Muh Phoenix - TV Tropes

  • ️Fri Jan 31 2014

Muh Phoenix (Webcomic)

Muh Phoenix is a parody of the Marvel Comics Crisis Crossover Avengers vs. X-Men made by Nuzlocke. You can either read it online or download each issue in .cbr format.

It greatly exaggerates some aspects of the characters, as well as giving them much sillier motivation to start a conflict than in the original story, and swearing. Lots of swearing.

Keep in mind that most tropes listed below are Played for Laughs.


  • The Alcoholic: Tony Stark. Emma Frost as well.

    Iron Man: Like Mama Stark always said, you're never too drunk to fly a giant robot.

  • Battle Cry:
    • After Emma Frost promises to Namor to do "butt-stuff" with him if he attacks Wakanda, he charges the place using the term as his battle cry.
    • During the first fight between the Avengers and the X-Men, Cyclops yells "#YOLO!".
  • Berserk Button:
    • Implying that Namor is homosexual.

      Namor: This is what you get when you provoke my insecurities! Sure I might dress a little provocatively and sure, my hair is always silky and fabulous, but that's no reason to assume anything! I'm Namor the womanizer supreme! The prick with a huge dick!

    • Don't fuck with Cyclops' sea otters.
  • Better than a Bare Bulb: The comic takes a dig at most of the incongruousness of this storyline, and comic books in general.
  • Black Comedy Rape: Spider-Man raped Wolverine. Apparently, Daredevil recorded it and uploaded it to YouTube.
  • Blessed with Suck: Overlapping with Leaning on the Fourth Wall Wanda mentions that being an A-Lister is fine at first, but when the novelty wears off you're forced to go through a lot of stupid stuff in order to stay relevant.
  • Brick Joke:
    • In the first issue Namor tells Hope a story about how back in World War 2, Captain America got drunk and pissed on an Auschwitz survivor. In the second issue, after seeing the helicarrier full of Avengers, Magneto starts having camp flashbacks and says he doesn't want to be pissed on again.
    • A lot of jokes used through the series come back again in the final issue:
      • This time, it's Cyclops who gets a psychic vision of Beast's testicles.
      • Captain America finally got the jet ski he wanted so much.
      • Nova returns, having escaped from Guantanamo, wanting to get revenge on the Phoenix since it was its fault that he was sent there in the first place.
      • When Hope catches Dark Phoenix!Cyclops beating up Nova, she asks if she's "training" him to become the next Phoenix host.
  • Bromance: Red Hulk and Colossus.
  • Butt-Monkey: Wolverine. He gets beat up a lot, is often mocked by the rest of the Avengers and despised by the X-Men. And when Spider-Man raped him, everybody else just looked and laughed at him instead of helping (and Daredevil even recorded the whole thing).
  • Calling Your Attacks: Wolverine and Captain America did it during their fight. Cap called Wolverine for it, before doing it himself.
  • Can't Take Criticism: Cyclops feels like he gets too much shit for appropriating Black culture and having all those fetishes.
  • Character Exaggeration: Almost everybody. For example: the Scarlet Witch is only referenced as the one that depowered the mutants and doesn't even know how her powers work; Iron Man is shown drunk or drinking most of the time; Hank Pym is a nerd; and Cyclops always talks about Jean's death.
  • C-List Fodder: A running gag in the story is the presence of various obscure mutants, which then get a response along the lines of "wow, guess they really are going extinct if they brought in you guys."
  • Cluster F-Bomb: Everybody at some point, but the Phoenix Force speaks like this constantly.
  • Comedic Sociopathy: Many of the tense and climatic moments of the comic are played for laughs here.
  • Demoted to Extra: Overlapping with Leaning on the Fourth Wall, Hope mentions that she knows that once the story is over, she'll be a victim of this trope. Scarlet Witch's very meta rant convinces her that such a thing isn't so bad.
  • Depraved Bisexual: Spider-Man is depicted as a depraved pervert who'll screw anything that moves, whether it's willing or not.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Scarlet Witch points out the stupidity of being able to use the Phoenix Force by knocking out its host and says that even she could have done that.
  • Don't Explain the Joke: Hank Pym has an habit of doing this.
  • Dying Curse: Charles Xavier uses his last breath to curse Lei Kung. Cyclops even wonders if the two even met.
  • Eagleland: Captain America here is a clear type 2, although it doesn't show up much.

    Captain America: Maybe you don't know how we do things in America, but when we want something, we take it. And then you say "you're welcome". So to quote the late, great President Reagan: "Suck my dick, faggot."

  • Easily Forgiven: The Scarlet Witch after she accidentaly killed the majority of the mutants in House of M and Tony after he captured many of the members of the Avengers in Civil War (2006). Hope points both out on her "The Reason You Suck" Speech below.
  • Egopolis: Utopia here is named "Cyclops' Island". He later tries to do this with Earth.
  • Exotic Equipment: According to Logan, the stingers that used to come out of Spider-Man's wrists now come out of his crotch, a fact which made Spider-Man's rape of him even more traumatic.
  • Fantastic Slurs: Mutants get sometimes called "muties" (like in canon) and "muggas" (just here).
  • Flanderization: As the story progresses, Cyclops' weird sexual fetishes become more and more prominent to the point of being their only character trait in the end, besides his never letting go of Jean's death. Aknowledged in-universe.
  • Girl on Girl Is Hot: Exploited. The Phoenix Force expects Scarlet Witch and Hope to kiss but they just hold hands and, because it feels tricked, it leaves the planet.

    Scarlet Witch: Well, we're gonna Korrasami this bitch.

  • Goggles Do Nothing: One issue involves Tony demanding the other Avengers advertise for a new contract of his: a rather primitive flight suit that seems to mostly serve as a way to add a bunch of random straps and goggles to their designs. Most of them don't even bother with the goggles, as they fog up in seconds.
  • Groin Attack:
    • Both Iron Man and Thor somehow managed to do this to the Phoenix Force.
    • Captain America tried to do this to Cyclops with his shield. He hit Cyclops' neck instead.
  • Handicapped Badass: Subverted with Daredevil. During most fights he just hits thin air.
  • Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: "And that concludes our presentation on why futa is totally not gay." In the last issue, Cap reassures his team that futa is completely different to the weird fetishes of Cyclops.
  • Hypocritical Humour: A mainstay of the series.
  • The Immodest Orgasm:
    • Scarlet Witch has one after being wrapped by Magik's Phoenix Fire Tentacles. The panel is even edited to give her a blush.
    • After Colossus receives a blowjob from Spidey, his orgasm creates an explosion that destroys part of the volcano they are in.
  • It's All About Me: Scarlet Witch thinks she's the true victim of House of M, because despite going insane, killing people and bringing mutantkind near extinction, nobody cared about how she felt.
  • Jerkass: Almost everybody.
  • Killed Off for Real:
    • Hawkeye. He gets better.
    • Hank Pym dies at the hands of a coyote right after Cyclops almost burned his eyes.
  • "Knock Knock" Joke: Attempted twice by Captain America in his fight with Wolverine.
  • Lame Comeback: This bit from the final exchange between Captain America and Cyclops.

    Cap: Doesn't it make you angry that we won? Aren't you even upset in the slightest.

    Cyclops: Not at all. In fact, I'm happy for you.

    Cyclops: Yeah, you see, I actually wish you the best of luck. I hope you have a great fucking rest of your life. And someday, I hope you meet a nice, pretty girl. Someone you can connect and settle down with. I hope you two get married. Maybe even have a kid. And when that kid is born, I hope he's born with three dicks and with claws protruding from his nostrils. And I hope he coughs lasers and shits uranium. I hope his skin feels like ballsacks and smells twice as bad. And when he's born... you can thank me...

    Cap: Yeah well...have fun sucking a dick in Gitmo, faggot.

  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall:
    • Near the end, Tony says that maybe some kind of Deus ex Machina will save them from Cyclops. Sure enough, Nova shows up to bring down the Phoenix Force. It doesn't help much, though.
    • The ending has both Hope discuss how characters that are built up for a Crisis Crossover are forgotten when said crisis is stopped and that she should keep the Phoenix Force to stay relevant. Wanda points out that characters will always suffer stupid retcons and personality derailment precisely because the writers want to keep them relevant.
  • The Load: Hawkeye and Black Widow, though the latter is a bit more aware about it.
  • The Lost Lenore: With Cyclops it's exaggerated. He clearly never got over Jean's death, and mentions her on a regular basis. This is the main reason of why Hope decided to leave with the Avengers.
  • N-Word Privileges: Mocked heavily through the phrase "my mugga."
  • Mind Rape:
    • Upon Cyclops' orders, Emma sent Captain America a psychic vision of Beast's testicles.

    Captain America: Tony? Tony, are you there? I'm seeing what it looks like a pair of... blue tennis balls.

    • Cap got back at Cyclops by telepathically sending him McCoy's balls with the help of Charles Xavier.
    • Cyclops did this to Xavier by showing him one of his many fantasies involving Sue Storm, Reed Richards and She-Hulk.
  • Misplaced Wildlife: After being left alone in Antarctica, Wolverine kills a polar bear to protect himself from the cold with its fur. Lampshaded by Hope who asks him how he was capable of killing an animal that shouldn't even be there.
  • Motive Decay: The comic doesn't miss the opportunity to point out that, after getting the power of the Phoenix, Cyclops never tried to restore mutantkind (He decided to form a rap band with the other Phoenix hosts).
  • Never My Fault: Whenever Thor causes collateral damage, he wonders if he can blame it on Beta Ray Bill.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: Cyclops has fetishes for feet, balloon people and even scat. The latter was first pointed out when he wanted to watch Hope take a shit to know if he was actually turned on by it. In fact, he murdered Xavier by telepathically sending him pictures of his many fantasies.
  • Non Sequitur, *Thud*: "...and I'll have the two piece combo..."
  • Occidental Otaku: Iron Man and Captain America are portrayed as two obsessive anime fanboys. Though they seem to be more into hentai rather than normal anime.
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten:
    • As expected, everybody is more than happy to remind Hank Pym the time he beat his wife.

      Hope Summers: Congratulations, you beat up a teenage girl. Hank Pym would be proud.

    • Later, we have this gem:

      Captain America: Hank, give him the Van Dyne special.

      Hank Pym: I resent that.

    • And of course, that's not the last of it.

      Hank Pym: How many times do I have to apologize for that? It was 30 years ago!

    • Also, the fact that Scarlet Witch is romantically involved with a robot.
  • Only Sane Man: Hope Summers, though by a very small margin. Wolverine occasionally shows signs of this but then he goes right back to the Avengers, because yeah, they raped him, made racist comments about him, and generally act like jerks to him, but they really love him, really!
  • Pungeon Master: Cyclops, much to everybody else's annoyance.
  • Racial Face Blindness: All mutants look the same to Captain America, apparently. Apparently the other Avengers feel the same way, but when they mistake Colossus for the Juggernaut, he has to admit that they're not entirely wrong (since at the time, he basically was the Juggernaut).
  • Raised by Wolves: Wolverine went to wolf college.
  • Really Gets Around: Emma Frost can't name even 10 people she hasn't slept with.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Hope delivers a big one to the Avengers:
  • Remix Comic
  • Running Gag: Many, the most prominent being people wondering how exactly the Scarlet Witch's powers work.
    • People saying "Fuck... think I shit myself..." after being on the receiving end of a Curb-Stomp Battle.
  • Say My Name: "JEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!" He even does it in his diary.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here!:
    • The Phoenix Force's reaction to being blue-balled by Wanda and Hope's "emotional gayness": "FUUUUUUCK THIIISSSS GAAYYYYY EARRRRTH!!!"
    • Also Hope at the end when she steals Cyclops' jetpack and embraces irrelevancy, knowing her character will never be derailed or shoved into events.
  • Self-Deprecation: In the last issue, Captain America says that the situation has been going for so long that one could write a miniseries of 11-12 issues and "it would fucking suck".
  • Shout-Out:
    • Captain America mistakes Iron Fist for the white Power Ranger.
    • The ending references the one of The Legend of Korra namely, the implied lesbianism and Hope even uses Korra's line: "Sounds perfect".
    • The Phoenix Force is constantly communicating in paraphrased Stinkmeaner quotes.
  • The Stoner: A large portion of the cast.
  • Super Sex Organs: Spiderman didn't lose his stingers after One More Day. He just has them in his urethra now.
  • Take That!:
    • When the Avengers are about to attack Utopia - sorry, Cyclops' Island, Spider-Man asks if there's oil underground.
    • This comic takes multiple potshots at the premise of Avengers vs. X-Men, especially the idiotic reasoning of The Avengers and the portrayal of the X-Men - particularly the Phoenix Five - as Designated Villains. See "The Reason You Suck" Speech entry.
    • One of the superheroes imprisoned by the Phoenix Five says that it's better than Secret Invasion.
    • Scarlet Witch wonders why she didn't say "No more Maury".
    • Cyclops momentarily stops himself from attacking a dragon as they are an endangered species but, after saying that Eragon "fucking sucked", he attacks it anyway.
    • In the scene where Cyclops chokes the Phoenix Force out of Emma, he asks if it is "Chris Brown enough" for her.
    • Hope's opinion on The Legend of Korra is less than flattering and the Scarlet Witch repeatedly says that Korra and Asami's relationship was underdeveloped and barely implied.

      Scarlet Witch: Hey, did you watch The Legend of Korra?

      Hope: Ugh, unfortunately.

    • The Scarlet Witch's final meta-rant about how much it sucks being an A-List Superhero and all the stuff you have to do in order to stay relevant has a not-so-subtle jabs at some of Marvel's comics with a poor fan reception, such as One More Day or Civil War (2006).
  • Title Drop: Everyone groans when Cyclops does it. Spiderman even booes him.

    Cyclops: You want the Phoenix?? Yeah you fucking do, but guess what...? You can't have it, motherfuckers, do you know why!? 'Cause it's Muh Phoenix, mugga.

  • Too Much Information: Cyclops stops Ben Grimm from telling him more about how good the demonic worms of the cave he was in felt on his body.
  • Unexplained Recovery: Hawkeye appears in issue 10 after being killed by the Phoenix Five.
  • The Unfavorite: Quicksilver to Magneto.

    Magneto: Damnit Pietro, why can't you be more like your mutant-genociding sister?

  • Vulgar Humor: There's lots of swearing. You could make a drinking game whenever somebody says "faggot". The chief offender is the Phoenix, who also indulges in racial slurs.
  • What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: The reason behind Cyclops wanting to use the Phoenix to create new mutants is that he thinks that most of the actual mutants aren't cool enough. He also thinks this of flying, calling it "the soy sauce of superpowers" (only good if you have something else to put it on).
  • Would Hit a Girl: Cyclops' favorite hobby is to beat up Hope on a regular basis, under the pretense that he's "training" her.