Knights of the Old Republic - TV Tropes

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Knights of the Old Republic (Video Game)

"What greater weapon is there than to turn an enemy to your cause? To use their own knowledge against them?"Bastila Shan

Four thousand years before
the rise of the Galactic Empire,
the Republic verges on collapse.
DARTH MALAK, last surviving apprentice
of the Dark Lord Revan, has unleashed
an invincible Sith armada upon
an unsuspecting galaxy.

Crushing all resistance,
Malak's war of conquest
has left the Jedi Order
scattered and vulnerable
as countless Knights fall
in battle, and many more
swear allegiance to the new
Sith Master.

In the skies above the Outer Rim
world of Taris, a Jedi battle fleet
engages the forces of Darth Malak
in a desperate effort to halt
the Sith's galactic domination....

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, is a 2003 RPG developed by BioWare, set in a familiar universe four millennia (or, to be precise, 3,956 years) prior to the events of the film that started that all, Episode IV: A New Hope. Along with The Thrawn Trilogy, Star Wars: Clone Wars, and The Force Unleashed, it is one of the most famous installments of the Star Wars Legends continuity, as well as one of the biggest (at the time) exclusives for the original Xbox, along with the Halo series, Splinter Cell games, and Ninja Gaiden.

Taking heavy influence from the Tales of the Jedi comic series, which it essentially serves as a sequel to, it follows the story of an unremarkable, customizable Republic soldier who ends up on a doomed starship in the middle of a war between the noble Galactic Republic and the villainous Sith Empire, ruled by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Malak. The events that follow, starting with a quest to rescue a Jedi with the powers of Battle Meditation, become the focus of both sides of the conflict and could tip the balance either way in the war. It eventually escalates to a confrontation between the protagonist and Darth Malak himself... and, after The Reveal, it gets personal.

Knights of the Old Republic included numerous tongue-in-cheek movie references and, like many Star Wars games, proudly averted The Problem with Licensed Games. Knights of the Old Republic would end up regarded by the gaming world as one of the best role-playing games of all time, and it's hard to find many Top Ten lists that don't give KotOR at least an honorary mention. It's certainly regarded as one of the very best Star Wars games, if not the best.

The plot was essentially Neverwinter Nights meets Baldur's Gate, but not enough to be classified as Recycled In SPACE. Bioware used the gameplay format used in KotOR for two of their following franchises, which gained equal fame: Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Mechanically the game uses a derivative of NWN's Aurora Engine, the Odyssey Engine, with NWN's Dungeons & Dragons-based gameplay adapted to the Star Wars d20 ruleset.

The game was also instrumental to solidifying the Xbox as a versatile console (though, like most "exclusives" for the original Xbox, it was also on the PC); before KotOR, the system had a distinct lack of role-playing games and was derisively called an "FPS Box" due to the inordinate number of shooters on it. Furthermore, KotOR (alongside Morrowind) heralded the new Multi-Platform era of the Western RPG genre, which had, until then, been mainly found on the PC. In 2013, it was even ported to the iPad and later to Android.

Related media include:

For those who are curious, the game's player character is canonically light-side male, although the player is free to choose the protagonist's gender and alignment for themselves in the game proper.

Also, if you see mentions of the planet Lehon on pages about this game, that's the Rakatan homeworld, only known as the Unknown World in-game. It was introduced in the game, but only named in a later novel (specifically, Darth Bane: Path of Destruction).

This one is strong in the tropes:

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Tropes A-H 

  • 10,000 Years: You encounter a droid on Dantooine that claims to be the remnant of an ancient empire. When you ask how long it's been there its answer indicates at least 20,000 years, long before the Republic came into existence. Weirdly subverted, though, because the Republic did exist back then. The game takes place about four thousand years before the movies, while the Republic was founded 25,023 years before the movies.
  • Abandon Ship: The game begins this way, with you and Carth escaping from the Endar Spire as the ship is attacked by the Sith.
  • Absurdly Exclusive Recruiting Standards: The Sith Academy on Korriban. It's already hard enough to get accepted into the entrance exam given the comparative rarity of Force sensitivity, but in keeping with the Sith Order's tendency towards social darwinism, Headmaster Uthar Wynn is accepting only one new student, with all others being forced to retake the test next year... assuming they survive the battle for prestige, which often pits them against unforgiving Sith masters, ancient Force ghosts, creatures corrupted by the Dark Side of the Force, servants gone renegade, and occasionally, fellow students. And somehow, this academy is still managing to keep Darth Malak supplied with Dark Jedi in the middle of a war. It's implied several times (and mentioned in the sequel) that the Sith force anyone and everyone they find who is Force-sensitive to enroll into such academies, mainly those from their conquered worlds; that way they can replenish their numbers quickly.
  • Absurdly Spacious Sewer: The sewer where you rescue Zaalbar is large enough to hide a rancor in, though notably it also can't escape because it's grown far too large to exit that particular room. The city the sewer services covers the majority of the planet, so the size is justifiable.
  • Abusive Precursors: The Rakata. They enslaved several species across the galaxy, terra-formed their planets to meet their own needs and created the Star Forge, a gargantuan space station powered by The Dark Side itself. Eventually, their entire species lost its connection to the Force, and they degenerated into tribal primitives found only in the ruins of their home world. Notably, Tatooine was once a lush, green world. The Rakata punished the natives for rebellion by glassing the planet, leading to the desert Death World we all know.
  • Academy of Evil: The Sith Academy on Korriban. Backstabbing, murder and trickery are not only allowed but encouraged.
  • Acid Pool: There is one in Naga Sadow's tomb that has to be bypassed with one of two special grenades. Choose wisely and you can cross it. Choose poorly and...
  • Action Prologue: The game begins with your ship under attack and Sith soldiers shooting at you from all directions.
  • Actually Pretty Funny:
    • On Korriban, you get accosted by a group of Sith, and you can avoid a fight with them if you can amuse them. You have the option of telling them a Mandalorian joke. Even though the Sith are quite hostile to you, they admit that your joke was actually pretty funny, and they let you go.
    • Also on Korriban, if you have Jolee and Canderous with you for that same confrontation, when he starts getting flippant with the Sith, Canderous will chuckle along.
  • Affably Evil:
    • Both the headmasters of the Sith Academy are terribly polite, ready to answer questions, and very pleased when you eliminate another student or help them backstab each other.
    • Galon Lor, a Sith historian who's very well-mannered when you meet him and very excited to share his findings with you. You almost forget that he's holding a red lightsaber.
  • Affectionate Parody: Old Republic Paint Adventures, with a major focus on the planet of Dantooine.
  • Agony of the Feet: While exploring the ruins on Dantooine, the PC and company come across a pair of ancient terminals. When interfacing with said terminals, one of the options is to kick the terminal, leading to this.

    Terminal Interface: You kick the computer. Your foot hurts.

  • A.I. Breaker: The player can endlessly kite melee enemies around battlefields and spam Force powers or Throw Lightsaber to whittle them down. Force enemies will sometimes try to attack the fleeing player with ranged Force powers, but no more often than they would normally.
  • Aliens Speaking English: Played with. All the aliens you run into understand Basic, which is the Republic's trade language, but most prefer to speak in their native tongue; this is not a problem because your character understands several alien languages. A couple of aliens, however, do speak Basic as well as understand it, including Mission and the characters involved in her companion quest.
  • Alignment-Based Endings: In Knights of the Old Republic, the player is free to choose the ending, although the ultimate decision takes place shortly before The Very Definitely Final Dungeon. It all hinges on whether you accept Bastila's offer on the Unknown World, regardless of where you are on the Karma Meter.
  • All for Nothing: A Light Side-aligned player can help people on Taris, bettering their lives and helping them with their problems. However, Darth Malak completely pulverizes the planet not too long after, with the Sith blockade making their chances of survival next to zero. Star Wars: The Old Republic confirms that even the Hope Spot you get saving the Outcasts just damned them to a slow death instead of a fast one. The same thing happens with Dantooine, though its destruction is later in the game. As it turns out, the latter was a far more targeted strike, having mainly targeted the Jedi Enclave, though it still causes horrible damage to Dantooine's overall standing. The second game and Star Wars: The Old Republic lets you walk through the ruins left on Dantooine.
  • Almost Dead Guy: Xor, who's part of Juhani's character sidequest. Despite being attacked by two lightsaber-wielding Jedi, he lives long enough to run through all available questions. Sure, he coughs and wheezes, but he still lives longer than he ought to. Saul Karath also qualifies as he lives until he passes a message to Carth and then laughs at him. The second he stops laughing, he dies.
  • Alpha Bitch: Lashowe comes across as one, especially if you first encounter her as a female character. Which makes it all the more satisfying when you get to kill her later.

    Lashowe: Quite literally, whether you live or die depends upon our whim. What do you think of that, hmmm?
    Lashowe: What do you say? Amuse us. Make us laugh, and we just might consider allowing you to live.

  • Amnesiac Dissonance: Darth Revan, who turns out to be the player character. No matter whether Revan turns to the Light or the Dark Side, the ex-Sith always ends up killing Darth Malak. Though the game gives both choices a motive for doing so.
  • Amnesiac Hero: Revan.
  • Amnesiac Resonance: You advance through Jedi training remarkably quickly. After The Reveal, it's clear you were relearning old skills.
  • Amoral Attorney: One of the Courtroom Episodes on Manaan (Jolee's personal quest) has you in the role of defense attorney rather than defendant. It's entirely possible to get your client acquitted even if you know full well that he is guilty, and it is not considered a Dark Side action (unless you confront him about it and agree to defend him).
  • Ancient Keeper: The Rakata Elders.
  • Ancient Tomb: There are four ancient Sith tombs on Korriban that contain various hazards, like deadly puzzles and Hsiss and other students.
  • And I Must Scream:
    • One of the Precursors has been trapped inside a mind prison (which is nothing more than a giant empty white space that goes on forever) with nothing to do for more than 10,000 years.
    • One of the side-quests involves taking the prison to the Hutt on Tatooine. The person who gives it to you tells you not to open it. If you do, your mind is pulled into it. In order to escape, you have to beat the prisoner at a game of riddles. If you win, the prisoner lets you leave. If you lose, he steals your body and leaves you stuck in the mind prison, possibly forever. The sight of you screaming at the sky in terror is horrifying, to say the least.
    • Malak's arena has eight captive fallen Jedi. He has not allowed them to become one with the Force, and has kept them there to be used as Force batteries and reserve health packs. After demonstrating its use, he declares his intent to do the same to Revan should they be defeated.
  • And Your Reward Is Clothes: Ranging from robes to armor. Though to be fair, some of the clothes are quite useful.
  • Appeal to Worse Problems: Deconstructed. The "reason" Sunry offers for why you shouldn't let him be convicted is that the Selkath may impose kolto sanctions on the Republic as a result. This never pans out regardless of what you do in the trial, and you are even given the option to point out that he's just making excuses.
  • Armor and Magic Don't Mix: Wearing any armor other than Jedi robes disables several defensive Force powers.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: While infiltrating the Sith Academy, you meet a woman with a tragic past that made her receptive to the Sith philosophy. She was enslaved and abused. She finally escaped and originally trained as a Jedi. However, she wanted revenge for all that was done to her and other slaves. Here is part of the dialogue tree that leads to her beginning to question the ways of the Sith...

    Yuthura: I wanted to use the Force to free the other slaves I knew, to fight for what I knew was right. The Jedi restrained me until I couldn't stand it anymore. They claim the Dark Side is evil, but that isn't so. Sometimes anger and hatred are deserved and right. Sometimes things change because of it.
    Revan: But not always. Mostly it makes things worse.
    Yuthura: Any failure to get the results I want is due to a lack of power on my part. That can change, in time. As a Sith, my mettle is tested far more than when I was a Padawan. I know this may sound strange, but only my compassion stands in my way, now. Once that is gone, let the slavers beware.
    Revan: But... if you lose your compassion, will you still care about those slaves?
    Yuthura: [sounding unsure] I... yes, of course. I—I mean... losing my compassion as in... holding back...

  • Arrested for Heroism: After breaking into the Sith embassy on Manaan, you will be taken into custody by the Selkath for starting a fight and killing people in their city. (Yes, they were Sith, but no exceptions!) The penalty is death, so unless you want to be executed you better have a good explanation for it.
  • Artifact of Doom:
    • The Star Forge. Only the very strong such as Darth Revan and Darth Malak can control it. Weaker beings receive an unhappy fate.
    • On a less galactic scale, Ajunta Pall's sword, which his ghost warns you against using.
  • Artificial Atmospheric Actions: NPCs will walk around randomly, back and forth and back and forth, in both games.
  • Artificial Stupidity: It is not uncommon for party members to lag behind or get lost, requiring you to take control of them directly.
  • Asleep for Days: Revan is injured when the escape pod crashes, and slips "in and out of consciousness for days" with Carth watching over them and tending to their wounds.
  • Asshole Victim:
    • The murder victim of a case which forms a sidequest on Dantooine; he was cheating his business partner of money and had an affair with another associate's wife, giving both men understandable motives to kill him.
    • Zig-zagged by Elassa, the victim of the murder which Jolee's friend Sunry is accused of committing on Manaan. While she was a Dark Jedi, and as such not exactly a good person, her murderer is no saint himself, and despite his attempts to use this and the fact you have killed plenty of Sith yourself as justifications, Jolee points out that you only kill Sith in self-defence, not in their sleep when they're vulnerable and can't fight back, and providing definitive proof that Sunry is in fact guilty is not considered a Dark Side option any more than getting him off the hook is a Light Side one.
  • Ass Shove: The prisoner aboard the Leviathan and the hacker's tool he smuggled in.
  • Athletically Challenged: The first opponent faced in the Taris Dueling Ring is Deadeye Duncan. The cutscene seen as Revan shows up to the duel section of the bar is Duncan dropping his blaster and getting knocked out without so much as a scratch on his opponent. He's viewed as a joke so much that beating him hardly gives Revan any respect from fans. In fact, unless you make an intentionally awful character and do nothing, it's impossible to lose to him.
  • Attack Reflector: As per the franchise norm, Jedi of both sides are next to immune to blaster fire and can, if specced accordingly, reflect most of it to its source. However, it's far less devastating to the shooter than it is in later games because the reflected shots still need to roll to actually hit, and even if they do, the damage inflicted is negligible.
  • Atypical Attack Scaling: The "Finesse" feat changes melee attack rolls to be modified by the character's Dexterity modifier instead of their Strength modifier if higher.
  • Awesome Moment of Crowning:
    • In the Light Side ending, Revan and the Ebon Hawk crew are awarded the Cross of Glory — the highest award given by the Old Republic — by Admiral Dodonna.
    • In the Dark Side ending, Revan reclaims the title of the Dark Lord of the Sith, to the cheers of Bastila and the Sith army.
  • Awesome, but Impractical: Stealth requires fiddly tactics to use effectively. For example, Mission can use stealth, go invisible, and deliver powerful sneak attacks, but using stealth forces her to go into solo mode and walk very slowly. Once she scores her attack, she becomes visible again, and if there are still enemies nearby, and you've messed up your tactics leaving her unsupported, Mission will be facing them alone. The other major limitation on stealth in the game is that many unavoidable cut-scenes, and even using terminals, will force you out of stealth mode, negating any advantage from it. Get stealth right, especially if Revan is a scoundrel build also using stealth, and the results can be very satisfying.
  • Awful Truth: The revelation that you are Darth Revan the entire time.
  • Bald of Evil: Uthar Wynn, Darth Malak and Darth Bandon. Potentially Revan as well, if you choose one of the head options.
  • Barrier Maiden: Bastila Shan, whose Battle Meditation is the sole thing keeping the Republic in the fight.
  • Batman Gambit:
    • The premise of the first game is a Gambit enacted by the Jedi Council: The Jedi Knights rewrite the memories of a brain-damaged Darth Revan and hope that, through their visions, Bastila will be able to track down the Star Forge. They even train Revan as a Jedi to help facilitate this.
    • Revan can perform a Batman Gambit on Korriban by triple-crossing people and backstabbing everyone.
    • The Dark Side ending has the evil-again Revan and a now-evil Bastila perform a Batman Gambit by pretending to still be good, tricking the Republic into a hopeless battle against the Sith armada and distracting both fleets while they board the Star Forge. This lets them take revenge on Malak, steal control of the Sith and cripple the Republic's leadership all in one move.
  • Battle Couple: Revan and Bastila, Carth, or Juhani if you romance any of them.
  • Bavarian Fire Drill: You have the opportunity several times to try this. Notably on the receptionists in the Sith Bases on Taris and Manaan. As well as the Sith Guard outside the Academy on Korriban. In the Taris and Korriban case, you can claim to be there for a meeting. In the Manaan case, you claim to have higher authority. Utterly subverted however as all three people reject your claims.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Sunry from Jolee Bindo's is introduced to the player seemingly as a Cool Old Guy and Old Friend of Jolee's, but as the investigation into the alleged crime he's being charged with goes on, it becomes increasingly clear that he's lying to you through his teeth about his involvement despite constant denials of any wrongdoing. First it comes out that he was having an affair with the Sith victim, then it turns out he is actually guilty of murder and got Republic spies involved in his folly by having them clean up the evidence to clear him of suspicion, only for the Sith to pull a Framing the Guilty Party on him by planting evidence that re-incriminated him. Jolee is not pleased to learn what his friend has become.
  • Black-and-White Morality: Embraced by this game. However, flaws in the Jedi teachings are still brought up on a number of occasions and Manaan shows off some of the Republic's shadier workings.
  • Black Knight: Revan fits this trope in the events preceding the game. He can fit it during the game as well, should you choose to reclaim your legacy as a Sith Lord.
  • Black Mage: Characters with their experience put into Force abilities fit this role.
  • Blood Knight: Bendak Starkiller will only fight duels to the death. The Iridorian Mercenary on Manaan is an extreme example: while he works for credits, he considers making his enemies die painfully a far better reward. HK-47, the Assassin Droid built by Revan, is also an example. Revan seems to have been one before their brainwashing, and can be after too.
  • Bloodless Carnage: The game shows no blood during battles. Even if you discount lightsabersnote , physical swords should have left gushing wounds during combat.
    • Especially since the swords in-game are vibro-weapons, meaning they vibrate violently when active, causing what would on a mundane sword be normal stab wounds to be gaping blood-and-gore-soaked messes as seen in several comics and similar EU material. They're so violently destructive that they're able to slice through metal and battle-droids, effectively working as a messier poor-man's lightsaber. This is so severe that in the video game Star Wars: Republic Commando, Clone Commandos have what is effectively a windshield-wiper built into their visors so they can see through the effects of their mere inches-long wrist-mounted vibro-blades (so you can imagine what the big ones look like).
  • Boring, but Practical: Adhesive grenades deal zero damage, but will always glue the opponent in place. It works on everyone, even the Final Boss.
  • Boss-Altering Consequence: During the Korriban mission you can poison Uthar Wynn or Yuthura Ban (or both of them), making the two much weaker during the later confrontation with them.
  • Brainwashing for the Greater Good: The Jedi council does this to Revan.
  • Bringing Back Proof: Czerka offers the player a bounty for wiping out the local Tusken Raiders, requiring you to bring back their gaffi sticks as proof of your victory, including the chieftain's stick. When asked why she doesn't want their heads, she rhetorically asks the player character what he thinks would be better to have dumped on his office floor.
  • Broken Pedestal:
    • Carth was scarred when his mentor and idol, Saul Karath, turned out to be working for the Sith.
    • Mission's personal quest involves finding out her brother deliberately left her behind when he left Taris.
    • Revan and Malak were this to much of the galaxy (barring the Jedi) according to Carth, prior to their betrayal and return as Sith Lords.
  • But Not Too Evil: Invoked by YOU, potentially.
  • Call-Forward:
    • To protect the location of a Jedi enclave on Dantooine, you can give up a false location of Alderaan, using the exact inverse of the phrasing Leia used in A New Hope: "Alderaan. They're on Alderaan."
    • One of Canderous Ordo's war stories features his unit running into an asteroid-like ship that sprayed projectiles that "melted our armor like wax" before fleeing beyond the galactic rim. The game came out right at the end of The New Jedi Order's run, making it clear that the Mandalorians had encountered a Yuuzhan Vong scoutship of some kind, likely a yorik-stronha.
  • Canon Immigrant: The Hammerhead cruiser in the opening level is canonized as the very similar Hammerhead corvette in Rogue One, where it Took a Level in Badass.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Every Sith on Korriban, students and masters are nothing but Saturday morning cartoon villains or villain-wannabes. They openly brag about their evil deeds, cause destruction without restraint and lack any form of sophistication. Yuthura Ban is the only subversion. While she is still typically evil, she has a tragic backstory and has some measure of depth.
  • Cassandra Truth: If Korriban is the last world you complete, you have the option of telling people there that you are Darth Revan. Almost no one believes you.
  • Central Theme: Is redemption truly possible? In the Light Side ending, Revan proves it is by redeeming him/herself, and Malak expresses his regret before he dies, showing there was some good left even in him; however, in the Dark Side ending, the answer is clearly no.
  • Changing Gameplay Priorities: You can get through most of the game with a balanced Jack of All Trades build that focuses on social skills and nifty Force powers. This grows more and more unwieldy as the game progresses, until the final boss is all but impossible if you aren't a highly specialized combat machine.
  • Character Select Forcing: A minor example. The final boss battle includes a Shoot the Medic First scenario. However, unless you've chosen a Force skill capable of damaging the medic pods (saber throw, drain life, destroy droid), you can't so much as touch them. If this doesn't sound too annoying, note that the boss not only heals every time he uses up a pod, but gets stronger, as well.
  • The Chosen One: A deconstruction with the tale of Andor Vex, a haughty Jedi who was surrounded by "swirling Force," making both himself and the Jedi Order believe he had a great destiny. However, he was killed by having his body thrown down a reactor shaft by a warlord who got tired of his arrogance. His great destiny turned out to be that his body would cause the reactor to explode, killing the warlord and altering the fate of the sector of space that the warlord ruled.
  • City Planet: Taris. The top is a shining metropolis, or at least a faded glory version. And then it gets worse the further down you go. By the time you reach the planet's actual surface you're fighting off hideous mutants and wading through giant sewers.
  • Les Collaborateurs: It's no secret about Czerka Corp enslaving Wookiees on Kashyyyk. However Chuundar (Zaalbar's brother) struck a deal with them to enslave his own kind in exchange for weapons to enforce his rule. The Wookiees that are not loyal to Chuundar will rebel once he is dealt with. A sidequest involves another Wookiee having signed a contract with slavers for profit.
  • Comically Small Bribe: You can give the journals to Rukil, so the Outcasts may find the Promised Land. You may also give them to Igear who wants to avoid exactly this and keep the Outcasts in their sorry state, just because he likes his position of power as the sole vendor in the village. His reward for you doing so? A whopping 100 credits, which is extremely paltry — not just when compared to what you can get later, but also compared to the rewards during the first act of the game.
  • Conditioned to Be Weak: The Wookie Chieftain Chuundar admits to Revan that he took steps to make his people weak so Cezrka Corporation could take more of them as slaves. Revan helps the Wookies rise up against Chuundar and Czerka and free their world from the slavers.
  • Continuity Snarl: Shares a page with the rest of Star Wars Legends.
  • Convenient Enemy Base: Double Subverted. The player's ship crash lands on the exact spot they need to get to... because that's where the machine that sucks spaceships onto the surface is.
  • Cool Starship: The Ebon Hawk, modeled after the original trilogy's Millennium Falcon.
  • The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: Pazaak is ridiculously biased toward the computer. It's played similar to blackjack, but with a side deck to modify the total value and the top is 20. The computer always goes second, so you're more likely to bust than it is. If you go bust, the computer wins without having to take its next turn, but then this applies to you, too, so it's more than likely a rule than cheating. It counts cards, so it knows when it will get a 20. Finally, it gets 20 more often than you do. The only advantage you have is that your side deck is better by the time you leave Dantooine. There's also a guy in the first game who actually does cheat... more than the computer usually cheats, that is. Fortunately, the player can cheat by saving before each game.
  • Corrupted Data: Several cases. One is where sabotage on the part of an angry wife leaves her philandering husband stranded in the Tatooine desert. Your call as to whether or not you fix his droids or "fix" his droids. The other notable case is when using T3-M4 to stage the breakout. The Sith droid tries a memory wipe and T3-M4 uses the opening to corrupt the other droid's data.
  • Courtroom Episode: Jolee Bindo's companion side quest is his old friend Sunry's murder trial on Manaan. Your character also faces the same court twice.
  • Covers Always Lie: The random Selkath on the cover is supposed to be Shasa, who you can rescue as part of a quest on Manann, but is otherwise irrelevant to the plot. She was originally a recruitable character, but was cut.
  • Cowardly Boss: Darth Malak. After his health drops to a certain point, he runs away from you to drain life energy from the captive bodies of Jedi that he took when his forces attacked Dantooine.
  • Cutscene Incompetence: Omnipresent in the first game.
  • The Dark Side Will Make You Forget: Yuthura Ban joined the Sith to gain the power to end slavery, but is now more concerned with advancing her own power within the Sith hierarchy. If redeemed, she notes that she had forgotten about that until she discussed it with the player.
  • Defeat by Transformation: Played for laughs; an Easter Egg allows you to instantly win the final battle with Darth Malak by using an esoteric Force technique to transform the dreaded Sith Lord into a Twi'lek dancing girl - seemingly in mind as well as body, as she then begins to perform for you like any other Twi'lek dancer NPC.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Ice, the female duelist from the Taris Dueling Ring, lives up to her name, acting very cold and insulting should the Player Character try talking to her. And she doesn't get any nicer after the player beats her in the duels. It's only after the player kills Bendak Starkiller that she finally warms up to the player. She explains that she acts cold like she does because as a girl, she looked up to Bendak Starkiller and is why she became a duelist. But upon meeting him, she found him to be a slimeball and made her think she had to act cold to survive. And after his death, it's made her start rethinking things, while talking to the player in the nicest way she's ever talked to them up until this point.
  • Delayed Level Benefits: After Taris, the player character's original class progression is replaced with a Jedi class of your choice. The less levels you gain before that point, the more you can develop the Jedi class afterward. The same applies to the ability to train party members as Jedi in the sequel.
  • Demanding Their Head: Discussed when a a Czerka representative offers a bounty for the gaffi sticks carried by sand people. When the Player Character asks why she's not asking for their heads, she asks what he thinks she would prefer to have dumped on her office floor.
  • Diegetic Character Creation: Early in the game, your Force sensitivity is discovered and you are trained as a Jedi. Choosing which class your character cross-classes to is presented as one of the Jedi Masters interviewing you to determine which path within the Jedi Order you would be best suited to.
  • Dirty Coward: On Dantooine, a farmer asks the Mandalorians who are threatening him to take his wife and children instead. They agree to do so, and still shoot him.
  • Discard and Draw: After finishing Taris, you trade your starting class for a Jedi class. This completely alters your feat and skill progression, including negating any of the automatic feats you would have gained otherwise. You do get to keep whatever feats you already had, however, and any class skills are preserved over the switch.
  • Do Well, But Not Perfect: Zig-Zagged regarding the swoop race on Taris. After your first run, your opponent will beat your time by a few seconds, meaning you have to top it in the second run. If your first run is very good, it may be difficult to top it the second time. Thus, the sensible way to win is to use your first run as a practice run (or hit every single obstacle to make your time horrible), then do a good run to beat the new score by a wide margin. However, if you have a truly perfect "flawless" run, the game just skips to the announcement that your team won, without having to race a second time. Thus the trope is twisted into something like "Do Perfect or Do Bad, Do Not Do Well."
  • Do Wrong, Right: During the Sith Academy questline, one of the students will try to threaten you for the sword of Ajunta Pall after you've cleared that particular tomb. You have three options: kill him, give him the sword, or give him one of the two fake swords kept in the tomb as a test for would-be grave-robbers. If you choose the latter, he'll run back to the Sith in charge and be promptly Force-choked to death, because while there was nothing wrong with his methods, he was too stupid to make sure he was stealing the right sword.
  • The Dragon: A chain of them. First, Malak is Revan's dragon. After Malak betrays Revan and rises to power, Darth Bandon becomes his dragon. Finally, in the Dark-sided ending, Bastila becomes yours, along with HK-47, again.
  • Drop Pod: Mandalorians use Basilisk war droids for this purpose. Some supplemental material suggests they ride these things to the planet's surface. Yes, on the outside of the droid, like a mount.
    • Worth noting this is taken from Tales of the Jedi, where yes, they do ride the Basilisk war droids as mounts down from orbit.
  • Drunk on the Dark Side: Most Sith manage to just be Smug Supers, but some of the students on Korriban are elated at becoming Sith. Needless to say, a lot of them will be dead by the time you leave the planet. This seems to have been actively averted by Revan, too, as he is one of the only Sith in the entirety of Star Wars canon who didn't embrace card-carrying villainy, opting more for a more logical approach of Pragmatic Villainy. Revan's Pragmatic Villainy gets a call back in the sequel, with Kreia suggesting it was a Heroic Sacrifice made necessary by events he foresaw.

    Kreia: Did he fall or did he jump?

  • Dual Boss: Calo and Davik at the end of Taris. Calo is a Glass Cannon, dishing out serious punishment but not being too tough to kill (he's a lot stronger the second time, though), while Davik is a Stone Wall with an energy shield that will keep him at full health for a long time. Beating either one counts as a victory, though you can't actually kill Calo.
  • Dual Wielding: Doing it adds penalties to chance to hit, but you can take Feats to negate some of it.
  • Duel to the Death: Bendak Starkiller only fights in these. He retired when the death matches were outlawed on Taris. If you want to collect the bounty on him, you have to defeat him in a death match.
  • Dungeon Bypass: Before the final confrontation, Malak sics six droid generators on you and locks the door to keep you from progressing. You have to battle through an endless stream of Forge Droids to shut down the generators... or you can bash or pick open the same door to skip the whole puzzle.
  • Dying Truce: At the end Revan manages to mortally wound Malak, after which the two of them have a short conversation about the choices they made and the consequences of them until Malak dies.
  • Dysfunction Junction: Every party member except T3-M4 seems to have some unresolved issue(s) from their past, leading to strange, and oftentimes downright neurotic behavior.
  • Early-Bird Boss:
    • Bendak Starkiller on Taris can be one if you make the unwise choice of dueling him before you're ready or with bad tactics. He'll mop the floor with you effortlessly at a point in the game when you're still using boring swords and pea-shooting blasters, dishing out huge damage with his own custom gun, plasma grenades, and dangerous melee blows.
    • The Sith Governor on Taris has a lot of health and uses Force Powers, while your only Jedi party member at that point is a Jedi Sentinel.
    • Juhani serves the same role after you become a Jedi yourself, serving as your first taste of one-on-one lightsaber combat, after being introduced to it with kath hounds that die in two or three hits even if your gun-toting allies don't get a few shots off at them first.
    • Calo Nord certainly qualifies, peppering your party with plasma grenades and heavy blaster fire. However, since he only comes for you when you uncover your second Star Map, he can potentially come at a point when your party includes up to three Force-empowered badasses, or other serious combatants, who will utterly destroy him. See Too Dumb To Live below.
  • Early Game Hell: You start out without a lightsaber, and take a whole world to get Force powers. This trope is even more in effect if you decide not to level your character on Taris so you can spend the accumulated XP on more Jedi levels later.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Unlike the sequel, MMO, and several Bioware games made after this one, there is no party member influence system present in this game.
  • Eldritch Starship: The Star Forge is a station made from technology merged with the Force. It's bound to give off vibes of this.
  • 11th-Hour Superpower: The best armor/robe for Force users in the game can only be created on the Star Forge—about three battles (the final bunch of Dark Jedi, Dark Bastila, and a bunch of droids) before the Final Boss and the ending. Furthermore, it can only be equipped if you're very high or very low on the Karma Meter scale, so tough luck if you haven't been grinding it the entire game.
  • Enemy Summoner: The Star Forge makes lots of ships and enemy battle droids, and you have to contend with endless waves of enemies once you're storming the place. The final obstacle leading to the final confrontation with Malak is a set of six droid-making machines that you have to shut off or bypass.
  • Enigmatic Minion: If you view Jolee as a minion. He certainly has no problem admitting that he can be enigmatic.

    Jolee: I'm old, dammit. I'm allowed to be enigmatic when I want to be!

  • Enough to Go Around: Unless you exploit a few of the Good Bad Bugs, items like the Cassus Fett armor or the Circlet of Saresh were one of a kind. In the sequel, Obsidian took over and randomized the loot, which could lead to some accidental funny moments as you'd end up with a few dozen copies of something like Jolee's robes.
  • Equipment Upgrade: Certain unique pieces of equipment also have the "upgradeable" tag where you can attach parts for various augments. The same kind of upgrade part can have different effects on different pieces of equipment.
  • Everyone Is Armed: For non-Force users, having a blaster is pretty much a requirement on Dantooine and Tattooine for colonists due to the large numbers of dangerous animals present on the planet.
  • Evil All Along: Played with. You, the player character, are Darth Revan, former Big Bad of the setting, but didn't know it thanks to Laser-Guided Amnesia from the Jedi Council, leading to an Inverse of Criminal Amnesiac if you decide to return to The Dark Side.
  • Evil, Inc.: The Czerka Corporation. While the jury is out on them being this on Tatooine given the fact that the Sand People/Tusken Raiders are attacking and killing their miners and other employees, they more than make up for it on Kashyyyk, between backing a Wookiee Chieftain who got his brother and father exiled and sells his own people as slaves, hunting Wookies for sport, poaching usually peaceful creatures, and generally being smug assholes.
  • Evil Is Easy: Actions toward The Dark Side are simpler, quicker, affect your alignment to a greater extreme, and are more numerous than Light Side. For example, there's one sidequest that is nothing but Dark Side acts... and some of the best equipment you can get without paying. Do them all and you can drop from full Light to half in just five easy steps. You have to do at least twice as many Light Side acts for such a shift.
  • Evil Is Petty: Often the actions that gain you Dark Side points amount to you threatening people and being a dick for no other reason than that it's EVIL!!! For example, you get a quest from a widow to sell a valuable object belonging to her late husband so she can support herself, you can choose to sell it for her and give her the proceeds (and a bonus for extra Light Side points) or sell it and keep the profits for yourself. But to complete the quest on the Dark path, you need to go back and tell her to her face that you're keeping it, apparently just because it's fun to see her cry. The Sith themselves are no better, picking fights and hurling insults at Republic personnel at almost every opportunity.
  • Evil Makes You Ugly: The more Dark Side points they get, the more sinister-looking the player character becomes.
  • Evil Mentor: Master Uthar Wynn and Yuthura Ban, headmasters of the Sith Academy.
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
    • A recurring plot point. Given that you can choose your ending regardless of alignment, a dark-sided Revan can still decide that the Star Forge is too dangerous/that galactic conquest is not the route to choose and instead aid the Jedi. In addition, Revan can be dark-sided without going all the way to the wall.
    • Taris is filled with humans racist against aliens, but even they think Gorton Colu's calls to murder all of them is going too far, to the point where they think the Sith should arrest him.
  • Failed State: Though the rural world of Dantooine is governed by the Jedi enclave there, the Jedi are so busy with the war against Malak that their control over the planet has been waning. By the events of the first game, the enclave is unable to protect many citizens from Mandalorian raiders, and several large families have taken to warring with each other over land and resources.
  • Failure Hero: The Republic and the Jedi Council in some Dark Side playthroughs, especially if you choose to kill Juhani in your first encounter. Every plan the Jedi Council initiates ends in horrible failure if you choose to kill her. The Republic fleet is completely destroyed if you turn evil.
  • Fake Longevity: The Random Encounters during space travel, which have no reward at all.
  • Fake Memories: The memories of Revan were quite malleable.
  • Fallen Hero: Revan and Malak lead the Republic to victory against the Mandalorians, and were the most famous, well-loved Jedi in the Order, until they went too far out into space, got their shebs kicked by the Sith Emperor, and returned as conquerors who had fallen to the Dark Side. Since you ARE Revan, this means you, too. Also, Bastila.
  • Fantastic Flora: Unsurprisingly, a trip to Kashyyyk involves a whole lot of megaflora and Treetop Towns. It also reveals that this isn't Kashyyyk's natural ecosystem: the Rakatans began terraforming the planet long ago for their own uses but lost contact with the machines doing it. The terraforming device then went haywire, creating the mega-trees and forests that Kashyyyk is known for.
  • Fantastic Legal Weirdness: One Dark Side option during one of the Courtroom Episodes on Manaan is to use Force Persuade to make witnesses perjure themselves.
  • Fantastic Racism: On Taris, the only non-humans who can walk around in the Upper City work for the local Exchange boss or are pretty Twi'lek shopkeepers. Others get pelted by stones thrown by children, as seen once. There is a street preacher calling nonhumans a "plague that sweeps through our streets". A seedy hotel has alien occupants despite this being illegal. The slum-like and generally miserable Lower City, overrun by gangs, is where most of the non-humans live. The racism Juhani experienced as a child on Taris is a major point in her sidequest.
  • Fantastic Underclass: The social structure of the City Planet Taris is stratified by layer, with the uppermost levels of society living on the top floors of skyscrapers, and the lower classes living down on lower levels. The lowest class, known simply as the "Outcasts", are petty criminals and the descendants of rebels who attempted to revolt against the Tarisian nobles; they are confined to the Undercity on the ground, where they live in a ramshackle settlement with little advanced technology and are constantly preyed on by rakghouls.
  • Fantastic Vermin: A sidequest has the player dealing with an invasion of gizka — small, frog-like critters with an exponential breeding rate — on their ship. They're considered pests on many worlds and many different traders in the game stock gizka poison.
  • Featureless Protagonist: Directly invoked by the Jedi Council as the cover identity for the player character, who is really an amnesiac Darth Revan.
  • Feed It a Bomb: The giant rancor in the sewers has to be killed by getting it to swallow a grenade; while there are other ways to kill it such as hit-and-run bombing and setting lots of traps, this is the easiest and simplest way to go about it, and the one the game suggests you take.
  • Flashback-Montage Realization: Malak shows up and taunts the Player Character "Even the combined power of the Jedi Council couldn't keep your true identity buried forever...", there's a cutscene playing back several points of the game; the five Star Map locations, several bits of the player's "visions," and a couple offhand lines from Carth "They say the Force can do terrible things to a mind. It can destroy your memories and wipe away your very identity." and Bastila "What greater weapon is there than to turn an enemy to your cause? To use their own knowledge against them?" from earlier in the game. And the last one seals the deal Revan takes off the mask and it's the Player Character with full Dark Side Corruption.
  • Flaunting Your Fleets: In the Dark Side ending.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • The game had mountains of it leading up to The Reveal, they even have a cut scene displaying some of the best examples.
    • The computer guarding the Star Map in Kashyyyk Shadowlands activates in the presence of your character for reasons it refuses to disclose, but to further verify your identity it poses you with moral dilemmas. You quickly learn that Light Side choices aren't what it's looking for, and if you persist with that it sics defense droids on you. Defeat them, and it suddenly permits you access as it "read your nature easily" in combat. It refuses to disclose what it learned, but it all becomes clear with The Reveal.
    • It is also foreshadowed that Bastila will turn to the Dark Side when you read the description of the double-bladed lightsaber.
    • Canderous casually mentions that the Sith were behind the Mandalorian Wars. As this is after Exar Kun but before the rise of the current batch it initially seems like a plothole, until Kreia points out the implications in the sequel. Come the MMO and the true Sith Empire turns out to have been behind the scenes all along.
  • Flunky Boss: Calo in your second fight with him and Darth Bandon. Calo has a small group of grenade-throwing Rodians while Bandon has a couple of Dark Jedi.
  • For the Evulz:
    • In Dantooine, a woman asks you to find her droid. When you find the droid it asks you to destroy it, so the woman may be free of the unhealthy attachment that she has formed for the droid. Instead, you can destroy the droid, then tell the woman that it's still out there, ensuring that she'll search for it forever. Even better, you can tell the droid that you intend to do this before you destroy it. This serves no purpose other than being cruel.
    • Some of the nastier Dark Side options don't benefit you in any way, such as forcing Zaalbar to kill Mission.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: In the Light Side climax, when Malak is defeated, he questions what would have happened to him, had Revan not led him to the Dark Side in the first place. In one of the response options, while apologizing for starting Malak down said path, the Player Character points out that it was Malak himself who chose to continue down the Dark path. Malak admits there is truth in what the Player Character says and that he alone must accept responsibility for his fate.
  • Freudian Trio: Carth is The McCoy, Bastila The Spock, and the player character (can be) The Kirk.
  • Fun with Acronyms: The series has been nicknamed KotOR. While the Acronym does not mean anything to English speakers, it is very funny to Malay speakers as the word Kotor means Dirty in Malay. Slightly more innocently, Kotor is also the name of a seaside town in Montenegro.
  • Game-Breaking Bug:
    • In the PC version of the game, after defeating an enemy there is a good chance the character under direct player control will be locked into place, and cannot be moved other than clicking on objects or enemies. The only way to restore normal movement is to save and reload. While a modest annoyance most of the time, on the Star Forge — the first and only place to feature endlessly-respawning enemies — it can quickly turn an already challenging experience into an infuriating slog, and if the save files aren't managed carefully the player may find they have accidentally locked themselves into an unwinnable situation.
    • There's also the infamous "Taris glitch", where if you enter the sewers without getting the proper gear, you cannot go back to complete the story missions there. And if you even did grab the gear, sometimes it will just disappear from your inventory. You are essentially stuck on the first planet, and since this is pretty ahead in the already long Taris storyline, players were often disheartened to find out they had the start the whole game over.
    • The Switch version has one in the 1.0.3 patch — the Towers of Hanoi puzzle cannot be adjusted or solved, and the player cannot leave the room until they solve it. If the player doesn't have a save file from outside the room, they're soft-locked. It would be patched out in the 1.0.4 version.
    • You cannot backtrack at the final parts of the Star Forge, unlike other locations. Which means if you didn't pick up the essential Jedi Armor on your way to Darth Malak, and you don't have a save earlier on the Star Forge, there is no way you can get this armor that you actually need to win the game.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation:
    • Bastila's Battle Meditation is stated multiple times to be a huge factor to the Republic winning a galactic war, but it's Hand Waved to be less effective in smaller engagements to explain why it doesn't affect gameplay.
    • Carth is a decorated war hero and Trask describe him as seeing more combat than all the Endar Spire crew put together. When Carth joins you, he starts at level 3.
    • According to dialog, being bitten by a rakghoul transmits a disease which transforms that person into a rakghoul if not healed early enough with a specific serum. During actual fights, when someone from the player's team is hit by a rakghoul there is a random probability that he/she will be affected by a standard poisoning effect, which disappears after a few minutes and can be cured with standard antidote packs.
    • During the first encounter with Malak, what's clearly supposed to be Bastila saving you from a Hopeless Boss Fight becomes a Stupid Sacrifice if the player is using a combat focused build, since they will be handily kicking his ass.
    • Fighting and killing Bendak Starkiller is considered Dark Side points, despite the fact everyone and their brother says he's a monster and he himself revels in being a Card-Carrying Villain.
    • Some of the responses to your dialogue options make no sense if you don't go with the option the developers intended. This is evident, for example, on Korriban when you have the option of choosing neither Uthar and Yuthura Ban, they will still call you a spy, which reflects other dialogue options, even if you justify your actions by invoking the Sith code and power. Another example can be found on Dantooine, where the Jedi Council ignores your sarcastic responses as if you answered with the first dialogue options.
  • Game System: The underlying skill and combat mechanics of this game are based on a modified Star Wars d20 tabletop RPG ruleset. Word of God (of the lead designer James Ohlen, specifically) is that this was made primarily to save development costs: the Odyssey Engine that KotOR runs on was based on the Aurora Engine of Neverwinter Nights, and by adopting another d20 System-based ruleset, the developers could reuse most of the old code.
  • Gangbangers: The Black Vulkars and the Hidden Beks of Taris.
  • Gay Option: Juhani, though her romance arc is not fully-developed like Carth's or Bastila's. See Hide Your Lesbians below.
  • Gender-Concealing Writing: The game refers to Predecessor Villain Darth Revan without gendered pronouns. This is to hide the fact that their gender is player-determined. If you do Korriban after The Reveal, one dialogue strand with Yuthura Ban asking her about your former life does use gendered pronouns.
  • Genocide Backfire: One of the few people to escape the bombardment of Taris is the one person whom Malak specifically intended for it to kill. It never really comes back to bite him, though, given that everyone hates him already.
  • Giant Flyer: The Brith which circles the skies on Dantooine. The Star Wars Wiki has a small page about them.
  • Glass Cannon: Mission Vao. Give her nice guns and take advantage of her Sneak Attack, and she strikes for a ton of damage, but she can't take a lot of hits.
  • Gladiator Subquest: Taris' (non-lethal) dueling arena. The non-lethal part is dropped if you challenge Bendak Starkiller, who only fights in death matches.
  • Go Wait Outside:
    • The end trigger in the 'Mission's Brother' quest is a particularly amusing example: the trigger for the next conversation is you leaving the zone, but because of how the despawning system works, you can overtake Griff on the way to the door, come back in and be told he skipped town while he's still visible behind you.
    • If you ask Ajuur to set up a duel with Bendak, it "takes some time" to bribe officials, etc. If you have that conversation late enough in the main Taris storyline, this is apparently just long enough for you to get to the door and back.
  • Gone Horribly Right:
    • The Rakata somehow were able to harness the Dark Side of the Force in their technologies, with the Star Forge itself being the pinnacle of Rakatan Dark Side engineering. However, the Rakatans never considered the cost of using the technology on such a scale: the factory gave them the means to conquer the galaxy, but also led to their downfall. The Star Forge semi-consciously began to affect not only its operators but Rakatan society itself, feeding their greed, cruelty, and lust for conquest. The Rakatans eventually both overextended themselves and fell to infighting, leading to their overthrow and near-extinction as a species.
    • The Jedi hoped to overwrite Darth Revan's personality with the relative blank slate of the player character. This works perfectly... and if the player pursues the Dark Side ending the new personality is a much more powerful, cunning, and generally effective Sith than Revan ever was, with the ability to recruit powerful allies that Revan could never have recruited and intimate knowledge of Jedi resources and strategies. It is not a good time to be part of the Republic once the credits start rolling.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: If you walk into the Krayt dragon's cave without first killing the dragon, you get a cutscene of it standing up and walking out. The screen then fades to black and the 'Your entire party has been killed' dialogue appears.
  • Go Wait Outside:
    • The end trigger in the 'Mission's Brother' quest is a particularly amusing example: the trigger for the next conversation is you leaving the zone, but because of how the despawning system works, you can overtake Griff on the way to the door, come back in and be told he skipped town while he's still visible behind you.
    • If you ask Ajuur to set up a duel with Bendak, it "takes some time" to bribe officials etc. If you have that conversation late enough in the main Taris storyline, this is apparently just long enough for you to get to the door and back.
  • Gratuitous Foreign Language: Juhani is a Finnish name, probably chosen to sound exotic. The bad thing is, it's a man's name, the Finnish equivalent of John.
    • Also pronounced incorrectly, as Finnish J's are pronounced as Y's.
  • Great Accomplishment, Weak Credibility: When you complete your accelerated Jedi training and are sent off in pursuit of the Star Forge, Carth Onasi is increasingly bewildered by the fact that you've been judged competent enough to be sent on a mission that will save the galaxy after only few days of study. In later conversations, he admits to being deeply suspicious - not just of you, but the Jedi Council, believing that some underhanded strategy is in play. He's right, as it turns out.
  • Great White Hunter: The game brings you into contact with a Great Twi'lek Hunter during your stay on Tatooine, a man who's hunting a Krayt dragon. After killing it by luring it into a minefield, he mentions to the Player Character that he regrets denying the dragon a final battle (unless you killed him after he told you how to get rid of the dragon).
  • Grenade Spam: The Sith field grenadiers that are madly in love with their primary weapons, but the game goes absolutely nuts with these suckers aboard the Leviathan. Almost all of the regular, non-lightsaber-swinging troops there are grenadiers, which means you'll be charging through a hailstorm of grenade detonations at every corner. They don't even think twice about using the damn things at point-blank range.
  • The Guards Must Be Crazy: It is remarkably easy to bamboozle, sneak around, or outright overpower nearly every Sith soldier in the game. The only exception is the first Sith Guard underground in Taris who is accompanied by Turrets. There's no getting by him since he will not budge in dialogue options (even hackers using max stats can't make it through) and the turrets kill many characters in a single hit.
  • Guide Dang It!: Certain enemies will have Resistance to certain damage types, which significantly reduces the damage taken from those sources, often negating them outright. There is no way in-game to determine whether a given enemy Resists a given damage type—you have to look it up, and knowing the difference can mean the difference between certain enemies being completely trivial or some of the hardest fights in the game due to their nigh-invincibility.
  • Guns Are Worthless: Ranged weapons do almost no damage in this game, save for a couple of obscenely expensive heavy weapons that you can buy at the end: melee weapons are always better to have, regardless of the situation. There are any number of guides on how to successfully use ranged weapons, but this requires meticulous character building and mainly serves as a challenge. The fact that Jedi Guardians have an ability to directly jump into melee from 25 meters away and deal bonus damage while they are at it adds insult to injury. Although, especially in the earlier stages, when you're just becoming a Jedi, having Carth back you up wielding two blasters while Canderous carries around a heavy blaster is pretty effective.
  • Guys Smash, Girls Shoot: Almost completely inverted, assuming one sticks with the cast's initial skillsets. The party's ranged specialists are either male (Carth, Canderous) or robots (HK-47, T3-M4) while up to three of the four lightsaber wielders (Bastila and Juhani, plus a female Revan if you're so inclined) are women. Mission's skillset and personal weapon revolve around close combat as well. Zaalbar straddles the line between both worlds — his personal weapon is a long-ranged bowcaster, but he's much more useful in melee and can unlock his Wookie clan's ancestral vibroblade later on to make him even better at cutting things to shreds.
  • Hate Sink: While most of their employees are typically Affably Evil or Punch-Clock Villains, Czerka Corporation in general is this. They're weapons traders, but also specialize in enslaving races they deem inferior, among other things. Does it really come as a big surprise that you'll get options to threaten them? And you'll probably want to, at that, regardless of whether you're playing a Light Side or Dark Side character.
  • Head-in-the-Sand Management: The Jedi Council kept the Order out of the Mandalorian Wars, believing it was a trap to destroy the order. Choosing not to get involved while worlds were destroyed. Double Subverted when you know about Star Wars: The Old Republic. The Jedi were 100% correct that the Sith (more specifically, Emperor Vitiate) was behind the Mandalorians. However, their plan was to wait until Vitiate showed up, twirling his proverbial mustache. Revan deduced correctly that by the time the Sith did show up, it would be far too late to stop them.
  • Healing Potion: Medpacks have the same use as potions in other RPGs.
  • Heel–Face Brainwashing: Revan. It is up to you whether it sticks or not. This is a case where the questionable moral implications are pointed out, and it can be the motivation if you decide to fall back to the Dark Side.
  • Heel Realization: Yuthura the apprentice of the Sith Academy's headmaster can have one if the player questions her motivations. When she turns on them during their final trial she admits it mostly out of fear that they were making her realize the truth. If spared she can be redeemed and return to the Jedi.
  • He Knows About Timed Hits: Trask.
  • Hide Your Lesbians: Juhani and Belaya, as well as Juhani's romance with the female Player Character.
  • Highly-Conspicuous Uniform: Soldiers of the Old Republic got to battle wearing bright red combat suits, and the Mandalorians seem to like wearing armor in nearly every color of the rainbow (though at least they have cloaking devices). Both are easily topped by the Sith Troopers and their shining silver armor.
  • Hit-and-Run Tactics: A pattern of firing, taking a hit, retreating, healing, firing, taking a hit and so on can wear an enemy down. Against really strong foes or ones that keep dodging, mines will hasten the process considerably. You can beat the final boss this way if you cannot disable his healing mechanism, but be prepared for a long fight and pray you saved up as many healing items as could be mustered.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: While completely optional, you can fight Calo Nord in the bar after he toasts the 3 would-be bounty hunters, but he is one of the "one hit = dead" fights. But he eventually does become a winnable boss fight (twice) later on.
  • Hope Spot: One almost at the very beginning; when you and Trask are escaping the Endar Spire, you see a Jedi defeating a Dark Jedi... who then dies after being caught in an explosion caused by enemy fire. Trask himself lampshades the sheer bad luck, since they really could have used the help of a Jedi that moment.
  • Hypocrite:
    • The Mandalorians just won't shut up about being the best warriors in the galaxy that live for nothing but honor in battle, but the ones you encounter are nothing but cruel raiders who pillage defenseless civilian colonies. Your eventual squadmate Canderous works as a crime-boss's enforcer, and deals in combat stims while simultaneously sneering at everyone that uses them. His former buddy Jagi sets up a one-on-one honor duel, but then turns up with a bunch of goons to back him up.
    • The Sith on Korriban, including Uthar, express indignation if you betray them, but the entire planet suffers from Chronic Backstabbing Disorder, and they have no qualms about betraying the PC or each other.
    • The Jedi Council are either this, inept, or a case of Good Is Impotent. A good example is that they set themselves up as defenders of the Republic, with non-Force wielding soldiers assisting them during Exar Kun's War. When the non-Force wielding Mandalorians show up and menace the Republic, the Jedi decline to be of assistance, believing (correctly, but it hardly matters) that the Sith are using the Mandalorians. This becomes a sore point with the Republic soldiers and citizens alike. The same scenario plays out in miniature on Dantooine; a small time band of Mandalorian bandits have been robbing and attacking the local farmers for months with the Jedi doing nothing because they believe (incorrectly in this case) that Malak is funding them.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: Unlike its predecessor Neverwinter Nights, this game doesn't bother with inventory caps or encumbrance. You do, however, have a Limited Loadout of one set of weapons equipped at a time (the sequel expanded it to two loadouts you could swap between in combat).
  • Hypocritical Humor:
    • HK-47 after the player character complains being called a meat-bag. "Did I say that out loud? I apologise, master. While you are a meat-bag, I suppose I should not call you such."
    • Canderous thinks you're weak and inferior to Mandalorians for wanting to use combat stims. Why yes, you can have some of the massive stash he keeps on him.
    • If you have Mission and Bastila in your party at the same time, Mission will enquire to Bastila if she has ever used the Force on someone just for annoying her, which Bastila angrily denies. When further pressed, Bastila uses Force Push on her, and then denies ever doing it.

Tropes I-P 

  • I Am Not a Gun:
    • An assassin droid on Korriban is hiding out in one of the Sith tombs to prevent his protocols from kicking in. The player character can choose to either help him disable them or just kill him for prestige with the academy.
    • HK-47 inverts this trope. He's a weapon and he knows it — and he loves his job.
  • If You Taunt Him, You Will Be Just Like Him: The Sith will taunt you on Manaan. Usually, if you taunt back, you will be arrested and go to jail. (Or, for extra fun, you can mind-control the guard that comes to arrest you to instead arrest the Sith. You naturally get some Dark Side points.)
  • I Knew There Was Something About You:
    • Carth is very openly stating he smells a rat in the whole setup with your Player Character. And just as he's getting over his trust issues, in comes The Reveal. His alternate lines almost quote the trope title.
    • Additionally, Jolee tells you that there is very something off about you as the player character, as if his eyes were attempting to deceive him. However, Jolee later tells the player character that he knew who the character was the entire time following The Reveal.
  • "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: With Bastila. Also, Carth will attempt this on a female Dark-sided Revan who has romanced him. Unless you modded the Redemption Equals Death option back in, it won't work.
  • I See Dead People: Your character can encounter Ajunta Pal, one of the original defectors to the Dark Side and first Sith Lords of Korriban. He's now a ghost, bound to his tomb, and regrets it all. Fellow Jedi Jolee and Juhani (and Bastila if the game is modded to have her in the party on Korriban) can also see him. The non-Jedi companions see and hear nothing with the interesting exception of Carth, who can see and understand Pal just as clearly as the Jedi.
  • Immortality: The series has different kinds of immortality. The famous Force Ghost type is present in the first game with Ajunta Pall, who maintained his existence well after his body died.
  • In Case of Boss Fight, Break Glass: The key to defeating the final boss is shattering containers with prisoners, from which he keeps leeching life to heal himself.
  • Inexplicable Language Fluency: Yes, your character understands plenty of languages, but there isn't anyone who should understand the language of the Abusive Precursors. Subverted. Turns out you'd been there before and learned the language, but just forgotten the whole thing between Malak's backstab and whatever the Jedi did to "rebuild" you.
  • Informed Ability: There is a case of this in the Republic embassy on Manaan. One of the ways to get into the Sith embassy is to decrypt a Sith passcard. The head of the Republic embassy and a Republic technician claim that none of the other technicians can solve the final number sequences required to complete the decryption. The technician you talk to in particular says that he couldn't even solve the first sequence. When you try to do it, they turn out to be simple mathematical problems that can be solved by anyone with a school education, making the technicians, the supposed specialists, look hilariously incompetent.
  • Informed Attribute: The Ebon Hawk is described by several characters as the fastest ship in the galaxy that can outrun anything, but in gameplay, Sith Fighters have no problems catching up to it.
  • Inevitable Tournament: No matter what you do, you will be required to win the Taris Lower City swoop racing championship in order to rescue Bastila.
  • Infinity +1 Sword: Almost every weapon type has at least one particularly powerful model that's either hard to find, prohibitively expensive, or must be taken from the dead hands/claws of a deadly boss.
    • Cassus Fett's Heavy Pistol is the most powerful blaster in KotOR 1, and pretty essential for a good gunslinger endgame, but it is expensive to buy, available in only one location, and needs upgrades to achieve its full potential, so you'll probably only get it after spending a fair time grinding your XP and credits.
    • On the Star Forge, you can acquire either an armor for a dark-sided main character (that is slightly better than Qel-Droma's robe), or an insanely good armor for a light-sided main character.
    • The trader aboard the Yavin IV station sells nothing but ludicrously overpowered items of all stripes that were DLC-exclusive gear by the time the game released, and his stock expands almost every time another Star Map is found. His stuff is expensive as hell but well worth the money since it outperforms virtually everything that can be found or purchased elsewhere. Of particular note are the Mantle of the Force and the Heart of the Guardian, two unique lightsaber crystals that unlock once all Star Maps have been discovered — 20,000+ credits each, but their buffs are insane even without adding any of the secondary upgrade crystals. However, the event flag that unlocks these items also forces you into combat with seven strong Trandoshan enemies in that area.
    • A similar but slightly less game-breaking uber-merchant has set up shop on Korriban. He can't be accessed until you escape from Leviathan, and the encounter that triggers him is severely bugged, so it's dangerously easy to make him unavailable by accident. If everything's been done right and he can be traded with, he sells some of the best gear in the base game including the best gauntlets and headwear for any melee-focused character.
    • Solari and Upari are the best lightsaber upgrade crystals bar none. Both are endgame gear that requires the player to go through some very dangerous foes, and the Solari can only be used by light-siders. Slightly below them are Krayt Dragon Pearls which, you might've guessed it, can only be acquired by defeating a Krayt dragon.
  • Initiation Quest:
    • Once you rescue Bastila from Taris and make it back to the Jedi enclave on Dantooine, your impressive Force potential prompts the Council to accept you for training in the Jedi arts despite your age. For the next few missions, you have to prove yourself worthy of becoming a full Jedi after your accelerated training course, first by memorizing the Jedi Code, then by creating a lightsaber of your own with a colour determined by your chosen Jedi class, and finally by purging the nearby grove of the Dark Side influence corrupting it and end the threat of the fallen Jedi apprentice responsible for it - hopefully by redeeming her. Once that's done, you're officially a Jedi Knight.
    • On Korriban, your mission to find a piece of the Star Map requires you to infiltrate the Sith Academy by posing as a prospective Dark Jedi. Once you're accepted as a possible apprentice, you have to compete against all the other apprentices in order to earn a place at the Academy, as Uthar Wynn is only accepting one student this year. As such, the lion's share of your time here is spent earning prestige by proving your knowledge, uncovering artefacts, eliminating enemies of the academy, and getting your rivals fatally punished; eventually you're sent out for an Ultimate Final Exam to discover the Star Map in the Tomb of Naga Sadow, followed closely by a Deadly Graduation in which you have to kill Uthar's second in command - or if you take her side, Uthar himself... or even both. Regardless of your alignment or how you end the mission, you won't become a student at the academy, either because you betrayed Uthar or because he senses that your destiny lies elsewhere...
    • After you kill Calo Nord, you receive an offer of recruitment from the Genoharadan, a secret society of bounty hunters safeguarding the Republic from behind the scenes. Your contact, a Rodian by the name of Hulas, gives you the chance to prove yourself to the group in a series of assassination missions, each one netting you another piece of special Genoharadan equipment. Beginning with either an extortionist slaver or an anti-Republic terrorist, you then move on to the three most challenging targets in the galaxy: a Con Man and Knowledge Broker who's never seen in public, a brutal Gamorrean Egomaniac Hunter who kills Krayt Dragons for fun, and a shapeshifting assassin with a penchant for Hunting the Most Dangerous Game. And if you complete these assassinations, Hulas reveals that he was scamming you all along: the three people you just killed were three of the Genoharadan's Overseers, and Hulas - the fourth Overseer - hired you to help him stage a coup d'etat, and he never had any intention of letting you join at all. But hey, at least you've still got that precious equipment!
  • Insurmountable Waist-Height Fence: Mostly because the RPG format doesn't allow the player to jump.
  • Introduced Species Calamity: A visit to Tatooine results in the Ebon Hawk being suddenly infested with gizka after a spaceport official accidentally loads a crate of them onto the ship. With no natural pests or environmental threats to keep their numbers down, the creatures soon fill just about every single corner of the ship, and killing one only results in another appearing to replace it.
  • In the Doldrums: The Rakatan prison is a big blank whiteness with a single prisoner being the only remarkable feature. Talking to him reveals that there were others as well who got trapped by accident and eventually ran off into the endless void.
  • In the End, You Are on Your Own: The final section of the Star Forge leading to the final confrontation with Malak must be done alone, regardless of light or dark side. For Light Side players, Bastila puts your party into stasis and forces you to duel her, and even if you redeem her she stays behind to use her Battle Meditation to aid the Republic fleet. For Dark Side players, Bastila and your other party member remain behind so that she can use her Battle Meditation to aid the Sith.
  • Invisibility: There are cloaking devices in both games, used by Mandalorians, Sith and party members. Hssiss can also be invisible during the start of an encounter with one.
  • Ironic Echo: A conversation between Carth and Canderous about how they were on opposing sides not too long ago has "Nice speech. I bet you tell yourself that every night so you can sleep." Canderous says it first in response to Carth attempting to deny that he and Canderous are similar by saying that he was a soldier whereas the Mandalorians were warriors. When Canderous makes a speech talking about how the Mandalorians were beaten by the Republic's superior resources, numbers, and the Jedi, Carth says it back to him.
  • Irony:
    • Doubles as Foreshadowing — in the first conversation with him after escaping from the Endar Spire, Carth says that he's afraid of stumbling upon Sith because they can use the Force to "wipe away memories and destroy your very identity.". Which is exactly what the Jedi did to you.
    • In a similar vein, when signing up for the Taris Dueling Ring, the fight promoter dubs you "the Mysterious Stranger," claiming that the alias makes it seem like you have some sort of big, dark secret. Considering that the Player Character is in fact the legendary Sith Lord Darth Revan under the influence of Heel–Face Brainwashing... yeah. Big, dark secret indeed!
    • In a gameplay example, Korriban is known as the home world of the Sith and a place of powerful Dark Side energy yet you can find two Light Side only items there and this is the best place to get Light Side points.
  • Irrelevant Sidequest:
    • Pazaak and swoop-racing. They have absolutely no plot importance outside their first appearance, but are reasonable sources of income if you're good at them.
    • Griff Vao's obviously hopeless Get-Rich-Quick Scheme, which involves trekking down to the Kashyyyk forest floor to murder a harmless animal, going off to do something else for a while, and coming back to find him, your money, and your time, gone. If you decline to fall for the Schmuck Bait, the quest will stay forever uncompleted in your journal.
  • It's All About Me: Igear, the merchant in the Undercity. Being the sole merchant of the Outcasts, he's making a good fortune because everyone is depending on him for goods. When the PC is close to find the Promised Land, a legendary place where no one will ever starve or being persecuted, he comes to you. Igear wants the journals leading to the Promised Land be handed to him so they can be destroyed. He explain that his life as an Outcast is great and he is willing to let everyone else suffer just so that he can continue being rich.
  • It's Personal: Besides the Final Battle, there is also your meeting with Darth Bandon, who killed your Exposition Fairy friend at the beginning of the game.

    Player Character: Hey! You were on the Endar Spire! You killed Trask! You'll pay for that!

  • It Will Never Catch On: When the Czerka Corp executives are about to abandon their mining operation on Tatooine, one of them laments over the fact they wouldn't be able to take the heavy equipment back with them. Another responds along the lines of "What could possibly happen? Can you imagine a Jawa trying to drive a sandcrawler?"
  • Jedi Mind Trick: A learnable Force Power, though it helps to have a high Persuade skill. You can use it to dodge landing fees — Bastila and Juhani will snap at you for it, but Jolee starts reminiscing about all the times he duped customs with it. Sadly, to keep its Story-Breaker Power potential in check, it usually fails in story-related scenarios and only really gets to be really useful during side quests.
  • Jury and Witness Tampering: During Sunry's murder trial on Manaan it's possible for the player to use the Jedi Mind Trick to make witnesses perjure themselves. There's actually a glitch in some versions of the game where the hotel clerk won't change his testimony despite the use of the mind trick. He will, however, change it if you successfully bribe him.
  • Just You and Me and My GUARDS!:
    • After you're manipulated into killing off the Genoharadan leadership, you can challenge the one now in charge to a duel. He'll bring backup, as can you. There's dialog for either situation.
    • The same happens when Canderous' old acquaintance Jagi challenges him to a one-on-one honor duel on Tatooine. So much for the vaunted Mandalorian honor.
  • Karma Houdini: In the Sandral-Matale feud sidequest, Nurik Sandral is never punished for kidnapping Shen Matale in all endings except the worst one (where you trick him into thinking Ahlan killed Casus, triggering a bloodbath that results in his death).
  • Karma Meter: Light/Dark Side. The Player Character's changes, but all of your allies' alignments are fixed save for Balista's plot relevant change.
  • Kick the Dog: Saul revealing to Carth his companion is Revan, which can be a double-ouch if Carth is romancing you.
    • The Sith Academy on Korriban is rife with cadets who revel in this, the place may as well be re-named the Dog Kicking Academy.
    • In fact, the Dark Side options in general can best be described as the dog-kicking options. Only occasionally is your character given the option of Pragmatic Villainy.
  • Kleptomaniac Hero: You can loot and steal to your heart's content without getting Dark Side points for it. Robbing the occupied apartments on Taris can make you feel like a dick, though, as the already poor families living there beg you not to hurt them while you take whatever little they have left. The only real subversion is the Sand People Enclave: even attempting to open any of the wicker baskets turns the entire tribe hostile, though you might do this anyway for the XP once you're done with them, since the fact that they attack you after you rob them means that you earn no Dark Side points for killing them.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: Jolee Bindo fits this trope exceptionally well. He left the Jedi order not because he didn't believe in their cause, but because he did not believe in their methods. Carth Onasi has become jaded and cynical after some serious personal trauma, but retains a commitment to basic kindness and decency.
  • Large and in Charge: Darth Malak. Choose any gender/class other than male soldier, and he will dwarf you when you go toe-to-toe. In the vision cutscenes, Malak has a whole head over Revan.
  • Large Ham: The Duel Arena announcer

    "LAAAAADIIEEES AAAAANNNND GENTLEMEN! We have a veeeeerrryyyy special PRE-SEN-TATION for you tonight!!!

  • Laser Blade: It's Star Wars, so of course.
  • Last-Second Chance: In the first game, if you are Light-Sided enough, you can offer one to almost every Dark Jedi. Malak is the only one who will not accept it.

    Player Character: This is your last chance, Malak. Surrender.
    Malak: No, Revan. This time our confrontation can only end in death... yours or mine.

    • Bastila (if you saved her this way, which would have been a few minutes earlier) expresses amazement you even bothered to try with Malak.
  • Last-Second Ending Choice: Regardless of whether you've devoted yourself to the Light or Dark Side, the game's ending is dependent on a single choice within its final act.
  • Let Me Tell You a Story: Jolee Bindo is prone to this.
  • Lazy Backup: Standard rules apply: max of two party members out at a time, no switching in combat or on certain maps, and if everybody goes down the game is over.
  • Living Legend: Revan, Bastila, Calo Nord, and Bendak Starkiller are all legendary for their past accomplishments and skill.
  • Living Ship: Malak suggests the Star Forge is this.

    "The Star Forge is more than just a space station. In some ways, it is like a living creature. It hungers. And it can feed on the Dark Side that is within all of us."

  • Loners Are Freaks: Elise Montagne, a woman on Dantooine in the first game, began treating her droid C8-42 as if it were her husband. All the time. The best ending to her quest is bittersweet, since you must destroy her, willing, droid in order to force her to let go and meet new people.
  • Lost Language: The Rakata language has long been lost to the Galaxy, since the Infinite Empire collapsed thousands of years ago and the civilizations that it had enslaved went to great lengths to erase any record of Rakata culture that they could find.
  • Lost Property Live Drop: After you kill legendary bounty hunter Calo Nord in the wilderness of whatever planet you visit first in your search for the Star Forge, you will later be unexpectedly approached in the street by a stranger who claims that you dropped your datapad. If you accept the "lost" pad, he'll tell you to check to make sure it isn't broken before promptly leaving; the datapad turns out to be a message from the Genoharadan, inviting you to a meeting on Manaan to discuss membership - and warning you to come alone or not at all.
  • Lost Superweapon: The Star Forge.
  • Lost Technology: The Star Forge, the secrets of which were lost to the galaxy when the Rakatan empire crumbled. Even the Rakatans themselves can't even reach it now, let alone make use of it.
  • Love Makes You Evil: If a romanced Bastila seduces a light-side Revan to the Dark Side.
  • Love Redeems:
    • On the Star Forge, you are given the opportunity to redeem Bastila, who has fallen to the Dark Side. You can try to do this by appealing to her training as a Jedi or to basic morality, but if you pursued the relationship side quest you can redeem her more easily by telling her that you love her. Subverted rather cruelly with Carth and the Dark Side Female PC; he tries, but the only possible results are for the PC to kill him herself or let Bastila do it for her. The ending in which he would have been able to succeed and Revan sacrifices herself was cut from the official release of the game. Jolee says it best:

      "Love doesn't lead to the Dark Side. Passion can lead to rage and fear, and can be controlled, but passion is not the same thing as love. Controlling your passions while being in love, that's what they should teach you to beware, but love itself will save you, not condemn you."

    • Probing through Sith lore in the Academy on Korriban reveals that the Sith code looks down on love as much as the Jedi do not because Love Makes You Evil like the Jedi teachings imply, but because love can give rise to mercy which can elicit weakness which the Sith detest.
  • Mage-Hunting Monster: Terentateks are monsters created by the Sith for the express purpose of hunting Jedi. To do this, terentateks were designed to feed primarily on the blood of Force-sensitives, giving them a motivation to hunt them, and were made almost entirely immune to Force effects.
  • The Man Behind the Man: Two-fold, but the same man is behind both (though it wouldn't be revealed until Star Wars: The Old Republic). Canderous mentions that the Sith made them an offer to attack the Republic, and some of the supplemental material reveals that Revan and Malak had met the True Sith forces before launching their conquest. The True Sith in question? Vitiate, Emperor of the Sith Empire.
  • Manual Leader, A.I. Party: The game allows customization of the party members' equipment and tactics, and allows direct control over all characters. AI scripts direct characters that are not being directly controlled, and can be customized by the player.
  • Match Maker Quest: The quest to find the missing droid in the first game. If resolved the right way, the droid's owner will meet a new man. The Sandral/Matale feud can also be one, though the way that ends is largely down to the player.
  • Meaningful Name: The duelist Gerlon Two-Fingers, who has two fingers due to his blaster overheating and exploding during a duel. It's said he used to be one of the best duelists, but his injuries have handicapped him to the point where he can only beat Deadeye Duncan these days.
  • Mellow Mantas: The thrantas flying around Dantooine, which are quite harmless compared to the Kath hounds.
  • Memetic Loser: In-Universe example with Deadeye Duncan. No one respects him at all and he's considered the worst fighter of all time, to the extent that a man who recently lost three of his fingers on his dominant hand still easily defeats him, and everyone is absolutely certain that the Player Character will beat him before they even see you in any combat, compared to the other fighters in the tournament who are usually built up as an upcoming challenge for you.
  • Metropolis Level: The game starts you off in the City Planet of Taris before letting you out into the Green Hill Zone of Dantooine.
  • Mind Prison: The Trope Namer, a small box containing a Blank White Void in which the disembodied consciousness of an ancient prisoner has been condemned to live out eternity as punishment for crimes that have long since been forgotten.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Bastila. Like all characters, by unequipping her clothes, she can be made to walk around in her underwear. It doesn't leave much to the imagination. The Player Character can be this too, if female, for the same reasons. Male Player Characters and party members can likewise be Mr. Fanservice. And that's not even getting into Game Mods.
  • Money for Nothing: In the Rakatan Temple on Lehon at the end of the game, you can find 5000 credits in one of the footlockers in the temple. Too bad Lehon is a Point of No Return in which you can't go back to another planet with a vendor to use that money on. At least you won't end the game penniless!
  • Monster Progenitor: Played straight. A giant shark on Manaan is called the Progenitor and is believed to be the ancestor of the Selkath.
  • Mugging the Monster:
    • A gang on Taris tries to sell Bastila into slavery, mistaking her for a normal Republic naval officer. She easily escapes once the player provides an opportunity, and points out that the player was not really necessary.
    • On Korriban the various Sith students all threaten the player's party. Verges into Bullying the Dragon territory if they recognize that you are a Jedi and thus are already trained in use of the Force. Even more so if you're lording your identity as Revan but they don't buy it.
    • On Taris, a group of drunks will attempt to bully you. Given that the player is walking around sporting weapons and is clearly a combat-ready offworlder, it falls under this trope.
  • Muggle–Mage Romance: Averted with Bastila (male) or Juhani (female), as they are both Jedi. A female Player Character romancing Carth plays this mostly straight, even if there are hints that Carth may or may not be as much of a "muggle" as he appears.
  • Multiple Endings:
    • As usual with Star Wars games, you end by either saving the galaxy or conquering it wholesale.
    • On a lesser scale, every quest and every relationship with your crew is able to take several different turns based on how you respond to them, or how you go about doing the quest. These can affect in-game dialogue, and your relationship with Carth and/or Bastila will directly affect certain late-game conversations, though they won't change the end-game cinematics.
  • Multiple Persuasion Modes: The series has the Persuade Skill Score, which unlocks additional and often more beneficial persuasion options in dialogue trees. It also lets the PCs take the Force Persuade feat—basically the Jedi mind trick from the movies, which works wonders on simple-minded individuals but is useless on intelligent and non-sentient life forms.
  • Mundane Utility: The Speed Force powers are used to boost defense stats and add additional attacks per round... or cross the map far more quickly.
  • Mysterious Stranger: This becomes Revan's ring name in the Taris arena, as the Hutt who runs the place markets the fact that they're a new face with no renown.
  • Mythology Gag: Try to advance to a different area while some party members are lagging behind, and the game will prompt you "You must gather your party before venturing forth."
  • Naval Blockade: Around Taris during the first part of the game.
  • Neutral in Name Only:
    • The ocean planet Manaan, home to the Selkath Fish People, is independent of both the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire and militantly enforces a Truce Zone in Ahto City, its only surface settlement. However, the storyline reveals that the Selkath government doesn't trust the Sith to respect their neutrality forever given the typical behavior of Dark Jedi, and therefore are secretly working with the Republic on a project to increase kolto production. You can certainly tip them even further to the Republic by clever maneuvering in the Sunry trial (which forces the Sith to subsidize the Republic kolto exports) and by exposing the Sith's kidnapping and training of young, Force Sensitive Selkath as Dark Jedi. By the time you end the planet on a full Light Side run, the Selkath are pretty tired of the Sith's shenanigans.
    • Jolee Bindo is considered a neutral Jedi by the game, with his character alignment being dead-center between light and dark, but not as much by the story. In that respect, Jolee is neutral only in the sense that he does not affiliate with either the Jedi or the Sith; he's still a fundamentally good person (despite, or perhaps because of, his somewhat checkered background) and won't hesitate to put his life on the line to stop a Player Character who decides to go Dark Side. His philosophy is less "Both Sides Have a Point" and more "The Jedi are right, they just need to be less Lawful Stupid".
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: The Jedi launched a daring raid to capture Revan and end the war. While they removed Revan from power, Revan's approach to war had been focused on subjugating the Republic with as little damage to the infrastructure as possible. Revan's replacement Malak had no such reservations, resulting in even greater damage to the Republic and the people.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain!: Chuundar decides to have the PC eliminate the "mad Wookiee" in the Shadowlands, but doing so results in the PC assisting Freyyr, the only one who can challenge Chuundar and unite the Wookiees against the Czerka slavers. Essentially, Chuundar sent the PC down the path that results in his own death and the overthrow of Czerka.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: Among the duelists on Taris, there's Marl, who's incredibly friendly and very helpful towards the player, willing to answer any question the player has for him, Ice, who lives up to her name, is very cold and insulting towards the player and isn't interested in conversation, but is a Graceful Loser should you beat her, Gerlon Two-Fingers, who's cocky and nowhere near as friendly as Marl is, but is otherwise much more civil than Ice is. And Twitch, who is a straight up psycho.
  • Nightmare of Normality: The player is actually the legendary Sith lord Darth Revan, having been captured by the Jedi after being betrayed and nearly killed by Darth Malak; essentially, the Jedi set you up with Fake Memories of being an ordinary human being — either a soldier, a scout or a smuggler, depending on the player's choice. However, you weren't intended to remain this way forever, as it was hoped that with Bastila's guidance, you could pinpoint the way to the Star Forge using the fragmentary memories that you retain and even become a Jedi — which is canonically what you end up doing.
  • Nightmarish Factory: The Star Forge is bad enough when one considers its near-infinite production capacity. What makes it far, far worse is that it not only feeds on the Dark Side impulses of its users, it forms a feedback loop with them, corrupting its operators in turn. It can also be used to drain the Force out of Light Side users, imprisoning them in a state of horrifying undeath and converting their connection to the Force into raw material.
  • No One Could Survive That!: Calo Nord; actually lampshaded.

    Calo Nord: I am hard to kill, Lord Malak.

  • No Canon for the Wicked: Canonically in the Star Wars Legends universe, Revan was a light-sided male.
  • No-Sell: Try to Force persuade the Sith guard into letting you in the Sith Academy won't work. He's being mentally conditioned to resist such abilities.
  • Non-Standard Game Over:
    • Walking into the Krayt Dragon's cave before you killed it will leave you with the same result as the dumb schmuck who did it before you.
    • The Court of Manaan will sentence you to death if you can't prove the Sith violated the neutrality act (therefore justifying your own actions for breaking into their base) or if you plead guilty.
    • If you lose the game of riddles against the prisoner in the mind prison, he will take your body and leave you trapped in the prison, possibly for eternity.
    • If you're stupid enough to keep bothering Calo Nord in the Cantina after he has just killed people in front of you for bothering him, he will kill your party at the count of three.
    • Failing the Power Pillar puzzle twice inside the Tomb of Naga Sadow on Korriban results in the weakened ceiling above the chamber you get sealed in falling down upon your lone PC due to the unstable electrical output that pillars give off.
    • Purposefully being an idiot by using the Special Fire Grenade on the acid pit blocking the way to both the quest-related ceremonial Sith Lightsaber and Star Map despite what the datapad detailing what would happen if one uses it on said pit which results in the fumes that appear afterward to kill your lone PC.
    • On the Unknown World, when approaching the Elder base, answering "I'm with the Rakata" triggers the Elders' defenses, wiping your group out instantly.
    • There was a third ending where, playing as a Dark Side female, Carth's plea for a Last-Second Chance works and the two of you opt to die together on the collapsing Star Forge. It is very easy to restore, however.
  • Notable Non Sequitur: Ask Canderous early on why the Mandalorians attacked the Republic, he shrugs and says that "the Sith came to us with an offer" before diverging into why Mandalorians seek the hardest fights across the galaxy. Little did anyone know that "Sith" was Sith Emperor Vitiate, and how much that comment exploded all over the sequel and the MMO!
  • Nothing Is Scarier:
    • A few dialogue options and loading screens say that something in the unknown regions corrupted Revan and Malak, but doesn't bother to elaborate on what.
    • One conversation with Canderous has him mention how, during a routine hunt for pirates, they struck a random meteorite which then seemingly turned out to be a weaponized spaceship and reduced their Mandalorian metal to slag. Notably, the background music actually stops for a few seconds as he is telling this, making it clear something more sinister is at play, but nonetheless none of the characters In-Universe have any clue what it was and the game doesn't elaborate on it. Fans of the wider Legends continuity probably recognise it as a Yuuzhan Vong scout ship.
  • Obliviously Superpowered
    • Early in the game, the player character experiences a variety of strange dreams and visions, while also managing the Herculean task of helping a stranded Jedi escape a City Planet occupied by the Sith. The latter sounds like standard fare for an RPG protagonist, but Bastila reveals that it's because you're actually an undetected Force Sensitive. More specifically, you are the amnesiac Darth Revan, and your powers are starting to reawaken.
    • Your first permanent companion, Carth Onasi, infamously has uncannily accurate Gut Feelings that leave him constantly Properly Paranoid, has a better on-screen piloting record than confirmed Jedi candidate Atton Rand, and can see and understand Force Ghosts. There is a wealth of evidence that Carth is a Force-Sensitive who evaded detection both because of the political consequences of taking a child from Telos, where the Jedi traditionally send their failed candidates, and because they were too busy with the Exar Kun War to focus on identifying potential students. Carth's son was identified, and since Force-Sensitivity is In the Blood, Dustil could have inherited it from either or even both of his parents. Carth shows slightly more awareness when he appears in the second game.
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse: When you are taken to meet Davik on Taris, he informs you that there will be dire consequences for refusing an offer of employment from the Exchange.
  • Offscreen Villain Dark Matter: Used as an actual plot point, as it's mentioned how the Sith fleet seems to get bigger by the day regardless of how many they lose or how much it must cost to keep pumping out more and more ships. That's because they're making use of the Star Forge, a massive factory that draws raw materials directly from the star it's orbiting to create ships practically out of thin air.
  • Once More, with Clarity: Used during The Reveal, as lines earlier spoken have new meaning, such as "What greater weapon is there than to turn an enemy to your cause? To use their own knowledge against them?"
  • One Myth to Explain Them All: The Rakata are involved in both Tusken Raider and Jawa myths as well as the creation of Kashyyk's forests and possibly Manaan's kolto.
  • One-Shot Revisionism: Each game contains exactly one situation where an NPC will scold you for being a Kleptomaniac Hero. Others will completely ignore you looting their possessions under their nose, which gives you no dark side points either. Except the Tusken Raiders, who will not merely scold you but shoot you on sight.
  • Only Flesh Is Safe:
    • Ion Weapons have lower damage than their non-ion counterparts, but have extra damage rolls against machines.
    • The Disable Droid Light Side Force power does the same but has much higher damage and Area of Effect. Both are VERY useful when playing as a Light Side character during the Very Definitely Final Dungeon due to the sheer number of Droids.
  • Opening Scroll: Just like the movies.
  • Opening the Sandbox: When the player steals the Ebon Hawk on Taris. You can visit the Star Map planets in any order you like, (usually) leave them in the middle and go back or forward to anywhere else, etc.
  • Optional Stealth: Stealth is a skill you can put points in, and can use with either a stealth belt or Force Camouflage. Mission starts with a decently high stealth stat and a belt. Juhani has the Force ability. It's got some frustrating limitations (you move at a snail's pace while stealthed, your party members must be manually controlled if you want to coordinate a sneak attack, and attacking or using a terminal breaks stealth). Depending on your play style, however, it can be Difficult, but Awesome if you do something like buff Mission's hacking skills, load her up with spikes, have her sneak over to a terminal in an enemy base, and wipe out half the Mooks without lifting a finger.
  • Orbital Bombardment: Twice by the Sith, once on-screen (the destruction of Taris, which provides the page picture), and once off-screen (the destruction of the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine; we see the results in the second game).
  • Organized Crime Sidequest:
    • While hiding from the Sith on Taris, the player can see Zax the Hutt for bounty hunting missions, many of which have been issued by the Exchange. The targets include murderers, assassins, debtors, and even one unlucky waitress who fought back when a mobster tried to sexually assault her, but all of them are wanted dead, so killing them qualifies as Dark Side actions.
    • Also on Taris, the Rakghoul Plague kicks off a search for a Sith-developed cure for the disease, with the Exchange offering the biggest finder's fee. Once you've finished scavenging it from the bodies of Sith troopers in the Undercity, it's entirely possible to give the serum to a humble doctor who'll mass-produce it and make sure that everyone on Taris can be cured for free... or you can send it to Davik Kang, who'll make it into an expensive medical treatment that only the rich have access to. But hey, at least you get a generous cash reward!
    • A visit to Korriban will result in you being hired as a smuggler on behalf of some local criminals, first simply by delivering a package of Spice that was already being kept aboard the Ebon Hawk, then by transporting a mysterious box to a crime boss on Tatooine - though this will mean briefly abandoning your mission to infiltrate the Sith Academy and reach the next fragment of the Star Map. However, actually opening the box reveals that it's an ancient Mind Prison built by the same Abusive Precursors who built the Star Forge.
    • Taken to its logical conclusion in the Genoharadan missions: after you kill Calo Nord, you're given an invitation to join this secret society of assassins, provided you can prove yourself by hunting down and killing a number of extremely difficult targets across the galaxy - including a reclusive millionaire Con Artist, an Egomaniac Hunter who kills Krayt Dragons for fun, and a Shapeshifting Trickster turned Serial Killer. This will not only require you to temporarily abandon your search for the Star Forge and anything you were doing on Manaan, but has nothing to do with stopping the Sith and it doesn't even send you after any Sith targets... and at the end of this questline, it turns out that the offer to join the Genoharadan was a total scam and you were just being used to assassinate the group's leaders so your contact could take over.
  • Outcast Refuge: Taris's dangerous Undercity contains a large outcast camp, populated by those who have been banished from the Upper and Lower Cities. They live in constant poverty, and those who leave the camp to scavenge are at risk of being attacked by contagious rakghouls. Their leader Rukil seeks another, safer refuge called the "Promised Land", which is supposed to be secure and self-sufficient. Ironically, the Undercity is the only place spared after the planet is bombed into oblivion by Malak's forces.
  • Out-of-Genre Experience:
    • On Dantooine, one side quest involves you investigating a murder in what is essentially an episode of CSI: Dantooine.
    • On Manaan, if you have already recruited Jolee Bindo you can find yourself dragooned into working as defense attorney for a Republic soldier in a Courtroom Episode.
  • Pacifism Is Cowardice: A major theme in the games is that the Jedi's Head-in-the-Sand Management approach to the Mandalorian war, which was partially done to avoid Neutral No Longer, was largely a result of cowardice on the Jedi Order's part due to their teachings. Both games have various characters critique the idea that Jedi are guardians of peace who promote pacifism when possible, yet turned a blind eye to the state of the galaxy when it was needed.
  • Paradise Planet:
    • Dantooine; as the first world you visit after leaving Taris, its rolling grasslands and Arcadia-style farms serve as an effective contrast to the urban decay of the opening stages of the game. For good measure, there's a Jedi enclave here, making Dantooine something of an island of safety in the increasingly dangerous galaxy. However, there're still a few stings in the tail, thanks to the Mandalorian raiders, Juhani's fall to the Dark Side, and the Sandral-Matale feud, though you have a chance to solve these problems in good time. And then the Sith carpet bomb it to hell.
    • Manaan, a stunningly beautiful ocean world; thanks to the native Selkath's environmentalism, it's been kept in pristine condition, and the only settlement above water is Ahto City. For good measure, it's also the galaxy's only source of Kolto, a powerful healing agent, making it all the more desirable... and allowing the Selkath to enforce a very strict Truce Zone on the planet.
    • According to Carth, Telos IV used to be one of these... before the Sith bombed it barren.
  • The Paragon Always Rebels: Revan, one of the Jedi's greatest students, persuaded a large number of fellow Jedi to take up arms against the Mandalorians and then to become Dark Jedi.
  • Pausable Realtime: You can pause in battle, which is good if it's all going too fast and you want a moment to reorder your party's actions.
  • Peninsula of Power Leveling: The Dune Sea on Tattooine has an infinitely respawning herd of Wraids that give good EXP and are guaranteed to drop Desert Wraid Skull Plates, which sell for a good amount of credits on Yavin Station.
  • People Jars: The tubes from the final battle. Also, the strange box you can get from Lurze Kesh on Korriban might count.
  • Permanently Missable Content:
    • Once you go to meet with Davik, you lose access to the rest of Taris and any loose ends you have left. The same happens to Dantooine once you get captured by the Leviathan, and it gets bombed offscreen.
    • You can easily miss several side quests by pissing off the wrong people (such as on Manaan) or by getting people killed (on Kashyyyk and Korriban). More specifically, poisoning the giant shark and thus destroying all kolto on Manann; backing Freyyr thus driving Czerka out of Kashyyyk; and not leaving Yuthura as the new headmaster on Korriban thus leading to the Sith academy being sealed off.
    • When Bastila is captured, you lose all her equipment except for her double-lightsaber which mysteriously goes into your inventory.
    • After you've recruited HK-47, you can try and repair him to give him stat boosts and unlock his memories of his past owners. But after you've escaped the Leviathan, he's understood enough of his past from a major reveal and suggests that further repairs are no longer necessary.
  • Persona Non Grata: If you go down to the Dark Side, you can get banned at places ranging from shops (Yuka Laka's shop if you threatened to kill him while trying to buy HK-47) to a planet (if you poisoned the waters, thus destroying all the kolto and having medicine prices skyrocket).
  • Player Personality Quiz: A short one on Dantooine determines your Jedi class. You can also ignore the results and pick whatever class you want afterwards.
  • Plot Coupon: The Star Maps, which each have a fragment of the information needed to find the Star Forge.
  • Point of No Return:
    • After you get the Taris launch codes, Canderous will ask to start the raid on Davik's estate. You can go whenever you wish, but once you start, you're done with Taris.
    • Collecting the fifth Star Map and clicking the button to go to the Unknown Worldnote  sets you on a one-way trip to the ending.
  • Posthumous Character: Darth Revan, despite being dead, is one of the most important characters in the story as it all arose from their actions. Ultimately subverted when it turns out Revan is the player character.
  • Power Glows: Although the films never give the Force any visual effects other than what it is acting on, Force powers here have a variety of swirly light patterns and colors; handy visual shorthand if there's a lot of it going on at once. Advanced combat feats have similar effects.
  • The Power of Love: Jolee Bindo is an advocate of Force users using love because he believes love can save a person. This is the reason he and the Jedi Order are not on good terms. If you go for the Light Side ending, he's proven right.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: The main difference between Revan and Malak is Revan is interested in keeping the Republic/Empire strong, sparing industrious planets, and so on. Malak is basically Axe-Crazy, as seen with Taris.
  • Prequel in the Lost Age: This takes place four thousand years before anything that happened in the movies. The bloated and decaying Republic of the prequel movies is here the Republic in its prime, albeit a war-torn prime.
  • Press X to Die:
    • You can try to talk to Calo Nord after watching him effortlessly kill three gangsters. He reacts to you in precisely the same manner. If you don't back off before he counts to three, you get a Hopeless Boss Fight.
    • Pleading guilty to your attempt to break into the Sith base on Manaan will get you executed.
    • There are several computer terminals throughout the game that let you hack into various security systems. Most of them offer the ability to activate security systems or overload terminals in various rooms, eliminating any enemies in the area. There's nothing to stop you doing this to the room you're currently standing in.
  • Prison Level:
    • After collecting three out of the four pieces of the Star Map, you're ambushed by the Leviathan and packed off the ship's brig, where you, Carth, and Bastila are interrogated for information before being left to wait for Darth Malak's return. However, you're able to plan your own breakout in advance by setting aside one of your companions as your ace in the hole, allowing them to break you out - setting the stage for your escape from the Leviathan itself.
    • On Korriban, you can be offered a mysterious box by a smuggler and told to deliver it to Tatooine without opening it. Actually opening it leaves you trapped inside an ancient Rakatan Mind Prison, forcing you into a battle of wits with the eons-old prisoner - who will break out and steal your real-world body if you lose.
  • Prisoner's Dilemma: A computer trying to determine if the Player Character is authorized to access it proposes a Prisoner's Dilemma scenario and asks the PC what they would do. In this case, betraying their companion is the "right" choice because it works out better for you no matter what the companion does, but the PC can reject the computer's moral vision and still gain access.
  • Prodigal Hero: Invoked directly by Vandar in the Light Side ending.
  • Prolonged Prologue: Your sojourn on Taris sets up the main plot without actually being relevant to the main plot. Then it explodes. The second game would go on to copy this formula.
  • Proud Warrior Race: Canderous believes this of himself and the Mandalorians. They don't go to war because they're evil or even interested in actual rule — they just enjoy Social Darwinism and if you beat them in a fight, they respect you. And if you "cheat", they respect your pragmatism.
  • Punny Name: The cantina in Dreshdae on Korriban, which is the original Sith homeworld (that is, the home of the dark side) is called the Drunk Side.

Tropes Q-Z 

  • Quarantine with Extreme Prejudice: Rakghoul plague has been quarantined to the lowest levels of Taris's Undercity, and mutates victims into zombies in all but name. The Outcasts have no cure for the disease. Anyone infected is locked into a cage with other infected in the hopes that when they all mutate, they will kill one another. Dr. Forn in the Upper City had a cure, but the Sith confiscated the samples and his notes. You can obtain a sample for yourself and give it to Zelka who can make more, but it's All for Nothing as Malak nukes the planet shortly after.
  • Quieting the Unquiet Dead: On Korriban, the Player Character encounters the Force ghost of the ancient Sith Lord Ajunta Pall, who has spent thousands of years in his tomb. He has come to regret his actions in life, and the PC can convince him to repent and return to the light, at which point he becomes one with the Force.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: The crew of the Ebon Hawk that undertakes the mission to stop Darth Malak. Members include a 14-year-old Twi'lek teenager, a Wookiee, a utility droid, an Ax-Crazy assassin droid, a Mandalorian mercenary, a Republican Ace Pilot, a former Dark Jedi, an old Grey Jedi, a Jedi padawan, and an amnesiac Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Malak's former Sith Master, no less!
  • Random Number God: You will quickly learn to hate Pazaak when the RNG screws you over and over. And if you want to actually be able to afford the stuff on Yavin Station, you're going to need to submit yourself to the Random Number God's altar until you win ten times for that 20% discount.
  • Recurring Boss: Calo Nord and Darth Malak.
  • Red Right Hand: Malak is missing his entire jaw thanks to picking a fight with Revan, so he uses a metallic prosthetic to cover it up.
  • Regained Memories Sequence: When you regain your memories late in the main storyline, you see several scenes from before and after your memory loss, culminating in a flashback of Revan removing the iconic mask to reveal your face underneath.
  • Replacement Goldfish: "Wow. She really misses her droid, doesn't she?" Please note that this Cargo Ship carries an extra-large express delivery of Squick if you think about it too much. Please don't.

    Carth: I've never felt so sorry for a droid before.

  • Replay Mode: The game's pre-rendered cinematics can be rewatched through an option on the title screen.
  • Required Party Member:
    • You get forced to take Carth when you first enter Taris. You have to have Mission to get into the Vulkar base. T3-M4 is required to get into the Sith base. You need HK-47 to complete the Light Side path with the Sand People on Tatooine. You need Bastila for the beginning of Dantooine. On the Leviathan level, you are forced to have Carth and Bastila in your party, as the whole thing wouldn't work without them because of certain story events. Later on the Unknown World, your party members will leave when you prepare to open up the temple, but Jolee and Juhani will come back and insist on accompanying you in; it is possible to leave them behind, but it is not possible to bring any party members except these two into the temple.
    • Inverted on Korriban, where taking Bastila is emphatically not an option because she'd be recognized and captured.
    • Played with and Inverted on Kashyyyk. You don't need to take Zaalbar in your party. However, you won't be able to go a hundred feet without someone else in the party nagging you that he'd love to be there. You also will be unable to proceed to the Shadowlands or enter the Wookiee village even if Zaalbar stays on Ebon Hawk as Chuundar somehow found out that his exiled brother had arrived on your spaceship. After you discover his history with the local Wookiee tribe he will not be available until you complete the storyline involving his family.
  • Rescue Introduction: Bastila. Or as she'll insist, she rescued you.
  • Rescue Romance: Somehow works for both male and female player characters.
    • A male character rescues Bastila from the Black Vulkar gang holding her prisoner (though she vehemently denies that she needed your help).
    • A female character is rescued by Carth, who did hold that last escape pod, carried the character through occupied territory and nurses them back to consciousness.
    • A female playing the Gay Option does this indirectly; first by talking Juhani down from her suicidal self-exile in the grove, and in the backstory, you (as Revan) saved her from slavers.
  • Rescue Sex: If you play as a female, a man will offer "earthly pleasures" as a reward for rescuing him, but you cannot accept, mainly because the man in question is a sleazeball and you wouldn't even want to.
  • Retcon:
    • Darths running around three millennia before Darth Bane, who supposedly started the tradition. Later got an explanation in a tie-in Darth Bane novel (which, unsurprisingly, was written by KotOR's lead writer).
    • Also, though it is set just forty years later, the aesthetic and philosophy of the Jedi are far more in-line with the prequel trilogy (four thousand years later) than Tales of the Jedi (four decades earlier). Understandable, perhaps, for marketing purposes. It makes it a bit strange for the Jedi to have a strong taboo against romance and marriage when the previous head of the Order, Nomi Sunrider, had been openly married to a Jedi, had a child, and then entered another relationship with another Jedi during a war. Especially as Jolee talks about this very period of history as though the taboo was in place and the original plans called for Vima Sunrider—the product of said happy and totally unremarkable Jedi marriage—to have Bastila's spot in the party. Other works set around this time period (like the tie-in comics) follow this version's lead. It is revealed that these restrictions came into effect after the Exar Kun war.
  • The Reveal: The big plot twist in this game is quite famous: You, the player, are Darth Revan. Bastila saved Revan from near-mortal injury that left them with amnesia and the Jedi moulded Revan's mind into a useful shape for them to find the Star Forge in hopes of defeating the Sith.
  • Reverse Psychology: One of the easiest ways to end the Sandral-Matale feud is to encourage them to kill each other and get it over with. They'll realize they've taken things too far and come back from the brink of killing each other, but the player character has the option of manipulating them into battle if he or she really did want them to fight.
  • Ridiculously Human Robots: Every robot with speaking lines seems to have a human personality and human emotions ranging from deception, ego, loyalty, manipulation, pain, pleasure (mostly pleasure from sadism), sarcasm and snark. HK-47 is the standout in this game.
  • Robo Sexual: Elise Montagne is revealed to be one near the end of her quest.
  • Robosexuals Are Creeps: A sidequest involves searching for Elise Montagne's missing droid. Once C8-42 is found, the droid explains that it ran away because it was freaked out by her treating it like her husband. The dialogue options allow the player to be freaked out by it.

    C8-42: She... she tried to treat me as her dead husband. It was not healthy for her.
    The Player: Er... ALL the time?
    C8-42: You don't want to know...
    The Player: Um... probably not...

  • Rocky Roll Call: In the "Sandral-Matale Feud" quest:

    Mr. Matale: There you are, Shen!
    Shen: Father!
    Rahasia: Mr. Matale!
    Mr. Sandral: Rahasia!
    Rahasia: Father!
    Shen: Mr. Sandral!
    Matale: Nurik!
    Sandral: Ahlan!

  • Romance Sidequest: Carth and Bastila are the main two, but pursuing them is entirely optional. Juhani is also a sneaked-in Gay Option for female player characters.
  • Romancing the Widow: Carth's romance subplot.
  • Running the Blockade: When main characters escape Taris through the Sith blockade of the planet aboard the Ebon Hawk, using the Sith's own ID codes to keep from being automatically targeted and shot down.
  • Sadist Teacher: Uthar's old master, Jorak Uln. Not only sadist for a Sith teacher, but also batshit insane as he lives in one of the ruins to capture students and tortures them as part of a test.
  • Scenery Dissonance: Three Type 1 instances:
    • Manaan is a beautiful water world with a calm ocean surface. The neutrality and calm of the surface is not as much as truthful as the Selkath want, as the Republic and Sith have both been flagrantly violating said neutrality. And under the calm water's surface is a shark infested hellscape with a research station gone full Survival Horror.
    • Taris. Upper City is a pleasant urban setting, albeit one showing a few signs of poor maintenance. Take the elevator down and you get a dank slum caught in the crossfire of a gang war. Take the elevator down from there and get a Scavenger World under siege from a de facto Zombie Apocalypse. The whole planet gets bombed eventually.
    • The Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban has very beautiful and majestic sunsets. Too bad that the whole thing is honoring the worst the galaxy could offer: infamous Sorcerous Overlords with body counts in the billions.
  • Scenery Porn: The game has very beautiful scenes like Taris and its majestic buildings or the sunset on Dantooine.
  • Schmuck Bait:
    • Half the security terminals have the option to overload the terminal, which kills whoever is standing at the terminal (i.e. you) and anyone in the near vicinity. The only time this ever comes into play is if the security system will allow you to remotely overload a terminal, and you can count on one hand the number of times this is actually a viable way to dispatch enemies.
    • On Korriban you can be offered the job of hauling a box from there to Tatooine. You are repeatedly warned, whatever you do, to not open the box. Nary a player will reach Tatooine before doing so.
    • If you successfully negotiate with the Sand People chieftain, after being warned that any sign of disrespect will be met with hostility, just outside his room there is a locked box. Messing with it will net you another warning reminding you that your "hosts" don't like you and will gladly act on any excuse to kill you. If you attempt to open it again, regardless of however stealthy you may be, the Sand People will notice and attack you.
  • Screw the Money, I Have Rules!: If you attempt to cut a deal with Calo Nord the second time you fight him, he refuses — he's more interested in protecting his reputation as a bounty hunter that no one gets away from.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!:
    • In the backstory, Revan and Malak led several Jedi into taking part in the Mandalorian Wars, simply refusing to accept the Jedi Council's decision not to enter the conflict.
    • Towards the conclusion of the Star Map question on Manaan, the player character learns that several members of the Manaan government have been working with the Republic to get them increased quantities of kolto, despite Manaan's official neutrality in the conflict. They know that, if the Republic should fall, the Sith will not respect Manaan's independence, and they would rather break their own laws against taking part than wait for the invasion fleet.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: The Sith Lord Ajunta Pall who has spent millennia in his tomb. The Star Maps can also been seen as this since they are often related to the Dark Side due to altering their surroundings (making creatures like a Krayt dragon not only larger but more ferocious).
  • Second Love: A female player character can be this to Carth, whose first wife died before the events of the game.
  • Selkies and Wereseals: The Selkath seem to take their name from selkies.
  • Shared Dream: The Player Character and Bastila, via the Force Bond. Of course, it's not really as simple as a dream or mere Force based vision...
  • Shapeshifting Sound:
    • People who've been infected with the rakhgouls plague and don't get a dose of serum in time will metamorphose into ravenous mutants with a dazzling flash of light, a glowing cloud similar to an ion grenade, and a loud "whooshing" sound effect.
    • Accepting the Genoharadan missions from Hulas eventually results in you being tasked with hunting down a shapeshifting assassin by the name of Rulan Prolik. Over the course of your encounter and the Sequential Boss fight that follows, Rulan changes forms no less than five times — including the moment of his death — each moment accompanied by yet another flash of light, another cloud, and another loud "whooshing" sound effect.
    • In the final boss battle, entering a hidden button combo or console code just prior to the start of the fight will result in a parody ending in which the player uses the Force to transform Darth Malak into a Twi'lek dancing girl with — once again — a flash of light, a glowing cloud, and a whoosh.
  • Shoot the Dog: As a Light-sided player character, you can do hurtful things that have an ultimately beneficial outcome.
    • You can destroy a droid that a woman was using as a Replacement Goldfish for her dead husband. She breaks down when you tell her so, but ultimately she realizes it was time to move on.
    • On Manaan, you can destroy a kolto-harvesting center. Kolto is one of the most coveted healing agents in the galaxy, but the alternative approach (killing a monster shark), puts you in Manaan's bad books forever because it is believed to be the source of kolto itself.
    • During the final duel with Malak, you can destroy the droids preserving several captive Jedi. It kills them, but they were effectively dead already and your actions free them to become one with the Force.
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog:
    • The opening missions on Taris. Everybody you help (or don't) dies almost immediately afterwards, when the Sith fleet glasses the planet. The Old Republic MMO reveals the Outcasts, who Revan canonically helps, survived a few more generations, barely clinging to life and slowly losing what little technology they had to the ravages of time in a Scavenger World, before dying all alone from radiation poisoning in a monster-infested wasteland a full century before recovery efforts began with the galaxy at large completely oblivious to their existence.
    • Dantooine is conquered and its Jedi Enclave is destroyed towards the climax, rendering all the aid you provided there meaningless.
    • If you fail enough Persuade checks while fighting Bastila, you'll be forced to kill her.
    • A more minor example on Kashyyyk: It's possible to help a man caught unfairly in debt slavery right near the space dock. If you then later lead the Wookies in a rebellion against Czerka Corp, the man you helped mysteriously disappears ... hope you enjoyed those ten minutes of freedom.
  • Shop Fodder:
    • All those spike tunnelers serve no purpose in the game (unlike the sequel where they are used for cracking locks), instead they can be sold for credits, since there is no penalty for bashing doors and locks open like there is in the sequel.
    • Any items with no special attributes or modifiers are meant to be sold because of their uselessness.
    • The racing bonds you gain after winning at Tatooine's swoop racing. When you ask the promoter what they are good for, he says you can sell them to any vendor for credits.
  • Shout-Out: In the original series' proud tradition of cribbing from great sci-fi literature, the Wookies' backstory shown here owes a lot to the Hork-Bajir of the Animorphs series. Both are large, Noble Savage creatures who live in huge forests and have fearsome claws that are actually used for stripping tree bark and have social taboos about using them for fighting. note  You also learn that both races have been genetically engineered to tend to the giant trees by a more advanced alien race as part of their Terraforming biotechnology.
  • "Shut Up" Kiss: The "consummating" dialog options for the PC/Bastila romance are "Shut up and kiss me, you babbling fool," or "I love you, Bastila. And I know you love me." If you choose the latter:

    Bastila: Okay, you've made your point. Now shut up and kiss me, you fool.

  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: Shen and Rahasia in an infamous optional sidequest on Dantooine where you have to restore peace between their two feuding rich families.
  • Silent Whisper: Saul Karath in his last moments, whispers Revan's identity to Carth Onasi in this manner. Carth doesn't take it well.
  • Smug Snake: Several along the way. Including Brejik (who joined a rival gang on Taris because his adoptive father and Hidden Bek leader didn't think he was ready), Chuundar (a Wookiee who sold his family and race out to Czerka slavers to be Chief), and the Sith hopefuls at the Korriban Academy who are more than willing to backstab you. It's more than satisfying when you rub them all out.
  • Smug Super: The Sith in general. Not so much the rank-and-file grunts, but the Dark Jedi will rub it in your face.
  • Smurfette Principle: Ice is the only woman in the dueling ring unless your character is female and chooses to participate. Averted with your party; out of the seven organic party members, three are female. A female Player Character would make it four women, four men, and two droids (who have male pronouns).
  • Soldier vs. Warrior: Canderous is disappointed to hear Carth views war as something best left forgotten, commenting that he believed him to be a warrior, something Carth is not happy about. Carth states he believes a soldier's job to be to protect the defenseless against people like warriors, especially given that Canderous was just discussing the possibility of them having been on opposite sides of the same battles.
  • So Long, and Thanks for All the Gear: Zigzagged.
    • Justified on the Leviathan with Bastila, who is forced to remain behind to delay Malak so you can escape. All of her equipment except her lightsaber is lost with no opportunity to recover it.
    • After the alignment lock, if you choose to return to the dark side, Carth justifies this since he runs away after learning of your decision, taking all of his gear with him. Jolee, Juhani, Mission, and (probably) Zaalbar are all aversions since you directly murder them and can reclaim all of their stuff.
  • Space Age Stasis: Technology levels and aesthetics are pretty much identical to the movies. As mentioned elsewhere on this page, this is not true for the comics that the games are based on.
  • Space Battle: This is Star Wars. The game starts in a ship that's been scuppered in a fight, you get to shoot down enemy fighters several times in a minigame, and the game ends on a massive battle between the Republic fleet and the Star Forge.
  • Space Compression: Jolee Bindo lampshades this, sarcastically suggesting that the main Sith planet has only 12 or 13 Sith (an estimate not far off, depending on who you count).
  • Space Fighter: The Sith Fighters on the Sith Empire's side and the Aurek Fighters on the Republic's side. The former must be destroyed occasionally by the PC when traveling between planets, via a Mini-Game.
  • Speaking Simlish: Both games have this with alien languages. They sound impressively coherent and similar to the (actual) languages used in the Star Wars movies, but there's no actual meaning to the words being spoken. You'll notice the same sounds being repeated for different dialogue and even for supposedly different languages by the midway point of either game. One particularly blatant example is the stowaway you pick up; she uses the same audio clip no matter what she's supposed to be saying, and you'll be hearing it a lot before the encounter is done.
  • Spiritual Successor:
    • Knights of the Old Republic use basically a similar plot and the same character's archetypes that in Neverwinter Nights, another Bioware RPG released the previous year.
    • KOTOR itself would later gain a spiritual successor in the form of Mass Effect, with many of its themes (Abusive Precursors that gave the current races Faster-Than-Light Travel, a race of Proud Warrior Guys that lost a Great Offscreen War and are now being reduced to selling themselves out as mercenaries) being expanded upon.
  • Spoiled Brat: Brejik of the Black Vulkars comes off as this — he joined the gang and dedicated it to wiping out the Hidden Beks simply because the Beks' leader didn't think he was ready to take his place, tries to rescind his prize in the swoop race because the player wins (though his reasoning is sound — the player cheats by way of a prototype accelerator on their bike — he only knows about and is protesting it because it wasn't one of his riders using it), and when others protest over this also being against the rules, he basically tells them that he can do it just because he wants to. Alternatively, if you decided to work with him instead, he just arbitrarily decides to keep the prize even though you helped him win the race. It's rather satisfying when Bastila frees herself on her own and helps you kill the brat not a minute later.
  • Standard Evil Empire Hierarchy
    • The Emperor: Darth Malak, as its current shadowy leader.
    • The Right Hand: Darth Bandon, as Malak's apprentice and thus second in command, acting as his enforcer in hunting down Revan.
    • The General: Saul Karath, as the admiral of the Sith Empire, making him the highest ranking military official within the hierarchy.
    • The Evil Counterpart: Bastila, as a powerful force user, initially fighting for the Republic and crucial for their victories, but ultimately brainwashed by high-ranking force users to switch to the Sith Empire, much like how Revan is a similar powerful force user who lead his Empire to numerous victories, but a combination of injuries and Jedi Council techniques wipe his memory and result in him siding with the Republic.
    • The Oddball: Calo Nord, as a bounty hunter, explicitly outside of the Sith Empire's military.
  • Star Power: Partially. The Star Forge draws power from a nearby star (and is also probably using the material as mass for construction) but also feeds on the Dark Side energies found within various beings.
  • Stealth Pun: One of the quests on Dantooine is to settle a feud between the Sandral and Matale families. The feud is close to breaking out into a shooting war between the two because the Sandral patriarch accuses the Matale family of the death of his son, Casus. Thus, Casus Sandral is actually casus belli, or "cause for war"
  • Stellar Station: The Star Forge is a massive stellar factory built by the Rakatan Infinite Empire that harvests material from stars and forges it into weapons and ships using the Dark Side of the Force. It was apparently so powerful that it ended up corrupting all the Rakatans that used it, leading to their downfall. It was eventually destroyed in the Battle of Rakata Prime with the help of Revan.
  • Stereotype Flip: Zaalbar's brother, Chuundar, is a singularly atypical Wookiee. He didn't get to be chieftain through Asskicking Leads to Leadership, but by selling his fellow Wookiees as slaves to Czerka Corp in exchange for weapons and favours, and then cunningly manipulating the outrage of his brother and father when they found out separately to get both to disgrace themselves in the eyes of their fellow Wookiees and be exiled, supposedly ascending in spite of the tragedies gripping his family instead of because of them. In spite of calling himself "the Mighty Chuundar", Zaalbar claims he was The Runt at the End, with the implication that he would not be able to stand up to a true rebellion. Indeed, rather than being a Proud Warrior Race Guy like you'd expect a Wookiee to be, Chuundar clearly rules through deceit and manipulation while making himself look good in the process, and his leadership runs on full-blown Realpolitikby his own admission, several of the Wookiees he sold into slavery were rivals for the position of chieftain.
  • Stock Puzzle: Rampant — KotOR loves this trope.
    • 3 + 5 = 4 is the final obstacle on Manaan. The player can bypass it if they're willing to take the Dark Side points.
    • Towers of Hanoi shows up on Korriban.
    • The Prisoner's Dilemma and the St Ives riddle both appear in the Kashyyyk main quest and in a sidequest respectively. You also spend a lot of time unlocking droids and computers with math problems, like listing prime numbers.
  • Stumbling Upon the Lost Wizard: The party is sent down to the Kashyyyk Shadowlands. They soon stumble on Jolee Bindo, a self-exiled Jedi who is aware that he's known as "the crazy old man in the dangerous woods," and volunteers himself into the party in exchange for leading them to the Plot Coupon. And yes, he knew exactly who the Player Character was (or is), but figured it wasn't his place to say anything. Jolee is nothing if not very meta about the whole concept.
  • Stupid Evil:
    • Xor takes home the prize for this trope. He tried to buy Juhani as a child slave, but was stopped and crippled for his troubles. When he runs into Juhani years later, not only is she now a Jedi, but is accompanied by at least one Jedi companion (i.e. you) and sincerely offers to buy her off of you. He then has the gall to get huffy when you tell him to piss off, while also trying to egg Juhani on when he realizes how much she hates him. When he confronts you again, he has two bog standard mooks at his side to force the issue. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
    • The Sith on Korriban have a tendency to do evil things for the sake of being evil, even if it hurts them in the process. For example, if you side with either Uthar or Yuthura Ban, they will immediately betray you after the other is killed instead of waiting for reinforcements or something more pragmatic.
  • Stupid Sacrifice: Bastila "saving" the player during the fight with Malak on the Leviathan. Unless built as purely support, the player is likely winning handily.
  • Supernatural Gold Eyes: A matter of course for any Dark Jedi, including the player if they take that route.
  • Super-Soldier: The character can be this if he or she chooses the soldier class. It is later revealed that the player character is Darth Revan, who is a very powerful Force user skilled enough to defeat Mandalore, the strongest of the Mandalorians. But Canderous is probably the best example. He is a large muscular soldier of the Ordo Clan and will gladly boast of how tough the Mandalorians are, going so far as to say they did not care about Kolto, a very effective healing medicine, during their conquest since they are a hardy people.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial:
    • Zelka doesn't like being accused of knowing anything about those Republic escape pods.
    • After you raided the Sith Base on Manaan and confront the Sith Droid at the base's entrance, he will clumsily deny that any attack took place.
  • Sympathetic Murderer: An early sidequest on Dantooine involving a murder mystery reveals both suspects to be this: the one who actually killed him did so because the victim was having an affair with his wife, the other attempted to do it because the victim was his business partner and cheating him.
  • The Syndicate: The Exchange.
  • Tainted Veins: Following the Dark Side gradually degrades the player character's appearance, with diseased-looking veins popping out of greying skin.
  • Take a Third Option:
    • The murder investigation on Dantooine. One of them did it, the other was planning to.
    • The game expects you to side with Chuundar or Freyyr in the Wookiee quest, but since the Wookiee drama is unconnected to the Star Map, the PC can simply abandon Zaalbar on Kashyyyk and play through the rest of the story without taking a side.
    • You can also choose to turn against both Yuthura Ban and Uthar Wynn when given the chance to side with either.
    • When Shen and Rahasia's feuding fathers argue over which of their estates the new couple should live in, the pair quite sensibly suggest that their parents put their wealth to practical use and buy them a house, which everyone agrees is the best solution. (Though for all we know, they later started arguing over whose estate it should be closer to.)
  • Taking You with Me: At the end of Taris, Calo Nord tries to blow you and himself up rather than let you escape the bombing of Taris alive. Unfortunately for him, he gets crushed by some rubble before he can go through with it and you slip away.
  • This Is Not My Life to Take: Revan leaves Admiral Karath to Carth, since It's Personal, and may or may not (depending on morality) encourage Juhani to take revenge on the man who bought her as a 'pet'... Let's just say Bioware loves this trope.
  • Threat Backfire: If you have Canderous and Jolee with you when you offer to help Lashowe find Tulak Hord's holocron, this exchange occurs:
  • Threatening Shark: The firaxan sharks are the biggest threat to you on the sea floor of Manaan, with one even bigger than a megalodon.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: You are Darth Revan.
  • Too Dumb to Live:
    • One Republic soldier is slowly turning into a rakhgoul. If you administer the serum, he'll be cured. After you talk to him, he hears some noises and panics. Rather than staying with you and a well-armed party, he runs off and get slaughtered by rakhgouls.
    • One of the Sith on Korriban tries to shake you down for the artifact you just collected from a dangerous temple, reasoning that all he had to do was wait for someone to get it for him so he wouldn't have to fight his way through it. He has apparently failed to consider that anyone badass enough to get through the temple will be more badass than him. Furthermore, he is also too dumb to confirm that the artifact is authentic (there are two fakes you can pick up with the real one), and gets himself killed by the Sith master for his incompetence if you pass him a fake.
    • Xor, an adversary of Juhani and Cathars in general, decides he can kidnap a Jedi and kill her companions, including at least one other Jedi, with himself and two other lightly-armed mercenaries. Needless to say, he only succeeds in getting himself and his companions killed very quickly.
  • Torture Always Works: Zigzagged.
    • When the Ebon Hawk is captured by Sith Admiral Saul Karath's flagship after the acquisition of the third Plot Coupon, the Player Character, Carth Onasi, and Bastila Shan are tortured by electrocution. It's only as effective as the player wants it to be, since the PC is the only one being questioned (it's a "talk and I'll stop hurting your friends, too" thing), and the scene is formatted mechanically as a conversation with options to say nothing, lie, or tell the truth.
    • Played with when Darth Malak takes Bastila prisoner. In a cutscene he tortures her with Force Lightning not to get information, but to break her spirit and allow him to turn her to the Dark Side. He succeeds, and Bastila becomes your opponent in a Mini-Boss battle in The Very Definitely Final Dungeon.
  • Transformation Discretion Shot: The game has no morph animation, so all transformations in the game are concealed, most commonly by visual effects:
    • Anyone infected with the rakhgoul plague will eventually transform into another rakhgoul, but the exact point where the metamorphosis begins is hidden by a flash of light and a glowing cloud similar to an ion grenade being detonated; when it fades, a fully-formed rakhgoul has replaced them — with no sign of what happened to their clothes, incidentally.
    • Shapeshifting assassin Rulan Prolik always transforms while accompanied by another flash of light and cloud effect; in his introductory cutscene, the Wookie he's disguised as is seen descending out of view as the glowing cloud expands, with his new form — Jolee Bindo — rising up a moment later, implying further detail to his transformation. By contrast, the boss battle features Rulan's One-Winged Angel form, his tach form, and even his deceased true form simply materializing out of the cloud with no other evidence of transition.
    • In an Easter Egg ending to the game, Darth Malak can be transformed into a Twi'lek dancing girl by the player character — once again with the distinctive flash of light and glowing cloud.
  • Truce Zone: Manaan, because of its trade in medical supplies.
  • True Companions: Played mostly straight in the first game, the team really does become a rather intimate unit.
  • Ultimate Final Exam: Double dose!
    • Your accelerated Jedi training ends with you being sent out to remove the Dark Side taint from a grove just beyond the Dantooine Jedi enclave. As it turns out, the source of this corruption is a Jedi apprentice fallen to the Dark Side; you have the choice to either redeem her or kill her — either option gets the job done... though the latter means losing a valuable future team-member.
    • During your brief stint as an apprentice at the Sith Academy, gaining enough prestige to graduate will result in you being sent on a final test of your worth: here, you have to enter the monster-infested tomb of Naga Sadow and retrieve a special lightsaber from the burial chamber — with no party members accompanying you. This is incidentally the only way to reach the next piece of the Star Map.
  • Unholy Matrimony: The outcome of Bastila's romance arc in the Dark Side ending.
  • Unintentionally Unwinnable: If you opened the captive cages from earlier at the Sand People Enclave before you accept the quest to find Griff, he will not appear anywhere, making the quest this. The PC version has mods which do reset the Sand People quests however to fix this.
  • Unreliable Narrator: Bastila and Mission paint unflattering pictures of Bastila's mother and Mission's brother Griff's girlfriend Lena in early conversations, claiming that Bastila's mother was a greedy, heartless woman who was happy to be rid of her and Lena was a Gold Digger who seduced Griff away from taking care of Mission. Naturally, when you actually meet these two during Bastila and Mission's personal sidequests, they turn out to be very different people from the way they are depicted.
  • Unsportsmanlike Gloating: Niklos, the very first pazaak opponent you meet, does this a lot. He's also a Sore Loser, so he's an obnoxious person overall.
  • Urban Segregation: Taris is divided between the rich and human-only Upper City, which is open to the sky, the gang-ridden Lower City where non-humans are forced to live, and the monster-infested and supply-starved Undercity where criminals are exiled.
  • Vibro Weapon: Vibroblades and their relatives, which can stand up to lightsaber blades thanks to the usual Applied Phlebotinum of a "cortosis weave".
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: If you choose the Dark Side path near the end. Mission Vao would refuse to follow you, however Zaalbar is bound to serve you. You can Force Persuade Zaalbar into shooting down Mission. On the Star Forge however, Zaalbar will realize his mistake and turn on you.
  • Video Game Cruelty Punishment:
    • If you choose the Dark Side ending, more than half the crew would turn on you, forcing you to kill them.
    • A cut ending specifically for Dark Sided females added an additional twist to turn it into an "Everybody Dies" Ending by having Carth show up and making a final appeal. The player could then turn on Bastila, allowing the Republic fleet to destroy the Star Forge, with Revan and Carth still aboard.
    • Another example would be on Manaan, where the player could be permanently barred from visiting the planet ever again if he/she chooses to poison the Firaxa Shark (along with the kolto) in order to reach the Star Map. (Unless you manage to blackmail the Selkath in letting you stay on the planet). Even if you manage to avoid deportation, the game will still punish you by making medpacs ridiculously expensive, reflecting the kolto shortage you inflicted on the galaxy.
  • Villain Reveals the Secret: When the party takes down Saul Karath, he whispers something to Carth Onasi before dying. He reveals Revan's true identity as a former Dark Lord/Lady of the Sith. However, the player doesn't get to hear what he actually said until they run into Darth Malak, who outright tells you that they're Revan.
  • The Virus: The rakhgouls of Taris spread a plague through their bites and claws that causes those so afflicted to transform into new rakhgouls.
  • Voice Grunting: The player character has voiced grunts, sounds of pain, and a few battle cries ("hiya!" "Now that had to hurt.." etc.) but is otherwise a Silent Protagonist in the voiceover department. This includes a rather clumsy cut-scene where the subtitles show the PC having a line, but still remain silent. With the in-game voice grunts giving the character a voice, it would surely have made sense to record this line.
  • Volatile Second Tier Position: The rank of Sith student. All levels of the Sith hierarchy are fraught with danger, but the students at the Sith Academy on Korriban arguably have it worse than most: sure, they're allowed more perks than Imperial officers and are well on their way to joining the Empire's elite, but only one student out of the entire class will be allowed to graduate. As such, the hostility and backstabbing present throughout the Sith Empire is amplified a thousandfold.
  • The War Just Before: The Mandalorian Wars, in which the Mandalorian Proud Warrior Race, egged on by the Sith, invaded the Republic and were beaten by a force of renegade Jedi led by Revan. Unfortunately, a number of the Jedi who fought with Revan, up to and including Revan and Malak, fell to the Dark Side during the war and eventually attacked the weakened Republic themselves, leading into the game's plot.
  • Weapon Twirling: There is a "Flourish Weapon" ability mapped to a key, and can be used to spin blasters, swords, and lightsabers around dangerously. Including the double-bladed lightsabers.
  • We Buy Anything: Medicine vendors will buy all your old swords and guns for no apparent reason, other than player convenience of course. Card vendors, on the other hand, won't buy anything.
  • We Have Reserves: Malak orders the bombardment of Taris despite the presence of his own troops on the surface. During the Battle of the Star Forge, Malak sends all of his forces and all of his Sith, knowing that Revan has a good chance of killing them all but not caring.
  • Well, Excuse Me, Princess!: The dynamic of the romance subplots, for both genders. A Male PC can be the frustrating male or the frustrated male with Bastila, but the Female PC will fall squarely under this.
  • Wham Shot: During the confrontation with Malak on the Leviathan, a montage of flashbacks to dialogue plays, followed by a shot of Revan removing his mask to reveal the player character's face.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: During a conversation with Bastila, Carth calls out the Jedi for not doing anything to help the Republic during the Mandalorian Wars. She defends their actions saying there was another threat the council had sensed, but he's unconvinced.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: Ajunta eventually gives up his existence as a Force Ghost (or the Sith equivalent of it) when the player character shows him the light.
  • Why Won't You Die?: Mission's Battle Cry is an exasperated "Just die already!"
  • Women Are Wiser: For the most part averted among your companions. HK-47 is a sociopath, but he's a droid, so he doesn't have a gender, even though he has a masculine voice and personality. Carth comes across as whiny and paranoid, but he turns out to be Properly Paranoid. Jolee and Canderous tend to be jerks and the latter is even a Blood Knight, but they know what they're doing. Juhani is nice, but has a lot of anger issues and temporarily fell to the Dark Side. Lastly, Bastila, despite being your mentor for the most part, is remarkably hypocritical on many occasions. Mission is the only female party member with no distinct flaws, and as a kid she's not exactly a bastion of wisdom.
  • Won the War, Lost the Peace: In the backstory, Revan and Malak's decision to join the Mandalorian Wars ahead of the rest of the Jedi, might have brought the conflict to a close sooner, but the moral compromises they made along the way ultimately led to these war heroes, and those who followed them, to become the next threat to the galaxy.
  • You ALL Look Familiar: Every NPC you ran into, thanks to there only being about seven faces.
  • You Do NOT Want To Know: The player character is treated to this little exchange during a sidequest on Dantooine:

    C8-42: I'm afraid my owner became a bit too attached to me. Obsessed even. She... she tried to treat me as her dead husband. It was not healthy for her.
    Player Character: Er... ALL the time?
    C8-42: You don't want to know...
    Player Character: Um... probably not...

  • You Had Us Worried There: In the Light Side ending.
  • Younger Than They Look: Mission is only fourteen years old.

Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan... and yet you are nothing. In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone.

Jennifer Hale

While known for many roles in cartoons and the occasional anime, Jennifer Hale is best known for her extensive voice acting career in video games.

Example of:
Man of a Thousand Voices

Alternative Title(s): Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic, Knights Of The Old Republic I