Valkie 64 - TV Tropes
- ️Wed Jan 03 2024
Long ago in the land of Celisa the Goddess of Order and the Goddess of Chaos ruled together.
But one day the Goddess of Chaos yearned to take over the reign and rule on her own. She tried to defeat the Goddess of Order.
The army of chaos, the Reptids, and the army of order, the Guardians, fought a gruesome battle. In the end the army of order won and the Goddess of Chaos was defeated.
But the cost for victory was high and only one Guardian survived the battle. That guardian was you Valkie. It is time for you to rise again. The Goddess of Chaos returned and tries to rule over all of Celisa.
Rise, Valkie, rise as the last guardian of our realm.
Valkie 64 is a Retraux Action-Adventure Video Game by Malte Glade.
The game is set in the land of Celisa, which is ruled over by the Goddess of Order. She used to rule alongside the Goddess of Chaos, but then she had to seal her away when the Goddess of Chaos tried to overthrow her and rule by herself. In the battle between the two, the Goddess of Chaos lost all but one of her Guardians, Valkie.
Well, now it seems Valkie's services are needed again, as the Goddess of Chaos has returned, intend on once again taking Celisa for herself.
The game was released on November 25th, 2022.
Valkie 64 contains examples of:
- Action Girl: Valkie, the last surviving guardian of the Goddess of Order.
- Inexplicable Treasure Chests: Scattered around the game are treasure chests containing various items, much like its inspiration.
- Life Meter: Located in the top-left corner, it's made up of a line of hearts.
- Lizard Folk: The Reptids of the Goddess of Chaos' army.
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: The Reptids make up the army of the Goddess of Chaos.
- Retraux: The game is presented in 64-bit to emulate the Action-Adventure games that inspired it.
- Rewarding Vandalism: Like the game that inspired it, this one has you break jars and cut long grass to get things like rubies.
- Super Title 64 Advance: Valkie 64, of course.