Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Jun 29 2013
Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii is a full unofficial sequel to New Super Mario Bros. Wii, crafted over the span of three years by a team of devoted Nintendo fans. Requires a copy of New Super Mario Bros. Wii and is playable legally on any homebrew-enabled Wii; no piracy or hardware mods needed.
A trailer (with links to Lets Plays) can be found here. Additionally, here
is the developer commentary.
Get the game, as well as three smaller spin-offs, here.
The hack was followed by Newer Super Mario Bros. DS (a mod for the original New Super Mario Bros., released on Christmas 2017). Newer Super Mario Bros. U (which would've been based, of course, on NSMBU) was planned, but ultimately cancelled
◊. However, an Updated Re-release of this game, titled Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii Deluxe, was later announced to celebrate the 5th anniversary of this game. View its trailer here
Tropes in this game:
- All Deserts Have Cacti: The Rubble Ruins area includes both Egyptian-style pyramids and Southwestern-style cacti.
- Astral Finale: The penultimate world takes place in outer space, followed by the final world on Bowser's turf. Which is also a giant planet shaped in his image.
- Bait-and-Switch Boss: In World 4, Kamek shows up to taunt you... only to get knocked out by the Shy Guy Ninja. Given that the tower and castle bosses of the world are the same, you'd think Kamek would've learned by the second encounter, but nope... You also get 100 points for Kamek being knocked out, for some reason.
- Batman Can Breathe in Space: The Starry Skies segment in World 7 takes place in outer space. Every living creature that lurks there is able to breathe perfectly.
- Boss-Arena Idiocy:
- Mega Thwomp is immune to all attacks, but is fought in an arena made up of blocks that only he can destroy upon landing. The trick to defeat him is to make him land in the same spot twice so that he shatters the floor and plummets into the abyss below.
- Topmaniac has a spike on his head that protects him from being jumped on by Mario. The boss would be unbeatable if he wasn't fought in a room whose walls are electric fences, which damage him if Mario manages to push him into them with a spin attack.
- Boolossus's arena has pipes that spawn light blocks that knock him back, and a light switch that kills him at the end.
- Colourful Theme Naming: All of the levels in World 9 follow a naming convection of "color + location".
- 9-1: Red Lava
- 9-2: Brown Forest
- 9-3: Orange Prairie
- 9-4: Yellow Beach
- 9-5: Mossdeep Greens
- 9-6: Blue Chilldesert
- 9-7: Navyblue Molemine
- 9-8: Purple Sewer
- 9-9: Grey Mountains
- 9-10: Black Clappers
- Continuity Nod:
- One of the areas is titled "Freezeflame", a reference to one of the galaxies from Super Mario Galaxy.
- Yoshis come in a large variety of colors and Kamek uses his magic on enemies to turn them into the bosses of the Towers and Castles, much like in Yoshi's Island.
- Demoted to Extra: The Koopalings make a token appearance as the World Boss at the end of each world, but are not part of the story.
- Damn You, Muscle Memory!: The mod adds Classic Controller support, but uses B to run and A to jump, which can really throw off SNES gamers.
- Evolving Title Screen: The game initially starts out with all four of the playable characters riding hot air balloons with Princess Peach (à la the end of the original game). As you progress through the game, you get variations of the original title screen from New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Mario, Luigi, and the Toads just walking) based on the current world you're in. When you beat the game, you get a new title screen featuring all four characters riding Clown Cars (early prototype videos released by the development team show that
Peach would have been with them). The title screen goes through one final change upon 100% Completion, showing Peach's castle at night with fireworks going off.
- Game Mod: Of New Super Mario Bros. Wii. It completely replaces the game's level design, bosses and world themes, as well as adding new power-ups and enemies that weren't in the original game.
- Homage: This manages to be even more Super Mario World-esque than New Super Mario Bros. U, containing Yoshi's Island, switch palaces, platforms that alter the path of wires that platforms travel on, Mario actually swimming in the world map, the map having "major" and "minor" sections, and even having levels being marked if they have one or two exits.
- Journey to the Sky: World 7 is divided into two parts: The first is Sky Mountain, in whose last level (Beanstalk Ascent) Mario has to climb a series of beanstalks to reach outer space. This is revealed to be the setting of the world's second half, Starry Skies, and it's there where one of Bowser's Koopalings (Ludwig von Koopa) awaits.
- Level in the Clouds: Sky City, one of the secret worlds, takes place in a very misty, bricked city in the sky. Features include flying manta rays (similar to those of the original New Super Mario Bros. Wii, except these are blue instead of green), hazardous Nimbus Clouds, flying Parabeetles, and a cog-filler clockwork tower.
- King Mook: The bosses of the towers and castles in the first seven worlds are common enemies who are enlarged by Kamek's magic.
- Konami Code: Entering it on the Star Coins menu activates an experimental "Replay Recording" mode. Entering the code again disables it.
- Nostalgia Level: World A-A, Goldbuzz Forest, is based heavily on Tree Zone-4 from Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins, though it's not an exact recreation and focuses more on climbing on the honey walls.
- No Ending: The game ends when the Princess is rescued. Since said rescue takes place on another planet, this is pretty much the ultimate Boring Return Journey.
- Your Princess Is in Another Castle!: At the end of Bowser's Castle, Princess Peach is in a bird cage, waiting to be rescued, but press the switch, and you are sent to the second half of the 8th world, Koopa Core.