Joe Loves Crappy Movies - TV Tropes
- ️Wed May 09 2012
Joe Loves Crappy Movies is a webcomic about an avid movie-goer, Joe Dunn, his friends and family, and commentary on movies and the movie industry. The comic also serves as a review of said movie covered in the strip. It can be found on the Digital Pimp website.
This webcomic provides examples of:
- The Alcoholic: Irv is on the record as saying he can't live without excessive amounts of alcohol.
- Art Evolution: Seen as the strip progresses. Actually lampshaded in the Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
strip, where someone said Joe's art was getting too complex. The resulting comic was simpler as a result.
- Author Avatar: Not only of Joe, but of Irv, another Digital Pimp member.
- BackStab: When all else fails, stab the Grimace.
- Captain Obvious: Palpatine will insult you if you invoke this trope.
- Catch Phrase: Parodied where EVERY role Samuel L. Jackson plays
- Deal with the Devil: What Christopher Nolan did to get the cast of Batman Begins. When asked by Hitler if it was Worth It, Nolan replies that it totally was.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Why Poseidon happened: Fergie was on board and God hates the Black Eyed Peas.
- Drinking Game: Joe, Irv, and Yeo play one when they see The Pink Panther. The rules: take a sip when they lose respect for Steve Martin. 70 seconds later?
- Even the Guys Want Him: Morgan Freeman, apparently.
- Fan Disillusionment: Joe after seeing Fantastic Four (2005). The Nostalgia Filter won out quickly, though.
- Godwin's Law: Invoked when Irv asks why there aren't minority Terminators.
- Groin Attack: Joerules vs. a stranger.
- Joe vs a football. Twice. Then a guy in a football costume shoots him.
- Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: Their minds were blown when someone suggested hitting their target.
- Killer Rabbit: Used as an example of what would be scary
- Klaatu Barada Nikto: Of course, with the Grimace in Keanu's place, it's Klaatu Barada Milkshake.
- Made of Explodium: The tiger sent by Michael Bay to attack a reporter that misquoted him. Which then transformed into a fire engine.
- May–December Romance: Parodied when Tom Cruise brings out Dakota Fanning instead of Katie Holmes.
- Mister Seahorse: The only two people Joe trusts enough to carry his child (if they need a surrogate) are Irv and Batman.
- Mood Whiplash: the Up in the Air strip
- No Fourth Wall: This is a world where Irv's best friend is Leonidas, Captain Picard plays Iron Man on the Marvel vs. Capcom arcade game, and Joe's survived Saw twice!
- One-Steve Limit: Parodied in the Snakes on a Plane comic
- Porn Stache: Joe notes that this was part of Burt Reynolds' appeal, and expresses horror when he shaves it. Yeo would still hit that.
- Discussed here
- Discussed here
- Prison Rape: Hinted at when Joe goes to prison in The Longest Yard strip, and George in the Let's Go to Prison strip
- Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: Parodied when Joe and Phil ponder how Leondias would translate into modern life. One of this comic's frames is the trope page picture.
- The Rashomon: Lampshaded. It's ABOUT Rashomon
- Real Men Wear Pink: Leo's spirit animal is Hello Kitty.
- NERD! *punches nerd in the stomach*
- Why would you stab the Grimace?
- So Bad, It's Good: In-Universe. Joe's raison d'etre is to watch movies that fit this trope.
- Snap Back: People have been beaten up, shot, and even killed - and are perfectly fine next strip.
- Stuff Blowing Up: Michael Bay loves to do it.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Ice cream sandwiches, to the point where Joe would pick one over Irv.
- Transplant: Palpatine and Leondias. Captain Picard's seen in the background often.
- The Unpronounceable:
- Invoked here
- Lucky Number Slevin, to the point where someone just called it "Josh Hartnett".
- Invoked here
- Viewers Are Morons:
- Joe's reaction when certain movies are reviewed negatively, and he asks how that was worse than The Wicker Man (2006).
- Joe calls the public "retarded"
when The Fog went number one.
- George attacked a movie theater that enjoyed Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector because of this trope.
What Could Have Been: Irv daydreams about Will Smith as Captain America
- You Can Keep Her!: Twice. Joe, knowing his hypothetical child would probably turn out an asshole like him, is on record as saying if either the devil or kidnappers took his kid, they can have her.
- Your Head Asplode: Teleporting does this.