Brawl in the Family - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Sep 26 2011
"I'm gonna get you, Kirby."
— King Dedede
Brawl in the Family was a Gag Per Day Gaming Webcomic hosted on Keenspot starring Kirby, and featuring various video game characters, mainly those that have appeared in the Super Smash Bros. series, but most of the plots and running jokes are based on Kirby and King Dedede. It was written and drawn by Matthew Taranto, AKA TriforceBun from Turnabout Musical.
The comic usually used a fairly simplistic art style, originating from bored-in-class sketches and doodles. There is more complex art on occasion, including homages and tributes to the styles of other artists.
A commercial book was released, with the first 200 comics and a huge amount of content thanks to extensive funding. There is also a podcast, which can be found in the description of a few of the blog posts.
Thanks to the notoriety gained from the comic, Matt has become one of the comic artists for Nintendo Force, the fan-made Spiritual Successor magazine to Nintendo Power, and created his own Kickstarter funded game, Tadpole Treble, a Rhythm Game made in the comic's art style. He has also supported other Kickstarter projects, such as Gamemaster Howard's Know-it-Alls
and Nefarious.
The first comic was uploaded on May 1, 2008, about seven weeks after the NA release of Super Smash Bros. Brawl. The final comic, #600, was published on October 3, 2014 — the exact same day the NA/EU Brawl era ended, with the release of Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS in those regions. The podcast, however, continued after the comic's conclusion.
On March 31, 2018, Matthew launched a Kickstarter campaign for the release of a book called TOO BAD. WALUIGI TIME, containing the roughly 50 original Waluigi strips from Brawl in the Family plus 200 new strips, most all featuring Waluigi. Those which do not feature him are titled Back in the Family strips, wherein the main BitF characters interrupt Waluigi's comics in a revenge role reversal. The book was well beyond funded by May 1, 2018.
This webcomic provides examples of:
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- Actually Pretty Funny: At one point, Kirby made a comic, which King Dedede found funny even though he didn't want to admit it.
- Affectionate Parody: The webcomic parodies various Nintendo games in a way that's clearly done out of love.
- All There in the Manual: Dedede's teacher in Cocoon Academy is a Mr. Dragmire. Sound familiar? It shouldn't. This is the last name given to Ganondorf in the English manual of A Link to the Past, and hasn't been mentioned in canon since.
- Alternate Character Interpretation: In-Universe examples:
- Alt Text: From 167
onward. Lampshaded:
"Hey! Stop looking at the mouseover text! Go enjoy the comic!"
- Always a Bigger Fish: 507 strip
carries this trope to extreme lengths before turning it on its head.
- Amazon Chaser: Captain Falcon's reaction to Samus giving him bounty hunting tips and offering to go on a hunt with him during their dinner date? "Falcon Swoon..."
- Ambition Is Evil: Where Ganondorf and Dedede's Starts of Darkness came from.
- American Kirby Is Hardcore: Parodied, formerly used as the trope illustration.
- And Knowing Is Half the Battle: Here.
- And the Adventure Continues: The point of the final arc.
The comic may be over, but the characters and their stories will continue to be told by fans for years.
- Anti-Climactic Unmasking: Meta Knight in the Cocoon Academy arc.
- Anti-Villain: How Andross is interpreted.
- Apocalypse How: Class 5, in the Mr. Sun comics.
- April Fools' Day:
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: One of the terrible future events that convince Mario to change his ways outside of Queen Peach's death is... his future spinoff games having boring concepts.
- Art Evolution: After experimenting with a particular shading style for the monochrome comics, it ascended from a one-time visual effect to a distinct style.
- Art Shift: A few instances.
- Ascended Extra: Considering the original media of the characters, Adeleine, who first appeared in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards and wouldn't return to the games until Kirby Star Allies, about four years after the end of the comic.
- Ascended Fanboy: Matthew recently got the chance to work with Howard Phillips of Howard & Nester fame after Howard was impressed by Brawl in the Family's Howard and Nester tribute
. He's hard at work updating a weekly comic strip detailing Howard's life and work with Nintendo!
- Matthew is now an official game developer for Nintendo with his first project, Tadpole Treble.
- He also went on to become part of the staff of Nintendo Force, the
Spiritual Successor to Power.
- Ass Shove:
- One time, when a Yoshi sat on its egg, the egg pushed through its bottom. It then spat a Shy Guy out of its mouth.
- Heavily implied when a Chibi-Robo! needs power and sees a Pikachu...
- Assimilation Plot: Kirby attempts this in "The Legion", with TERRIFYING RESULTS.
- Atop a Mountain of Corpses:
- Done by Mog in Ode to Minions.
- Exploited in Resourcefulness
, where Mario uses it to cross a pit. They're his own corpses.
- Author Avatar: Although Matthew himself appears a few times interacting with the characters, the true depiction of him is shown in the Grand Finale as a left-handed Master Hand.
- Bad Future: In "It's A Plunderful Life", it's shown that if Dedede was never born, "Pinky" never fought Dark Matter at Cocoon Academy and "Midknight" (who is actually Waddle Dee) would take over Dream Land and turn it into a dystopian hellhole.
- The Bad Guy Wins: In "A Mushroom Kingdom Carol," Bowser finally beats Mario basically by leaving the Mushroom Kingdom until old age catches up with the hero and then an adult Bowser Jr. comes back with a vengence.
- Bait-and-Switch Comment: After arriving home from their wedding:
Sarah: You know what I'm looking forward to...? The Wii U!
Matthew: Oh boy, same here! - Ballistic Discount: Ravio gets threatened by a Moblin after renting out a Fire Rod to him in strip #532
- "Begone" Bribe: Turns out the Moblin only paid off Link so he doesn't tell anyone that he spends all day in his cave playing with his dolls.
- Behind the Black: In strip #555
, which parodies both Super Mario Bros. and "Little Red Riding Hood", Daisy -playing as Red Riding Hood- meets Waluigi -cosplaying as the Grandmother-, and asks if she is really the "Big Bad Waa". "Grandmother" retorts the Big Bad Was is the huge, drooling werewolf standing by her bed which "Hood" somehow failed to notice until it appeared on-panel.
- Bellisario's Maxim: Several
- "Better if Not Born" Plot: The non-canonical ending to the "It's a Plunderful Life" story arc shows Bowser and Ganondorf peacefully singing with their respective heroes and the whole world in complete bliss... if only Waluigi never existed. According to Matthew Taranto's comments, everything in the story arc up to this point (playing It's a Wonderful Plot straight) is canonical, while this subversive ending is a non-canonical joke rather than a serious plot point.
- Between My Legs: Snake's introduction in this story arc.
- Beware the Nice Ones:
- You can see the crazy in Kirby's eyes when he finally snaps during "The Sleepover."
- In the Alternate Universe where Dedede never existed in "It's a Plunderful Life", Waddle Dee became a fearsome dictator.
- Big Ball of Violence:
- Right here
, between Link, Red Link, Blue Link and Purple Link.
- "Well, long story short, peace has finally returned to Dreamland."
Cut to Kirby, King Dedede, Meta Knight and the Waddle Dee fighting each other.
- The third part of the December 2013 holiday comic, "It's A Plunderful Life", has a scene where Meta Knight (known as "Pinky" at that time), Gooey, and Adeline assault two Waddle Doos in this manner.note
- Right here
- Big "NO!": Kirby unleashes one when Meta Knight takes his revenge on him here.
- Bindle Stick: Seen here.
- Bittersweet Ending: Played for Laughs in "Snake in the Grass."
- Black Comedy:
Many, many suffered.
- Blessed with Suck: Link's strength-enhancing Silver Gauntlets have unforeseen consequences
- Blue-and-Orange Morality: Meta Knight lampshades the fact that Kirby and Dedede have this here
, except that Kirby's nice and Dedede's mean.
- Book Ends: The comic started around the time Super Smash Bros. Brawl came out, in addition to being partially named after it. The day it ended, October 3rd, 2014, was the exact same day Super Smash Bros. for the 3DS came out in the US. Likewise, the first
and last
lines said by Dedede (and by extension, the comic as a whole, musical strips aside) are the exact same: "I'm gonna get you, Kirby." They're even written almost the exact same way. Lampshaded in "One Final Song:"
And it ended just like it began, with a fierce rivalry...
- Boss-Arena Idiocy: "WHO DESIGNED THIS CASTLE!?" Said by an adult Bowser Jr. as Mario had cut the bridge using a axe like in Super Mario Bros.
- Brick Joke
- It turns out Dedede really does do the Grinch routine on Christmas every year.
- The first time he's shown doing the routine, the whole plot is the scheme.
- Next year, it is called back to for four panels in A Mushroom Kingdom Carol.
- In 2010, we get Jolly, Happy Jerk
, in which he steals the presents from Whispy Woods while wearing the signature Grinch "crooked, jerky smirk."
- The first time he's shown doing the routine, the whole plot is the scheme.
- For a literal brick joke, the dangers of invisible blocks are shown- with almost identical panels- in comics #71
(see Platform Hell) and #237's
fourth comic.
- The Gooey
- According the alt text, someone
is still resentful about the last Christmas.
- There's a (possibly unintentional) brick joke between this comic
and this one.
Certainly helps explain why the Noddy felt the need to give Kirby his own revenge.
- After a year, Tingle gives Ganondorf
all he ever wanted for Christmas.
- The bonus portion of strip 408
is this to strip 403.
- There is now a World's Second-Best Hero mug.
- It seems that Princess Peach has finally
remembered to buy a travel toothbrush.
- Strip 463
was going to be a Brick Joke to 292,
but Matthew changed his mind. He still showed his initial concept draft.
- In strip 244,
Captain Falcon tries to make a joke about the punch in the party. Strip 595
shows Captain Falcon with punch. In a party.
- It turns out Dedede really does do the Grinch routine on Christmas every year.
- Buffy Speak: In Ode to Minions,
one of the fallen minions is "Weird Triangle Polygon Ship Thing.""
- Bullying a Dragon: King Dedede throwing snowballs at Samus in Phendrana."
- Dedede also makes fun of Little Mac's height.
It ends poorly for him.
- Dedede also makes fun of Little Mac's height.
- Butt-Monkey:
- The few times Luigi shows up, he gets screwed over. Except for Luigi's Holiday Vacation. Subverted in ''Cloud Watching''
; Matthew originally intended for Luigi to get hurt, but he decided against it with a stern no and made Mario the victim.
- This webcomic might be one of the few examples where Mario takes just as much abuse as his brother if not more.
- Meta Knight in his first few appearances.
- King Dedede gets a good share of the abuse (sometimes he deserves it, sometimes it just seems to be baaad juju).
- Lickitung seems to be one of these as well.
- Eario might just take the cake, however. The man's job involves cleaning the floor under Thwomps and repairing automated Bullet Bill cannons.
- Sonic gets picked on in a good chunk of his appearances.
- The few times Luigi shows up, he gets screwed over. Except for Luigi's Holiday Vacation. Subverted in ''Cloud Watching''
- Call-Back:
- FALCOOOOON... water please.
- Falcon Double Fault!
- The Cameo:
- Casual-Competitive Conflict: Discussed here.
- Chained Heat: With Dedede, Meta Knight, and a Gooey Bomb.
- Cheshire Cat Grin: Dedede as the Grinch
. Twice
. Inexplicably followed up by a scheming Pichu.
- Christmas Special:
- How the King Stole Christmas for the 2008 holiday season, complete with a catchy Filk Song.
- A Mushroom Kingdom Carol, for 2009, depicting Mario as Ebenezer Scrooge, Luigi as Bob Cratchett, Wario as Jacob Marley, Rosalina as the Ghost of Christmas Past, Kirby as the Ghost of Christmas Present, and Shadow Mario as the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come.
- For 2010, we have 3 comics that turn Christmas songs into musical comics. The first, a spoof
of Frosty the Snowman; the second, Waluigi's take on
the Carol of the Bells
; and the third, Ganondorf's version of
All I Want For Christmas Is You... directed at the Triforce.
- 2011 featured a whole string of Christmas-themed strips, including Tingle getting carried away with his "Secret Santa" gift to Ganondorf
, Samus learning to avoid a "Falcon Kiss"
, King Dedede doing a good deed
, and a parody of "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" about the ever-annoying
"ice levels".
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander:
- Peppy is everywhere...
- Waluigi. There's no telling what he'll do neWALUIGI TIME.
- Comforting Comforter: In Comic #387,
where Dedede decides to do something that'll improve his usual Christmas karma (just a little) for once.
- Conjoined Eyes: Lampshaded in #487 Sonic's Eyes.
Tails finds a single conjoined contact lens.
- Continuity Nod: Meet Me At Final Destination (Part 3)
has a moment where the Kirby crew calls everyone to recruit them to the investigation of what's happening that's causing the world to shift art styles. The Zelda characters only get involved when Bandanna Waddle Dee calls Ganondorf, in reference to Ganondorf’s Holiday Vacation
where the latter took over Dedede's throne while the penguin was on a vacation, gaining Bandanna Waddle Dee as a servant.
- Costume Copycat: Wario, in #280 Dubious Rescue.
- Crack Pairing:
- One In-Universe strip features one between Lakitu's Cloud and Mother Brain. And she got pregnant!? Matt admits that this is one of his sillier ones. And their baby? Kracko, thus making this a Kracko pairing!
- #409 Zora Lineage
◊ has Ruto marrying Lord Jabu-Jabu. Their children are the River Zoras.
- Meta Knight/Adeleine has been implied, mainly from Adeleine's side. One of her paintings portrays Meta Knight giving her a flower.
- Crapsaccharine World: Often the comic lampshades like Nintendo worlds tend to seem colourful, joyful worlds, innocent, cute realms full of wonder and happiness, but under the surface they tend to be deeply disturbing.
- Crazy-Prepared: In #344, Lord Jabu-Jabu
made a map of his stomach, put it in a chest, and swallowed it. Then he asked for the boomerang.
- Creator Thumbprint: Though the comic is meant to give every Nintendo franchise the occasional spotlight, based on the prominence of characters, it seems pretty apparent which Nintendo franchise is Matthew's favorite.
- Pit is starting to take on an ever-increasing presence in the comic. Matthew admits that it's become apparent how much he likes Kid Icarus: Uprising.
- While there have been only a few strips about Fire Emblem: Awakening -and two Fire Emblem strips previous to the release of Awakening, 231
and 404
-, the author made clear that it was his new thing, mentioning it in several blog posts and one podcast. In that podcast, he discussed for 23 minutes before moving on to the comic itself.
- There is many strips dedicated to EarthBound, one of the Matthew's favorite games, and tons of little easter eggs included in many non-Mother strips.
- Inverted with Final Fantasy VI, which has only got one strip -albeit many easter eggs- in spite of it is his second favorite game. This is because he wants to keep his strip Nintendo-focused and because he's afraid of FFVI jokes would fly over his readers' heads.
- Mega Man (Classic) is his favorite non-Nintendo video game character. Long before his inclusion in Super Smash Bros. Matthew had said that as far as he was concerned, the blue bomber was always welcome in his comic. After Mega Man become officially a Smash Brother
, Matthew quickly expressed his delight
and devoted a milestone strip
to both celebrate the inclusion and introducing him officially.
- Most of his Zelda-related jokes use The Legend of Zelda and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time like material source, or feature those games' Links. Matthew adores the quirky nature of the former, and the later is his favorite game.
- Crossover Couple: Being a crossover-based webcomic, there are a few examples:
- Curse Cut Short:
- Ridley's "OH CRA-"
People on the forums have made several phrases of what he actually might be saying, such as "OH HOW CRAZY."
- Also in the Mushroom Kingdom Carol, when Daisy says it's too bad the Scrooge-like Mario has a wrench up his... where exactly, Daisy?
- Ridley's "OH CRA-"
- Darker and Edgier:
- The Mushroom Kingdom Carol arc, which depicts the idyllic world of the Mario Bros. as a decaying land under Bowser's grip and its citizens as deeply impoverished and plagued by constant taxes.
- Comic 249 was foreshadowed in a previous April Fool's strip
as containing "excess gore, racism, foul language, public indecency and frightening imagery." Subverted in that it's all told in completely work-safe Visual Puns (and a Persona 4 Shout-Out).
- Death Is a Slap on the Wrist: "Afterlife
" lampshades the use of this trope in various Nintendo games by asking various characters what happens after death. Mario just comes back as long as he made enough money beforehand, Pokémon simply change their type resistances, and Kirby and the Villager don't even know what "death" is. Subverted for the Fire Emblem characters, where death sticks... unless you're important, in which case it doesn't.
- Deliberately Monochrome:
- While the comic is usually monochrome except for every 5th strip, A Mushroom Kingdom Carol made creative use of color. Christmas past is in color, red and green reappear once Mario regains his resolve, and once he saves the queen, full color returns.
- Waluigi's comics are in color. Purple is a color.
- Destructive Saviour: This strip
shows what damage can be done in the course of The Legend of Zelda games.
- Didn't Think This Through: Many of the comics have this as the joke. For example Fox calling the Landmaster on a wooden boat.
- Discretion Shot: Used here.
- Divergent Character Evolution: Brawl in the Family has developed Waluigi into his own unique character out of a Satellite Character of Luigi.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?:
- The comic
in which Raiden finds out Snake is in Brawl.
Raiden: I KNEW IT!
Snake: This isn't what it looks like! - A subtle example spotted in "Where's Waluigi"
- The comic
- The Dog Bites Back: Don't discipline your Lucario too much. ...Just trust us on this one.
- A Dog Named "Dog": Lampshaded when Mario finds the wrong Toad
and the wrong Yoshi.
"I'm not Toad! I'm just a Toad!... You got the wrong guy!"
- Dramatic Irony: In Cocoon Academy
, Professor Dragmire tells his class that every one of them will be a hero someday. His class contains Dedede, Bowser, Jessie, Veran, Wario, and K. Rool.
- Dramatic Unmask: Subverted twice with Meta Knight. We eventually see what his face looks like in the Cocoon Academy arc. It's not what you might think. Or exactly what you think, if you played any Kirby game with him as a boss.
- The Dreaded:
- The Where's Waluigi game is remarkably easy due to the rest of the cast either being disgusted by him or terrified of him.
- Virtually every undead character from Nintendo franchises is rightfully terrified of Pac-Man.
- The Dreaded Bottom Bunk: The two
strips feature King Dedede bunking with other characters from Super Smash Bros. Brawl and suffering. Both Lucario and
Bowser have spikes that pierce the top mattress causing annoyance to King Dedede below. The Alt Text for the second Bunkmates strip lampshades this and tells Dedede to call dibs on the top bunk next time... which for two thirds of the examples shown, wouldn't have helped any.
- Embarrassing Nickname: "Pinky" is this for Meta Knight.
- Epic Fail:
- Epileptic Trees:
- Even Evil Has Standards: This exchange in strip 208, after Mario rescues Peach:
Mario: Are-a you okay?
Peach: Actually, I'm fine! He never laid a finger on me.
Bowser Sr.: Well, I'm not a monster. - Everyone Went to School Together: Most of the comic's characters went to Cocoon Academy, in a flashback story arc. Though a few did not.
- Evil Living Flames: A couple of strips parody the tendency for this sort of enemy to turn up in a lot of Nintendo titles.
- FBA Meeting
shows a number of these from several games at a Fire Baddies Anonymous meeting, including Fry Guy, an Angry Sun, a Podoboo, a Fire Snake and a Sova. Things take a turn for the awkward when a group hug causes them to merge into a single giant bonfire.
- Hot Date
has Fry Guy and Pandora rather angry about how a movie they just watched made them see a giant inferno be extinguished and then expected them to sympathize with the firemen. Their day doesn't improve much when Morpha, a giant mass of water, comes along.
Pandora: At least he didn't hug us this time.
- FBA Meeting
- Exact Words:
- Extreme Omnivore:
- Eye Scream: A goron looks through a peephole in the side of a mountain inside which Link is adventuring. Things do not end well. Phantoon has a similar problem, due to having eyes in his mouth.
- And now there's the Mario variant with this comic
- And now there's the Mario variant with this comic
- Feeling Their Age: An important plot point in "A Mushroom Kingdom Carol". Part of a decades-long plan to easily conquer the Mushroom Kingdom involves Bowser deliberately going into hiding for several years until Mario naturally becomes an elderly man. Then a sudden assault on the kingdom by an adult Bowser Jr. has him easily kidnap Queen Peach, but Mario can't stop him due to his age and forgetting how things worked like Question Blocks and Fire Flowers. He does overcome this by instead using the Yoshi's Island gameplay.
- Fingerless Hands: Kirby. He even Lampshades it in Gooey Kablooie.
"This would be a lot easier if I had thumbs..."
- Flat Scare: A variation. When Dedede and Meta Knight are stuck together by a Gooey Bomb and as Dedede is sweating Meta Knight flatly says "Boom" to get a rise out of Dedede.
- Foregone Conclusion: The conclusion of "Snake in the Grass".
Snake: But first, a drink. Waiter! Something light. Hm, water or punch? Yeah, punch sounds good. Punch. I'll take the PUNCH. NOW.
(Samus nods at Captain Falcon. He grins and adjusts his tie)
Captain Falcon: FALCOOOON... - Foreshadowing:
- A minor case, but Shadow Mario being the Ghost of Christmas Yet-to-Come in "A Mushroom Kingdom Carol". Now, if you played that game, you should know who that really was... And now, consider who shows up near the end...
- Waluigi's takeovers getting Running Gagged was the first warning sign that the comic was ending. A few months after that strip it was announced the comic was ending.
- The placeholder image for Cocoon Academy (part 9)
◊ shows Pinky with purple shoes. Part 10 reveals, as many readers had guessed, that Pinky is actually Meta Knight.
- Four-Philosophy Ensemble: In the Return to Dreamland comics, we have King Dedede as the Cynic, Kirby as the Optimist, Meta Knight as the Realist, and Waddle Dee as the Apathetic.
- Fridge Logic: A lot of the In-Universe humor comes from applying the funny stuff from Nintendo games, and seeing what happens.
- Furry Confusion:
- Furry Reminder: Dedede's mother laments how ungrateful he's behaving
after she regurgitated a hot meal for him, which is a nod to how real penguins feed their own young.
- Gamebooks:
- Generic Graffiti: This strip
from the Cocoon Academy arc has some reference-filled graffiti on the lockers in one panel halfway down. The scrawlings include "I AM ERROR," the Konami Code, and the Smash Bros symbol.
- Get Out!: In Pushmo
, Papa Blox is trying to get people to solve his Pushmo puzzles the intended way, while getting exasperated at everyone doing their own things. He takes a liking to Toon Link upon seeing him actually working at the puzzle, until he pulls out his Hookshot, at which point Papa Blox gives him these two words and points at the exit.
- Giant Hands of Doom: Isaac's Move vs.
Master Hand, as well as Bongo Bongo vs.
- Go Mad from the Revelation: Humorous example.
Kirby prefers to be ignorant — and sane — rather than aware.
- G-Rated Drug: In strip 226,
Wario spikes a bowl of punch with a Fuzzy.
- Groin Attack: Accidental but painful in 377. Poor
- Gross-Up Close-Up: Seven times to date. Once Kirby
, then Waluigi
(Third Comic), Weezing
(particularly disturbing with the concept of the comic), Mario
(as Eario sees him), and Dedede
(as Kirby sees him), Link
, and Mario again.
- Guest Strip: To celebrate Matthew's birthday, he allowed his family and his fiancé to each draw a comic for the week (the only person who didn't contribute was his mother). Also as mentioned above, Bit F webmaster Chris drew the last strip in the "Wario and Waluigi" series.
- Guilt-Based Gaming: Animal Crossing's example thereof is made even more guilt-inducing.
- Hard Work Hardly Works: Inspired by
a Clown Acrobot
to learn how to juggle, Kirby studies the skills needed extensively, only to fail on his first attempt. One "Eureka!" Moment later, he decides to just inhale the Acrobot, and with the Circus Ability he gains from it, he juggles like a pro.
- Head Smashes Screen: Self-Inflicted in "Sonic Watches TV
". Seeing an ad for Ringley's Rings, Sonic sees it looks exactly like a ring container. After trying not to give in to the desire to break it open, Sonic snaps and throws himself at the TV, screaming.
- Here We Go Again!: At the end of A Mushroom Kingdom Carol, Bowser says "Humbug" (as Mario did at the start of the arc), which elicits this reaction from the Ghosts.
Rosalina (Spirit of Christmas Past): Well you heard him. Schedule another appointment.
Kirby (Spirit of Christmas Present): I'll go get my food pile. - Heroic Comedic Sociopath: Ness will willingly attack people's pets.
- Heroic Mime: Link, as always. It's been stated that, when necessary, he lets Navi do the talking for him. Subverted when the spirit of his CD-i self possesses him.
- Subverted again in resolutions
, Link's resolution is apparently "To speak his mind more." But before he can say it Navi shouts it out for him, drowning his voice.
- Subverted again in resolutions
- Heroic Sacrifice: As "Plumber's Best Friend
" (Strip 550) nears its end, Mario and Yoshi attempt to jump to another platform on the other side, only to fall into an abyss after falling short of the platform. Yoshi then throws Mario to the platform, allowing the plumber to make it across while Yoshi continues falling. Mario, upon discovering why he made it across, is utterly devastated over losing Yoshi.
- Hidden Depths: Peach proves to be more cunning than she seems in this comic.
- Hidden in Plain Sight: Played for laughs here
. The idea is to look for Waluigi in the midst of a MASSIVE host of characters... but he's that easy to find because everyone in his immediate vicinity runs away from him.
- Hillbilly Incest: Strip #19 involves Kirby eating a duplicate of himself and turning into a hairy malformed Kirby wearing patched-up overalls, alluding to this trope.
- Hostile Show Takeover: TOO BAD. WALUIGI TIME.
- Hot Skitty-on-Wailord Action:
Ruto and Jabu-Jabu, used to explain the rather ugly appearance of the "Zola" enemies in The Legend of Zelda.
- I Ate WHAT?!: Invoked in the Kirby Super Star homage multi-comic, in the Spring Breeze strip. After Kirby sucks in one of the stars that come from Dedede's ground pound attack, he stops and thinks "What did I just eat...?'
- Identical Stranger: Kingsonnn Dededoo.
He was created to humorously subvert Paper-Thin Disguise, then kept showing up occasionally.
- If I Can't Have You…: A non-romantic example; in "The Legion", Monster!Kirby stated that his friends were being mean, so he ate them all so they won't leave him.
- Interface Screw: A rare non-gaming example. If you're going on an
Archive Binge using the old version of the site, you'll hit the 2009 Waluigi April Fool's page. There's no "next" button, so the only way to continue is going to the archive page and clicking the next comic in line.
- Ironic Echo:
- Dedede's line, "I'm gonna get you, Kirby" has been turned back on him on a few occasions:
- Once in the Cocoon Academy arc, when he got into a cafeteria fight with Pinky.
- In the Alt Text for one strip in the sleepover arc.
- "Minions, babe."
First said by Bowser to justify cheating in Mario Golf, and later thrown back at him by Peach.
- Dedede's line, "I'm gonna get you, Kirby" has been turned back on him on a few occasions:
- It's a Wonderful Plot: It's a Plunderful Life, starting here
, has Pit showing King Dedede a bleak world ruled by the evil Midknight if Dedede never existed. While most of the story arc plays the trope straight, it ends with a non-canonical "Better if Not Born" Plot when it turns out the world would have been better if Waluigi never existed.
- Key Under the Doormat: When the Phantos is around, hiding a key anywhere is not a good idea.
- Klingon Promotion: Pichu is kicked out of Brawl for being (gameplay-wise) a clone of Pikachu, but evolves into one soon after. He then uses a Poké Ball on Melee's Pikachu, and takes over his position. See Cheshire Cat Grin above.
- Last Episode, New Character: Shulk makes a cameo in one panel of Comic 599. (The one that says "Of friendly competition...")
- Let Us Never Speak of This Again: In 495
Mega Man really DOES NOT want to talk about his stint in the Captain N: The Game Master cartoon or be reminded of it. Pit pretends to agree, but his reply only frustrates the blue bomber further.
- Level in the Clouds: Strip 238
subverts this (after showing the same result in strip 237).
- List Song: last half of the "History of Nintendo" song is a very long list of people and game titles associated with Nintendo.
- Literally Shattered Lives: Hopefully Eario can humpty dumpty that mess so Hyrule isn’t forever doomed.
- Logo Joke: Starting with The Egg.
Most BitF logos since then have had a joke related to the comic.
- Long Bus Trip: The spotlight seems to rotate from one series to the next, so naturally, there would be characters left out.
- Loophole Abuse: Mario cleverly figures out the word box
counts as a box too.
- Ludicrous Gift Request: In one of the Christmas songs, Gandondorf sings about wanting the Triforce for Christmas to the tune of "All I Want for Christmas is You", but he doesn't get it as if he did, he would use its power to destroy or conquer Hyrule. Later, he does get it, and Zelda is annoyed but only because everyone agreed on a $20 limit.
- Magic Music: This strip
illustrates a way in which the "magic" part can get in the way of the "music" part.
- Mama Bear: A literal example in Strip 289.
Of course, it depends on that bear being female (which is a reasonable assumption).
- Mayfly–December Romance: Implied with Ruto and Jabu-Jabu, but we don't know how long Zora or... big... whale... god... thing lifespans are.
- Moral Guardians: The History of Nintendo musical strip
depicts moral guardians protesting video game violence.
- Morton's Fork: If the waiter brings the soup that Waluigi hates, Waluigi will throw it in his face. If the waiter brings the soup that Waluigi likes, Waluigi will throw it in his face. If Waluigi brings the soup that Matt likes, Matt will throw it in his face.
- Mundane Utility: Ladies' room out of order? Zelda's crossdressing skills come in handy
- Musical Episode: A number of times. Most can be found on the comic's Youtube page.
- My Friends... and Zoidberg:
- Mythology Gag: In strip #495
- Nepotism: This strip
depicts the playable Wiggler and Lakitu from Mario Kart 7 as the respective sons of the Maple Treeway Wiggler and the Mario Kart referee, colluding with their dads to rig a Maple Treeway race in their favor. Daisy promptly catches them in the act and berates them.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: At least the date ended well.
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Kirby may have shades of this, if the end of this comic
is any indication.
- As someone else said, Waluigi's mind is... unsettling...
- Nobody Can Die: Spoofed in strip #275: "Pidgey fainted.
- No Indoor Voice: Captain Falcon is not very stealthy
, not a very good poker player
, blows out windows during silent prayer
, and keeps roommates up at night.
- Non-Standard Character Design:
- Dedede's father
is a photo realistic penguin, rather than an exaggerated or cartoonish one.
- Waluigi is usually drawn in a more deranged style than everyone else. This is briefly averted at the end of Waluigi Finaluigi.
- Dedede's father
- Not His Sled: The Whole-Plot Reference story arcs start out as pretty much the original story, with Nintendo characters! However, both of them deviate from the source material with the beginning of the end of arc.
- Not What It Looks Like: In strip 477
Raiden encourages Snake to join them in the Battle Royale, but Snake claims being busy. Shortly after Raiden catches him hanging with the Smashers, and Snake swears that "It's not what it looks like" (although it IS).
- Off Screen Moment Of Awesome: Dedede caught Rayquaza at some point prior to siccing it on Kirby in strip 518.
- One-Person Birthday Party: One of the Waluigi-themed comics
depicts Waluigi as the only attendee of his own birthday party. As mentioned in the newspost, one forum member rewrote the Downer Ending of the strip to portray Waluigi as someone who prefers to celebrate alone.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Dedede demonstrates this in "Savior."
- And again in "It's a Plunderful Life."
- And again in "It's a Plunderful Life."
- O.O.C. Is Serious Business: During the Grand Finale arc where the universe keeps undergoing Art Shifts for some unknown reason, Meta Knight tries to get Kirby and King Dedede's attention to explain what's going on. With King Dedede ignoring him to blame Kirby, and Kirby too amused by it to pay attention, Meta-Knight finally gets fed up, takes his mask off, and throws it at Dedede, revealing his face for the first time since the Cocoon Academy arc.
- Original Character: Eario, the janitor who cleans up after the Mario Bros. Kingsonnn Dededoo and the Bug Catcher as well.
- Origins Episode: The Cocoon Academy arc tells the origin of King Dedede and Meta Knight.
- Orphaned Punchline: A downplayed example in the final strip of "Waluigi Finaluigi"
. In any other Waluigi strip, "SANDCASTLES ARE NOT PRACTICAL" would be the punchline in the final panel, but here it's in the first panel without any prior set-up.
- Outside-the-Box Tactic: In Diamond Dog,
Paula demonstrates an unorthodox yet incredibly effective way to get rid of a beast made of diamond.
- Overly Long Gag: The buildup to Comic #249 "Nasty", including a number of fakeouts and reminders that viewer discretion is advised.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Kirby in this strip.
- Pooled Funds: Might not be a good idea,
depending on where the funds came from.
- Punch-Clock Villain: Ode to Minions
goes with the interpretation that all the video games' enemies and bosses were perfectly innocent people with families and loved ones that the heroes heartlessly murder...even though in the games, the minions will gleefully kill the heroes.
- Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: THERE. WILL. BE. SPANKING.
- Reaction Shot: The Judge has a lovely reaction to seeing Meta Knight's scars.
- Remembered I Could Fly: Strip 384
has Kirby, Meta Knight, Dedede, and Waddle Dee preparing to launch themselves upward out of a cannon to get an item. When an accident sends them flying into a wall, Dedede points out that they should just fly up there instead.
- Reprise Medley: "One Final Song,"
being a big ol' pile of Call Backs, also calls back to lyrics of the previous songs.
- Revive Kills Zombie: What's the easiest way
to defeat a Diamond Dog? Sell it!
- Riding into the Sunset: The Nintendo Power tribute strip ends with Howard and Nester walking off into the sunset, arguing the whole time.
- The Rival: Snake is this for both Captain Falcon (Romantically regarding Samus) and Olimar (In a contest of one-upsmanship in a vein similar to Spy vs. Spy.)
- Round Robin: Turns out the Zombie Apocalypse was this all along, started by Dedede, disappointingly followed up by Adeleine, and horrifyingly concluded by Kirby.
- Rubber Man: Lanky Kong vs. Dhalsim in this strip.
- Rule of Funny: The Pokéwalker can only give 1 level-up per transfer to the device, and 24601 EXP is not nearly enough to get a Pikachu to level 74. Doesn't stop this
from being goddamn hilarious.
- Similarly, the Intensity level for the Fiend's Cauldron defaults at 2.0; decreasing the Intensity results in spending hearts note , and the minimum Intensity level is 0.1. Doesn't stop Ending 1 of this
from being goddamn hilarious.
- Similarly, the Intensity level for the Fiend's Cauldron defaults at 2.0; decreasing the Intensity results in spending hearts note , and the minimum Intensity level is 0.1. Doesn't stop Ending 1 of this
- Running Gag: Several, including Kirby's "Food!", and King Dedede's "We gotta get that Kirby!"
- Don't forget Kirby eating Dedede and turning into a minature version of him.
- Thwomps tormenting Mario in numerous ways.
- Pit using the Fiend's Cauldron to alter the intensity of mundane tasks like swinging and brushing teeth, or in one ending of a comic, to lower the intensity of a workout to impress the Wii Fit Trainer.
- Schizo Tech: In a somewhat minor example; in this
comic 541, Adeleine has both a Wii and a rotary phone in her living room. And the TV looks like it was ripped straight out of just about any newspaper comic from the 80's or 90's.
- The fact that it piggybacks on Super Smash Bros' massive crossover of characters from diverse fictions means this trope is often going to crop up in various other ways related to that.
- The Scream: Mario enters Bob-omb Battlefield's painting and returns happily with a Power Star. He enters
The Scream, and seems to prove that the man inside is screaming for a good reason.
Self-Imposed Challenge: Comic #200
has led to Pacifist runs
of games, where the goal is to kill no minions (except those who are used to kill bosses) and if any minions are to die, have it be due to anyone other than the player i.e. a Koopa walking into a lava pit.
- Seven Deadly Sins: The fourth part of the "Turnabout Kirby" arc has Meta Knight using photographic evidence against Dedede, with each picture containing a certain sin from previous comics.
- Shall I Repeat That?: Strip #333, Advice,
plays out pretty much the exact scenario that many a player of Ocarina of Time would have experienced, only giving it an in-universe explanation.
- Shoot the Shaggy Dog: This entire strip
has a Bullet Bill live its life and become a hero only to be unceremoniously killed by Mario.
- Shout-Out: In almost every comic. Now with its own page.
- Sickeningly Sweethearts: The Ice Climbers
have this moment when they found out they voted for each other in the Smash Voters comics.
- Sinister Sentient Sun: Some comics feature a completely Obliviously Evil, excessively cheerful Sun that burns the entire world to cinder with sunlight when it only was trying to please the Earth or a flower with more light.
- Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: As seen in this comic.
- Skewed Priorities: The best way to deal with Romulans?
- Slasher Smile: Link finds the solution to both of his
problems and looks damn creepy in the process.
- Small Parent, Huge Child: One strip features a big bulky Nidoking venting to his base form, a male Nidoran, about how he feels he grew up too quickly by taking the Moon Stone and how now he'll never do things he could have done before. The punchline is that the Nidoran is actually the Nidoking's father.
- Snowy Sleigh Bells: The musical comic Ice World
is a "celebration" of Slippy Slidey Ice Worlds which is, you guessed it, rythmed by sleigh bells.
- Solar-Powered Magnifying Glass: Dedede is seen using this on an anthill in comic 346.
- Songs in the Key of Panic: The answer to why the hurry-up timer begins.
- Spinoff Babies: "Little Fox"
seems to be one for Star Fox, with Fox around 5 years old, Falco is just a chick, and Slippy is a tadpole.
- Stalker with a Crush: Dedede becomes this when a Prinplup uses Attract.
- Start of Darkness:
- Played literally in "Cocoon Academy":Meta Knight was originally pink, like Kirby. He gets a blue color after swallowing Dark Matter.
- One unconfirmed fan theory is that, since the only characters shown to have been covered in dark slime are confirmed future villains (and a raccoon from Animal Crossing), that entire fight was the incidental start of darkness for many characters.
- There's also this
for Waluigi.
- Played literally in "Cocoon Academy":Meta Knight was originally pink, like Kirby. He gets a blue color after swallowing Dark Matter.
- Stealth Pun: On the cast page, Luigi's
profile shows him playing a song, the score of which is labeled as "Violin II". Second fiddle, anyone?
- Stock Scream: "A Simple Request". You can hear the Wilhelm Scream during Veran's part.
- "Stop Having Fun" Guys: Parodied in 276
. Dedede goes on about how naive Kirby is for enjoying Brawl, but quickly joins in when he realizes you can make Mario and Sonic fight.
- Story Arc: At least fifteen of them: "How the King Stole Christmas," Gooey Bomb", "Turnabout Kirby", "A Mushroom Kingdom Carol," "Snake in the Grass", "Janitor of the Mushroom Kingdom", "Cocoon Academy", "
Sun's Song," "Dream Land", "The Sleepover
," ""Smash Voters,"
"The Legion," "It’s a Plunderful Life," "Divide by Hero"
and "Meet Me at Final Destination."
- Suddenly Speaking: Throughout the webcomic, Link never utters a single word... until comic 323, in which he is possessed by the Philips CDi. After that, he remains silent for the rest of the comic's run until comic 597, where he briefly turns into his animated series incarnation.
- Take Our Word for It: Meta Knight's face is badly scarred after the Gooey Bomb incident... Or so we're told.
- In "Zombie Finale,"
we don't get to see how Kirby finished the horror story... But judging by everyone else's reaction, well...
- Sixteen extremely traumatic seconds later...
- In "Zombie Finale,"
- Take That!: A subtle one
◊ to CAD.
- Take That, Scrappy!: The comic hasn't missed it's chance to take the expected jabs at the most infamous in Nintendo, though it's certainly more good-natured about it than others:
- That Cloud Looks Like...: ...A Lakitu throwing a Spiny into your face.
- That One Level: Not a level in itself, but this comic
sings about the tendency for Slippy Slidey Ice Worlds to be such.
- Throw the Book at Them: According to this comic,
this is why magic tomes in the Fire Emblem series break.
- To be a bit more specific, they set them alight, then throw them. The same is true for dragonstones. One has to wonder though, how this works for the other varieties of magic...
- Throw the Dog a Bone: Luigi at the end of A Mushroom Kingdom Carol.
- "I was going to have Luigi be the one to get the Spiny in the face...but you know what? No."
- Luigi proves to be surprisingly competent
when it comes saving Hyrule. Matthew points out after this one that on a comic-by-comic basis, Mario's been far, far more abused than Luigi has in the webcomic's run.
- Tomato Surprise: At the end of the "Cocoon Academy" arc, we learn that "Pinky" is actually Meta Knight. And Headmaster Hand is Crazy Hand. Master Hand and Kirby were never actually in the arc at all. Also, the masked figure presumed to be Meta Knight is actually Waddle Dee, who later gives his mask to Meta Knight.
- Took a Level in Badass: Mario is shown to be a dork in Cocoon Academy, with Luigi of all people being the popular one. But when Dark Matter attacked, Mario gains admiration upon spinning Bowser around and using him as a living flamethrower.
- Princess Peach, after having been captured, becomes more independent as she breaks out of Bowser's castle using nothing but her earrings, a fork, her crown and an errant Fire Flower growing from a vine outside her cell. She manages to escape just as Mario gets in.
Word of God says this is based on her appearances in the Paper Mario series showing her being more cunning and capable than her platformer counterpart.
- Princess Peach, after having been captured, becomes more independent as she breaks out of Bowser's castle using nothing but her earrings, a fork, her crown and an errant Fire Flower growing from a vine outside her cell. She manages to escape just as Mario gets in.
- Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth: Step aside.
Waluigi Time
- Traitor Shot: In the "Turnabout Kirby" arc, after Meta Knight gives the Judge evidence that Dedede may just be framing Kirby by showing his own flaws, Dedede angrily demands to know where Meta Knight got such evidence. He replies "Let's just say... I have an informant". Cut to the jury bench. The scene then zooms in on Waddle Dee as his eyes shift.
- Also, when Meta Knight is "banned" (reflecting his real-life ban from Brawl tournaments): as Master Hand takes him away, he angrily raves about how he thinks it was Dedede who orchestrated this. It was actually Kirby, as the scene zooms in on him and he gives a barely noticeable smile.
- Verbal Tic: Captain Falcon, who loves to call out Falcon-anything.
- Victory Is Boring: In 456
, Ganondorf travels to Zebes but he accidentally ends in Dreamland. He quickly conquers the place... and just so quickly he finds out he hates it: the realm is unbearably cute, the local hero will not fight him because he thinks the King of Evil taking over sounds funny, the citizens are apathetic and do not care who the king is, and his palace's servants are so sugarily servile and solicitous it disgusts him. Before long
he gets fed up with being tucked in the bed and having his back scrubbed as he takes a bath, and he returns to Hyrule to rule the place with tyranny, violence and fireball-throwing.
- Video Game 3D Leap: Referenced in "The History of Nintendo" when reaching Super Mario 64, which is demonstrated by Mario running on a 2D X-Y graph, and then runs on the new Z-axis.
- Video Game Cruelty Potential: Deconstructed in Strip 200,
which makes you realize what a horrible, horrible person you are for playing the average Mario game the way the developers intended.
- Vile Villain, Saccharine Show:
- Parodied in "Ganondorf's Holiday Vacation,"
where he tries to go to Zebes but ends up in Dream Land:
Waddle Dee: Are you ready for your goodnight kiss, sire?
Ganondorf: I hate this place. - Kirby finally realizes how creepy the foes he's fought were.
- Parodied in "Ganondorf's Holiday Vacation,"
- Villain Decay: Parodied in Benign Tragedy
where Bowser kidnaps Peach again and it's treated more as an annoyance rather than a threat. The Alt Text hammers it in further.
We look forward to teaming up with you again next time there's a REAL villain in town.
- Villain Song: "A Simple Request"
is this. Also overlaps with Anti-Christmas Song.
- Visual Pun: Comic #249
is advertised repeatedly as containing "excess gore, racism, foul language, public indecency, and frightening imagery". None of them are quite as severe as expected:
- Excess gore: A number of televisions displaying Al Gore.
- Racism: The starred Sneech in the upper left corner, and a Farfetch'd carrying a "no Psyduck" sign.
- Foul language: Farfetch'd and Psyduck arguing. Okay, maybe that's fowl language.
- Public indecency: The Sneech and the Pokémon are naked.
- Frightening imagery: A particularly creepy image of Tingle. Teddie too if you're familiar with Persona 4.
- Wacky Marriage Proposal: Matt considered proposing to his girlfriend through the comic, complete with a Waluigi Time joke... but ultimately ended up going with a more serious proposal. Still, in terms of
What Could Have Been, it's pretty wacky. ("Expecting a ring? TOO BAD. WALUIGI TIME.")
- The Walls Have Eyes: Being that the Zelda series is so fond of this trope, Brawl in the Family brought it to its logical conclusion.
- There's also the Mario side of this trope.
- And 491 explores the
sheer, undiluted implications.
- There's also the Mario side of this trope.
- Weaksauce Weakness: In the Christmas Carol arc, even after growing up Bowser Jr. never got over his fear of water.
- We Have Reserves: Played for laughs in # 559
when pointing out the main difference between Fire Emblem and Advance Wars.
- Wham Episode: Strip 580,
the beginning of the end.
- What Measure Is a Mook?: Here
and here,
which is set to music.
- What You Are in the Dark: King Dedede reveals his true nature on a dark, cold winter night.
- When I Was Your Age...: And the cycle begins anew.
- White-and-Grey Morality: The villains usually have a soft side to them, the heroes can be honest but have some bad habits, and most of the trouble of the world-ending kind is usually unintended. The only truly evil character is Dark Matter.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Played for laughs after Kirby swallows Princess Peach.
- Who Would Want To Read Us?: Used here
and here.
- Wingding Eyes: The Author Avatar's eyes turn into the PlayStation button symbols after playing PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale for the first time.
- With Catlike Tread: FALCON SNEAK!!
- You Bastard!: "Ode to Minions" has shades of this, since it calls out gamers on how heartless and cruel it would be to slaughter video game enemies for their amusement if said video game enemies were innocent people with family and friends. However, even though they may be innocent people, the minions will still kill the heroes without hesitation.
- You Have Researched Breathing: this
episode humorously deconstructs the Pokémon games' use of this trope.
Well folks, I guess that's it. Time to wrap it up, but I'd like to thank you for all these years...