Putt-Putt: Pep's Birthday Surprise - TV Tropes

  • ️Mon Oct 07 2024

Putt-Putt: Pep's Birthday Surprise (Video Game)

Finally, Putt-Putt: Pep's Birthday Surprise is the last game in the Putt-Putt series - released in the same day as Pajama Sam 4: Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff (2003). In this game, Putt-Putt throws a birthday for Pep. Not only that, they reminisce how they found each other in a cave.

The game is playable on PC.

Examples used:

  • Art Shift: The game now has 21st Century 2D graphics.
    • The dashboard is shown to have been redesigned.
    • Not only that, the Humongous Logo is new; it shows Pajama Sam flipping the pages of the animated logo.
  • Birthday Episode: Putt-Putt and the rest of Cartown is throwing a birthday party for Pep.
  • The Bus Came Back: The characters from the previous Putt-Putt games are birthday guests.
    • Smokey from Joins The Parade makes a return.
    • Chuck Wagon from Saves The Zoo returns, this time as a cocoa van.
    • Rover from Goes To The Moon returns
    • Mrs Widget and Torvill Tractor from Enters The Race return.
    • Hank and Marvin The Magnificent from Joins The Circus return.
  • CallBack/Continuity Nod: Putt-Putt recalls how he met Pep.
  • Distaff Counterpart: Clarabel Carista is the female version of Chuck Wagon with a Palette Swap.
  • Stock Footage: In the dream, we see Putt-Putt finding Pep in a cave... with the 1992-1993 art style used.