The Funniest Minecraft Videos Ever - TV Tropes
- ️Sun Oct 08 2023
"The Funniest Minecraft Videos Ever" is a series created by YouTuber TommyInnit. The series consists of Tommy, Wilbur Soot, Philza and a rotating series of guests attempting to beat the game with various mods installed. Keyword, attempting. The playlist can be found here.
Videos in the series
- Voice Proximity Mod, with Quackity.
- Size Changer Mod, with Quackity.
- Dragon Morph Mod, with Quackity.
- Natural Disaster Mod, with Jack Manifold and Tubbo.
- Morph Mod, with Jschlatt and Slimecicle.
- Laser Eye Mod, with Slimecicle.
- Lava Ravine Mod, with Slimecicle.note
- Extreme Jump Mod, with Quackity.
- Colossal TNT Mod, with Slimecicle.
- Black Hole Mod, with Slimecicle.
- Body Shuffle Mod, with Slimecicle.
- Deadly Gas Mod, with Slimecicle.
- Surgery Mod, with Slimecicle.
- Lava Floor Mod, with Ninja and GeorgeNotFound.
- Rising Void Mod, with Quackity, and Ranboo.note
- Morph Mod (but if you laugh you lose), with Slimecicle and Ranboo.note
- Time Freeze Mod, with Ninja and Ranboo.note
- Prison Escape Map, with Jschlatt, Tubbo, Jack Manifold, and Slimecicle.note
- RLCraft, with Jschlatt and Slimecicle.note
- Beating Minecraft from The End, with GeorgeNotFound and Ranboo.note
- Wither Morph Mod, with Slimecicle and Technoblade.note
- Pirate Ship Mod (and Aether Mod), with Tubbo, Jschlatt, Slimecicle and Ranboo.note
- TNT Rain Mod, with Slimecicle, Tubbo and Jack Manifold.note
- Girlfriend Mod, with Slimecicle, ft. a guest appearance from Quackity.note
- Portal Gun Mod with Jschlatt and Tubbo.note
- Origins Mod, with the OSMP cast.*
- New "You Laugh You Lose", with Ranboo and Slimecicle.note
- Real Life Mod (for a MrBeast challenge), with Ranboo, Jack Manifold, Jschlatt and Scott Smajor, ft. a guest appearance from MrBeast.note
- Superhero Mod, with Slimecicle and Jschlatt.
- Inventory Link Mod, with Tubbo and Jack Manifold.note
- Lucky Block Mod, with Wisp, James Mariott and Ranboo.note
- Hide and Seek Mod, with Jschlatt, Tubbo, Shubble, Eryn and Nihachu.note
- Pokemon Mod, with Slimecicle.
Tropes pertaining to this series include:
- Aerith and Bob: Comes with the territory of online nicknames. Compare names like Tommy, Wilbur, Phil and Jack, to names like Quackity and Tubbo.
- Animorphism: Played for Laughs. Using the Morph mod, players can shapeshift and take the forms of mobs and people they have killed. This results in copious amounts of Death as Comedy and Black Comedy Animal Cruelty as the people involved in each video use their newfound shapeshifting powers for increasingly absurd bits.
- Auto-Tune: Used frequently throughout the series for various gags. Needless to say, Hilarity Ensues.
- Awful Wedded Life: In the "Prison Escape" video, Jack Manifold is in the eponymous prison in order to stay away from his wife.
- Brief Accent Imitation:
- Wilbur occasionally slips into a terrible New Zealand accent.
- Both Wilbur and Slimecicle imitate a southern American accent in the "Deadly Gas mod" video. Tommy eventually comes and hits it out of them.
- Brutal Honesty: Keithnote is quick to lay out his true opinion of Tommy.
Tommy: Why don't I have a girlfriend?
Keith: It's probably because you're ugly and have an insufferable voice and attitude.
Tommy: ...No, it's not. - The Bus Came Back:
- Keith from the "Dragon Morph" video returns in the "Surgery Mod" video after Wilbur implants the Ender Dragon's organs into himself.
- Wilbur and Charlie's autotuned bee forms return in the "Morph Mod (but if you laugh you lose)", after their memetic debut in the "Morph Mod" video.
- Color-Coded Speech: The subtitles on every video are white, with a colored outline that changes depending on who is speaking.
- Tommy's is black.
- Phil's is light green, though it changes to dark green in the End video.
- Wilbur and Technoblade's are purple.
- Quackity's is dark yellow.
- Jack and Ninja's are dark blue, though Jack's changes to a cyan-ish light blue in the "Real Life Mod" video.
- Tubbo's is dark green.
- Jschlatt and Ranboo's are light blue, though Ranboo's changes to light green in the End video.note
- Slimecicle and George's are teal.
- Scott's is a dark, burnished vermillion.
- Editor Larry's is orange with a black outline.
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander: While nobody in the group is normal by any standards (besides maybe Phil), Quackity is a particularly egregious example. He has many personas he adopts for comedic effect, tries to have sex with anything, including various animals, and at one point, when he got split off from the group, he just started incoherently rambling about various fast food restaurants for ten minutes.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Tommy has a fairly foul mouth, and most of his guests share the habit. The first couple minutes of each video (and certain sensitive topics) are censored, but most of the runtime lets the F-bombs go off freely.
- Companion Cube:
- After getting kicked out of his own house by Wilbur in the "Natural Disaster mod" video, Tommy makes himself a girlfriend out of wood and a pumpkin, naming her "hot fucking sexy ass hot lady".
- In the Portal mod video, Tubbo becomes incredibly attached to the Trope Namer, snapping and screaming wildly at anyone who he thinks gets close to it. He becomes immensely distraught when he accidentally throws it into a lava pool.
- Downer Ending: After a long streak of the group actually beating the game, the "Gas Mod" video ends on this. The group reaches the End without setting their spawn in the stronghold, meaning one death and they'll spawn in the middle of the gas with no way to escape the now-massive cloud before they die — in other words, they have to kill the dragon on pseudo-hardcore mode. After a lengthy fight, Phil is the only one left standing to kill the dragon... and he fails a water bucket clutch after being launched in the air, killing him and sealing the group's failure.
- Didn't Think This Through: During the "Prison Escape" video, Tommy gets VERY close to escaping... until he messes up his lever use. The positioning of the doors prevents him from glitching through the second-last door with lever in hand, and Jack Manifold can't hand him the lever while the door is closed... and opening it requires the lever.
- Dwindling Party: The "TNT Rain mod" video is played in Hardcore mode, so this trope is inevitable. Jack dies first, then Tubbo after he falls in the Void, then Slimecicle, then both Philza and Tommy die.
- Epic Fail:
- In the "Colossal TNT Mod" video, Tommy tries to use the growing TNT to blast himself upwards from a crater onto a half-destroyed village church, like with a TNT cannon. He ends up blowing himself up.
- In the "Wither Morph mod" video, Wither!Charlie tries to confront an iron golem and gets killed repeatedly. Withers can fly and have an innate long-range attack, while iron golems are ground-bound and can only attack from up close.
- Eye Beams: The Laser Eye Mod allows the players to have this ability. The Ender Dragon didn't stand a chance against them, and Wilbur discovers that they could even break bedrock with laser vision.
- Face–Heel Turn: After implanting the Ender Dragon's organs into himself in the surgery video, Wilbur's mind is supplanted by his Keith identity from the "Dragon Morph" video, and he promptly turns on the group.
- Failure Hero: Despite their efforts, the group frequently fails to actually beat the Ender Dragon, whether through lack of preparation (all mods before "Morph Mod", "Natural Gas"), because they add a world barrier to avoid cheesing the terms of the mod ("Natural Disaster", "Lava Ravine"), or because that's not the objective of the video in the first place ("Prison Escape", RLCraft).
- Forgot the Disability: Tommy completely forgets about George's colourblindness in the "without leaving the End" video, which leads to him trying to show off the "Rainbow Road" blocks to him and Ranboo.
- Funny Foreigner: Quackity is Mexican, and makes a lot of jokes about this. He often randomly starts speaking Spanish as a gag, and in the first video, briefly adopted the persona of Mexican Dream.
- Gag Penis: Many, many instances happen in the "Morph Mod, But If You Laugh, You Lose" video.
- Hilariously Abusive Childhood: In the "Natural Disaster" video, Wilbur locked Tubbo in his basement, then forced him kill to mules to stock Wilbur's Mule Bits shop, all while Tubbo cried hysterically. By the time Tommy and Jack decided to become CPS and raid Wilbur's house, Tubbo was practically despondent, and spent the entire time Tommy was there hiding under the stairs. Then, when Tommy gave Tubbo a whip (fishing rod) to defend himself with, Tubbo immediately started whipping himself.
Wilbur: I'm gonna be serving quite a long time in prison over the next following months...
- History Repeats: In both the "Dragon Morph" and "Wither Morph" videos, the group tries to take the boss ally to the End to achieve their goal (Keith to find his wife, Wimothy so he can die to the Void), only for said effort to be unsuccessful. The boss ally then turns on the group, forcing them to kill the boss in self-defense.
- Hope Spot: It seems like Tommy and Phil are going to reconcile in the "Rising Void mod"... only for Tommy to try and murder Phil soon after, ruining any chance at peace and turning the video's final act into a war between the two.
- The Hyena: Tommy has a tendency to laugh loudly at pretty much every joke made in each of the videos. This becomes detrimental to him in "Morph Mod (but if you laugh you lose)", where he can be seen visibly struggling not to laugh at the various jokes Wilbur, Slimecicle, and Ranboo are throwing at him.
- Instantly Proven Wrong: At the start of the "without leaving the End" video, Tommy claims that "we're safe here", before immediately dying to an End Slime.
- Irony: Ranboo, who spends most of the "Rising Void mod" denying that the Void is a threat, is the Sole Survivor at the end.
- Large Ham: While everyone in the group is loud, Wilbur in particular has a penchant for making loud, dramatic speeches.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Wilbur forgets any and all of his actions as Keith at the end of the "Dragon Morph" video. At least, until the end of the surgery video, where he remembers his past self after implanting the Ender Dragon's organs into himself.
- Laser-Guided Karma: Early in the "Dragon Morph" video, Keith says that Tommy is too ugly and insufferable to have a girlfriend. At the end of the video, Tommy reveals that he did get a girlfriend... namely, Keith's wife.
- Lightning Reveal: A textbook example in the "Black Hole mod" video. At one point, Tommy tries to get a look at the black hole, but it's night and raining and he can't see it until lightning cracks, turning the sky bright white for a minute... but not the gigantic black hole. Cue the Oh, Crap! of a lifetime.
- Mythology Gag:
- In the "Natural Disaster" video, Wilbur annexes Tommy's house, then invites everyone except Tommy to come live with him, forcing Tommy to go make himself a new house. The entire thing is a soft parody of the Exile Arc from the Dream SMP, wherein Tommy also got kicked out of his own home, sent to go live somewhere else surrounded by trees, and built himself a girlfriend out of logs and a pumpkin.
- In the "Morph Mod" video, Wilbur, when transformed into a bee, refers to himself as "Wil-bee", but Tommy calls him "Bee-bur Soot" instead. This is also a reference to the Dream SMP, where Tommy accidentally calls Wilbur "Wilby" and immediately tries to backpedal while Wilbur goes into Cuteness Overload.
- Only Sane Man: Philza. He's the oldest of the group by far, and is usually the only one actually trying to gather supplies and get to the End Portal. If the video doesn't have Philza in it, the role would go to Tommy or Jack.
Phil: Tommy told me to play the video game, so I'm playing the video game.
- O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
- If Tommy is ever joining Phil as an Only Sane Man, it means that the hijinks of the others are just that bizarre.
- The RLCraft video was clearly an exercise in perseverance for everyone involved. Tommy's intro makes no mention of the video being hilarious in any way, and expresses that he, Jschlatt, and Slimesicle did not enjoy the mod. The tone of the "what the fuck" frequently uttered in reaction to the nature of the mod quickly goes from amused to exasperated, and the humor they take from Schlatt naming his dog "fuckworld" dies off when fuckworld falls to a lava trap; Schlatt gets to respawn, but his dog does not. When they finally achieve the objective of the video, namely defeating the golem atop the tower in the middle of the map, Tommy makes it clear that We Are NOT Going Through That Again unless he gets a LOT more subscribers.
- Oop North: Tommy, Phil and Jack are all from the North.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: As Wilbur and Quackity demonstrate, even with the "Size Changer mod" enabled, 'small' players (smaller than a baby zombie, for clarification) are just as capable of dealing damage as 'big' or 'normal-sized' players.
- Pungeon Master: No video in the series featuring Charlie Slimecicle is complete without a Hurricane of Puns coming out of nowhere.
- Running Gag:
- Wilbur making grand speeches, made hilarious by how much he's Chewing the Scenery.
- Phil is often made fun of for being old, being 32 at the start of the series, and married.
- Similarly, Tommy being made fun of for being a child, being 16 at the start of the series.
- As lampshaded by Wilbur in the "Laser Eye Mod" video, him undergoing some sort of Sanity Slippage.
- Shout-Out: Expect many references to fellow content creators, most often Dream and the infamous server he runs.
- Sound-Effect Bleep: Zig-zagged. Curses are censored in the first few minutes of each video, likely for monetization purposes, but are left uncensored afterwards.
- Stating the Simple Solution: In the "Prison Escape" video, Jack Manifold is in prison in order to stay away from his wife. He's there because she's not there; when she dies, he gets to leave. Tommy points out that he could just go to, say, Argentina, because she's not there either.
- Stuff Blowing Up: The Colossal TNT mod allows everyone to place down TNT blocks which grow in size and cause huge explosions.
- Suddenly Shouting: Inverted in the "Prison Escape" video; during the tail end of the escape sequence, Jack Manifold insists that he doesn't want to escape (and thus won't help Tommy escape) because he's there to stay away from his wife. Tommy is yelling for a solid five seconds before abruptly lowering the volume and asking what the hell Jack's talking about.
- Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: The gang finds out the hard way that the "Surgery Mod" utilizes this. They can't just mix-and-match organs from other mobs; if they're not careful, they can cripple or even kill themselves by removing the wrong organ at the wrong timenote .
- Take That!: In the "Rising Void Mod" video, Ranboo is a "Void denier" who claims the Void isn't rising and consuming the world as it ascends, joking that a majority of the viewers would stop defending him once they found out. Even after directly falling into the Void and dying, he still adamantly claims that the Void is no threat. The Take That! comes in when it becomes apparent that his act is a jab at climate/COVID-19 deniers who claim the aforementioned issues are either small or non-existent.
- That Came Out Wrong: Two instances happen during the "Beating Minecraft Without Leaving The End" video: Tommy refers to his shack as the "Boy Hole", and calls people who play on the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft "Bedrockers", much to the chagrin of everyone else. Even after Tommy realizes what he said, he still makes another joke about it.
- Toilet Humour: With the Colossal TNT mod, the way to create TNT is to press shift, which also makes the player crouch. Naturally, the group compare the TNT blocks to poop.
- Tom the Dark Lord: After going unnamed for most of the "Dragon Morph" video, the name of dragon!Wilbur is revealed to be Keith Smith.
- Wham Line: The series isn't trying to tell a connected story like the Dream SMP, it's just Tommy and his friends goofing off in Minecraft with the mod of the week. That said, the end of the "Surgery Mod" video has a certain line from Wilbur after he implants the Ender Dragon's organs into himself, which is notable in that it's the first instance of major continuity between episodesnote .
- What Are You in For?: Averted during the "Prison Escape" video, where all of the inmates have their crimes revealed without being (directly) asked.
- Tubbo mentions that he's been in Prison for 20 years. When Tommy asks how old he is, Tubbo replies that he's 20, and Jack surmises that he "just came out wrong".
- Tommy gets Tubbo in private for a heart-to-heart, and claims his crime is polygamy.
- Charlie claims that Jack's crime is "getting married to that woman". When he ends up getting involved in Tommy's escape attempt, he reveals that he's in prison to escape his wife, and he's in there for "life, her life".
- Whole-Plot Reference: There are two within the Time Manipulation mod video. The first seems to be unintentional, while the second is clearly on purpose.
- The first occurs while Wilbur holds the stick. A group of unlikely allies, including two teens and a young adult, make a long and arduous journey to assassinate an isolated man who wields the ability to manipulate the flow of time. The final confrontation with this man takes place in a desert-based area, and the man's killer also acquires the ability to manipulate time. One can't help but feel that this is quite similar to something else.
- After Ninja takes the stick, it switches to something else entirely. A group tries to use lava to destroy a powerful object that corrupts its user, only for someone to steal the object and tumble into the lava themselves, destroying the object.
- You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: In "Minecraft's Funniest You Laugh You Lose...", Slimecicle reacts this way after finding out that immature penis jokes crack Tommy far more than any of their clever, well-thought-out bits.