Intragalactic - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue May 08 2012

Intragalactic is a webcomic by Steph Cherrywell. It parodies many Science Fiction tropes while providing fetish and Author Appeal.

The arc-based comic tells the tales of Benjamin Glee, the captain of a Neapolitan-class ice cream delivery ship and its crew of misfits, including her Brainless Beauty boyfriend Axl, aging and mean-spirited Robot Buddy Rusty, and science officer Piper, who is actually a puppetmaster parasite who suffers from a Guilt Complex over eating her host's brain.

Stopped updating in 2014 and went offline sometime after. Viewable on the way back machine here

Intragalactic contains the following tropes:

  • Author Appeal: BBWs, women stuffing themselves till they can barely move, and so on...
  • Beast Man: Scatchi is a ratwoman, Axl is an... Axolotl-boy.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: When Piper finally gets fed up with Scatchi, she tells the Snaffet to GO TO HER ROOM!
  • Big Eater: Scatchi again: After stuffing herself with ice cream, she proceeds to then finish off a Dippin' Dot nearly as big as she is. And so on. Her one weakness is burritos. One filler strip details her anatomy; her internal structure is mostly devoted to digestive organs. Ben also qualifies, especially in the "Ivy" arc.
  • Brainless Beauty: Axl is on the crew only because he's the captain's hot boyfriend. He is technically the navigator, but is far too much of a ditz to actually be allowed anywhere near the ship's controls. He had one job; "push the green button" and managed to screw it up.
  • Fantastic Racism: Androids and Snaffets are not considered "people"; Androids can have their children killed in front of them for not doing their jobs properly, and Snaffets are considered vermin. In fact; Scratchi was orphaned when her mother ran afoul of a mousetrap.
  • Funetik Aksent: Scatchi speaks with a Lzherusskie Funetik Aksent, thanks to her Translator Macrobe.
  • Future Imperfect: This is their version of the history of ice cream. It is 100% inaccurate. It was, apparently, invented by someone called "Johnny Rocksalt", and marketed as a concrete substitute, a cosmetic, a pinkeye cure, and jet fuel, until it was found to be edible and easily mass-produced just in time to stop a famine in 2100. No.
  • Green-Skinned Space Babe: Axl is a Gender Flipped example. He's a pink-skinned space bish.
  • Holodeck Malfunction: Defied with the "Fauxlodeck"

    "It's the same thing. All it lacks is the option where it malfunctions and tries to kill you."

  • Meaningful Name: Scatchi is quite bitter and cynical. Captain Glee is a cheerful hedonist. Rusty is, well, old and rusty. The ship is a "Neapolitan Class"; it has white, pink, and brown sections and is little more than an ice cream truck IN SPAAACE!.
  • Nipple and Dimed: Inverted in this strip, where the Censor Steam covers the man's nipples, but not the woman's.
  • Older Than They Look: Scatchi is an adult snaffet, with a buxom figure. She passes for a child basically by virtue of being tiny.
  • Puppeteer Parasite: Piper's brainworm. Becoming a corpse puppet doesn't seem to have affected her personality much, apart from a guilt complex and poor body image.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Rusty was apparently built in 1985.
  • Red Shirt: Enstant Ensigns are expendable cloned crewmen. Naturally, they wear red.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Money!: Captain Glee regularly spends her paycheque on illegal weaponry; and just has her lawyer highlight them on the manifest to make it easier for the cops to find.
  • Shout-Out: A bootleg video dealer says he has a certain oat bar commercial.
  • Thrown Out the Airlock: a more merciful (and entertaining) version.

    "We put down on a planet and blow you out with a big fan. Very humiliating."

  • Translator Microbes: Parodied with the Translator Macrobe. It is as big, and thus as painful, as it sounds. It also makes the user speak in a thick Lzherusskie accent, apparently because of Rusty's original purpose was to act as a robotic spy.