Unhappy Ever After - TV Tropes

  • ️Sat Oct 17 2020

Unhappy Ever After (Video Game)

"In the infinitesimal spaces between the pages of every book lies an unseen universe: smaller perhaps than ours but filled with all the wonders, and horrors, conceivable by the human mind."

Unhappy Ever After is a turn-based RPG Maker Video Game by Warped Tales.

In the royal library of London, a young girl named Sophia is reading by the portrait of her deceased mother, when something unbelievable happens. A dark magic just appears around her and she vanishes from her world.

When she comes to, Sophia finds she's now in a dark forest, having been found by a boy and girl named Hansel and Gretel, who ask her to help them gather ingredients for dinner that night. From there, the girl begins her quest through a very dark fairy tale world to find out how to get home.

The game was funded on Kickstarter on September 17th, 2016. It was released on Steam on January 20th, 2017.

Unhappy Ever After contains examples of:

  • Action Girl: Sophia and Gretel.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Hansel and Gretel are revealed to be the adopted children of a witch living in the Ash-forest, and are perfectly willing to go along with her plan to cook and eat Sophia. Well, Hansel is anyway.
  • Healing Potion: These take the form of things like "Healing Tonic", "Healing Preserve", and "Healing Slime".
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Hansel, Gretel, and their adoptive witch mother are revealed to be this. Their mother used the portal to bring Sophia to their world, and plans to cook her for their dinner, which Hansel and Gretel are perfectly willing to go along with. Well, okay, just Hansel and his mother are.
  • Inexplicable Treasure Chest: This game has these.
  • The Lost Woods: The game officially starts in Ash Forest, which is populated mostly by giant flesh-eating ash-snails, Hansel, Gretel, and their evil person-eating adoptive witch-mother.
  • Notice This: Items and quests are indicated by a little sparkle.
  • Sidequest: What RPG would be complete without them, really? That said, Gretel is always quick to voice how people seem more willing to ask them to do all this stuff instead of just doing it themselves.
  • Talking Animal: Ratter is a talking cat.
  • Temporary Blindness: Gretel has the "Dust Cloud" affinity, which has her throw dust into the eyes of enemies, temporarily blinding them and increasing their chances of missing attacks.
  • Top-Down View: The game is viewed from a top-down perspective.
  • Turn-Based Combat: The game utilizes a turn-based combat system. Who goes next is dependent on the speed of the various characters.