BryanCroiDragon - TV Tropes

  • ️Wed Apr 17 2024

BryanCroiDragon (Web Video)

The current look of his virtual self. Note the lack of fingers.

Hailing from Canada, BryanCroiDragon, is a Youtuber who does Lets Plays, Minecraft Roleplays and readings of non-fiction books.


  • The Ageless: The lore for his VTuber persona is that he is perpetually 19.
  • Alien Abduction: During his Single Biome Survival Challenge series he has made mention of having had a dream where Ironmouse of VShojo was abducted by aliens. He makes mention of other Youtubers and Twitch streamers having likewise been abducted, but not necessarily by aliens, and makes reference to it as being a part of a series of "serialized dreams", meaning there is more to it than just Mouse and others having been abducted by aliens and other things.
  • Alliterative Family: He has gone on record that a good number of his family have given names and surnames that start with the letter M.
  • Ambiguously Human: His VTuber persona is portrayed as such, being a perpetually nineteen-year-old individual whose memory goes as far back as 1941, has no memory of any childhood and has died twice, once involving being sewn into a sleeping bag with a wolverine. Perpetually nineteen, has been around since 1941 if not longer and has died twice. We aren't sure what he is, but he definitely isn't human.
    • His first Minecraft Egyptian Mythology stream has him comment that the Ender Dragon on that mash-up pack kind of looks like his father. Being someone with no memory of any childhood and thus, no memory of any family, this turns into a Tomato in the Mirror that signifies that while he looks human, he might not be human.
    • It continues with his playing of the Star Wars mash-up pack. Seeing the Ender Dragon, some alien dragon thing, causes him to remark it resembles his mother, but it is considerably less Tomato in the Mirror than when it came to the Ender Dragon on the Egyptian pack.
    • His stream covering the Deep Sea pack has him wonder if those are his parents' natural forms, as he mentions a story of a man who ate of the flesh of a horned serpent and ended up becoming one.
    • A comment on his Twitter post about his lore suggests he is an alien, though there is little to anything about his description that suggests he is one.
  • Ambiguous Situation: With his virtual persona having been around since 1941, maybe longer, and crossovers between V Tubers becoming common enough to mean they all live in the same continuity, has his virtual persona ever met {{Web Video/Hololive's}} time traveler Amelia Watson?
  • Ancient Astronauts: He has gone on record that he does not believe in these making the irony of him having to read about them in his reading of "Monsters Among Us: Journey to the Unexplained" rather amusing, he can't even hide his contempt for this subject at some points.
  • Arch-Enemy:
    • When it comes to the game Minecraft, he seems to consider lava his to the point of even referring to it as his archenemy which begs the question of his sanity when lava is neither a mob nor another player. Husks are a secondary archenemy as he seems to encounter them the most out of all hostile mobs.
    • His virtual counterpart seems to have one of his own, first mentioned in Climbing the Lighthouse of his Pokémon Crystal streams, the individual being "that international Judas: Professor Where."
  • Ass Shove: His virtual persona threatens to do this to a bagpipe player with their own bagpipe in the second episode of "Reading with Bryan".
  • Berserk Button: Heavily downplayed to the point of being closer to "Annoyance Button", but he has stated he is tired of being told he sounds like Alan Rickman due to how many times he has been told it. He has great respect for the late actor, but being told he sounds like Alan Rickman so many times has become an annoyance for him.
  • Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: He claims to have seen Bigfoot/Sasquatch and his reading of "Monsters Among Us: Journey to the Unexplained" covers both Bigfoot/Sasquatch and the Yeti. He has also gone on record of owning a non-fiction book that covers a wide range of hominoid cryptids throughout the world. As of August 2023, his virtual persona has started doing a reading of this book.
  • Big "NO!": He lets out one when a tank from Left 4 Dead sends him flying during "The Passing" on Tank Rush mode.
  • Catch Phrase:
    • His current intro is "Hello, everyone, I'm Bryan Croi Dragon" and his current outro is "I'm Bryan Croi Dragon signing out, stay schway!"
    • Another catch phrase of his would be "Leave it to me to get ahead of myself", which pops up whenever he is playing a game he has played before and goes out of order when it comes to do something.
    • Yet another is "What the sideways ass?" It seems to be an alternative to "What the hell?" and "What the fuck?" A far more creative and bizarre alternative.
    • When his virtual persona reaches the end of a reading, he says "I'm Bryan Croi Dragon. Thanks for watching."
  • Character Development: Of a manner of speaking, he used to be more short tempered and would take offence to something he enjoyed being criticized. Indeed his most recent commentary of a Mystery Hunters episode has him criticizing how the Swamp Monster looks like a man wearing a raincoat and a how the portrayal of Black Shuck doesn't even look like a dog, with his friend Gimli saying it looks more like a wolf to which Bryan even agrees.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: His reaction to first seeing Yuri in Doki Doki Literature Club! is to say "Nice knockers!" Granted, he could have been making a Young Frankenstein reference.
  • Cultured Badass: While the "badass" part is rather nonexistent he has shown himself to be quite cultured. He used to do a series called "Classics for the Family" where he would talk about adaptations of classical literature that are acceptable for the whole family, in a play through of Undertale he named the player character "Speed" after Valentine's servant in The Two Gentlemen of Verona and has even shown himself to be knowledgable about Egyptian history to the point that he once spent most of a Minecraft video rambling about the nineteenth dynasty. His streaming of Deltarune has continued the Shakespearean name theme where he attempted to name his vessel "Baptista" after Baptista Minola from The Taming of the Shrew. His current stream of "Doki Doki Literature Club" again continues the Shakespearean theme naming with him naming the player character "Valentine."
  • Deadpan Snarker: It is rare but he can be quite snarky.
  • Fiery Red Head: Averted, Bryan is a red head but is actually quite calm.
  • Foil: To a majority of other Lets Players due to being quieter and more calm, indeed unless something is text heavy with no voice acting he seldom speaks. He is even more of a foil to Markiplier. In contrast to Markiplier, who is by his own admission stupid and "a giggly bitch by nature", Bryan is far more intelligent and does not laugh so easily. Bryan is also a natural redhead in contrast to Mark who for a time had obviously dyed his hair red. He also has grown more humble over the years while Mark's ego has noticeably grown. On one further note, when asked if he is indeed BryanCroiDragon during his streaming of Castlevania: Circle of the Moon his response was that he certainly wasn't Markiplier.
  • Genre Savvy: He has shown himself to be on occasion. In the first video of his Doki Doki Literature Club! Lets Play he was able to tell there was something off about Monika the very moment he saw her.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: A constant in many of the games he plays is his preference for melee weapons, most often the sword. Even his Minecraft roleplays that feature his character in an action role will have him wielding a sword, with "Croi-Dragon" featuring a scene evocative of Arthur pulling the sword from the stone. Of course, given his usual aesthetic when it comes to Minecraft skins is that of a knight it makes sense.
  • High-Class Glass: Both his Safari Minecraft skin and his Virtual Youtuber persona wear a monocle.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Implied to be the case with his virtual persona. He is perpetually nineteen, has died twice and has noted that the Ender Dragon on the Egyptian Mythology Mash-Up pack, a giant winged cobra, resembles his father and that the Ender dragon on the Star Wars pack, some alien dragon thing, resembles his mother.
  • Hypochondria: He has gone on record that he suffers from this.
  • Joke Character: Not him or his virtual counterpart, but his character in Final Boss Fight Live's Tyranny of Dragons campaign: Morc the Orc, real name Morc O'Rourke, who hails from the city of York in Orcland, eats pork, collects corks, wears a torc and wields an axe that is also a guitar that is shaped like a fork! Good Lord, his entire character seems to based on what ever rhymes with the word "Orc"!
  • Kind Hearted Cat Lover: He is a textbook example of a Nice Guy and he owns a cat named Alex who has appeared in some of his videos.
  • Man of a Thousand Voices: He has discussed this, pointing out that it is closer to a handful, even using Frank Welker as an example and pointing out that his Megatron voice has been showing up since Hanna-Barbera's "The Last of the Mohicans" at least, where it was used for Magua.
  • Never Heard That One Before: On being told he sounds like Alan Rickman. He has great respect for the late actor, but finds the constant comparison annoying.
  • Non-Indicative Name: In Vox Adventures: Zhorvix he brings up that Cecil B. DeMille's Thematic Series. the Biblical Trilogy, is this due to The Sign of the Cross having nothing to do with The Bible due to being based on a Victorian Era play about a romance between a pagan Roman and a Christian girl during the reign of Nero and not any event from the Bible in contrast to The Ten Commandments (1923), which features a retelling of the Exodus as a prologue and a depiction of Jesus healing a leper later in the film, and The King of Kings, which is about the last days of Jesus.
  • Noodle Incident:
    • His VTuber persona is stated to have died twice, with one such time having involved being sewn into a sleeping bag with a wolverine.
    • Another featuring his virtual persona involves him having been chased by the Devil mounted upon a goat. It is heavily implied it was in retaliation for criticizing the Devil's bagpipe playing.
    • Yet again with his virtual persona, who was apparently attacked by opera singing bikers in the 1950's. No, really.
  • Older Than They Look: He has stated his date of birth is September 17th, 1992. It even says so on his Twitter. He looks 19. He is aware of this, as his VTuber persona is perpetually nineteen.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: His reaction video to The Backrooms features a moment caused by the Jump Scare near the end including a Precision F-Strike and Rapid-Fire "No!", he was that scared.
  • The Quiet One: Unless a game is text heavy and without voice acting, Bryan isn't the most talkative of Lets Players.
  • Red Herring:
    • Seems to be a specialty of his as he has played two in "Discord Murder Fest", a fan version of Discord Murder Party. They are Asshole Victim Token Evil Teammate Anthony "Cain" Laughton and the shark loving scientist Peter Benchley, the latter being more sympathetic and less likely to assault a lady than the former. Even Bryan thinks Cain is a slime ball.
    • He openly discusses this during his 2019 Easter Event Special for Vox Adventures. When talking about his plans for a full-cast reading of the novelization of The Fall of the Roman Empire, once he gets a copy, he talks about his plans to voice Marcus Aurelius and maybe even Commodus. Due to Commodus being portrayed as the illegitimate son of a gladiator, it would be a case of red herring casting playing on the tradition of fathers and sons being played by the same actor as those unfamiliar with the film wouldn't know of Commodus being portrayed as the illegitimate son of a gladiator.
  • Running Gag: His mocking of "Do u no de wei?" It is quickly followed by "Do you know how to bloody spell?"
  • Shout-Out: Movies he has quoted include "Red 2" where he quoted Marvin's "tie us to an ant farm" rant on occasion and the one single occasion during "Doki Doki: A Brand New Day" where he quoted "The Grand Budapest Hotel"'s "Holy fuck! What's the meaning of this shit?"
  • Shown Their Work:
    • He actually did the research on how to pronounce the names of the characters from The Jungle Book for his reading of "Red Dog", so he actually pronounces "Mowgli" so "Mow" rhymes with "cow."
    • In Vox Adventures: On the Subject of Tarzan he talks about Tarzan for a good two hours and makes reference to a number of things from the books that most people probably wouldn't know and even names characters that mainstream audiences wouldn't know such as Mugambi, Jad-Bal-Ja and Esteban Miranda, all of whom he'd say he'd feature in a hypothetical television series of his own creation. He even acknowledges that not all of Tarzan's adventures were set in Africa since Tarzan and the Foreign Legion features the character in Sumatra.
    • He has acknowledged at various times that due to Egypt having been a melting pot since time immemorial there has been people of all kinds of hair and skin color living there throughout the ages. He has pointed to Ramses II, a redhead, and said that his family is believed to be descended from immigrants as well as Ramses' son Merneptah, black of hair going by the lone black hair on his mummy, and come to the conclusion that since Isetnofret was neither Ramses' sister or daughter that means she was dark of hair, explaining Merneptah's black hair.
    • He correctly pronounces Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan as "Chinggis Haan" and "Hublai Haan."
    • Like fleshy counterpart, like virtual counterpart. He continues on by name dropping the Pongo in his first Donkey Kong 64 stream, where his virtual counterpart mentions having searched for the Pongo in the Congo.
  • Some of My Best Friends Are X: In the first video of his virtual self's let's play of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, he says "Some of my best friends are Jack-o-lanterns!" Taking the interesting things Vtubers tend to be into account, it is ambiguous whether this was just him saying a stock quote or if he actually knows Vtubers who are supposed to be anthropomorphic Jack-o-lanterns.
  • The Thing That Would Not Leave: How he considers the trader that shows up in in "Single Biome Survival Challenge" for Minecraft, to the point he even calls it Hans Christian Andersen.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: His stream for the Minecraft Bedrock world "German TNT 101" was titled "Oh, this will go worse than the French one!" Ultimately subverted, as the stream's runtime of forty-three minutes and eleven seconds makes it shorter than the stream he did for "French TNT 101", titled "God help us!", which had a runtime of forty-five minutes and twenty-four seconds. He has claimed that he has no memory for other languages, so no doubt he suspected things would suck.
  • Vague Age: His virtual persona is possibly a hundred, but during his first stream of Octodad Dadliest Catch he says "This is a bad time for that Invasion of Quebec flashback'', making it clear he is much older since the Invasion of Quebec was in 1775. He is even taken aback by this.
  • Virtual Youtuber: As of January 18th, 2022, he alternates between regular and virtual Youtubing.
  • What the Hell Is That Accent?: For a native Ontarian, his accent sounds rather Un-Canadian, sounding like a combination of a British, New York and German accent.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: His playthrough of Super Rad Raygun features this in the description of the twenty-third video where he fights final boss Medved.