Algicosathlon Camp - TV Tropes
- ️Sun Jul 17 2022
Algicosathlon Camp is a series and camp produced by GGB 123, which debuted in his YouTube page in September 23rd, 2020. The show is about twenty marbles who compete in an Algicosathlon to win a possible, but never explained prize. That means they compete in twenty events to get more points, and, at the end of the day, the one contestant who has the less points is eliminated.
The series is based on Cary Huang's original Algicosathlon, and inspired on other series of the genre.
The first season, homonimously called "Algicosathlon Camp", has 20 contestants in the battle, and it's located in an unspecified place, but probably in North America. The two first hosts are also introduced in it, with them being GGB 123 and Rlcc.
The second season is called "Algicosathlon Camp Season 2", and features 25 contestants, as well as 3 new hosts, who are the Top 3 from the first season. It has also a change of location, to an apparent tropical paradisiac beach. It debuted in January 23rd, 2022, but was cancelled in its 6th episode due to most actors being in other stages of their life or projects.
Check out the show's official YouTube channel: here.
Now with an incomplete character page.
We'll see... the tropes:
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- 13 Is Unlucky: Olive ranked 13th place as of her elimination, but her elimination was one of the most gruesome in the whole show.
- Accidental Public Confession: Since the cons are public, some characters would end up confessing strategical info to everyone.
- Invoked by Yvan in one of his confessionals.
- Action Girl: Lavender, of course. She was one of the most badass contestants in Season 1.
- A Day in the Limelight: Episode 9 gave a lot of development to Orange.
- A Dog Named "Dog": All the contestants are called by their colors' names.
- After the End: Season 2 has shades of this after it's revealed that the Smile Dogs destroyed the place where Season 1 took in.
- All Just a Dream: A whole chapter of the roleplay was a giant lucid dream where Navy, Nivi and Black accidentally found each other.
- All the Worlds Are a Stage: Episodes 17 and 20 have nods to previous episodes and challenges.
- Ambiguous Gender: The few characters which did not have their gender confirmed due to either their users being inactive in the server or being eliminated early, or both.
- Artistic License – Biology: By one point in the roleplays, Nave does surgery in White's head to make him smarter. While it backfires, in real life a surgery with no other people and needed items would definitely kill him.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Yvan's crimes are arson, murder and... making a small hatedom channel for Navy's content.
- Asskicking Leadsto Leadership: Black is a self-explanatory example while in NEWT.
- Author Avatar: Technically saying, all contestants are these.
- Batman Gambit: A part of Black's plan to eliminate Lavender.
- Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: In Token Trio:
- Black's the brains, as he's responsible for most of the alliance's strategic plans.
- Purple's the brawns, because he's the one who normally does the best in challenges and provides most tokens for the team.
- Green's the beauty, but mostly because he doesn't fit any other roles.
- Bilingual Bonus: As an April Fool's prank, GGB posted the second part of S 2 E 2, but with everything in Chinese.
- Big "NO!": Yvan has one of these moments when he gets killed for the first time.
- Bland-Name Product: Though ACS doesn't use many brands in the show itself or in the roleplays, there are eventually some like "Sunbucks".
- Breather Episode:
- Episode 4 is a breath of fresh air between the first really sad elimination (Tan) and the White drama.
- Episode 7 also counts, as it was aired between arguably the most hated challenge and one of the most dramatic eliminations.
- Episode 14 went live between the resolution of the Token Drama caused by Black, and the new alliance war. Even its elimination was considerably less dramatic than the other ones.
- Broken Win/Loss Streak:
- Purple has a winning streak that lasts until Episode 11. When he finally lost, he was so ahead of everyone else that he lasted 2 more challenges in the lead.
- Black has a winning streak starting in Episode 14, and only finishing at the 19th and second-to-last episode.
- Big Bad: Arguably Black in Season 1, as he caused the most eliminations out of everyone else, excluding their own stupidity if it happens.
- Big Bad Wannabe:
- Yvan tries, but he's not that competent to be a big-time villain.
- Also, Brown is this to a delusional point.
- Blue can also fit the trope as he desperately tried to make an impact as a "villain". He technically did.
- Bittersweet Ending: Season 1 ended like this. All the contestants were fine after being eliminated and had a blast with the finale, but their world was destroyed by Smile Dogs and everyone was forced to move away.
- The Bus Came Back: All the eliminated contestants came back to watch the finale in Episode 20.
- Also, Yvan and Nave after the roleplay's events.
- The Chessmaster: Black had shades of this in the first season, when he sucessfully pulled 2 loyal alliances and used a Batman Gambit on Lavender.
- Butt-Monkey: Used at least once for most contestants, but the biggest offenders are Lime and Maroon.
- Card-Carrying Villain: Black is shown to be, in some way, proud of being "the villain". Also, Blue made a confessional just about this.
- Character Catchphrase: GGB's "we'll see".
- Cast Herd: There are: 20 characters from the first season, GGB, Rlcc, the newbies from the second season and and at least 8 smile dogs.
- Characterization Marches On: At the first couple episodes, all characters had little to nothing differentiating themselves in terms of personality. Unlike what happened after the burst of creativity after Episode 6.
- Chekhov's Gunman:
- Glowy in the roleplays. At least, before he was Demoted to Extra in the same roleplays.
- The Smile Dogs were supposed to be only the villains of some roleplay, but they actually were the reason for everyone to move away from Season 1's location to Paradise Beach, and are implied to still be on the hunt for the characters.
- Christmas Episode: Episode 12 is this, as the contestants are asked to draw Christmas-related art in the challenge.
- Cluster Bleep-Bomb: Can kinda be seen in some of Black's and Lime's confessionals.
- Clockwork Prediction: Purple uses this in Episode 12 to correctly predict Blue, Lime, Navy and Pink's eliminations in the following episodes.
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: ALL the characters have their very own color, except for the hosts (which are associated with some tons of color) and the smile dogs.
- Comic Trio: A lot of them.
- Black, Green and Purple are mostly serious players, but they can really get quite comedic depending on the time.
- Nave, Nivi and Navy, though that's more exploited in the Discord roleplays than in the real series.
- Confession Cam: A common way to interact in the show. Lavender, Lime, Blue, Brown, Maroon and Green have used the confessional stand.
- Conveniently Precise Translation:
- In the April Fools special, this is used from English to Chinese.
- The challenge for Season 1 Episode 7 is to create a sentence that was as convenient as possible when translated.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Teal. While he's normally one of the most absent contestants overall, he has proved to have a wide set of skills which made him get in the Top 5.
- Curse Cut Short: Very common in the series, normally with a duck censoring most of the curse words.
- Dark Is Evil: MOST of the villains (Black, although he's not exactly evil, Blue, Brown and Yvan) are originated from dark colors.
- Dark Is Not Evil: But there are a lot of dark heroes too, like Maroon and Olive and Purple and Navy's personalities.
- Deadpan Snarker: While most contestants are a little bit cynical enough to count, Lime is the biggest example of this trope.
- Death in the Limelight: This happened with: Cyan in Episode 2, White in Episode 5, Orange in Episode 9, Lime in Episode 13 and Lavender in Episode 16.
- Defeat Means Friendship: Kind of what happens in the S1 Finale, but Black and Purple were friends before all of that happened.
- Demoted to Extra: Season 1 Red only appeared in a cameo after Season 2.
- Did I Mention It's Christmas?: Episode 12 revolves around Christmas coming, yet the campers still have to do a challenge (art about the said holiday).
- Driven to Suicide: Lime tried this to kill his evil part by this. It worked and ONLY Evil Lime was gone.
- Dualvertisement: Algicosathlon Camp served as an advertisement for the actors' own projects, includng other Algicosathlons and, most famously, Teal (Alejo Animations)'s Object Show, Artificial Ascent.
- Eject the Loser: The eliminated contestant is sent to the Elimination Box. Sometimes, characters who are still in the competition make confessionals for them.
- Eliminated from the Race: Like every other Algicosathlon.
- Elimination Statement: Algicosathlon Camp gives the eliminated contestants the possibility to give one to everyone else. Navy did two, one right before and one after he was eliminated.
- Expy:
- Navy and his alternate personalities are expies to Mike from Total Drama.
- GGB has the same design as Bubble from Battle for Dream Island
- Face Death with Dignity: A non-lethal example for most contestants, who were sent off in good terms. Lethal example for Yvan's first death, in which
- The Faceless: None of the user contestants show their faces up until Episode 5.
- Fate Worse than Death: Yvan was caged in Navy's mind after the roleplay events. Though he escaped after this.
- Female Fighter, Male Handler: Lavender and Black were more or less this during their alliance. Until Black betrayed her.
- Fiery Redhead: Completely subverted with Red being one of the chillier contestants.
- Four Is Death: Played With. After avoiding eliminations at the final 6 and 5, Red finally is sent off in 4th place.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Black is choleric, Purple is phlegmatic, Green is sanguine and Red is melancholic.
- Fantastic Racism: Implied only as of Season 2's early episodes. Apparently, stickmen and smile dogs don't get along with each other, but it wasn't that explored.
- {Flashback}: Season 2 Episode 2's skit is a flashback talking about how the gang discovered the portal to Paradise Beach.
- Freudian Trio:
- Token Trio uses this:
- Green is the id, being normally the most impulsive and sometimes even obsessive out of the three finalists. He's also got a wide array of unusual interests and weird things to do.
- Black is ego, as he has a lot of moments of not thinking a plan so well, being impulsive and especially hot-blooded, but he's really clever and rational when it comes to it.
- Purple is the superego. He's chill, friendly and rather calm, also being fairly smart when he nees to.
- Token Trio uses this:
- Game Changer: The fact that the Smile Dogs are out to kill the contestants, between the first and the second season.
- Graceful Loser: Most eliminated contestants (with the notable exceptions of White and Blue) took their departure well.
- Grey-and-Black Morality: All the contestants have some kind of flaw, but all of them (except for the most blatant villains) do have a morality. Unlike Blue and Yvan.
- Guile Hero: Lavender and Black can count as these in their best moments.
- Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Subverted, as Gold said in a confessional from Season 2 that she would use deceitful tactics to win.
- Halloween Episode: Episode 8 has the trick-or-treating challenge, but with a twist, where the campers have to use bots in order to get their "treats" - Dank Memer coins.
- The Hollywood Formula: Surprisingly averted as of Season 1. However, mostly played straight in S2 with the addition of the Smiledogs. There ain't a love interest yet (and most want it to remain like that.)
- Instrumental Theme Tune: The intro in Season 2 is all-instrumental.
- Imagine Spot: All the scenes within Navy's Brain are classified as this. It gets exaggerated in the roleplay
- Immoral Reality Show: By Season 2, the show has evolved to this.
- In-Series Nickname: Downplayed, because of A Dog Named "Dog" being kind of strong and their names being really simple. But the characters have tendencies on calling other characters their user player's name.
- Intro Dump: While being really simple, the Season 2 intro shows all the characters, no matter if contestant or host, and the theme of the season.
- Ironic Name: The Season 1 Episode 4 names are kind of ironic, because they're named after colors, but the color whose name was used was always in other team. (Ex: Blue and Yellow were in Team Green, along with Navy and Black)
- Island of Mystery: Paradise Beach is a full mystery for all the contestants, and even for GGB.
- Jerkass: Debatedly, amost all contestants had at least one jerkass moment towards each other.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold:
- Black is tough and manipulative, but he really cares for his friends deep down.
- While Lime is outrageous and also a lot tough, he can get along genuinely well with his friends.
- Karma Houdini: Blue is only eliminated after he stops caring about the competition, all while his actions caused harm on most contestants.
- Killed Off for Real: Evil Lime, by Episode 11. Also, Navy's presonalities were supposed to be this, but after the roleplay events and before S1 Ep 20, they returned.
- Last of His Kind: Navy was this between episode 11 and the roleplays.
- The Leader: In the alliances formed, it was obvious that Black and Lavender were dominating the others in leadership.
- Light Is Not Good: The darker contestants tend to be nicer than their lighter counterparts. That's not exactly a rule, though.
- Lucky Seven: After losing first, Pink rejoined the competition and eventually got re-eliminated in 7th place.
- Mad Scientist: Nave doing surgery in White's brain so he gets smarter. It backfires at the end.
- Made of Plasticine: GGB, as he is a bubble.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Black has a moment after he (unsuccessfully) attacks Lavender's points in Episode 11. However, this gets subverted when he betrays her and causes her ultimate elimination in Episode 16.
- No Fourth Wall: The characters frequently talk about how they're in a show or even in a camp. Constantly overlaps with Show Within a Show.
- The Noseless: No characters, with the exception of the Smile Dogs, have a nose.
- No Theme Tune: Season 1 has no effective opening, but this trope is averted in Season 2 where it's evolved to an Instrumental Theme Tune.
- Not Quite Human: The comtestants are stickmen, basically humans without being human. This is lampshaded in the roleplays when the King Smile Dog vowed for the death of humanity and later corrected himself after remembering they're stickmen.
- Numbered Sequel: Algicosathlon Camp Season 2.
- Oh, Crap!: Black when the token attack on Lavender fails as she gets 1st place in the challenge.
- Once per Episode: There's a recap of the last eliminated contestant, the rules of the next event, the results and an elimination, with the story being told via confessionals in the two parts of every episode.
- Pen Name: Almost all characters use these, for privacy reasons.
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: The NEWT alliance, especially before its junction with the Token Trio, can be qualified as this, as its members are a guy with multiple personalities, the biggest strategist in the game, a rageoholic, and two rather normal guys.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Pink is played by a male in real life. That's even lampshaded in their wiki page.
- Red Is Violent:
- Averted with the character Red, who, despite being mysterious, is never really violent
- Evil Lime is depicted with red eyes.
- The Smile Dogs are associated with the color red.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Some cases are well shown.
- In the Token Trio, the level-headed and calm Purple is the blue to the strategic, but hot-blooded Black and the chill, but sometimes obsessive Green's red.
- For NEWT, Lime, being a big rager and with a huge temper, is the red to everyone else's rather passive personality.
- The party guy Nave's the blue to the awkward and somewhat hot-blooded Nivi and to the abrasive and violent Yvan. Navy can also be considered as a blue oni, since he's easily the calmest and responsible out of all the personalities, even making Nave be the red in their interactions.
- Played straight with Black and White.
- Run or Die: The Smile Dogs caused this.
- Sequel Hook: GGB, Red and Lime jumping into a portal at the final stinger in Season 1 can be considered this.
- Show Within a Show: It's pointed out by some of the contestants that ACS is a reality show, and Season 2 Episode 2 calls the story of why it was made.
- Spin-Off: The roleplays serve as one to the main series.
- That Satisfying "Crunch!": There's an episode where Black is so mad he breaks an arrow. After that, he feels less angry.
- There Can Be Only One: This is ACS's concept, like what happens with all Algicosathlons.
- The Smurfette Principle: Lavender was this in all of her alliances.
- Despite it not being a straight case, there were only 4 contestants confirmed as female (Lavender, Pink, Orange and Olive) in contrast to more than 10 confirmed males (Black, Purple, Green, Red, Teal, Navy, Lime, Blue, Maroon, Brown, Gray and White).
- Time-Passes Montage: Season 2's thumbnails started in normal daylight, then dawn, night, dusk and again a day.
- The Voiceless: Also, none of them show in their voices to the public, though it's averted by GGB in Season 2.
- Vacation Episode: One episode of the roleplays is centered around Navy and his multiple personalities going on vacation.
- Wham Episode:
- Season 1 Episode 11 is a classic example. Black attacked Lavender's points, resulting in one of his biggest allies getting eliminated. Also, after this point, 9 of the 10 contestants were in either Black's or Lavender's alliances.
- Season 2 Episode 5 expands on the Smile Dogs' plot a LOT by showing them forging an alliance with Yvan, who burns GGB's control room down.
- The roleplays when compared to the normal episodes. While there's storytelling in the normal episodes, it's not the only focus of the videos (mainly because there are still challenges to be done). Unlike the roleplays.
- Win-Win Ending: To the Token Trio after episode 18. All members were in the Final 3, meaning that, whatever happened, one of them would win.
- Lampshaded in Black's Episode 19 challenge speech.
Word of God: The events in the Discord roleplays (both the Navy/Black and the Smiledogs one) are canon.
- As of Season 2, there were some nods to them.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Nivi is terrified at Glowy when they first meet. That happens because she's enthomophobic (The fear of bugs).
- You Are Number 6: Eventually happened after the finals to represent the final leaderboard. Purple is number 1, Black is 2, and so on.
- Also utilized with the Smile Dogs in the roleplays.
- You Keep Using That Word: The last completed Season 2 challenge required contestants to use specific words in their chat AND guess each other's selected words.