Museum Girls - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Apr 27 2024
A series of shorts detailing the interactions between preserved museum planes.
Museum Girls is an ongoing series created by Joshua Davis, also known for running the History in the Dark Youtube channel.
The series focuses on a group of sentient planes (Mussy, Spitty, 109, Zero, and 190) and their interactions with each other. Despite their initial hatred of each other, throughout the series, the five girls start to become friends.
The series was initially uploaded to TikTok on March 29, 2024, before a YouTube channel was created specifically for the series on April 8 of that year.
Tropes appearing in Museum Girls:
- And Here He Comes Now: This trope is used commonly in the series.
- Ascended Extra: Mina/Swallow was initially introduced as a Joke Character in Episode 6. Starting in Episode 37, she becomes the big bad of the series. However, she does a Heel–Face Turn in Episode 57.
- The Baby of the Bunch: Freya is a sweetheart who is doted on by almost everyone.
- Big Bad: Swallow becomes one in Episode 37.
- Cat Girl: All Grumman “Cats” have been personified as such.
- Cerebus Rollercoaster: Starting in Episode 24, the series starts to switch tones from being more comedic and lighthearted to more serious.
- Chromosome Casting: All of the vehicle characters are female.
- Greater-Scope Villain: Cold Throne, a secret organization that was first mentioned in Episode 47, is responsible for many of the events from Episode 36 onwards.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Dallas flies into the path of Skylar’s missile to protect Freya from being hit by it. She survives, though.
- Given Name Reveal: Starting in Episode 27, characters known by their family names have been given real names. So far, the names that have been revealed are Gisella (109), Freya (190), Dallas (Mussy), Sophia (Spitty), and Momo (Zero), just to name a few.
- Moe Anthropomorphism: Starting in Episode 20, all vehicle characters have been personified as anime women.
- Running Gag: Momo freaking out about the concept of "human forms" has been persistent since Episode 20.
- Outliving One's Offspring: In Episode 39, Momo and Sophia are revealed to have daughters that have long since been gone.
- Sentient Vehicle: All vehicles have sentience and are fully autonomous.
- Those Two Guys: Regina and Melody are always paired together.
- Valley Girl: Regina/Shooting Star is depicted as this.
- We Hardly Knew Ye: A few episodes after Space Shuttle Enterprise is introduced into the series, she sacrifices herself to prevent Cold Throne's space station from hitting the museum.