Meet the Amazing Team - TV Tropes
- ️Tue Aug 14 2018
The Teufort Nine, but amazing.
Meet the Amazing Team, also called either Meet the Amazing or Meet the Amazing TF2, is a series of web animations, based on Team Fortress 2 (and eventually Overwatch) created by Mike "Piemations" Pitts.
You can watch the full series here.
Team Fortress 2
Meet the Amazing Team provides examples of:
- Adaptational Badass:
- Just a teeny tiny bit, but the brothers Redmond and Blutarch Mann show up without a Life Extender Machine and are looking well. That is until they decide to shoot each other, dying that way instead of being stabbed by Gray Mann in canon.
- Compared to his canon self (or at least his post-2014 self), Merasmus is surprisingly competent and is able to take more punishment than Saxton Hale.
- Adaptational Intelligence: Downplayed. In the game, Soldier is an insane lunatic, but in Meet the Amazing Demoman, while not extremely smart, he's the one that takes action against Demoman's drinking problem and takes away his alcohol until he can learn to control it. However, he goes back to his normal insane self in the other episodes.
- Adaptational Villainy: Saxton Hale, who gets both teams fired (along hiring Merasmus to get BLU's briefcase to get their bases destroyed) so he can turn it into an animal reserve. For him to beat said animals to death.
- Art Evolution: As the series goes on, the lines become finer, the characters look better, and the motion improves. Compare the original Meet The Amazing Spy
and its 2015 remake
. The Amazing Interrogation takes things further by giving characters their own body shapes instead of sharing the same one.
- Badass Boast: Saxton gives one to Pyro before they fight:
Saxton Hale: So I'm gonna give you two options: either we fight so you can get revenge and ruin my plans, or you can leave immediately because I will rip your spine out of your ass if you pick option one!
- Big Damn Heroes: BLU Soldier coming to save his Pyro from Saxton Hale.
- The BLU spy backstabs the Soldier and reveals himself as a Gibus-wearing spy before Soldier could crap in the RED spy's mouth.
- Blatant Lies: After getting slapped hard across the face by the BLU Soldier in The Amazing Interrogation, the RED Spy insists he "didn't feel a thing", while visibly wincing and fighting back tears.
- Butt-Monkey: Both Medics can't seem to catch a break. Not even on Meet the Amazing Medic.
- Chekhov's Gunman: BLU Engineer is introduced at the start of The Amazing Interrogation, only to literally disappear from the story a few seconds later. He respawns at the end of the short, telefragging the two RED Spies in the process.
- Curb-Stomp Battle:
- The Pyro vs Saxton Hale, as expected. It takes BLU Soldier's intervention to tilt the scales in the former's favour.
- The last episode's confrontation between RED and BLU ends up with the latter's quick surrender, because the supply lines have dried up and BLU Scout wasted the stockpiled supplies.
- Following that later in the episode is the mercenaries' battle against Saxton Hale. With the exception of the BLU Heavy, none of them managed to land a single hit on Hale, and the man makes light work of their efforts to fight.
- Immediately after that, a powered-up BLU Medic prepares to fight Saxton Hale once he beats Merasmus, and makes short work of him.
- Curb Stomp Cushion: Pyro managed to get some health back with Mad Milk during the fight with Hale, and managed to hit the man himself a few times, but that didn't help them much.
- Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon:
- Saxton Hale gives Pyro one of these threats in Meet the Amazing Pyro. See Badass Boast above for details.
- The Soldier threatens Spy with two of these in The Amazing Interrogation, first threatening to eat his nuts if he doesn't talk, and then threatening to
crap in Spy's mouth after he admits to killing both the Heavy and Medic. And he was absolutely going to go through with that second one.
- Disney Villain Death: Pyro pushes Saxton of the rooftop of Mann Co's headquarters. It doesn't work, so he throws in a frag grenade to finish the job.
- Empowered Badass Normal: In Meet the Amazing Merasmus, Saxton Hale wants the eponymous wizard to turn Pyro into this for a more satisfying match-up. The spell hits Medic instead.
- Eye-Obscuring Hat: Soldier's oversized helmet, natch. Deconstructed in Meet the Amazing Soldier, where the RED Soldier forces everyone to wear the exact same helmets. This results in the RED Team being severely handicapped, as they're unable to see what they're doing.
- Excrement Statement: Jarate features in Meet the Amazing Sniper, where Sniper taints Scout's bonk with it.
- BLU Soldier is fortunately stopped before he can actually carry it out, but he tells RED Spy he intends to "crap in [his] mouth" when angry.
- For the Evulz: Saxton gladly admits that his plan to punch everything into extinction is entirely for shits and giggles.
- Freudian Threat: BLU Soldier gets RED Spy to talk in The Amazing Interrogation by threatening to crush and then eat his nuts.
- Graceful Loser: When Saxton Hale is pushed off a building by the Pyro, the Pyro throws an active grenade next to his head in the middle of his Badass Boast even as he lies disfigured on the rooftop far below. Saxton's response is to calmly acknowledge his own death and say "good game" right before he's blown up.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: In Meet the Amazing Merasmus, RED Sniper's bullet from his sniper rifle ends up missing his intended target (Saxton Hale) and ends up ricocheting off of multiple objects before hitting away his rifle, forcing him to use his Kukri.
- Lame Comeback: In The Amazing Interrogation, BLU Engineer calls RED Spy a coward and a scoundrel; RED Spy calls him dumb. His retort proves so effective that it deletes BLU Engineer from reality. For a while, at least.
- Never My Fault: Saxton says it's not his fault Pyro got stuck with the goggles, but then he immediately confirms that he was the one to stick the goggles on them to shut them up.
- Non-Indicative Name: Meet the Amazing Merasmus was originally supposed to focus on the wizard himself, but focus switched to Saxton Hale during production, with Merasmus being The Heavy (in a Tv Tropes sense, not in the TF2 sense).
- Not Quite Dead: During their fight with Hale, Pyro gets their neck broken, only to reveal they had used the Dead Ringer Spy borrowed them.
- Parrot Exposition: The "intel" the RED Spy gives up (really just him bragging about his kills) in The Amazing Interrogation veers into this:
RED Spy: Let's see... I murdered your Heavy as well.
(cut to Heavy and Medic's corpses)
BLU Heavy: (face down, dead) I am dead.
BLU Medic: (also dead) Heavy is dead!
(back to interrogation)
BLU Soldier: AGH! That Heavy is dead! Dammit! - Pre-Asskicking One-Liner: "Now prepare for AUSTRALIAN JUSTICE!!!"
- The Reveal: Pyro was Saxton Hale's receptionist and got brainwashed and given the Pyrovision Goggles after they saw Hale's plans to "punch everything into extinction".
- Schmuck Bait: In Meet The Amazing Spy, a BLU Spy convinces the BLU Scout that he wants him to slap his hand, and it isn't a trick. It is. And said Spy's RED.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: In Meet the Amazing Merasmus, RED Sniper takes out his Kukri after his sniper rifle was shot out of his hand by his own fire to fight Saxton Hale. When Saxton Hale approaches him, he cowers for a bit before immediately dipping out. And smacking into a pole.
Sniper: On second thought, I think it's time for lunch. See ya, mates!
- Serial Escalation: The first animation was a crudely drawn single joke about a disguised Spy, whereas the last two have a coherent plot with long fight scenes and use custom-made voice lines as opposed to splicing in-game ones.
- The Stinger: The booze in Amazing Demo was enchanted by Merasmus.
- So was the unicorn headwear in Amazing Soldier.
- Telefrag: The BLU Engineer from The Amazing Interrogation respawns in the middle of two RED Spies giving a high-five, disintegrating them in the process.
- What Did I Do Last Night?: The BLU Demoman in Meet the Amazing Demoman goes on a rampage with the Eyelander after getting drunk in the beginning of the episode. After his team forces him to quit cold turkey, he grabs a bottle left behind by his RED counterpart and somehow ends up launching a rocket powerful enough to take out both teams' bases.
- Would Hit a Girl: BLU Pyro (if Pyro ISN'T a girl, that is), knocks out the receptionist upon arriving to Mann Co. Headquarters.
- Your Head Asplode: Saxton Hale in Meet The Amazing Pyro, courtesy of a grenade Soldier throws.