Spin Rhythm XD - TV Tropes
- ️Tue Nov 09 2021
Spin Rhythm XD is a Rhythm Game developed by indie studio Super Spin Digital. Its main premise is controlling a disk with different-coloured segments to match different-coloured notes. It was released on 22/10/2019 in early access, and left it on 14/03/2023. There is also a version for iOS/Android with minor differences in charting.
Tropes featured in Spin Rhythm XD include:
- Alien Sky: The scenery background for "Humanity" by Max Brhon shows three stars.
- Amazing Technicolor World: Every background scenery that you'll see during gameplay is a treat to the eye. Vibrant, pulsating colours and the ground shifting to the beat aren't really distracting though, since the track itself is just as flashy.
- Chewing the Scenery: The announcer gets very energetic when he announces the game's title, your score ranking or if you get a new high score.
- Colour-Coded for Your Convenience: Hit the red notes with the red segments, and the blue notes with the blue segments. Spin/scratch/clap notes also have their own colour.
- Crystal Landscape: Some of the background sceneries include floating crystals.
- Easy-Mode Mockery: While the game does not overtly mock the player, certain songs are shortened on lower difficulty levels, with the song's length increasing as the difficulty does. Some songs may even require you to play on XD mode if you want to hear the full track.
- Harder Than Hard: The XD charts, which use the full-length version of the songs, have more complex note patterns, and introduce held beat notes.
- If you manage to get an A or higher on an XD chart (only the main song list, DLC doesn't count), you'll unlock that song's RemiXD chart, which are even more difficult than XD.
- Hit Spark: One of the many visual effects that make the game flashy.
- Level Editor: One built directly into the game itself. Because of licensing issues, however, sharing custom levels isn't done in-game but instead via an external site/client called SpinShare
- Mascot: Jim Rhythm and LadyJ, who appear in the game's cover art and menus.
- Rainbow Lite: One of the backgrounds (Lovesick) uses continuously expanding concentric circles as a skybox, which appear as a rainbow over the pulsating landscape, but not only do they not have the same colours that a natural rainbow does, they also repeat.
- Rank Inflation: Above the A rank, you can score A+, S, or S+.
- Scoring Points: Used to measure your performance. The scoreboard is visible directly on the Song Select screen.
- Spectacular Spinning: As the title indicates, there's a lot of spinning in this game, mainly of the red and blue disc that you use to catch incoming notes. Certain notes even require you to flick the disc as hard as you can, causing it to spin so fast that the colors meld together.
- Title Scream: The announcer yells "SPIN RHYTHM XD!" on the title screen, the same way he delivers plenty of other lines in the game.