Shadowgun Legends - TV Tropes
- ️Tue Jan 21 2025
Are you ready to accept your mission?
Shadowgun: Legends is a sequel/spin-off of Madfinger Games' Shadowgun, develope dusing the Unity engine and released six years after Shadowgun: Deadzone.
Unlike it's predecessors whom are played from a third-person perspective, Legends is a First-Person Shooter with role-playing elements mixed in, and available for online multiplayer modes and cooperative systems.
Decades after the events of Shadowgun, humanity was unexpectedly invaded by a hostile alien race called the Torment, who overwhelmed mankind's defenses as the war spirals into a full-scale intergalactic conflict.
As always, it's up to the Shadowguns - the galaxy's elite bounty hunters - to lend their assistance in combat against the Torment, though this time the player assumes the role of a rookie Shadowgun they can customize before the first stage. The game allows up to 11 campaign missions and over 40 side missions players can select, team up with other users to kick ass or battle each other over the internet.
The game saw a wide release for the tvOS, Android, and iOS.
Create Your Legend!
- Absurdly Spacious Sewer: A few of the worlds you explore, like the Tampa Tunnels, are set in maze-like sewer systems large enough to accomodate large numbers of alien grunts and mechs.
- Alien Invasion: A race of extraterrestrial assholes called the Torment are indiscriminately invading different worlds, so of course you're tasked with missions to every world to take them down. For a price, that is.
- Attack Drone: Besides foot-soldiers, the Torments' ranks also includes small, hovering drones with a turret attached to it's underbelly which floats around trying to take potshots at you.
- Borrowed Biometric Bypass: An example where you don't need to kill anyone for it in the vault - there's a biological ID scanner you need to activate, and you simply carry a dead guard killed by the Torments prior to the stage and plops him on top.
- Character Customization: Unlike previous entires where you play as John Slade by default, here you play an unnamed Shadowgun operative that you can customize to be any gender and any ethnicity, right before the first stage. You can even choose the tattoos and facial markings, hairstyle (or just go bald), jawline shape, forehead height and any extraneous features if you want.
- Close-Range Combatant: Among the Torments there's two enemy types who exclusively uses close-range weapons, despite most of their colleagues using firearms. The first one is called Dread who wears clawed gauntlets, running circles around Shadowguns trying to slice them up close, and another called the Blade who (predictably, given the name) swings a BFS. The latter turns out to be among the deadliest mook-grade enemy - they're insanely fast and their blades deal greater damage than bullets.
- Company Cross-References: Neon bilboards for Madfinger's previous game, Samurai Vengeance (best known as the sequel to Samurai: Way of the Warrior) can be seen in several shops.
- Demoted to Extra: John Slade and S.A.R.A went from the previous game's heroes to hanging around in the back and occasionally offering tips and advices to the player's Shadowgun if approached.
- The Door Slams You: A stage called "The Heist" where you raid a vault contains a lethal version; in one area you come across a Torment grunt, squashed underneath a dropped door.
- Excuse Plot: Even moreso than it's predecessors - at least Shadowgun had somewhat of a backstory. Here, the Alien Invasion backdrop is just an excuse for you to infiltrate a bunch of different worlds and shoot everything not on your side, and upgrade your weapons and equipment in the interim to shoot more stuff.
- Exploding Barrels:Like most action-based FPS, this one has huge, shiny red barrels (that if locked on, the game would identify as "Exploding Barrel") in several areas, that can be shot and blown up to clear an area of hostile Torments.
- Fake Ultimate Mook: The first Titan you face in the first stage is a Humongous Mecha, introduced literally dropping into the stage destroying your evac transport, where it starts spamming attacks at you. While your firearms are peashooters against this behemoth, it turns out you're not supposed to fight it head-on; you instead target the (very, very, very visible) two stack of exploding barrels on the left and right side of the arena, shoot and blow them up... and watch as a pit suddenly opens right below the Titan, sending it falling into an unceremonious Disney Villain Death.
- Humongous Mecha: The Titans - discounting the one you destroy easily in the first stage - are giant Torment mechs the size of buildings that serves as bosses.
- Kill Sat: Among the various technology developed by the Torment, there's one called the Orbital Ray, a hovering space-probe that blasts laser beams capable of wiping out cities from the stratosphere. The mission in Planet Arak requires you to disable it at all costs.
- Lighter and Softer: Despite the stakes being higher with a grimmer premise (of a full-scale intergalactic war as backdrop), Legends is somehow tonally lighter than Shadowgun or Deadzone. Stages are set in brightly-lit outdoor environments, features far more humor and bantering between characters, you fight aliens and mechs instead of deformed mutants or creepy undead, and all that.
- Player Versus Player: As an online FPS, there's quite a few optional stages you can select, that pits you with battling another player(s) elsewhere in the world - the Duel (one-vs-one), Ascendancy (form teams of 4 to duke it out), Capture The Flag and Arena Sub-stages comes to mind.
- Retired Badass: John Slade, the hero of the first Shadowgun, returns in this game, but only as your trainer and advisor. To a lesser extent, John's fembot sidekick S.A.R.A who now works as a bartender in a robot-owned nightclub.
- Sentry Gun: One that assists you, you can collect a mobile turret that when deployed, fires automatically on everything not on your side. It can be conveniently packed up and reused in another area.
- Shield-Bearing Mook: Shielder-type torments are giant mooks carrying high-tech shields as tall as themselves, who can absorb damage like no tomorrow and can Shield Bash you if you're too close. They're heavily armored on the other side too; best way to deal with them is to try shooting at an exposed spot to stun them, then circle around their shields to continue blasting away at any unshielded areas.
- Shout-Out: Nitro, the NPC hosting the WarGames tournament, seems to be cosplaying The Grandmaster 24-7. Right down to painting a silver strip as a "beard".
- Time-Passage Beard: John Slade is clean-shaven in the original game, but now sports a fine, graying beard to show how he has aged.