The Peer Gyntening - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue Feb 20 2024

The Peer Gyntening (Video Game)

You DO know it's dangerous to be outside so late.note 

"I Am Moist!
Don't You Know That This Song Is Way Too Overused?
You Fell Right Into Our Traps!
I Guess I Gotta Kill You.

-Moist's introduction in Pear Grape

The Peer Gyntening (also known as simply The Gyntening) is a collection of Project Arrhythmia custom levels. The levels in the collection all parody Peer Gynt from the Black Heart custom level series, typically replacing each of its characters with their own versions. In particular, three elements are present in each level: A ghost character is sent by someone to kill the player, a "savior" shows up to stop the ghost but is quickly killed, and the song used is Peer Gynt by cYsmix.

The Peer Gyntening contains examples of:

  • Adaptational Badass: When he first appeared in the original Peer Gynt, Perry only had a flashlight for defense and stood helplessly as he was killed. In Peer Gynt v2 he's not only fully equipped with ghost-hunting gear that allows him to capture Shade, but also dodges some of her attacks when she begins to break free. Despite all this, he dies again in the end.
  • A Dog Named "Dog":
    • A (possessed) piece of popcorn named Popcorn. The name gives him some trouble introducing himself.
    • A savior that's a circle named Savior Circle.
  • Affectionate Parody: Of the level Peer Gynt from the Black Heart custom level series. Its original creator, ol666, even participated by creating Peer Gynt v2.
  • all lowercase letters: The title of the level "geer pint".
  • Bait-and-Switch Boss: Feet Gyrn starts with the intro to another level using Peer Gynt by its creator dragonw1414, leading you to think you'll fight against its boss Wave...before the real boss Lazer Gost appears and kills him instantly. He then goes on to Lampshade it by mocking the player for thinking they were fighting "that stupid boss".
  • Boss Game: As a result of all the collection's levels parodying Peer Gynt, which itself is a Boss-Only Level.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall:
    • Cameli lampshades the fact that his level is actually the third part of Lost Love despite the second part not being released yet, telling the player to blame the level's creator and pretend their fight never happened.
    • At the end of Peer Gunt, DXL looks up at the level's credits screen and wonders what it means.
    • Moist at the end of Pear Grape stops fighting the player because the level is over:

    Moist: My Powers! I STILL HAVE THEM! BUT THE SONG IS DONE! Well I don’t know how to end this level…SO HERE ARE SOME DEDICATIONS!

  • Colour-Coded for Your Convenience: All of Cameli's attacks in Pier Gin Tonic have a color to indicate their direction. Orange attacks move towards the right, purple attacks to the left, green attacks upwards, and blue attacks downwards.
  • Crossover: A few levels double as parts of other story collections by their creators. Pier Gin Tonic is also a part of Lost Love, and Peer Gunt is also in Another World.
  • Death by Cameo: Ophelia, the savior in geer pint, is from the Heartstrings series by the level's creator noodlekin. She's even killed in a similar manner to her original death in its first level.
  • Escape Sequence: Some levels in the collection end with the boss chasing you before a short scene where you escape and they admit defeat.
    • The final section of Peer Gynt v2 has Shade's flower grow to a massive size and chase you down a hallway.
    • Peer Gunt ends with Bond shooting at you with various guns as you run away.
    • Guiness Pint ends with you outrunning Max's Dad as he chomps away at the left side of the screen, while Max himself floats around the right side.
    • Spike chases you as you go up and out of his burrow in Jeer Plynt.
  • Ghostly Goals: Type B. Nearly every ghost simply wants to kill you, having all been recruited by the same person for the task. They don't mind brutally killing any of the saviors who get in their way.
  • Go to Your Room!: At the end of Peer Gynt v2, Shade's father Myst stops her from following you out of the mansion with this line.
  • Guns Akimbo: Bond's first attack is shooting at the player with a pistol in each of his hands.
  • Hair-Raising Hare: Spike is a ghost rabbit who appears normal at first, but quickly transforms to have a giant glowing eye and attacks the player to eat them. Later on in his level, he reveals a mouth so big that it splits his body in two.
  • Haunted House: Peer Gynt v2 takes place inside Shade's mansion, which is filled with possessed furniture.
  • Hellish Pupils: White slitted pupils appear in Cameli's otherwise featureless eyes after he kills Flash and eats his heart.
  • Instantly Proven Wrong: A few of the savior characters will reassure the player that they stopped the ghost, only to be killed quickly afterwards:
    • Perry says Shade shouldn't be able to escape. She starts to escape only a second later.
    • Chad claims everything is safe now, and immediately gets his hands torn away by Max.
    • Field claims that Bond can't shoot bullets through his shield, only to be shot dead after a few seconds.
  • Killer Rabbit: Max is a small child, but has no problems trying to kill you and happily holds Chad in place so his dad can eat him whole.
  • Life Energy: Lazer Gost's lasers are apparently powered by it. He sucks it out of Squarewave to "power up", leaving the savior colorless and dead.
  • Non-Standard Character Design: The boss of Peer-Stick Gynt-Man is a fully animated stick figure, a departure from the shape designs of the collection's other characters.
  • Oh, Crap!: Many of the saviors get a moment of realization before their death. Examples include Chad frowning, Terry asking if he's "being the die", and Perry in Fear Gynt saying "Oh no...".
  • Once per Episode: Nearly every level starts with some sort of disclaimer saying that it isn't a part of Black Heart.
  • Our Demons Are Different: Cameli is a "prism demon" who uses light in attacks. His red horns only appear after he eats the savior Flash's heart, and he eats vital organs like it for sustenance.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: Naturally, when the collection is built around several different ghost bosses. Examples include ones that can possess furniture or others, a murderous rabbit, and two with giant mouths as wide as their bodies. Most prefer to attack during the night, with daylight being a weakness.
  • Precision F-Strike: From Squarewave, just before dying:

Squarewave: Hey, do you know about (garbled)? Its the one sending these gh-

Squarewave: oh FUCK

  • Shout-Out:
  • Stylistic Suck:
    • Some of the level thumbnails. Feet Gyrn has a messy scribble of Lazer Gost, Rear Pint has a poorly compressed drawing of Ghost Boss Lad with two eyes instead of one, SPEED gynt has the letter "h" on top of a square, and Pear Grape uses an awkwardly stretched image of grapes. Pier Gin Tonic also originally just had a doodle of Cameli saying "'sup, bitch?".
    • Peer Glynt and SPEED gynt both use edited versions of Peer Gynt for their songs. The former is bass-boosted, and the latter is audio of the level's creator Rikri poorly singing it.
  • "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue: Played for Laughs at the end of Pear Jint. Terry remained dead, Necro apparently died at 92 despite already being a ghost, and ol666 "has been crying in the corner for the last 30 years".
  • Womb Level: The second half of Rear Pint takes place inside Ghost Boss Lad’s stomach after he eats you whole.

..."who is this [garbled] person?" Most ghosts you've encountered seem to know of this being, so you decide to quest to find this mysterious and probably spooky figure.
The Gyntening is now in full motion.