Octocat Adventure - TV Tropes

  • ️Wed Apr 18 2012

Octocat Adventure (Web Animation)


—Octocat in Octocat Adventure 3.

A red octopus-cat seeks out his missing parents, venturing to strange places and meeting strange creatures. While having a nice cup of tea and relaxing.

Octocat Adventure is a 5-part animated series purportedly created by 9-year old Randy Peters and uploaded to YouTube between March and September 2008. So Bad, It's Good in nearly all regards, the shorts were crudely illustrated using MS Paint, poorly orchestrated, and seemingly voiced ad-lib by a high-pitched Peters. Until the middle of the climatic final episode, that is.

After the release of the final part of Octocat Adventure, the shorts were revealed to be created by professional animator David OReilly under the guise of Randy Peters as a measure of how well an animation's storyline is received regardless of how poorly executed the rest of the animation is. If the responses to the shorts are any indication, OReilly may very well have proven his point.

This series provides examples of:

  • Animation Bump: Used in part 5 to break away from its Stylistic Suck. After Octocat enters the "Door of Truth", the episode is suddenly animated in sleek 3D, with richer colors, improved choreography, improved sound, and music. Nevertheless, the scenes are still stylized as if they were drawn in MS Paint.
  • Bloodier and Gorier: Part 3 features much grimmer imagery than the first two instalments, as well as a surprisingly gory ending.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Intentionally invoked in the beginning of parts 1 and 2 when an unseen third party asks what Octocat is up to. Octocat will also turn to the viewers on his own accord and seemingly addresses them.
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • Octocat's drawn out "roar" from part 1 turns out to be an effective weapon in part 5 capable of shattering the sky and defeating Big Bad.
    • Also, the "Door of Truth" from part 2 which Octocat reenters in part 5 triggers the Animation Bump.
  • Dark Is Evil: The "blac ballon" Octocat it's a giant black version of octocat that can shapeshift into a hot air balloon.
  • Deranged Animation: Given the bizarre situations Octocat finds himself in every episode. One noteworthy example: In part 3, Octocat stumbles across a giant worm-eel thing that flat out tells Octocat that he has no parents. In denial, Octocat responds by literally bashing the poor thing's head into a pulp with a planet he conveniently plucks out of the sky.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: The above-mentioned worm-eel killing. All he did was tell Octocat he has no parents!
  • Downer Ending: Despite defeating Big Bad in part 5, Octocat is not reunited with his parents. Instead, we are treated with scenes of Octocat wandering alone while images of his parents look down from the sky.
  • Generic Doomsday Villain: The "blac ballon" Octocat, He barely shows any personality at all, and we don't know what does he wants to do with Octocat's parents.
  • Grand Finale: Part 5, which includes a surprising Animation Bump.
  • Limited Animation: Invoked, since the crude drawings obviously won't do much.
  • Super-Scream: Octocat is revealed to have this ability in part 5, to such an extreme that reality itself breaks more the longer he does it.
  • Parental Abandonment: Octocat's motivation to find his parents.
  • Random Events Plot: Plot events in parts 1 to 4 have little to no connection to each other whatsoever. One moment Octocat flees in panic from a tree-in-a-box, and in the next scene he casually has himself a cup of tea.
  • Overly Long Gag: Octocat's Scream in the first episode.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: Despite octocat defeating the "Blac Ballon" octocat, Octocat is still not reunited with his parents
  • Stealth Parody: With interesting results. Rather than lambasting the shorts, viewers would sarcastically praise them for their "artistic" value and conjure up deep interpretations of its plot, only to realize they have been trolled all along when part 5 rolled out.
  • Stylistic Suck: The First 4 Episodes and Half of 5 are animated in extremely crude MS paint drawings, Even The Animation Bump In 5 is stylized in a way it resembles the original drawings.
  • Surreal Horror
  • Surreal Humor
  • Thinking Out Loud: Until the halfway point of part 5, this happens a lot.