Crossoverkill - TV Tropes
- ️Mon May 07 2012
Crossoverkill (alternate link
) is a superhero action comic that, as the name suggests, is a crossover among a number of superhero webcomics. It stars Mindmistress, Energize, Yuuki, Fusion from Essay Bee Comics Presents Fusion, Captain Perfect, Majestic Knight from the eponymous webcomic and Hoodoo. The webcomic is a follow-up of sorts, but not a strict sequel, to The Crossoverlord, which precedes it chronologically. It is written as a collaboration among the authors of the source webcomics.
Crossoverkill provides examples of the following tropes:
- Accidental Pervert: Not everybody realises Yuuki is a guy to begin with, leading to awkwardness in the showers.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Five assassination attempts. Dozens of suicides. Food supply contaminated. Radiation poisoning. Hair loss.
- Audience? What Audience?: Master Assassin from Magellanverse makes Doppleganger Gang members really confused with breaking the fourth wall in front of them.
- Axe-Crazy: Syko Suki
- Badass Boast: "Whoa is that a Bear? I can take a bear."
- Be Careful What You Wish For: As punishment, Ruinworld's death avatar grants Mister President the immortality he'd desired. He's left alone in his dead world, emaciated and too weak to move.
- The Cameo: From Dasien, for example. Now part of Heroes Unite!
- Censor Steam: The shower scene
- Cleavage Window: In her cameo, Dasien sports a fetching black number
Dasien: Hello, boys? Can I distract you with these? (OK, she didn't really say that...)
- Crisis Crossover: It's that kind of crossover.
- Did You Just Imprison Cthulhu?: In one reality, the doppelganger gang captured a reaper that was the creator of that world.
- Enemies with Death: The Doppleganger Gang apparently has some plan to defeat all kinds of Death in The Multiverse.
- Godiva Hair: Same scene as the Censor Steam.
- In Medias Res: The story opens dramatically with the heroes already gathered together and in the throes of a bloody battle sequence... before switching to the true starting point some two weeks earlier.
- Intercontinuity Crossover: As with the previous The Crossoverlord, various characters from various realities are part of this variety of crossover.
- Let's You and Him Fight
- No opportunity for polite introductions, but still plenty of time for exposition, as Mindmistress and Heroes Unite duke it
out following their chance encounter at HU HQ.
- Captain Perfect and Majestic Knight get friendly sparing for no other reason than to give them more spotlight (those two were the last to join the team).
- No opportunity for polite introductions, but still plenty of time for exposition, as Mindmistress and Heroes Unite duke it
- Mating Dance: Hoodoo and Captain Perfect.
- Meaningful Name: Syko Suki. Her creator admits giving her a name that sounds like the word "psycho" on purpose.
- Oh, Crap!: Mindmistress, upon realizing that Dasien hasn't told her colleagues from Heroes Unite about her and who, as a result, treat her as an intruder in their HQ.
Mindmistress: I'll kill her!
- Paper People: Snakeshade, Doppleganger Gang member who comes from a two-dimensional reality.
- President Evil: The Big Bad, "Mister President"
- Superpower Meltdown: How Eruption is defeated.
- Theme Naming: Most of Doppleganger Gang members have names related to cold temperature.
- Title Drop: The Crossoverkill Initiative.
- Villain Override: Mister President does this to Suki, to stop Mindmistress from getting any intel from her.
- What the Hell, Hero?: When Hoodoo criticizes Energize for his lack of control, and calling Yuuki and Fusion children only as capable as first year students at Magellan, Energize is quick to remind her that neither he, Fusion or Yuuki are from dimensions 'with' a hero academy and have had to learn as they go by themselves.