Puyo Puyo Tetris - TV Tropes

  • ️Sun Oct 10 2021

Puyo Puyo Tetris (Video Game)

The two longest-running Falling Blocks franchises meet at last.

Tee: She doesn't play Tetris!?
Ringo: He doesn't play Puyo Puyo!?

Puyo Puyo Tetris is a crossover Falling Blocks puzzle game developed by Sonic Team and published by Sega. The first high-definition Puyo Puyo game, it initially released for the Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, Play Station Vita, and PlayStation 3 in Japan, followed by an Updated Re-release for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in Japan. Three years later, it became the first Puyo Puyo game in more than a decade to be localized outside of Asia, releasing worldwide for the PS4 and the Nintendo Switch, followed by a worldwide port to PC's on the Steam platform.

As the name implies, it mixes the gameplay, characters, and storytelling of the Puyo Puyo series of competitive puzzle games with the gameplay of the Tetris franchise. Coincidentally, Sega had a significant hand in the history of both: Sega developed the 1988 Japanese arcade version of Tetris that put arcade puzzle games on the map in that country, while Sega assisted Compile with the 1992 arcade version of Puyo Puyo and acquired the franchise in the wake of Compile's financial troubles.

Puyo Puyo protagonists Ringo, Arle, and Amitie find themselves engaged in more interdimensional madness surrounding the Puyos. This time, Ringo's world is flooded with Tetriminos; the trio is then warped aboard the Starship Tetra, a spacecraft from another universe where Tetris is the puzzle game of choice. The crew of the Starship Tetra, led by Tee, teams with Ringo and her friends to investigate the flooding of Puyo and Tetriminos in a journey that takes them to the end of spacetime.

The game would eventually receive a direct sequel, Puyo Puyo Tetris 2.

Tropes that appear in Puyo Puyo Tetris:

  • A Day in the Limelight: Chapter 9 and 10 focus on Schezo and Ex respectively.
  • Aborted Declaration of Love: After beating Sig in a Puyo battle, Amitie wants to tell him something, and her wording makes it sound an awful lot like it's going to be a love confession. The only thing stopping her is that Sig reminds her he's just her memory of him, and she should be saying this to the real Sig. Amitie thanks her illusion of Sig for reminding her and leaves the room. The Japanese version makes it a little more ambiguous whether she actually meant to talk about her feelings or something else since she additionally brings up her magical red Puyo hat having a reaction to Sig lately.
  • Accidental Misnaming: When trying to remember Ex’s name, Ess guesses words that are varying degrees of close.
  • Actually, I Am Him: In Chapter 3, Ringo wonders how they are going to find the Tetris King, only for Tee to reveal that’s him.
  • All Just a Dream: Chapter 10 has Ex dreaming about being on the S.S. Tetra. In actuality it is Tee’s dream about the first time the two battled.
  • The All-Seeing A.I.: The AI is completely unaffected by the Searchlight powerup that can be used on opponents in Party mode, which obscures the screen aside from a small beam of light.
  • Anti-Frustration Features:
    • Like most Sega Puyo Puyo games, almost all versions of this game have a cheat code that unlocks everything that relies on story progression.
    • The game features a linear progression Adventure mode which, inevitably, can get less-skilled players stuck on some stages. Failing a stage enough times will give the player the option to skip the stage and view the proceeding cutscene regardless, allowing them to come back later to get the stage's stars for maximum completion.
  • Arc Symbol: An X shape on a yellow background is prominent, such as on the packaging of physical copies and the loading screens. This is Ex's symbol. It's visible on his hair and is used in his strongest attack.
  • Arrange Mode: There are a few modes that fuse the two titular games:
    • Fusion Mode puts both Puyo and Tetriminos in a Tetris-sized board. Puyos are crushed by Tetriminos but drop from the top after. Both puyo chains and line clears contribute to a chain. Like Fever Mode, each character has their own unique dropsets.
    • Swap mode has you alternate between Puyo Puyo and Tetris on a timer, switching after that timer reaches 0. Chains can be continued by both line clears and Puyo chains, and pieces continue to fall in the other board once you leave that board. Managing to make chains and line clears at around the same time creates extra garbage Puyos/lines against the opponent.
  • The Artifact: Western fans might wonder why the story mode goes above 100% Completion. This is because the final three chapters were Downloadable Content in the initial versions of the game.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: Tee is the Tetris King and captain of the Starship Tetra. He is easily the strongest member aboard the ship. Tee only became Tetris King and captain by beating the previous one, Ex, in a Tetris battle.
  • Bested by the Inexperienced: After playing a match, Lemres ponders if he’d be able to beat Tee, which Tee interprets as a challenge. Since you play as Lemres, he beats Tee.
  • Birds of a Feather: Twice. Carbuncle and O are both the Team Pet of their respective groups, and Risukuma and Ai are both science-loving animals.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Dark Prince and Ecolo team up to put a powerful wormhole on the S.S. Tetra to the Edge of Reality so Ex can leave any time he likes. However, soon the universes will separate as intended, but there's In-Universe speculation that they'll converge again in the event that someone pops too many Puyos at once.
  • Blatant Lies: In Chapter 4, the gang find a clearly frightened Klug who informs them that he did not run away kicking and screaming from Feli because she scared him, but instead walked away at a brisk pace of his own accord. Not even Amitie bought it.
  • Book Ends: The game starts with the player battling Ringo as Tee. It ends with the player battling Tee as Ringo.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Raffina, Feli, and Rulue become subjected to this. Feli's case is amusingly Played With, as she acts almost exactly the same as before. Ringo lampshades this, and Lemres' presence is needed to determine if Feli is back to normal.
  • Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs: The "Puyo-Tet Mix"/"Fusion" game mode, which is a mashup where Puyo Puyo and Tetris share a single board.
  • Brick Joke: A more meta example appears in the English version. During one cutscene in Chapter 3, Amitie and Ess talk in a "lady-like" fashion in order to get materials for the Tetra's repairs. Amitie notes that the next time they talk like that, they should roll their Rs more. Amitie's alt voice in the game is the same "lady-like" voice, but now with her rolling her Rs for certain words.
  • Brother–Sister Team: Jay and Elle of the Starship Tetra crew.
  • The Cameo: Puyo Puyo Tetris has an unlockable Sonic the Hedgehog tetromino skin.
  • Cannot Tell a Joke: In Chapter 8, Tee has to do stand-up comedy with Maguro, and does...rather poorly to say the least.
  • Chased Off into the Sunset: Chapter 8 ends with Arle and Carbuncle chasing after Ringo in order to make her perform in the talent show.
  • Chicken Joke: For the comedy routine with Tee, Maguro tells a variant of this joke where it's a tetrimino walking across the road. Tee guesses it's because of a dimensional merge, but it's actually because the road was "blocked".
  • Community-Threatening Construction: The plot of "A Suzuran Dream" involves a competing mall that just opened up, threatening to steal all of the Suzuran Shopping District's customers. Ringo proposes a talent show as a campaign to try and attract customers. It all works out, but then the group realizes Ringo did nothing to contribute. Everyone involved wanted none of Ringo's complacency, with Arle stepping up to throw hands in a Fusion Puyo battle.
  • Contrived Coincidence: Pretty much the entirety of the game's Adventure mode.
    • In the prologue alone, Ringo finds the current peaceful atmosphere a little boring, so she wonders if "friends will fall from the sky." Cue Amitie and Arle doing just that, and passing it off as a Puyo match gone wrong. Ringo then wonders what else can fall from the sky and how else a Puyo match can go wrong, and jokes that they could be transported to some place like space. Cue Tetrimino falling from the sky and the three of them being accidentally transported aboard the SS Tetra.
    • When the SS Tetra crashes at the end of Act 1, the ship just happens to land on Ringo's school. Immediately lampshaded by Tee and Ringo. The methods to repair the ship, and the ship itself become useful in later chapters.
    • When Ecolo reveals the method to reach the end of space-time involves building up everyone's Puyo and Tetris power, Accord makes her first appearance in the story and comes with a neat solution: a training space that allows the users to fight against the people in their memories. Lampshaded immediately by Ringo, who finds the idea of Accord having just finished construction on a training arena at the exact moment they need it extremely convenient even by the story's standards.
    • In Chapter 10, when Ex starts to wonder why nothing goes his way even though it's his dream, Accord shows up and drops enough hints that it is actually not his dream.
  • Cosmetic Award: Reach a rating of 10000 in the Puzzle League mode and you get a badge next to your name.
  • Couch Gag: Puyo Puyo Tetris has a random character perform the SEGA Choir, as well as saying "Tetris", every time the game is started up.
  • Cower Power: Klug hides behind Amitie when a brainwashed Feli shows up in Chapter 4.

    Amitie: Klug, don’t hide behind me! …'C-'C-'C-'Cause now I need s-someone to h-hide behind!

  • Cranial Eruption: Ex and Risukuma’s lose animation feature garbage dropping on their head, causing a large bump to appear.
  • Crossover: Crossing Puyo Puyo with Tetris.
  • Dead Character Walking: In Swap mode, if a player's current board gets topped out just as the swap timer reaches zero, they won't lose right way, the boards will swap out and gameplay continues as normal. They'll immediately lose when the boards swap back, so that player's only chance of winning at that point is to knockout their opponent before that happens.
  • Demoted to Extra:
    • Lidelle, Yu/Rei, Donguri Gaeru, Onion Pixie, Ocean Prince, Accord, and Popoi lose their playable status but have minor roles in the story mode.
    • In a meta sense, Fever rule - a central gameplay mode originating in Puyo Puyo Fever - only appears as a part of Big Bang mode and in the non-competitive modes.
  • Department of Redundancy Department:
    • Arle tells the others they should clear some intrusive puyos "as ASAP as possible". The acronym ASAP means "as soon as possible", so she's really just saying "as as soon as possible as possible".
    • Another from the story mode:

    Amitie (To Ess): You want to help out...? That’s so helpful of you!

  • Difficult, but Awesome: T-spin Triples. Widely known as one of the most complex maneuvers to perform in Tetris, a T-spin Triple requires a whole lot of planning ahead to perform, but is the single most powerful line clear type in the game, worth six garbage lines. If you can manage a Back-To-Back T-spin Triple coming off another T-spin Triple, it has roughly the same effect as scoring a 7+ Puyo chain.
  • Ditching the Dub Names:
    • Starting from this game's release, the Puyo Pop name was dropped.
    • In addition, Rider and Raffine were changed to Lidelle and Raffina, and Arle's name is no longer pronounced as "Arly".
    • Draco, Schezo, Rulue, and Suketoudora also got their original names back, having been known as Dragon Woman, Devious, Lulu, and Goby Captain in the localized version of the original arcade game.
  • The Dividual: Arle and Carbuncle are counted as one character in this game.
  • Downloadable Content: The game moves a vast majority of the most common unlockables to DLC (extra alternate voices and Puyo/Tetris skins, for example). Beginning with the Playstation 4 and Xbox One ports, the former DLC is included for free.
  • Dub-Induced Plot Hole: From the English Dub:
    • Ex agrees to Tee’s challenge to become the new keeper in Chapter 7, which makes Tee’s line after where he demands that Ex face him come off as strange to say the least. Tee’s line made more sense in the Japanese version as Ex did not want to battle.
    • A minor example occurs in Chapter 9. After meeting Lidelle, Schezo has to do a Marathon Trial after some Tetriminos appear. It comes off as a bit random in the English dub since they just suddenly appear, and it never happens or is referenced again in the Chapter. In the Japanese version, Lidelle was the one who summoned them there to stop Schezo.
  • Dub Name Change:
    • The Puyo Puyo Tetris-original characters have a One-Letter Name directly referencing the various Tetromino shapes; the English version makes this less obvious by giving them longer but phonetically identical names. (For example, T becomes Tee, J becomes Jay, and L becomes Elle. O is the only exception.)
    • The English version also changes the game mode "Puyo-Tet Mix" to the simpler, yet aptly named "Fusion".
  • Dynamic Difficulty: Big Bang employs this by varying your Fever boards based on the number of boards you've cleared without getting a Miss. More clears give bigger, more complex Fevers that give bigger chains if done correctly, while getting a Miss gradually reduces the size of the Fever and makes it easier to clear, while reducing the maximum possible chain. Lucky Attack boards also start tossing out T-spin boards and even L-, J-, S-, and Z-spin boards if you clear enough within the time limit.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Everyone goes to a virtual training space where they fight people in their memories to build up Puyo and Tetris power. O happens to summon Ex, who reveals that he's the cause behind the game's events, but he doesn't appear in person until the next chapter.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Each of the members of the S.S. Tetra get one.
    • Tee is shown giving a report to O, and when he sees Ringo onboard the ship he begins to assess the situation.
    • Ess yells at Amitie demanding to know why she interrupted her nap and then yells at Tee for failing to stop Amitie, something he had no control of.
    • Jay and Elle are shown bullying Ai, who is cowering while they do it.
    • Arle reveals that Zed was trying to get her to show proper manners such as not playing with food.
  • Fake Brit: In-Universe: At one point in Chapter 3, Amitie and Ess have to engage in a "ladylike" battle in order to get a part for the S.S. Tetra. They adopt posh British accents for the cutscenes and gladly drop it soon after. You can get an alternate voice pack for Amitie which is said accent with R-rolling
  • Fake-Out Fade-Out: The first cutscene of Chapter 5 features the Tetra finally being repaired and all the characters sadly saying their goodbyes...only for Arle and Amitie to interject and bring up how their adventure is far from over.
  • Falling into the Plot: The game begins with Amitie and Arle falling onto the ground near Ringo after she makes a joke about her friends falling from the sky.
  • Far-Out Foreigner's Favorite Food: Tee ends up developing a taste for sweets after being given some by Lemres in Chapter 3, this is partially due to soft things not existing in the Tetris world.
  • Faux Horrific: Ringo freaks out when she sees some Tetriminos disappear after falling into a solid line.
  • Finishing Each Other's Sentences: In Chapter 3-9 (English dub), when Arle and Ringo are told that the Dark Prince and Ecolo may be involved in the falling Tetris blocks, we get this:
  • Foreshadowing: In Chapter 3, Tee mentions how there was a former Tetris King before him who seemed to just disappear. In Chapter 7, it is revealed that Ex, the Keeper of Dimensions and cause of the two worlds merging, was the former Tetris King.
  • Got Volunteered: Arle volunteers Schezo to stay behind and listen to Rulue’s ramblings about the Dark Prince in Chapter 4.
  • Guilt by Association Gag: Occurs in Chapter 1. When Arle finds out that Tee is a friend of Zed, she challenges him to a battle because she believes he will have the same oppressive demands, expecting Arle to have proper manners like washing her hands. This is done despite the fact that Tee apologized for Zed's actions beforehand and told Arle that he did not expect those things from her.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: A non-lethal variant. In Chapter 7, Tee attempts to take the job of being the keeper of dimensions from Ex. Even after it's pointed out that this would lead to Tee being completely alone and forgotten about, he is still willing to go through with it.
  • Hey, Let's Put on a Show: In Chapter 8, Ringo enlists her friends to help put on a talent show to help keep the Suzuran Shopping District open after a big mall opened nearby.
  • Hidden Eyes: Ex's lose animation has his eyes becoming invisible as part of his disappointed expression.
  • Hoist by Their Own Petard: Unlike Nuisance Puyo, Nuisance Tetriminos are actually able to be used, as they take the form of a line of "garbage" Tetriminos that have a one-block gap somewhere. If you're really savvy with Tetris, it's possible to fire back with a chain of your own by clearing lines of Nuisance Tetriminos as long as you can actually reach the bottom of your stack.
  • Hypocritical Humor:
    • In Chapter 2, Ess declares her hatred for arrogant, spoiled, stuck-up, self-entitled girls. Tee and O immediately call her out on this.
    • In Chapter 7, the Dark Prince tries to give Ecolo relationship advice. Unsurprisingly, Ecolo has none of it.
  • I Will Show You X!: Tee tells Amitie to calm down after her first encounter with Ess turns out frustrating. Amitie shouts "I'll show you calm!" and challenges Tee to a battle.
  • "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: Amitie to Raffina, Ringo to Feli, and Arle to Rulue. The first two are eventually cured after being defeated in a Puyo/Tetris Swap match, but Rulue has an interesting case where she comes to her senses simply from having Arle and Schezo chant Dark Prince's name. Of course, Rulue still gets mad at Arle and challenges her to a fight anyway.
  • Inconsistent Spelling: The characters who were named "Raffine" and "Rider" in Puyo Pop Fever are known as "Raffina" and "Lidelle" here, the latter translations being closer to their names' Japanese katakana rendering.
  • I Resemble That Remark!: In Chapter 3, when Tee mentions two nasty and cruel people, Jay and Elle immediately ask if he called. When he tells them that he wasn’t, they tell him to be more specific next time.
  • Innocently Insensitive:
    • In Chapter 2, Ringo questions how Zed is Ess’ father, which annoys Ess causing her to quickly choose to go along with it.
    • In Chapter 4, Tee mentions that he's a friend of Arle to the Dark Prince, who is currently upset about her telling him off earlier. Unsurprisingly, the Dark Prince challenges Tee to a battle.
  • I'll Never Tell You What I'm Telling You!: In Chapter 9, Schezo is chasing after Sig for his left hand, which is emitting a strange energy. Amitie holds off Schezo at the request of Sig; once you beat this specific stage, Amitie blurts out "I'll never allow you to know that Sig ran off to the ruins!", and Schezo thanks her before she realizes what she just said.

    Amitie (after realizing her blunder): Rrgh! Noooooo! Wait!

  • Instant Expert: Pretty much everyone quickly learns the rules of the other game they're not used to playing. Lemres learns Tetris so quickly that he claims he can probably even beat the person who just taught it to him five seconds ago... and since you play as him in the next stage, he does.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: While it does not excuse everything she says, Ess does have the right to be mad at Ex in Chapter 7 since him failing to do his job caused the events of the game to happen.
  • Kissing In A Tree: Jay and Elle think Maguro and Ess are in love with each other and make fun of them for it by singing this song, only with them spelling "P-U-Y-O-I-N-G" instead of "K-I-S-S-I-N-G". Ess tells them "That's the stupidest song I've ever heard!"
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: In Chapter 8, after Ringo finishes announcing the talent show, Tee questions his reason for being there. This could also be viewed as Tee questioning why he is back in Suzuran since he and his crew went back to their world in the previous chapter.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Playing with Tetris. Played competently and fast enough, a good Tetris player can hammer out T-spins and Tetrises faster than a Puyo player can build chains. As a result, they can constantly rain down garbage Puyo in thick layers, giving them little way for chain building, or in extreme combo rushing cases, "nearly unsalvageable" for the opponent.
  • Limited Animation: Unlike Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary, there are only three or four animations for the character's attack animations, one when taking a large amount of Puyo, and one for countering, all reduced down to cut-ins below the play field. It is likely for practical reasons considering how distracting they can be when trying to perform Tetris combos.
  • Loves Me Not: The Dark Prince gets upset over Arle and Carbuncle blaming him for the chaos happening, and he's seen at the beginning of one cutscene repeating to himself "I'll forgive them... I'll forgive them not". Ringo sees him and comments on how he's "butchering those flower petals".
  • Luck-Based Mission: Party mode, where players get random powerups that appear as blocks and can be thrown to the opponent when they are cleared (like Nuisance Puyo if playing Puyo, or by clearing the line the block is in if playing Tetris). Many of the powerups were seen in earlier games (like drastically increasing gravity, a flashlight, freezing Puyos, etc.) and the powerups that can be obtained depend on the character.
  • Main Character Final Boss: Tee is the main protagonist of the Tetris side, being introduced as a calm and stoic character who is very good at Tetris. Come the seventh chapter (which is the final chapter of the main story), and he wants to take Ex's place as Keeper of Dimensions, his reasoning in the Japanese versions being him thinking that it would be better he'd be trapped instead of Ex. The final battle has you playing as Ringo as she battles Tee to snap him out of this mindset.
  • Meta Twist: The final boss is not recurring bad guys Dark Prince or Ecolo, or mysterious newcomer Ex. It is actually Tee, one of the first characters introduced in the story and one that you frequently play as, as Ringo strives to stop him from performing a Heroic Sacrifice.
  • Mind-Control Eyes: Raffina, Rulue, and Feli lose the white dots in their eyes after getting controlled by the Puyo and Tetris worlds merging.
  • Musical Nod: The Fever/Lucky Attack theme contains a brief snippet of "Kalinka," a traditional Russian folk song that was featured in the lesser-known Tengen version of Tetris.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • One of the powerups in Party mode causes the opponent's field to be obscured just like the Searchlight mode in 15th.
    • You can unlock tetrimino skins that use the color palette from Sega's Tetris games.Differences
  • Nerf: Tetris had to be nerfed repeatedly in various patches for the game due to Tetris players being able to absolutely trounce Puyo players due to inherent mechanical differences in how the games operate.
  • Newhart Phonecall: A non-phone variant of this trope occurs in Chapter 8 when Arle performs a comedy act with Carbuncle. Due to having an One-Word Vocabulary, the audience, both in and out of universe, only have Arle’s reactions to go off of.
  • No Plot? No Problem!: Puyo Puyo Tetris averts this trope, featuring a story mode that not only includes Puyo Puyo characters, but also new characters that represent Tetris.
  • No Sympathy: Ess cares little for Ex’s plight and continues to berate him even after he explains himself.
  • Not Helping Your Case:
    • In Chapter 2, Amitie tries to deny that Raffina would be involved in tricking Jay and Elle, claiming that she is not capable of mischief...only to backtrack and say she might if there was shiny jewelry involved.

    Ringo: Y-Yeah, that’s not really helping your case, Amitie.

    • In Chapter 4, Schezo denies being a creeper, only to immediately drop an innuendo after.

    Schezo: I prefer you to scream my name when we're together.

    Arle: Um...That's...I'm not sure you're helping your case much.

  • Not Me This Time: Both Dark Prince and Ecolo are blamed for the events of the game. It's not them.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: In Chapter 7, Ringo points out how strange Tee is acting and when she tries to get an answer as to why he quickly changes the subject. It’s later shown she was right to be worried as he was formulating a plan to help Ex which involved Tee performing a non-lethal sacrifice.
  • Out-of-Character Alert: Rulue not mentioning Dark Prince at all during a conversation is enough to alert Arle that something is off.
  • Over 100% Completion: Completing the main story (Acts 1-7) gives 100% completion, while completing the extra stories (Acts 8-10) gives an extra 30%, for a total of 130%.
  • Performance Anxiety: Ringo panics in Chapter 8 when her friends try to make her perform in the talent show.


  • Pokémon Speak: Sig's alternate voice in the Japanese version makes all of his voice clips entirely this, resulting in "Shigu!"
  • The Power of Love: Arle, Schezo, and Carbuncle use Rulue’s love of the Dark Prince to free her from mind control in Chapter 4.
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: When (in the Japanese version) Arle and Ringo suspect Dark Prince and Ecolo may be involved in the falling Tetris blocks:

    Arle: You...

    Ringo: Don't...

    Arle: Think...

    Ringo: That...

    Arle: It's...

    Ringo: Them...

  • Remembered Too Late: Tee finally remembers that his messages to O are being sent to Ex, the former Tetris King and Keeper of Dimensions right after the gang has already found them. Justified as Ex explains that due to belonging to no proper world, he is unable to be remembered.

    Ringo: You didn’t think to tell us this sooner!?

    Tee: S-Sorry...!

  • Retraux: There is an unlockable block skin that resembles the blocks from 1988 Sega Tetris, even down to the piece colors. It also has a block skin called Monochrome that replicates the Game Boy design. A series of backgrounds also take from SEGA's prior Tetris games, both in the arcade and on home consoles.
  • Revealing Continuity Lapse: In Chapter 10, Ex sees Ms. Accord in his dream, someone who he never met in the game. This is what makes him realize that this is not his dream.
  • Rock–Paper–Scissors: Schezo, Rulue, and the Dark Prince (or rather memories of them) decide on which of them should fight Arle in a puyo match via rock-paper-scissors. Schezo wins, and Arle wonders how that was the way they managed it.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: In addition to being the captain of the S.S. Tetra, Tee is also the Tetris King and is often the one who takes charge of a situation.
  • Schizophrenic Difficulty: The way chapter bosses work is that they tend to be significantly more difficult than anything that comes either before or after it. Especially Ecolo.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: A minor example occurs in Chapter 4. Arle figures out how to free a mind controlled Rulue without having to battle her by chanting "Rulue loves the Dark Prince", and it winds up working...only for Rulue to challenge her to a battle because she’s pissed about Arle supposedly "trivializing" her love. Lampshaded by Arle.

    "Why me...? After all that, we have to battle her ANYHOW!"

  • Shout-Out:
  • Something Only They Would Say:
    • In Chapter 4, Ringo is unable to tell whether or not Feli has been freed from being brainwashed. Lemres, whom Feli has a crush on, begins talking to her which causes her to become flustered.
    • In the same chapter, Raffina telling Amitie to quiet down is what tells Amitie that she has been freed from mind control.
  • Space Is Noisy: Lampshaded when Ess is so scared at the sight of Suketoudara the anthropomorphic fish that she, according to the Unsound Effect, ends up "screaming loud enough to be heard in the vast vacuum of space".
  • Stock "Yuck!": One of the demands from Zed that Arle takes issue with is being told to eat her vegetables.
  • Super Title 64 Advance: The Nintendo Switch port is called Puyo Puyo Tetris S in Japanese.
  • Sure, Let's Go with That: Ringo decides to go along with the idea that Zed is Ess’ father since she doesn’t want to start a fight.
  • Theme Naming: All the members of the S.S Tetra have names based on the various Tetris blocks.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: In Chapter 8, Witch and Draco's act is titled "The Beauty and the Beast", it isn't until the end of the cutscene that Draco realizes she is the Beast and not the Beauty.
  • Trailers Always Spoil: The website for this game obscures the final character, Ex on the character page, but the wallpapers and Twitter icons both show Ex's appearance prominently, however, his name is not given anywhere on the site. The English website though borders on Late-Arrival Spoiler, in that it actually gives him a full profile(!), but keeps the shadowed appearance, while the Japanese site just used question marks.
  • Unsound Effect: The game is rife with these in its translation.


    *crowd-gone-wild cheer*

    *thinking sounds*

    *princely cry*

  • V-Sign: Arle throws up a V-Sign with her fingers during her win animation.
  • Vanity Plate: Before the title screen, a random character imitates the classic "SE-GA!" call as Sega's logo appears, then exclaims "Tetris!" as the Tetris Company's logo appears.
  • The Very Edge of Everything: Near the end of the game the group travels to the Edge of Spacetime, which is so far out that it does not belong to any dimension. When they arrive they meet Ex, the Keeper of Dimensions and the one responsible for the worlds of Puyo Puyo and Tetris colliding.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss: You can play Tetris's Adventure Mode sub-competently until 2-10. Tee will kick your ass if you have no idea how to set up Back-To-Back Tetris chains.
  • We Want Our Jerk Back!: Two instances involve characters being relieved when another one is being a jerk like usual. The first one is Tee when Ess was bawling that she was lost and alone; the second one involves Amitie when Raffina was freed from her mind-control.

    Amitie: I’m so happy! You’re back to your usual MILDLY tolerable unpleasantness!

  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • Ess calls out Tee several times, although each time the situation was out of his control.
    • Amitie calls out Ess in Chapter 7 for being rude to Ex.
    • When the gang meet Ex for the first time, they call him out for letting the dimensions merge. Once they learn why he did it, they let off, except for Ess
    • Everyone, especially Ringo, calls out Tee for pulling a Senseless Sacrifice by trying to take’s Ex place.
  • Word, Schmord!: Ess is annoyed by Amitie upon first meeting her, calling her a "weirdo" and retorting with "Magic schmagic!" after Amitie mentions she's working to be a powerful magician.