Risk of Rain - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Mar 11 2013
Every bend introduces pain and horrors of the planet. You will die.
Risk of Rain is a Sci-Fi Action Roguelike for PC which was released on Steam on November 8, 2013 and originally published by Chucklefish.
The game plays as a 2D roguelike platformer in which you play as one of twelve different character classes, each with varying strengths and weaknesses. You must defeat alien creatures to level up and gain gold, whilst the difficulty steadily increases as time goes on. The main goal of the game is to find the teleporter and use it to summon the level's boss; after slaying the boss (and an accompanying horde of enemies) you may advance to the next level. Your ultimate goal is to make your way back to the UES Contact Light so you can take off and escape the planet.
One of the game's unique selling points is that the whole thing is a very loose Timed Mission via Dynamic Difficulty. Difficulty ramps up as time elapses as well as when you advance levels, and if you take too long you will be swarmed with powerful enemies and even multiple bosses per level. Since item drops scale up on a per-level basis, this means that players that are too slow will get slowly outscaled by the horde of enemies descending upon them. The focus of the game is thus to continue moving at a brisk pace throughout the levels, collecting items as you go, in order to prevent yourself from getting swarmed to death.
A sequel, Risk of Rain 2, was released on Steam Early Access on March 28th, 2019, and its full release came out on August 11th, 2020. On December 2022, Hopoo Games and Gearbox Software announced Risk of Rain Returns, a remake of the first game with new HD assets, new content, rebalanced gameplay, new music tracks, new survivors, new abilities for the original survivors, new items, new enemies, new stage variants, a new game mode and an improved online multiplayer. It released on November 8th, 2023 for PC and Nintendo Switch.
Risk of Rain contains examples of:
- All Your Powers Combined: Fitting its subtitle, the Scavenger uses a missile attack reminiscent of the Disposable Missile Launcher, and an electrical attack similar to that provided by the Ukelele. When reduced to low health, it starts to glow/pulse yellow and begins to attack faster, similar to the effect provided by Soldier's Syringe. It also has a couple of its own unique attacks, of course.
- Ambiguous Gender: The Sniper's end quote uses "they", as opposed to the other human classes which are all clearly referred to as "he", or "she" for the Huntress. This use of they is most likely plural due to counting the Sniper's Spotter Drone as part of the character (there's no qualms about calling Acrid "it"), but has resulted in fan speculation that the Sniper may actually be robotic, nonbinary, or just highly mysterious.
- Anti-Frustration Features:
- When you defeat an enemy, all their gold automatically flies to you, saving you a lot of hassle when you would be just too busy to chase after it.
- In Returns, players can choose to increase or decrease damage dealt and taken. This doesn't affect achievements, and while it can be a
Self-Imposed Challenge it can also be used to reduce the difficulty without locking you out of anything.
- Artifact of Doom:
- Played for Laughs. The item logs are often darkly comedic, as a distressingly large number of the items you can and will be collecting en masse are either outright stated or implied to be harmful or fatal to the Survivor and its body in the long run. Infection, infestation, poisoning, unstable explosives, fatal reproduction, a mysterious curse, or even medication that hasn't gone through rigorous enough testing... The list of horrid ailments the player character racks up casually can be quite long.
- There are literal Artifacts that can alter how the game works. From making you and enemies move faster as you/they take damage to locking your skills, there's a LOT of things that happen thanks to them.
- Asteroids Monster: Gups split into Geeps when killed, which split into Gips when killed, which don't split.
- Attack Drone: The player can use gold to repair robot drones that will fly around the player and shoot any enemy in range. After taking enough damage they will breakdown and have to be repaired, which costs more money each time. The Engineer can also deploy his own drones and turrets, and HAN-D's drones can be launched for both damage and repairs.
- Auto-Revive: Dio's Friend, a teddy bear of sorts, restores the holder's health after dying. Since you'll respawn right next to whatever killed you, and it's not a full heal, it's advised you use the extended invincibility frames to get far away.
- Bittersweet Ending: The survivors manage to leave the planet... but a part of the player character remains irrevocably changed. Some for the better — CHEF gains sentience, the Loader gains a new sense of purpose in life, the Miner had the time of his life, and Han-D becomes half-robotic, half-organic — and some for the far worse — the Commando loses his conscience and morality, the Enforcer mutates into a terrifying creature, the Bandit gains his treasure but goes insane in the process, the Huntress feels dead inside, the Engineer is a horrific hybrid of man and machine, the Mercenary realizes he will never be human again, Acrid has lost its aggressive nature and now seeks solitude, and the Sniper has gone deaf.
- Blob Monster: Gups.
- Boom, Headshot!: The Bandit's Lights Out ability, which, when successfully used, can be activated repeatedly.
- Boss Subtitles: All bosses have a short description under their name. Examples include:
Magma Worm — Ancient Lava Swimmer
Scavenger — Tasting your own medicine - Cast from Hit Points: The Lost Doll is a use item that takes a quarter of the user's max health to deal heavy damage to one target.
- Cast from Money: The Golden Gun gives a damage boost depending on the amount of money held. The Gold-plated Bomb uses half the current gold to make an explosion dealing damage equal to the amount of gold used. The Golden Gun doesn't actually use up gold, however.
- Collision Damage: Jellyfish cause damage on contact. Their bigger brother the Wandering Vagrant does not, probably because dodging it would be asking a lot on flatter maps.
- Colour-Coded for Your Convenience: Elite Mooks are colored based on their abilities.
- Blue: They have an electrical aura which damages the player if they get close.
- Green: Grants a healing effect to nearby enemies, and have much more health than other elites.
- Orange: Their attacks have an additional explosive effect, and they also shoot missiles occasionally.
- Red: Leaves a trail of fire where they walk.
- Yellow: Teleports to your location, similar to the imps though not as often. They also move faster than other enemies.
- Convection, Schmonvection/Lava Is Boiling Kool-Aid: The lava in the Magma Barracks doesn't affect the character until they touch it, where it starts dealing periodic damage. However, it can still be outlasted with enough health, healing, and defense; in fact, you're required to stay in it for a minute to unlock an item, and you must traverse it to find The Miner.
- Crosshair Aware: The attacks from the Wandering Vagrant and Creamator bosses are telegraphed with circles showing where they're aiming, though the shots can hit you on the way there and are fired in groups. Orange Elite Mooks also qualify.
- Damn You, Muscle Memory!: The teleporter on the fifth level either takes you to the final level, or sends you back to the first if you want to farm more items to fight the final boss with. However, the "send me back to the first level" button is the same as the "advance to the next level button" in the previous four teleporters. If you jump the gun and press the button, thinking it will take you to the next level, you have to fight through that level. Fortunately, once you start repeating levels, every teleporter leads to the final level.
- Death World: For a planet that was supposedly peaceful before you came here, every single creature on it is remarkably good at killing things dead quick. As it turns out, they are getting payback for what the last group of humans did to them.
- Degraded Boss: Inverted. Once the difficulty gets high enough, bosses will start spawning among the regular enemies... chosen from the same pool as the actual boss of the current level. Meaning you now have to kill two level-appropriate bosses before you can exit the level instead of one. Also, if you take the option to loop back to earlier levels before tackling the final one, you will encounter the bosses from the beginning of the game, but they'll be much nastier elite versions and/or come in greater numbers. Played straight, however, with smaller clones of the Wandering Vagrant boss who spawn frequently on the final level. Also, if you loop through the levels long enough eventually it'll just be throwing out the normal bosses like candy, easily resulting in over a dozen bosses on each level... but you'll be powerful enough to wipe out even the elite bosses with ease. Maybe.
- Dissonant Serenity: Several of the levels are designed to contrast strongly with the violent nature of the gameplay. The Field of Sprites and the Sunken Catacombs, in particular, have very serene music, and gorgeous settings — one is a peaceful nighttime field with a massive moon taking up most of the screen, and the other is a water level that manages to be both calm and beautiful. Both are also host to particularly nasty enemies, the Field of Sprites being full of the murderous Children and their giant Parents, and the Sunken Catacombs occasionally plays host to Acrid, a biological experiment that fights with poison and disease.
- Do Not Run with a Gun: Played straight with most survivors in the first game and downplayed in the second and the first game's remake, as survivors can fire while moving but not while sprinting. The exception in all cases is the Huntress.
- Double Jump: The Hoppo Feather grants this. It can stack endlessly as well, each time adding another jump.
- Double Unlock: Items are unlocked by completing certain tasks in the game, but there is no immediate benefit to doing so; rather, unlocked items start appearing in the game normally on all subsequent playthroughs.
- Dual Boss: While any boss could be fought alongside another, the Gilded Wurms are always fought together.
- Dynamic Difficulty: Difficulty rises over time, leading to more enemies, more elite enemies, and eventually spawning bosses as if they were regular enemies.
- Easter Egg:
- The final level has a secret room where some enemies are rocking out to a boom box.
- At the top of the final level is the head of the final boss from Iji.
- During the beta phase, a secret room in one of the permutations of Desolate Forest contained a useless item called the Cubic Artifact. This was removed, but with the Artifacts update, is now back in the game as the Artifact of Elite Mook Honor.
- Easy-Mode Mockery: While there's nothing major lost while playing on Drizzle, you can't unlock the Huntress, since monsters don't drop logs at all. The description of Drizzle level is also "Weeping and gnashing is replaced by laughter and tickles."
- While the quip is still present, this is no longer the case in Returns; the Huntress is unlocked from the start, and enemies drop monster logs regardless of difficulty.
- Electric Jellyfish: The flying jellyfish enemy will shock you if you touch them. It deals little damage by itself but can be hazardous due to their tendency to attack in swarms. Interestingly its boss cousin the "Wandering Vagrant" does not shock you even though its AI similarly tries to chase you; instead it summons explosive orbs.
- Elite Mook: Enemies can spawn with various modifiers as difficulty increases, such as flame trails or the ability to teleport. All of these modifiers include increased health and armour. Later in the game, this can happen with bosses too. One artifact causes all enemies, bosses included, to spawn as elite.
- Everything Trying to Kill You: The monster logs suggest that most of the planet's inhabitants are actually very peaceful and live in harmony, more or less. But for some reason, everything instantly becomes murderously enraged upon seeing the survivor.
- Eye Scream: One of the powerups involves tearing out your own eye and replacing it with a Magma Worm's. It's entirely possible to get it more than once, too. Twice doubles down. Any more and you might just be inverting the trope..
- Flunky Boss: The Stone Guardian and Toxic Beast summon enemies as their main attack; the former summons rock golems (or jellyfish if it's an elite version) right where he's standing which are often incapable of reaching you, but the latter summons a swarm of small pigs right next to you anywhere on the level.
- For Doom the Bell Tolls: A church bell sounds every time the difficulty increases.
- Gaia's Vengeance: It's all but stated that humans have actually been exploiting the planet in the past, and that the wildlife is only hostile because Providence has used his powers to unite them in defense of the planet. You were just in the wrong place, caught in the crossfire.
- Game Mod: Although the first game wasn't designed with mod support in mind, the Game Maker engine it runs on is quite flexible and ultimately allowed the community to create mods for it. Since the late 2010s, several mods have been developed for the game, among them ports of Risk of Rain 2 content, new characters and most importantly, the expansion-sized Starstorm mod.
- Giant Enemy Crab: Sand Crabs are about twice as big as the player, and several times as wide, capable of snapping their claws with tremendous force comparable to the golem's clap. They're also sneaky enough to dig themselves into the sand so completely they can't be seen from the surface until they decide to go hunting. Also, according to the monster logs, they're rather tasty.
- Glass Cannon: The Glass artifact gives you 500% damage but reduces you to 10% of your initial health. Until you gain some levels, this means you're a One-Hit-Point Wonder.
- Goddamned Bats: Parodied by the Archer Bugs in their monster logs. Nobody likes those buzzing, circling, smelly insects, not even the other monsters.
- Golem: Rock Golems appear as enemies. They are highly resilient to damage and their smash attack can be deadly to low leveled players; however, they are restricted by low mobility which makes them easy to avoid or out maneuver using hit and run tactics. The Stone Guardian/Colossus boss is a massive version of this enemy. Icy versions appear in the Frozen Tundra, but are otherwise identical.
- Goomba Stomp: The Headstompers item will damage any enemy that the player falls on from a certain height. Situational normally, but enough Rusty Jetpacks can make it a viable attack method.
- Guide Dang It!: In Returns, you might notice that there are 20 slots on the character select, but only 19 playable characters. Fortunately for your OCD, that slot can be filled by through an extremely convoluted method. First, start up a run in Drizzle mode and get to Stage 5. On one of the far sides of the stage you can find a pot containing an equipment called the Strange Battery. On stage 6, travel to the outside of the stage and find a cavern with dancing golems. To the right of the golems you can place the battery in the Rift Chest. On your next run, which must be on Rainstorm or Monsoon, you must find the rift chest again, which will be somewhere on Stage 2. Continue onto Stage 3, but don't leave the stage until the timer says exactly 22:00. On Stage 4, you can find a tiny robot in a room underground. Give it the battery and let it kill you and you will unlock Robomando, the secret survivor and objectively the best character in the game.
- Heroic BSoD: The monster log for the Parents suggests the survivor goes through one of these after they see the heartbroken fury they come at them with, and that they feel guilt enough that they consider letting them have their vindication.
- Herd-Hitting Attack: The Enforcer is at his best when fighting large groups of enemies, as his standard attack — a shotgun blast — hits everything in a cone in front of him, and his two other offensive abilities — a smoke grenade and a shield swipe — affect everything in their area of effect. Most of the other characters also have at least one attack that can affect many enemies, though not all of them recharge fast enough that you can whittle groups down using just it.
- Hit-and-Run Tactics: Acrid's designed around guerilla tactics, since it deals lots of damage over time but can't kill much quickly. The Miner approaches it from the opposite direction, with strong abilities that all provide great mobility but long cooldowns and a pathetic main attack. The Mercenary is also something of a hit-and-run combatant, though his abilities focus on providing invulnerability to attacks and mobility. Finally, the Huntress (unlike any other survivor) can use all of her attacks while moving.
- Hyperspace Arsenal: Since there's no limit on the number of items you can carry at the same time, you can easily find yourself carrying ridiculous amounts of gear if you make it a point to open every chest you come across: it's entirely possible to end up carrying multiple copies of every item in the game if you keep replaying the levels long enough or abuse the Easter Egg area in the third level by endlessly killing the respawning boss.
- Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels:
- The Dynamic Difficulty has three difficulty levels above "Impossible" (itself above "Insane"), titled "I SEE YOU", "I'M COMING FOR YOU", and "HAHAHAHA".
- The actual campaign difficulty levels themselves are "Drizzle", "Rainstorm", and "Monsoon", which, in addition to increasing or decreasing enemy stats, also increase or decrease the amount of time you need to survive after activating a teleporter before the enemies stop spawning as well as the amount of time that needs to pass for the Dynamic Difficulty to increase.
- Improbable Accessory Effect: While it's established that many items are magical, cursed, alien, or otherwise modified in a way, there's some that just don't make sense. A specific goat hoof that makes you move faster? Par for the course.
- Incendiary Exponent: The Magma Worm boss, naturally. Also, as the difficulty rises flaming versions of normal enemies will sometimes spawn, and leave behind trails of fire. After finding the Gasoline item, any enemies killed by the Survivor will create a pool of fire. The Fireman's Boots item (unlocked by staying in lava for a while) leaves a trail of fire wherever the player walks. Finally, a rare drop from the Magma Worm itself also causes the player to move and attack faster after killing an enemy, and leave trails of fire behind them as they move.
- Instrument of Murder: One of the items that can be found is the Ukulele — although rather than being used as a bludgeon, it causes the player character to sometimes shoot Chain Lightning when they attack.
- Interchangeable Antimatter Keys: On the final level, keycards are treated this way. There's only four such doors and one can be bypassed, nor are they necessary to finish the game. There's an unlock for having four at once.
- Jetpack: The Rusty Jetpack only increases jump height. The Photon Jetpack, on the other hand, gives limited flight.
- Jigsaw Puzzle Plot: Aside from one line at the end of the game, no exposition is provided. While it is generally accepted that the UES has been exploiting the planet in some way, and Providence was responsible for the crash, none of this is revealed through gameplay. Item descriptions and monster logs are the only source of backstory.
- Kill Enemies to Open: After charging the Teleporter, you need to kill all the remaining enemies on the stage to proceed.
- King Mook: Many of the bosses, though not all. The Imp Overlord and Colossus are two main examples.
- Last Lousy Point: Roughly 90% of the unlocks are achievements. The other 10% is Monster Logs, randomly dropped items from each type of enemy and boss. Getting them from the monsters is one thing. You can use the Kin artifact to make that a lot easier. The bosses take a lot longer, especially since two of the logs come from the final boss which requires playing through all five levels just to reach.
- Lethal Lava Land: One of the two possibilities for level four is "Magma Barracks - The Core". It often includes a boss who swims around in the lava.
- Luck Manipulation Mechanic:
- The Command artifact causes any chest, shrine, or ? pod (not to be confused with the larger random ? pods in later levels) to instead drop a color-coded container. When you open the container, you're presented with a list of items (white is normal, green is uncommon, reddish-orange is rare, and orange is use items) that you can choose from. This allows you to bypass most of the luck in item drops, though the containers still drop according to rarity. It even gives you access to items you haven't unlocked.
- Kin causes one type of enemy to spawn, overriding all others including bosses except for certain special encounters (Acrid, the Bloated Survivor, the final boss, etc).
- Macrogame: Completing various tasks like finishing stages quickly or killing a certain number of enemies unlocks new items for you to acquire during a playthrough.
- Macross Missile Massacre: Small homing missiles both allied and enemy are common sights, but the Disposable Missile Launcher item and the Scavenger boss both unleash huge swarms. If you manage to get multiple items that randomly launch missiles upon connecting with an attack and use a character with attacks that hit repeatedly coupled with items that increase your attack speed, you can essentially unleash endless streams of missiles as long as you have enemies to hit.
- Mama Bear: The Parent enemies, whose description explicitly states they've gone insane with rage and grief when finding their dead children, and who hit as hard as golems and yet run faster than almost any other enemies in the level they show up in. It's not uncommon for playthroughs to be cut short by a mob of parents coming down on the player and smashing him into the floor within seconds. Your only fortune is that they're not as durable as their large size suggests.
- Modular Difficulty:
- Hidden throughout the game are secrets you can find to unlock "Artifacts." Artifacts drastically change the way the game is played, from positive benefits like allowing you to choose your items, to negatives like lethal fall damage, and the in-between like quintupling your damage at the cost of 90% max health. These artifacts return in Risk of Rain 2.
- The remake has various changes to the gameplay of the original that can be toggled such as the new items, stage variants, and whether or not you need to kill every single enemy before going to the next stage. It allows you alter the "intensity," letting you increase and/or decrease the damage you do and/or take.
- Monster Is a Mommy: Those small little multi-colored spirits? They're innocent children, forced by some unknown power to attack you. The giants trying to kill you? Their parents driven mad with rage and grief.
- Mushroom Man: Mushrums.
- No-Damage Run: Several item unlocks require this:
- The Commando must activate the teleporter in the third area without having taken any damage beforehand in that game. The difficulty is lessened by the Commando's dodge roll and being a ranged class, but it's still one of the harder challenges.
- The Miner requires you to reach level 10 without suffering more than a single hit. Not easy for a melee class.
- The Huntress requires you to beat the Ancient Wisp without taking any damage from the Wisp. Other enemies can hurt you without invalidating it. Easier than the above two, but the Wisp's attacks can be hard to keep track of in the melee.
- Noodle Incident: The item log is absolutely chock-full of these. Every item shipped has notes on it from the sender, and quite a few only give enough info to make conjectures, or allude to completely different incidents where the item was involved. Examples include whatever's going on in the circus that had the happiest mask, whatever was done to a rotten brain that turned it into a deadly bouncing weapon, and the jar of souls, period.
- Not the Intended Use: Beating the game as Chef notes that the humble food maker has completely forgotten its purpose.
- One-Hit Polykill:
- The Commando's "Full Metal Jacket" skill pierces all enemies directly ahead of him with a quick-moving laser shot.
- The Enforcer's basic shotgun attack hits all enemies within its range, which isn't very far.
- The Heavenly Drill causes one in every four basic attacks to be replaced with a piercing attack that hits all enemies straight ahead instantly, at the cost of reduced damage. It can be stacked up to four times, completely replacing your basic attack.
- Outside-Context Problem: It's heavily implied, at various points, that the Black Imps you meet along your battles have absolutely nothing to do with the planetary wildlife, came from elsewhere, and are opposing you for different reasons to that of the wildlife's own, even if you don't know either. Furthermore, they'll even help you a little, while others still attack you, if you have an Imp Overlord's tentacle, and just holding the thing in your hand tells you they have an elaborate society where the tentacle's size determines your status, and losing it is tantamount to shameful demotion. You don't know why you know this; you simply do.
- Power Copying: Some of the rarer item drops you can get off of defeated bosses appear to be actual chunks or organs from the bosses themselves. Naturally, these give you abilities similar to the respective boss it was acquired from.
- Precision F-Strike: One of the songs in this game is named "Double Fucking Rainbow".
- Pyrrhic Victory: Almost all of the closing lines when you beat the game with each character.
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: The Lemurians are freaky Lizard Folk monsters who have quite a nasty bite. The playable lizardman Acrid isn't treated much nicer, starting the game as a prisoner of some description and having a playstyle based around poisons, disease, and biotoxins.
- Sad Battle Music: The final stage's theme, which only adds to the ambiguity.
- Sanity Slippage: Some characters have their endings strongly imply they've gone insane, monstrous, mutated, or all three.
- Shipshape Shipwreck: The Contact Light is still somehow spaceworthy after its crash.
- Shock and Awe: Blue enemies have an electrical aura which causes damage to the survivor if they're close enough. The Tesla Coil gives this power to the survivor, and the Ukulele makes their shots do the same.
- Shout-Out: Many of the item descriptions are references to other sci-fi universes:
- The crowbar's description mentions that it should last until the third edition.
- The Heaven Cracker is a drill made specifically to pierce through heavenly materials.
- The item log for the Golden Gun mentions that it's being shipped to one James B.
- If the player obtains the item that upgrades a classes' fourth ability, the Miner's fourth ability, To The Stars, will be renamed Starbound. Considering who published the game, this is almost definitely intentional.
- The "Ancient Scepter" is a reference to DotA, which has an item named "Aghanim's Scepter", which functions almost exactly the same as the Ancient Scepter in this game, which is to upgrade the fourth ("ultimate") ability of the character. The shipping log even mentions "it's much better than your Lance of Legends".
- It is also a reference to The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, which features an evil wizard named Aghanim as initial antagonist. He does not actually wield a scepter, though his true identity, Ganon, wields a scepter-like trident.
- There's a secret stage accessible in the frozen tundra: the Boar Beach, which is accessed through a broken gate, and has both normal (for the planet) boars, and boars coated in iron armor. All this, even the method of access, is a homage to MapleStory's Pig Beach. The subtitle is even "Simpler Times".
- The Miner looks very much like Isaac Clarke in his first RIG suit. This may be a reference to the fact that most people believed Isaac to be a Miner instead of an Engineer.
- There's an "AGDG" statue on the planet in the title screen. AGDG (Amateur Game Dev General) is a 4chan-based video game development thread that the developer frequented.
- The "Rusty Knife" item's description states that it's a murder weapon in a case codenamed 'ELIAS'. It also mentions that men in suits have been asking around about it.
- Shotguns Are Just Better: The Enforcer's weapon of choice is a shotgun. When using his Deployable Cover his fire rate goes up dramatically, letting him take a huge chunk out of anything standing in front of him. It can also launch stun grenades.
- Skeleton Key: One of the use items, which unlocks every chest on the screen for free. And unlocking a golden chest with it unlocks the Captain's Brooch.
- Snowlems: The Snow Golems.
- Smoke Out: The Bandit can drop a Smoke Bomb, and whilst invisible he is immune to attacks. Upon reappearing (either after three seconds, or using another ability), enemies nearby are slightly damaged and stunned.
- Soundtrack Dissonance: The theme for the final level set on the UES Contact Light, Coalescence
. It starts out fairly calm and peaceful — despite the level itself swarming with hundreds of foes. A bloody fight and dramatically rising music ensue as the survivors must make their way to the end of the level.
- Speed Run Reward: Speedrunning is actively encouraged in the early levels, because the difficulty rises dramatically over time. Less so near the end since it mostly caps out after 40 minutes.
- Super Not-Drowning Skills: The survivors cannot drown, and neither can enemies — but an achievement is unlocked for knocking 20 Whorls (nautilus-like enemies) into the bottomless pits at the bottom of the Underwater Catacombs map.
- Take That!: The "Telescopic Sight" item has a stab at 360 noscope kills, the ability to kill opponents without using the scope on a sniper rifle in video game shooters:
"...And please actually use the scope. We are all impressed that you can hit a target without it, but I'm tired of watching your videos. Spinning while firing is also a great way of losing your license."
- Theme Naming: Every song on the soundtrack has a name related to either water or heavy weather phenomena. These are often fairly obscure names, like Arctic Oscillationnote or 25.3°N 91.7°Enote .
- Too Dumb to Live: The item logs suggest that some of the items you're using were meant to be shipped to (or from) some very dumb people.
- And then there's this gem from the Photon Jetpack's log...
''I'm not quite sure what you are planning, but I don't think the jetpack lasts long enough to fly over to the other office. 77 floors is a long way to fall, sir.
- Turns Red: While the most obvious example is the Scavenger, many bosses become more aggressive when they are closer to death, attacking more frequently, though the difference can be very subtle.
- Underwater Ruins: One of the two possibilities for level 3: "Sunken Tomb — Underwater Catacombs".
- Unique Enemy:
- In Returns , a unique variant of a Golem called Cognation Golem. It is summoned by hitting two buttons in a specific spot, has more health and damage than a normal Golem and has it's own healthbar as if it was a boss. Killing it drops a Cognation Artifact.
- Acrid is treated as a boss monster should you encounter him, using attacks from playable version. Killing him unlocks him as a playable character.
- A special version of Elder Lemurian spawns in one of Magma Core variants, called Direseeker. It has a unique reddish tint, has more health and power and needs to be found to be fought, specifically by travelling through a lava corridor on bottom right. And it's not for nothing either: killing it unlocks Miner whose capsule it is guarding and drops an item every time.
- A unique Boarlit enemy is spawned in hordes as part of Toxic Beast's attacks and serves as a weak swarmer. It can also be encountered independently in Boar Beach.
- Lynx Tribe enemies from Returns are only encountered during the fight with Lynx Totem. They can be encountered independently during multiple Providence Trials.
- At the same location, a unique Armored Boarlit has a guarantee to appear. It has improved stats and drops a unique item that improves the player's armor.
- Archaic Wisp is a purple version of Greater Wisp that replaces it after stage 4. It's attack is even longer-range and deals double damage. For some reason, he does not have a log data.
- Unique variant of Temple Guard called Sanctuary Guard spawns during the third phase of Providence fight. It is tougher, has different colour scheme and shoots three shots at once instead of two.
- Useless Useful Spell: The Heaven Cracker drill turns every fourth primary attack into an unlimited range laser that pierces all enemies in its path. This is great for every character... except Chef, whose primary attack pierces enemies by default and then boomerangs, dealing more damage on the way back. On him, the item basically more than halves the power of his normal attack with the only benefit being better range.
- Wake-Up Call Boss: The Magma Worm, alone, would already have a bit of difficulty. When you have swarms of enemies on top of that, it becomes quite the introduction to the
challenges that await you.
- Warm-Up Boss: The Wandering Vagrant, who has only one attack that's easily dodged if you keep moving, and the Colossus, whose strategy amounts to "stay a bit away from the massive stone thing while it slowly strolls at you".
- We Will Spend Credits in the Future: Huntress' lore mentions her being paid thousands of credits to shoot a jewel thief.
- Wham Line: Easy to miss, and difficult to get, being in the very last boss' monster log, but it's there:
"... Why did we have a teleporter from this planet in our cargo hold?"
- Word Salad Title: The game has nothing to do with rain or the risks thereof.
Word of God says it's so it can be easily found on search engines, with the added benefit of alluding to the chance of bad stuff happening.
- You Killed My Father: If a data log in 2 is to be believed the Parent enemies aren't mad with grief because you killed their children who were playfully attacking you, but that the small ones are the parents and the Parent enemies are trying to avenge them. It's also implied the Children are smart enough to know how dangerous you are and took the risk anyway.
- You Monster!: The final boss will call the survivors monsters when he dies. It is unclear why, but it is implied to be as much an accurate statement as it is frustration on the final boss's part — in the next shot, the camera pans over the interior of the ship, revealing that it is filled to the brim with dead aliens killed by the survivors.