Knights Errant - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Oct 31 2011
Knights-Errant is a fantasy webcomic that, in the author's words, "details the lengths to which Wilfrid, a once exalted member of society, will go to reclaim favor with the courts". Namely, joining the "Errant Knights", a mercenary band known for actually having a code of honor. They are led by the young (and handsome) knight Oswald.
So far it's been mostly comedic and a little slashy. Then Chapter Three comes along and catches everyone off-guard.
Was originally posted on Smack Jeeves but that version is no longer available. However, the author has published a reboot called "Knights Errant: Pavane" that is currently being posted on the Sparkler Monthly site. The characters are the same, the major difference being the sequence of events.
For the trope, see Knight Errant.
Tropes present in this work:
- All There in the Manual: Some of the art that Doyler has drawn for and written about the comic has ample amount of foreshadowing for future characters, events, and much darker things to come (or rather, to be remembered or reflected on, most specifically right now with Amir)...
- Art Evolution: Acknowledged by the creator, Doyler, who says they didn't manage to get Wilfrid's character design right until around chapter 3 (two or so years after the comic's launch) because their art back then wasn't up to par to how they could draw now. While their art was good-looking from the start, it has improved tremendously over the years. Compare the first page
to the improvement even in chapter 1
, to the kind of escalation in art evolution that begins to grace pages late in chapter 2
and onward.
- Art Shift: During some of the comedic moments. For
- Bishie Sparkle: Happens with war imagery happening in the background
- Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Wilfrid's really good at killing, but it's hard to deny that they're a bit of a ditz.
- Character Name Alias: Wilfrid uses the name Amir when asked by Kadeen.
- The Comically Serious: A lot of the non-Wilfrid humor comes from the other strait-laced characters being put in awkward situations.
- Dissonant Serenity: Wilfrid tends to take murder in stride, if not outright enjoy it.
- Don't Make Me Take My Belt Off!: A rather brutal example that leads to Oswald's brother's death.
- Every Scar Has a Story: Oswald's noticeable facial scar was received on the night of his brother's accidental death
- Expecting Someone Taller: Oswald.
- Field of Blades: "The king liked the Errant Knights best because their swords weren't stupid looking"
- Foreshadowing: There were actually quite a few hints leading up to Chapter 3's reveal, such as Oswald's height, Amir's constant "shaving", and their sudden rage when Anton touches their chest.
- Grim Up North: Before the Aster-Morgarian empire declared war on Vetal, the only jobs available to mercs were in the north.
- How We Got Here: The story starts with Oswald and Wilfrid in jail, then flashbacks to four years prior.
- Sad Clown: Kadeen believes Amir to be one.
- Scars Are Forever: Quite a few characters. Considering most of them are mercenaries, it's not surprising.
Schedule Slip: Knights Errant did not conform to a regular update schedule and was on a hiatus— this has changed with the reboot.
- Shell-Shocked Veteran: Wilfrid admits to suffering from PTSD, due to being forced to eat their loyal horse. Used in a much darker way with Oswald's father.
- Sweet Polly Oliver: The entire plot was designed as a vicious Deconstruction of this from the start. Chapter Three sets up Oswald as a Sweet Polly Oliver, only to subvert it by revealing he's a trans man. The real Polly Oliver? Wilfrid/Amir. It took years for this plotline to emerge.