature from Mega Man ZX implemented, a collection of music and artworks from both series, and a new Z Chaser mode where players can race against one another to quickly clear stages.

Keep in mind that many of the following tropes contain spoilers. You've been warned.

See the series's character page for more info.

Vote on the best game in the series here.

Games in the series:

  • Mega Man Zero (2002): A hundred years after the Elf Wars, Zero returns to aid the Reploid Resistance against the tyrannical forces of Neo Arcadia, apparently led by his old friend X.
  • Mega Man Zero 2 (2003): With Neo Arcadia reeling from their previous defeat, the Resistance, now led by Elpizo, continues its assault on the weakened city-state. But how far is he willing to go to achieve victory...?
  • Mega Man Zero 3 (2004): The notorious Dr. Weil has returned from exile to take over Neo Arcadia, and seeks to use the combined powers of the Dark Elf and the Ultimate Reploid, Omega, who is tied to Zero in a shocking way...
  • Mega Man Zero 4 (2005): With humanity now fleeing from Neo Arcadia, Dr. Weil initiates "Ragnarok", the plan to devastate the planet's surface and force the humans to return or die. Can Zero prevail in what may be his final battle...?
  • Mega Man Zero Collection (2010, DS): An Updated Re-release of the quadrilogy. Introduces an "Easy Scenario" for newcomers that tones down the game's notorious difficulty.
  • Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection (2020, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, PC)

Tropes present in the whole Mega Man Zero series:

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Tropes A to H 

  • 1-Up: The Z-Panels, shaped as icons with a "Z" on them.
  • Adults Are More Anthropomorphic: Cyber-elves at first look like small critters. As you grow them by feeding them E-crystals, they become more humanoid (sans the Animal types).
  • After the End: This series is set after two apocalyptic events, the Eurasia Crisis of X5 and the Elf Wars.
  • Aim for the Horn: Omega's One-Winged Angel form has the horn of the central head as the main weak spot.
  • All Deserts Have Cacti: In Zero 2 intro stage, you'll find robotic cacti that can shoot thorns. Averted in the first game and Zero 3, though.
  • All There in the Manual: Much of the backstory and plot details are given in drama tracks or in Official Complete Works, but not the games themselves.
  • All There in the Stinger: The second game's stinger features a disembodied voice telling his "creation", Omega, that it's the "right time to attack." This leads directly into the events of Zero 3, in which Omega appears in the intro level, and we're introduced to the likely source of the voice: the Big Bad Dr. Weil.
  • All Your Powers Combined: The "mimic elf" in the fourth game; it has 21 abilities that were adapted from cyber-elves from the previous games. And, in Ultimate Mode, nearly all these abilities can be used without penalty, and true to the trope, all at the same timenote .
  • Androids Are People, Too: Played with. The reploids in Neo Arcadia are treated as second-class citizens, except for the higher-ups in its governing body as well as the reploid army. However it's implied that they were treated the same as humans when X was still the ruler, seeing as it's his dream.
  • Anti-Frustration Features:
    • Regardless of your remaining lives, when you die in the first game a menu comes up that, among other things, allows you to immediately reload your save without the need to reset the game. This can be very useful for players that don't want to waste their (very scarce) continues on, say, the Bottomless Pit a few meters away from the starting point. The mechanic is sadly gone in later games.
    • The Cyber Elf mechanics grant you some single-use cheats to use during levels at the cost of level points. In the latter half of the series, the player is allowed to use certain elves anytime and with no penalty.
    • The series tolerates you taking about 6 points of damage before it starts dropping your level score.
    • S ranks don't require the full 100-point score and most secrets such as EX Skills will be available at an A rank.
    • The Zero/ZX Legacy Collection adds two accessibility options, both of which can be used together or independently to make the game easier for players.
      • First is the option to enable a checkpoint system in the form of "Save Assist", which both replaces each game's lives mechanic and acts as a quicksave feature. If you die, quit the game, or turn off the console, you'll respawn with full health and weapons energy at the last checkpoint you passed, with everything that happened after that rolled back. This means your death and whatever other penalties you incurred to your mission ranking note  are also discarded, making it easier to get and maintain an A or S rank required to unlock EX Skills and certain goodies. And lastly, turning on Save Assist does not disable achievements or otherwise penalize you for using it.
      • Second is called "Casual Scenario Mode", a feature similar to the "Rookie Hunter Mode" implemented into the X Legacy Collections, which creates a separate set of saves and disables achievements if you the play any game with this on. It'll give you all collectibles, increase things like drop rates, and even remove One-Hit Kill hazards found in stages. If somebody wants to play a game for the story or just want an easier time overall, then this option is here to help.
  • Antlion Monster: The Sand Jaws enemies lie in a middle of a quicksand pit, waiting for the player; they'll then bite the player for slow but continuous pain.
  • Apocalypse How: Class 5; there's the Elf Wars, which rendered the world uninhabitable except for one massive city named Neo Arcadia. Then in the climax of Zero 4, Craft used the Kill Sat Ragnarok to fire at Neo Arcadia to kill Weil; millions of casualties resulted from it.
  • Arc Welding: Unlike the two series that preceded it, the first two Zero games have different villains. This is shot down by Zero 3 and Zero 4, wherein the villain those two games have in common, Dr. Weil, can be easily marked responsible for the events of the entire series.
  • Arrange Mode: The "Ultimate Mode" will let you start a new game with most of the powerups (mainly the Cyber Elves) collected and unlocked from the start. To unlock this, however, you have to collect all Cyber Elves (first and 2nd games), Secret Disks (3rd game) or enemy parts (4th) in normal mode first and then beating the game. It's basically a "for fun" mode. The Compilation Re-release adds an "Easy Scenario" mode where you play all 4 games back-to-back in their own Ultimate Modes.
  • Art Evolution: Zero 1 was known for its sketchy art style and washed out colorsnote , but as the series goes on, the colors become more vibrant and outlines get much cleaner. Character designs also changed slightly over time; for example, Zero is quite wiry in Zero 1 but looks much more muscular by Zero 4note .
  • Artifact Title:
    • The Four Guardians are reduced to three members during the first game, but don't change their title. It's likely because the demise of one of their members would cause civil unrest, so they try to keep it a secret.
    • And of course, the fact that nobody is called "Mega Man" in this game, you only get to play as Zero, and X himself barely even appears throughout the games (and is gone altogether after the third game). It is only included in the title to make it clear that it's related to the whole series.
  • Art-Shifted Sequel: This series introduced a new character designer, Toru Nakayama of Inti Creates, whose style is vastly different from the Classic and X series artists. Zero and X's body designs look noticeably different as a result, phasing out the thick and bulky armor for much thinner and smoother designs. The fact that Omega Zero — supposedly using Zero's real body — looks just as your own Zero but with a deeper crimson color means that the Art Shift is meant to be retroactive.
  • Ascended Fridge Horror:
    • As the first example of true AI, X was placed into stasis by Dr. Light to undergo morality testing for 30 years to make sure he'd actually be a good guy. Copy X demonstrates what would have happened if he wasn't tested.
    • Still wondering what it would be like if Zero never became a good guy and Dr. Wily was in full control of him? Look no further than Omega and Dr. Weil.
    • This trope leads to a Post-Script Season. Zero 3 was the original Grand Finale, and while its ending ties up most loose plot threads and resolves Zero's concern over his identity, it leaves one big loose end hanging—by the end of Zero 3, the revived Copy X and the Guardians are killed off, leaving Dr. Weil alive and essentially with sole rulership over Neo Arcadia. Zero 4 explores this and kicks off its plot with a caravan of human refugees fleeing the hellhole that Neo Arcadia has become under Weil's iron fist.
  • Astral Finale: The fourth game ends up with Zero breaking in to the Kill Sat Ragnarok and trying to destroy it from within.
  • Audio Adaptation: The drama tracks in Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero (the first, Telos, and Physis). The Telos tracks act as supplements to the main story, while the tracks on the first album and Physis are simply voiced versions of scenes from their respective games with a bit of Adaptation Expansion.
  • Autobots, Rock Out!: The final boss theme from Zero 4, Falling Down.
  • Award-Bait Song: Freesia from the Remastered Tracks Physis album, which seems to be about Ciel's love for Zero.
  • Background Boss: The Carnage Force 0 (the second stage boss), Hell The Giant (the boss encountered in Neige's prison), and Randam Bandam (after beating Craft the second time) in Zero 4.
  • Ball of Light Transformation: Cyber Elves are beings of data that are contained in floating balls of light. The previous hero Mega Man X, now a cyber-elf himself, can take on either this form or a holographic version of himself.
  • Barely Changed Dub Name: Dr. Weil's name in the original Japanese is Dr. Vile. The former surname, being in German, is pronounced in a similar way of "Vile".
  • Battle Tops: The Top Gabyoall, which is the series' version of The Spiny found in the classic series.
  • Beast Man: the Mutos Reploids, the replacements of the animal Mavericks in the Mega Man X series.
  • Bee Afraid:
    • There are a number of bee Mechaniloids found in the stages; they will try to fly towards you to harm you. There's also a variant which can drop a high-power explosive on you.
    • There's a beehive sub-boss in the third game which spews out some brown goo and robot bees at you. Noble Mandrago in the fourth game also does a similar thing.
  • Behind the Black: The game loves hiding secrets behind seemingly normal walls.
  • Berserk Button: Although he's aware that he's not the X that everyone loves, Copy X will still be angry when one mentions that X will be always better than him. Fortunately, that one guy is Zero.

    Zero: He was not as naive as you are. That's what made him a hero.

  • Bishōnen Line: As you evolve the Cyber-Elves, they change appearance from simple, cute-looking critters to grown-up humanoids. Especially for Nurse Elves and Croire.
  • Bittersweet Ending: The end of Zero 4. Sure, the bad guy is killed and the world is saved and peace is restored but...the ending cutscene starts off with Zero's survival in deep doubt. Ciel runs off to a hill to cry her heart out in peace. She then regains her composure and looks hopefully to the sky, telling Zero to come back soon...cue a shot of his broken helmet and strewn mechanical parts in a crater somewhere.
  • "Blind Idiot" Translation: All the games have this to some extent, especially the first.
    • In Zero 1:
    • Also in Zero 1, when you approach Ciel to save or start a mission:

      Ciel: What's now?

    • In Zero 2, Ciel's computer asks: "Do you want to know?" Ciel also constantly uses the word "subsequent" in reference to her new form of energy, when the obvious intended meaning is "substitute."
    • Tretista Kelverian. As he's a Cerberus-themed character, his second name should have probably been translated as Cerberian or Kerberian.
  • Blob Monster: The Rainbow Devil in Zero 1 and 2.
  • Bloodier and Gorier: The original Japanese games are far more graphic than classic Mega Man and even Mega Man X: The first game opened with each Red Shirt Army Reploid who got killed dying with a large splash of red mech fluid - A.K.A. Reploid blood. The same fluid splashed out of anything, including bosses, that you bisected with the Z-Saber. However, in the American export, where game ratings are considerably less flexible, the game was changed into Bloodless Carnage to market it to the younger kids without parental objections. Unless you have a sick kick for slashing up robots, it really doesn't ruin the gameplay, but it puts into perspective that this is a Crapsack World where Anyone Can Die. Painfully.
  • Bolivian Army Ending
    • Literally in Zero 1, where Zero faces down an enormous army of Pantheons after defeating Copy-X. However, Zero 2 opens with Zero still cutting his way through the army. It's been a year since the end of the previous game.
    • In Zero 4, Zero's fate after re-entry is left "unknown".
  • Book Ends: The first and last major missions of the series are actually very similar; the major difference is the sense of scale. Both are timed boss fights against named Mavericks where innocent lives are on the line if the timer reaches zero - in Zero 1, it's three Reploids that Aztec Falcon is trying to retire. In Zero 4, it's all life on the planet in the long run, as Weil tries to ram his Kill Sat into Area Zero, the last bastion of nature (and thus oxygen) left after Neo Arcadia was blown to smithereens.
  • Boss-Arena Idiocy: Copy X's first encounter with Zero uses this with a dose of Tactical Suicide Boss; he destroys the majority of the floor with a set of spiked pillars that remain there for you to wall-jump off when he uses the Seraph Armor. Without them, Zero wouldn't be able to hit him and Copy X could just laser-spam him to death.
  • Boss Remix: The final boss theme of Zero 2 incorporates the Dark Elf's leitmotif, while Omega's first battle theme in Zero 3 is a remix of his own.
  • Boss Rush: It's a series tradition.
  • Boss Warning Siren: A WARNING sign flashes on the screen just like in the Mega Man X series, only this time it appears after the boss' monologue, if any.
  • Bottomless Pit Rescue Service: In 3 with the Cyber Elves, but only once per Elf...unless when you upgrade them into Satellite-Elves, which makes them last forever and thus makes you permanently invincible from pits as long as they're active. Also in 4, where the nature of the special elf also gives the same result as above.
  • Bottomless Pits: A series standard. When you compare numbers, however, Spikes of Doom seems to be more prevalent.
  • Bowdlerise: A very mild version. In order to keep an E rating, the blood sprays were edited out of the American release. When the Japanese versions were included as part of Legacy collection, this bumped the collection up to a T rating.
  • Bragging Rights Reward:
    • Getting S ranks. A rank is sufficient to get any of the unlockable content, and S rank is damn hard to achieve in some levels, especially if you're playing on Hard Mode. However, in 2 and 3, where you got a new technique (see Power Copying) that made the game easier if you ranked A or higher. Played straight in 4 where getting the power had nothing to do with rank.
    • Not to mention the mini-games from Zero 3, including the ones you got by getting 100 points on each level, aka finishing quickly, not being hit more than once per level, destroy as many mooks as you see, not using any Fusion Cyber Elves, not falling to bottomless pits/spikes of doom, and not going to Cyberspace because doing so will harm your mission points. Simple, right?
  • Brought to You by the Letter "S":
    • All bosses for the first three games have the Greek letter Omega as their symbol (due to it being the symbol of Neo Arcadia); the fourth game replaces this with W/V. Zero's own signature Z is gone, for obvious reasons, but concept art for the Z-Knuckle shows that the chips representing the weapon retains the iconic symbol.
    • The 4 Guardians have an X on their chest, as well as on their back. In concept arts at least, both Copy X and X themselves (without the special armor and robe respectively) also have the X.
  • Bus Full of Innocents:
    • Area Z-3079, a whole city block, the target of a missile by Dr. Weil, with Omega inside, who was sent to capture the Dark Elf spotted inside the area. Unfortunately, no matter what, Zero fails the mission, with hundreds of innocents killed.
    • There's also one in the final game, which is all of Neo Arcadia itself! Not part of the Big Bad's plans; in fact, the target of the attack was Dr. Weil himself, by his Bastard Understudy.
  • But Thou Must!: In Zero 2, refusing to help Elpizo with Operation Righteous Strike near the beginning of the game simply ends the conversation. However, there is literally nothing else to do other than roll around the base, which Elpizo snarkily lampshades if you initially refuse. Later on, once the operation commences, the two navigators will take turns begging you to follow Elpizo until you accept.
  • Call-Back:
    • The Cyberspace appearing caused by Omega's fall onto Earth mimics how Zero Space in X5 is formed, though in a lesser scale.
    • In 4, the setting is the Colony Drop from Mega Man X5, ironically the target of the game's own colony drop.
    • In Zero 3, Dr. Weil ressurects Reploids from 1 to lead the full-out assault on the Resistance; in addition to Copy X Mk. 2, Hanumachine R, Blizzack Stagroff R, and Anubis Necromancess V return to fight Zero once more.
  • Cataclysm Backstory: The Elf Wars shaped the present world into a Crapsack World. The war has killed roughly 90% of Reploids and 60% humans on earth in a span of 4 years. Dr. Weil and Omega were responsible.
  • Central Theme:
    • For the series as a whole: It's about the struggles of persecuted humanoid robots who try to survive in a Crapsack World After the End and find true peace between them and humanity.
    • For the second game: With Great Power Comes Great Insanity. Alternatively, clash of ideals on how to achieve peace (Ciel's wish for a peaceful resolution with Neo Arcadia versus Elpizo wanting to crush them with military might, to be specific).
    • For the third game: The past has come back to haunt Zero and the world. Especially as he's an Amnesiac Hero.
    • For the fourth game: What is a "hero"? Is being one a big deal? Also how the humans see the whole Robot War from their perspective. Alternatively, a Green Aesop.
  • Changeling Fantasy: Elpizo acts like this mentality after reading about Project Elpis in an abandoned library supercomputer, confusing himself (a representative Reploid with a serial number, TK-31) with Omega. However, he does not fully embrace it until losing Operation Righteous Strike, where he thought it was the only way to be redeemed as a hero after all the atrocities he committed.
  • Character Title: The series isn't a prequel of any sort, nor is Zero himself really a Mega Man, but he's still our hero.
  • Clam Trap: In aquatic levels, you can sometimes find robotic clams that will try to bite you. You can only attack them when they're opening their shells.
  • Color-Coded Elements: There are a few exceptions, but Fire is generally associated with Red, Water/Ice associated with Blue, Electric/Wind associated with both Green and Yellow, and Non-elemental associated with Purple. This is later brought out into the ZX series.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • In Zero 1, Copy X's arsenal is chock full of these. He has an offensive Slide Attack similar to the Charge Kick from Mega Man 5, and his elemental attacks are basically the Shotgun Ice, Fire Wave and Electric Spark weapons from the original Mega Man X game. He also dons a stylized version of his Ultimate Armor in battle.
    • Phoenix Magnion in Zero 2, being an illusion specialist, is able to draw from Zero's memories images of his old foes from the Mega Man X series to torment him. Vile, Agile, Bit and Colonel pop up for some tag team fun.
    • In Zero 4, Dr. Weil summons the bosses from 3 to assault the hero.
    • The final mission in the first game takes place in an orbital elevator, like the Jakob from Mega Man X8.
    • In the first game, you encounter Repliforce (from Mega Man X4) submarines.
      • Interestingly, Old Andrew mentions having originally been a sailor who worked on a large, yellow ship, the color of the aforementioned Repliforce vessels, implying Andrew is a former member (and probably sole survivor) of the Repliforce Navy, or at least worked on a captured/repurposed ship.
    • Ceratanium, a special alloy that was last mentioned in the classic seriesnote , returns in Zero 4.
    • Another returning element from the Classic series: the enemies Telly, Shotman, and Peterchy get redesigned and reappear as Telly Bomb, Shotloid, and Petaria after their absence from the X series.
    • In the Hibernation Chamber level of Zero 4 there are various iron pipes that Zero can use with the Z-Knuckle. Zero used an iron pipe against Sigma back when he first awoke from hibernation in Mega Man X.
    • A Lower Deck Drama Track features Alouette wandering the Resistance base in search of a name for the Baby Elves. Zero refuses to even attempt naming them, which ticks Alouette off. In Zero 4, if you refuse to use Alouette's name for your new elf, you are not allowed to name it yourself and Zero has to wander the trailer looking for names.
    • One of Andrew's Rambling Old Man Monologues is about the time one of his students gave him a three-leaf clover after failing to find a Four-Leaf Clover. Later on, Brise (one of the caravaners) states that clovers used to remind her grandmother of her teacher.
    • The rare Cyber-elf Jackson in the first game has its effect similar to charged Chameleon Sting in X1.
  • Cool Gate: The third game has gates to the Cyberspace appear in between levels, courtesy of Omega's arrival.
  • Cranial Processing Unit: Whenever Zero fights huge robot bosses, they tend to be only vulnerable on their heads. Case in point: Mega Scorpia, Copy X and Fefnir's One Winged Angels, and Carnage Force 0 and Hell the Giant in the fourth game.
  • Crapsack World: Supposedly set up by the Colony Drop in the previous series, and the Elf Wars. Ironically, the "cure" to this dying condition is in the ruins of the aforementioned colony drop itself. However, with tons of hard work and sacrifices, it slowly becomes A World Half Full.
  • Crystal Spires and Togas: Neo Arcadia.
  • Custom Uniform: The only ones in La Résistance who don't wear the green uniform are Ciel, Alouette, Zero and Elpizo.
  • Cutscene Incompetence: For some reason, during cutscenes, Fefnir's and Harpuia's attacks fail to graze Omega's armor, yet your attacks (in gameplay) can.
  • Cyber Cyclops: Pantheons are eerie, one-eyed mockeries of X's design.
  • Cyberpunk: The story is set in a post-apocalyptic setting where the world's populace is reduced to just one big highly-technological city. Said city and its government try to be as comfortable as possible to humans, at the expense of the sapient robots (Reploids), who are systematically "retired" due to 1) an energy crisis, 2) the city's leader is just that inept. This sparks a La Résistance movement which consists of Reploids who are just trying to defend themselves against the oppressive regime, and Zero ends up joining their side. Zero mostly protects the Resistance from the Neo Arcadian forces, but their attempts at decisive moves to bring peace between them - both peaceful and violent - were rocky, to say the least. Meanwhile, the humans are basically at the mercy of the techno-government - once their leader is replaced by the tyrant scientist known as Dr. Weil, he turns the already shaky utopia into a full-blown hellhole, so much that they have to flee and find a a place with lush nature, almost free of technology. While the humans are tired of the whole Robot War, most of them are too weak and complacent to do anything about it; it takes Zero's words, and his Heroic Sacrifice in the end, to kickstart the peace and new life between the two races.
  • Cybernetic Mythical Beast: The "animal bosses" you fight are "Mutos/Mythos Reploids", most of them being reploids modeled and named after mythical beasts. Examples include Burble Hekelot (Heket from Egyptian Mythology), Tretista Kelverian (Cerbeus of Greek myth), and Fenri Lunaedge (Fenrir from Norse Mythology).
  • Cyberspace:
    • Part of the gameplay in Zero 3, supposedly caused by the arrival of Omega. Entering it will cause some certain Cyber-elves in your possession (marked with "A") to activate at once, making you more powerful; it's Awesome, but Impractical, however, because 1) you can't get Secret Disks in Cyberspace, 2) entering it will cut some precious points off your score, 3) you'll eventually have to exit it before the stage's finish, so don't expect it to be useful on bosses. Except for Phantom, as you need to enter Cyberspace to even encounter him in the first place. Speaking of Phantom, he implies that cyberspace is a mix of Magical Database and a place where A.I.s of dead Reploids and cyber-elves go.
    • In Zero 4, the storyline requires Zero to enter one to disable the network security system of Ragnarok.
  • Cycle of Revenge: While it's not always strictly "revenge", this trope is a significant part between the animosity between humans and Reploids. The whole Maverick Wars that Sigma instigated may have led to Weil thinking that reploids are better off without free will and be more easily controllable. This led to the Elf Wars, which devastated the world and killed 90% of Reploids and 60% of human population; he was forced to be put into an undying cyborg body and be exiled to the wastelands he made himself, causing him to harbor grudge towards both sides. Some time after that, while the real X attempted to rule the last of the population (both sides of it) in peace and harmony, his replacement - Copy X - went on to systematically massacre low-class Reploids while favoring the comfort of humanity, because of the energy crisis. This caused Elpizo, who narrowly avoided becoming a victim of it, to plan to be a "savior of reploids" and Kill All Humans.
  • Darker and Edgier: And bloodier, if you're playing a Japanese copy. This is the darkest saga in the series, hands down. The manga adaptation, on the other hand...
  • Defeat Equals Explosion: Practically all mooks and minibosses explode when they're defeated. So do most bosses; when they're defeated, they give off numerous small explosions before a big one at the end. The only bosses that do not explode are the Baby Elves.
  • Demoted to Extra: Mega Man X isn't playable in this subseries. While he's still an important character and plays a huge role in the first games plot due to sealing away the Dark Elf in his physical body and thus setting the stage for Copy X to be created, screentime wise, he gets what amounts to a bit player role in the first three games, since he no longer has his physical body to use. He returns to cyberspace for good in the third game, so he doesn't appear at all in the fourth one.
  • Denial of Diagonal Attack: Averted with the Rod weapons and Z-Knuckle, while the Z-Saber does hit enemies above you, and the Shield Boomerang flies in a circular arc when thrown. This is only played straight with the Buster Shot.
  • Diagonal Cut: Pretty much any enemy killed by the Z-Saber or any bladed weapon, including bosses, which also include an epic Hit Stop to let you admire your work. Division by Zero, if you will.
  • Difficult, but Awesome:
    • The Triple Rod's downward stab. While using the thing as a pogo stick can be incredibly awkward, doing so is required to obtain a couple of Cyber-Elves, as well as being the safest way to destroy some of the bear traps in the desert (in particular those that are lower than you, as stabbing downward at them presents a minor risk of walking into them). Where this actually comes into play heavily is against the first intermission boss, Hittite Hottide. Given your position at the start of the fight you can immediately dash jump and stab downward to pogo jump on its back, attacking it repeatedly. If you know the amount of hits it takes to destroy the bomb launcher (sixteen), can count those hits without mixing them up with hits to the hatch right next to it, and can position yourself to deal with the bat-like enemies (Gli-Eyes) from the hatch and para-bombs from the bomb launcher, you can destroy that bomb launcher nearly as soon as the battle starts, making it that much simpler to deal with the other things it can do. Better not destroy that hatch just yet if you want the associated Cyber-Elf and all the points in your Enemy ranking, though...
    • From 3 onwards, combos. Typical play usually sees the player loading in an Elemental Chip and whacking at bosses with charged attacks; combo play requires knowing the hit priority of your various attacks, what type of attacks to use in the combo, and when it's safe to do sonote . The former is a lot safer, while the latter is a lot faster, owing to how properly constructed combos will pierce a boss' invincibility frames.
  • Distant Sequel: The events of the series takes place a century after those of Mega Man X, by which time Zero and X have become downright legendary figures.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: All of the Guardians but Phantom remark that Zero makes them feel "so alive" when battling him. Several times after a battle you'll hear them panting it.
  • Downer Beginning: The first game: It starts with La Résistance being oppressed by the Neo Arcadian forces as they run away in a Dramatic Chase Opening. Several of the Red Shirts get cut in half by the Golems. As Zero is unsealed, only Ciel was alive.
  • Drill Mole: The Molegule mooks are mole robots with drills in place of their snouts.
  • Drill Tank: One of the bosses in Zero 1, Hittite Hottide. You have to destroy it before it reaches the Resistance Base.
  • Driving Question:
    • "Can true peace be achieved between humanity and Reploid-kind?" In the end, the answer is "yes", but not without some great sacrifices to be done.
    • This series eventually answers a lingering question from Mega Man X: "WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOOOR??!" The answer: "I've always fought for the people I believe in".
  • Dynamic Difficulty: If you have A or S rank when you're fighting bosses, they'll have a special move. The Guardians will have a Desperation Attack that makes them invincible during execution. In Zero 4, if the stage's weather is compatible with the boss (indicated with highlighted lines near the stage icon), the boss and the stage will be harder.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness:
    • The first game featured a Metroidvania-style world map - the only locations that aren't accessible by walking are the Neo Arcadia levels, though missions were still done in traditional Mega Man style by choosing one and immediately starting at the mission location. This feature wasn't seen in any main series Mega Man game that preceeded it and wouldn't be revisited until Mega Man ZX.
    • Mission selection didn't include the Boss' mugshot, which was tradition for the past series, but was reimplemented in the second game onward.
    • Alternate weapons in the first game (Shield Boomerang and the Triple Rod) must be unlocked through gameplay instead of being given to Zero early on.
    • The only form of Power Copying is elemental chips, which only three bosses of the eight or so main bosses had. The only other progression system besides the above-mentioned other weapons was acquiring Cyber Elves; both of these mechanics returned in later installments, but in a way that supplemented the more traditional progression granted by EX Skills.
    • The Z-Saber in the first game flips back and forth between its katana-like X design and the triangular-bladed shape consistently seen from 2 onward. Promotional art and most of Zero's sprites depict the latter, but its menu icon and the shape it takes when initially dropped by Cyber Elf X are the former.
  • Earn Your Fun:
    • The "Ultimate Mode". To elaborate, you'll start the game with all of the Cyber-elves abilities activated without any penalty. It also has good stats, and you can do instant charged attacks using button commands. In Zero 3, some of the upgrade chips are also available from the start, including the Infinity Plus One Boots. That's worth all the effort of Gotta Catch Them All (the Cyber-Elves in first two games, Secret Disks in the third game, and all of the Item Crafting parts in the fourth game).
    • The Zero Collection subverts this with Easy Scenario, which automatically starts the games in their "Ultimate Modes", but they have to be played in sequential order.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: In the end, the peaceful era after hundreds of years of war has finally come, and the enmity is finally dissolved between humans and Reploids by the two sides working together. However, those who really fought hard for such peace, X and Zero, sadly never had the chance to see it (at least, not on the earthly plane).
  • Elite Four: Copy X has his Four Guardians (literally called Shitennou in Japan), his 4 personal guards as well as generals of their own armies: Harpuia (the air force), Fefnir (the army), Leviathan (the navy) and Phantom (the espionage and intel unit).
  • Emergency Energy Tank: Some Cyber-elves can function as this; some heal directly, some give extra lives, some become Sub-Tanks, etc.
  • Empire with a Dark Secret: Unknown to the human residents of Neo Arcadia, their utopia comes at a price that Copy-X introduced: the retirement of their fellow (innocent) Reploid citizens. Then again, maybe they just don't care.
  • End of an Age: Zero 3 and 4 serve as this for both the Zero series and Mega Man X. Zero 3 features the deaths of both X, Copy X and the Four Guardians made from his reploid DNA, making it the ultimate end of X's legacy, while Zero is forced to destroy his original body to stop Omega. Then by Zero 4, Zero pulls his final Heroic Sacrifice to stop Dr. Weil and save Area Zero, finally bringing an end to the centuries-long conflict between humans and reploids.
  • The End of the World as We Know It: Double Subversion in Zero 4: while the Colony Drop really isn't going to devastate the entire planet, it still approaches the trope because the target of the drop is a New Eden area in a Crapsack World.
  • Energy Beings: The Cyber Elves, beings of data with a body of Pure Energy. It's also possible to turn Reploid AI into a cyber-elf; it happens to X and Elpizo.
  • Escort Mission: Two in the first game: in the intro stage (where you escort Ciel) and in Anubis Necromancess III's stage (where you escort one of the Red Shirts).
  • Evil Power Vacuum: Killing the dictatorial leader of an oppressing regime doesn't magically make everyone's lives better. It only leaves the spot open for someone else, possibly as bad or even worse, to take their place.
  • Evil Tower of Ominousness: Copy-X's stage in the third game, which extends all the way into outer space.
  • Fake Difficulty: Such as things being obscured by text boxes in Zero 1 (they crawl along as the game carries on preventing you from seeing anything that might be under them) or enemies and bosses being able to shoot at you long past the point where, if you shoot at the same distance, your shots will disappear, on top of simply not having enough lead room to see what's ahead, above, or below.
  • Fantastic Racism: As a result of the discrimination, most mass produced Reploids have No Name Given, being simply called by their designated serial numbers, like TK-31 or HE-22. It was Ciel who named most of the Resistance members, and she seems to love birds. Shown more in the fourth game where most of the Caravaners distrust Reploids. Granted, they have been waging Robot War for more than 2 centuries now...
  • Finishing Move: Subverted with the EX Skills of most Boss enemies (even including those that can't be obtained). However, if Zero finishes a boss enemy (this only applies to the Mutos Reploids) with a slice from his Z-Saber, they will earn the unique animation of being sliced in half.
  • Fire, Ice, Lightning: Literally, as the simplified version of the Elemental Rock–Paper–Scissors compared to its predecessors, where, on the second game onwards, Bosses are always grouped in fours (one for each element and the fourth for a non-elemental). Fire beats ice, which beats lightning, which beats fire. Three of the four Guardians, Fefnir, Leviathan and Harpuia, respectively, even embody these elements. Mega Man ZX would also follow this trend.
    • One of the bosses of the first game, Guard Orotic, wields all three.
    • One of the mooks in the fourth game can create 3 kinds of mooks, each with one of the three elements.
    • In the second game, the Golem miniboss comes in 3 elemental variants. In the intermission to rescue Elpizo from Neo Arcadia, you have to fight all 3 of them, one at a time, before the end of the level.
  • Flunky Boss: Some minibosses are this, such as Bee Server in the third game (spawns Mellnets) and Gearbank of the fourth game (spawns Serpent Gears). A few bosses delve into this as well.
  • Foreshadowing: Each game has at least one example before an important reveal, in the form of character's dialogues. In order:
    • Before the gauntlet that are the final levels:

      Unknown Elf (the real X): Go. Terminate that copy of me. Terminate with extreme prejudice...

    • After one of the first missions of the second game:

      X: The Baby Elves will do anything to reunite with their mother. Stir the humans' minds and bring chaos...It's all to meet their mother, the Dark Elf... the Dark Elf that I sealed...

    • Upon defeating Omega in the first encounter, Copy X and Dr. Weil issue a challenge to La Résistance to find out who can capture the Dark Elf first. Before leaving, Weil gives the following cryptic remark:

      Weil: Let's see how far you get with that body!

      • After you defeat Copy X, X appears and tells Zero that "The heart is what's important".
      • Crea and Prea also refer to Zero as "the fake reploid."
    • In the fourth game, before being sent off to the final stage, the Ragnarok core to stop the Colony Drop:

      Ciel: With both Weil and Craft gone, who could still be running Ragnarok? Zero, I have a bad feeling about this. Just be careful, okay?

  • Four Is Death: Aside from the Four Guardians, there's the Elf Wars, that lasted for only four years, yet brought so much damage to the world. Partial subversion: The only reason the war ended on its fourth year was because of Zero only reappearing at that time. Also, there are four games in the series, and the fourth game ends with our hero Zero's death.
  • Four-Philosophy Ensemble: the five major bosses in the first game: Copy-X (the Cynic), Phantom (the Apathetic and pragmatist), Harpuia (the very Conflicted), Fefnir (the Optimist), and Leviathan (the Realist).
  • Four-Star Badass: The 4 Guardians technically qualify, as they're generals of their respective armies.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: The Four Guardians: The leaderly and loyal Phantom (leukine), the indeterrable and Trigger-Happy Fefnir (choleric), the virtuous and civil Harpuia (melancholic), and the calm and playful Leviathan (phlegmatic/sanguine).
    • X-series enemies holographed by Phoenix Magnion: Vile (choleric), Agile (melancholic), Bit (phlegmatic), and Colonel (sanguine).
    • Phlegmatic: Herculious Anchortus in 1st, Poler Kamrous (element corresponds) and Burble Hekelot in 2nd
    • Sanguine: Maha Ganeshariff in 1st, Panter Flauclaws (element corresponds) and Elpizo in 2nd
    • Leukine: Phantom in 1st, Kuwagust Anchus in 2nd
  • From Bad to Worse: Every game always ups its bleakness from the previous. Even if it ultimately ends well, it comes after Neo Arcadia is destroyed, claiming millions, and Zero sacrificing himself to stop Weil.
  • Fun with Acronyms: The Convergent Ignition by Energen Linkage System, i.e what Ciel developed for solving the energy crisis.
  • Game Mod: Due to the way the Legacy Collection port works,note  it's possible to modify the PC version to, for example, use the remastered CD soundtracks or play the uncensored Japanese versions (which contain blood and more frequent voiceovers) with the translated English text.
  • Gameplay Grading: After missions, the game will grade you based on completion time, enemies killed, number of times hit, number of continues used, and number of Cyber Elves used. An "A" or "S" ranking is typically required to get additional moves from the bosses.
  • Giant Enemy Crab: The Gazamir miniboss from Zero 2, and Clabanger NS in Zero 4.
  • The Good, the Bad, and the Evil: Zero and La Résistance are the good; Copy X, the 4 Guardians and Neo Arcadia in general are the "bad" (at least at first); Dr. Weil and Omega are evil. The time comes when Neo Arcadia and the 4 Guardians join with the good side; Copy-X progressively worsens until in Zero 3 he's become just as evil as Weil and Omega!
  • Goomba Springboard:
    • In the first game, some enemies are conveniently placed in a way that allows you to use the Triple Rod's downward thrust attack to bounce from one enemy to another. A few secret Cyber-Elves are found this way. Said attack also allows him to repeatedly hit Hittite Hottide easily.
    • In the third game, you can use the downward charged Recoil Rod on enemies' heads (including flying ones) to propel Zero upwards very high. This can be used even on bosses. One of the Sub-Tanks also require you to do a "Recoil Rod jump" from a certain enemy's head.
  • The Government: Neo Arcadia, which started out as a peaceful city-state where humans and robots lived in peace until it became tyrannical and genocidal after the disappearance of its original leader.
  • Grand Finale: Zero is the first subseries in the Mega Man franchise to conclude definitivelynote  (followed only a few months later by Mega Man Battle Network). The oppressive government that the heroes are fighting against is finally gone, and the Big Bad, desperate, is getting ready to destroy the last hope of healing a dying Earth with a Colony Drop. The hero confronts the Big Bad, passing up the chance to escape to safety so he can stop the Colony Drop and the Big Bad once and for all. Add the fact that the hero finally finds his purpose in fighting the war, a problem that has plagued him since the previous series, and that peace is finally restored after a very, very long time.
  • Gratuitous Greek: The remastered soundtracks for Mega Man Zero, barring the first, have Greek names that correspond to a theme of their game. The second game's soundtrack is Idea, note  the third Telos, note  the fourth Physis, note  and the fifth Mythos. note 
  • Great Offscreen War: The Elf Wars, again.
  • Green Aesop: Plot of the final game: Protecting the last trace of nature from a villain bent on making sure that his empire is the only habitable place left on Earth.
  • Guide Dang It!:
    • You can't find all the Cyber-elves without one.
    • All the games have an obscure Z-Saber technique that isn't alluded to in the series, the skull crush. Holding down on the d-pad after an aerial slashnote  makes Zero hold out his saber as he falls, allowing him to kill enemies that are below him.
    • In the games from Zero 2 onwards, there is a hidden Combo system that allows players to hit bosses even when they are under Mercy Invincibility. The Z-Saber's triple slash is the most outwardly apparent instance of this system, but players can play the entire series without knowing that every weapon can participate in combos.
    • Zero 1 gives you the basics on how to level up your weapons, but it doesn't at all mention certain hidden mechanics to the leveling system. While each killed enemy gives a weapon experience points, what the game never tells you, or at least only vaguely hints at, is that there are separate experience bars for different attacks with the same weapon (i.e. the Z Saber gets different experience with the normal slash, the dashing slash, the jump slash, and the charged slash). For example, while typical leveling with the Z Saber follows getting the double slash, then triple slash, the charged slash, the faster charging charged slash, and then the aerial spin and/or rolling slash, investing into killing enemies with the jump slash or dashing slash over normal slashing can unlock the aerial spin slash and the rolling slash before ever getting the double slash. The Buster Shot follows a similar pattern in that it's possible to unlock the second level of the Charged Attack before unlocking the four bullets upgrade simply by prioritizing killing enemies with the Charge Shot over regular shots.
    • Zero 2 only slightly hints at the Forms system; after that, the players will have to rely on luck unlocking each of them unless they consult a guide. A player can possibly even go through the whole game without unlocking a single one (until completion, of course, where the Bragging Rights Reward for beating the game is the Proto Form).
    • In Zero 3, players tend to ignore entering Cyberspace so as not to lower their rank. However, entering the Cyberspace in a specific stage is key to obtaining the best foot chip in the game.
    • If you don't have a guide ready, be ready to use guesswork for most of the Item Crafting recipes in Zero 4. At least you can gather recipes from talking to people (even your elf!), but not all chips have recipes.
  • Guilt-Based Gaming: In this series, Zero can find powerups to upgrade his abilities and activate some temporary cheats. The problem about it is that the powerups are Ridiculously Cute Critters that you raise and "eat" like a livestock. The third game softens this by allowing you to equip some Cyber Elves without sacrificing them while the fourth has just one elf that mimics the abilities of the others. Lampshaded in the first game:

    Alouette: Have you ever heard of a thing called Cyber-elf? A Cyber-elf is an electronic entity that gives some kind of a power. But once they use their powers, they die...I feel sorry for them...

  • Handshake Refusal: Elpizo introduces himself to Zero as the new commander of the resistance and offers his hand after announcing his plans to destroy Neo Arcadia. Zero refuses both the plans and the handshake.
  • Harder Than Hard: An interesting case in that the Hard Modes that you can unlock through the series are making a Nintendo Hard series even harder, rather than a difficulty beyond Hard itself. Have fun with:
    • 50% more damage taken in the first game, though Zero 2 pulls a fast one by forcing you into Proto Form, where you become a Glass Cannon that deals double damage and yet suffers a halved defense.
    • No Cyber-Elf usage, period. Even though you have Croire in Zero 4, they cannot be raised whatsoever. This all means no side benefits like Sub-Tanks, either.
    • No EX Skills or alternate Forms. While chips are still able to be gained, you're disallowed from using charge abilities throughout the games besides the Recoil Rod and Shield Boomerang, meaning you can't even capitalize on Element Chips anyway. Zero 4 goes lenient on charges and allows for full use.
    • Weapon leveling is also restricted, and in Zero 3 the full triple-slash Z-Saber combo is unusable, which cripples Zero's damage potential.
    • The Cyberspace areas in Zero 3 are also inaccessible except for in Sub Arcadia, due to the Optional Boss hidden in it, which means no Satellite Elf usage whatsoever.
    • Zero 4's Hard defaults to all Hard stages, even though you cannot learn EX Moves, thus making it all risk and no reward.
  • Heart Container: A few Nurse Elves can be used as health upgrades, with the best of them doubling your HP.
  • Hellevator: The Giant Elevator in Zero 3, the setpiece in which many mooks plus a miniboss will come to get you. You take a massive elevator deep into the Earth to fight a boss who's based off Cerberus.
  • Helpful Mook:
    • Hottalook, the firefly-producing mook in the Crystal Cave stage from the second game, can help you traverse the confusing path of seemingly spike-laden area by revealing the invisible platforms around them.
    • In a variant, if you destroy the Gyro Cannon H in the fourth game without destroying its propeller, you can hang yourself beneath the flying propeller with the Z-Knuckle to carry yourself upward.
  • Hold the Line: The second game has this as part of a mission where you have to defend Ciel for 90 seconds from enemy attacks while she is defusing a bomb.
  • Honor Before Reason:
    • The Guardians and the Neo Arcadian army are all heroic guys, but they are bound to obey the will of Neo Arcadia, even if that "will" is obviously either A) That of a tyrant who goes against everything the city once stood for, or B) A human government who is greedy and uncaring. Touched upon in one of the drama tracks, where the Gentle Judges converse about Master X's increasingly harsh decisions and judgments; Harpuia, while quick to silent them, also has doubts.
    • Averted in the 3rd game, where Harpuia finally decides to take a stand against the tyrannical ruler, knowing full well he'd be considered a traitor to Neo Arcadia for doing so. Fefnir and Leviathan soon follow suit and help Zero in the final battle.
  • Hub Level: The Resistance Base is this for every game.
  • Humans Are Flawed: Ciel and Neige are good humans, and X, even after all this time, still believes in fighting for peace between humans and reploids, but Dr. Weil holds the exact opposite view and is a prime example of it himself, and humans are at the peak of their complacency and reliance on machines for survival. Zero remains rather cynical of mankind throughout the series, but ultimately trusts X's opinion on them and fights to fulfill the peace he desires.
  • Humans Are Special: The villains all hold this view, but to a very cynical extreme. Played more optimistically straight in Zero 4, where Zero has a short line about how humans are the ones who can change the world and tells Craft that, as robots built for war, they can't change the world; instead, they should lend their strength for the humans, who can.
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters:
    • Revealed in one dialogue during Zero 3, stating that humans of the dystopian Neo Arcadia only indulge themselves in food and comfort, letting the authorities do the thinking for them while regarding the conflicts Zero and Ciel have been fighting as mere daily news on the televisions. The whole Government Conspiracy and Propaganda Machine aimed at the Resistance don't help. In Zero 4, Zero also further condemns humans fleeing from Weil's iron fist as cowardly beings who would do nothing about their refugee leader getting kidnapped just to avoid another war. It is not until Craft blows up the city that the humans finally wake up with terrible pain in their minds.
    • Dr. Weil also implies in the third game that Humans innately feel that ruling all the eye can see and making others work for them is the ultimate joy for them, and believes that no Reploid could ever understand this joy, although Zero counters this by stating that he doubts any decent human would understand Weil's viewpoint, either.
  • Humongous Mecha:
    • There is a Boss in the first game that qualifies, "Hittide Hottide." Needless to say that the entire mission is spent trying to destroy this monster. Also a borderline example of Battleship Raid.
    • Hell the Giant and Carnage Force 0 from Zero 4, who are expies to the intro bosses from X2 and X3.

Tropes I to P 

  • Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels: Although it is only one uniquely-named mode, the Ultimate Mode present in all four games. It's almost always the hardest mode to unlock (all games present a Gotta Catch Them All requisite), with good reason: it's the best mode of play in the series. Simply put, it's a middle point for hardcore players who resent note  Normal Mode, and casual ones and/or "newcomers" who resent Hard Mode, arguably enjoyable for both tiers.
  • Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: With the exception of the first album, the Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero soundtracks are all given Greek philosophical subtitles: Idea, Telos, Physis, and Mythos.
  • Image Song:
    • L'oiseau du bonheur (French for "Bird of happiness") in Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero: Idea, sung by Rie Tanaka. It's sung entirely in French.
    • Clover in Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero: Idea, sung by Toru Itoga.
    • Freesia in Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero: Physis, sung by Rie Tanaka.
    • Everlasting in Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero: Mythos, sung by Toru Itoga.
  • Inexplicable Treasure Chests: The boxes containing Cyber Elves (1 and 2) and Secret Disks (3).
  • Infinity +1 Sword:
    • The Ultimate Mode (Form in 2). Handed to you at the start of them on Easy Scenario mode in the DS rerelease.
    • The secret Cyber Elf Jackson in 1, which is also handed to you at the start of the game on Easy Scenario Mode in the DS rerelease.
    • Ultima Foot Parts in 3. Also handed to you on Easy Scenario Mode in the DS re-release.
  • Informal Eulogy: Starting in the second game, should Zero lose to the boss, he/she will comment on Zero's death.
  • Informed Equipment: A variant: equipping the Body Chips in the third and fourth games will change Zero's color palette into another color, but if you're playing Ultimate Mode, Zero will always be bright red-colored regardless of the body chip he's equipped.
  • Injured Player Character Stage: The intro in 2 continues from the ending of the previous game where Zero wanders off and fights a lot of mooks hounding him for a whole year, and it didn't appear that he has himself repaired or even resting. As you're playing in the intro stage, you'll see that he always holds his shoulder (something you normally only see if his health is critical) and his weapon upgrades are lost from the previous game; the Triple Rod weapon from the previous game is also unusable because it's broken during the interim.
  • Inspector Javert: In the previous series, the Maverick Hunters' judgement on Mavericks has become questionable, and it's discussed often about what is the right or the wrong thing to do. In this series, the Neo Arcadians pretty much has become this, with them antagonizing the Resistance just because they "resist" from their oppressive rule, even though they're mostly not hostile and only fought for self defense. The Four Guardians, at least, tone this down to differing extents, with Fefnir going the fastest and Phantom being the slowest.
  • Innocent Means Naïve: The Baby Elves, Crea and Prea, are two incredibly powerful Cyber Elves with the intelligence of young children. Big Bad Dr. Weil tricks them into opposing the heroes by claiming himself as their "grandfather" by saying he creating their mother, the Dark Elf. In actuality, Weil only corrupted the Mother Elf into the Dark Elf and is just taking advantage of their naivete.
  • Invisible to Normals: Cyber-elves can usually only be seen by reploids. Ciel is an exception to this, thanks to an innate ability to interact with them.
  • Irony:
    • In 4, Zero pointed out that Area Zero — which was a place utterly devastated by a Colony Drop and a painful reminder of the past — is now capable of sustaining life and that human refugees have settled there.
    • The same game also points out that what Noble Mandrago did — trying to erode the soil around Area Zero with nanotech plant life - can be used to improve nature life instead.
    • In X2, Zero easily destroys a copy of his, claiming that "there's only one Zero". In Zero 3, Zero is revealed to have inhabited a copy body all along, and Omega is in possession of Zero's real body. Interestingly, Zero appears to have little problem with it and proceeds to defeat Omega all the same.
    • Zero was made by Dr. Wily as The Antichrist. 2 ironies come from this: 1) Omega (Zero), especially after powered with Dark Elf (read: a Maverick antivirus that turns into a corrupting agent) is similar to Awakened Zero in X5, i.e. what Wily intended Zero to become. Bonus points with Weil having similarities to Wily. 2) Zero ends up being the savior of the world, in the end.
  • Item Amplifier: The second and third games have a Cyber Elf that will double the amount of recovery from health drops and double the Energy Crystals gain amount. In the fourth game, Croire can simulate said elf's effect.
  • Item Crafting: In Zero 4, Zero makes customization chips out of "recipes" of enemy parts.
  • Item-Drop Mechanic: Sometimes, enemies can drop either health recovery item, E-crystals or, rarely, an extra life when they're killed. The first two games also have some Cyber Elves dropped from certain enemies, while the third game adds Data Disks, and the fourth game replaces the elves and the disks with enemy parts.
  • It's Personal with the Dragon: Dr. Weil's Dragon, Omega, turns out to be using Zero's old body, with the one Zero's using being a copy. Weil pretty much taunts Zero whether he has the balls to defeat "himself". The backstory also shows that Zero and Omega were the hero and the spear-header of the Elf Wars respectively and that Zero (along with X) took Omega down before he reappears in the third game.
  • Japanese Beetle Brothers: The bosses Herculious Anchortus and Kuwagust Anchus in the first two games, respectively.
  • Jump Physics: Aside from the dash jump and wall-scaling seen from the previous series, this one introduces dash jump off the wall - useful for navigating dfficult platforms. The third and fourth game also gives Zero a Double Jump ability, though you have to obtain the right equipment for them.
  • Kaizo Trap: During the first game's boss re-fights Phantom will try to self-destruct in order to kill you after his hit points reach zero. Failing to dodge it will make you take heavy damage, if not outright killing you.
  • Kill Sat: The true means of Operation Ragnarok.
  • Lampshade Hanging: Occasionally. An NPC in Zero 2 remarks on the difficulty of getting pictures of bosses for the stage select, and a mod card NPC in Zero 3 will note Zero's Celibate Hero tendencies if you refuse her advances. Another mod card NPC speculates about why the operators have No Name Given (after he tells you their names).
  • Land, Sea, Sky: Fighting Fefnir, Fairy Leviathan, and Sage Harpuia respectively.
  • Last Note Nightmare: The Mythos-version of 1s Resistance-theme ends off on one of these, for some reason.
  • Late-Arrival Spoiler: Later games don't hide the fact that the X that ruled Neo Arcadia in the recent years was a copy, and that the real X is still around as a Cyber-elf, both of which are spoilers for the first game.
  • Later-Installment Weirdness: 4 introduces item crafting, the Z-Knuckle, weather-based difficulty, and overhauls the fusion-centric Cyber Elf system to only have one strong Satellite Elf in its place.
  • Leap of Faith: Some secrets are found this way. The first game is especially fond of this, with Cyber Elves often hidden in a ledge far below the platform you're standing on; thankfully you can always play it safe with your wall slide.
  • Lethal Joke Item: Ever make "Junk" out of Item Crafting in Zero 4? They're actually ingredients for the Junk Armor, a set of armor that makes him even more of a Glass Cannon and doubles all damage he deals and receives. There are also S-crystals, which are never used as Custom Chips either, but make two of them and bring them to your friend Hirondelle for two free Sub-tanks (and a third one is required to help make one of the Junk Armor pieces).
  • Lethal Lava Land: Phoenix Magnion and Fefnir's stage in Zero 2; Blazin' Flizard's stage in 3.
  • Levels Take Flight: At one of the turning points of Zero 2 (right after the failed attack on Neo Arcadia and during Elpizo's subsequent Face–Heel Turn), Zero has to cross an entire air fleet of Neo Arcadian vessels in order to hijack and stop a missile that Neo Arcadia launched at the Resistance Base.
  • Light/Darkness Juxtaposition: X becomes associated with light — he ends up becoming an Energy Being and has a nigh-angelic appearance. One of his Four Guardians, Phantom, has shadow powers; he's also the most loyal to X, the "shadow to his light".
  • Live Item: Cyber-elves are basically living beings that you can use in gameplay to support you; in the first two games they also have to be collected in the stages, whether from opening white boxes or defeating certain enemies. They also exhaust their energy and die after they're used, unless they're Satellite Elves or (in the fourth game) Croire.
  • Living Battery: Cyber-elves, and in particular, the Nurse types, function this way.
  • A Lizard Named "Liz": In a variant, characters are named after corruptions of animaloid mythological creatures. E.g Mino Magnus (a minotaur), Cubit Foxtar (a Kitsune, name containing both "Kyuubi" and "Fox"), and Hyleg Ourobockle (Ouroboros).
  • Locked Out of the Fight: In the third game, the 4 Guardians only show up to aid Zero after he defeats all three of Omega's forms.
  • Meaningful Name: Some of the Cyber-Elves' names have either prefixes or suffixes hinting at their purpose. For example, Nurse types that give away an Emergency Energy Tank use "-tan(k)", or ones that slow down time have "cloc(k)-". Some Animal and Hacker types don't even bother with subtlety in their names.
  • Mercy Invincibility: Typical for this kind of game. Both Zero and the bosses have it, while minibosses may or may not have it.
    • The fourth game as an equippable chip, Extend, that can extend the mercy invincibility time.
    • Zero's attacks (whether normal ones, EX-skills or those granted by elf/chip modifications) have "priority values" where they can bypass Mercy Invincibility of bosses after a different number of previous attacks. For example, in his standard 3 saber combo, the second and third slash can bypass MI after the first slash hits. You can try using a charged saber to trigger the boss' invincibility, then do the 3 slash combo; the first one will not hit but the second and third ones will. Using this mechanic to its full potential using EX-Skills can be near game-breaking, as chaining multiple strong attacks with increasing priority values can be enough to melt a whole health bar off a boss in a single combo.
  • Metroidvania: The hub of the first game.
  • A Million Is a Statistic:
    • In the third game, the missile containing Omega successfully hit a whole city block, claiming thousands of lives.
    • In Zero 4, Craft fired the Kill Sat Ragnarok at Neo Arcadia, trying to kill the Dr. Weil. The attack, according to the manual, claimed 20,000,000 deaths of innocents. Yet the intended target ironically survives.
  • Monster Compendium: The collectible secret disks in Zero 3 contain data of enemies, bosses and characters, which you can check at Cerveau after you acquire them in the stages (or by talking to people at the base). There's also the database in Zero 4 which does a similar thing without the disks; you access them in the main menu.
  • Monstrosity Equals Weakness: Usually, the bigger the bosses, the easier they become.
  • Mook Carryover: Neo Arcadia's various Mechaniloid and Pantheon minions note  initially have Copy X leading them in the first game, before Sage Harpuia and later Elpizo in the second game, before settling on Dr. Weil for the third and fourth games.
  • Mook Maker: A few of them, such as Carrybee of the third game (spawns Pantheon Hunters), Hottalook in the second game's Crystal Cave stage (spawns colorful firefly mooks) or the spider nest that spawns Hoppiders in the first game.
  • Morality Kitchen Sink: Compared to most games in the series, the morality of the main or recurring cast is very diverse. Only a few (Ciel, X and debatably, surprisingly and in a different way, Zero, if some of his dialogue is anything to go by) really qualify as being completely good, and only two (Weil and Omega) are completely evil. On the lighter end are the guardians (particularly Harpuia) and Niege. On the darker end are Copy X, Elpizo, and Craft.
  • Moth Menace: Mothjiros appear in Cubit Foxtar's level as enemies. They usually appear in darkened rooms, in which you can choose to turn on the light (by powering up the generator), causing them to move towards the light instead of swarming you.
  • Multiple Life Bars: Bosses in these games have layered life bars. Zero can get them too, with a special Cyber-Elf.
  • A Nazi by Any Other Name: Neo Arcadia, after an energy crisis, had started persecuting Reploids as being Maverick for no real reason, resulting in a mass amount of retirement (IE, execution) of said Reploids, allowing for anti-Reploid policies that are heavily implied to include genocide, and the person who directly created these policies is himself a Reploid (and by that, it means an actual Reploid, as in not even something of X or Zero's caliber). It's kind of hard not to see the parallels between this and the creation of Nazi Germany, and more importantly the rise of Adolf Hitler. And the human population sees him as a hero because he's doing this for humanity's betterment.
  • Never Say "Die": The DS re-release of the saga received this treatment by cutting down most of the instances of "die," "death," and "kill" was edited in the each of the games' scripts to make it more kid-friendly to younger players.
  • New Eden/Last Fertile Region: Area Zero, a place filled with natural vegetation after a century or two of Eurasia's still-working environmental control system doing its thing. Neo Arcadia citizens who flee from Weil sees this place as their new home, which causes him to launch the Operation Ragnarok to demolish the area; Zero (i.e you) has to stop him.
  • New Game Plus: Although what you carry on to the next playthrough is dependent on the game.
  • New Neo City: Neo Arcadia used to be simply an organization made by X to shelter war refugees of the Elf Wars, named such because it was intended as a new Arcadia, i.e a new place for humanity to thrive. Especially after the war, where it slowly evolves into a giant city-state.
  • No Cutscene Inventory Inertia: In the second game, Zero can acquire equipments that change his color. In the sprite cutscenes, Zero may retain his color, but in the still picture cutscenes, he'll always be his default red.
  • No Fair Cheating: You lose score points if you use cyber elves.
  • Non-Indicative Name: The miniboss Tyrine has Glass Cannons protecting it...and unlike the trope, they're anything but fragile.
  • Non-Indicative Difficulty: While Zero 4 frames going to the stage of Mino Magnus while there's a lightning storm as the harder option, the gimmick this introduces (magnetic waves in the first and third areas which can drastically increase or decrease your jump height) has a side effect. If you have the Double Jump chip, then it's possible to basically skip the last third of the stage completely by abusing the increased jump height and going clear over everything. If you were reasonably thorough with enemies up to this point, this won't even negatively impact your rank in the slightest.
  • No OSHA Compliance: In Zero 1, you have to restore power to your base so that the Red Shirts can take the elevator to the shuttle bay so they can evacuate the base. Because, apparently, there are no stairs, ramps, or ladders.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Dr. Weil tried to invoke this on Zero in the final game, as he tries to convince Zero that killing him would be stooping to his level of villainy. In an unorthodox move, Zero kills him anyway, making a note at how he never considered himself a hero to begin with.
  • Omniscient Database: As said by the ghost Phantom, the Cyberspace holds all the data of the past. How this comes to be is never so much explained, though.
  • One-Wheeled Wonder: Kerberos, one of the mooks.
  • One-Winged Angel: Pretty much every single final boss, three out of the four members of the Guardians (Phantom has one in concept art, but is dead by the time the others use theirs in-story), all of the Eight Gentle Judges (though some of their transformations are only slightly bigger than their human forms), and, finally, a Pantheon. Boy, did Capcom go overboard with this one. The Guardians' transformations are referred to as Armed Phenomena; fanon has come up with similar terms for the other transformations. Though in several cases (the Pantheon, Elpizo, Omega before crossing the Bishounen Line) this is explicitly a power-up granted by the Dark Elf, not something they can innately do.
  • Open-Ended Boss Battle: if the player loses a life out on a mission, they may be given the option to "give up", where the mission is a failure but the story continues without the mission's rewards.
  • Opening Scroll: Every game except the first a'la Star Wars, yet again.
  • Operation: [Blank]:
    • In Zero 2, there's Elpizo's "Operation Righteous Strike", which is essentially an invasion of Neo Arcadia. It fails horribly, with many Red Shirts dead, and Zero having to rescue Elpizo before he's killed by the Guardians.
    • In the drama tracks, there's "Project Elpizo", an operation to create Omega, a Reploid that's a perfect ruler using the Mother Elf's program rewriting ability. TK-31 (Elpizo's former codename) accidentally found the data about this project, and because it's supposed to be a secret for Neo Arcadia, he's declared as Maverick by Harpuia. Eventually, he managed to run away from the country and changed his name well as starting his quest for power by stealing the Baby Elves.
    • There's also Operation Ragnarok in Zero 4, which aims for the destruction of Area Zero using Ragnarok.
  • Outside-the-Box Tactic: Because the Legacy Collection comes on more advanced consoles than the DS and the Gameboy, they include the ability to capture images of things in-game. People with a poor memory thus don't have to worry about killing their score on Volteel Biblio's stage in Zero 3; you can just take a capture of each location and go there when you get to all the doors.
  • Painful Pointy Pufferfish: Zero 4 has a robotic pufferfish enemy that appears in water areas. They inflate and deflate when Zero is close to shoot out spikes in multiple directions.
  • Painting the Medium: In the intro stage of Zero 2, the Start menu is a burned-out shell of the design from the first game, representing the damage Zero has taken after a year constantly fighting for his life. Once he's taken to the new Resistance base and repaired, the design changes completely.
  • Peninsula of Power Leveling: In the first and second games, you have to grind with your weapons to level them up and unlock new abilities. There are easy ways to do them in each game:
    • In the first game, this appears as early as after the second level (i.e beating Aztec Falcon). There are numerous Totem Cannons in this area - they're the "growing tower" enemies that can regenerate after being destroyed. Thus you can keep attacking it with your weapons and they'll level up quickly.
    • In the second game, the train stage has a lot of respawning rolling spiked wheels for you to kill over and over. A bit more dangerous than the first game, but doable. Easier than that is the Power Room in general because of Top Gabyoall, the spinning tops which can be bashed incessantly with the Z-Saber and Chain Rod, and the magma bucket room with the Toitanks (shooting enemies on rails across from the ladder in the same room) for the Buster; it can just be used to shoot the buckets as they come (it goes over Top Gabyoalls).
    • For both games, Shield Boomerang has a trick for this: it can be duped into orbiting you as long as you stay still by doing a short jump before you throw it, allowing it to keep hitting enemies with no input from yourself until it maxes its level.
  • Permanently Missable Content:
    • In the original Zero:
      • Entire missions are lost forever if you get a game over and choose to continue instead of restart. And the game barely has any 1-Ups.
      • The abandoned laboratory that serves as the introduction stage, which has a few Cyber-Elves and nice opportunities to grind crystals. An early mission that sends you back there ends with the lab self-destructing. You'll be forced to wait for the New Game Plus afterwards.
      • There are mission-specific Cyber-Elves that only appear if you defeat certain enemies during a mission. Fortunately, New Game Plus remedies that problem, and by the second game, the developers made getting the Elves a built-in feature of any area, regardless of missing them on the first go-around.
      • A secret area containing a Cyber-Elf can be found so long as Zero doesn't rush the battle with Hittite Hottide, letting the mech cause destruction up to a certain point. Does the game tell you this? 'Course not. If you do rush the battle, you can't access that point. But wait...
      • There's a door to Ciel's room that will only open if your rank is A or S. Inside is a Cyber-Elf. Screwed up the ranking to the point of no return- well, then- that Elf's lost for good, but thankfully it's not a useful one to begin with.
    • In Zero 2, you collect Forms by performing certain tasks during missions. However, the game only gives you one Form per mission, and there are a limited number of missions, so it's possible to miss some Forms. Fortunately, there are more missions than Forms, and the New Game Plus lets you try again to collect anything you missed.
    • In Zero 2 and 3, collecting EX Skills requires maintaining an "A" rank or higher on almost every mission. Each EX Skill is specific to a boss, so you get precisely one chance to get each one per playthrough. And using Cyber-Elves gets points deducted from your score on every mission afterwards, even into a New Game Plus, so using too many Cyber-Elves makes A-ranking impossible and thus renders all unobtained EX Skills truly lost. True, there are Cyber-Elves that got you a temporary A-rank, but there aren't enough of those to get you every EX Skill.
    • Zero 3 has a a special feature where you can activate Ciel's supercomputer and link up to another Gameboy Advance with a Red Sun or Blue Moon cartridge and initiate a very special, one-time-only trade to get the exclusive Z-Saber chip. Unfortunately, it won't work for multiple games- just one. And guess what? The chip's not available on Higsby's ordering service! Buy another game copy, mooch off a friend's game, or dust off the Gameshark!
    • In Zero 4, you can make chips out of parts obtained from defeated enemies. A couple chips (specifically "Rolling" and "JunkFoot") require one part each from Moloid, an enemy that only appears during one mission that can't be repeated. If you didn't grab at least two (or three if you want one just to have, which is needed to unlock Ultimate Mode), you'll just have to wait until the New Game Plus.
  • Perspective Flip: Simply put, the roles of hero and villain is flipped between the "Mavericks" (La Résistance) and the "Hunters" (Neo Arcadia), a complete reversal of the previous series.
  • The Phoenix: Phoenix Magnion from Zero 2.
  • Platforming Pocket Pal: The Cyber-elves that Zero use, particularly the Satellite ones (in the third game) or Croire (in the fourth). They freely fly around Zero when he equips them.
  • Pop Quiz: Sometimes when you talk to the Non Player Characters (a few of them may appear after certain Event Flags), they will take you into a quiz. There'll be a few prizes if you answer them right.
  • Post-Defeat Explosion Chain: When bosses are defeated, they give off numerous small explosions before a big one at the end. The only bosses that do not explode in this manner are the Baby Elves.
  • Power Trio: Ciel (Superego), Zero (Ego), and Elpizo (Id) in Zero 2.
  • Pre-Explosion Glow: All of the animal bosses glow before exploding after Zero defeats them. Not all the humanoid bosses die upon defeat, but this is present in the ones that do: Phantom, Copy X (in the third game), Omega, Craft and Weil.
  • Pre-Order Bonus: Those that pre-ordered the Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection also receive a bonus "Reploid Remixes" DLC, a set of new arranged music from the Mega Man Zero and ZX series that can be played during gameplay or listened to from the collection's music player.
  • Previously on…: Each game after Zero 2 features a prologue of sorts that narrates what happened in previous games (see Opening Scroll). The narrator in Zero 4 is actually a character introduced later in the same game: Neige.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: It's easy to say that all installments' endings (even the Grand Finale) leave some sort of crushing blow to the heroes, even as they win the battle.

Tropes Q to Z 

  • Quirky Miniboss Squad:
    • The Four Guardians.
    • Weil's Numbers, the main bosses of Zero 3.
  • Random Drop Booster: Starting with the second game, there'll be a Cyber Elf (emulated by Croire in the fourth game) that makes all enemies drop something when destroyed.
  • Rank Inflation: You can get up to an S grade on each level. In theory, anyways. And don't forget that achieving a perfect S-100 in all levels is necessary for some unlockables.
  • Reactor Boss:
    • The first game has Pantheon Core, the engine core for the train Zero is raiding. It attacks by a flamethrower and, if your rank is high enough, manipulating the floor to rise up and smash you against the spiked ceiling.
    • Heat Genblem in the fourth game is a living heat generator for the particle cannon he's operating, as well as the boss.
    • The final fight with Dr. Weil has him combining himself with the Ragnarok's core, turning the boss fight into this.
  • Reclaimed by Nature: In Mega Man X5, the space colony Eurasia crashes into Earth, leading to lots of casualties. Fast forward to 4, where it is revealed that, due to Eurasia's environmental conditioning system still being active, the ground zero has turned into a very lush green place, dubbed as Area Zero. The plot for said game revolves around protecting this area from your enemies.
  • Recurring Boss: The Four Guardians for the first three games.
  • Recurring Riff:
    • The first game's boss theme, "Crash", is remixed for mini-bosses in subsequent installments.
    • The main riff of "Esperanto", the second intro stage theme, is repeated multiple times in Zero 4, and could be considered the theme of Area Zero as a whole.
  • Red Shirt: Subverted; after the fiasco that was Operation Righteous Strike, Zero makes a vow that no more of his teammates will ever be killed senselessly while he's around.
  • Repeating So the Audience Can Hear: If a conversation doesn't feature this it is safe enough to assume that Zero does not speak.
  • La Résistance: The Resistance group, which partially consists of civilian Reploids. The group was founded and lead by Ciel.
  • The Revolution Will Not Be Vilified: Zero is found by the Resistance to Neo Arcadia, an empire that Zero's friend X (hero of the previous series) created with the best of intentions, only for it to go bad after he left. The Resistance is full of spunky, heroic types with French names, and they're always in the right — with one major subversion. Elpizo, the leader in Zero 2, is zealous and aggressive; when his new methods fail, he goes nuts and becomes the game's Big Bad.
  • Rewriting Reality: The Remastered Tracks says Cyber Elves' powers work like this, by rewriting the "programming code" of reality via Cyberspace. Too bad they die after models and really powerful ones such as X and the Mother Elf are exempt from this, though.
  • Ridiculously Human Robots:
    • All Reploids. Up to the fact that Reploids are now capable of aging and even falling in love, with humans. Best not to think about it too much. Here's a notable exchange:

      Neige: I was amazed at how Craft fought to protect the humans. Hehe, it's kinda strange, a human falling for a Reploid.
      Craft: Then I fell in love too.

    • Same goes for one Reploid, Andrew who actually married a human. He even went so far as to modify his age-appearance to match hers and stayed that way even after she died as a way to remember her.
  • Riding the Bomb: The latter half of a mission, including the level's Boss Battle, in Zero 3 takes place inside a missile as it was launched towards an unsuspecting target.
  • Rising Water, Rising Tension: Volteel Biblio's level is set in a sunken library where the water goes up and down at intervals. The danger isn't the water itself (Zero is fine underwater) but when the water touches the exposed wiring that hangs off the ceiling, shocking the water; Zero can get harmed if he doesn't go out of the water quickly.
  • Robo Family: While the four never say it outright, some of the fandom call the Four Guardians "siblings", due to their similar origins and purpose. X can also be considered their "father" (and, by extension, Copy-X is their "stepfather." The four are loyal to both.)
  • Robot Hair: Aside from the usual Zero, there are Elpizo (blond), Omega (a pinkish/fuchsia ponytail sprouting out from the top of his helmet), and Kraft (dark spiky hair which appears to also form Go Nagai Sideburns), among others. Seeing as Omega's body is a shell/Power Limiter for Zero's original body, this means that Omega also shares Zero's infamous long hair.
  • Rubberband AI: In all games, the difficulty of the stages and bosses will depend on your current rank.
  • Rule of Symbolism: The Final Boss of each game has a One-Winged Angel form that rather accurately reflects on their goals and motivations. They also all become increasingly sinister-looking to reflect how each of them gets much darker in motive and personality than the last.
  • Scenery Porn:
    • Area Zero in Zero 4.
    • Using the mod cards for Zero 3 can turn your base into a Scenery Porn as well.
  • Science Fantasy: Very prominent in this part of the franchise. Magic Energy Crystals that power all technology, fairy-like Cyber Elves that assist the hero, nearly all of the standard bosses being Cybernetic Mythical Beasts, the presence of angel-like beings such as X, and the final arc of the story being explicitly themed around Norse mythology, it's all there.
  • Screen Crunch: Enemies and obstacles that are impossible to see ahead of time are a dime-a-dozen in these games. Boss fights, in particular, are made much more difficult than they otherwise would be, since most of them take place in arenas larger than the screen, so you cannot see their attacks coming and thus cannot prepare for them.
  • Score Screen: Used after you finish the missions.
  • Segmented Serpent: A variant in the second game: Hyleg Ourobockle's boss room has this as the battlefield itself, with Bottomless Pits below it. Said serpent can detach and its segments can form various shapes.
  • Sequence Breaking: In Zero 1, Leviathan will talk about your fights with Harpuia and Fefnir, whether or not * you've even met them.
  • Sequel Series: To Mega Man X, which is itself a Sequel Series to Mega Man (Classic), with each series being separated by about a century or two in the timeline.
  • Series Continuity Error: In Zero 1, Zero must go to the Underground Laboratory where he needs to gain information, defeat the boss of the area, and escape before the level crumbles him in. In Zero 3, somehow, it's completely fine before Omega Zero explodes which promptly destroys the area.
  • Shared Life-Meter: The Dual Boss fights with Kuwagust and Herculious in 2 and Crea and Prea in 3 utilize this, with the former performing one final suicide attack once the life meter is emptied.
  • Shifting Sand Land: The desert level in the first game and the second game.
  • Shout-Out
    • The reploid known as Andrew had his age-appearance altered to match a human he married just to be with her, apparently borrowed from "Andrew Martin" in the movie Bicentennial Man.
    • There are several to Star Wars:
      • Ciel's line after the first Boss battle in the first game:
      • Which makes for nice Book Ends with her line before the last level in the last game:
      • A roundabout one with one of Phoenix Magnion's attacks in the second game: he pulls from Zero's memory four past enemies from the X series and holographs them. One of the four is Vile, the X series' resident Boba Fett expy.
      • And another Star Wars reference: Elpizo's Model Number is TK-31, similar to the designations for several stormtroopers.
      • In the drama tracks, the Z-Saber ignites using the same sound as a lightsaber, as it did in the Japanese versions of the Mega Man X games.
      • Another roundabout one with the Variant Missile enemy in the fourth game has a slight resemblance to Vile from Mega Man X.
    • The Guardians' One-Winged Angel forms are called Armed Phenomena, a term lifted from Baoh.
    • Omega Zero's finisher is a seven hit combo that he initiates by dashing low to the ground at Zero, ressembling Akuma's Shun Goku Satsu. It is actually called Ranbu, though, meaning "berserk dance."
    • One of the CD dramas is titled "Record1_Clockwork Apple."
    • Omega's second form has different-coloured arms and white middle body. You know, there's some other guy named Omega who has the same appearance...note 
    • Heat Genblem, a turtle-based Reploid from Zero 4, uses a spinning attack that resembles Gamera's method of flight.
    • When Zero finally reaches the Ragnarok Core, Dr. Weil says "Welcome to your front row seat to the end of the world."
    • Dr. Weil's trying to crash Ragnarok into Area Zero heavily resembles Sonic Adventure 2's last story where the Space Colony Ark, after being given the seven chaos emeralds, ends up falling towards Earth's atmosphere due to a program that Gerald Robotnik made during his grief-enduced insanity and prior to his execution. Furthermore, one of the heroes ends up sacrificing himself in an attempt to stop the colony from falling into the Earth, complete with defeating the enemy fused to the falling colony. Coincidentally, the instigators of both events share the same voice actor in Japan.
    • Another Street Fighter reference: the boss Maha Ganeshariff, who has what's obviously the Hundred Hand Slap of E. Honda.
    • At one point, Hirondelle offers to read you some poetry that he supposedly wrote (but later admits to copying from "an ancient text"):
    • The Eight Judges' humanoid forms bear a strong resemblance to the main characters from Cyborg 009, with Copy X Mk.II presumablytaking the place of 009 himself.
  • Slippery as an Eel: Volteel Biblio from 3 is a very sneaky character, his level being particularly trap-infested and snaking through secret passages all over his Boss Room to get the drop on you.
  • Slippy-Slidey Ice World: Expect a stage with an ice boss to be a variant of this.
  • Slow Doors: In the first game, one mission requires you to sneak into a factory. If you're detected, the Slow Door starts closing. If you fail to through it before it closes, Game Over.
  • Solemn Ending Theme: Zero 4's Freesia.
  • Sorting Algorithm of Evil: With the exception of possibly Weil after he merged with Ragnarok, every Final Boss is stronger than the previous one.
    • Copy X is a physically identical copy of the original Mega Man X, but lacks the abilities, experience, and wisdom of the original accumulated over centuries, and, based on dialogue, actually gets his ass handed to him by Zero, who regards him as pathetic compared to what he remembers of the original.
    • Elpizo is initially weaker than Copy X (being subjected to a Curb-Stomp Battle by Harpuia), but once changes midway through the game, where he is strong enough to destroy X's body, albeit when is offline (and perhaps lacking armor or shielding), and with the Dark Elf is boosted to at least Copy X's level, if not higher (and it helps he's quite a bit more cunning than Copy X before his second phase destroys his sanity), but isn't capable of drawing out the Dark Elf's full power. His first phase is quite difficult, but while his second stage is anticlimactic, he does outclass Copy X still in certain ways like not having a weakness and being more durable.
    • Omega, without the Dark Elf, defeats Fefnir and Leviathan at the same time, holds his own against Zero (who seems impressed with him, while he wasn't with Copy X), No-Sells Harpuia's best attack, and can draw out the Dark Elf's full power (Meaning he is much stronger than Elpizo). He actually wins the final duel against Zero, who is saved by backup from the Guardians.
    • Weil breaks this, as while he is very smart, he actually is weaker than Omega from the previous game and his final boss fight is less him trying to win and more buying time for Ragnarok.
  • Spell My Name With An S
    • A carry-over from the X series: the Japanese term is Repliroid; the English term is Reploid.
    • Zero 3 reveals that the animal-like Reploid bosses are known as Mythos Reploids, referring to the fact that they're all based on various mythological figures. The English translation slipped up and translated it "Mutos" (the katakana is myutosu, for those curious. Japanese transliteration of Greek can be sort of weird).
    • A lot of names are victim of this, like Vile/Weil or Kraft/Craft.
  • Spiritual Antithesis: To Mega Man (Classic). The classic is a quirky series about a boy android who shoots up cartoony, googly-eyed robots and copies their powers with obvious Cartoon Physics. His creator, Dr. Light, and his nemesis, Dr. Wily, are also pretty comical in their own ways. Each game ends with the eponymous character saving the day once again. MMZ is much more anime-like, is about a teenage-looking android fighting a war alongside a group of freedom fighters, and has very little to speak of in the way of humor. Victories always come at a cost. The Darker and Edgier progression of the timeline has been so much that this series becomes a 180 degrees opposite of what started this whole timeline. The X series was somewhere in between.
  • Spread Shot: Some bosses and mooks have this. Zero may get this from a few bosses such as Volteel Biblio's V-Shot, while in the fourth game Zero can acquire this from some mooks with the Z-Knuckle.
  • Stealth Pun:
    • When you defeat an enemy with a bladed weapon, they split in half before exploding. In other words, they got Divided By Zero! Wakka wakka!
    • Also, the Ragnarok's core is named after Laevatein, a legendary sword (in the manual, anyway). Said core is sword-shaped.
  • Stealthy Mook: In the Hibernation Chamber stage of Mega Man Zero 4, if you set the weather into snowing, some of the Variant Claw mooks may try to hide beneath the snow pile and ambush you when you get close.
  • The Stinger: At the end of Zero 2, Dr. Weil commands his creation Omega to act.
  • Stop Hitting Yourself: The Z-Knuckle in the fourth game can be used for this; the most basic being taking a foe's weapon and then using it to hurt other enemies. You can also try picking up Mandrago's seeds and throw them at her (though it does little damage to her) and picking one of Dr. Weil's falling swords to be used against him (it's fairly strong but It Only Works Once).
  • Sturdy and Steady Turtles: One of the bosses, Heat Genblem, is a robotic tortoise. He's fond of a particular tactic during combat where he walks slowly forward, then, when an attack comes, he immediately turns his back to guard himself. If he's attacked further in that state, he'll do a Counter-Attack with an Elemental Punch. In general, both his shell and his battle pattern makes it hard to find an opening to hit him.
  • Talking Is a Free Action: Most bosses always take the opportunity to chat up the hero just before exploding. Even if they've just been visibly bisected down the middle.
  • Technicolor Death: Defeated bosses are usually engulfed in a spherical blast that emits beams of light after being defeated. The explosion may be justified due to them being robots; since Zero's trademark weapon is a sword, it may have compromised their power systems. The radiating beams of light part? Not so much. Also, the attack that depletes their health meter causes much more damage than any other attack (blowing a chunk out of them if it's a charged beam shot, Diagonal Cut if it's with the sword), but that's another trope.
  • Teleportation Rescue: A few times, when Zero has to rescue someone, he'll go to a stage, run towards them and then gives them a teleport beacon so the Mission Control can teleport them to base.
  • Temporary Platform: Both the crumbling variant and the timed variant exist. In particular, there's a set of them in the first game's first "final stages" where the platform shoots projectiles downward as they appear.
  • Theme Music Power-Up:
    • Whenever that particular game's Zero theme song starts sounding, rest assured — you're about to do something very cool.
    • Also, the music changes into the foreboding final stage theme after the first form of the final boss is defeated and the Ragnarok satellite is plummeting toward the planet with Weil making a last bid by hooking up to the remains of its control system and directing it towards Area Zero. Then Zero has his speech and the final boss music starts up.
  • Theme Naming:
    • Bosses are named after various mythological creatures; Resistance members are named mostly after French names of birds. In the latter's case, the handle of the one who named them is French for "sky."
    • Cyber-elves are named after the use they have to Zero, and are grouped in such a way as well. (ex.: elves ending in "-tan" provide the Sub Tanks)
  • Throw the Mook at Them:
    • In the fourth game, you can pick some specific enemies with the Z-Knuckle and then throw them at other mooks.
    • You can throw Noble Mandrago's seeds back at her, though it only does little damage.
    • Interestingly, there's the miniboss Clabanger NS, which spawns 2 kinds of mini-crabs. You may try to pick one red or blue mini crab and then throw them at the boss, which does little damage...or throw them at a differently-colored mini crab which releases an explosion that can hit the boss, dealing moderate damage.
  • Timed Mission: Some missions have a time limit, such as Tech Kraken's stage in the fourth game where you have to find a way to enter the submarine under 2 minutes. In a variant, one of the things that determine your mission points is your completion time.
  • Time-Limit Boss: The very first fight against a Mutos Reploid, Aztec Falcon, takes place on top of a crusher that will kill Reploid hostages below it in a set amount of time. The the Final Boss of Zero 4, Dr. Weil's second form, is another example, and must be killed before the Ragnarok satellite crashes to Earth.
  • Time Skip: This game skips a century after the X series. Also there's a year-long gap between the first game and the second.
  • Too Awesome to Use: The Cyber-elves that you obtain will really help you in stages, but they have exactly one use before they die - and you get penalized if you use them, too! The permanent effect ones will be especially taxing on your points. Averted for the Satellite Elves in the third game because they don't die, but then again, with so many Elves and abilities how could you limit yourself to just two?
  • Touch the Intangible: Scrap Elves are Energy Beings that possess and reanimate broken robots. While you can destroy the robots, you can't really destroy the Elves. However, if you picked up the "lamp" with your Zero Knuckle, you can use it to push the Elves away. If the weather is set to sunny, you can try pushing the Elves towards the sunlight peeking out through the hole in the ceiling, which will kill them.
  • Traintop Battle: Pantheon Core's and Panter Flauclaws' stages. In a variant, the intro stage of Zero 4 has you do battles on fast-moving trucks.
  • Transformation Sequence:
    • Done for each of the final bosses' One Winged Angels. Elpizo in particular gets an elaborate one that shows his body transforming into white and gold armor, complete with picture cuts of details, while Weil's second form transformation is the most graphic and painful of them.
    • Also done when the 4 Guardians are in effect of the Baby Elves' modification in the second game, as well as the same thing happening to a random Pantheon Aqua in the third. The Eight Gentle Judges also have their own sequences of accessing their battle forms. Copy X Mk II also has one for summoning his Ultimate Armor (in the first game only a small flash of light appears).
  • Trash the Set: Craft obliterates Neo Arcadia near the end of 4.
  • Trial-and-Error Gameplay: If you're going for A or S rank, then expect to reload from your save file over and over while you memorize the layout of each level and the attack patterns of the boss therein. And god help you if the level doesn't end at the boss.
  • Trilogy Creep: Zero 3 was supposed to be the final game in the series — the remastered tracks CD for its OST is called Telos (Greek for "the end") — but 4 still came out after it.
  • Tron Lines: Some stages have these in the background.
  • Turns Red: The enemies' attack patterns are modified once they're down to 1/2 or 1/4th of their hitpoints. Special mention goes to the guardians, who not only change patterns, but gain an attack that makes them invincible until they complete it. Moreover, they are covered in Battle Aura which makes it impossible to jump over them without climbing a wall, which none of their areas have.
  • Two-Part Trilogy: At least before Zero 4 showed up. 2 and 3 are more directly linked, both dealing with the Dark Elf and the Elf Wars it played a part in.
  • Tyrannicide:
    • In the climax of 4, Craft rebels against the current ruler of Neo Arcadia, Dr. Weil, and hijacks the control system of Ragnarok in order to kill him. In a subversion, not only the Neo Arcadia gets utterly destroyed in the process, Weil survived the attack thanks to his regenerative armor. In the end Weil does get killed by Zero but by then the country is already no more.
    • Downplayed with the previous ruler of Neo Arcadia, Copy X. He does try to make the empire close to an utopia...but he's so oppressive to Reploids in that he considers retiring minor, innocent Reploids is a good solution for the energy crisis. Then Zero slays him in the first game. In the second game, his second-in-command Harpuia assumes the role in secret, where the empire becomes less oppressive under him. In the third game this is fully played straight - Copy X is revived by Dr. Weil and becomes worse; he now considers human society a fair game, as seen when he demolished an entire city block with a missile just to get the Dark Elf. Zero slays him again, only for Weil to take his place.
  • Undead Counterpart: In all games but Mega Man Zero 2, there are Pantheon (itself a mass-product knockoff of X) variants in the Pantheon Zombie and Pantheon Corpse, which are the wreckage of Pantheon Hunters and Pantheon Guardians. The Pantheon Zombies are re-animated by Anubis Necromancess in his boss battles, while the latter only appear revived by Scrap Elves in Fenri Lunaedge's stage, making them a Unique Enemy.
  • Under the Sea: The third game has the Oceanic Highway Ruins, Childre Inarabitta's stage, while the fourth has Tech Kraken's stage, set around a submarine.
  • Underwater Boss Battle: Once an installment. Zero 3 has a subversion in Childre Inarabbita's level, where fulfilling the mission's objectives will decrease the Boss Room's water volume to knee-high depths. Played straight when you fight him again during the Boss Rush though, since there aren't any switches to lower the water.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: During the Battle for Area Zero, most of them didn't take too kindly to being rescued by Zero...
  • Unlockable Difficulty Levels: In all 4 games, the hard difficulty is unlocked after beating the game in normal mode once. There's also the special "Ultimate" difficulty (only in second game onward), which requires Gotta Catch Them All to unlock (all Cyber Elves in Zero 2, all Secret Disks in Zero 3, all enemy parts in Zero 4). Said difficulty lets you play with most of the good stuff unlocked from the start, plus enabling instant Charged Attack by button commands (ala fighting games).
  • Untrusting Community: The citizens of Area Zero in 4 don't think very highly of Zero and the Resistance at first.
  • Unusual Ears: All of the Reploids seem to have these strange white headphone-like things instead of human ears, which is strange, considering that the first Mega Man had proper ears, despite being much less advanced.
    • The above is very much the norm in this continuity - even for the humans. The only characters in the entire Zero series who are shown to have normal, human ears are Neige (a human) and Dr. Weil (formerly human), making them the unusual ones.
  • Updated Compilation Re-release:
    • The Mega Man Zero Collection for the Nintendo DS, which adds an "Easy Scenario" Mode for beginners, fixed some of the translation errors, brought over the Japanese-only e-Reader Mod Cards from Rockman Zero 3 in the overseas release, the ability to use the DS's X and Y buttons, and a gallery with unlockable images.
    • The Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC retains many of the features of the previous Zero Collection on the DS in addition to implementing a "Save-Assist" option that adds checkpoints at certain locations without penalty, a "Casual Scenario" Mode that is not unlike the Zero Collection's Easy Scenario Mode, the ability to play the Zero and ZX series' different regional versions, and a new Z-Chaser mode, a leaderboard-based competitive speedrun mode with various stages from the Zero and ZX series.
  • Upgrade vs. Prototype Fight: Omega vs Zero. The former is Zero's original body, with all of his abilities acquired from the X series, in addition to some extra additions added by Weil in the interim between games such as the armored shell. The latter is Zero's consciousness, uploaded into a new body and practically stripped of all the skills he learned before.
  • The Very Definitely Final Dungeon: The final location in each game has some sort of climactic impact to the storyline. In order: Area X, the Big Bad's headquarters and palace of sorts; Yggdrasil, a tower where the Dark Elf is sealed; Dr. Weil's secret laboratory, which, coincidentally, was near where Zero was sealed at the beginning of the series; and finally, the Kill Sat-turned-Colony Drop Ragnarok.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: The use of Cyber Elves. However...
  • Video Game Cruelty Punishment:
    • Using them also decreases Zero's game ranking.
    • Zero 3 actually distinguishes with certain fusion elves. Instant A-rank for one mission? You just lose one point, meaning you can still get from a B-average to an A-rank in the same mission you use it. It also offers the use of Satellite Elves, which don't die when used.
    • There's a bizarre variation in the second game: The Crystal Cave area is full of turquoise Red Shirt Reploid allies under enemy control; you're supposed to spare them before saving them, but if you kill them instead, you get a 1-Up! However, killing them will reduce your mission points (which is important to your rank), and they won't become helpful NPCs at the Resistance Base like other Reploids you've saved.
  • Videogame Dashing: The dash mechanic from the previous series is brought back here, mostly the same; the third game also gives you the Shadow Dash chip that lets Zero pass through enemies and attacks while dashing.
  • Villain by Default: The term "Maverick" to be used for criminals is brought over from the previous series. Taken to the extreme in Zero 4 where anyone who opposes or disagrees with Weil's rule is deemed Maverick, even if they're humans.
  • Villainous Badland, Heroic Arcadia: Inverted. For most of the series, our hero's group, the Resistance, has their base in the deserted outskirts of the large utopian city-state, Neo Arcadia, where our villains belong. Played with in the fourth game where our heroes and a bunch of human refugees find lush, untamed wildlife in a place called "Area Zero" and settle there while Neo Arcadia has become a hellhole under Dr. Weil's tyrannical rule.
  • Villainous Legacy: Wily's greatest creation, Zero, was used by Dr. Weil to create Omega as a Dark Messiah to exterminate all Reploids. Omega's consciousness inhabits Zero's original body since Zero's mind was extracted after the X series. The Mother Elf, who becomes the Dark Elf, another major antagonist, was created by Ciel's ancestor by studying the Maverick Virus and trying to create an antibody.
  • Violence Is the Only Option: Unfortunately for the series' resident Actual Pacifist, this happens in Zero 3.
  • Visible Silence: Abused throughout the first game, with ellipses that span multiple dialogue boxes. Later games dial this back to the regular three dots.
  • Voice Grunting: The whole series. One of the drama tracks from the Zero 4 soundtrack even uses voice grunts taken from the game to depict a battle. Note that they only used Japanese actors, even in the NTSC version...even though Richard Epcar is uncredited for Heat Genblem.
  • Walk, Don't Swim: Just like in the X series, you don't swim on water; you just sink and walk down the bottom.
  • The War Just Before: Played With. The big war that directly preceded the series, the Elf Wars, isn't a big part of the plot until the third game where Dr. Weil and his servant Omega, the ones responsible to start the wars, show up with a vengeance because of what humanity did to him before, after the war. Much knowledge about the war is also revealed there. Although the wars have been alluded to since the second game with Dark Elf, the MacGuffin of that game, being what Weil and Omega used in the war as a weapon.
  • Warm-Up Boss: Like in the previous series, the games love intro bosses that are both huge and pathetically easy.
  • Warp Whistle: First game only, there's the Trans Server that you can use to go to other maps. Once you find a room containing it, you can access the room from other Trans Servers. This is reused in ZX series.
  • Weaponized Offspring: In 4, Popla Cocapetri (a cockatrice-based Reploid) can lay an egg with 2 legs that will run about, harrassing you. The egg is hard to kill, too.
  • Weather-Control Machine: The Weather Changer in the fourth game. However, it is disabled on both easy and hard mode, which lock the stages' weather to "easy" and "hard" respectively.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: After Ciel refuses to hand over the self-titled Ciel System to Dr. Weil, it is never brought up again.
  • What Measure Is a Mook?:
    • Zero stops short of killing the Guardians when you first fight them, with no explanation offered. Granted, you find out later that they're Hero Antagonists, but their subordinates, who are similarly just doing their job, are all fair game for bisection.
    • The Guardians also apply this as What Measure is a Red Shirt. In the second game, Harpuia chooses to spare Zero when Zero is at his mercy, even though he spent the previous game retiring Resistance soldiers left and right. Later on, they also let Zero leave with Elpizo after slaughtering his entire army.
  • What Measure Is A Nonhuman:
    • The main conflict in the series involves the dwindling rights of the Reploids, relentlessly persecuted for trivial reasons. Later, the humans receive this treatment as well, ironically from the most inhuman of them all.
    • There's also the Cyber-elves, small single-use programs typically designed to do a single function before dissipating completely once that function is complete. So why were they all programmed with individual personalities and sentience? Using a Cyber-Elf for the single function it was created for essentially kills it, and you're meant to feel a little guilty about doing so. Thankfully though, later games would have some advancements on its technology which makes ways for the elves to not have to die if they're used.
  • "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue: "Vile's Incident: Eden dome, its sin and rebirth", on top of recapping on the events of 3 and 4 (collectively dubbed "Vile's Incident"), contains an epilogue set two years after the conclusion of the series.
  • Where It All Began:
    • The Final Boss in the third game takes place where Zero was sealed in the first game's opening.
    • A minor one: The boss fight with Randam Bandam takes place right at the start of the level - the level consists of you going to each of the 4 doors to activate switches and then go back to the starting point.
  • White-and-Grey Morality:
    • Deconstructed in the first two games. Barring the psychopaths (the bosses from Zero 3-4, Copy X [at least in the third game], Elpizo, Omega, and Weil), no one in the war was truly a villain in the proper sense. This point is what makes the Guardians (especially encourager Fefnir and civil Harpuia) the most sympathetic antagonists in the franchise.
    • Even the never-matured Copy X and Maverick-intentioned Elpizo had their Alas, Poor Villain moments, and they both ultimately only wanted what was best for the people they were fighting for — just never learned what true sacrifice and heroism meant. Arguably, the only real villain in these games was Weil, who was behind the horrible events of the games' backstory, plus being involved in some way in the plot of the first two games which was before he was even introduced.
    • Surprisingly, Weil himself too. The Official Complete Works revealed that he started the whole Elf Wars because he thinks that Reploids, being just machines, were getting off too easy for the massive destruction caused in the Maverick Wars, especially once the plan to solve the Maverick problem was to basically install anti-virus software (the Cyber-Elves) and call things even (which wouldn't help with free-willed Mavericks). His stated reason for his Project Elpizo (using the Mother Elf with his "perfect Reploid", Omega, to control Reploids' minds worldwide) was to prevent any Reploid from going Maverick again. So he was more of a Well-Intentioned Extremist from the start; but then he went through the Moral Event Horizon by creating the Elf Wars in the first place (and he went nuts even more during his exile). This shows how much this trope is deconstructed in this series.
    • Basically a running theme of the series is "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
  • World Sundering: The aforementioned Elf Wars, the closest thing to The End of the World as We Know It that the series ever approached. Nearly happened again (in a different way) at the end of Zero 4.
  • World Tree: Yggdrasil, the prison of the Dark Elf, where X sealed himself.
  • You Call That a Wound?:
    • Subverted in the first game's Escort Mission. That escortee WILL die if he gets hit too much. Also subverted in the second game's Crystal Cave stage where there's some brainwashed Resistance soldiers; light attack from you will take them down momentarily, but after they get up, they'll die if you attack them again. And heavy attack (like Charged Attack) will make them die instantly. The point is that you can hurt them a bit so you can pass through, but don't kill them - gone your mission points if you do.
    • Played straight in one mission where Ciel is teleported to your position to disarm a bomb for 90 seconds. Enemies will hound you and her in the duration; no matter how much Ciel is attacked, she won't get injured, ever. But every hit she gets decreases the mission points.
  • You Killed My Father: Interestingly, used against the hero. In Zero 2, Kuwagust Anchus tells Zero in their first fight that he seeks revenge for the death of his brother Herculious Anchus, who Zero killed in the first game.
  • Your Princess Is in Another Castle!: In Zero 4, let's see: Craft has just destroyed Neo Arcadia, the symbol of Reploid oppression in the series, with Ragnarok, taking Dr. Weil with it. Before Craft could fire for a second time, Zero puts a stop to him. It's over, right? Nope, since Dr. Weil survives, and cues the Colony Drop.
  • Zeroth Law Rebellion: Played with copious amounts of irony via Zero's final decision in dealing with Weil. The irony here is two fold: while Zero was not designed to be Three Laws-Compliant, he chooses to obey them of his free will, and Zero's actions are in perfect compliance with Law Zero. This is notable only because Weil previously tries to guilt-trip Zero by invoking Three Laws-Compliant on him.note