The Lazer Collection - TV Tropes

  • ️Wed Apr 18 2012


The Lazer Collection is a series of videos by Dominic Fera which do all they can to drive the Shoop Da Whoop meme into the ground, dig it up, drive it back into the ground, and lazer it. The format is a disjointed series of shorts, each of which inevitably ends with a lazer being fired from someone or something.

Currently a (shoop da) five-parter: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 5. He wanted to stop at three episodes, but when requests for a fourth part got on his nerves he made Part 4: a short, scribble-y parody with the subtext "Stop asking for more episodes". Nonetheless, he decided to continue with a Part 5, with an ominous "To Be Continued" at the end. The "seventh" part (actually the sixth part) was eventually released in Summer 2015 (plus a trailer here). Also includes the short "A Lazer".

For some unexplained reason, DomFera has set the Lazer Collection videos to private (i.e., made them inaccessible for anyone but him). However, some fans have managed to make compilations of the Lazer Collection, such as this one.

Provides Examples Of:

  • Aborted Arc: The plotline from 3 is cut very short in 5, and the ensuing plot from 5 has yet to be referenced again.
  • Animate Inanimate Object: The piano in Part 5.
  • Anti-Climax: The first short of Part 2 subverts all expectations by not firing a lazer at all.
  • Anti-Humor:
    • Part 2 opens with a scene of a guy eating a red pepper. No lazers are fired.
    • "Hey. What's the difference between me and a ghost?" "I dunno, what?" "GHOSTS. AREN'T. DOLPHINS."
    • Another sketch involving a guy popping a kid's balloon also has no lazer.
    • In fact, many of the later sketches subvert the viewers expectations, either by not showing any lasers at all, characters actively preventing the lasers, and finally, just to keep you on edge, having there be lasers when you expect there to be none.
  • Art Evolution: The animation quality jumps dramatically between episodes, with the exception of the fourth episode.
  • Asshole Victim: The philandering husband and "medium sort-of-rare" jerk in Part 5.
  • Author Filibuster: Part 7 ends with the series creator going on a lengthy tangent concerning former president Barack Obama.
  • Back for the Dead: Randal dies at the very beginning of Lazer Collection 5.
  • Bad Powers, Bad People: When Detective Randal discovers that he has the same powers as Doctor Octogonapus, he joins him. At the end of TLC5 trailer it's all but confirmed.

    Doctor Octogonapus: You are learning well, My Son.

    • However, it's then subverted in Part 5 proper, where it's shown that they've been living a peaceful life for two years.
  • Big Bad: Doctor Octogonapus (BLAAAAH!)
  • Blackface: Shoop Da Whoop. Hell, he was originally known as "[N-word] Cell" back on 4chan before Dom Fera came along.
  • Breakout Character: Doctor Octogonapus, again.
  • Breath Weapon/Frickin' Laser Beams: The entire point of these videos.
    • When they're not coming from other places, anyway.
  • Call-Back: Dom Fera's earlier animated adaptation of The Devil and Daniel Webster is referenced in the second video albiet with a lazer.
  • The Cameo: Doctor Octogonapus in Part 7.
  • Captain Ersatz: Doctor Octogonapus is basically a flying, lazer-shooting Doctor Octopus with spastic tentacles. He first appeared in a Spider-Man 2 clip after being referred to as "Alfred Molina". There isn't even an effort to disguise it.
  • Catchphrase Interruptus: An overeager Aladdin-like guy constantly interrupts Doctor Octogonapus' Catch Phrase as he tries to come up with his first wish (after summoning Doctor Octogonapus from a magic lamp), leading to a very angry Octogonapus lazering him with extreme prejudice, instead of with glee.

    "Doctor Octo-mother-f***ing-gonapus BBLAAAAAAAH!"

  • Cerebus Syndrome: The first two videos are completely disjointed shorts, each of which end in a lazer. The third video is a random series of shorts, each ending with a lazer, which are tied together by Detective Randall's quest as he discovers the truth behind the random lazer deaths, and struggles with his dark past and destiny. Downplayed, as the disjointed segments are still very silly in nature.
  • Chekhov's Gunman/Ascended Extra: Doctor Octogonapus.
  • The Comically Serious: Doc doesn't take kindly to criticism of his immaculate steak cooking chef-skills.

    Doc: Your steak was cooked to perfection! You know nothing of good food! BLAH!

  • Continuity Nod: The death reports at the start of Part 3 are all references to lazers fired in the previous videos.
  • Crapsack World: Just about anything has the ability to randomly fire lasers and instantly vapourize you.
  • Darker and Edgier: While the first 2 installments were just a collection of segments, the 3rd one goes further by including an actual narrative. All of the Lazer victims up to that point are confirmed to be killed, and it becomes a murder mystery meant to be solved by Detective Randal.
  • Double Entendre: "I am a dirty boy. It's time for me to take a shower."
  • Double Subversion: All the videos include some shorts which seem to subvert a perfect opportunity for a lazer, only for one to come from a completely different source (usually Doctor Octogonapus). One short ends up pulling a triple subversion, where a man is looking down a sink and wondering what's in there. Cue Doctor Octogonapus emerging from the sink and preparing to fire his lazer, only for his would-be victim to beat him up... and then fire his own lazer.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: The exchange between Randal and Dr. Octogonapus is more than a bit creepy.

    Dr. Octogonapus: "Feel the power, Randal! Let it seep up your thighs and penetrate your body! Let it penetrate you, Randal!"
    Randal: "It feels good!"
    Dr. Octogonapus: "Now release! Let it build up and release!"
    Randal: "Hnnn… BLAAAAH!!"

  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Randal is accidentally and abruptly killed by Dr. Octagonapus in the Lazer Collection 5.
    • And then in The Lazer Collection 7, Dr. Octogonapus himself is crushed by a falling piano three seconds after his first appearance.
  • Drop the Cow: The Lazers themselves.
  • Dynamic Entry: Mostly from Dr. Octogonapus, and one from Randal, which was made to counter the former before he could lazer two innocent dudes.
    • Dr. Octogonapus ups the ante in Part 5, where all of his entrances are by bursting through the floor in a Humongous Mecha.
  • Emoticon: Frequently found in the comments-section, overlapping with Visual Pun:
    O o
  • Even the Subtitler Is Stumped: In the Part 5 opening, though not so much stumped as just giving up because the singer is just making random noises.
  • Farts on Fire: A skit in Part 5 features a man attempting to fart onto a candle, and... you can guess what happens. Unusually, in this skit it's the guy firing the lazer who dies.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • At the start of Part 3, Detective Randal's superior gives up on trying to pronounce his last name, but it starts with an "O".
    • Later on, another character attempts and fails while talking to Randal over the radio.
    • Randal also falls several stories to land on the pavement with his back. He's fine. His tentacles cushioned his fall.
  • Genie in a Bottle: Subverted every time. First off, it's never a real genie (the only genie in the series is the "Genie with a dirty mind"), and they're never actually there to grant three wishes. Their real purpose is always to fire my lazer BLAAAAAH!
  • Gross-Up Close-Up: There is a scene in LC3 where we get a close up of Randal's partner's face. It ain't pretty.
  • Hating on Monday: Spoofed. The inspector has a mug that says "I hate Mondays". The last word changes throughout the short he appears in to "Tuesdays", "Wednesdays", "Sand", "Dolphins", "Polar Bears", and "Women".
  • Heh Heh, You Said "X": "Hey Genie, do you mind if I'm on top note  tonight?"
  • How Do I Shot Web?: In the first episode, Spider-Man is practicing how to shot web like in Spider-Man, and references the meme itself.
  • Humongous Mecha: The "Holy Shit" Robot that contains Doctor Octogonapus.
  • I Just Shot Marvin in the Face: Doctor Octogonapus accidentally kills his son in Part 5.

    Doctor Octogonapus: Oops.

  • Inherently Funny Words: "And so, Nipslip the dolphin once again swam back to the shores of Buttpoopia."
  • It's Personal: After Randal's first encounter with Doctor Octogonapus…

    Chief: (after Randal falls off a building and slams into the ground) Randal! NO!
    Randal: (gets up) I'm fine. But this case was just made personal!

  • Jump Scare: Sometimes, There is often a long awkward silence before a lazer is fired.
  • Killed Off for Real: Spider-Man, Randal and Dr. Octogonapus do not return from the dead.
  • Lame Pun Reaction/Who's on First?:

    Ron: "Harry, come quickly! Dumbledore's been in some sort of accident!"
    Harry: "Oh my god! Was it serious?"
    Ron: "No, it was Snape!"
    *trombone plays, indicating the Pun*

  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: The Take That, Audience! monologue can easily apply to the observing character delivering it as well, and it finally does once the speech notes how the "Do Not Open" box has turned into a giant butt.
  • Left Hanging: The Omniscient Council of Vagueness has yet to be dealt with by the series end.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Detective Randal Octogonapus, Doctor Octogonapus is your father!
  • MockGuffin: In the Lazer Collection 7, the opening cinematic hints at a ruby of immense power hidden among the jungles of the mysterious tribe, but that doesn't matter at all.
  • Never Trust a Trailer:
    • The trailer for The Lazer Collection 3 has a completely different logo than the final film, with the numerals III instead of 3.
    • Another trailer contains the footage from the trailer for Spider-Man 3, interspersed with Shoop Da Whoop. It has since been deleted.
    • The end of the trailer for the Lazer Collection 5 strongly insinuated that Randal would play a huge role. Howeverhe dies within the first minute after his father accidentally vaporizes the upper half of his body.
    • It also showed a short that isn't in the Lazer Collection 5.
    • The Lazer Collection 7 trailer is about a man's dilemma opening a box that turns into a butt, having little to do with the events of Lazer Collection 7.
  • Not the Fall That Kills You…: After Octogonapus drops Randal off the building, he hits the ground with a very loud bang and even cracks the ground. He gets back up four seconds later.
    • This may be justified by Randall's heritage, however…
    • The fifth Lazer Collection includes a skit where a guy commits suicide by jumping off a building. After a long, overly-excited rant from a random person witnessing it, the guy gets up and Lazers the other one in the face.
  • Oh, Crap!: The victims' default response to Dr. Octogonapus' mecha exploding onto the scene is pure terror. The background music agrees (Oh shit!/Holy shit!).
  • One Jim Limit: Invoked in LC4, and is replaced with the name Steve.

    "Oh shit, I already used 'Jim.'"

  • Omniscient Council of Vagueness: From what little we've seen of it, the Council of Shoop has all the trappings of one at the very least. Dr. Octogonapus gets fired from it by Shoop after accidentally killing Randal, who was part of their plans.
  • Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: "I've always wondered what's in my dad's briefcase why am I British?"
  • Pants-Free: Dom Fera in the end of LC2.
  • Pure Energy: The Lazers. Detective Randal asks whether the energy traces on the lazered bodies are electric or solar or something. Nope — Just. Pure. Energy.
    • Ironically, it might be the only piece of fiction in which the words "pure energy" make any sense. The lazers are just concussive blasts of light and heat — the most basic or "pure" forms of waste energy in a given system.
  • Precision F-Strike: "DOCTOR OCTO-MOTHER***ING-GONAPUS!"
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: "YOU! ARE! A! ''BLAAAAAAHH!!!''"
  • Recycled Trailer Music: The Epic Riff used in Parts 1 and 2 was originally used for the infamously bad movie Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever, and has since been associated more with the lazer collection than with the original movie. Thank…god.
    • The riff comes from the song "Hell Above The Water" by Curve, and can be listened to here.
  • Rule of Three:
    • Almost played straight in the second collection, with Dr. Octogonapus appearing to blast people three skits in a row, only for the third to end with him being punched out and lazered.
    • Played with in Part 5, with a boy opening his father's briefcase and getting lazered, his sister opening the same briefcase and getting lazered, and then his mother opening the briefcase and...not being lazered. Instead, she finds love letters to another woman and runs out on her husband...who then gets lazered by the briefcase.
    • And the giant robot who's head opens up to reveal Doctor Octogonapus, who fires his lazer. In the third one, the giant robot accidentally kills someone, leading to Octogonapus running like hell.
    • Part 6/7: PEPPER BATTLE! The third time, however..
  • Running Gag: Well duh. But also, there's Doctor Octogonapus (who became a meme of his own), and the car whose trunk fires lazers.
  • Say My Name: Doctor Octogonapus BLAAAAH! Judging by the chimney sweep sketch in Part 5, he sounds like he's getting tired of saying it.
  • Schmuck Bait: From the preview of the Lazer Collection 7, the "Do Not Open" box (later "Do Not Open" Butt), which contains a lazer. Obviously.
  • Seven Dirty Words: "DOCTOR Octo-MOTHERF**KING-GONAPUS, blblblAAAAAAH!"
  • Serious Business: Cooking. See The Comically Serious.
  • Spin-Off: The Genie with a Dirty Mind has gotten a few animated shorts to himself.
  • Spoof Aesop: From The Lazer Collection 2, "procrastination makes perfect".
  • Stock Scream: In Part 5, the "medium sort-of-rare" type gentleman in the diner gives a Howie Scream when Dr. Octogonapus arrives in his Humongous Mecha.
  • Stylistic Suck: As a collection of cartoony flash animations, this could apply to the whole series, but Part 4 is done in a particularly sloppy manner, to convey the potential loss of quality due to rushing a work.
  • Subverted Trope: As mentioned above, the first part of Part 2 subverts the entire point of the series by not firin' a lazer. And the fifth brings back some more partial Cerebus Syndrome, as sort of a double subversion.
    • Part 5 has two consecutive skits without a lazer.
    • Also, in every video except the first, if the original Shoop Da Whoop picture shows up, you can be assured that there will be no lazers.

      Shoop Da Whoop: "IMMA FIRIN MAH— (Colin Mochrie appears in his mouth with dramatic music)
      Shoop Da Whoop: "IMMA FIRIN a mediocre employee."
      Shoop Da Whoop: "IMMA FIRIN you... Doctor Octagonapus!"

  • Sudden Sequel Death Syndrome: Randal in Part 5 and Dr. Octogonapus in 7. However, given he took a lazer in Part 2 and came out fine in the next episode, the latter might be subverted.
  • Take That, Audience!: Pretty much most of the Lazer Collection 7 Preview. It's glorious.
    • Take That Us: The "The Reason You Suck" Speech is aimed just as much at himself, since the fifth and sixth episodes were made at his own request. We may be mindlessly gobbling it up and asking for more, but he's guilty of agreeing to and perpetuating it.
  • The Man Behind the Man: Shoop Da Whoop is this for Doctor Octogonapus.
  • Trilogy Creep:
  • Unexplained Accent: The daughter in the 5th installment has a British accent for no reason, something even she acknowledges is strange.
  • Unexplained Recovery:
    • In Part 2, Harry Potter casts the spell "Shoopus My Whoopus", killing Ron Weasley with a lazer. In Part 3, Ron is somehow alive again, only for Harry to blast him with another lazer in response to an pun about Sirius and Snape.
    • In Part 3, the Dirty Boy is blasted by a lazer when attempting to take a shower. In Part 5, the Dirty Boy returns to play piano, only for Dr. Octogonapus to attempt to kill him, before realizing that he accidentally killed him by lodging a shard of glass into his head, causing Dr. Octogonapus to bail.
  • Un-Installment: Part 4 could be considered a non-episode, as it highlights the results of a rushed production. Played straight with Part 7, implying the existence of a non-existent Part 6.
  • Wave-Motion Gun: The lazers.