Green Green - TV Tropes

  • ️Thu Jul 12 2012

Green Green (Visual Novel)

Green Green is an anime series, adapted from an H-Game and a light novel of the same name. It is set in Kanenone Gakuen ("Sound of the Bell Academy"), an isolated all-boys Boarding School at the start of the story. However, the Powers That Be send them a busload of girls to make it co-ed. The first girl off the bus is Midori Chitose, who pounces on Ordinary High-School Student Yuusuke Takazaki saying she's in love with him. Yuusuke has no idea who Midori is, but Midori thinks they were lovers in a past life.

Yuusuke's closest friends at school are the Baka Trio - a Comic Trio that supplies the perversion to match the nudity supplied by their new female classmates.

Male characters:

  • Yuusuke Takazaki, the Ordinary High-School Student main male character.
  • Tadatomo Ijuuin (nickname "Bacchi-Guu"), the leader of the Baka Trio, and the Gonk.
  • Hikaru Ichiban-Boshi, a member of the Baka Trio. A Casanova Wannabe who thinks himself a great ladies' man, but fails.
  • Taizo Tenjin, the other member of the Baka Trio, who has an unusual fetish: he has a younger sister complex and wants girls, especially Sanae, to call him "onii-chama" ("big brother").

Female characters:

  • Midori Chitose, the main female character.
  • Futaba Kutsuki, the boy-hating Tsundere Tomboy who grows to like Yuusuke.
  • Reika Morimura, a mysterious girl determined to keep Midori and Yuusuke apart.
  • Sanae Minami, the sickly young girl who is terrified of Tenjin's insane, bombastic love for her.
  • Wakaba Kutsuki, Futaba's simple-minded younger sister whose cactus, Togemura (literally "thorn village", sometime translated as "Mr. Thorns") can apparently tell the future.
  • Chigusa Iino, the hot nurse of the girl's school who comes to supervise them. Very easy-going and a total Hard-Drinking Party Girl.

This work has examples of:

  • Barbie Doll Anatomy: It seems the anime goes this route at first, in the girls bathing scene in episode 2. However, from there on out, nipples ahoy!
  • Bittersweet Ending: Midori has to sacrifice her life force in order to save Yuusuke's life. Reiki then is willing to save Midori's life, but to do so she has to return to the 31st century. Worst still, the act of returning Midori to the future has wiped everyone's memory that she was there except for Yuusuke.
  • Black Comedy Rape: There is a bear explicitly raping Bacchi-Guu... but it's hard to think of who could deserve it more, as he repeatedly plots sexual assaults and actually goes through with what he thinks is a sexual assault. The same thing happens to the whole Baka Trio on a later occasion. Far worse is the rape of Reika by a troop of monkeys for the apparent crime of being a prude.
  • Defeat by Modesty: Subverted. Futaba almost gives up and loses the competition for domination over the bath between the boys and girls, but Yuusuke throws the match and asks for a Modesty Towel to cover up her wet clothes.
  • Fan Disservice: Whenever the Baka Trio are doing anything perverted, including showing up nude a LOT. Episode 6 goes up to eleven when they get locked in the PE storage closet and have a "virtual seduction" contest, the humidity causing them to quickly go nuts and eventually end up totally nude and in a threesome, while hallucinating that the other guys are the girls of their dreams.
  • H-Game: The anime is based on the eroge of the same name. The first game has the same cast as the anime, but dispenses with Reika because the "past life lovers" concept was only added for the anime, so she no longer has a use. The second game only retains Midori, while the third retains Midori and Futaba.
  • Hot Springs Episode: The second episode has the school opening a hot spring, and focuses mainly on the boys trying to peek on the girls, ending with the boys all breaking the fence and spilling right on top of the nude girls, and later the main character searching underwater with one of his love interests for a key, to decide whether or not the guys get access to the springs. The springs appear at times in later episodes.
  • Informed Attractiveness: Played for Laughs. The Casanova Wannabe Ichiban-Boshi is considered to be the most attractive of his friend group, and while he is distinctly better looking than both Bacchi-Guu and Tenjin, he's still fairly goofy-looking, and his status as the handsomest clearly says more about the ugliness of his friends than it does anything about himself. This doesn't stop him from acting as though he were a classical Bishōnen, complete with flamboyant posing and cheesy one-liners. Perhaps the most depressing part of it all is that, in spite of this, he still actually manages to be the coolest of the trio by virtue of the other two being just that hopeless. Official character descriptions lampshade this by listing him as "The Idiot Trio's (Sorta)Handsome Guy".
  • Informed Deformity: Haruno Arisa is supposed to have a hideous face, yet she doesn't look all that different from the other girls to the viewer. The dub goes one step further by adding a nasally voice that makes her sound like she's constantly congested.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Midori decides to let Yuusuke to be happy with Futaba, and encourages both of them to be together. In the games, they become an Official Couple with a child.
  • Omake: All three DVDs released in North America contain an omake episode consisting of 3 shorts each. Each one is perverted in their own right and always joke around with Innocent Innuendo, but the third episode (not licensed for the dub) of the omake dives right into Hentai territory with Wakaba innocently mistaking Sanae's nipples and clitoris as poisonous mosquito bites, which she was under the impression she had to suck out the poison. The actions are quite graphic.
  • One-Gender School: Kanenone Gakuen used to be an all-boys school, before the girls arrive to make it a co-ed school.
  • Quest for Sex: The Baka Trio, Yuusuke's three best friends, are so depraved for sex that it is the only thing they can think about, and they will stop at almost nothing to actually get it. Most of the anime adaptation features them constantly doing perverted schemes. They always go wrong. At least Tadatomo can claim he succeeded: He got raped by a bear.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: Futaba is the boy-hating girl, especially with the Baka Trio, yet she has a crush on Yuusuke due to his modesty, kindness, and chivalry personality.