Smurf: Rescue In Gargamel's Castle - TV Tropes
- ️Sun May 25 2014
Smurf: Rescue In Gargamel's Castle is a 1982 2D platform game based on The Smurfs that was developed by Coleco for the Atari 2600 and the ColecoVision. In the game, you play as a Smurf, who must travel through forest and the mountains in order to reach Gargamel's castle to rescue Smurfette. As you travel from left to right through each screen, you must jump over obstacles, avoid animals, and keep your life meter from completely running out.
A Flash game sequel, Day Of The Purple Smurfs, has been released.
This game provides examples of
- Airborne Mook: Hawks and bats.
- Checkpoint: When you lose a Smurf, your next Smurf starts at the beginning of whatever territory you lost your last Smurf in.
- Crouch and Prone: There's a duck feature for the Smurf character, but otherwise the player remains immobile in this mode.
- Damn You, Muscle Memory!: If you're too used to playing platform games by using the action button to jump, this game will make you push the joystick forward to make a single small jump, and twice to make a big jump in the direction you're facing. Pressing the action button on either version of the game does nothing in-game.
- Damsel in Distress: Smurfette.
- Difficulty Levels: Four, for one or two players.
- Endless Game: Each time you reach Smurfette, you get sent right back to the Smurf Village to start over.
- Every 10,000 Points: You do get an extra Smurf/life at 10,000 points in the Atari 2600 version, but it's only rewarded once. The game even announces it by playing a victory tune.
- Everything Trying to Kill You: Even a clump of grass can be deadly to a Smurf.
- Fan Sequel: Day of The Purple Smurfs.
- Flip-Screen Scrolling: More noticeable on the the ColecoVision version.
- The Ghost: Gargamel doesn't show up even though the whole game revolves around rescuing Smurfette from his castle.
- Giant Spider: Well, spiders that are as big as a Smurf.
- Justified Extra Lives: If one Smurf fails, another will take on the job.
- Never Say "Die": The instructions never say that your Smurf dies, but rather gets tired.
- No Name Given: Your Smurf character (or characters, if you think you get five Smurfs instead of five lives) doesn't have a name.
- One-Hit-Point Wonder: All it takes is just one hit to lose a Smurf.
- Platform Game: One of the earliest examples of a platform game as they're thought of today, being an "adventure" type with a set goal of the sort codified and popularized a few years later by Super Mario Bros., rather than the single-screen arcade style platformer that was much more common at the time.
- Public Domain Soundtrack: The soundtrack of the game uses Joseph Brackett Jr.'s 1848 song Simple Gifts and Ludwig van Beethoven's 1808 Symphony Number 6, Pastorale.
- Save the Princess: In this case, save the Smurfette.
- Scoring Points: For every obstacle cleared, every notch in the life meter still remaining (in the ColecoVision version), and every time you reach Smurfette.
- Shirtless Scene: A glitch in the ColecoVision version allowed the player to see Smurfette without her dress on! (Well, sort of. It actually turned some of the white pixels on her dress and her eyes black, making it look like parts of her dress were missing
◊) A trick to make this happen on the final screen is to have two controllers hooked up through a Y-adapter and push one controller's stick down while pushing the other controller's stick up to make Smurf go lower on the screen until he disappears and Smurfette "strips".
- Smooch of Victory: Smurf gets one from Smurfette in the Atari 2600 version.
- Super Drowning Skills: In the Atari 2600 version, there's a river that causes instant death if you don't jump over it.
- Timed Mission: Your life meter acts as a timer that replenishes whenever you enter new territory. When it runs out, you lose a Smurf.
- Title Theme Drop: The Smurfs (1981) theme song appears in the Atari 2600 version.
- The Unfought: Despite his name being in the title, Gargamel doesn't actually appear anywhere in the game. He does appear in Day Of The Purple Smurfs as a final boss.
- Video-Game Lives: Five, with a bonus added at 10,000 points in the Atari 2600 version.