Tequila & Boom Boom - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Jan 08 2022
Tequila (left) and Boom Boom (right)
Tequila and Boom Boom is a 1995 Italian Adventure Game released for DOS. Set in The Wild West with a whole Funny Animal cast, it was developed by Dynabyte and published by Sacis. The game never saw widespread release outside of Italy. (See the Trivia tab for more details.)
Tequila (a lynx) arrives in Stinky Town to visit his old friend Boom Boom, a bear. After interacting with various denizens, Tequila meets up with Boom Boom, the owner of a mine possibly filled with gold. Tequila also meets Melissa, a pretty female raccoon, whose family is in financial trouble; they owe debts to both the general store and Mr. E. Vyle. When Tequila defends Melissa from Vyle, things go From Bad to Worse as Tequila faces Vyle's gang to save Melissa and Stinky Town.
You control Tequila, helping him collect items to both solve puzzles and advance the plot. There's a smattering of arcade sequences too, with shooting.
Compare Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist, another Adventure Game set in the Old West, and Wild West COW Boys Of Moo Mesa, also with a Funny Animal cast.
Tropes in this game:
- Bar Slide: To get the Dragonbreath drink at the saloon, you need to have Tequila catch it as it slides down the bar; it can take a few tries to grab it.
- Betty and Veronica: Melissa and Wanda. Melissa is a sweet lady; in contrast, Wanda is a saloon girl dressed in very revealing clothes and works for Vyle.
- Big Bad: Vyle. He plans to take over Stinky Town, attempts to foreclose on Melissa's family house and comes into direct conflict with Tequila.
- The Big Guy: Boom Boom. He is much bigger than Tequila, both in height and weight. He is also very strong and a Big Eater who loves beans.
- Because You Were Nice to Me: Saloon girl Wanda is rude to Tequila but softens up once you bring her a flower.
- Boyfriend-Blocking Dad: Melissa's father. When Tequila walks Melissa home, her father threatens the lynx and opens fire on him with a rifle. Later, when Tequila pays off the family's debt at the general store, Melissa's father still isn't happy with his daughter kissing Tequila as thanks.
- Brick Joke: During the game's ending, after getting dumped by Melissa, Tequila goes after Wanda but gets stopped by the saloon bartender. The bartender isn't happy that Tequila never paid for all the drinks he ordered earlier in the game.
- Did Not Get the Girl: When you beat the game, Tequila and Melissa embrace...until Melissa sees that her off-screen boyfriend has returned and runs to him.
- Evil Debt Collector: Vyle. Melissa's family is in debt to him and will lose their farm if they don't pay.
- Food as Bribe:
- Boom Boom isn't happy to see Tequila. You need to get beans from the general store to make him more cooperative.
- There's a tasty looking cake in the general store. You need to get this as well as pay off Melissa's store tab to get both her and her family to warm up to Tequila.
- Gargle Blaster: The Dragonbreath drink that you can order in the saloon.
- Heroic Canines, Villainous Felines: Inverted. Tequila is a lynx and Vyle is a coyote.
- Ms. Fanservice: Wanda the saloon girl. It helps that she wears a leotard, shows cleavage and legs.
- Pink Means Feminine: Melissa wears a pink dress and bonnet.
- Those Wily Coyotes: Vyle is a coyote and the Big Bad of the game.
- Undertaker: Mortimer & Son, a pair of vultures. In addition to their own storefront, you can trigger a fight in the saloon between two card players, leading to their deaths and Mortimer hauling off their dead bodies.