Floating Hands - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Jun 20 2015
"That defies all logic."
Floating Hands is an amateur animation studio who started on Newgrounds, but later moved to YouTube. They produce cartoon shorts, usually parodies of X-Men story arcs.
Completed arcs include:
It includes the following tropes:
- Alliance of Alternates: In "Doomsday", Doctor Doom teams up with his Silver Age, 2099, Ultimate and Movie counterparts.
- Anti-Climax: "Phoenix Season", after a dramatic build-up of Logan approaching Dark Phoenix, ends rather abruptly with Wolverine just tapping her on the head and telling her to cut it out.
- Back from the Dead: "Death Becomes Them" is a story about how the X-Men constantly deal with this issue. In this case, Magneto doesn't know how he came back from the dead after New X-Men's Xorn arc.
- Berserk Button: Archangel when Apocalypse is mentioned.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall:
- Hope Summers is referred to as '[the] crossover baby'.
- Wanda's climactic words in "House Of M" are instead 'No More Crossovers.'
- Deadpan Snarker: Emma's every word is undistilled sarcasm and put-downs.
- Death Is Cheap: The entire first short was discussing the characters' various revivals.
- Designated Girl Fight: Dark Phoenix burns all her male enemies to a crisp, but merely slaps Emma across the face.
Easily Forgiven: Bishop is welcomed back to the X-Men after trying to kill Hope because after all, he was possessed by Cassandra Nova from the future.
- Entertainingly Wrong: Upon seeing the enmity between Wolverine and Lady Deathstrike, the Purifiers assume that they must be exes.
- Fantastic Racism: The Purifiers, as always, are this with their picket signs as well as Reverend Stryker sounding like a Southern evangelical minister.
- Fashion-Victim Villain: Parodied In-Universe in "Villains Assemble
". The villains are mocked in a fashion magazine for their ludicrous fashion sense and lash out at each other over it. Galactus and Loki take it in stride, largely because as gods, they don't care about mortal fashion sense.
- Lampshade Hanging: "Death Becomes Them" is all about the utter ridiculousness of the X-men's frequent brushes with death.
- Harmless Villain: Magneto and Apocalypse are largely ignored because everyone else is already engrossed in another conversation.
- Most Common Superpower: This version of Psylocke has breasts that overshadow her head.
- Wangst: [Invoked] and parodied.
Stryfe: The only way for you to escape this trap is for you to ABANDON THIS BABY! It should be easy for you! YOU'RE SO GOOD AT ABANDONING BABIES!
Jean: Are you crying?
Stryfe: NO! - Sitcom Archnemesis: Emma and Kitty Pryde; the former bullies the latter relentlessly while the other tries, ineffectually, to turn the other X-men against her.
- Wolverine Publicity: Played for Laughs; Wolverine is assigned to work on every team during Dark Phoenix Rising, and exhausts himself running between each one.
- Would Hurt a Child: Bishop wants to kill the crossover baby. He actually can't do it, though.