Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-Ality - TV Tropes

  • ️Mon Apr 24 2017

Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-Ality (Video Game)

Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-Ality is a virtual reality Rick and Morty Adventure Game developed by Owlchemy Labs. The player takes control of a clone Morty whose simple household task gradually unfolds into ridiculous, dimension hopping proportions.

So basically, your average Rick and Morty episode.

The game provides examples of:

  • Anti-Frustration Features: People trying to find all the items that can be won in Troy can avoid having to play through lifetime after lifetime by turning around and picking up the drain cleaner hidden behind one of the bars of your crib.
  • Ascended Glitch: The developers have released two patches filled with bug fixes (undoubtedly discovered via Let's Play videos), but the infinite object growth glitch (wherein an object can be made to grow or shrink multiple times by attaching a handle, typically a hammer handle, between size changes) isn't one of them. They even retweeted a screenshot of gigantic rainbow poops.
  • "Bang!" Flag Gun: What happens when you combine the laser gun with anything else.
  • Bookends: The first thing you do in the game is Rick's laundry. Turns out all the convoluted things you've been doing all game lead up to the last thing you do in the game being Rick's laundry.
  • Bottle Episode: The Troy game manages to contain an impressive amount of scenes and interactions by sacrificing graphical and gameplay complexity and all but one voice actor.
  • Celestial Bureaucracy: Inverted, direction-wise. Repeated trips to Purgatory reveal interns of interns of interns. It's explicitly stated that Satan has infinite layers of bureaucracy beneath him.
  • Complexity Addiction: The only way to explain the plot of the game. Rick creates a Morty clone and has him do a long list of seemingly pointless actions, has him raise an alien creature to a certain point, kills the creature, tricks at least one alternate Rick into coming into his universe with a copy of the Mega-seed that he needed to use to get the creature's egg, reveals that the Clone had a secret computer chip needed to fuse the creature slurry and the Mega-Seed to make the Omega-Seed, all to make the Omega Detergent. That's right. Everything done during the course of the whole game was for the sake of perfect laundry.
  • Cool Garage: The main player space for the game.
  • Damned by Faint Praise: The cheap ripoff of Roy: A Life Well Lived is named Troy: A Life Lived.
  • Death Is Cheap: Expect to show up in Purgatory multiple times during the game. Fortunately, Purgatory is completely uninterested in your soul and gives you a button to jump back to life. Hell, most of your trips are largely thanks to Rick.
  • Developer's Foresight: The combinator runs on this; every combination results in a combo wherein one applies a property (X made of [substance], big/small X, Youseeks with X for hands, X-textured plumbus etc.) to the other with relatively few exceptions where a placeholder appears (e.g. cardboard Morty head, X for Doofuses instead of X for Dumb Clones).
    • The Troy game, thanks to its unanimated models, simple interactions and single voice actor, contains an impressive number of scenes and responses, including the one thing every Rick and Morty fan will try: throwing away the social security card, which results in a lengthy scene that can be reached no other way.
  • Epic Fail: Go ahead, swing that mace or aim that gun randomly. OOPS! You killed yourself.
    • Sure, let Mr. Youseeks have the gun instead.
    • You can actually die as an infant during Troy by grabbing something hidden. Inverts this trope during a speedrun, natch.
  • Expendable Clone: Rick is not above simply killing you just to reset you back to the garage.
  • First-Person Ghost: Clone Morty is literally a floating head with hands, but given the world of Rick and Morty this actually works out.
  • Game Within a Game: There's a playable copy of Troy in Rick's garage, which is a Shoddy Knockoff Product version of Roy from Blips and Chitz.
    • The whole game itself is a game being played from the Smiths' living room.
  • Mad Libs Dialogue: What happens when you combine a tape with anything else. There's two templates, one on blue tapes, the other on yellow. The pad you put the tape on may influence this.
  • Morton's Fork: At one point, there are two Ricks and you must shoot one. It doesn't matter who as they're both alternate Ricks and the one you don't kill gets run over by your Rick anyway.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: The Omega Detergent, a detergent so powerful it cleans stains just by touching it. Morty is understandably outraged at the absurdity of how you got it.
  • Running Gag: See Death Is Cheap.
  • Serial Escalation: First comes a newborn alien that you have to raise. Then comes its rather large mother after Rick kills the baby. Then comes that mother's mother after you kill the mother, who's so large, Rick has to enlarge you to the size of a planet to kill it. And then Rick kills you.
  • Shooting Gallery: The planet level where Rick steals an alien egg becomes this when the Galactic Federation arrives to stop you.
  • Shrink Ray: How do you think you're able to make a Microverse battery?
  • Stylistic Suck: The best way to describe Troy is closest to what a bootleg VR game would look like with the characters and environments being poorly made cardboard cut-outs rendered in a Matrix-like grid and only one male voice actor (including the women).
  • Synthetic Voice Actor: Combining any object with a cassette tape produces a tape with a short remark about someone really liking the object, with the object's name read out by a text-to-speech voice.