RoboCop (FPS) - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue Feb 18 2025

RoboCop (FPS) (Video Game)

Robocop is a First-Person Shooter developed by Titus Interacctive, based on the movie franchise of the same name, serving as a continuation of the series.

Following an original plot unconnected to the films, Robocop is on the move investigating a new drug called Brain Drain which is flooding Neo Detroit's streets, with the player in control of Robocop's actions as he takes on various criminal syndicate leaders responsible for said drug's production.

Initially released for the Windows and PlayStation 2 in 2003, the game was later made available for the Xbox and GameCube in 2004.

The franchise wouldn't attempt another FPS until some two decades later, with the release of RoboCop: Rogue City.

Your move, creep:

  • Almost Dead Guy: The penultimate stage at the lab has Robocop coming across a mortally-injured scientist, who hands over a microfilm containing evidence Robocop needs to put a halt to Brain Drain's production for good.

    This is the end for me! Robocop, you must take this microfilm. It contains all the information you'll need to beat the MIND. Promise me one thing before you leave... promise me to destroy the complex and put a stop to these horrible experiments!

  • Arm Cannon: Besides firearms, Robocop can obtain a cannon that replaces his left hand when equipped. Which functions like a FPS Grenade Launcher, firing an exploding projectile that clears an area of enemies.
  • Blasting It Out of Their Hands: A less risky alternative to making arrests, instead of attempting non-fatal shots on a criminal's body Robocop can opt to shoot their guns aside instead.
  • Checkpoint Starvation: Losing all lives requires a level to be restarted from scratch. There are nine stages in total, so have fun!
  • Construction Vehicle Rampage: In the junkyard stage, Robocop needs to battle a front loader piloted by a mook attempting to crush him.
  • Container Maze: There's one of these in the junkyard, where Robocop navigates his way around walls made of shipping containers and metal crates while searching for enemies.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • Robocop taking on mooks in a drug factory and a junkyard, replicating scenes from the first movie.
    • Robo's detachable gun-arm power-up is lifted from RoboCop 3, probably the exact same model from the movie.
  • Down in the Dumps: The second stage takes place in the dumps outside of Detroit, occupied by numerous gangsters. As a nice Continuity Nod, it looks almost exactly like the one from the first movie where Clarence Boddicker meets his fate.
  • Game-Over Man: Lose all your life and the game throws in a clip of Robocop lying face-down on the floor while a red marker notes him as DEAD IN OPERATION. And some really condescending remarks for your failure…

    Does the phrase Police Academy ring any bells?

  • Gotta Rescue Them All: There are (vulnerable) civilians held hostage in several stages, which Robocop needs to rescue by tagging them. Sometimes the civilians are held at gunpoint by enemy mooks, requiring Robo to perform a Shoot the Hostage Taker.
  • Lighter and Softer: In comparison to the rest of the franchise, the FPS game runs entirely on Bloodless Carnage, the plot is nowhere as serious compared to those from the films (which usually delves into Alex Murphy's loss of humanity - it's never touched upon in the game and most of the stages are just Robo shooting bad guys) and while malfunctioning OCP cyborgs appears as difficult enemies, they're nowhere as deformed or creepy as their movie counterparts (RoboCain, the Otomo line of droids, etc.) resembling generic video game Mecha-Mooks.
  • Mission Control: Robo's new superior commander, Commisioner Kenneth Scott, serves this role by regularly calling Robocop during missions to provide objectives or reminders. Problem though, is that he won't. shut. up.

    Robocop! There are civilians in your sector! You've got to get them out as fast as possible!
    [prepare to hear this... a lot]

  • Notice This: In a manner similar to the films, Robocop's vision has a built-in radar which helpfully highlights onscreen enemies, health and weapon pickups, exits and all that instantly.
  • Non-Lethal K.O.: Not all onscreen enemies needs to be killed; sometimes mooks will, after getting plugged a few times in the chest or shoulders and still standing, drop their weapons and surrender to Robocop. In fact several stages comes with a secondary objective requiring Robo to perform a certain amount (usually 10 or more) of arrests before clearing his mission.
  • Scratch Damage: Being Robocop, gunshots only takes away one or two points from your health (100 at default). You do see your health meter going down, but slowly, though in later levels enemies using rockets, miniguns, OCP droids and bosses will began visibly leaving significant damage to Robocop's health and starts becoming a threat.
  • Spider Tank: For some reason, besides the ED-209 enemies there's also a red spider mech serving as one of the early bosses.
  • Unique Enemy: Most of the Mecha-Mooks uses machine-guns or rockets, save for a few in one area who carries lightning guns. Robocop can collect one of their weapons of course.