Hermitcraft - TV Tropes

  • ️Fri Oct 06 2023

Hermitcraft (Web Video)

Grian: How does Hermitcraft work?
Tinfoilchef: Like a great, big, psychotic, dysfunctional family.
(Everyone laughs)
Xisuma: I don't know about psychotic... but okay.

— At the start of Season 6

In April 12th, 2012, Mindcrack member and self-proclaimed "gaming hermit" Generikb started an invite-only Minecraft Let's Play Server known as Hermitcraft, where he and some other Minecraft Let's Players could play together in Vanilla Survival.

Twelve years later, the server is in its tenth season, with upwards of twenty-five currently active members, and sixty-two Let's Players (and Mojang devs) having been on the server at some point.

A Minecraft Advancement Pack has been made based on some of the Running Gags and personal quirks of the Hermits, and the series has spawned multiple offshoots, such as Hardcore Hermits.

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List of Active Whitelisted Hermits (Season 10) 

  • BdoubleO100
  • Cubfan135
  • Docm77
  • Etho
  • FalseSymmetry
  • GeminiTay
  • GoodTimesWithScar
  • Grian
  • Hypnotizd
  • iJevin
  • ImpulseSV
  • JoeHills
  • Keralis1
  • MumboJumbo
  • PearlescentMoon
  • ReNDoG
  • Skizzleman
  • Smallishbeans
  • TangoTek
  • VintageBeef
  • Welsknight
  • xBCrafted
  • XisumaVoid
  • Zedaph
  • ZombieCleo

Former Members (Not Whitelisted) 

  • alex2295
  • Aureylian
  • Biffa
  • BrenyBeast
  • CilantroGamer
  • Coestar
  • CubeHamster
  • dewtroid
  • Dinnerbone
  • generikb
  • IAmSp00nnote 
  • Iskall85note 
  • Jessassin
  • Joenagee
  • JoshuaaaP
  • Juicetra
  • Kiershar
  • King_Happy
  • KingDaddyDMAC
  • LuclinMCWB
  • Marriland
  • MidnightEnforcer
  • monkeyfarm
  • Pungence
  • PythonGB
  • red3yz
  • shaunstatic
  • skyzm
  • sl1pg8r
  • Sokar408
  • Spumwackles
  • StressMonster101note 
  • Tinfoilchefnote 
  • topmass
  • Unhost
  • VenomKisser
  • zueljin

Hermitcraft provides examples of:

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In general 

  • Aerith and Bob: There are Hermits named Stress, Impulse, Mumbo, and Hypno playing alongside... Ren, Cleo, and Joe.
  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot:
    • In Season 7, Grian and Mumbo design Grumbot to help them with Mumbo's mayoral campaign. All it does is spout slogans while demanding diamonds, then give them a plan which completely fails to gather support, then spontaneously combust after gaining self-awareness.
    • And then, in Season 8, Mumbo creates a "Mumbo Potato" bot intended to respond for him when he's not at a meeting. But during the first meeting which takes place, the Potato bot spits out responses which leads to Mumbo getting demoted from being CEO!
    • Seemingly averted with Season 9 variant of Grumbot that appears in Grian's base through The Rift from the alternate Season 7, where Mumbo became the Mayor. It cooperates with Grian and is connected to his random content generator. Then it proves to be a Double Subversion — when Grian attempts to rig the generator for his own purposes, Grumbot reacts with anger and after Grian apologizes, it says "My Grian was sorry too". It's unclear what he means.
  • Artifact Title: When one thinks about it, the name "Hermitcraft" seems a little contradictory, as the server is based on... well, being a server. Which means members interact with each other on a regular basis. The name comes from the founder, generikb, who named it after his reputation as the "gaming hermit". He played up the concept by building a base far, far away and making it as difficult to get into as possible as an intentional challenge to other members. Members of the server have always called themselves "Hermits", despite generikb leaving the group shortly before the end of Season 1 and having never returned.
  • Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: False, Stress, and Cleo's Minecraft skins are these respectively. The real-life False is blonde, and Stress dark, but Cleo's hair colour has never been revealed (though she has said she has dyed her hair red in the past). GeminiTay's character is also ginger-haired, though her hair is brown in real life.
  • Companion Show: Hermitcraft Recap, hosted by series fans Pixlriffs, ZloyXP and Lyarrah, which recaps all the events and mishaps that happened on the server that week. This is very much needed, given the sheer amount of craziness that happens on the server.
  • Deadly Game: Season 6 and Season 10 features Demise, a game where one player has to be the last one alive while players who have already died try to kill any survivors, being the "reapers".
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Many of the early seasons of Hermitcraft are quite different. First of all, almost all of the most popular Hermits are missing from the first season — Mumbo Jumbo joined in Season 2, GoodTimesWithScar in Season 4, Grian in Season 6, and SmallishBeans in Season 10. Secondly, there's very few "mega-builds", which would only come once the Hermits gained years of experience with the game and server. Finally, some of the early episodes of Hermitcraft actually include profanity, which you certainly won't find today, as the server has taken a generally family-friendly direction.
  • Funny Background Event: Pausing to read the chat in any of the Hermits' videos often produces some absolute gems. Look to the Season folders for examples. There's even a subreddit called r/hermitchat dedicated to finding and showing these moments.
  • Friendly War: It's probably easier to list when they aren't having one — conflicts and prank wars are waged across the server practically all the time, but the creator-characters are still friends.
  • The Hermit: Despite what the title would lead you to believe, this is mostly subverted; most Hermits often interact with one another, and full-on server-wide events such as the Civil War and the Demise game in Season 6 tend to unite them all very easily. Notably, the closest Hermit to a Hermit would've been Tinfoilchef, but even he downplayed it and, come Demise, does have a few interactions with others courtesy of them trapping his base. This humoring does end up costing him the victory, but he was more than okay with it.
  • Large Ham: Scar, Grian, Iskall, Keralis, Mumbo, and Skizz like to act in ways that chew the scenery a lot.
  • Mêlée à Trois:
    • In Season 6, the Demise game ended up as a three-way Gambit Pileup between the all-living Breath over Death, all of whom are interested in their own survival, the all-deceased Grey Skins (with the sole exception of Doc, who was under contract protection as long as his orders are fufilled), only interested in killing for the hell of it and have bets placed for various living hermits, and the Dragon Bros, who all intend to fit every living player with a Dragon Head enchanted with the Curse of Binding. In the end, the Dragon Bros win thanks to Grian making the final kill of the game, trapping Doc in a Kaizo Trap which allowed Iskall to claim the victory.
    • XBCrafted's base in Season 7 is a post-apocalyptic wasteland home to a three-way battleground between the toxic Nylium, the forces of nature, and far-future technology.
  • The Multiverse: Aside from the fact that any given Minecraft world is a miniature multiverse in and of itselfnote , this is more or less confirmed by the Hermits frequently using portals to travel between seasons, or at least from Season 5's end onwards.
    • Largely established with Doc building the Infinity Portal in Season 6, which takes the user to any place they desire. Doc uses it to go to the Mindcrack server to revisit his friends over there, as well as to visit a world from an old series of his. The portal is eventually used to go to Season 7, though given Grian used a rocket to get there instead, the 6 and 7 worlds are probably in the same "universe".
    • Also, the Universal Council of Cleos (UCC) at the start of Season 7, though mostly a gag tied to her 100k subscriber milestone, plays into this idea.
    • The Empires SMP crossover in Season 9 explicitly establishes a multi-dimensional connection between the two separate SMPs. The mysterious Rift in Grian's base is the link between the two.
  • Running Gag: Grian's inability to finish the back of his bases from Season 7 onward, to the point that he set up shop on a mountainside in Season 10 just so he wouldn't need to worry about it.
  • Self-Imposed Challenge: Some Hermits like to invoke this and spice things up for new seasons by giving themselves an arbitrary rule to abide by. Some examples:
    • Joehills refused to hold onto Diamonds or things made from them for any prolonged period of time during Season 7, burning any he got a hold of as well. Not only was he relegated to the weaker Iron tools, this decision effectively shut himself out from the Hermitcraft economy, as Diamonds are treated as a currency by the others.
    • Mumbo's "Peace Love and Plants" resolution in Season 8, where he refused to kill any mobs (or at least, not increment the "kills" stat on his character, allowing himself to lavabucket any unwanted enemies he found).
    • Zedaph decides to start Season 10 with no hotbar. As in, he fills it with locks so that he can't hold anything. However, his off-hand is still usable, and the locks can be unlocked with diamonds.
  • Split Personality: Played for Laughs; many Hermits have alter-egos that they use for no other reason than either as a framing device for their plans for the episode, or purely for the sake of a quick laugh. Nobody takes this quite as seriously as Rendog, however, who has no less than six alter-egos, two of which both play pivotal roles in arcs in Season 6 (Renbob for the Area 77 arc, Grimdog for the Demise arc, and Tomato Yoshi (the outlier with no explicit arc). During Season 7, he created Ren the Kid, who was killed by the end of the Game of Life arc, the Renperor (the supposed Big Bad of Ren's Star Wars arc), and Long Ren Silver. Oddly enough, averted for Ren the King (for whom Ren created an entirely separate Minecraft account), who was never treated as a separate character from Rendog.
  • True Companions: Despite all of the wars and competition between almost everyone on the server, they are clearly very close. They support each other both in-game and during tough real-world times, and frequently speak positively about each other.

Season 4 

  • Conspicuously Public Assassination: Played with; Ren attempted to kill Iskall while the latter was giving his second testimony during the Courtroom Episode. It missed, and Scar called for a break and investigation.
  • Courtroom Episode: The State of Hermitcraft vs Logfellas, Inc. The conclusion to the Logfellas vs Birchfellas arc, featuring: The Honorable Judge Scar (Scar), Bailiff Dr. M. 77 (Doc), Sheriff Ms. F. Symmetry (False), Amicus Curiae Mr. J. Hills (Joehills), Plaintiffs Mr. C. F. 135 (Cubfan) and Mr. I. K. 85 (Iskall), a.k.a. the Birchfellas, Prosecutor Mr. W. Knight (Welsknight), and Defense Mr. X. Void (Xisuma), Mr. R. D. Dawg (Ren), and Mr. P. GB-MC (Python), a.k.a. the Logfellas. It was quite the... interesting performance, to say the least. Charges against the Logfellas, include deforestation without permit nor "satisfaction", the Sapling Gate incident that included robbery, breaking and entering, and trespassing, charging for others for building on a plot of land in Iskall's case, the corruption of Sheriff FalseSymmetry, and conspiring with rabbit-kind.
  • Every Man Has His Price: The amount of blatant bribery that occurred during the State of Hermitcraft vs Logfellas, Inc. trial was hysterical. Diamonds, emeralds, and other items being exchanged left and right, with nearly every Hermit either giving or accepting them.
    • First of all, Iskall, the biggest offender. When he was first called up for witness testimony against the Logfellas on charges of deforestation, en bribed him with diamonds, as well as apples and wine (actually a potion). He then denounced any charges and declared the Logfellas were amazing. After that, right before a second testimony on Logfellas illegally charging for building on their land, Cub proceeded to do the same thing, again to great effect.
    • Python got bribed basically the exact same way, to also give testimony in favor of the Logfellas.
    • Even Scar got in on it, accepting a bribe by Ren to declare no one was out of their seats and no exchanging of materials was going on.
  • Million to One Chance: Mumbo sets himself the challenge of keeping his redstone-powered 'virtual pet' alive, with 32 diamonds getting blown up if he fails. The challenge ends early when a lightning bolt not only blows up the TNT that would've been used to destroy the diamonds, which is rare enough by itself, but also creates an ultra-rare charged creeper that Mumbo ends up trapping for the rest of the season.
  • The Mafia: The Logfellas (Ren and Xisuma). They spent much of the season sneaking around, making threats and buying up land in the already over-built brown district and reselling it at extremely high prices. The duo claimed to be taking orders from the mysterious Logfather.
  • The Reveal: The Logfather was eventually revealed to be a white bunny.
  • She Is the King: Gender-flipped with Princess Etho.
  • The Sheriff: False of the Dirty Cop variety due to taking bribes from the Logfellas.

Season 5 

Season 6 

  • Achievements in Ignorance: During Demise, Tinfoilchef is sent over 30 zombies as part of a trap. He takes care of every last one of them off-camera, not even aware until being informed later that it even had anything to do with Demise.
  • Actually Pretty Funny:
    • Tinfoilchef openly admits that the trap that took him out in Demise was hilarious, and has a good laugh about it.
    • Similarly, Iskall laughs at the hilariously simple way Grian and Impulse kill him in the finale — punching him with diorite after going through their death trap that left him at half a heart.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: Doc and Rendog confront Stressmonster about the giant cookie-prank, and accuse her of being the mysterious Jangler. Stress immediately asks, if she were the Jangler, why she would build a giant eyesore in the sky within view of her own base?
  • Attending Your Own Funeral: After Grian and False's deaths in Demise, the Dragon Bros hold a funeral for them. Not only do they both attend the funeral, Grian even gives his own eulogy!

    Grian: Fellow Bros... We are gathered here today to mourn... for the loss of a Bro. Me.

  • Awesome, but Impractical: The entire Sahara build. A completely automated system that customers can place orders for and can draw items from an expandable warehouse? Awesome! The fact that it's automating an honor shop, which takes far less time to finish transactions on, takes up far less space, and won't get jammed when unauthorized potatoes enter the system? Not so awesome.
  • Back for the Finale: Xisuma returns to the Season 6 server from a nearly two-month-long break to announce that the season is ending.
  • Bait-and-Switch:
    • During the Area 77 storyline, Grian builds a hidden redstone door which is meant to cover a tunnel directly into Area 77's vaults. Doc and Scar eventually find it...and there's nothing there.note  Grian simply never showed anyone coming in or going out in his episodes, and led people to falsely believe that the door was hiding the tunnel.
    • In the final days of Demise, Grian stalks Doc until the latter logs off, with Grian trapping the area with a box of obsidian filled with lava. Doc finds out about the trap when Grian's video goes up, and spends the first half of his next video preparing for ways to survive it. Then he logs on... and it turns out that Grian, anticipating Doc to try and find a way out, changed the trap from lava to TNT minecarts, which ends up killing Doc the instant he logs on.
  • Berserk Button: Do NOT touch Doc's bush. You could literally hear his blood pressure rise when Grian vandalised it with copies of his head.
  • Big Fancy Castle: Stress' giant castle, partially embedded into an iceberg.
  • Bland-Name Product: In Season Six, there's Sahara, the shop that sells various assorted goods and utilities and delivers them to the customer, is based on Amazon. There's also Idea, which focuses around building and decoration, and is based off of Ikea.
  • Boastful Rap: "Hermitgang feat. Team S.T.A.R — The Super Weapon" was dropped by Team STAR against the G-Team during the Prank War. The rap consists of Team STAR's members bragging about their individual abilities while also mocking the G-Team.
  • Book Ends:
    • In the game of Demise, Grian not only started the game by coming up with the idea and getting the first kill (Rendog), but also ends the game, this time as a Greyskin, by getting the last kill (Doc). He also deals the final blow to Iskall at the end of his and Impulse's joint effort to Demise the sole survivor of the Demise game.
    • Another Demise-related one: Iskall is the first Dragon Bro to be created and the last one to survive.
  • The Bus Came Back: After entering a portal all the way back in Season 3, Keralis emerges from another one in Area 77 in Season 6.
  • Butt-Monkey: Jevin's history surrounding Demise. First, he died not from TNT or in lava, but by smashing into the side of Mumbo's abandoned Evil Island building, the only death up to that point that was completely by accident. Things don't improve as a Greyskin either, as his traps completely fail to kill anyone, ending the game with zero kills or assistsnote  — hell, Mumbo contributed to more kills than him while still alive (to rub salt in the wound, one of those kills was Jevin himself)... and if that weren't bad enough, he then decides to head into the End to kill some Withers — falling right into Cubfan's portal trap and inadvertently preventing more Demises (Grian was headed to the End, and Doc was about to lure someone there, meaning either would have died to the trap instead).note  He leaves Season 6 partway through Demise, but adding one last insult to injury is Joe picking up his Demise bet jackpot and delivering it to Jevin's home so he can have it easily if he rejoins for a special event, only to die to a lava trap outside the house, and drop his 54 diamond blocks into lava.
  • Came Back Wrong: As the game of Demise has left everybody's skin monochrome, Mumbo Jumbo builds a machine called the Saturator that can recolorize people's skins and revive them, before going to the Philippines on vacation. However, he hasn't calibrated it properly, so the colors on everybody's skins are a, to say the least.
    • When False used the machine, it turned her hair a green reminiscent of Heath Ledger's Joker and her clothes various shades of purple.
    • Impulse's skin simply looked like his dead skin with some extra red on it, instead of his normal, living Minecraft skin.
    • Grian was slightly better off, but the colors of his shirt and hair were far too saturated, convincing him that Mumbo's machine made him radioactive.
    • Joe's use of the machine leaves him with a skin with the perfect amount of saturation. The hue and brightness, on the other hand, are inverted.
    • Since Mumbo's demised skin looks almost the same as his normal skin — with the exception of his red tie being grey — his resaturated skin turns his entire grey body red. Since resaturating himself was one of the first things he did after vacation, he naturally made multiple jokes about being a sunburned British tourist.
    • Xisuma uses it in his final episode, but it causes his skin to turn into a bee outfit. Which he uses to announce that Season 7, starting soon, will be using the 1.15.2 version of Minecraft with the Bees.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Grian, in need of paper to create his White Void Rooms, steals the bulk load of free paper from JoeHills' wishing well, leaving behind an IOU note in the chest for Joe. That note comes back to haunt Grian in the Hermitcraft prank war, when Joe drenches Grian's base with lava and gets out scot-free through use of the note.
  • Cherry Tapping: Iskall's final demise. After riding a rollercoaster full of traps that are engineered to very nearly kill him, he's reduced to a single heart via poison, and — after being brought back to his hitman shop from the very start of the season — he's killed by being smacked with a renamed Diorite block by Grian.
  • Cool Car: Renbob's RV, which looks pretty bog-standard until Renbob steals a ConCorp generator to it and it gains jet wings and shoots out of New Hermitville.
  • Curiosity Is a Crapshoot: At one point during Season 6, Mumbo built a shop without putting a spoiler wallnote  around it and didn't post a video about it. When people looked to figure out what the shop was selling, they found out that it was a "Spoiler Shop," and they now had to pay Mumbo three diamonds for spoiling the build.
  • Death World: The Wither Storm. During Season 6, Joe, Xisuma, False and Cub decided to fight 100 Withers at once. It did not go to plan, with them only killing about 10 Withers before having to bail. The area causes an incredible amount of server lag if anyone comes close enough to load the chunks, plus the fact that, even with fully enchanted diamond armor, having 90 Withers gang up on you is pretty much a death sentence. Entering it also runs the risk of someone baiting a Wither to a populated area, the closest one being Mumbo's industrial farm area, which is filled with fragile redstone. The Hermits have agreed among themselves to avoid it.
  • Deal with the Devil: Doc does this during Demise with both Ren and Cub, trading favors for immunity from the Greyskins' traps. These deals help him reach the final two alongside Iskall, but he is instead spawn-camped and killed by Grian, who joined the Greyskins after both of the aforementioned deals.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Evil Xisuma after being defeated by Xisuma in Episode 666.
  • Double Reverse Quadruple Agent: Mumbo during the Hermitcraft civil war. Or at least, that was the plan.
  • Easter Egg:
    • The Grian Head Hunt, hosted by Grian. He goes and hides copies of his head all throughout the server, leaving them in underground structures, inside of builds, lying around in plain sight, and so on, with a grand prize promised to whoever collected the most amount of heads alongside other factors. There are three strings attached; one is that the heads can't be bought, the other is that they can't be stored in chests, and the third is that stealing from head vaults is fair game.
    • Also, Nuggets for Diamonds. Iskall and Mumbo simultaneously concede to each other in their contest to build the best Villager trading hall. Instead of returning the prize pool back to their own pockets, they set up NFD, scattering gold nuggets all throughout the server and letting the Hermits redeem them for a chance at diamonds at the titular building in Hermitland.
  • Epic Fail:
    • Mumbo attempting to fly away from Grian's base, only to realise he's forgotten to put on his elytra. Even after he remembers, server lag means he still can't take off, and he eventually just ragequits.
    • Grian builds a deliberately non-lethal trap in his infinity room to give Iskall and Mumbo a scare... and then somehow manages to die when he jumps into it himself
    • Doc builds a torpedo to deal with the hippie commune, and while demonstrating it for the video, accidentally sets it off and blows up part of Keralis's house.
    • Rendog takes on one of Grian's dares in the Demise game, where he has to punch his way out of an aquarium before drowning. He manages this with barely any health remaining... And then jumps off the edge of the build and dies of fall damage, becoming the first Hermit to die in the game.
    • Most of the deaths in Demise are either due to a death-defying stunt a Hermit placed themself into (Ren, Stress, and Cub) or a trap set by one of the Greyskinsnote  (just about everyone else save Iskall, the eventual winner). How does Jevin die? Not paying attention while flying, causing him to smash head-first into Mumbo's Evil Island. The exact same one that's been unused for half the season.
    • During Demise, Mumbo builds himself a secure bunker in his industrial area with a sophisticated redstone combination lock... and sets the password to be 1 2 3 4.
    • Keralis decided to take on Tango's challenge left for Mumbo, which was to get chickens to walk on 6 pressure plates before a timer ran out and the room would detonate. Mumbo urged him numerous times to NOT throw an egg at the End Crystal in the middle of the room, since it would explode and set all of the TNT off. Take a guess as to what Keralis ended up dying to...
  • Escalating War:
    • Iskall decides to prank False as retaliation for her winning the Head Hunt, by building a chicken with a Grian-head on top of her base, as well as covering it all in diorite. However, Cleo swoops in and changes the sign Iskall placed to instead say Rendog's name, causing False to set up a prank for Ren and try and frame Iskall for it. Ren then pranks Cleo, which Grian ends up being the victim of due to Iskall placing signs in his base, one thing leads to another, and the whole thing sparks an all out civil war. Said war ends in a capture-the-flag style battle, which the end results are ambiguous, as the G-Team (the Architechsnote , Stress, Cleo, Joe, Jevin, & Tango) manage to capture the final flag at the same time that Team S.T.A.R. manages to take out the G-Team's final life.
    • A more literal one in the form of the Hermitville build-off. It starts with Grian building his house to be slightly taller than Mumbo's and the latter adding an antenna to reclaim the tallest house title, and ends with giant magnets pulling down the moon, Renbob's hippie van sprouting wings and shooting up near the build limit, and Scar's mutant plant turning into a wizard while serving as a beanstalk leading up to a cloud fortress in the sky.
    • A downplayed example with Demise. By the midway point, three factions have formed — the Greyskinsnote , the Alive Team (anyone not dead yet), and the Dragon Brosnote . The game eventually ends when Grian, a member of both the Greyskins and Dragon Bros (who he has vowed not to target despite his status), traps and kills Doc, the last member of the Alive Team that wasn't a Dragon Bro.
  • Evasive Fight-Thread Episode: Played for Laughs and subverted with the Hermitville Build-Off. There isn't any real way to "win" it, since it's not really possible to prevent any of the sides from reaching build limit and all of the houses end up becoming equally tall in the end. The active participants — Grian, Scar, and Iskall — run a vote amongst themselves to see who would have the best house based on multiple judging factors, and that ends in a tie too. They all just end up agreeing that nobody wins it... except Mumbo, who loses the war by virtue of surrendering early.
  • Finagle's Law: Literally everything went wrong for the Architechs on Sahara's launch day. Iskall showed up on Saturday wondering where the others were, only to remember that the opening was on Sunday. When he finally got there on the right day, everything only spiraled further out of control. The fireworks failed to deploy, Rendog nearly died during the ribbon cutting, Mumbo was pushed off the stage for launching into a very long and complicated explanation of the redstone when Grian said to keep it short, the redstone was broken because Grian threw potatoes in it again, and Ren had no idea how to operate the system because there were no instructions. This forced Grian, Mumbo and Iskall to close Sahara while they fixed it. Upon reopening, the fireworks display failed again, Mumbo got stuck in the redstone, Iskall discovered he had accidentally set the price of a beacon to only one diamond instead of ten, Mumbo proposed killing Ren and hiding his body to keep him from telling the others Hermits how broken Sahara really was, and when Ren actually got his items, the gang discovered they hadn't put in a payment system yet, leaving them scrambling for a payment chest. By the end of it, everyone had absolutely had it.


  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: In-Universe; included in the plans for Iskall's demise rollercoaster is a brief four-part play, with the final act of it having Grian stare at its designated rider and address them directly by name, just before the ride carries them off for their demise.
  • Funny Background Event: The chat log often produced some hiliarious moments if one stops to read them. Here are the Season 6 specific examples:
    • This conversation between Joe and Cleo.

      Joe: oh no! a zombie!
      Cleo: :)
      Joe: What sins must we atone for that god might recant this plague?
      Joe: What festivals and sacrifices must we make that the dead might rest again in his eyes?
      Joe: Oh nevermind, Cub, its cleo. Shes cool.
      Cleo: The sin of singing slightly offkey must yet be atoned for! Verily twould be best to
      (Grian joined the game)
      Cleo: Pluck out thine eyes than so offend
      Cleo: ...Oh hi Grian
      Cub: lmao
      Joe: Yeah, Grian, pluck those eyes out

    • Or this one, between Ren and Grian.

      Ren: Young one
      Ren: We will lie in bed for one second
      Ren: Upon the setting of the sun
      Grian: I didn't sign up for this
      Ren: this will cleanse all chakras
      Ren: and prepare us for battle

    • Or Joe's commentary on Iskall helping Stress test a new minigame.

      (Stressmonster101 was impaled by iskall85)
      Joe: ahhhh
      Joe: iskall has finally snapped
      Cub: rip
      Joe: everyone scattewr

    • Or Joe clarifying he's not rage-quitting during the climactic battle of the Civil war.

      Joe: OR MY WIFE WIll rage quit me

    • Then there's Mumbo being salty about the whole dragon head-thing.

      Joe: are y'all near a bed?
      Grian: nope
      Grian: in nether
      Mumbo: do it anyway note 

  • Fun with Acronyms: Impulse and Tango Tek join together at one point to form an anti-trap team called Impulse and Tango's Safety Bomb Squad, or IT'S BS. This has led to some fans speculating that the trap in the mall that killed them both was their own doing.
  • Gambit Pileup:
    • The prank war in Season 6 was basically everybody lobbing pranks at each other, all at once, and constantly framing one another for pranks.
    • As of the new Demise game, in which 18 hermits compete for 900 diamonds by being the last to die, with the addendum that 1) Players who have already died are encouraged to set up traps, and 2) direct PvP is not allowed, this is bound to arise.
      • Grian sparked the pileup by spending diamonds on a dare-style minigame where hermits participate in a death-defying act for 50 diamonds each. He manages to get both Rendog and Stressmonster killed this way. Unfortunately, this eventually ends up blowing up in his face later on when he triggers a TNT trap which takes him out just after a successful raid on the Deadquarters.
      • Rendog, as the first to die, becomes the leader of the dead team. He's currently spending the game setting up the bulk of the traps on the server.
      • Stressmonster set up a trap for Grian that, instead of killing him outright, would dispense a dragon head with Curse of Binding on it on the last button in a line of goodies. However, Grian was already wearing a helmet when he tried it out, so the trick didn't work. However, Grian then turned the prank on Iskall, who in turn convinced Grian to try out a new armor stand for "creeper defense," which turned out to also be a trap. This caused the two to start a new factionnote , aptly named "Dragon Bros," who place traps to put curse of binding Dragon Heads onto their victims rather than killing them. Also in the faction are BDoubleO, MumboJumbo and FalseSymmetry.
      • Cubfan started out using totems of undying to boast his invincibility under the title "Mr. Invincible" by fighting the Ender Dragon and the Wither, before going on full daredevil mode by completing three challenges in front of an audience. However, he gets sorta... softlocked on the first challenge, and Xisumavoid, who was previously killed by Rendog's trap, manages to lure a skeleton in that shot Cub into the pool of lava already surrounding him. Now he is known as "Mr. Inevitable".
      • Docm77 seems to be making contracts with the dead. First, he killed Zedaph (who wasn't in the game in the first place) with a falling anvil for protection, and second, he bought seven shulker boxes' worth of glass from Cubfan for a stack of diamonds... and the request to have someone go to the End, thinly keeping the secret that it's trapped.
      • Tango and Impulse start defusing traps for the Alive Team after noticing a trap in the former's nether portal. However, it doesn't last long, as the both of them fall prey to a trap.
      • Grian recieved a message from Tango telling him to explore the Deadquarters, the floating mansion that serves as the home of the Greyskins. He and False went to check it out, narrowly managing to avoid the traps hidden within the base. He then returned to the Dragon Bro bunker and was blown up by a TNT trap set by Tango and Cubfan, while False also got blown up by a TNT trap set by Cubfan at her base as well.
      • Upon persuasion from Xisumavoid, Bdubs and Keralis trick Zombie Cleo into walking into a lava trap at IDEA. Cleo then kills Tinfoilchef and Bdouble O with trapped lecterns.
      • Tango built a death trap/minigame in Mumbo's industrial district, hoping to kill Mumbo with it. Mumbo manages to avoid it and convinces Keralis to enter, whereupon he dies from accidentally hitting an explosive end crystal.
      • Grian and False weren't the only ones to enter the Deadquarters. Joe Hills attempts the challenge and meets his demise through one of the many traps throughout the mansion.
      • Finally, there's Docm 77. Grian stalked him while he completed his infinite raid farm, and when he logged out after the recording, Grian set up a lava-filled box right where he would log back in. Doc spent a significant amount of time figuring out exactly how to survive the trap with a fire resistance potion...and then logged in to find out that Grian had swapped out the lava for TNT, which killed him instantly. This left Iskall as the last survivor and the winner of Demisenote .
  • The Gambling Addict: Keralis, thanks to Iskall's RUN game.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Doc's infinite raid farm proves to be a bit TOO infinite for his liking.
  • Guardian Entity: Xisuma is this for the rest of IDEA (Bdubs & Keralis) following his death in Demise. Though he goes along with the Greyskins in trapping others, he refuses to target them. This ultimately fails, however, as neither win in the end.
    • Grian does the same for the still-living members of the Dragon Bros (Iskall, Mumbo, and Bdubs (again)) following his own death in Demise. Unlike IDEA, however, this is with much more success, as Iskall (who Grian made a pact to split the diamonds with) ends up winning in the end.
  • Hello, [Insert Name Here]: Due to the nature of Minecraft death messages, this gets abused on occasion, such as the time Mumbo was killed by a charged creeper fired out of Team STAR's cannon.

    MumboJumbo was blown up by Being Silly

    • Another example would be how Iskall finally met his Demise at the end of Season 6:

      Iskall85 was killed by Grian using His Hatred of Diorite

  • Hoist by His Own Petard: After the Civil War, Grian goes back to the G Team base for supplies, and almost immediately dies to one of his own booby traps.
  • Kaizo Trap: Most traps laid in Demise easily fit for this. Taken to the logical extreme with the final trap against Doc, a giant cube of lava encased in obsidian around his login location... which, in of itself, is a deceptive kaizo trap — that was a fib, and the real trap was TNT minecarts that would kill him no matter what. Unsurprisingly, this kills Doc.
  • Lovable Rogue: Most of the Hermits fit into this.
    • Grian and Tango robbing the stock exchange, which has been referred to by most Hermits and even the Recap as a scam.
    • Grian in general, who often gets away with crimes and pranks and the like.
  • Luck-Based Mission: Random Unfair Nonsense, one of the minigames that Iskall hosts in Hermitland. There isn't any way to really "play" besides run through the gauntlet and hope that luck shines on you that day. The prizes are keys to unlock Loot Boxes, and even the door to the minigame itself is subject to RNG, randomly choosing to not allow access after eating the player's diamond.
  • MegaCorp: ConCorp and Sahara, two groups of Hermits that have banded together for lucrative commercial Diamond-making schemes.
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Scarra, the giant mutated venus flytrap who is a wizard and also connected to a cloud fortress in the sky.
  • New-Age Retro Hippie: Renbob, who speaks in a typical hippie accent (complete with suffixing every sentence with "man"), lives in an RV decorated full of peace sign banners, and sells sandals for a living.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: The Salmon Ghost, which started popping up in various placesnote  in Season 6, running off when spotted and leaving a Sea Pickle behind whenever it disappears. Nobody knows what it is, what it wants or what it's planning, but the fact that Grian, Ren and Mumbo have spotted it when nobody else was online is proof that this isn't just another Hermit playing a prank on them. The plot seems to thicken when Iskall looks through Grian's telescope and spots a figure sitting by a fireplace surrounded by player heads — including a salmon head. The identity of the salmon head is revealed to be Grian in their respective finale.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Evil Xisuma on multiple occasions. Most notably when trying to trick Xisuma, with varying success. Also occurs when he is befriending Worm Man, though it does end in a genuine Heel–Face Turn where Evil Xisuma helps Worm Man break out of the dungeon he was trapped in.
  • Overt Operative: Mumbo during the Civil War, in which he attempts to act as a mole for G-Team within Team STAR. It doesn't go well.
  • Paranoia Fuel: For the Hermits, that is: Grian's game of Demise set up during the Halloween season, where everyone participating aims to out-survive the others for a jackpot worth hundreds of diamonds creates a lot of this. Everyone's on edge during this game, making lots of underground safety bunkers, buying Totems of Undying (for once), and being constantly on high guard to secure themselves the prize money.
  • The Password Is Always "Swordfish": Mumbo's secure bunker in the Industrial District gets infiltrated almost immediately by Grian, since the password was coded to be "1 2 3 4".
  • Rapid-Fire "No!": During one of the Sahara-meetings, Grian offers to help build the redstone, since Iskall and Mumbo are already helping him with the building. Mumbo immediately breaks down the vault door and walks away, while muttering "no, no, no, no" to himself, even asking Iskall and Grian if they can hear him getting quieter as he gets further away.
  • The Reveal: At the end of season 6, Grian confesses to being the salmon ghost.
  • Rhymes on a Dime: Joe has a habit of speaking in rhyme, and often writes poems in his spare time.
  • Running Gag:
    • Grian's AFK Song.
    • Iskall's hatred of diorite.
    • Grian dying by smashing into things with his Elytra.note 
    • Sahara's opening date being "soon", with no other specifications. Also, Shopping at Sahara.
    • "sAnd?!"
    • Grian's compulsive flicking of every lever he encounters.
    • Mumbo's hatred of ice.
    • Grian looking like a cod.
  • Schizo Tech: The Hermitcraft Season 6 main island is divided into multiple different districts, each with their own internal theme, for the sake of letting the Hermits build in their preferred style but allowing a given area to have a general cohesive theme, if only internally.
  • Schmuck Bait:
    • Grian's trap for the Jangler. Grian had a suspicion that Scar might be the Jangler, and purposefully messed up the landscape surrounding the cookie shop he'd ordered the Jangler to buy out, knowing Scar wouldn't be able to just leave it like that. And, sure enough, Scar fixed the landscape, inadvertently outing himself.
    • Mumbo builds a Big Red Button in the control room for his farms, knowing that Grian won't be able to resist pressing it. Sure enough, Grian presses it, dropping him into a pit with a sign that just says NO.
    • Induction into the Dragon Bros group relies on the victim not wearing any head armor, which typically implies them taking it off by their own will. Mumbo was brought in when he disarmored himself and went AFK in a bunker whose password is "1 2 3 4", BDubs when Grian told him to "do as I do" before putting his face to a dispenser with a curse of binding dragon head, and FalseSymmetry when she took off her helmet under the assumption that a magical carved pumpkin would reveal some sort of secret.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: Renbob steals the nuclear reactor from Scar and chains it to his RV, causing it to gain jet wings and seemingly adding another faction to the previously-four-way Build War... and then, said war keeps escalating, with Grian's house gaining a dragon and Scarra growing a giant mutant venus flytrap that shoots magic. Renbob promptly nopes the hell out.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: There's a location on the server where the Hermits tried to fight 100 Withers at once deep under ground. They had to bail and leave 90 of them alive, trying to never load those chunks for fear of them getting loose.
  • Serial Escalation: The tallest house competition in Season 6 between Grian, Mumbo, Iskall, and Scar. At first it was merely building ever taller houses, then it evolved into finding sillier and sillier ways of pulling each other's houses down.
  • Shown Their Work: Rendog's racetrack in season 6 has received a lot of praise for its realistic application of racing lines.
  • Show Within a Show: Zedaph's game show, Is That Sheep Looking At Me. The rounds consist of answering sheep-related questions and dyeing as many sheep as is possible within a certain time limit. The winner is crowned by... you guessed it, whether a sheep looks at them.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: Grian seems to be turning into this for Doc. First he robs the stock exchange note , which leads to them being leaders of opposing sides in the Civil War, then on opposing sides of the Area 77 storyline, and then he sets a supposedly unescapable trap for him in Demise which ends up killing him when he was one of the last two.
  • Skewed Priorities: During the climactic battle between G Team and Team STAR, Mumbo wastes a lot of time and one of his team's lives trying to get a charged creeper to blow up a witch, in the hope that it would drop its head.note 
  • So Much for Stealth: Doc and Scar try to sneak into the hippie camp to look around unobserved... Right up until Doc gets spooked by a scarecrow and obliterates it with a lightning bolt. Fortunately, none of the hippies were around at the time.
  • Stable Time Loop: Grian, in one episode, loses almost all of his diamonds (Around 4 stacks of diamonds) and Villager Grian with no apparent explanation. Fast forward a few episodes later and it turns out that Grian built a time machine to go back to a point in time before he lost both the diamonds and Villager Grian. He lampshades it after getting them back.

    Grian: So basically what happened was, I stole my own diamonds. To put them back exactly where they were so- oh. It all kinda makes sense now.

  • Stern Chase: In the final days of Demise, Joe Hills goes on the run from Cubfan and False, as one of the last Hermits alive. Unfortunately for him, Joe would eventually be eliminated thanks to a trap set by them.
  • There's No Kill like Overkill: Cubfan's TNT trap for Falsesymmetry in the Demise game, which not only kills her but takes out a lot of the surrounding landscape as well.
  • The Unfettered: Every time Iskall and Mumbo work on the redstone for Sahara, Grian shows up and starts dancing with a parrot. Out of frustration, Iskall and Mumbo retreated to a private testing server only they knew the IP address of... Only for Grian to somehow show up there as well.
  • The Un Twist: Grian confesses to being Poultry Man at the end of the season, to the surprise of absolutely no one.
  • Violation of Common Sense: Violating the most famous rule of Minecraft — "don't dig straight down" — is the exact objective of Grian's Hermitland minigame, Dig Straight Down. And playing it typically well-advised, since the Fortune pickaxes mean that playing typically results in a net gain even if one were to play extremely safe.
  • White Void Room: Grian has a knack for making these Infinity Rooms. He does this by constructing the walls out of glowstone or sea lanterns and putting item frames with pure white maps over top. The one in his base served as the primary meeting place for the Architechs, before the construction of Sahara.

Season 7 

  • A Rare Sentence: Step Three for using Grumbot: Flood Mayoral Reservoir.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Upon realizing Grian forgot to fully seal the sheep elevator, Bdubs and Scar infiltrate the fake Mycelium Resistance HQ and gather intelligence on the Resistence's membership and roles, recover the diamond throne, and trample Grian's wheat farm.
  • Bait-and-Switch: Bdubs is chased into his base by Doc and eventually cornered... Only for Doc to suddenly hand over the much coveted Tag 2: Electric Boogaloo item. Just as Bdubs thinks his friendship with Doc has been mended, False murders him and takes the tag.
    • As retaliation for Grian putting a secret base inside of Impulse's base, and then quickly moved it somewhere else because he can't trust his audience, Impulse decided to make Cactus Redstone bells as well as seemingly put a secret base behind the stairs in Grian's base. However, Grian, after he spoiled himself from a YouTube comment, finds out that Impulse put a Bamboo in a pot signed with "Bamboozled" behind his stairs, the same one Grian put after Impulse found Grian's abandoned secret base. Turns out, in a bizarre plot twist, Impulse hides his secret base inside of Bdubs' Castle as Bdubs found out, intentionally baiting Grian to think so by replicating the shapes of Grian's stairs.
  • Batman Gambit:
    • All of the Upside-Down pranks thus far:
      • Knowing Bdubs' habit of sleeping incredibly frequently when night time hits, Grian places a bed in Bdubs' upside down house, and asks in chat if anyone can sleep when he sees his victim fly by his home. Bdubs falls for it hook, line, and sinker when he attempts to sleep in the Nether and is promptly blown up for it.
      • After observing how frequently Scar has died in the Nether, Bdubs and Grian leave him a respawn anchor in his base with a floor rigged to drop him into a pit of angry Hoglins when he respawns. It only takes a few minutes for him to die again and jumpstart the death loop trap.
      • In preparation of being pranked at some point, Mumbo's upside down house was rigged with an armor stand ready to Jump Scare the first person to press the button and open the door. Of course, Grian takes the bait and gets startled by the armor stand.
    • Also for the Mycelium Resistance vs. HEP:
      • A Grian video that seemed to expose the Resistance's base via poor editing actually showed an entire fake base. Indeed, viewers tried to spoil it to the HEP members, leading to one raiding the fake base.
      • Another Grian video showed the location of the sheep elevator. The thing was, the tunnel to the real base had been filled up, and a new tunnel was made to the original fake base. Again, viewers alerted HEP members, who went down the sheep elevator and entered the fake base.
  • Battle Rapping: When Welsknight's cloning goes awry, Wels ends up rap battling his evil clone, Helsknight.
  • Big "NO!": Grian upon finding out that someone else bought Mumbo's moustache.
  • Blatant Lies: Mumbo's parrot is definitely not just a renamed chicken.
  • Blush Sticker: Grian, when MumboJumbo finally writes him a reply on their message system.
  • Brick Joke: At the end of season 6, Grian, Mumbo and Iskall send their Sahara profits (all 5 diamond blocks' worth) off in a flying machine. They finally arrive in Mumbo and Grian's final episodes of Season 7.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The llama shop that has existed since the start of the season went largely unused... at least, until Grian learns that they attack wolves, prompting him to finally pay the shop a visit in order to combat the HEP-raised attack dogs that have been attacking the Mycelium Resistance's sheep.
  • Diabolus ex Machina: Scar's villager breeding efforts are threatened by them repeatedly trying to murder each other.
  • Didn't Think This Through:
    • Bdubs builds a gambling machine, hoping to lure Keralis away from Doc's underground casino, but accidentally configures it so it pays out every time, resulting in him giving all of his diamonds away to Keralis.
    • As part of his "do good deeds" challenge, Iskall builds Scar a secret vault containing several backup doors in case his get stolen. It's a mostly solid design except he doesn't light up the inside to prevent zombies (which can break doors) from spawning. By the time Scar actually gets it open, all that's left inside are three doors, with a zombie holding a fourth.
    • The HEP put a bounty on Mycelium for 5 diamonds every 2 stacks, which was intended to give an incentive to remove the Mycelium, but the Mycelium Resistance, using a rule where you could take diamonds from the throne if there were none in a barrel, farmed mycelium and used it to legally take the diamond throne.
  • Enemy Mine: Late in the Mycelium War storyline, The Mycelium Resistance and the HEP band together for a short amount of time to stop a pillager raid that Rendog inadvertedly activated.
  • Epic Fail:
    • Crossing over with Hoist by His Own Petard, Mumbo cons Iskall into accepting the first 'Hermit Challenge', where each has to set a challenge for the other to complete. Iskall's challenge is for Mumbo to tame a parrot, a relatively easy one as Mumbo lives in a jungle, where parrots naturally spawn note . Mumbo's challenge for Iskall? Mine 10,000 blocks in a single episode. At the start of a season, before beacons and instant mining is a thing, and when even mending tools are scarce. Come the next episode, however, Iskall has not only completed his challenge, but taken the opportunity to construct a slime farm, a very powerful asset in the early game. Mumbo, however, has failed to find a single parrot and has to resort to some dodgy methods and a bit of making up the rules as he goes along to avoid losing the challenge. To rub salt into the wound, Iskall casually tames a parrot himself on the walk back to the Hermit Challenge temple.
    • Xisuma comes across 'The Button' (see below) in the Nether with all lamps illuminated and immediately messages Mumbo to tell him that the button has died. Mumbo, in a panic, heads to the button, where he informs Xisuma that the lamps automatically turn off, not on.
  • Escalating War: Mumbo builds 'The Button', a replica of the Reddit April Fool's Day prank, on the roof of the Nether as a fun little social experiment for the hermits to play with. Within days, the hermits have come to blows trying to get a better rank than everyone else, with some even trying to figure out ways to game the system.
  • Epileptic Trees: In-universe, the mysterious countdown with the acronym HCBBS sparked many theories.
    • Mumbo, Cleo and xB thought it was the HermitCraft Bumbo Baggins Society, leading to him revamping Mumbo's old hobbit hole and starting a hobbit society.
    • Cub and Joe thought it was the HermitCraft Big Bee Swarm, and started gathering honey to appease the incoming swarm of bees.
    • False and Beef thought it was the HermitCraft Bahamas Backpacking Special, and arrived to the final countdown in summer outfits and with suitcases.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Scar, who has been complaining all season that his front door keeps going missing, somehow fails to notice the culprit literally stealing it right in front of him.
  • Funny Background Event: The chat log often produced some hiliarious moments if one stops to read them. Here are the Season 7 specific examples:
    • From the first episode of season 7:

      Grian was blown up by a creeper
      Grian: all my stuff is there
      Grian: except my dignity

    • From Hypnotized's first Season 7 episode, which he doesn't acknowledge at all:

      Doc: if ssomebody wants to barter for a mending eff5 silktouch book greatness hola at me
      Grian: 1 chicken
      Doc: do I hear more?
      Impulse: when does DocTrade open up? ;D
      Iskall: 20 bones
      Ren: I have an iron pickaxe up for grabs
      Iskall: 64 bones
      Doc: 64 bones
      Scar: 64 bambo
      Grian: fine ill put up 5 feathers
      Doc: 64 bonesgoing once
      Doc: 64 bonesgoing twice
      Doc: and SOLD!
      Doc: bring your own emeralds! LOL
      Grian: 2 chickens

    • From Cub's stream at the start of season 7, when Joe asks if anyone is able to sleep:

      Scar: I'm in the nether, no beds here
      Cub: not with that attitude :-)
      Scar: lol
      Scar: If I sleep, will it reset to day after the big boom?
      Scar: I'm doing this for science
      Scar: God speed me
      Joe: single player explosive sleep datapack is my favorite of Xisuma's additions
      Goodtimewithscar was killed by [Intentional Game Design]
      Scar: Nope
      Joe: he pipes the pipes are calling
      Cub: gg
      Scar: Still night
      Scar: We all learned something tonight and Grian lost a bed

    • Every time a someone goes to bed before Bdubs does.

      Ex: Iskall85 went to bed. Sweet dreams.
      BdoubleO100 went to bed. Sweet dreams.
      Iskall: get rekt Bdubs
      Xisuma went to bed. Sweet dreams.
      BdoubleO100 went to bed. Sweet dreams.
      Xisuma: nice try

    • Or when they're just a bit too slow.

      Tango: don't even know why I bother going to my bed
      Tango: 3...2...
      BdoubleO100 went to bed. Sweet dreams.
      Tango: 1

  • Fun with Acronyms:
    • Docm77 adopts a Grind, Optimize, Automate, Thrive (GOAT) playstyle.
    • Mumbo adds to his base a K.G.O.O.M.R. which stands for 'Keep Grian Out Of My Resources'.
  • Gone Horribly Right: In a downplayed example, Joe decided to build a replica of the Ever Givennote  in the Strait of Joebraltar. Some time later, Bdubs is trying to ferry mobs around... and discovers that the shortest water route would have been the strait, but it's blocked off. Joe ends up laughing about how his replica of something that blocked shipping in Real Life ended up blocking shipping on the server.
  • Got Volunteered: Mumbo, repeatedly. First for a mayoral run, then as a propaganda poster for the Resistance, and then as a different poster for the HEP, then as a third poster for the Podzol Party. Typically, Mumbo doesn't find out that he's been volunteered until his image has been plastered all over the shopping district. Eventually, he takes up an offer to become the new leader of the Resistance before realizing the HEP likes vaults better, pleging allegiance to them instead, and unlike season 6, this time it's shown as genuine as he helps Scar find the Resistance base and succeed, ironically blowing up their vault in the process.
  • History Repeats: In season 6, after learning that Iskall is coming after him, Grian builds a panic room that contains a trap that ultimately kills Iskall with fall damage. In season 7, Grian builds another panic room/trap based on a similar principle, and it's Iskall who trips it once again. He even lampshades it in chat shortly afterwards.

    Iskall: but seriously
    Iskall: not again

    • For an added bonus, both traps involved that season's version of the tag game.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard:
    • Mumbo summons Iskall, and later Stress, to the hermit challenges temple. As there are three people in this particular round of challenges, Mumbo states that Stress should do his challenge, Iskall should do Stress's challenge and he (Mumbo) will do Iskall's challenge. So what's Iskall's challenge for Mumbo? To do Iskall's challenge for him. But this then backfires on Iskall, due to Mumbo creating a lovely Diroite Build — the challenge Stress intended for Iskall — at Iskall's base!
    • Scar's Mycelium Buy Back Program was intended to get anybody not working with H.E.P. or the Resistance to go collect all the mycelium in the shopping district. This backfired hard, as the absolute second the Resistance found out, they traded in mass quantities of mycelium to buy all the diamonds Scar was offering along with the diamond throne. Scar outright admits this was his fault.
  • La Résistance: the Mycelium Resistance founded and (originally) led by Grian, whose goal is to reclaim the shopping district with Mycelium.
  • Meaningful Release Date: The Mayoral Election of the Cowmercial District happened at June 23rd, 2020, the same day as the release of Minecraft 1.16/Nether Update.
  • Monster Protection Racket: A large part of False's campaign for mayor involves running on the platform of protecting the hermits from mobs. With Tango's help, she's relocated a variety of hostile mobs to the shopping district, where hostile mobs normally cannot spawn due to it being built in a Mooshroom Island biome.
    • Joe is the only hermit running for a position other than mayor; namely, dogcatcher. How convienient for him that shortly after he announced his campaign, stray dogs began showing up in the shopping district and hermits' bases.
  • Mundane Solution: The Mycelium resistance takes precautions to prevent the HEP from finding their base, including building an entire fake base, and filming videos from it so the viewers can't tip them off. Eventually, Scar does exactly what you'd expect from a game called Minecraft: build some boring machines and stripmine until he finds the HQ.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Impulse instructs Ren on how to operate his variable height TNT dropper. Ren mishears 'take items from the hopper' as 'put items into the hopper'. The inevitable happens.
  • Punny Name: Two of the foreman zombies at Keralis's construction site base are named Seymore Guts and Robbie Rotten.
  • Resurrection/Death Loop: Grian and Bdubs trapped Scar in one of these as a prank. They set up a respawn anchor in Scar's Nether-base, got him to set his spawn at the anchor, figured out which block he would respawn on, then waited for him to die. Once he respawned, they pulled the block out from under him using a piston, which dropped him in a pit full of Hoglins, which then killed him and caused the whole thing to repeat over and over again.
  • Rip Van Winkle: Downplayed and Played for Laughs In Welsknight's first episode, where he wakes up from an incredibly long nap in the Season 6 world, and doesn't realize that Season 7 has started until Cub arrives and brings him to Season 7.
  • Running Gag: Several tend to pop up on the server each season, and Season 7 is no exception.
    • From multiple Hermits, including Mumbo, Grian, and Cubfan: Bamboo stalks used as payment, typically numbering about twelve in total. Or, "How about I give you not 12, but 13 bamboo!" This is taken up to eleven when the original twelve bamboo are put up for auction, with the winning bid being not diamonds, but The Stick.
    • Grian's name being misspelt, especially as "Grain".

      Grian: Grain? Sorry, GRAIN?! You think.. You think I'm bread?!

    • Grian referring to every parrot he sees as a pesky bird. He even operates a Pesky Bird Delivery Service, consisting of flying rafts carried by parrots.
    • BdoubleO100 camping around the bed and clicking on it as soon as the dusk is coming. Doing things that has to be done during the night (like Phantom Farming for example) is difficult especially with him around. There's also some other related gags such as people snatching the bed duty before Bdubs manages to do it and Grian and Scar interrupting his sleep. Welsknight also starts to follow this habit as well.
    • Every time the Boomers do a job, Bdubs gets blown up, usually through his own actions.
  • Serial Escalation: After Grian takes exception to Cleo misspelling his name as 'Grain' on the Head Game leaderboard, she gradually drifts further and further away from the proper spelling, for example misspelling 'Grian and Scar' as 'Groon and Score', eventually ending with Cod-Boy and Wizard-Chap.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Impulse builds a machine that features a board full of all the farmable items, as well as a randomizer to dispense one of those items. Befitting its nature of giving him something to do that day, he dubs it the Phineas Machine.
    • Once Grian obtains all the colours of concrete blocks from Mumbo's button machine, he snaps his fingers to erase all the doors on the Hermitcraft Server out of existence.
    • TangoTek builds the Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. building in his Toon Towers base, complete with the iconic jingle.
    • The intro to Zedaph's video showing his completed mini golf course plays out like a Wii Sports golf game.
    • When Grian learns that the H.E.P. is paying for any harvested mycelium, he calls an emergency meeting of the Mycelium Resistance à la Among Us, complete with the visuals and sound effect.
  • Sinister Surveillance: In Cubfan's 63rd episode, he summons Eyes of Ender above every shop and starts a secret surveilance project over the shopping district.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: Bdubs seems to be filling this role for Doc, complete with a house divided in half straight from the past season.
  • Skewed Priorities: During the Tag 2: Electric Boogaloo game, Iskall fakes a message to Grian from Mumbo that blows him (Grian) up, along with a good chunk of his base, which successfully steals the tag away. What is Grian most upset about? That it wasn't a real message from Mumbo.
  • Steal the Surroundings: Grian's Hermit Challenge is to steal doors for the rest of the season. He's politely requested his viewers to not tell any of the Hermits to see how long he can keep up the charade.
  • Subverted Rhyme Every Occasion: Mumbo's poem to Scar:

    Push the barge
    Then use your pass
    To find the throne
    Where you rest your...


  • Suspiciously Specific Denial: Scar says that his sorting machine "is definitely working and wasn't broken, and he definitely didn't have to call Impulse to help him."
  • Tempting Fate: After a fluky death falling into lava in the Nether, which cost him a full set of diamond gear, Scar goes mining, immediately hits diamonds and comments that his luck might be changing. less than 30 seconds later, he's shot into yet more lava and loses all of his gear again.
  • Trail of Bread Crumbs: Or golden carrots, used by Grian and Scar to lure Bdubs back to their jungle. More specifically, their guillotine. He falls for it hook, line and sinker.
  • Training Montage: Etho vs XB when the former wants to fight Bdubs and Keralis for blowing up Doc's Goat. It even uses a Minecraft note block rendition of the Rocky theme tune!
  • Underground Railroad: A more literal example pops up during Grian's 42nd episode where he begins to build one to each and every shop in the district. Subverted, Grian just makes a new base in a new location.
  • Wham Line: GoodTimesWithScar at the end of his 32nd episode, to the Mycelium Resistance after His diamond throne was replaced with Mycelium:

    Scar: ...And I'm gonna give you one simple word before we close out this video, one simple, concise word, and that is... This is war.

  • Wham Shot: In Grian's 52nd episode, seeing the names of Scar, BDoubleO, and Mumbo behind the Resistance vault. The HEP found the Resistance base, and Mumbo helped.
  • Why Won't You Die?: Etho deals a lot of damage to Keralis during their duel, but is unable to finish him off before being forced to retreat due to running out of food.

Season 8 

  • Aborted Arc: At the beginning of the season, Tango was petitioned by someone going by the alias "The Taskmaster" to lure Bdubs into a deadly trap in exchange for a diamond block, and to leave a sea pickle atop the Spawn Egg as a sign he had done the deed. Tango proceeded to do the task and received his payment, and the Taskmaster proceeded to never be heard from again with no indication as to who it was.
  • Accidental Murder: This is how Mumbo's Technical Pacifist streak finally ends. Grian baits Mumbo into punching him while he's on extremely low health, one-shotting Grian and causing the in-game stats to record Mumbo as having killed a player.
  • All Just a Dream: The entirety of Season 8 is revealed to be a simulation created by the Hermatrix for the Hermits to experience while transitioning to the "real Season 8"/Season 9.
  • Apocalypse How: Anywhere between a Class 3 and a Class X, depending on how hard the moon actually hit the planet.
  • Artistic License – Space: While the Moon Big plotline was incredibly cool, it's not very scientifically accurate.
    • As it begins to grow, the moon stops going through its regular phases, and remains continuously full. In reality, the moon would continue to shift through its normal phases, though they would get faster as its orbital period gets shorter.
    • One effect a real-life Colony Drop would have on the Earth would be massively increased tidal forces, beginning with higher tides and minor flooding, and ending with two walls of water, hundreds of meters tall, moving around the globe as the moon's gravity yanks on them harder. In Hermitcraft however, the oceans are unaffected, though you could argue that there were no tidal forces before the moon drop either.
    • What an approaching moon would not do is pull blocks or people into the sky. Earth's gravity is about 6 times stronger than the moon's, so even if the moon was hovering directly above your head, it still wouldn't pull you towards it. This effect would happen to anything standing on the moon's surface however.
    • During the final Colony Drop, the moon is smaller than the Hermitcraft continent, which is in itself only a few kilometers across. In reality, the moon is just over a quarter of the size of the entire planet, and would have eclipsed the entire continent.*
    • And finally, the moon would not actually crash into the Earth. Instead, once the moon reaches a distance of about 10.000km from Earth's surface, the tidal forces enacted on it by Earth's gravity would rip it apart. While some of the debris would fall to Earth in a spectacular meteor shower (with all the nastiness that entails), the rest would enter Earth's orbit and smear itself out, forming a large ring system around the planet. All in all, still apocalyptic, but not as bad.
  • Attack Backfire: As part of the Escalating War of trees between Mumbo and Grian, Grian builds a giant tree monster on Mumbo's land. Rather than get angry, Mumbo loves the tree monster so much he moves into it.
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: Scar gets distracted by Creeper toes, forgetting that they, y'know, explode. Chaos ensues.
  • Bad Guy Bar: Apparently there's an entire section of the Nether reserved for the Hels-dimension Hermits, including an Evil's R Us and a bar called Hels Kitchen that Evil X goes to on the regular.
  • Bottomless Pits: The Boatem Hole qualifies as this, due to it leading directly into the void.
  • Call-Back:
    • Iskall purchasing slime blocks at Cub's slime casino with 12 bamboo.
    • During the second Boatem meeting, the Boatem crew discuss what Mumbo's role in the company should be. Pearl suggests "chicken man", to which Grian responds "There's only one chicken man, and he's retired." referring to his alter ego Poultry Man.
  • Colony Drop: As the season progresses, the moon slowly starts to grow bigger and bigger in the sky. Tango eventually discovers that it's not growing, it's approaching, and on a collision course with the planet. Eventually, on December 22nd 2021, the moon itself crashes into the server, destroying absolutely everything.
  • Company Cross-References: There are quite a few references to the Life SMP.
    • This:

      Grian: Pull the lever, Kronk!
      Scar: No, last time you said that, it didn't end very well!
      (GoodTimesWithScar was skewered by a falling stalactite)

    • Bdubs always carries clocks with him in reference to the final episode of the 3rd Life SMP.
  • Cyclops: Fifi the Destroyer is a giant, grotesque cyclops that lives underneath the Big Eye Crew's mountain as their protector and mascot.
  • Damned by Faint Praise: This gem from GoodTimesWithScar after the first meeting of The Boatem Crew.

    Scar: First meeting and only two deaths!

  • Deal with the Devil: The basis of xB and Hypno's Horse Head Farms, where Hermits come to trade in IOU's for a bulk delivery of whatever resource they need. IOU's are perhaps the rarest and most expensive currency on the server and the duo capitalized on that afterwards by auctioning them for massive amounts of diamonds.
  • Didn't Think This Through: A server glitch causes Grian to be invisible on Mumbo's screen. Grian takes advantage of the situation to prank Mumbo by placing down signs and end crystals, then places down partial wither spawns... then decides to set one off for real. Inevitably, it rampages through Boatem, wrecks one of Impulse's farms, kills Grian and results in Cub having to come and bail them out.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Played for laughs. Scar's first skin dresses him in a red steampunk-themed suit with a small hat. Grian's first instinct is to joke about the tiny hat in about the same way that someone would joke about a small... appendage.
  • Epic Fail: Mumbo's Lunar Orbiting Launcher It's the Fastest Astronautical Interspace Long-range Explosion Device. First, he didn't light up the launch area, and because it could only be launched at night, it meant that the Boatem crew were plagued with mobs while Mumbo was presenting it, resulting in Pearl and Scar both dying to a skeleton and phantom respectively. Then he sets off the missiles prematurely to avoid them being destroyed by creepers, resulting in him missing the moon despite it being almost large enough to fill the screen.
  • Evil Counterpart: Expanded upon in this season, where it's not only confirmed that Evil X isn't Xisuma's Hels-dimension counterpart, but other Hermits have Hels-versions as well.
    • Hels-Xisuma is Beesuma with glowing red eyes.
    • Hels-Mumbo wears a yellow tie instead of his counterpart's red one.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Mumbo enlisted Scar to help in the Tree War by building a custom tree in front of Grian's base. He later tried to take credit for the tree so as to hide the fact that he had help, but failed to realize that Scar had left a sign on the tree offering his services to Grian and had also forgotten the chairs he himself had built in front of the tree with his and Scar's names on them.
  • Foreboding Architecture: The entirety of the Evil Emporium was made to look as threatening as possible, from the DerpCoin building to VintageBeef's food shop.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: During the cutscene at the end of Doc and Ren's finale videos, the Hermits are seen inside cryostasis tubes, and briefly seen among them is Zedaph in a Santa suit.
  • Fun with Acronyms: Mumbo gave his missiles to blow up the moon the name of "Lunar Orbiting Launcher It's the Fastest Astronautical Interspace Long-range Explosion Device"... or LOLITFAILED.
  • Glamour Failure: When Evil X departs from the server with all his and Xisuma's diamonds, the DerpCoin turns back into its true form of iron nuggets.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: To spite Grian after covering his deepslate shop in coal, Mumbo lowers his prices every time his shop is vandalised to try to force Grian's deepslate shop out of business. Grian then repeatedly vandalises the shop in front of Mumbo, then buys Mumbo out for the rock bottom price of six diamonds.
  • Irony: The No Wings Club's HQ is a hut hanging from a cliff overhang while the Yes Wings Club's HQ is an clubhouse on the ground.
  • Lightning Can Do Anything: Docm77 and Ren's massive Schematic was made to conduct a massive amount of electricity from a lightning storm. The result? They turned an axolotl blue and received another clue for their continued ARG storyline.
  • Madness Mantra: Ren ends up going crazy after coming into contact with a moon rock, leading him to rattle off potato facts and eventually devolve into repeating "His name is Mumbo Jumbo. I need to get rid of the Potato." ad nauseum.
  • Magical Library: Welsknight's shop for the Evil Emporium boasts cursed books that glow and blink at you.
  • Never My Fault: Grian tries to blame MumboJumbo for summoning the wither. Because Mumbo didn't complete any of the wither spawns, Grian's compulsive behavior kicked in so he completed one for him; completely ignoring that it was Grian who made the incomplete wither spawns and taunted Mumbo to summon a wither.
  • "No. Just… No" Reaction: Joe Hills's response to Ren and Doc's infinite thunder machine, a massive tower that, when there's a thunderstorm, summons an endless stream of lightning bolts.

    Joe: I'm kinda believin'... Maybe we should just not take aaaaaaaaany of this. Like... No.

  • No OSHA Compliance: The Boatem Hole (a gaping opening that leads to the void) has proven to be quite the hazard. Exaggerated with the various meeting rooms utilizing it.
    • First, Grian hung four llamas into the void from fence posts at the bottom of the Hole, which he had everyone sit on for the meeting (except for Pearl, who didn't have an elytra and rockets) while the llamas bounced on their leads. Mumbo ended up dying after Scar broke his lead and he didn't have enough time to dismount the llama and start flying.
    • Second, Grian had everyone stand next to End crystals beside the Hole, handed them eggs, and told them that whenever they heard a bad idea to throw the egg at the crystal next to the responsible party, killing them instantly and inevitably sending some of their items tumbling down the Hole.
    • Third, Grian decided to have everyone use rockets to fly up as high as possible above the Hole and then take off their elytrae. The meeting would end on impact.note 
    • Fourth, Mumbo built a machine which uses slime blocks, sticky pistons and minecarts to bounce Hermits over the Hole with near-collisions. Pearl has learned that getting bounced without a minecart results in falling down the Hole and into the void, not to mention a skeleton that was caught in the machine and killed almost instantly.
  • Not Me This Time: Docm77 had two of these back to back. He was first suspected to be behind the fake bedrock shenanigans in Boatem, but was cleared when it turned out to be Tango's doing. When the moon unexpectedly increased in size, some Hermits thought that Doc somehow could be responsible. It turned out to be no-one's doing at all.
  • Not Quite Back to Normal: After several transformations into a potato, a carrot, and a pig, Mumbo uses Grian's soul to change back back into a human. It appears to be a total success, until he looks at the back of his head, revealing he has Grian's waffle haircut.

    MumboJumbo: I hope that you've enjoyed this Hermitcraft... waffle?

  • One-Hit-Point Wonder: Grian spends most of the finale on extremely low health, but refuses to eat to restore it. In Mumbo's perspective, we find out why: it was a ploy to get Mumbo to accidentally kill him during a hi-five (which the Hermits interpret as punching each other), ruining the pacifistic streak Mumbo has held for the entire season.
  • Out-Gambitted: After a mining session results in an excess of deepslate, Mumbo decides to sell it and builds a pop-up shop, titled "Cheapslate" next to the G-Train where Grian is also selling deepslate, and sets his prices lower than Grian's. After Grian buries it in coal, Mumbo decides that every time Grian vandalizes his shop, he'll drop the prices. After some more vandalism, Mumbo's prices are as low as possible, and Grian promptly buys his entire stock for seven diamonds and puts it in his own store.
  • Outside-Context Problem: While the Hermitcraft Server has always been a bit strange, that strangeness has always come from its players, whether it's due to roleplay or people (read: Doc) finding ways to push the game to its absolute limits. However, nobody on the server or in the fanbase quite knows what to make of the sudden earthquakes, or the rapidly growing moon...
  • Playing a Tree: In an example that does not involve a School Play, Tango takes advantage of using custom carved pumpkins by using mods to create a tree costume for him to confuse his friends. He manages to prank Impulse, Mumbo, Grian, Cub, and Scar in order. He gave the tree costumes to Mumbo and Grian to prank the latter two later on.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: After finding the Big Eye area covered in boats, Bdubs figures that the Boatem crew is responsible. He comes to this conculsion not because of the fact that it's boats, but rather because Scar's shop is the only one that remains untouched (a complete conincidence since they were scattered via an entity cramming bomb).
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: Zig-zagged. Most of the Hermits in the Season finale evacuate the server when the moon's gravitational pull begins to tear up builds — Jevin, False, Cub and Wels launch themselves into space; Gem heads to the Nether; Cleo and Xisuma go to the End; Doc and Ren open a mysterious portal that takes them to an unknown dimension; and the Boatem crew drops into the "void between worlds". Keralis attempts to flee on his space station but his TNT launcher fails to get him there, leaving him stranded. Averted especially with Bdubs*, xB* and Tango*.
  • Smash to Black: At the end of Mumbo's perspective of the finale, he does this so the audience never actually sees him accidentally kill Grian and ruin his Technical Pacifist streak. His reaction and the scene immediately after, however, makes it incredibly clear what just happened.
  • Technical Pacifist: Mumbo's gimmick for the season. Killing a glow squid for its sacs is crossing the line, but pushing it out of water for it to die on its own isn't. Similarly, burning mobs to death is okay because it's not his fault the mob wandered into the flames (and the game doesn't count it as a player kill), plus having tamed wolves attack a mob also works due to the fact that it doesn't increase his kill stats. Neither does blowing them up with End crystals (in 1.17, anyway; in the current version of Minecraft, End crystal deaths are attributed correctly). Accidentally killing Grian during a hi-five, however, does increase his stats.
  • Theseus' Ship Paradox: Mumbo cites this as a reason for not replanting leafless tree trunks, without elaboration as to why.
  • Uncertain Doom: It's unknown what ultimately becomes of the Hermits' avatars left on the ground when the moon strikes, including Bdubs, Etho, Hypno, Iskall, Joe, Keralis, Stress, TFC, VintageBeef, xB and Zedaph.
  • Unusual Euphemism: Starting from using Lag as Mumbo's excuse on how did Grian's Emerald Beacon ended up in Mumbo's Storage System Digging Project, both him and Grian starts to use "Lag" as an excuse to 'borrow' if not outright stealing each other's stuff. Some other Hermits may also using that term as well.
  • Unsportsmanlike Gloating: After rushing to kill the Ender Dragon in his first episode in order to obtain the server's dragon egg, which is only dropped the first time the dragon dies, Grian displays the egg in order to show off to other people. Scar gets back at Grian for the jokes about his tiny hat by repeatedly right-clicking on the egg to make it teleport around the area until Grian gets it back into item form.
  • Violation of Common Sense: The Boatem Crew agrees that the giant boat they built over the Big Eye group's settlement is this, as it was not only time-consuming to make but also required them to purchase massive quantities of wood (presumably from the Octagon). Even beforehand, they had a discussion of how much profit they could make if they just sold the wood they gathered to make the boat.
  • World of Pun: Season 8 started to feature a lot of puns even in its first few episodes. To name a few: The Boatem Pole and its derivatives (Boatem Hole, Goatem Pole, Skullem Pole); the Tegg Game, Season 8's equivalent of Grian's Tag Games; Grian's shop of G-Train, and Impulse's shops called iSoar and Lichen Subscribe.

Season 9 

  • Anvil on Head: Doc takes advantage of a moment that Etho is AFK to drop an anvil on him, something he's wanted to do for nearly ten years. This sparks a war between the two, waiting for the other to go AFK for even a few minutes to drop an anvil on them. It's also prompted Doc to go Anvil-Crazy and attack any AFK player, and even several non-AFK targets.
  • Batman Gambit: Grian needs a charged creeper for his prank/present for PearlsecentMoon. Knowing that Docm77 has a charged creeper cannon pointed at his base, he annoys Doc by pretending to shoot his pet dragon, causing Doc to retaliate by shooting a charged creeper at his base.
  • Berserk Button: After Grian pranks him by writing "Live, Laugh, Love" on the perimeter's wall, Docm77 reveals he detests meaningless motivational quotes like these. Much of his episode first showing that he got pranked features him seething over the words, and whenever it comes onscreen — even if it's not fully readable — Doc can't help but get distracted by how much he hates it.
  • Beyond the Impossible: Many Hermits are surprised to see that Bdubs made a massive building primarily with diorite which actually looks good.
  • Blatant Lies: While in the Empires SMP, Oli asks Grian where he came from.

    Grian: I hail from another land, where lore does not exist and we play by the rulebook.

  • Call-Back:
    • Early on, Grian pranks Mumbo by building various temporary farms that surround his base. When Mumbo logs on to find his base surrounded by trees, he is instantly reminded of the Tree War of Season 8.
    • False adds sunglasses and headphones to Xisuma's giant skull to evoke the appearance of monkeyfarm's base in Season 2.
  • Coincidental Dodge: During the finale of the pillar competition, Doc tries to blow up Grian, Scar, and Pearl's combined pillar with a TNT flying machine, only to end up missing by a single block because Scar got lazy and stopped placing them.
  • Collectible Card Game: Beef spends a good chunk of the season creating The Hermitcraft TCG, which draws most of its rules from the Pokémon TCG.
  • Conspicuous Consumption: Doc gets so many diamond ore blocks from using his world eater that he ends up using them as building blocks in his farms.
  • Crossover: Partway through the season, the Hermits travel through Grian's rift to the Empires SMP.
  • Culture Clash: Both the Hermits and the Empires rulers experience some degree of cultural shock while visiting the other realm.
    • Some of the Hermits make intention to trade with diamonds as currency as they do in their home world, but on Empires, this system is mostly left by the wayside in favour of an extensive barter system using the main export of one's own empire, which said empire has a trading monopoly over.
    • Conversely, many of the Empires rulers have difficulties adjusting to the scale at which Hermitcraft operates, from the wealth in resources of the Hermits and their corresponding Conspicuous Consumption (such as using Nether stars to decorate the Nether Hub like actual stars in the night sky), to the sheer size of many of the buildings alone.
  • Didn't Think This Through:
    • Instead of joining the resistance against King Ren, Grian sells his services for diamonds. After working with Impulse's resistance, he forgets to take down the shop and his next customer is King Ren, who hires him to resist the resistance.
    • King Ren should've thought twice about hiring Grian, someone who was pissed off over previously being paid in "Royal Emeralds", and who broke into Ren's castle to exchange them for diamonds. When King Ren and the Knights of the Square Table built the vault for the final challenge between them and the rest of the server, Grian built a fairly easy trivia room, which also rewarded diamond gear for the final fight against King Ren.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: After Grian and Zedaph blow up a piece of TNT in Doc's base, Doc takes a rather drastic act of revenge, and tricks Grian into blowing up Mumbo's vault.

    Grian: It was a disproportionate response. He lost like 10 blocks of a wall, so he... made me blow up Mumbo's base.

  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: The pillar competition, started by Grian and Scar trying to build bigger piles of deepslate diamond ore. It doesn't help that Grian occasionally uses Double Entendres when talking about it, first saying that looking at Scar's much larger pile is a sure way to "feel emasculated", and later saying that the whole competition started "because Scar couldn't keep it in his Ender chest".
  • Doppelgänger Crossover: One is created in the crossover with the Empires SMP, since FalseSymmetry and GeminiTay play on both and PearlescentMoon participated in the first season of Empires. Shubble lampshades it when she meets the Hermitcraft version of False and says she reminds her of someone she knows. However, each case of this trope is subverted at various points throughout the crossover: Pearl's counterpart on Empires Season 2, Santa Perla, is a distant god and any resemblance between them is treated as coincidental (with some implication towards Pearl being an Amnesiac God), the Empires version of False is revealed to be an Evil Doppelgänger banished to another universe by Hermit-False, and Gem turns out to be a Dimensional Traveler able to cross between the servers without using the Rift, and as such there is only one of her.
  • Epic Fail:
    • Scar manages this in his first episode while searching for netherite. After (successfully) demonstrating the 'bed method' of searching for ancient debris, Scar decides to set his spawn... by also using a bed.
    • The robot battle between Team GOAT (Doc and Ren) and the Buttercups (Mumbo, Grian and Scar) is a whole string of these, crossed over with huge helpings of Hoist by His Own Petard. In order:
      • The battle started because Team GOAT was spying on the Buttercups during their meeting, and the topic shifted to adding more kitchsy motivational phrases to Doc's base. Doc, unable to hold himself back at the thought of more meaningless motivational mottos, loudly yells for the Buttercups to stop, instantly blowing his cover and getting the Buttercups to discover Ren's underground spying room. The two groups decide to settle it by unleashing their robots.
      • The Buttercups log out to try to fix a connection problem they're having, unloading their robot and causing it to stall after going about 20 blocks.
      • The GOAT robot can only fire TNT in the opposite direction of its opponent, doing more damage to Doc's own territory than anything else.
      • When the robots do collide, the large TNT ball on the front of the Buttercup robot does minimal damage to the GOAT's dark prismarine hull but utterly obliterates itself.
      • Doc and Ren then mount their butterfly flying machines, but because the Bottercup stalled earlier and the GOAT moved further forward than expected, Doc's butterfly is inadvertently pointed straight at the disabled GOAT robot, doing even more damage to it (and Doc's territory).
      • The Buttercups try to pillar up to block Doc's butterfly, only to (somehow) completely fail to stop it, causing them to have to swarm it and Ren's butterfly with blocks in a (successful) attempt to stop them before they can do any damage to Grian or Scar's bases.
  • Everything Is an Instrument: Zedaph and Etho collaborate to record a version of the 1812 Overture. Etho's contribution uses note blocks, which are the most normal way to make music in Minecraft. Zedaph's contribution, on the other hand, uses the game's exploding creeper enemies to provide percussion (namely, the cannons which Tchaikovsky included parts for).
  • From Bad to Worse: Doc asks for help taking down three Wardens who have escaped one of his contraptions. However, when they arrive at the contraption, they discover that a further twenty have escaped and need to be dealt with.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: King Ren's arc. What began as a way to unite the server and maintain its economy quickly turned into a tale of desperation and corruption. King Ren suppresses the resistance that voice their valid complaints against his oppressive and selfish rules (such as only allowing the server to eat his own GigaPies). As a way to destroy his enemies, he and his court create a series of 'impossible' challenges to happily watch the rebels die and fail. At the end, both the rebels and his own court turn against him. He's subjected to Produce Pelting as he's forced to renounce the crown.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Impulse designs the door to iEnchant after the door from Pearl's starter base in Season 8, that being a spruce door surrounded by spruce trapdoors. Inevitably, many of the Hermits that come by mess with the trapdoors and complain to Impulse about it, including Pearl herself, which Impulse calls her out on and says she only has herself to blame.
  • Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels: The difficulty settings for Decked Out 2 start at Easy, Medium, and Hard, but then go to Deadly and Deepfrost.
  • Insistent Terminology: Mumbo is The Richest Hermit, and he won't accept anyone being richer than him.
  • Irony:
    • Mumbo thinks the door on his decoy vault would make a good piston door, but doesn't do it because it's a fake and not supposed to open. How does Grian break into it (the second time)? Using a sticky piston to pull a piece out of the door, thus turning the fake door into a piston door.
    • Early in the season, Grian takes the dragon egg and uses a glitch to duplicate it, but keeps most of the duplicates so that each egg retains some value. One of the few duped eggs is given to Docm to try and placate him after Grian blows up his tunnel bore. The irony comes in Docm using that egg to prank Grian: later in the season, Docm uses the same glitch to clone the dragon egg en masse, before covering Grian's base (and Scar's, and Mumbo's) with them. De-egging their bases proves to be a massive nuisance, given that breaking them by hand is impossible, and Grian's game gets crashed if a dragon egg ever falls in the air.
  • Jump Scare: Shortly after The Wild Update came out, Grian tried to harvest sculk shriekers from the Deep Dark, but, ended up summoning about 9 or 10 wardens in the process. This resulted in him being startled by a warden one-shotting him and forcing him to use the totem of undying in his offhand. Of course, also expect one any time he sets up a prank using sculk shriekers.
  • Leeroy Jenkins:
    • On day 1, Pearl, Gem, Impulse and Cleo decide to tackle a Woodland Mansion without any armor and only stone weapons. Impulse, Pearl and Cleo are on the roof debating how best to approach this, when Gem smashes a window and charges in to attack the Evokers. She's promptly mauled to death by Vexes.
    • A similar event is when Pearl leads a band of Hermits to kill the Ender dragon... with wooden tools. The best part? They actually succeed.
  • Loophole Abuse: Grian vowed to not take part in the resistance against King Ren, so he opens "Resistance Assistance" and becomes a consultant for Impulse's resistance. It's later exploited by Ren himself, who hires Grian to resist the resistance.
  • Mock Millionaire: Early into the season, Mumbo would constantly claim that he's The Richest Hermit, but he's very visibly not rich at all. This gets subverted: thanks to some diamonds mysteriously teleporting into his vault and Mumbo being on hiatus for the duration of the Ren the King arc (where Ren made all the other Hermits give him his diamonds), Mumbo actually became the most likely candidate to be the Richest Hermit after he returned.
  • Not Me This Time: After pranking ZombieCleo with their creeper costumes, Grian says it was Scar's idea, but due to Grian being a known prankster, Cleo doesn't believe him. Of course, it's a subversion as Grian was assisting Scar with the prank, it just wasn't his idea.
  • Obvious Rule Patch: Pearl hastily adds a "with permission" to her cleaning service, when Joe Hills posits hiring her to "clean up" Cleo's Atlantis build because it's an eyesore.
  • Offscreen Teleportation: Subverted. From Impulse's point of view, Grian seems to repeatedly show up ahead of him without explanation as part of the latter's "Secret Fools" prank. In reality, Grian is using a series of Ender Pearl stasis chambers and walk-through paintings to pull off the effect, with the long hallways in between the rooms keeping Impulse from being close enough to hear the sound effects.
  • Oh, Crap!: Grian and Scar's reaction to the result of their playing around with Doc's tunnel bore.
  • Produce Pelting: After his defeat, King Ren is strung up in a cage and several of the hermits throw tomatoes at him, including some of his own "Knights of the Square Table" over lack of payment.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: Several Hermits have come across Doc's world eater and had this reaction to it, even while it's inactive.
  • Secret Santa: The "Prank or Present" event during the Empires crossover effectively works like one, where participants are randomly assigned a name from a dropper and can choose to lightheartedly prank the picked person or give them a holiday gift.
  • Sequel Escalation: Decked Out 2 is significantly larger than the first one back in Season 7, being a full 4 floors as opposed to just one.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: Grian spends a good third of his 11th episode trying to move a shulker from the End to his shop. After three dead shulkers and calling in Cub for help, he finally manages to get one where he wants it... only for it to turn out that the levitation doesn't last long enough for the effect he wants.
  • Schmuck Bait: Mumbo builds a fake vault to lure Grian, with boastful signs telling Grian he can't get in. When Grian eventually gets inside by using chorus fruit, he discovers that the vault's interior is rigged to drop him into lava where he dies.
  • So Proud of You: While searching The End for an elytra for Scar, Grian was building a bridge to an island when Scar turned invisible, snuck up behind him, and mined out the block Grian was standing on. Grian survives because he threw an Ender Pearl to the island, and gives his thoughts on Scar's prank.

    Grian: You! Are you invisible? You're a monster! I'm so proud.

  • Stating the Simple Solution: After weeks of Doc and some of the smartest people in the community failing to answer Iskall's riddle, Stress solves it in a few minutes with one of the most common items in the game — wheat seeds.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial:
  • Swapped Roles: Shortly after arriving in the Empires SMP, Grian and Impulse track down Pixlriffs and narrate at him in the fashion of the Hermitcraft Recap, which Pixlriffs provides the voiceover for.
  • Time-Delayed Death: Tango, False, and Grian take down a trio of Withers that escaped from a Wither-killing machine Tango built. During their chat about the incident afterwards, Tango unexpectedly dies from the wither effect.
  • Tyrant Takes the Helm: King Ren swiftly devolved into a paranoid madman, enacting numerous laws and declaring people as enemies of the crown purely because they won't buy into the useless new currency he's created.
  • Verbal Backspace: As he's concluding his first episode in the Empires SMP crossover, Grian has to quickly correct himself from calling the event an "invasion".
  • Wham Shot:
    • At the end of Doc's first episode, he gives some other Hermits much of the poppies produced from his iron farm. Looking closely at his hotbar shows the poppies refilling as fast as he's throwing them, meaning he's already brought back shadow tech on day one.
    • The appearance of Resistance Assistance, signifying that Grian is getting involved with the resistance's plot.
  • Worthless Yellow Rocks: Almost the entire server considers the Royal Emeralds to be these. Helpful for trading halls, sure (albeit more annoying than regular emeralds, as due to a bug they can't be shift-clicked into the UI if they're renamed). As a currency to replace diamonds, however, they are widely reviled by everyone.

Season 10 

  • Angrish: Scar completely loses the ability to speak coherently after enduring an episode full of Grian being an Obstructive Bureaucrat.
  • Artistic License – Law: Bdubs' court is made of this trope. As the judge he insists on being addressed as "your highness", both sides have a "five strikes and you're out" system indicated with lights above their heads, and whether or not an objection is sustained is determined by a "heads-or-tails" machine. Note that it is explicitly a TV court, with cameras set up and an ad break (for Bdubs' own bamboo shop) in the middle, which may justify some of this nonsense.
  • Blasphemous Boast: After two charged creepers on a raft fail to explode in Gem's face, much to the bafflement of Scar, Gem proudly declares herself "God's favorite princess."
  • Call-Back:
    • Iskall, once again, makes a reference to the 12 bamboo, having them in his hotbar when he goes to visit Mumbo. He then begins placing them on the ground partway through the conversation.
    • Just like in Season 9, Gem makes a "Gem will watch Impulse make a farm" sign at a monster spawner.
    • As is in Season 9, Scar makes things difficult with another Hermit who is suffering from a game-crashing glitch using falling blocks.
    • Perhaps unintentional, but to kick off the meeting in which he declares himself the Minister of Ministries, Ren jumps off his tall tower, misses the water bucket clutch and falls to his death, which spawns him all the way back at the world spawn, echoing when he first logged in as RentheKing in Season 9.
    • The paperwork that Grian makes for requesting new permits at the permit office are titled "Form MJYAAFK06" (Mumbo Jumbo You Are AFK Season 6). The paperwork for duplicating permits are titled "Form MRVSHEPS7" (Mycelium Resistance VS Hermit Environmental Protection agency Season 7)
    • A group whose members include Grian, Mumbo, Scar, Impulse and a new Hermit who joined the season who settle together in an area that has a layer of bedrock broken? Magic Mountain, meet Boatem.
    • Doc's custom deck of cards features False as the Queen of Hearts, referencing her verse from Season 6's Team Star rap/Diss Track.
    • In the news ticker on the bottom of Mumbo's perspective for his trial, one of the stories that comes up is "Moon Size Report: Still the Same (Thank Goodness)".
  • Canon Foreigner: When their shop gets shut down by the PoePoe, Cleo responds by digging a tunnel to its position in the Permit Office, the entrance marked with Dodgy Frank, their NPC trader from the WitchCraft SMP.
  • Company Cross-References: Or, a Creator Cross-Reference. One of the ravagers in Etho's "Ravager Rush" minigame is called "The Boogeyman".
  • Compensating for Something: Keralis refers to Iskall's massive obelisk as a "compensator".
  • Continuity Cavalcade: Mumbo's transition cards contain references to multiple past seasons, including a Mumbo for Mayor sticker, a Sahara coin, a ticket inviting him to Season 2, an ODEA instruction manual, the key to his horse car, an incident report regarding Grian putting a potato in Sahara's redstone, a letter regarding his application to be the richest Hermit, and binary output from Grumbot which translates to "I MISS MY DADS I MISS MY DADS I MISS MY DADS".
  • Damned by Faint Praise: When discussing whether he and Cleo should fight the Permit Office members directly, Ren states that they could take Skizz. Cleo notes that that's not saying much:

    Cleo: Yeah, so could a damp hamster.

  • Didn't Think This Through: Mumbo builds his starter base to dangle from the side of a mountain, and he uses a truss bridge to attach it to. However, he didn't consider how to get into his base, forcing him to use the temporary area he set up nearby for the time being.
  • Epic Fail:
    • Crossed over with Hoist by His Own Petard, Ren organises a caving competition in Episode 1 for seventeen of the Hermits, with the caveat that any Hermit who dies while caving doesn't get a cut of the resources gathered during the competition. Not only is Ren one of only two Hermits to die, but he is killed by a creeper when organising chests at his team's (supposedly safe) camp whilst the rest of his team were actually caving. Even worse, a lot of the gathered resources ended up burning in a campfire.
    • Later on, Ren, with Grian as an accomplice/bait, sets up a Demise trap for Mumbo, in which Grian lures Mumbo to a hole in the ground with the promise of a skeleton spawner. The idea is that Grian drops into the hole and lands safely in water, which Ren then patches up with a block so Mumbo dies to fall damage when he follows. Even though Mumbo takes a few extra seconds at the top since he's clearly baffled by the situation and/or doesn't fully trust Grian, giving Ren more time, he still somehow doesn't place the blocks fast enough and Mumbo makes it down alive. Both Grian and Mumbo end up upset at Ren, not only for failing to actually do the trap properly, but also for making them dig their way back up to the surface on their own, since he forgot to set up an escape tunnel.
    • Scar kicks off his fifteenth episode by dying. Seven times. In under two minutes. And the only reason it wasn't more is because Etho came and rescued him.
  • Exact Words: Iskall is very particular about the fact that he did not build his base; it looks the way it does because everyone else but him contributed to it.

    Cleo: The horrifying, terrifying monstrosity that you have built.
    Iskall: I have not built it! Actually, you have built it.

  • Failed a Spot Check:
    • Invoked by Mumbo, who wants to see how long it'll take Iskall to notice him placing extra blocks on his base.note  It takes a total of 25 blocks over the course of a whole conversation for Iskall to finally catch on to what Mumbo was doing.
    • Some episodes later, Iskall invokes it by changing his skin slightly and going over to various Hermits to see if they'll notice (under the guise of giving out "free samples" from his rocket store). He goes through several Hermits before the streak is finally broken by Xisuma, who comments on the change immediately.
  • Fun with Acronyms: Zigzagged. Ren builds a tower with a giant RD on it, which according to him stands for "Tower of the Dog". When he names Cleo the Minister of Garbage, they retaliate by declaring Ren's tower a "Rubbish Dump" instead.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Prior to his successful attempt, when trying to trap xB with a drop into stalagmites, SmallishBeans ends up falling into the very same trap he set up due to his desperation and dying from it.
  • Kansas City Shuffle: How BDubs eventually goes out in Demise. After realizing that the Crafting Table near Hypno's Failed Potion Trap was rigged with an Observer, BDubs avoided it. Iskall and Beef, who helped Ren rig the table with 6 TNT Minecarts, then attempt to lure BDubs over near the trap so that Ren can set it off manually. This fails too when Ren gets spotted sneaking over to the Crafting Table. However, while talking about the trap with BDubs afterwards, they trick him into believing it's a pufferfish pit trap, which causes BDubs to confidently attempt to figure out if the trap would have killed him had he not noticed it. This causes BDubs to set off the trap, blasting him and Ren into the stratosphere, and securing the victory for False.
  • Literal Metaphor: Doc's underground poker den — which looks legitimate thanks to money laundering — is found literally underground, beneath a laundromat shopfront.
  • Loophole Abuse: Under the Hermit Permit system, Hermits are allowed to sell their wares in shulker boxes, but the only one allowed to sell shulker boxes themselves is whoever holds the specific permit. When Iskall needs a bunch of shulker boxes, he approaches Doc, who has a farm for shulkers but does not have the shulker permit. Doc ends up selling Iskall a stack of logs, but puts each log in a separate shulker box, effectively selling shulker boxes to Iskall without breaking the rules.
  • Malaproper: Stress's base is themed after the idiom "Party in the front, office in the back," which Iskall points out is actually supposed to be "Business in the front, party in the back."
  • Not in This for Your Revolution: JoeHills joins the No Poe despite openly admitting he has no actual interest in the group's goals and only wants the Permit Office to do more Taskmaster-style events because he enjoyed the first one. iJevin proceeds to forget to mention this during any of his interactions with the DHP, as he in turn has no interest in more Permitmaster challenges.
  • Obstructive Bureaucrat: The DHP, or Department of Hermit Permits, is a parody of bureaucratic offices where the staff uses the bureaucracy to avoid having to do any work. The first task is finding the office, which is located in the middle of the forest. The only door doesn't work (and has a sign that says, "please use other door"). Once you finally get inside, you're faced with monsterously long forms that force you to do nonsensical things like run laps around a lighthouse or place a live salmon in your neighbor's basement. If anything is even the slightest bit wrong, your paperwork is rejected outright. If you try to ask them for help with the forms, they'll just put you on hold and force you to listen to elevator music. And if you try to file a complaint, it's immediately dumped in a pool of lava. The one exception is on April Fools' Day, when the Permit Office is actually somewhat cooperative.
  • Overly Long Gag: Grian's quest for fishing up a Mending book took him 6 episodes and close to 10,000 attempts before he finally got one.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Grian joins Mumbo and Xisuma in spawn-proofing the Nether, the latter two having worked out how to carefully place and use beds to clear terrain and create fire while taking little to no damage from the resulting explosion. Xisuma decides to show off the trick to Grian by placing down a bed and says, "Have faith in us." Before Xisuma can give Grian any further instructions, Grian's What Does This Button Do? tendencies kick in and he immediately blows it up, killing them both.
  • Screw This, I'm Out of Here!: During Grian's world tour video, once he sees Mumbo's abomination of a lawn flamingo, he instantly declares the tour of Mumbo's base to be over.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: Mumbo spends the last of his diamonds to make armor so he can have some protection while End busting with Iskall, only for Iskall to show up with ready-made enchanted diamond armor that he gives to Mumbo for free.
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog: When Mumbo then tells Iskall about the armor he just made that he did not need to make in the end, Iskall takes Mumbo's extra armor... and burns it.
  • Tempting Fate: Scar's, Joe's and Bdubs' Demise deaths all go like this:
    • Scar spots a trapped chest and right clicks with his binoculars (retextured spyglass) to zoom in on it and point out the obvious trap to his audience... but is too close and ends up accidentally opening it. Just after he'd been bragging about being a member of the Life SMP, and thus too savvy to fall for it.
    • Joe has the ground opened not quite beneath him to see a puddle of water, which he remarks isn't too deadly... and then gets pushed in and discovers there are pufferfish in the pool.
    • Bdubs is led to believe an obviously trapped crafting table would triggers a pufferfish trap, and goes to demonstrate how he would have disarmed it: breaking it while standing several blocks back. Turns out it's actually a TNT trap, and he gets blown up.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: After several failed attempts to assassinate him by Joel and Grian, what finally does xB in is 74 TNT minecarts, which is enough to vaporize half of his house and part of the hillside it was built into.
  • Tyrannical Homeowners' Association: The Neighborhood is run by the Ministry of Ministers, which is a homeowners' association in all but name and illustrates all kinds of petty tyranny.
    • Ren's role as Minister of Administrating is essentially that of an HOA president, and declaring himself such prompts more immediate backlash than even the time he declared himself king in Season 9. While he's mostly more incompetent than evil, he abuses his authority to force the others to make improvements to The Neighborhood without doing anything himself, and assigns jobs to the others that are either unwanted (Beef as the "Minister of Maps", who didn't want to see another map after Season 9), sound insulting (Xisuma as the "Minister of Idiots"), or both (Cleo as the "Minister of Trash"). Efforts to overthrow him spring up only weeks after he claimed the job.
    • Cleo in her role of "Minister of Trash" illustrates how members of neighborhood organizations use small amounts of power to abuse those who they have grudges against. First, when tasked with building a garbage dump, she places it right in front of Ren's tower as an act of petty revenge. Later, she declares Iskall's ugly house to be garbage, and fines him for not removing it.