Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - TV Tropes

  • ️Sun Oct 09 2011

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon (Video Game)

Imagine a world where only Pokémon roam.
Including YOU.

"Introducing the newest Pokémon … YOU!"

Tagline, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red/Blue Rescue Team.

A Pokémon themed entry in Spike Chunsoft's (originally Chunsoft's before the merger with Spike) Mystery Dungeon (Fushigi no Dungeon) Roguelike franchise. The games center around a world populated exclusively by Pokémon (with no humans to be seen), who live in towns and cities, run shops, and go on adventures in randomly generated dungeons.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon as a whole is notable from the main series for two reasons, one being that it's the first entries in the entire Pokémon franchise to place special emphasis on Character Development and a compelling Story Arc (as opposed to the series's usual quest To Be a Master and to Gotta Catch Them All), typically involving humans who awaken in the Pokémon's world to discover that they've somehow been transformed into Pokémon themselves. They become best friends with another Pokémon, form an adventure team, and go on a Quest for Identity over the course of many adventures, as clues about their Mysterious Past reveal that their ultimate destiny is nothing less than saving the world from imminent destruction.

The second reason this spinoff series is notable? Because it's the first time we get to hear exactly what the Pokémon are saying underneath all the Pokémon Speak we've come to expect.

The gameplay is what you would expect from a Roguelike, except with battle mechanics loosely resembling those of the main Pokémon series: All 700-plus individual species (which you can "recruit" to become members of your team), all 18 elemental types, moves, abilities, and Status Effects from the main series show up in a manner better suited to the different nature of gameplay. The Pokémon themselves are represented faithfully with 8-directional walking and attacking sprites and dialogue portraits (an impressive feat in and of itself!).

The series comprises these installments:

  • Red and Blue Rescue Team were released for the Game Boy Advance and the Nintendo DS in 2005. Like the main series, there were a few minor differences between the Red and Blue versions, but both were required for true 100% Completion note . A remake for Nintendo Switch, Rescue Team DX, released in March 2020.
  • Explorers of Time and Darkness, another pair of games with minor differences between them, released in 2008 and featuring Pokémon from the fourth generation, a tighter Story Arc, and many tweaks to the underlying gameplay. An Updated Re-release, Explorers of Sky, was released in 2009 with additional features, including bonus chapters focusing on side characters. The Explorers games have become somewhat notorious for the sheer amount of frightening situations contained therein.
  • Adventure Squad: A third installment released only in Japan for WiiWare in 2009, comprising three versions with elementally-themed starter Pokémon (Fire, Water, and Electric), with 3D graphics, and a Lighter and Softer story involving chocolate.
  • Gates to Infinity: The fourth installment in the series, released on the Nintendo 3DS, with fully 3D graphics. Unlike previous installments, this game is a standalone title. It makes use of items called Magnagates, which are generated based on Augmented Reality minigames. It was released in Japan on November 23rd, 2012, while North America had their release on March 24, 2013, Europe on May 17, 2013, and Australia a day later on May 18. Notably enough, this entry is responsible for a major overhaul of many mechanics, that has since been kept.
  • Super Mystery Dungeon: The fifth installment of the series, released for the Nintendo 3DS on September 17, 2015 in Japan, November 20, 2015 in North America, February 19, 2016 in Europe, and February 20, a day later, in Australia. The choices for the two Player Characters are the starters from gens 1-6, plus Pikachu and Riolu.

The first two installments also received their own manga adaptations and a few anime episodes based on them; the fourth also received an anime-style two-episode short movie.

The series as a whole provides examples of:

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  • Adaptational Badass:
    • In the mainline Pokémon games, Kecleon is a fairly middling Pokémon with a gimmicky ability that's highly exploitable. In the Mystery Dungeon games, however... steal from a Kecleon shop, and unless you're very powerful or very well-prepared, chances are it'll be the last thing you ever do.
    • Skitty is a Joke Character in the main series games, with terrible stats for how rare it is to find. However, it's considerably stronger in the Mystery Dungeon series — it learns DoubleSlap early on and so can take advantage of the increased power of multi-strike moves, and in Rescue Team in particular, its Cute Charm ability and access to Attract lets it easily disable enemy Pokémon which aren't immune to infatuation.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": Characters will generally be named after their species. Despite this, it never creates any confusion, even when more than one Pokémon of the same species is present, such as the three Magnemite or the two Jumpluff early into Rescue Team. The player can defy this trope by nicknaming their own Pokémon just like in the main series games.
  • Adventure Guild: Rescue teams, Explorer teams (explicitly so with Wigglytuff's Guild), adventurer teams, and the Expedition Society.
  • Ambidextrous Sprite: Averted; Pokémon with asymmetrical designs have different sprites for all eight directions.
  • And Your Reward Is Clothes: More or less the benefit of evolving at Luminous Springs in Explorers of Time and Darkness. Aside from a stat boost or two, your character and partner don't get to evolve until absolutely everything is over. You might as well not bother, unless you want to tackle the more challenging dungeons.
  • The Anime of the Game: In the form of a few one-off specials - Go-Getters out of the Gate!, Explorers of Time and Darkness, and Explorers of Sky: Beyond Time and Darkness.
    • Also, Ginji's Rescue Team and Blazing Exploration Team, two six-chapter mangas by Makoto Mizobuchi based on the first two games. The latter has not been translated.
  • Anti-Frustration Features: In missions where you have to bring a specific item to a Pokémon in a dungeon, you will always find one of that item in the same floor the Pokémon is in. This way, you can complete the mission even if you didn't have the item beforehand. Of course, this does not stop you from taking advantage of it and getting guaranteed items in every visit, as long as you don't complete the mission.
  • Arbitrary Headcount Limit: You're only allowed to bring 4 (3 in Rescue Team and Super Mystery Dungeon) Pokémon into dungeons, with some restricting you to just the player and partner due to story reasons. This is further complicated by the size category system preventing the player from taking more than one Pokémon considered "large" (such as Onix), which also reduces the maximum party size to 3 when one is in the party.
  • Artificial Stupidity:
    • If you run out of PP for a move, the game prevents you from selecting or using it; but if an AI Pokémon (partner, recruits, and opponents alike) run out of PP, they may continue attempting to use that move, wasting their turn. The "PP Checker" skill prevents this, but the Rescue Team games don't equip it by default (it must be learned). Gates to Infinity did away with IQ skills and generally greatly improved Pokémon AI, but their PP conservation is still questionable at best, as they are very eager to use ranged or room-wide moves as soon as possible.
    • Disabling the "Course Checker" IQ skill can result in death by friendly fire if you're not careful. (But unlike "PP Checker," this one is equipped by default.)
    • If for some reason a party member is separated from you, they'll happily wander off elsewhere in the dungeon, engaging other Pokémon in combat, level discrepancies or Elemental Rock–Paper–Scissors being considered irrelevant. You can tell them to "wait there" while you track them down, but you have no way of telling them "wrong way, turn around".
  • The Atoner:
    • Gengar in Red/Blue
    • Drowzee, Armaldo, and, eventually, Dusknoir in Time/Darkness/Sky
    • Nuzleaf and Beheeyem in Super Mystery Dungeon
  • Auto-Revive: Reviver Seeds will automatically revive a KO'd party member as long as you have one in the inventory.
  • Awesome, but Impractical: Zigzagged with the Trawl Orb, which draws in all items on the floor to you. However, this includes items from any potential Kecleon Shops, which will cause you to be accused of theft and have to face a horde of superpowered Kecleons trying to stop you. Most of the time, as a result, a Trawl Orb would be used right next to the stairs so the party could grab all the items and leave floor before a Kecleon can reach them. As of Gates to Infinity onward, however, shop items are no longer affected by the Trawl Orb.
  • Badass Adorable: The player and partner are only cutesy first stage Pokémon, yet as the games go on they are eventually forced to fight (and beat) professional explorers, criminals, and Legendaries.
  • Bag of Sharing: All team members have access to the same inventory regardless of their location on the floor. In Explorers the nature of the plot allows the storage system to outright ignore the law of causality, with items able to be put in storage and then taken out before they were even put there.
  • Ballistic Discount: Subverted. While you can steal from the dungeon-dwelling Kecleon merchants and use their items against them, they are so powerful that most items will barely do anything to them and they're guaranteed to KO you if you're not at or near the level cap.
  • Battle Theme Music: There is one for standard Boss Battles, a second for Climax Bosses (and other legendary Pokémon), a third for Monster Houses. Explorers adds another for encountering Outlaw Pokémon, plus themes for the main antagonists.
  • Big Damn Heroes:
    • In Explorers of Sky, when Bidoof is accosted by a villainous team during his special episode, the entirety of the Wigglytuff Guild shows up to rescue him.
    • In Gates to Infinity, when the Pawniard brothers summon two Galvantula and two Venipede to fight you, your partner, Dunsparce and Emolga, a surprise visit from Virizion, Gurdurr and the Timburr brothers initiates to gang up on them.
    • Also, at Daybreak Ridge after defeating Toxicroak, Gigalith and Chandelure, just as two Excadrill and Salamence are about to gang up on you, Hydreigon swoops in to save your character.
  • Blessed with Suck:
    • The Run Away ability will cause Pokémon to flee if they take enough damage. While this is useful for the player if it's on an enemy, it also affects party members. Once they reach that threshold, you can't stop them from ditching you in the middle of combat until they heal enough to put them back over it. This is Averted starting in Super as it simply prevents the Pokémon from being Stuck.
    • Prior to Super, Pokémon with the Illuminate ability (like Staryu, Chinchou, or Volbeat) will "blink" if they take damage during a turn, causing a hostile Pokémon to spawn somewhere on the floor. This includes damage from hostile weather and Status Effects, and also applies even if they're on your team.
    • The Stall ability prevents hitting opponents unless they're next to the ability's owner.
  • Bloodless Carnage: No blood ever comes out of the brutal attacks.
  • Boring, but Practical: Geo Pebbles and Gravelerocks deal rather low damage (and they have a chance to miss or get caught, and not deal any damage at all), but they are the only reliable way to damage enemies while confused, as they will never target allies.
  • Bounty Hunter: Downplayed. Some missions ask to defeat an "Outlaw" Pokémon, troublemakers hiding in dungeons.
  • Brutal Bonus Level: A surprisingly high number of them for the games' length. The ultimate dungeons include:
    • Purity Forest in Red and Blue Rescue Team, forcing you to Lv. 1 with 0 IQ, without any items or money, and all alone, unable to recruit anything. You need to go like this through 99 floors, with darkness limiting field of sight to 1 tile in hallways. The remake softens it a bit, as you now start at Lv. 5, the game does not remove Rare Qualities and you can recruit Pokemon along the way. Regardless, it's still a difficult trek.
    • Zero Isle South in Explorers of Time and Darkness is basically the same, except enemies on later floors now have IQ skills, as per standard for endgame dungeons in these games.
    • Explorers of Sky thought that was not enough, as Destiny Tower is basically a souped-up version of Zero Isle South: on top of the usual, you cannot be rescued at all, IQ skills are disabled (no Reviver Seeds), it has the nasty Random and Grudge Traps, and traps won't be made visible unless you directly step on them.
    • The ultimate dungeon in Gates, Path of No Return, is more in line with Purity Forest. This is also the first time the level regression put you at 5, and not 1.
    • Ironically, the ultimate dungeon in Super, Sacred Ruins, is only 39 floors long (as the only two 99 floor long dungeons don't have such harsh restrictions); it makes up for the length by starting right away with enemies that can easily wipe you.
  • But Thou Must!: In textbook fashion, most prompts for player input will result in only slightly altered dialogue leading to the same outcome, or require the player to go back and select the "correct" choice again.
    • In Red/Blue, there is are at least two points (When the player is accused of being the human from the Ninetales curse and at Mt. Freeze) where the player's only options are (literally) Visible Silence.
    • Near the end of Explorers of Sky, while trying to explain that something feels wrong about the mysterious dreams, you're given a choice between "Something seems strange..." and "Something seems weird..."
    • Taken to an extreme in Bidoof's Wish where Jirachi offers Bidoof a wish, and the player is given a slew of possible options (even World Domination), all leading to the same result — Bidoof doesn't want to wish for it any more, and wishes for something else.
    • Chimecho provides a Lampshade Hanging in Sky: "Even if you select a "No," you eventually have to select the "Yes," so it always ends up the same anyway..."
    • Late in the Explorers games, during a major plot point a selection dialog pops up … and there's ONLY ONE OPTION to pick from!
    • It's also played straight in Gates to Infinity, though there is a point where you can get a Nonstandard Game Over for picking a certain response.
  • Calling Your Attacks: The Pokémon do this in the animated specials, as well as in Rescue Team DX.
  • Can't Catch Up: In Rescue Team DX, everyone you have based in a camp (so everyone except for enemies, clients, and Pokemon you've only just recruited) gains EXP from every Pokemon you defeat. This means earlier Mystery Dungeons and the Pokemon you get from them can become pretty insignificant as you progress, especially if you keep recruiting new Pokemon from the tougher Dungeons, though there are Level-Up items for your teammates to binge on.
  • Cast from Calories: Your hunger stat drains throughout a dungeon, and drains faster when you use attacks, especially if you are using linked moves. When that goes, your Hit Points will follow unless you eat.
  • Character Portrait: In all of the games (Except for the Wii titles), with a surprising amount of different expressions. At least for the player, partner, and plot-important characters, anyway.
  • Civilised Animal: The Pokémon have shops, adventuring organisations, live in rudimentary houses, and seem to only eat fruit, but they're still just as capable at fighting as wild Pokémon.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: The Wigglytuff in Explorers and Rescue Team. They're separate Wigglytuff by the way.
  • Climbing Climax: All four handheld Mystery Dungeon games end the main story with a tower climb; the first one is the Sky Tower, the second is Temporal Tower, Gates to Infinity ends with Glacier Palace - Great Spire, and Super Mystery Dungeon ends with the Tree of Life.
  • Continuing Is Painful: Defeat means losing approximately half the items (randomly selected) in your active inventory and all of your money on hand (half in Explorers of Sky).
  • Contractual Boss Immunity:
    • Orb items explicitly cannot be used in boss battles due to "a strange power", although Seeds and Status Effects still generally work.
    • While Gates to Infinity allows you to use Orbs on boss battles, it's still played straight in that the Legendary Pokémon bosses are immune to status effects. Also, standard bosses recover from ailments far quicker then normal, and group bosses frequently possess an IQ skill that prevents more then one of them having a given status effect at the same time on top of this.
  • Contrasting Sequel Main Character: Contrasting Spin-off Main Character in this case, with mainline Pokémon Heroes and PMD Heroes contrasting with each other. Both from teams of Pokémon to progress while always having an initial partner Pokémon, but they are different in almost every other way. Mainline Heroes are Heroic Mimes, while PMD Heroes have an inner monologue and occasionally speak. Mainline Heroes rely on advanced technology such as Pokéballs and Pokédexes, while PMD Heroes are stuck with primitive tools and natural items. Mainline Heroes always get involved in the plot through accident, while PMD Heroes are central to the plot. Mainline Heroes are normal children who rely on Pokémon to win battles fairly, while PMD Heroes are Badass Adorable Pokémon willing to get their paws dirty. Finally, Mainline Heroes always beat the Champion and the villains without losing anything they care about, while PMD heroes often have their final victories come at a significant cost.
  • Convection, Schmonvection: Zig-Zagged. Standing next to lava incurs no penalties, but Pokémon that are flying/levitating over it will still get inflicted with a Burn unless they're a Fire-type.
  • Cowardly Mooks: Prior to Super, any enemy Pokémon with the "Run Away" ability will try to escape battle once their Hit Points drop below the halfway point, similar as with "Wimp Out".
  • Crapsaccharine World: Sure the world looks pretty and colorful, but what about the natural disasters/time distortions that are turning mons against each other, or what about the embodiment of nightmares who puts children into everlasting nightmares for his own amusement and is attempting to turn the world into a world of darkness?
    • Ironically, even though Darkness/Time/Sky seems fairly kiddish at face value, it is often viewed as the grittiest and darkest Pokémon game ever made.
    • Same with Gates to Infinity, except EVEN DARKER.
  • Critical Existence Failure: The end of both Red/Blue and Explorers.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Boss battles can range from very easy to very difficult depending on the player's strategy and (for some cases) the boss's own A.I. Roulette; for example, combining Status Effects with Elemental Rock–Paper–Scissors can result in defeating the boss without giving it a chance to even fight back.
  • Cursed with Awesome: Your character is a human turned into a Pokémon. Why go back to being a human when you can do things like shooting fire from your HANDS?
    • Somewhat averted in the first game though. The Laser-Guided Amnesia was the real curse, not the transformation. The player agreed to both but shows no problems with being a Pokémon. The player can choose whether or not he/she wants to become a human again. Of course, your choice is irrelevant at the end of the game. The player character wisely decides that The Power of Friendship and various other awesome powers is more valuable than life on the boring human world which he/she has no memory of anyway.
      • Played straight in the next game where Darkrai's attempt to kill Grovyle led to the PC getting turned into a Pokémon. On the other hand, the player is never particularly bothered by whether or not he/she can ever become human again.
      • In Gates to Infinity, your character ends up being able to travel between both worlds at will.
  • Darker and Edgier: In general, the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games are the darkest games in the Pokémon franchise. Blue and Red Rescue Team might be lighter but it has its moments too. Surprisingly, character deaths, a roguelike standard, isn't in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.
  • Dark Is Evil:
    • Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky Zig-Zags this trope and Dark Is Not Evil all over the place. The Man Behind the Man, Darkrai, is a very straight example of the trope, while Primal Dialga (the presented Big Bad) is more of a subversion. Then you've got downplayed versions like Team Skull and Team AWD (which mostly consist of Dark- or Poison-Types), who are kind of jerks but not really evil per se. Finally, Dusknoir of all characters ends up subverting it in one of Sky's bonus chapters, along with his Sableye minions, who were mostly acting out of fear.
    • Gates of Infinity involves a big scary Hydreigon who is shown chasing an innocent-looking Munna. Opposite to the above example, this turns into a case of Dark Is NOT Evil when we discover Hydreigon is the friendly and polite Big Good, while Munna is the Manipulative Bastard servant of the Big Bad.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: The most common way to recruit other Pokémon into your team is by beating them while dungeon crawling. The chance that they'll ask to join you is usually random.
  • Diagonal Speed Boost: One of the first Pokémon games to allow diagonal movement, which can end up saving the player steps when moving through larger dungeon rooms. It's very handy when considering dungeons have overall step limits in them.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: The player character and their partner will eventually have to fight and defeat Legendary Pokémon and maybe an Eldritch Abomination in every game.
  • Disappears into Light: The player character does this after completing the main arc in the first three games (Rescue Team, Explorers, and Gates to Infinity) games, albeit for slightly different reasons. In Super Mystery Dungeon, it's instead the partner.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Don't try to steal from Kecleon in Red/Blue Rescue Team unless you're very sure you can get away with it. Because when he knocks you out, every item in your bag is replaced with Plain seeds.


  • Early-Installment Weirdness: In Rescue Team, Explorers, and Adventure Squad, many moves worked different from the main series; for example, Future Sight caused all of the user's attacks to deal a fixed amount of damage for the next few turns, and Disable paralyses the target. Starting in Gates to Infinity, moves such as these were changed to be more in-line with the main series; Future Sight now damages the Pokémon in front of the user on the next turn, while Disable seals the last move the target used.
  • Easily Angered Shopkeeper: Kecleon running a Dungeon Shop will attack you if you all you did was fail to have enough money to pay for their wares.
  • Easter Egg: In games past Red/Blue Rescue Team, try running around your partner a lot. They get dizzy and fall over.
  • Easy Logistics: Zig-zagged in Red/Blue Rescue Team and Gates to Infinity with regard to the rest of the team, played straight in the others. See, each time the player starts recruiting a team, they wind up with dozens if not hundreds of Pokémon, all of whom are implied to spend their time doing nothing but exploring dungeons with the player or waiting to be called to help explore a dungeon. But all of these Pokémon would logically need food and shelter at the bare minimum, and only two games try to show that (in Red/Blue Rescue Team, all members of the team are housed in Friend Areas, though no food is shown; in Gates To Infinity, some idle members of the team can be found wandering around Paradise, though not all of them, and again, no food is shown). Super Mystery Dungeon and Explorers don't bother with even that much.
  • Elemental Rock–Paper–Scissors: More or less similar to the main series during gameplay. It is specifically hinted at during Sunflora's special mission in Sky, where she is warned that Spring Cave is likely to contain Fire-type Pokémon note , and her type disadvantage against the outlaw Haunter (plural).
  • Escort Mission: A frequent form other missions can take, not helped in any way by the client's lower level or the inability to give them tactical commands in case they get separated. Oh, and the mission is an automatic failure if the escort faints at any time.
  • Evil Is Deathly Cold: Kyurem in Gates to Infinity.
  • Expressive Ears: Certain Pokémon, such as Eevee, have their ears droop down in their portraits when they're sad or in pain.
  • Expressive Health Bar: When your belly is empty, your health bar will start flashing.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Dusknoir in Explorers and Munna in Gates to Infinity.
  • Fake Difficulty:
    • In the first game, after a certain point the enemies in the dungeons just won't be able to damage your characters enough (since you can raise your stats with gummies very fast), so the game fills the dungeons with traps and present enemies that instead of going for direct damage, will try to use OHKO moves or poison you so you'll have to rush to the stairs.
    • The second one just runs wild with it. In the ultimate challenges, you're reduced to Lv. 1, have all your IQ skills removed, cannot bring items, and the dungeons are 99 floors long with the highest trap density, and the latter floors are covered with enemies that can kill you indirectly with ease. Add this to the fact that there are only a handful of Pokémon that are effectively usable while at Lv. 1, and you'll realize that not only will you not be able to use your favorites in those challenges, but they are effectively Luck-Based Missions.
  • Fantasy World Map: Displayed primarily in conjunction with the dungeon-select menu.
  • Fire-Breathing Diner: Blast Seeds, if eaten. They can alternatively be thrown, causing them to explode on impact for somewhat less damage.
  • Fixed Damage Attack:
    • Quite a few attacks, even more than those of the main series (Dragon Rage, Night Shade, etc.).
    • Geo Pebbles and Gravelerocks inflict a fixed 10 or 20 points damage, while throwing or knocking enemy Pokémon around inflicts a fixed 4 points.
    • Selfdestruct and Explosion inflict a fixed 40 or 80 points on hostile Pokémon.
  • Forced Transformation:
    • The player character in most of the games is a human-turned-Pokémon.
    • The Transfer Orb transforms an enemy Pokémon into a different species found in that dungeon.
    • The Decoy Orb transforms an opponent into a Substitute Doll that other enemy Pokémon attack.
    • The Itemizer Orb turns a Pokémon into an item.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Each of the partner characters in the main entries fit together as this:
  • Friendly Fireproof: Many (but not all) moves that target an entire room will conveniently damage only opposing Pokémon. On the other hand, moves that inflict damage on a "straight line of sight" will damage the first thing they hit, friend or foe alike, and when a Pokémon is confused, all moves that are Friendly Fireproof stop being so.
  • Funny Animal: Mirroring any examples from the main Pokémon series.
  • Fun with Acronyms:
    • Team ACT of Rescue Team stands for Alakazam, Charizard, and Tyranitar. (The Japanese Version is Team FLB for Foodin, Lizardon, and Bangiras.) Likewise, Explorers has Team AWD comprised of Arbok, Weavile, and Drapion.
    • Gates to Infinity gives us the Helping Adventurous Pokémon Prosper Institute - or "HAPPI" for short.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: At one point in Gates, the above mentioned HAPPI's rules force one member of your team to stay behind while the rest journey. This is treated like it has to be one of the core team, ignoring the potentially dozens of random non-characterized Pokémon you've recruited from dungeons.
    • In Red/Blue Rescue Team, the Friend Areas are scattered all over the map, which would imply that at least some of them are quite far away. However, the player can get there, add or subtract a team member, and get back to Pokémon Square in minutes, with no explanation as to how they did so (and given that some of the Friend Areas are underwater or on islands, there's also no explanation as to how they got there.)
    • In Gates to Infinity, some dungeons (particularly the ones that initially required the Entercards) are explicitly a long way away from Post Town, taking the main characters days to get there and back. Once the main storyline is done, however, any version of the team can get from Post Town to a far-off dungeon and back in a day, with no explanation as to how.
    • In Super Mystery Dungeon, the dialogue of the player and partner's first outing to the Air Continent implies that it took Lapras quite some time to cross the relatively short difference. After that first trip, though, one can go to all the continents in one day, before actually going to a dungeon, and no mention is made of how much time it took.
  • "Get Back Here!" Boss: Certain outlaws will freak out when they see your exploration team. One notable example is Abra, whose response is to use the one move he knows, Teleport, making you have to search for him first. Thankfully, he won't Teleport again when you do find him.
  • Glass Cannon: The Com Mons tend to be like this, having attacks which can take out a decent chunk of your party's HP, but going down in only a few hits. Bosses hit equally hard, but can soak up a lot more punishment.
  • Good Morning, Crono: Every game in the series begins with the human-turned-Pokémon getting woken up from a slumber, usually by their partner Pokémon.
  • Greed: Some of the characters seem quite obsessed with treasure.
  • Grievous Harm with a Body: Hurl Orbs, Strength, and Fling pick up one hostile Pokémon and toss it towards another, inflicting damage on both.
  • Guide Dang It!: These games have their own share of these moments, listed here.
  • Hard Levels, Easy Bosses: The levels are invariably the most difficult parts of these games — many of them are very long, contain lots of dangerous Pokémon as enemies, and have few items for the taking, while those that do have bosses can usually be shut down with consumable items or chipped down from a distance. This is most prominent in the early games, with later ones both shortening the dungeons and giving the bosses more HP and Contractual Boss Immunity to cheesy strategies.
  • Hate Plague: According to the characters, it is the natural disasters/distortions in time that are turning mons hostile. Sometimes a good beatdown can make them come to their senses.
    • The Bittercold in Gates of Infinity is more of a plague caused by hate (well, despair, actually, but it doesn't seem to make much of a difference). But it also causes despair…
  • Heal Thyself: Oran Berries, available from the start of the game, heal the user by 100 HP, despite healing by only 10 HP in the main series. Oren Berries, on the other hand, cause you to lose 10 HP.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Gengar in Red/Blue, Dusknoir in Sky, Munna in Gates to Infinity, and Nuzleaf and the Beeheeyem in Super Mystery Dungeon.
    • Also, the Sableye stick with Dusknoir no matter his allegiance.
  • Hero Antagonist:
    • Team ACT in Red/Blue.
    • In Time/Darkness/Sky, Palkia just wants to stop spacial distortions from warping the world. Too bad Darkrai manipulated him into thinking you were the cause of it.
  • Hello, [Insert Name Here]: The player and partner, and to a lesser extent the "nicknames" of recruited Pokémon.
  • Head-Turning Beauty: This happens when the player sees Virizion for the first time. Yes, she's a frickin' Legendary. But the majority of males in Post Town seem to all have a crush on her, even though she's legendary. "She's out of your league" INDEED.
    • Even though every male in Post Town have a crush on Virizion, they all (including Dunsparce) have been rejected. However, Virizion joins the player and his/her partner's team after defeating the two Pawniard and their goons.
  • Heroic Mime: Played with. The player can read the protagonist's thoughts, but when they actually speaks to the other characters, most often what occurs is a Hyperactive Sprite and Parrot Exposition from the other Pokémon.
    • Explorers averts it precisely once after completing the main story arc: The player actually gets to say goodbye to their partner right before the changes in history erase them from the timestream.
    • In Red/Blue, it's averted several times, actually: the hero speaks during the dream sequences, at the end of the main story, and after a level-up. (Though the dream sequences may be a borderline example.)
    • However, in the postgame, if you are in a dungeon and playing as another character (such as your partner or a recruited Pokémon) and you speak to your player character, the only response is "...".
    • Gates to Infinity averts this several times, as the player does get a few lines of (non-soliloquy) dialogue, though it's mostly just short "what was that?" types of responses whenever an NPC introduces a new term. Even so, Hyperactive Sprite and Parrot Exposition still apply.
  • Heroic Sacrifice:
    • The Ninetales legend in the Rescue Team games, where a Gardevoir took the Ninetales's curse herself to save her human trainer.
    • Explorers of Time/Darkness has no less than three, with one of the Special Episodes in Sky adding a fourth.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Officially, the player and partner are merely friends who work together on the same team. This doesn't stop the Shipping fandom from numerous pairings of Ho Yay, Les Yay, (etc.) between them, but that aside… That or ensure that their player and partner are opposite genders.
  • Hit Points: But at least (in most conditions) they regenerate automatically.
  • Hub Level: Each game features one town in which you have several NPCs that offer various services, and they are often the only non-dungeon locations in the entire game. Super has the peculiarity of offering six different hubs.
  • Hunger Causes Lethargy: The hunger seed gives the "Hungry Pal" status, preventing them from moving. It has a different effect on the current leader, though.
  • Hyperactive Sprite: A variety of Pokémon don't have distinct Idle Animations.


  • Idle Animation: A variety of Pokémon. Poochyena's animation, for example, depicts the Pokémon barking, and Alakazam's is to levitate in place.
  • In-Game Banking Services: Persian in Rescue Team and Duskull in Explorers both run banks that the player can visit to deposit their money.
  • Injured Player Character Stage: In Explorers of Sky, during the special episode that focuses on Sunflora, she is on fire and has the Burn status during one of the boss battles.
  • Inner Monologue: All of the player's lines are either this or Parrot Exposition from other characters, save for a few scenes where they actually talk directly — which is usually reserved for dreams and other places where no other Pokémon are around.
    • Averted several times in Gates to Infinity, as the player character talks directly much more compared to previous games.
  • Insane Equals Violent: In the animated special, Team Go-Getters Out of the Gate, it's implied that some of the rescue missions are a result of Pokémon going insane and abducting other Pokémon and holding them against their will for no good reason.
    • In the Special Episode In the Future of Darkness, the world's paralysis has had a devastating effect on the psyche of almost every Pokémon that is still alive. Most have given in to despair and become feral from insanity. Others have become self-isolated and have no sense of loyalty even unto themselves. And there are those that follow Primal Dialga out of the fear of disappearing.
    • In Gates to Infinity, The Bittercold is a malevolent entity that extends a corrupting influence across the world known as the Winds of Despair to stir up violence and discord among Pokémon. It then feeds on their resulting hate and negative emotions to grow stronger.
  • It's All Upstairs From Here: Most of the outdoor dungeons and the towers.
  • Joke Item: The Plain Ribbon has no effects when held, and can't even be sold for a lot of money like a Gold Ribbon.
  • Kid Hero: Every player and partner are completely unevolved. They still somehow manage to defeat Legendaries and can curbstomp some of them, if the RNG is nice to them. Most of the entries make this a plot point, while Super Mystery Dungeon zigzags this with a Scarf of Asskicking.
  • Knockback: Blowback Orbs (and the moves Roar and Whirlwind) specifically send a foe flying across the room, causing them to take damage if they hit a wall or opposing Pokémon.
  • Lampshade Hanging: Happens with some frequency. To give one example:

    Armaldo: [The boss of a dungeon] probably won't listen to what you have to say. You'll likely be attacked often.
    Igglybuff: Dungeon bosses don't have much patience, do they?

  • Large Ham: Dugtrio, Palkia, and Spiritomb probably all count.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia:
    • The main character in both Rescue Team and Explorers wakes up knowing absolutely nothing beyond their name, and the fact that they used to be a human. In the former, this is revealed to be because the player specifically requested it, to prove to themselves whether they really were The Chosen One.
    • Also in Red/Blue, the final postgame mission involves rescuing Gardevoir, who loses all memory of her human trainer.
    • Likewise, Uxie in Time/Darkness/Sky has power over memories, so the player assumes Uxie might have something to do with their forgotten memories. Nope, but it was worth a shot asking.
    • Unknown whether this is the case in Gates to Infinity - the player doesn't seem to have amnesia about who they are, they just don't think about their human past at all.
    • In Super Mystery Dungeon, the player character enters the world with no memories. Their Pokemon partner turns out to have been an incarnation of Mew.
  • Last Chance Hit Point: As with the main series, the "Endure" technique allows the holder to retain 1 HP if an attack would otherwise KO them. (Curiously, in Rescue Team and Explorers it lasts for several turns, making the user almost invincible until it wears off). In Gates to Infinity, the "Sturdy" skill (a standard feature of some species) allows the user to retain 1 HP after attack if their Life Meter was full before taking a hit, and it's available as a "team skill". There is also the "Tough" team skill which provides a random chance of this at all times.
  • Leaning Tower of Mooks: The WiiWare versions allow you to do this with your team.
  • Level Drain: Doom Seeds cause you to lose one level.
  • Level in the Clouds:
    • The Sky Stairway in Explorers of Time 'Explorers of Darkness and Explorers of Sky''. is a major location erected over a large terrain made of clouds. Rayquaza, one of the Olympus Mons, can be challenged and recruited here.
    • The Sky Tower in Red Rescue Team, Blue Rescue Team and Rescue Team DX. Made almost entirely of clouds, it serves as the Very Definitely Final Dungeon, and has 34 floors (of which the last 9 are part of a sub-area known as the Sky Tower Summit). Defeating Rayquaza will be necessary in order to convince it to save the world.
  • The Load: Almost any Pokémon in an escort mission. They're typically underleveled (escorts in Rescue Team in particular are always Level 1 even if they want to explore a high-level dungeon), with bad stats and moves, suicidally aggressive AI, and won't hesitate to waste every single one of your Reviver Seeds (remember, they kick in automatically) if given the chance. It's probably the number one reason many players AVOID escort missions entirely. Explorers is the biggest offender, requiring you to face the Dark-type True Final Boss with an underleveled Psychic-type in tow.
  • Luck-Based Mission:
    • The personality quiz at the beginning of Rescue Team and Explorers. The selection of questions is randomly determined, and depending on what you get it may not be possible to get the starter you want. This is relieved in Gates to Infinity onward, which allow you to choose your starter directly (although the quiz is still present in Super and DX; you are simply allowed to reject the starter the game gives you).
    • The Lv.1/0 IQ/No items dungeons, especially in Time/Darkness/Sky. The game might not spawn enough HP/PP recovery items, you might start in a trap-filled room (or worse, a Monster House), some enemies in the late floors are nigh unkillable… really, skill is required, but if luck isn't also on your side, you WON'T complete those dungeons. On the flip side, not being allowed to take items into a dungeon means you have (literally) nothing to lose when attempting them.
  • Made of Iron: Aside from the Bloodless Carnage, every single character seems capable of Taking the Bullet with little more than short-term unconsciousness as a result.
  • Manual Leader, A.I. Party: The player only directly controls the lead Pokémon.
  • The Many Deaths of You: Well, the many ways to faint, to be exact. There's 33 unique lines you could see in normal gameplay plus another 10 that can't be seen normally, and are based on how your dungeon run ended. The default line is fainting to an enemy's move, but certain moves have unique messages such as Destiny Bond, knocking youself out with recoil or a missed (Hi) Jump Kick, fainting by draining from an enemy with the Liquid Ooze ability, and even fringe scenarios such as trap damage or getting turned into an item.
  • Marathon Level: The 50- and 99-floor dungeons.
  • Mixed Animal Species Team: The games are about a group of Pokémon, who live in an actual Pokémon world with no humans, living in different towns and cities and going on adventures in different dungeons.
  • Mood Whiplash: The series is good at going from cute and quirky to extremely creepy, especially in Explorers.
  • Mushroom Samba: X-Eye Seeds, which causes everything to be obsfucated with another sprite.
  • Mythology Gag: The mechanics featured in the recurring Brutal Bonus Levels (No-Gear Level, Level Drain, etc.) are basically the game's way of giving the player a taste of how dungeons work in the original Mystery Dungeon titles, such as Torneko and Shiren the Wanderer.
  • Never Say "Die":
    • Pokémon don't "kill" other Pokémon, they "get rid of" them. (Sometimes "for good"...)
    • Also in situations where one would bring up death, they avoid actually mentioning it. Usually with lots of ellipsis and question marks. For example "Is he...?"
  • No Hero Discount: Even after saving the world twice, Kecleon still doesn't give discounts.
  • Non-Standard Game Over:
  • Not Completely Useless: Most items have some use, even if not apparently useful.
    • Edibles with negative effects (which Super Mystery Dungeon made mostly redundant with Wands) can be tossed at foes, to have them suffer said effects.
    • Doom Seeds, which lower one's Level by 1, can be repeatedly dumped onto difficult bosses to make them easier; starting in Explorers, the effect on them carries over between runs, though even after you recruit them. There was also an exploit in Red/Blue Rescue Team where you could learn a move learned through level-up more than once, having a duplicate in your move list and thus having twice as much PP for the move in question. Doom Seeds were also the only way to recover level-up moves on Deoxys, at least in Red/Blue Rescue Team and Explorers.
    • Explorers of Sky has Spinda's Cafe, which offers two ways to get use out of your disliked items; the Juice Bar sometimes converts edibles into stat boosts (or stat penalties if they're Lookalike Items), always doing so for Gummis, while the Recycle Shop lets you condense piles of items into lottery tickets that give you one random item each.
    • Plain Seeds can be converted back into Reviver Seeds in Gates to Infinity with the move Recycle, or into random items in Super Mystery Dungeon onwards.
    • Rescue Team DX adds the "Small Stomach" Rare Quality, which fully refills the Belly when anything is eaten. Without it, most edibles restore only 2 Belly points (down from 5 in previous entries), so this Quality makes them up to fifty times more effective.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: If you spend too much time on one floor, an "Unseen Force" will slowly start getting closer and then blow you out of the dungeon on the very last turn. The intentions and identity of the "Unseen Force" are never explained, leaving everything about it to the player's imagination.


  • Obvious Rule Patch: Escape Orbs won't work if you've stolen from Kecleon.
  • One Curse Limit: A variation in Gates to Infinity: The "Prevention" Team Skill means that if one Pokémon on your team gets a status ailment, nobody else on the same team can get afflicted by it at the same time.
  • One Game for the Price of Two:
    • Just like the main series, there are only subtle differences in item and Pokémon appearance rates. (Additionally, the Rescue Team games are on differing systems, which means there are a few touchscreen features in Blue that aren't in Red, and Pokémon can be traded between them with just one system.)
    • Interestingly, Sky actually includes all the Pokémon from both Time/Darkness, along with all its other bonus features, averting the main series' trend of the third version strategically omitting enough Pokémon to 'force' trading with past versions.
    • Adventure Squads makes it One Game For the Price of Three, with each game having 133 Pokémon exclusive to it (or in Stormy's case, 135), and a completely different set of dungeons.
    • Starting with Gates to Infinity though, this seems to have been a process that was dropped, as both it and Super Mystery Dungeon have no counterpart game. It was also averted in the remake of the Rescue Team games, where there is only one Rescue Team DX for the Nintendo Switch, whose box art features the art from both versions of the original game.
  • One-Steve Limit: Thanks to the Species Surname, rarely does the player encounter more than one NPC of a given species. Lampshaded in Explorers after Teddiursa evolves and finds others are having trouble telling them apart from their already-evolved buddy.
    • There are two Timburr in Gates to Infinity, though… and both are addressed the same way.
  • One-Man Army: A single character is able to plow through dozens of enemies, especially if they are a lower level than him/her. By the time you reach level 80, the enemies are practically unable to so much as touch you.
  • Percent Damage Attack: The Blast and Big Blast traps damage the affected targets by half their remaining health (Fire-type Pokémon are only damaged by a quarter instead).
  • Playable Epilogue: Just like the main series, the game isn't over after the credits roll; there are still more missions and new dungeons (even some more story progression) waiting for the player to wrap up. And, of course, the quest to recruit 'em all truly begins at that point.
  • Player-Exclusive Mechanic: All Pokémon — playable and enemy — share the same set of mechanics. One advantage player characters have is the ability to collect items in their Bag.
  • Player Personality Quiz:
    • Appears in the first two games. Gender is also a factor; for instance, in the Explorers series, a Brave male becomes Pikachu while a Brave female ends up as Charmander, and certain starters are only available to one gender.
    • Adventure Squads averts this by letting the player pick their hero and partner from the starting roster for each squad, with preset genders for each character. Gates averts this, letting you outright pick your player and partner characters (and their gender in the Japanese versions.) Super plays with this; while the quiz is back, you can pick something else if you don't like the result.
  • Plot Hole: It is never explained how the Mons know what a "human" is when there aren't any humans around. (Though the Ruins friend zone in the Rescue Team games seems to hint at a case of Humanity's Wake.) In Gates and Super, some characters claim that humans show up in Fairy Tales. Still does little to clear this up.
  • Pragmatic Adaptation: Most of the game's mechanics carry over from the main video game series, but some get reworked:
    • Because gender isn't recognized outside of cutscenes, moves that require a specific gender work on all Pokémon (even Pokémon that are officially genderless). Rivalry gets reworked to trigger on typing rather than gender.
    • Stats don't get modified upon evolution, so species with Divergent Character Evolution don't actually diverge. For instance, Gallade still focuses on high special attack while being a physical attacker in the main series.
    • Happiness is not a mechanic, so Frustration and Return use other metrics to scale their power—IQ or Connections, depending on the game.
    • False Swipe is useful in the original games, where HP to One is optimal for catching Pokémon, but the Mystery Dungeon series does not allow the player to collect Pokémon that way. Gates to Infinity changes the mechanic to increase the chance of recruiting a Pokémon by knocking it out with this move… but then Super Mystery Dungeon is forced to reverse the change due to the lack of a recruiting feature. DX then brings back Gates' mechanic for this move.
    • The player's team always moves before the enemy, so moves that depend on speed such as Vital Throw, Payback, or Quash have different effects instead.
    • Moves that use the mechanic of switching in a battle have different effects. Pursuit receives a damage boost on a status condition instead. Ally Switch, Baton Pass, and After You switch Pokémon locations, and the latter two moves give the switched Pokémon a stat boost.
    • Chlorophyll, Swift Swim and Sand Rush allow a Pokémon to attack twice in a turn while using only one PP due to every Pokémon having the same speed.
    • Beat Up warps all ally Pokémon to the user's location while in Super and DX it instead warps ally Pokémon to surround an enemy in front of the user.
  • Purely Aesthetic Gender: Although you can choose gender in Rescue Team, it doesn't matter much and isn't even part of gameplay (making Attract very abuseable). Averted in Explorers, where males have a higher crit rate while females have higher evasion.
  • Quest for Identity: Every game starts with the player becoming a Pokémon and losing their memories. They story involves regaining them and finding out why they are in this situation, as well as saving the world.
  • Random Encounters: While the dungeons generally rely on wandering opponents inside dungeons, later dungeons occasionally toss in "monster houses" where a swarm of Pokémon drop in on the player for a surprise attack. If you manage to survive this and take down the swarm, you can pick up the items they drop and rack a ton of experience points.
  • Randomly Generated Levels: As one would expect from a Roguelike. Gates to Infinity takes it up a notch with "Magnagates" - focus the 3DS's outer camera on a round object and the game will generate an entire dungeon from it.
  • Rank Inflation: Missions can be ranked anywhere from E to A, followed by S and *1 through *9; although how far it goes depends on the game.
  • Rare Candy: Joy Seeds. There are also the same vitamins as the main series, and Sitrus Berries can increase a Mon's maximum HP if taken at full health. Ultra-rare Golden Seeds boost you up five levels!
  • Recurring Riff: A few tracks, the "Danger!" theme for example, are used throughout the series.
  • Redemption Demotion: Enemies in Rescue Team DX have deeper HP pools than your teammates, to account for the general lack of resources and teamwork between them compared to your team. Once the enemies are recruited, they lose that edge.
  • Regenerating Health: Team members gradually regenerate HP as you move around the dungeons. Holding A+B at the same time causes your HP to regenerate faster, if only by standing in place and fast-forwarding time. Poisoning (and certain weather conditions) inhibit this, though, and certain IQ skills and the Heal Ribbon can increase the rate.
  • Reincarnate in Another World: Most of the games start with the protagonist waking up as a Pokémon in a world with no humans with a vague memory of once having been human.
  • Reincarnated as a Non-Humanoid: It isn't clear if you actually died in the human world but at the very least you don't have a lot of memories of your past life.
  • Required Party Member: The player character and their partner are required in all dungeons until the post-game content is unlocked.
  • Retcon: Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon confirms all the previous games take place in the same world.
  • Roguelike: To cater to the younger demographic, though, it's actually a fair bit easier than most Roguelikes. At least, until the end credits roll, then the kid-gloves come off. In Super Mystery Dungeon, the spike seems to be there right from the start.


  • Save Point: "Kangaskhan Rocks" found during some of the longer expeditions. Some even allow access to the player's item storage, and they also double as a checkpoint if the player is defeated.
    • The ones found outside dungeons are usually the ones with item storage access; the ones used as mid-dungeon checkpoints only let you save.
    • In Gates To Infinity, Kangaskhan Storages and their mini-versions Kangaskhan Rocks were all replaced by "Deposit Boxes", which also allow money to be deposited.
  • Scratch Damage: Most commonly seen when revisiting low-level dungeons on optional missions.
  • Secret A.I. Moves: Bosses tend to be at a higher level (with the corresponding stats and attacks) before you recruit them. Depending on the game, they might also be able to nullify an attack or recover from status conditions more quickly, which recruited Pokémon can't do.
  • Shop Fodder: Gold Ribbons and Lost Loot exist to be sold for massive money (and if you do this in a Dungeon Shop, you can steal it back again for free, save for the Easily Angered Shopkeeper).
  • Shoplift and Die: You can occasionally find Kecleon running a Dungeon Shop. If you take an item from his shop without paying or destroy it, he (and often many of his friends) will attack you until you leave the floor.
  • Sliding Scale of Silliness vs. Seriousness: The Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series has gone up and down like a yoyo. The Rescue Team mixed both to a great effect, Explorers is more serious and dark, Adventure Squad played a big silly fun, and Gates to Infinity and Super Mystery Dungeon are a lighter shade of seriousness than Explorers.
  • Sparkling Eyes of Excitement: Occasionally, your starter or partner Pokémon's eyes will turn sparkly when they're looking at something awe-inspiring.
  • Species Surname: Most NPCs are named after their respective Pokémon species (only the player and partner, plus any recruited Mons you choose to nickname, are assigned actual names).
  • Status Effects: In addition to the ones from the main series (poison, burn, paralysis, sleep, freeze, confusion, etc.), there is also "fear" (Pokémon flees battle), "petrify" (full paralysis until struck by an enemy attack), "slow", "cringe" (lose one turn), and so on.
  • Suspend Save: Before Super, it was possible to create "quick saves" inside dungeons that were deleted once the game was resumed. Super replaces the feature with Progress Points, which serve a similar purpose but you need to step into a particular tile to use, and Rescue Team DX completely removes the feature, and instead autosaves every single turn.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial: Rumored about Kecleon, one of the merchants: "He wouldn't get free items in dungeons and sell them at a higher price..."
  • Suspicious Videogame Generosity: If you see more than one or two items in the same room from a distance, it's likely to be either a Kecleon Shop (good) or a Monster House (bad or very bad). Luckily for you, Kecleon Shops have a different floor color so you can identify them.
  • Talking Animal: Invoked by the player at the start of the game when they realize the first voice talking to them belongs to a Pokémon instead of a human.
  • Take Your Time: Indeed, although if the player is defeated in a boss battle, both the partner and boss will acknowledge that the player is back "again" for a rematch.
    • In Explorers of Darkness/Time/Sky, you must save the Temporal Tower from collapsing, causing time to freeze. But when you attempt to climb the tower, you might end up find yourself underleveled. Thankfully, you can just go back to Treasure Town and complete several jobs to level up your Party and the condition of the Tower will not have changed at all.
    • Averted in Super Mystery Dungeon - If there's a story mission available, you're forced to do it.
  • Tech Points: Eating Gummis increases the user's "IQ", allowing them to learn and equip new (mostly passive) skills, such as healing quicker from status problems or walking on water/lava.
  • Trapped in Another World: Each entry has you as a human transported into a Pokemon-exclusive world, where you become a Pokemon yourself. Averted with the WiiWare games, where you're just a random Pokémon from the village. Also subverted with Explorers; while you used to be human, you actually came from the future.
  • Treasure Room: The last room in a dungeon is usually this. There are even some hidden stairs and doors that lead to rooms full of riches.
    • Explorers of Darkness/Time/Sky introduces escort jobs where you must help the client find a room that is covered in gold but only contains two chests.
    • Gates of Infinity introduces Detours that contain very rare Deluxe Boxes but are blocked by an obstacle (a locked door, some kind of fog, etc.). If you manage to open the door/remove the fog, you will find yourself beset by Braviary or some other fully evolved Pokémon that will just wreck your party if you enter into the detour at an insufficient level.
  • Unidentified Items: Wild Pokémon in dungeons may drop Treasure Boxes when defeated; these boxes come in various colors but the only way to know (and use) what's inside them is to take them to a specialized Pokémon back in town after leaving the dungeon.note  Until then, they occupy space in your inventory, but if the dungeon includes a floor with a Save Point, you can transfer them to your item storage so you don't have to keep lugging them around.
  • Universal Poison: As in the main series, there's Poison and Strong Poison (from moves like Toxic or Poison Fang). Both block the usual HP regeneration while inflicting damage, but Strong Poison inflicts damage far more quickly. Poisons wear off when you find the stairs to the next floor, but whether your Pokémon will survive long enough to get there is another matter.
  • Unexplained Recovery: If you get turned into an item due to using the Itemizer Orb on a Pokémon with Mirror Move active, the next scene cuts to you having already turned back.
  • Useless Useful Spell: Like the main series, most Status Effects are equally effective against enemy Mons (and even bosses) as they are against you. Unlike the main series, there are numerous other skills that qualify....
    • False Swipe's ability to deal damage while never KO'ing the target was useful in the main series where Mons had to be captured alive. Not so much here, where you must KO a Pokémon to have a chance of recruiting it to your party.
      • Gates to Infinity fixed this by changing the effect to increasing recruit rate if you KO a Mon with this move.
    • Item-grabbing moves such as "Thief" or "Covet" are rarely worthwhile since enemy Pokémon can only carry one item at a time, and they just drop it when KO'ed anyway. On the other hand, you have a large inventory that enemy Mons can steal from … but at least they still drop the stolen item when defeated. Except for the moves "Pluck" and "Bug Bite", which not only steal a food item (like Oran Berries and Reviver Seeds) from your inventory, but use it up at the same time.
    • "Sleep" is a generally effective status effect early on, but becomes less so in the late game due to moves (like Uproar) or IQ skills ("Nonsleeper") that prevent it.
    • "Transform" doesn't copy the opponent's moveset, so the user (e.g. Ditto) must resort to using Struggle, which has a low attack power and generates recoil damage. Super Mystery Dungeon fixes it to be just like the main games, with the added bonus of confusing the target's teammates.
    • "Worry Seed" gives the target "Sleepless" status. In the main series, this suppresses the target's normal Ability, but here, it is just an added (not to mention positive) status effect — in other words, you should be using it on your team members, not enemy Mons. Ironically, this doesn't stop the AI from attempting to "attack" you with it.
    • Inverted with "Selfdestruct" and "Explosion", which inflict fixed damage on hostile Pokémon and 50 percent damage on the player's team, regardless of whether it is used by the player or a hostile Pokémon. Meaning that a hostile Pokémon will suffer a KO after one or two uses, while the player can use it almost indefinitely (thanks to Regenerating Health and Reviver Seeds).
  • Video Game Time: Venturing through a Dungeon is one day, and clearing one will reset the shops and job lists the following day. This includes traversing the mazes in the Makuhitanote /Marowak Dojo, so grinding in them can reset the shops and job lists as many times as you want before entering a dungeon. Sometimes, you are required to go through at least one dungeon run before the story continues. The plot itself doesn't progress until you take a mission that is relevant to the story.
  • Viewers Are Goldfish: Prepare for a lot of flashbacks whenever the player character recalls a previous event, even if the flashback was just from the previous cutscene. Explorers is particularly egregious about it.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: Averted in the first game, due to it not having a specific Big Bad, but played straight in the second onward.
  • Violence Is the Only Option: Expect to hear something like "he's not listening to reason" any time you reach the final floor of the latest dungeon.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss: Red/Blue Rescue Team has a rather massive one in Mt. Thunder, a Zapdos over twice your level. The remake diminishes this by letting you challenge it with twice as many Pokemon as before (if you're not unlucky), but still takes steps to reduce the urgency a little so you can prepare.
  • Walk on Water: All Water-type Pokémon can cross bodies of water during dungeon crawls. Other species have (or can learn) this ability as well (and a similar rule applies to Fire-type Pokémon crossing lava). Flying-type Pokémon and those with the Levitate ability can fly over water or lava instead, though non-Fire-types will still be burned if they attempt to cross lava.
    • Taken to its logical extreme with the IQ abilities Super Mobile and Absolute Mover: it not only allows any Pokémon to cross any normally-impassable terrain, but it also allows you to move through walls.
  • Wallet of Holding: Your inventory space may be limited, but your money stash (not counting the bank) sure isn't.
    • As of Gates to Infinity, your wallet is limited to 9,999 Poké, making the Deposit Box a necessity.
  • Waterfall into the Abyss: Explorers features the floating island where Fogbound Lake is located.
  • We Buy Anything: But the prices you get for resale are extremely low - like 10%(!) of its retail purchase price.
  • We Cannot Go On Without You: If either the player or their partner Mon are knocked out in a dungeon, the mission is immediately over. After the credits roll, this is reduced to whomever the player designates as the party leader. This is averted in DX, where if the leader dies, then next Mon in your main party will substitute for them, and the process repeats until everyone is wiped out.
  • Wizard Needs Food Badly: The Belly meter. This was completely removed in Gates (save for three post-game dungeons which are clearly labeled as such.) The familiar Apples saw a return there.
  • The World Is Always Doomed: The revelation in Super that all Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games take place in the same world means that said world is suffering from this trope.
  • World of Funny Animals: Unlike in other Pokémon games, this game series takes place in a world populated entirely by Pokémon and no humans, though the main character was originally a human him/herself.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Like the main series, there is no gameplay distinction between "baby" Pokémon (like Caterpie or Azurill) and adults when it comes to fighting. You're free to knock 'em all out.
  • You All Look Familiar: Somewhat lessened by a One Species Limit, but still shows up occasionally.
  • Zerg Rush: Rescue Team DX limits you to three Pokemon upon entry of any Mystery Dungeon, but it allows you to snowball your forces with recruits in the very same Dungeon, allowing you to have as many as eight Pokemon by the time you reach the boss at the top.