Vectorman 2 - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue Apr 28 2020

Vectorman 2 (Video Game)

Vectorman 2 is the sequel to Vectorman, which is also a Run-and-Gun game developed by Blue Sky Software and published by Sega for the Sega Genesis in 1996.

Taking place after the first game after Vector defeated Warhead and put an end to his tyranny, it immediately resumes his sludge-cleaning duties. While on a routine garbage run, his barge is shot down by a mysterious missile. Evacuating the barge and descending down to the surface, he finds himself on the outskirts of a seemingly abandoned research facility overrun by a horde of mutant insects with unpleasant designs on the planet. Vectorman must find the intelligence controlling them and kill it to save the Earth yet again.

A third game for the PlayStation 2 was planned, but was ultimately cancelled. Since then, Vectorman's only appearances have been in various Genesis/Mega Drive compilations and—of all places—as an unlockable character in a mobile port of The House of the Dead: OVERKILL.

Vectorman 2 contain examples of the following tropes:

  • Ant Assault: "Recycle or Die" has giant fire ants as enemies, which attack by shooting fireballs. When Vectorman defeats them, they leave behind power-ups that temporarily allow him to shoot fireballs as well.
  • Big Bad: The Spider Queen is the main antagonist, the source of the infestation on Earth.
  • Brain Monster: The final boss of 2 is a giant black widow spider with an exposed brain in her thorax. Sure enough, that exposed brain is her weak point.
  • Bug War: The second game has you fighting a horde of mutated insects originating from a forgotten lab.
  • Death by Cameo: In the background of Level 9 of 2, Warhead's disembodied head can be seen buried.
  • Funnel Cloud Journey: Level 18 (named "Shout and Twist") takes place in a desert with a tornado raging in the background, blowing you around while you move.
  • Game-Over Man: The Game Over screen for 2 says, YOU LOSE, and depicts the Spider Queen laughing at Vectorman before he falls apart.
  • Gusty Glade: The 18th level of the second stage has you being blown around a desert with a tornado raging in the background. As a sort of Call-Back to the first game with the final level, "Twist and Shout," being inside a tornado, the second game's stage is called "Shout and Twist".
  • Lethal Lava Land: Levels 5-7 of the second game, which are respectively titled "Fired", "Magma P.I.", and "Turn Up the Heat" take place in an active volcano. The third of these levels features a battle against an anthropomorphic fire monster.
  • Palette Swap: Can also be done to Vectorman himself in the second game by allowing him to get hit by a Paintbug. What's interesting about this is that whenever Vectorman's palette changes, so do those of the extra life icons (tiny versions of Vectorman) and any health items in the stage (spheres that share Vectorman's palette).
  • Rewarding Vandalism: Destroying floating monitors, or egg sacs in the second game, yields various pickups and powerups.
  • Rhino Rampage: There are rhino beetle enemies in Stage 14, "Cave Fear", who charge at Vectorman when they see him. When he destroys them, they leave behind power-ups that temporarily transform him into a rhino, allowing him to charge like they do.
  • Scary Scorpions: Giant scorpion enemies that inhabit Stage 5, "Fired". When Vectorman defeats them, they leave behind power-ups that briefly give him a scorpion tail to attack with, also making him temporarily immune to lava.
  • Spiders Are Scary: The Final Boss is the Spider Queen, an oversized black widow spider with an exposed brain in her thorax. In the same game, many smaller spiders serve as common enemies.
  • Stealth Pun: The first boss of the second game is a giant snake head with fireball-spitting smaller snakes for eyes. The level and boss should've been called "Snake Eyes".
  • Underground Level: Levels 8-15 of the second game. Kept from being as monotonous as it would otherwise be by including multiple level types, including standard cave areas, levels consisting mostly of dirt you have to blast a path through, and subway tunnels that Vectorman speeds through on rollerfeet.
  • A Winner Is You: The ending of Vectorman 2. Also, while a lot of other games don't have much fanfare for clearing a level, this game takes it to the extreme, displaying a very simple score count and immediately moving on to the next level, and can be mashed through so fast the game's score glitches out.