My Story Animated - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Aug 12 2019
My Story Animated Cover Picture
MSA previously My Story Animated is a YouTube channel that claims to animate real life stories sent to them by teenagers. However, it's widely suspected that many, if not most, of the stories are actually fictional, often due to the videos having extremely implausible or nonsensical things happen within them.
The idea of the channel is to tell outlandish stories that occur to teenage characters. They involve school, family secrets, and other real world topics, however they usually have an unusual twist to them.
Compare to similar channels ACTUALLY HAPPENED and Story Time Animated.
My Story Animated provides examples of:
- Abusive Parents: Carol and Lana's father from "I Found My Missing Sister In A Graveyard"
allows his second wife to torment her stepdaughters and gets physically abusive with Carol.
- Alpha Bitch: You can know for a fact the worst bully in a school is always the popular kid.
- Ambiguous Situation: The video "i had no idea his trick could work" sees its narrator, Dana, get jealous and suspicious when her boyfriend Damien spends a lot of time at her friend Jackie's house and refuses to let her see their text conversations. While Damien insists that they were just working on a surprise gift for her, she later sees them kissing in her room. Dana herself admits that she's not sure if her jealousy was justified after all or if it drove Damien into Jackie's arms.
- Amnesiac Dissonance: "I Lost My Memory And Was Shocked When I Found Who I am"
is about a girl named Olivia who wakes up in the hospital after losing her memory in a car accident... and is horrified to discover she was an Alpha Bitch and a Big Sister Bully when she gets home.
- Anachronism Stew: Amara from "After 30 Years I Am Still 16"
fell into a coma in 1990 at the latest, but at one point in the pre-coma part of her story, she's shown using a 21st-century smartphone.
- And I Must Scream:
- Animesque: Several videos are varying degrees of animesque and use anime-inspired expressions.
- Armoured Closet Gay: Brian from "She Found Out"
is a man who was taught practically from birth that homosexuality was sinful. He internalized these views, and so refused to acknowledge that he was attracted to other men.
- Arranged Marriage: Dawn's parents from "i Am Hiding From My Parents For Years Until My Sister Found Me"
arranged for her to marry a man older than her father in exchange for the man paying off her parents' debts.
- Babies Ever After:
- "I Wouldn't Have Known This if i didn't lose my v card" ends with Bamba and her lover Matt having had a baby (presumably through artificial insemination, since she didn't lose her allergy to physical contact with other humans until after she got pregnant).
- "A Stranger Secretly Lived In My Home For 16 Years"
ends on the news that Tammy the narrator is expecting twins.
- "I didn't know what music was until I was 17" ends with the narrator, now married to her longtime boyfriend, expecting a baby.
- Baby See, Baby Do: Played for Drama, kinda, and is also considerably exaggerated. In "My parents think I am the devil"
, Irene goes to see Tarzan as a young girl. As young children do, she copies Tarzan, much to the annoyance of her father, which leaves into him leaving. It turns out, she has a mental disability where when she sees a movie or something that reminds her of that movie, she needs to reenact a scene from that movie, voice, personality, and all.
- The Baby Trap: Dana from "i had no idea his trick could work" is suspicious that her boyfriend Damien might be cheating on her with her best friend Jackie. So she secretly replaces some of her birth control pills with mints. Not only does she get pregnant, but so does her mom, who unknowingly took her daughter's birth control pills in a moment of carelessness.
- Bad Santa: Subverted in "We Invited A Criminal To Our Christmas Party"
. Jane's family hires a Santa who apparently turns out to be a thieving thug, but it turns out he's actually a federal agent who mistakenly assumed their house was the one he was supposed to investigate.
- Be Careful What You Wish For: Ava in "I Wish I Never Won 200 million dollars in the lottery"
is initially thrilled that she won $200 million in the lottery... but then her family starts drifting apart because of it.
- Big Fancy House: In "i found my friend things in my dad's car, whaaaattt?(23 August 2019)"
, Kelsey comes from a wealthy family, so she lives in a nice sizeable house, complete with a cinema room.
- Big Sister Bully: Maria's less intelligent, older sister Alena from "I thought that being extremely pretty is enough"
is this. She bullies her younger sister every chance she got for being "dumb", ignoring she is far from being smarter than her. As well for her singing voice cracking to a masculine tone during an incident. She also has no respect for her personal boundaries. When Maria became a successful singer, Alena says she has always hated her since the beginning, disregarding anything Maria has done for her and their mother after her career became a success, and left with her new boyfriend.
- Bittersweet Ending: Aria from "A strange man claims he is my husband - He Knows Everything"
loses her mother, but gets a loving fiancé.
- Blackmail: When Mrs. Hooper learns about Haley's essay-selling business in "i started an illegal business at school. my teacher joined!"
, it initially seems like she'll report it and discipline her and her customers. But then she orders Haley to continue operating her business and give her the money she makes from it, threatening to tell the headmaster about her scheme if she doesn't cooperate.
- Bodyguard Crush:
- Halle from "My Dad Passed Out When He Saw Who I Am Dating" falls in love with the bodyguard her father hired to keep an eye on her. She tries to have a relationship with him, but it doesn't work out that way.
- In "No one knew I was a famous singer"
, Sasha's parents hire a bodyguard named Damon after she starts getting death threats from a mysterious hooded figure. Over time, they develop feelings for each other, and after the culprit is caught and arrested, they form a relationship.
- Both Sides Have a Point: In "My Dad Found Out What I Did In School’s Lab At Night", the narrator and her father get into a fight when the latter admits to being the one sending the former the notes saying he knew what she did. The narrator's dad is right when he tells his daughter she should have confessed, but the narrator is also right when she points out that leaving those anonymous notes was really messed-up.
- Broken Pedestal: Jessica in "I Found Papers In My Dad Office That Broke My Heart"
idolizes her lawyer father... but then is dismayed to find out that he's an Amoral Attorney who's willing to trick his elderly clients into signing wills that sign wills leaving most of their estates to their greedy relatives — no matter said clients' actual wishes for their estates are — in exchange for a cut of the stolen money.
- Bruiser with a Soft Center: Hunter from "i found her after 20 years" is a large, muscular guy who's not above getting violent when sufficiently angered... but also kindhearted and protective by nature.
- Bullying a Dragon: "I am a bodybuilder and my boyfriend is a tiny little guy"
has some kids shouting insults at a "weird couple"... one half of which was the titular bodybuilder. Needless to say, when she started yelling at them, they got scared and ran off.
- Bungled Hypnotism: Sarah from "I Brain Washed Mom To Be My Slave"
hypnotizes her mother into prioritizing her more and being more affectionate towards her. This turns her into an overly attached mom who refuses to leave the house or let her leave either. To make matters worse, she finds she can't remember the phrase to snap her out of her trance.
- The Cameo: Some of the more recent episodes have characters who appeared in a previous episode act as background characters.
- Cassandra Truth: Jane from "We Invited A Criminal To Our Christmas Party"
sees the Santa her family hired plant a tiny camera on her family's Christmas tree, but her parents don't believe her when she tells them, and don't even bother to check.
- Celebrity Resemblance: "I Had To Stop The Kardashians From Destroying My Family"
is about a girl named Cheryl, her mother, and her sisters, all of whom bear striking resemblances to members of the Kardashian family.
- Chekhov's Boomerang: In "I Am Hiding My Baby From My Bf For Years"
, a girl finds a deed to an abandoned property inside a painting's frame, which means she can move away from her drunken father. Later on, she takes that same painting at a pawn shop, and it turns out to be worth ten million dollars, enabling her to escape her abusive boyfriend.
- Chicken Joke: Athena from "I made the 3 school billionaire heartthrobs fight over me"
pretends to not like eating chickens, claiming that a chicken saved her life when she was crossing the road.
- Chopper on Standby: The girl in "I Am The Richest Girl At School And It's Embarrassing"
takes her father's helicopter to school.
- Clap Your Hands If You Believe: In "I Brain Washed Mom
To Be My Slave"
, a hypnotist explains to Sarah that hypnosis doesn't work unless the person believes in the would-be hypnotist's ability to hypnotize them.
- Coincidental Broadcast: Chichi from "I'm A Gold Digger, I Married A Tree For Its Money"
, threatened with losing any chance at receiving big money from her grandma, watches TV while under the impression that she'll never get married within the deadline. Then she sees a Reality TV episode about a crazy woman who legally married a roller coaster, and gets an idea.
- Comically Missing the Point: In "I'm not allowed to sleep"
, Tanya shows off a jigsaw puzzle she worked on for four months, claiming she finished it in record breaking time because the box says 2 to 4 years.
- Counterfeit Cash: The money received by the narrator of "I Was Rich For Years And Mom Didnt Even Notice"
turns out to be phony, which gets her in trouble with the authorities.
- Crazy Homeless People: Some are mentioned in "I Got Rich Because I Picked Up a Rock On The Beach!"
as staying at the same homeless shelter as the protagonist and her mother and dog.
- Cult: The main character of "I Didn’t Know Males Existed Until I Was 17"
was kidnapped by and raised in an all-female one, but she eventually managed to escape it.
- Daddy's Girl: Lily from "I Distracted Mom While Driving And The Worst Thing Happened"
is very close to her father Jonathan, and gets along with him better than with her mother Tabitha.
- Declaration of Protection: Hunter from "i found her after 20 years" solemnly promises to protect Lisa.
- Dirty Old Monk: Subverted in "My Parents Hid A Secret About My Body For Over 10 Years!"
. Dora thinks a priest is having an affair with her mom, but it turns out she was hallucinating due to schizophrenia she was never told about.
- Discriminate and Switch: "She Found Out"
has Brian try to raise his daughter Leanne to believe that homosexuality is sinful, like what he was taught. But after Brian's wife dies, he starts seeing another man named John who helps him come to terms with his sexuality. Still, he's terrified about what might happen if Leanne finds out. One day, she comes home unexpectedly to see her father and John sharing a romantic moment, and runs away upset. After a heart-to-heart, it turns out she doesn't care that he's attracted to men; she was just upset that he was moving on more quickly than she'd have liked.
- Double Standard: Chichi's granny from "I'm A Gold Digger, I Married A Tree For Its Money"
refuses to give her any money until after she gets married... even though she gave Chichi's brother a huge sum with no such stipulation.
- Drunk Driver: In "I died for 10 Minutes You won't believe what I saw....."
, the narrator suffers clinical death after being hit by one.
- Ear Ache: The narrator("Beep!") of "A Spider Has Been Living In My Ear For Years"
discovers that she has a spider inside her ear.
- Earn Your Happy Ending:
- Tracy from "My 3 Brothers Believe I’m Their Mother"
has to deal with a lot: her parents undergoing a messy divorce, financial struggles, her mother dying and the resulting problems, even going blind... but she overcomes it all and becomes a best-selling author.
- In the now-private video "I didn't know what music was until I was 17", the narrator goes through a lot of terrible things due to being a free spirit living in a compound of religious fundamentalists. But eventually, she manages to build a new life away from the compound with her family and becomes a successful comic artist.
- Tracy from "My 3 Brothers Believe I’m Their Mother"
- Engineered Public Confession: This is how Haley exposes her teacher Mrs. Hooper's blackmail of her in "i started an illegal business at school. my teacher joined!"
. She talks to her about not wanting to pay her anymore, secretly recording the whole conversation using her cell phone and showing the recording to the headmaster.
- Entertainingly Wrong: Callie from "I Found out what my grandma do in her secret room, she made $$$" sees her grandmother spending time alone with a man named Gerald while all dressed up and assumes he's her lover, an assumption that seems to be confirmed when she checks her phone and sees him listed in her contacts as "#1 Man". It turned out the man was actually her manager ("#1 Man" was short for #1 Manager), but it's not hard to understand why she thought so.
- Entitled to Have You: James from "Me or My Bf"
was obsessed with Andrea in high school, but she kept rejecting him. He later gets a job as a safari guide and ettempts to kidnap her when she and her boyfriend, Lucas, goes on a trip to the safari.
- Evil Twin: Tammy's secret twin sister Eliza from "A Stranger Secretly Lived In My Home For 16 Years"
turns out to be this.
- Evil Uncle: In the story titled, "My mom is controlling"
, it is revealed that the reason why Princess Aurora's parents kept her from leaving their castle for her entire life is because when Aurora was a baby, her evil aunt abducted Aurora in an attempt to become next in line for the throne.
- Faint in Shock: The unfortunate nurse in "A Spider Has Been Living In My Ear For Years"
when she realizes that there's a spider inside the narrator's ear.
- Faked Kidnapping: The narrator of "My Parents Had To Pay Me 40,000$ To Return Home!"
plots her own kidnapping with her boyfriend Trevor, believing it would teach her parents a lesson.
- Faking the Dead: In "I Was Rich For Years And Mom Didnt Even Notice"
, the narrator's father turns out to have faked his own death in a staged boating accident.
- Fantasy-Forbidding Father: Sarah's parents in "I Do The Opposite Of What My Mom Say"
want her to be a lawyer just like them and forbid her from doing anything that might distract her from it, like making friends or having a job.
Sarah's Father: What are you doing, waisting time in a coffee shop? How's that going to help you become a lawyer?
- Fatal Flaw: Dana from "i had no idea his trick could work" is very prone to jealousy, and at one point yells at her boyfriend Damien over something that happened in one of her dreams. Her jealousy eventually causes her to become a single mother.
- Faux Affably Evil: Marcus from "I Became Rich From Being A Psychopath"
certainly knows how to charm people like many sociopaths, but he doesn't actually care about anybody else and is a habitual user and abuser of others.
- Fell Asleep Crying: Tabitha from "I Distracted Mom While Driving And The Worst Thing Happened (29 June 2019, Korea(Anime) Style)"
does this pretty frequently in the aftermath of her husband's death.
- Fleeting Passionate Hobbies: In "Mom Did witchcraft In The Basement"
, the main character("Beep!")'s mother keeps taking up new hobbies (everything from ghost hunting to building birdhouses), only to drop them once she decides she's not good enough at them. Her husband and daughter being rather judgmental about her attempts to find new ways of occupying herself didn't help.
- Forgotten Birthday: "My Family disappeared After A Game Of Hide And Seek"
is about a girl whose parents keep forgetting her birthdays... even though it's only one week away from her younger brother's birthday, which they consistently remember.
- Frame-Up:
- Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: "I Was Shocked When I Found Out Why My Teacher is after Me"
has a girl named Helen whose teacher, a woman Ms. Smith, is nice to most people but really has it out for her. She eventually finds out that it's because she gets emotionally abused by her husband and his mother, the latter of whom is also named Helen. While the narrator Helen now knows why Ms. Smith picks on her, and feels some sympathy for her, she (rightly) concludes that being a victim of abuse doesn't justify her bullying somebody who did nothing to her.
- Freudian Slip: "My Mom Is Too pretty!"
has Cynthia's boyfriend Ryan accidentally call her mother "sexy" rather than "Sally" when greeting her.
- Fun with Acronyms: Bamba and Matt from "I Wouldn't Have Known This if i didn't lose my v card" start a pseudo-cult called "Summon the Darkness" to explain why they're showing up to school in weird latex costumes. And yes, the fact that it stands for "STD" is completely intentional in-universe.
- Gay Bravado: One of Austin's friends in "someone stole my diary and showed it to the whole school"
jokingly asks him for a kiss.
- Gender Rarity Value: While he only spends a relatively brief time being worshiped, Jarrod from "I Am The Only Man In Town"
becomes extremely popular once it becomes known that he's a boy, especially after it's proven that he can sire male children.
- Gentle Touch vs. Firm Hand: Tabitha and Jonathan take this approach to raising their daughter Lily in "I Distracted Mom While Driving And The Worst Thing Happened"
, with Tabitha being the firm hand and Jonathan being the gentle touch.
- Get Out!: "I Bought A Phone Without My Parents Knowing"
has Fatima's mother saying this to her husband after finding his phone and discovering that he was cheating on her with strange women, all after her daughters tried to explain the truth to her. Fatima's father then leaves, but not before saying that he said that his wife was always useless and that he only needed her money.
- Girls with Moustaches: "I Wear A Mask To School To Hide What My Father Did To Me" is about a teenage girl who has facial hair due to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
- Glad I Thought of It: Apple's boss in "i stole my boss phone now i am his boss"
earns her ire by dismissing her idea for a diaper delivery service, only to later pitch it to the company's CEO claiming it's his own idea.
- A God I Am Not: Prisha from "people $$$ to see my face | my strange job" is treated like a goddess by the people of her village... and hates it, in large part due to the heavy duties and lack of freedom it means for her. She tries to tell one of her worshippers that she's not a goddess in private, but he insists she is.
- Gold Digger: Subverted with Lilly from "My Son Is Being Controlled By A Gold Digger"
. Sophie initially thinks she's only dating Noah for the material benefits, but it turns out she actually cares for him as a person.
- Gone Horribly Right: 14-year-old Sarah from California from "I Brain Washed Mom To Be My Slave(October/November 2019)"
hypnotizes her mother into prioritizing her more and being more affectionate towards her. This turns her into an overly-attached mom who refuses to leave the house or let her leave either.
- Hair Color Dissonance: The girl in "I Am Too Pretty"
has been the victim of Dumb Blonde jokes, but her hair is so dark that she looks like a brunette.
- Handsome Lech: "Brian/Mark" (his real name is never established) from "it was all a lie". While he's certainly good-looking and can be charming when it suits him, he turns out to be a complete scumbag in the bedroom (focusing solely on his own pleasure, doing things that hurt his bedmates, etc.), much to narrator Sarah's displeasure.
- Hate Sink: In a majority of the stories, there are characters who are bullies and obnoxious brats who try to make the narrators’ lives miserable, such as Brenda doing so to her own stepsister, Vivian, from "I Never Wash My Makeup, for 17 years until this happened" (5 September 2021)
- Healthcare Motivation:
- Helium Speech: Apple from "i stole my boss phone now i am his boss"
tricks her boss into inhaling helium right before he has an important meeting, causing him to have this. This later turns out to only be the start of his Humiliation Conga.
- Heroic Bastard: In "The Doctors Forced Me To Save Only One Of My Twin Sisters"
, Amelia's illegitimate half-sister chooses to donate part of her liver so both twins can be saved.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: When the narrator's father from "The Police Accused Me Of Murder 16 Years Ago I Was 2"
takes a saliva sample from his daughter to do a Daddy DNA Test, he inadvertently reveals that he was the culprit in a murder that had gone unsolved for sixteen years.
- Home Nudist: In "I'm A Gold Digger, I Married A Tree For Its Money"
, one of Chichi's complaints about being followed around by the Fraud Assesment is not being able to walk around her own house naked.
- Hostile Weather: "the window broke and than i saw blood"
is about a girl whose area gets hit by a severe storm.
- Humble Goal: What does Chichi from "I'm A Gold Digger,
I Married A Tree For Its Money"
want to do when she gets lots of money from her grandma? Open a bakery.
- Hypocrite: This example comes from "I Bought A Phone Without My Parents Knowing(April 2021)"
. Fatima's father told her and her sister Sasha to never make Facebook accounts because, as their mother claims, he "knows best". However, after saving enough money to get a phone, Fatima finds out that he has an account, one which has him with pictures of him cheating on his own wife.
- I Can't Believe a Guy Like You Would Notice Me: Emily from "I Found Who Swapped Me At Birth"
is pleasantly surprised when the popular Brad returns her affections.
- If I Can't Have You…: A family example in "I Was Brought to this world With 3 Moms or 2??"
. Charlene admits she'd threatened to hurt her daughter Heather because she'd decided that if she couldn't have her, no one else could.
- Incompatible Orientation: Sarah from "I Faked Losing My Memory"
has a massive crush on her childhood friend Jake. Unfortunately for her, Jake turns out to be gay.
- Interclass Friendship: Scarlet from "I Hid For Days To See What Everyone Do"
comes from a family that pretty much lives paycheck-to-paycheck, but her best friend Tess is a millionaire's daughter.
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: In "My Dad Follow Me Everywhere"
, the narrator's father acts way too overprotective towards her daugter and not letting her do anything. When he gives his blessing to date a boy she likes, and lets her live her life, it's revealed he hired that boy to date her and has been tracking her location for the past seven years. He even pulls a gun on her when she tried to escape, all so he can "protect" her.
- Jerkass Has a Point: Skyler from "my sister gave birth without telling anyone(October 2019)"
is a delinquent, but she correctly points out that trying to get his baby with Cassie back would be unfair to her cousin who had made a deal with them to adopt the baby.
- Jerkass to One: An example comes from "I Was Shocked When I Found Out Why My Teacher is after Me"
. Ms. Smith is nice to most people, but a complete Sadist Teacher to the narrator, Helen. This turns out to be because she gets picked on by her husband's mother, who is also named Helen.
- Karmic Jackpot: Cathy from "I Found A Treasure In My Second Hand jacket"
finds a valuable baseball card in the pocket of a secondhand jacket she bought. Since she's poor and really wants to go to college, she's tempted to sell the card and get enough money to go to a good university, but she decides to find its rightful owner and return it. When the rightful owner comes to claim it, she's impressed enough by Cathy's honesty that she offers to pay for her education, an offer Cathy happily accepts.
- The Kindnapper: In "They Appeared On My Door After Googling Myself"
, the main character's parents turn out to have kidnapped her from her biological mother. But it's revealed that they did it because they knew her mother tried to have her husband killed and were afraid to leave her with an attempted murderer, and they were also fulfilling a promise to her birth father to keep her safe.
- Laser-Guided Karma: After her blackmail scheme is exposed, Mrs. Hooper from "i started an illegal business at school. my teacher joined!"
gets fired. Later on, she tries to attack Hayley out of revenge, but is caught in the act and arrested.
- Lightning Glare: Tabitha and her 16-year-old daughter Lily from "I Distracted Mom While Driving And The Worst Thing Happened"
exchange a few of these during their fights. Not only that, it was also used in "I Can't Stop My Mouth, Everyone Thinks I Am Rude"
after Tara yells at mother: "YOU KNOW WHAT, MOM? I THINK YOU'RE REALLY GREEDY!!!" and "Mom Keeps Punishing Dad Like A Toddler"
after Lisa says that Sierra's father also spent a very bad time in jail, and that is why trend shifted, leading him to scream: "What did you just say to me?!"
- Loophole Abuse: In "I'm A Gold Digger, I Married A Tree For Its Money"
, Chichi's grandmother says she won't get any of her riches unless she gets married by the end of the week. But she never specified that her granddaughter's spouse had to be human, so Chichi gets a legally valid marriage to a potted lemon tree, and she has to pay up.
- Lovable Alpha Bitch: Loren from "we hid in my crush closet when they entered"
seems like your typical "mean girl cheerleader" at first, but turns out to have a very kind and caring side that she starts expressing more.
- Make It Look Like an Accident: Chichi from "I'm A Gold Digger, I Married A Tree For Its Money"
arranges for her husband to get run over by a truck. Of course, since her husband's a potted tree, it's not as bad as it sounds.
- Mama Bear: In the Korea-styled story "We Got Married But We Never Met(15 December 2019)", Mia goes considerable lengths to save her son after he gets kidnapped.
- Manchild Apple's boss in "i stole my boss phone now i am his boss"
turns out to be this in his private life. While being a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic isn't necessarily a sign of immaturity, living with his mother and having to follow her rules definitely puts him in this territory.
- Manipulative Bastard: Marcus from "I Became Rich From Being A Psychopath"
has a natural talent for making people dance to his tune, and he becomes even better after reading some psychology.
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: "I am a bodybuilder and my boyfriend is a tiny little guy"
is about a female bodybuilder named Jacquelyn dating an effeminate nerd named George.
- Mask of Sanity: James from "Me or My Bf"
was able to act normal enough to get a job as a safari guide, but he was actually dangerously obsessed enough to be sent to a mental hospital.
- Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: The narrator of "I died for 10 Minutes You won't believe what I saw....."
sees visions of her friend Chris while under anesthesia after a car accident. Later on, it's revealed that Chris was undergoing a kidney transplant at the same time. She believes she and Chris "met on the other side", but the fact that Chris doesn't remember seeing her and she was thinking of him just before the accident suggests that this may have just been her seeing things.
- Mind Screw: In "i had no idea they could do that(27 February 2020)", just about everything presented about Melissa's story is... ambiguous and inconsistent, to put it mildly.
- Miss Conception: Felicia from "I Got Preg-nant From Swimming with My Friends" is a sheltered girl with some prudish parents, and as such has only a vague idea of how babies are made. When she doesn't have her period after she makes out with Miles at a pool party, she thinks he got her pregnant... even though the most they did was French kiss.
- Mistaken for Dying: Sarah from "I Heard My Parents Saying I'm Not Going To Live Long"
overhears her parents talking about being afraid of losing her one night. This, combined with the fact that she's been struggling with an illness for some time, causes her to think she's terminally ill. But the next morning, it turns out Sarah was adopted, and her parents were worried about her biological mother wanting her back.
- Mistaken for Gay:
- Monica from "I found out why my mother keeps losing her underwear" assumes her friend John is gay. But it's later revealed that he just Likes Older Women.
- In I Was Jealous of the Perfect Girl, But Ended Up BFFs
, Lola(born 5 February) thinks Paige(born 22 September) is trying to ask her out when she approaches her and turns her down. Paige then corrects her and tells her she's not into girls either.
- Mistaken for Pregnant: In "I Got Preg-nant From Swimming with My Friends", Felicia thinks she got knocked up by Miles. But it turns out that her symptoms were actually caused by an ovarian cyst.
- Momma's Boy: Apple's boss in "i stole my boss phone now i am his boss"
is shown to still live with his mother and follow her rules.
- Mugging the Monster: In "A Gold Digger became My Hero"
, a burglar breaks into Ava's house. When she wakes up, he discovers to his dismay that she's a skilled martial artist.
- Mukokuseki: One now-deleted video called "My biological parents traded me for two pigs" takes place in China and has an all-Chinese cast, but everyone is depicted in this style.
- Münchausen Syndrome: "Mom Made Me Have the worst diseases To Become Rich" is about an example of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Laurie's mother deliberately causes her to have some very serious health problems for money and attention.
- My Secret Pregnancy:
- In "my sister gave birth without telling anyone"
, Cassie manages to hide her pregnancy from her family until her sister Lola catches her giving birth in the bathroom.
- The narrator of "I Stole A Lipstick, I Ended Up Being Pregnant!" manages to hide her pregnancy from her parents by doing charity work in a foreign country and giving her baby up for adoption after giving birth there.
- In "my sister gave birth without telling anyone"
- Narcissist: Helen's father in "I Work In Cleaning Bathrooms While My Dad Is A Millionaire" is diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder by a psychiatrist. Considering he kept his wife and daughter in poverty while not telling them he was a successful businessman for no reason other than wanting to indulge in his money fixation to the fullest, this is hardly surprising.
- Never My Fault: Mrs. Hooper from the Korea-styled story, "i started an illegal business at school. my teacher joined!"
called Hayley horrible for getting her fired... conveniently ignoring the fact that she wouldn't have been fired if she hadn't started a blackmail scheme to get extra money.
- Never Trust a Title:
- "I Distracted Mom While Driving And The Worst Thing Happened"
is misleading in two ways. The first is that it's actually from the mother's perspective, not the daughter's. The second is that it implies her getting distracted while driving was a direct cause of something horrible, but the car crash wasn't caused by any error on her part, but by another driver running a red light.
- The title of the Korea-styled story "I Realized I Wasn’t Trans After Transitioning(27 July 2019)"
is not accurate. Olive thought she was a trans girl as a child, transitioned, and then realized she was genderfluid instead. She's still considered trans, but not binary trans.
- "I Am In Complex Relationship, We Are 4" may sound like it's a story about polyamory, when in fact, it's about both halves of a couple playing Operation: Jealousy with Invented Individuals.
- Despite what the title says, Jarrod from "I Am The Only Man In Town"
isn't actually the only man in his town. He's just the first boy to be born in his village in twenty years. There are plenty of males who are older than him.
- "I Distracted Mom While Driving And The Worst Thing Happened"
- No Ending: "I Hid under A Billionaire Bed"
ends on the words "I smiled" right when it seems like there's going to be more to the story.
- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Aria from "A strange man claims he is my husband - He Knows Everything"
tries to help comfort a young girl... and as a result ends up horrifically disfigured in a train accident (that's implied to also render her comatose for some time), mistaken for somebody else, has her face changed due to both of the above, and kept in a Gilded Cage by a man who thinks she's his bitchy adulterous wife.
- Non-Idle Rich: In "I'm A Gold Digger,
I Married A Tree For Its Money"
, Chichi wants to open a bakery after she gets millions from her grandma.
- Obfuscating Disability: The narrator of "I know everyone's dirty secrets by pretending I'm blind!"
pretends to be blind so people won't know she's the girl whose father was the subject of a viral video about him having an affair with his then-boss's wife.
- Obfuscating Insanity: Chichi from "I'm A Gold Digger,
I Married A Tree For Its Money"
pretends to have genuinely fallen in love with a potted lemon tree. In reality, she only married it so her grandmother would give her a large sum of money.
- Old Man Marrying a Child: Subverted in [[ "I Was Stuck In An Elevator for 7 days"]]. The teenage protagonist ends up trapped in an elevator with an old man who tries to force her to marry him through blackmail... but he turns out to have been recruited by her parents as part of an elaborate scheme to "teach her a lesson".
- Older Than They Look: Selena from "a single word changed my life forever(26 February 2020)"
is in her twenties, but can pass for a high school student.
- The One Guy: Too Exaggerated for its own good. In "I Am The Only Man In Town"
, Jarrod is, well, the only man in town. The channel was too focused on making a crazy story they forgot to make it make sense. If there have only been girls born for 20 years, how would the town reproduce? Not to mention it's misleading, because the mayor is a boy, and Jarrod has a dad.
- One of the Kids: Amara from "After 30 Years I Am Still 16"
is in her mid-40s, but still has the mentality of a teenager due to spending decades in a coma. After some initial adjustment to the changes she missed, she finds that she generally gets along better with teenagers than people of her biological age bracket.
- Only Friend: Sue from "I became The school Joke, i had to revenge"
considers Trish her sole friend.
- Only Six Faces: There are some videos where character design is... rather limited. It becomes a problem in "A strange man claims he is my husband - He Knows Everything"
— Aria claims the reconstructive surgery she got after being disfigured in a train accident made her look nothing like herself (which, as it turns out, is due to being mistaken for somebody else)... but the animation makes her look hardly any different.
- Operation: Jealousy: Jerry from "He Regrets cheating on me"
is afraid his fiancee/wife Cassie is only marrying him out of obligation and flirts with other women to make her jealous. Little does he know that she really does love him, and his flirting makes her really upset.
- Opposites Attract: Leanne from "I loved my BF until I met his sister"
is an exuberant, spontaneous girl who falls in love with an introverted guy named Robby.
- Organ Theft: Subverted in "My Kidnappers Refused To Reveal What They Did To My Body"
. The narrator initially fears she might've been victimized by an organ-trafficking ring, but it turns out she'd just been taken to a hospital after suffering a burst appendix.
- Orifice Invasion: The narrator of "A Spider Has Been Living In My Ear For Years"
, ("Beep!") comes to the conclusion that the spider found in her ear must have entered it while she was on a camping trip.
- Outliving One's Offspring: Mr. Davis from "we hid in my crush closet when they entered"
lost his son in a car accident and is terrified of losing his daughter to cancer.
- Pirate Episode: I Spend 20 Hours In The Water Everyday For This Secret Reason
stars Astrid, a 16th-century pirate who gets stranded in a town and eventually saves that town from a flood.
- Produce Pelting: Jenny, from "I Was Born In The Forest, I've Never Seen People Before"
, starts throwing eggs and tomatoes at protesters, although we only see the eggs.
- Rags to Riches: Deconstructed in "I Wish I Never Won 200 million dollars in the lottery"
. When Ava wins the jackpot in the lottery, it brings out some pretty bad qualities in her relatives and causes her family to drift apart.
- Raised as the Opposite Gender: Jarrod from "I Am The Only Man In Town"
spends the first few years of his life being raised as a girl, due to his parents not wanting attention from having produced their town's only male child in twenty years.
- Real After All: In "He Regrets cheating on me"
, Cassie decides to teach her new husband Jerry a lesson about hitting on other women. So she hires some actors to set up a "haunted house" scenario on their honeymoon to scare him straight. When the newlyweds go back to the airport, Cassie calls their leader, a woman named Samantha, to congratulate them on the excellent job they did... only to discover that Samantha and her team couldn't get to their destination, and so couldn't do what they were hired to do.
- Really Gets Around: Belle from the last-ever deleted episode, "my sister is dating the entire town(16 March 2020)"
is... not particularly restrained in her dating life. At one point, she starts talking on her phone to plan a date while currently out at the movies with somebody else, and it's later revealed that she slept with Kenneth very soon after meeting him in a park despite barely talking to him and deciding he wasn't her type.
- Red Herring: "The police found something worth millions in my bag, OMG!"
initially makes it seem like some French tourists were the ones who stole an expensive vase from a museum. But it turns out the real culprit was a crooked security guard named Gary.
- Rich Boredom: Kelsey from "i found my friend things in my dad's car, whaaaattt?"
is a girl from a very well-off family who takes a summer job at a café simply because she wants something to occupy her time.
- The Runaway: Cheryl in "I Had To Stop The Kardashians From Destroying My Family"
eventually gets so upset at having to deal with her Kardashian-obsessed mother and sisters that she ends up running away from home after they get into a huge fight over her refusal to be a Kylie Jenner impersonator.
- Run for the Border: The now-deleted video "I Woke Up In A Moving Van Heading To Mexico" is about a girl whose father tries to flee to Mexico with her and her sister.
- Sadist Teacher: Played with in "I Was Shocked When I Found Out Why My Teacher is after Me"
. While Helen's teacher Ms. Smith is nice to most people, she's a complete bully to her.
- Sadistic Choice: "The Doctors Forced Me To Save Only One Of My Twin Sisters"
is about a girl named Amelia whose younger twin sisters both get very sick due to a congenital liver defect they share. Amelia's a match, so she can be a donor... but since she can only donate a small part of her liver, she has to choose which twin she wants to give it to. Thankfully, her father turned out to have an illegitimate daughter with his high school sweetheart, who was also a match and agreed to donate part of her liver as well, so both twins were saved.
- Same-Sex Triplets: Tracy from "My 3 Brothers Believe I’m Their Mother"
has three triplet younger brothers: Caleb, Christopher and Conrad.
- Scary Scorpions: Double subverted in "I Eat Scorpions For Breakfast To Become Poisonous"
. The narrator obtains some potentially dangerous Arizona bark scorpions, and while she's afraid of them at first, she gets used to eating them. But then she and her brother get stung...
- Scatterbrained Senior: In "I Wish I Never Won 200 million dollars in the lottery"
, Ava gets a lottery ticket from an elderly woman, and promises her that she'll tell her if her ticket wins. When she wins the jackpot, she decides to keep the money herself since her family was in dire straits at the time and eventually forgets who really won. When she remembers, she tells her... only to realize she doesn't remember the encounter. Turns out, the old woman had Alzheimer's.
- Screaming at Squick: One nurse lets out a bloodcurdling scream when she sees a picture of a spider in the narrator's ear in "A Spider Has Been Living In My Ear For Years"
- Screaming Birth: Happens to Cassie, the narrator's sister in "my sister gave birth without telling anyone"
- Screw the Rules, I Have Connections!: The narrator's birth mother in "They Appeared On My Door After Googling Myself"
has a lot of connections with law enforcement due to many members of her family being cops, and so she was perceived as untouchable by the law... but then she learns the hard way that she isn't.
- The Scrooge: Due to having grown up dirt-poor, Emily from "I'm homeless but i have millions"
is an obsessive miser despite having since become rich. While this causes problems with her love life, she's able to solve them by joining a Facebook group for cheap people looking for partners and finding a fellow miser named Tom. After they get into an argument over what they think is a nickel but turns out to be a bottle cap at the end of their first date, they decide they're soulmates.
- Sdrawkcab Alias: "No one has seen my real face"
features a supermodel named Iris, who wants to take a break from modling to live a normal life. She puts on a disguise and chooses to call herself Siri, unintentionally giving herself the same name as the iPhone's virtual assistant.
- Secret Diary:
- Secret Relationship: The narrator of "My Parents Had To Pay Me 40,000$ To Return Home!"
has to see her boyfriend Trevor behind her parents' backs, since they won't let her date due to her older sister Amelia getting pregnant at fifteen.
- Self-Deprecation: Merde from "My Name Is A Swear Word! I don't like My Life"
tries to come to terms with the fact that her name is a very rude French term for poop, whereas "Mierda" means the same in Spanish by doing this, up to and including dressing up as a literal piece of crap for Halloween.
- Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: In "All girls in my Family Died at 18" (2 November 2019)
, Avrill becomes so paranoid about an alleged family curse where female members of her family (on both sides, no less) die at age 18 that she refuses to leave her room and stops eating properly. Naturally, this eventually results in her being hospitalized.
- Self-Made Man: Hunter from "i found her after 20 years" manages to get rich by founding his own company.
- Sextra Credit: This is implied to be at least part of why Rosie from "i found my friend things in my dad's car, whaaaattt?"
turns out to have been having an affair with her English Literature professor(A Lso known as Kelsey's Dad).
- Shameful Source of Knowledge: In "I know everyone's dirty secrets by pretending I'm blind!"
, the protagonist sees her friend Elsie's boyfriend kissing another girl... but telling her would mean admitting she could see. She manages to get around this by sending Elsie a picture via Instagram (since her Instagram account doesn't use her real name and her profile pic is outdated)
- Sheep in Sheep's Clothing: Sophie from "My Son Is Being Controlled By A Gold Digger"
thinks her son Noah's girlfriend Lilly is a Gold Digger only pretending to love him and just acting nice to her and her husband to keep her gravy train rolling… but it turns out she loves Noah for who she is, not his money.
- Siblings in Crime: In "THE ENTIRE TOWN KNOWS BUT HER"
, Ralph and Elsie turn out to be a brother and sister with a history of teaming up to steal from vulnerable people.
- Sibling Triangle: Leanne from "I loved my BF until I met his sister"
finds herself torn between her boyfriend Robby and his older sister Rhea.
- Single Girl Seeks Most Popular Guy: Cynthia from "someone stole my diary and showed it to the whole school"
has a massive crush on Austin, though she considers herself "basic".
- Sins of the Father:
- In the now-private video "Mom Saw My date in school", it's revealed that the main character's mother doesn't like her boyfriend because his mother is a rival pro wrestler who she blames for ruining her career.
- In "My BFF Left Me A Letter After She Died", Lily gets picked on by other students due to her mother being a very strict teacher.
- Small, Secluded World: The narrator of "I Didn’t Know Males Existed Until I Was 17"
lives in an all-female cult, while the narrator of "I didn't know what music was until I was 17" lives in a compound of religious fundamentalists. Both of them eventually escape and discover males and music respectively.
- Snakes Are Sinister: Subverted in "I wish i didn't see what Mom Was Doing with snakes"
. While the narrator is initially afraid of the snakes her mom adopted, especially since she found out about them after one apparently tried to strangle her in her sleep, they turn out to be harmless and she comes to like them.
- So Beautiful, It's a Curse:
- The short "I Am Too Pretty"
is about a girl that has dealt with the troubles of being very attractive all her life. As a toddler, an agent tried to make her a fashion model and she was being catcalled before even reaching puberty.
- One now-private video titled "I Only Date Blind People because i am too pretty" is about a young woman whose beauty causes her serious problems: people being jealous of her, people only being interested in her for her appearance, and even people becoming creepily obsessed with her.
- The short "I Am Too Pretty"
- The Sociopath: Marcus from "I Became Rich From Being A Psychopath"
has psychopathy, and he's able to use it to his advantage... until the law catches up to him.
- Spiders Are Scary:
- Split Personality: "I have 3 different people living in my body!(10 August 2019)"
is about a girl named Robin with three alternate personalities: Ellie, who's mentally eight years old, nervous and fearful; Stacey, a party girl who loves to sing and is good at it; and Scar, a cold, distant introvert with a taste for melancholic music and something of a goth streak.
- Spoiler Title: "I Found Who Swapped Me At Birth"
starts with Emily telling you about a "shocking secret" her parents hid from her and says you won't ever guess what it was.She was swapped at birth, like the title suggests.
- Spooky Painting: "My Grandparents Brought Me A Deadly Gift"
has the titular grandparents give the narrator's parents a painting of Santa Claus that's rather unsettling in a number of ways. The narrator comes to believe it's cursed, though it's not clear if it actually is.
- Stepford Smiler: Tabitha from "I Distracted Mom While Driving And The Worst Thing Happened"
tries to hide the fact that she's still grieving her husband Jonathan's death while helping her daughter Lily to move on, only expressing how sad and pained she is when she thinks she's alone. But one day, Lily sees her crying in her car after coming home from work and tells her she doesn't have to hide her pain.
- Stern Teacher: Subverted with Mrs. Hooper in the [[Korea-style "
"]] story "i started an illegal business at school. my teacher joined!"
. She seems like a tough but fair teacher at first, but that proves to not be the case when she blackmails Haley into continuing her essay-selling business and giving her the money she makes.
- Stalker with a Crush: Ben from "I Got Stuck Inside My Crush Locker, I Saw Everything" is revealed to have been stalking Sam, the narrator.
- Sticky Fingers: "i stole a pen from
my teacher and found
a secret message inside"
is about a middle school girl named Sammy who has kleptomania.
- Strapped to an Operating Table: The narrator in "My Kidnappers Refused To Reveal What They Did To My Body"
wakes up like this, but it turns out that her "kidnappers" were actually doctors who treated her burst appendix.
- Surprise Car Crash: In "I Distracted Mom While Driving And The Worst Thing Happened"
, the family the story focuses on gets abruptly hit by another car running a red light. While the mother and daughter survive, the father's injuries prove fatal.
- Surprise Incest:
- The protagonist of "My Crush Showed Me a Secret About My Dad"
is dismayed to learn that his crush Alice is actually his half-sister.
- In "After 18 years of being poor"
, Jenna is attracted to one of her classmates... then discovers he's her long-lost brother.
- The protagonist of "My Crush Showed Me a Secret About My Dad"
- Surprise Party: At the end of "My Family disappeared After A Game Of Hide And Seek"
, it's revealed that the protagonist's family and boyfriend weren't actually kidnapped, they were just pretending to be as part of a surprise birthday party they were throwing her.
- Surprise Pregnancy: The narrator of "I Abandoned Him And Now He Is My Boss!"
is shocked to learns she's five months pregnant when she goes to the doctor, due to having hardly symptoms.
- Surprisingly Happy Ending: "Sorry Sister Did Not Mean To Get You ....."
seems to be heading for a Bittersweet Ending with Eleanor losing her boyfriend and being permanently estranged from her father and her sister Magda due to her getting pregnant from a web of deceit and lies, but finding a new purpose in life helping to take care of babies and toddlers in a foster home. Then she finds out that one child she was helping to care for is actually her nephew, gets back in contact with her family, and files to adopt Magda's son Charlie.
- Switched at Birth: Emily from "I Found Who Swapped Me At Birth"
was swapped with another baby due to a mix-up at the hospital where they were born, and by the time her parents found out when she was five years old, they didn't want to give her up.
- Swirlie: "my bff locked me in the bath with my crush" has Kara and Alicia getting revenge on Blake for spreading malicious rumors about the former by doing this to him.
- Sympathy for the Devil: Andrea and Lucas from "Me or My Bf"
can't help but feel sorry for James despite the grief he put them through.
- Tagline: "Real Stories Animated".
- Take That!: Sarah from "I Brain Washed Mom To Be My Slave"
worries that a hypnotist might turn her into a chicken — or "even worse", Donald Trump.
- Taking the Veil: Mary from "i found my disowned sister, her story is heartbreaking" was forced to enter a convent by her parents because she'd gotten pregnant as a teenager.
- Talking in Your Sleep: Katie from "I Found My Pictures On My Creepy Roommate’s Phone" has a habit of doing this. Her tendencies both amuse and annoy her roommate Regina, the narrator.
- Tangled Family Tree: In the last-ever deleted English episode, "my sister is dating the entire town"
, Kenneth is revealed to be the father of Belle's son, but he's married to the main protagonist, Belle's twin sister, Cassie. This means he's also his son's uncle, and that any children he has with Cassie would be his son's cousins and half-siblings at the same time.
- Tap on the Head: Jane's older brother in "We Invited A Criminal To Our Christmas Party(10 January 2020)"
knocks out a Santa who seems to be robbing his family's house by hitting him in the head.
- Teacher/Student Romance: Rosie from "i found my friend things in my dad's car, whaaaattt?"
is eventually revealed to have been having an affair with her English Literature professor... who is narrator Kelsey's father.
- Tears of Fear: When ("BEEP") from "A Spider Has Been Living In My Ear For Years"
realizes just how long the spider's been inside her ear, she cries in a mixture of fear and disgust.
- Teen Genius: Penelope from "I Took Revenge By Becoming Their Lawyer" graduated from a special science school at the age of 14.
- Textual Celebrity Resemblance: Matt from "I found a Secret Room At School that changed my life"
is described as looking like Shawn Mendes.
- Theme Twin Naming: Luna and Juna from "A Kiss Uncovered a 20 Year Old Secret" are twin sisters with very similar names.
- Threatening Shark: "Something Touched Me Under The Water, Then I Saw Blood!"
is about a girl named Toni who gets attacked by a huge shark while out surfing.
- Through the Eyes of Madness: It's really hard to tell what the truth of... well, just about anything in the video "i had no idea they could do that" is, owing to the narrator's severe schizophrenia.
- Til Murder Do Us Part: Chichi from "I'm A Gold Digger, I Married A Tree For Its Money"
kills her husband by setting things up so he got run over by a truck. Though calling this "murder" is a bit of a stretch, since said husband was a lemon sapling.
- Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: "I am a bodybuilder and my boyfriend is a tiny little guy"
is about a female bodybuilder named Jacquelyn who dates a considerably smaller man name George.
- Took a Level in Kindness: After Olivia realizes what she used to be like in "I Lost My Memory And Was Shocked When I Found Who I am"
, she resolves to be a nicer person.
- True Love is Exceptional: "I am a bodybuilder and my boyfriend is a tiny little guy"
is about a female bodybuilder named Jacquelyn. For a while, she thought her "type" was male bodybuilders... but every time she tried to start a relationship with one, it fizzled out, because bodybuilding was really the only thing they had in common. Then she started dating a small, wimpy, submissive man named George and they hit it off.
- Twin Switch:
- Unfortunate Names: "My Name Is A Swear Word! I don't like My Life(8 November 2019)"
is about a young girl whose name — Merde — is a very rude French word for feces.
- Vampire Vannabe: Zara from "I Was Too Innocent When I Got Into The Top Secret Vampire society"
is a girl who loves vampires and really wants to be one.
- Villain Protagonist: Marcus from "I Became Rich From Being A Psychopath"
definitely qualifies, as can probably be guessed from the title.
- Visual Pun: After Felicia from "I Got Preg-nant From Swimming with My Friends" describes her mom as a "crazy old bat", said woman is briefly shown as a bat-human hybrid.
- Vomit Indiscretion Shot: Happens to the narrator of "A Spider Has Been Living In My Ear For Years"
in an Imagine Spot.
- Wham Line: Bamba from "I Wouldn't Have Known This if i didn't lose my v card" spends most of the story thinking her rash was caused by an STD given to her by a boy named Matt. Later on, she gives CPR to an old woman and is afraid she might have somehow spread it to her. But a doctor at the hospital reassures her:
"Relax, dear. An allergy to human touch is not contagious."
- What Are Records?: When Amara from After 30 Years I Am Still 16"
ask her niece if she could borrow her phone and use Netscape Navigator, the girl has no idea what that is.
- What Does She See in Him?: Hunter from "i found her after 20 years" admits he has no clue what Lisa sees in her boyfriend Kent. Since Kent is an emotionally abusive parasite who cheats on her, his views on her relationship are entirely justified.
- What Happened to the Mouse?:
- In "I was living a lie until I read my bff’s diary"
, a girl dumps a bunch of rats on her boyfriend to get back at him for cheating. It's never mentioned what happened to the rats.
- Nathan's daughter in "A strange man claims he is my husband - He Knows Everything"
essentially disappears from the story after the train accident, though she is mentioned a few times. It can be inferred she survived, since Nathan says Aria "saved" her, but there's no explanation as to why she never shows up again.
- In "I was living a lie until I read my bff’s diary"
- What You Are in the Dark:
- Cathy from "I Found A Treasure In My Second Hand jacket"
finds a very expensive baseball card in the pocket of a jacket she bought from Goodwill. She's sorely tempted to sell it, especially since nobody would probably ever know the truth of how she got it, but she can't go through with it and eventually returns the card to its rightful owner.
- Ava in "I Wish I Never Won 200 million dollars in the lottery"
, is holding onto an old lady's lottery ticket. When it becomes the winning ticket for 200 million dollars, she fist wants to tell her that she won, but then decides to keep the money for herself because her family is poor. She later regrets it and decides to share the money with that old lady's family.
- Cathy from "I Found A Treasure In My Second Hand jacket"
- When You Coming Home, Dad?: In "my sister gave birth without telling anyone"
without telling anyone"
, Lola and Cassie's lawyer parents are both extremely busy, often leaving them alone for long stretches of time.
- Where da White Women At?: "My Mom Humiliated My Black Boyfriend But Dad..."
has a white girl named Sasha start dating a black guy named Adam. When she invites him over for dinner, Sasha's mom starts saying some very racist things towards Adam and is clearly unhappy about her daughter having a black boyfriend.
- Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: "My Name Is A Swear Word! I don't like My Life"
is a story told by a girl named Merde... which is the French equivalent of "poo-poo", or "horror".. After her name's meaning becomes more known in her neighborhood due to a family of French immigrants moving in, everyone questions why her parents named her that.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: "the window broke and than i saw blood"
is about a girl who's afraid of natural disasters and the problems she goes through when a severe storm hits her area.
- Wicked Stepmother: Eliza's mother in "I Was Living A Lie Until I Found Old Video Of My car"
turns out to actually be her stepmother, and it's also revealed that she repeatedly tried to have her killed to collect on an insurance policy.
- Witch with a Capital "B": In the more recent stories from the 2020's, the most common insult targeted towards a girl's Arch-Enemy is "witch", which means, "unforgivable". (If someone pushes you, and you broke your legs, would you forgive that person? No, in my eyes, they're still a witch.)
- Worthless Yellow Rocks: "I Got Rich Because I Picked Up a Rock On The Beach!"
features a girl who finds what she thinks is just an unusually smelly rock on the beach... but after an old man in a homeless shelter seems very interested in it, she decides to do some research, and finds out it's actually some very valuable ambergris
. She ends up selling it to a perfume company for half a million dollars.
- You Dirty Rat!: While Anna's pet rats in "my stepmom kicked me out of the house" aren't actually examples of the trope, she exploits their reputation to get revenge on her father and stepmother by driving them out of their house.
- You Just Ruined the Shot: The narrator of "Mom Did witchcraft In The Basement"
starts believing her mother is secretly leading a cult, and calls the police on her when she thinks she's hurting another woman. But after the cops arrive, they response they get is confusion. It's revealed that the mother had gotten a part in a play, and everything her daughter saw was actually related to her rehearsing.